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Do you think? That Sarah Silverman is hot
I don't know, persuade me
Used to kind of be but now isn't and is absolutely insufferable.
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I want to fill her up with my gentile genes.
Indeed. She’s super qt.
Fuck yeah, she's hot af! Especially in that one scene in "I smile back" when she's bent over and you can see her little white panties, fuck! Her little plump ass, I just wanna slide her panties to the side and give it to her for 45 min straight til I bust balls deep inside her. I fucking love Sarah Silverman, my cum drips out of her as she trys to catch her breath.
We need more Sarah
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She's mid
Yes, yes I do. Sarah Silverman is hot.
Ooo yeah. Met her at work once and she has bouncy short girl energy. Would plap.
No, refrigerators are cold. That's their job.
I liked her shower scene.
Yes I think.
Could you please do yourself a favor and take english 101 again? You need practice.
No, she's average looking and obnoxious with an annoying voice.
You just know she handjobs are crazy
kike sluts make my dick hard
Only if she tells her filthiest jew jokes while stroking me off
Sarah seems like the kind of girl who tells you anal is disgusting and perverted and then orders you to ram it in her greasy shitter after 4 glasses of wine
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I love how slutty she is. Even when she's trying to act socially conscious and act like an activist she can't help flaunting her chest.
I need to suck those fat jewbs
I hate kikes.
Sure, but we still live in a world where the cognitive dissonance exists for those of us who grew up in slightly more patriarchal times. Ergo it's hot when an outspoken feminist's depraved sex pics leak online.
>>See also
>>Nancy Reagan, throat goat
>>orders you to ram it in her
Fucking this.
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Yeah, I'm sure she showed off her milkers because she really cared about the election results.
Jewish girls are obsessed with anal
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her ass must taste so good
She's pretty. But she's not funny and has a horrible personality.
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I've always hated this carpet. It's stained and frayed in such distinctive ways...
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I wish there was more leaked stuff like this
Body 8/10
Face 5/10

Summary: She has a good body but her breasts look unnatural, her face has an elongated jaw and her mouth is very low.
20 years ago maybe. Those giant nostrils have always been a turn off tho. Have a bump.
I don't have a problem with kike women, but the issue with Silverman is that unlike Abby Shapiro, she doesn't appear sweet and wife-like.
Silverman gives off crazy ex vibes, rather than wholesome wife vibes like Abby.
Abby would bake you cookies, whilst Sarah would yell at you for picking up the wrong brand of tortilla chips at the store.
you know shit about nothing.

Yell at you for picking up the wrong brand of tortilla chips and then fuck your brains out.
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>whilst Sarah would yell at you for picking up the wrong brand of tortilla chips at the store.
I know a thing or two about Jews.
Try going to Long Island some time.
Did she have rhinoplasty?
Her nose is awfully small for a member of the small hat tribe.
I'm addicted to Jewish booty. I will say she is [NOT] funny.

How do I get my own TV show to pretend that I'm funny?
All Jewesses deserve white cock
>How do I get my own TV show to pretend that I'm funny?
Be a fat woman.
thats not leaked, she posted it herself to her instagram
Hey wait a minute, isnt the mom the one that passes on the Jew thing? You're trying to trick us into making more Jews arent you?!
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She has the kind of dark edgy humor I SHOULD find funny, but for whatever reasons the jokes never land and I hate it.
During lockdown I got bored and went thru all 3 seasons of her show. Didn't laugh one time.
If she's good enough for Kramer, she's good enough for me
have you not seen the nudes?
that'll cure you right quick
If you are talking about what I know you are talking about, she deliberately fattened up cuz the director told her she was too sexy to be believable. Same with Daryll Hannah in Steel Magnolias.
She's one of those '90s shitlib "comedians" who still unironically believes it's edgy and counterculture to make jokes about abortion and Jesus.
Every year for Thanksgiving she keeps reposting the same fucking Reddit-approved tweet about "Happy Native American Slaughter Day!" like it's still 2011 and she wants to own the "fundies".
Sorry, I don't watch Gutfeld.
You have never seen her act.
lol sperg rant
Why use so many words when you just sum it up with "I'm an idiot"
How do you know thats Gutfeld if you dont watch Gutfeld?
I dont even know who or what that is. I have to go look it up now. thanks a lot. I was gonna masutrbate and play Icewind Dale 2.
OK Schlomo.
Six million wasn't enough.
Hit the nail on the head.
Anyone who says otherwise is either a fucking kike or a Reddit tranny from r/atheism.
You have to go back
You have to go back to the oven.
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Watcha doin rabbi?
This angers the shabbos goy cumbrain
When I was underaged, watching CRT analog TV nearly 20 years ago, sure. Think it was on comedy central as silveman show? I don't remember.

These days, no.
She's just a normal jewess showing her tits with a platform and she isn't funny. She's also less attractive (even in her prime) than most women I see at my local supermarket regularly.

She played that evil nasty elf in Santa Inc and I think that role fit her all too well. I don't think any acting was required.


+studio lighting, makeup, and editing, all to... look mid
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>anon, anal is kinda dirty.
>I mean is degrading for the woman. You cant get babies from that.
>And it is degrading for men too, you know? You get poop on your dick.
>You wanna try?
>I mean you dont have to…
>But you can feed my chocolate starfish. >wink<
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Hell no.
Are you poor?
20 years ago I had an LCD television and digital TV service.
Everyone had CRTs in the early/mid 2000s.
LCD/Plasma panels were a meme.
>>LCD television
admit it you had a big screen tv cleverly recessed into the wall. I definitely didn't watch 9/11 on a flat screen.
Abby is pretty obviously depressed as fuck. In one of her videos she was lamenting that she was once a career opera singer, and now that's basically gone because her life and name are tied to a political lifestyle.
Even then, the tradwife thing is not financially viable for the vast majority of people. It wasn't in the 1950s, nor the 1650s. Most people are working class, and women have always held jobs. Those jobs were more responsible in the WWII era, but the myth of June Cleaver is still a myth.
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another one.
btw, today was first complete day of pesach, being passover. On this period of 7 days, we eat nothing with leavening (active yeast). So no puffy bread, no donuts, no bagels, no beer.
In order to make double sure that the definition of leavening was followed, everything with fermented or chemically altered grain is ommited.
No corn syrup, no vodka, no whiskey.
In this time period, most Jews are semi-kosher. Only the minority Haredim do kosher, and glatt kosher (ritually slaughtered meat, which is both cruel, and a cult racket).
Most Jews will eat special 'kosher for passover' foods, like Mogen David wine, matzo on soft and hard form, and candy/soda made with only cane sugar (no corn syrup).
>20 years ago I had an LCD television and digital TV service.
Your memory is growing hazy in your dottage
Because most Ashkenaz Jews were coming from Central and Eastern europe (Germany to Russia, mostly Germany Poland and Ukraine) different regional liquor was out.
Dutch/Limbergisch/German Korn, and Slavic vodka were universal year round except for during pesach. These are made of fermented grain, so substitutes were drunk.
Schnaps, Kirschtwasser, and famously Slivovitz were drunk instead. Instead of beer, it was wine (often fruit based wine)
This year, I'm drinking a gallon of apple wine.
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Fun fact - matzo is a comfort food. Among Jewish Americans, matzo is dry, sheetlike, and basically the same as a low salt cracker. It's this way only due to the industrial revolution. Traditional matzo is the exact same thing as Arabic flatbread or a flour tortilla. It's cracker version was invented to help with shipping.
Despite being a ritual food, it evolved into candy versions, pizza, cake, lasagna, and the famous matzo ball soup (yiddish = kniedelen).
If you want to make matzo ball soup but can't find matzo, just use low salt crackers. Same thing.
And if you don't want to buy a whole box of cracker, you can use a fork to jab lines in a flour tortilla (1/4" or 5mm apart) and toss it on a hot, dry skillet. Cook until browned and maybe a little charred.
In a minute, I'm going to make a snack of a chocolate sauce and peanuts on matzo.

She'd look good in an oven!
She actually voiced a animated character that was put inside of an oven, I'm not sure which film it was.
I hate you cannibal fetishists!
Hey shit for brains: 20 years ago was 2004.
I had a 36 inch widescreen LCD television. LG. I also had Comcast digital cable.
bump for delicious pits
>Disgusting unfunny ugly jewish woman witha roast beef flapped vagina so has to have a bush
Do not want
Based. Coomer faggots claim to love her due to reason she's jewish commie and thats it
ugly as fuck
the fridge
gay antisemite detected
She's a conservative. She rails against Leftists for their stance on Israel and vehemently sides with the Right on that issue. (and if one thinks more deeply - are not Leftists conservatives? They support, defend, justify, engage in apologia for the same things conservative Islamists in the Middle East like Hamas do.) She thinks and talks like a conservative. In your world, is someone a "commie," merely because they're in favor of same-sex marriage? "No, she can't be a conservative because she's a Feminist." Give me a break. Feminism is conservatism.

>Sarah Silverman is a conservative
Holy shit, I fucking hate Reddit tankies so much it's unreal.
Silverman is the definition of a turbo-woke globohomo establishment Dem.
sexy as fuck. only thing i would have changed as director is that she keep her pits and legs hairy for this scene
File deleted.

I came to her in this scene so many times.
aka a conservative. fucking hell, get a passport you inbred sheep fucker
She's just a Jew, she's only a "conservative" on one issue.
What in the fuck does this have to do with whether or not she's hot? Stop being gay, you stupid /pol/ fucks.
They're trolling.
Nobody with the intelligence necessary to type on a forum would honestly think Sarah Silverman is a conservative.
Whenever you see a person post something REALLY fuckin stupid here you should assume they are trolling you, not ridiculously stupid.
Silverman is full of controversy, her comedy is dull and divisive, and her looks are questionable at best.
Therefore, expect this thread to be a debate about her personally rather than sharing any "sexy" images.
I never thought her show was funny, and I maybe got one chuckle at her entire standup routines.
Her face looks like a tranny.
This is something she waited twenty years too late to do
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Just fucking leave then, faggot.
Why post this instead of her nudes? Probably because you want us to say she’s hot, when she’s objectively fucking GROSS, inside and out.
Close encounters of the BLURRED kind.
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Today, I will remind them.
She should be doing that on my face.
Thanks for the reminder. I almost dove into the pool.
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I like when she dresses up
Fuck no
Pool's closed.
I used to until I saw her naked in that movie. I was so turned off I didn't even want to fap.
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Hey shit for brains, when the pixels are 3 feet wide you dont need to post a 2448x3264 image.
You don't need to breathe.
>You don't need to breathe.
Yeah, cuz it sure is working out great for you.
Please rope yourself.
How rude
Being socially conscious is supposed to be removed from ego. You can’t say “those poor black people being murdered by police, let’s do something about that” while also saying “but srsly tho, check out my tits”. Lol.
You must be 18 or older to post here.
She was decently fuckable in that comedy movie “Screwed” with Norm MacDonald and Dave Chapelle, when she was young.
Fucking sick dude. And I mean sick like gross, not sick like totally radical.
This guy had rich parents and thinks that means he’s worth something. Another born on 3rd and thinks he hit a triple. Many such cases. Sad!
This is the type of girl you liquor up and take to places like the Cheesecake factory and Texas Roadhouse all the time just to add some pounds to her. I wonder how she would look with another 30 pounds on her?
there's no controversy here, and no debate: sarah silverman is fucking fine, and i want her pussy in my mouth for thr remainder of the afternoon
Im gonna gobble that milk. milky milk boobs. I bet her nipples are dark and more pointed than puffy.
She just needs a good dicking down by a guy like me, and she'll forget all about that woke jew blm bullshit on her shirt. I'll rip that shirt off of her and fuck her real good and tell her jokes about jews and niggers and get her laughing.
You know it bud
Buddy you have never met either of those women. You have no idea what they're like. Public figures put on personas for society to look at. I'm sure Sarah would act like a normal person at best, at worst she could have some kind of evil narcissism from being in Hollywood. Abby Shapiro could just as well have it too, we have no idea.
hhnnnngggg i wanna press my nose into that pussy mound. look at it, i could flick it with my finger and it would jiggle
>Her face looks like a tranny
Your eyesight is as fucked up as a 95 year old with cataracts and macular degeneration
I don't like what I see here.
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I like her face but her body is awful. It's blocky and shapeless like a refrigerator.
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she is very pretty
She looks like Linda Belcher
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please mummy let me lick a black stud's thick ropes of hot sticky and salty cum from your chest
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God, I want to motorboat her.
Kinda, until I heard her diarrhea story.
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No offense but you are massively ignorant and stupid. And like all massively ignorant and stupid people you also have a very strong blind belief system. No offense.
Get off the thread if you're not gonna post any nudes, Sarah.
Attractive chick but her personality comes across as too much hard work to deal with.
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>>Cheesecake factory
>>Texas Roadhouse
>>another 30 pounds on her
Why would you give me this fetish?
No one cares about you. Vanity is a sin.
You ever hear “83 (a merman I should turn to be)”?
Liars go to hell
My mama always told me to never tell a lie, because when you lie, you make an ass out of you and me.
I'd impale that zionists bitch
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Sarah Silverman is FIFTY FUCKING FOUR years old you pathetic simps.


Dried up, fat, dead eyed Jew bitch.

Imagine the ghastly smell.

What in the holy fuck is wrong with you scrawny cake boys.

She was barely passable 25 years ago. She's downright fucking disgusting now.
Nah she's still in Fine Wine territory. I'd fold her in half.
Hum the fiddler on the roof song while your plow her in the ass
Is she the tranny from sleep away camp movie?
Please go be stupid somewhere else.
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Like all Jewesses, she's hot af
>Please go be stupid somewhere else.

Wack it to 30 year old pictures of some gross kike, incel.

You'll never reproduce because you don't deserve to.
>Nah she's still in Fine Wine territory. I'd fold her in half



Even if you're 60, that's pathetic AF.
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I do. I also think question marks go at the end of the question, not in the middle.
>dat furry belly button
I mean, it aint for me. I'm not saying she doesn't have nice boobies in some pics but you know theyre hairy too. and her back. and her ass (cheeks, not just hole). And who knows what else. I wouldnt want to put my tongue on any of that
>all that stubble
and no shes not gonna wax all of that everywhere. especially when you aren't in her good graces

The split second she doesn't have the incentive, she'll turn into a goddamn hairy ogre
Hot, nah. Jerk off watching her fuck a big dick, yeah absolutely.

Norm was right, she’s only funny, in the sense she says raunchy shit, and isn’t ugly to look at, which makes she’s popular.
Why you making threads Sarah? Gonna flop your ol fake kike tits out again for Sleepy Joe's sake? Maybe try and show everything this time if you really want to show your support, not the half-assed censored crap from last time.
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>wanting to see Sarah get fucked
Sarah Silverperson is her politically correct name.
She was cute 30 years ago, I wouldn't have ever said hot.

Less cute now, obviously.

Still would because my standards aren't particularly high.
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Does it bother you that her net worth is higher than yours? Is that what makes your pp shrivel with impotent rage? Christ it must be hard for you living in current year when you've cultivated the social empathy of an outcast pack animal.
sarah shows her fat old joobies for the pleasures of big and thick uncut masculine goyishe cock <3
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I do think.
I also think i'd do dirty shit with her.
God damned right they do. Let's mix this party up!
too much cakeup
I wonder how much they are tempted by non-jewish cocks and guys?
she has her moments
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While she isn't a 9 or 10 I'd still fuck her she is probably between a 7 and 8 to me.
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What ever happened to that white dog poop from the 70s? It disappeared as mysteriously as it came. In France they say le blanc doody de la 70s
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I actually know why.
It's because dog food used to contain ground-up animal bones as a filler material, and as of the 1990s it's been gradually phased out of most pet food products.
I tax that ass hard ,only a Faggot will care if she's Jewish or whatever
I care, because that makes it better. Christians have crosses on hand bags and nuns are fetish wear. That doesn't exist in Judaism because Jewish women are eternally present as pillars of stability. I want a Jewish wife.
I want to fill her genitals with my gentile gentleman's genes.
Sarah Silverman?

There's a picture of her in my dictionary next to the word "megaslut."

Sorry guys, gotta go with the authority ...
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>megaslut sarah

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