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You know the drill. Long hair, the longer the better!

Previous thread: >>21847595
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Internation House of Prayer cult member I used to know.
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Interesting. Story? How did you come to know her? How long ago was this? Moar photos?
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she has since chopped her hair not once but twice
i was worried and thought that was xenia for a sec, she still has thigh/knee length atm fortunately
>paulina now has long bob
is this ai generated ?
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Is she known within the long hair community? The fact that she's donated classic length hair twice in the span of 4 years is quite remarkable.
>~43cm in 4 years
i mean it looks like she looks after it and didnt trim it too much, but its not like remarkable growth, 15cm of growth a year is average and shes cranked out about 10cm/y
ive never heard of her before half an hour ago, itll take 4 years before her hair looks good again, then shell probably cut it again so i wouldnt bother following her ig or anything
given the shaky track record of some hair donation charities she might just be remarkably dumb
luckily for me I like blunt bob haircuts and classic length hair alike so I'm a fan of these hair farmer type girls. It shows fertility, selflessness, and spontaneity. To each their own.
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Ugh love her. Kasey always gets me rock hard
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i never saw her tits until now and now i want moar
Ugly as hell!
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It's ok to admit you're homosexual.
We weren't going to take you seriously anyway.
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i paid for this
For what reason? I don't get it.
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>dat back-bent elbow
Probably has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Good thing she did nude photoshoots while young and sexy, because she'll look like warm taffy draped over a skeleton by the time she's forty. Poor thing.
>by the time she's forty
Unfortunately that would be around now. Is it unlikely to be hypermobile without EDS?
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She was your run-of-the-mill Prot Jesus freak, when I knew her when she was a teenager. Once she left home after graduation (she was homeschooled), she moved to St Louis and joined the IHOP cult. She's now a pretty well-known mommy blogger and anti-vax activist. She was a closeted freak, when I knew her. Very flirtatious.
Anti vax is based, how did you turn out as a faggot?
Wouldn't it be funny if you shaved one of these girls clean like a cueball?
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you might like this thread >>21962329 or this one >>21962338
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why did you give yourself a ballchin
victoria is such a babe, is she going for longer than knee length?
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always loved Nikki's hair
Moldovan beauty who I think cut hers a year or two ago sadly.
That's a shame. Her braid was gorgeous.
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God what a beautiful braid.
>I think cut hers a year or two ago sadly
Really?Is this her? One of the first results, from 'Xing.com'; looks like some European LinkedIn. Says she is in German though.
Nothing on her Insta except a last photo from 2021.
HR Specialist, IPG Laser GmbH
Weilburg, Germany
>victoria is such a babe, is she going for longer than knee length?
Don't think so, it's been a while but IIRC she has been maintaining that length. Might decide to go for it though. they change their mind all the time
>why did you give yourself a ballchin
Wanted to keep it accurate to my face IRL. (^人^)
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I don't think that's her. Here's a photo from 2022 taken from what I believe is her FB account (valentina.ostap).
Yeah, definitely not her. Her hair isn't that long anymore, but still looks pretty. Is she single now?
no idea desu
related note: girls with longer hair tend to be in relationships much more often and happier in general
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>no idea desu
Hm, I was guessing she got divorced and decide to change her image a bit. They both must have messed up their marriage real good if he decided to leave such rare-once-in-a-lifetime beauty behind.
>related note: girls with longer hair tend to be in relationships much more often and happier in general

I know and I agree, but do you say this from your own observations or is there a study/poll?
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chekking myself
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She decided to grow it beyond floor length a couple of years ago after decades of maintaining it, grew it a decent amount, but seems to have cut it back to her ankles now.
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Do anon's prefer the type of hair Victoria has- straight, silky, perfect shade of blonde, on the thinner end (Victoria's a bit thinner than normal) or Lidia's type- thicker (no.of strands), wavy strands so even more voluminous mane, not as silky straight?
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In Lidia's case, the hair can be of any color you like.
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It's worth nothing that her like this can also become pretty sikly-straightish after applying conditioner
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at least I am guessing that's what it is.
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What a lovely braid.
Is it true that blondes tend to have lesser strands and/or thinner individual strands?
On one hand, I love Victoria's silky hair. On the other end, I love Lidia's massive mane.
Still, I'd rather get smothered in Lidia's hair so I guess my vote goes to her.
observations irl and online, would be interesting to see if there are studies about it. might be biased towards the whole changing relationship->changing look pipeline, and someone growing their hair longer probably hasnt started/ended a relationship for a while

thicc probably just about edges it, just any kind of long is good for me

iirc blondes are more strands but each strand is thinner?
theres probably more to it than just colour tbf
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>Do blonde women have thinner hair strands?
>Blonde hair is not inherently thinner than other hair colors. Hair thickness is primarily determined by genetics, not hair color. However, blonde hair can sometimes appear thinner because it is often lighter in color, making the scalp more visible. Additionally, people with blonde hair may have a lower hair density, meaning they have fewer hair strands per square inch compared to people with darker hair colors. But this isn't a universal rule and can vary from person to person.

>Do women with blonde hair tend to have lower hair density?

>There isn't a definitive rule that all women with blonde hair have lower hair density. Hair density is primarily determined by genetics and can vary greatly among individuals regardless of hair color. However, because blonde hair tends to be lighter in color, the scalp may be more visible, giving the appearance of lower hair density. Additionally, people with blonde hair may have finer hair strands, which can also contribute to the perception of lower hair density.

Wow, they really neutered this thing eh.
"Don't hallucinate. Please. It's very important that you don't hallucinate."

"Got it, never saying anything definitive ever again."
I'd prefer Lidia's thicker mane on a beauty like Victoria. Though this isn't to insult Victoria's already beautiful blonde silky locks.
eh you ever ask anyone who knows what they're talking about a simple question about a complicated topic, "it depends" is the best answer you can hope for.
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inga! <333
apparently her hair is floor length now, but i havent seen it down in ages
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>Though this isn't to insult Victoria's already beautiful blonde silky locks
Or Lidia's beauty? Right? Right?
She's not bad-looking by any means, especially for her age. I just mean if both of them had boring, normal hair, I'd call only one of them still conventionally attractive.
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I always thought Nevada was the Grand Canyon state.
I'm just gonna believe whatever the long haired beauty's t shirt says desu
sometimes i stare at womens hair for a few seconds and they think im looking at their tits or ass
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Sorry if this looks like shit. Had to take a screenshot from one of her videos because I don't think she has any actual images of her.
Again, sorry for the shit quality. Had to take a screenshot from a video.
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There is something wrong with her lips. Seems like she can barely move them.
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Not true. The vegan health-guru Hollywood liberal types are antivax as well.
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Well? Would you?
this this girl with the fat ass?
hell yeah
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Absolutely. Even if she was a real ghost, I would give her a hug full of love (◡‿◡), a-la-anon /x/ anon that had sex with a ghost girl.
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Gonna post some of the long hair pics I have. I've been blasting rope to chicks with super long hair since as long as I can remember. Lost most of the pics I've saved in an HDD failure unfortunately.
dayum, is this an edit?
>I've been blasting rope to chicks with super long hair since as long as I can remember.
Ah, a fellow man of culture. I've been doing much of the same, and it's actually inspired me to grow my hair out myself and it's made me love long hair even more.
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Think I know what you're referring to, and yes
>it's actually inspired me to grow my hair out myself
Wait......you sure about that? Are you not just imagining long hair and how attracted to it you are, and thinking you would like it on yourself? I think I would like it, but it certainly wouldn't 'turn me on'. Conversely, I think I might get desensitized (entirely or somewhat) to long hair overall, since I would be used to the feeling of it over my body, without needing to be with a woman. I think it is and idea worth considering when you have had a wife/gf with hair like that for quite a while, and you are somewhat used to it. At that point, the more hair all over both of you in bed, the merrier.
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the GOAT has returned!!
sidenote, is staranon still around?
Been posting ITT for a while now, still no new posts with her hair down.
cool, keep us in the loop
And it's apparently gotten longer!
yes, its been floor length for some time
cant wait to see how long she can grow
Lidia went to Calf Length. I hope she considers going back to Floor Length.
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