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Is it safe to say that if I, a layman, come upon a study or information. It's probably BS?
Start by learning basic logic and epistemology
With few exceptions, when you find a paper written by people with all the right credentials and institutional clout, the chances are high that you can find a paper with a divergent view written by another set of people with all the right credentials and institutional clout.
This is especially true the more 'practical' a field is, the more it strays from autistic pure math (which itself isn't immune from diverging views). So fields like economics, nutrition, psychology, and such are a shitshow.
If a study involves anything related to humans or biological constructs in the loop, you can safely disregard it as probably bullshit meaningless research and 70-90% of the time you would be right.
They dont know how any of the system really work, they dont have working theories either. all they are doing are monkey data collecting and p value harvesting.
>come upon a study or information.
Most research still is applied and by private companies -and of low quality or theoric value-.
If the methodology is good (that exclude most schizos) then the results could have some value.
>come upon a study or information. It's probably BS?
But the ones on 4chan, and on this thread especially, aren't?
Are you legitimately retarded?
as a layman you're better off following the advice of your goberment. even if they fuck you, they'd fuck you less than literally anyone else. but as a layman you will most likely get fucked, here and there as it were.
>But the ones on 4chan, and on this thread especially, aren't?
Yes. A shitposting high school dropout has no incentives to fabricate data, a scientist who needs to publish something yesterday does
nta but everywhere else is either worse or just as bad in a different way. I probably just need to get offline though
No. But many studies ARE bullshit, and it is safe to say if you as a layman come across a study, it is nigh impossible for you to tell whether it is bullshit or not.
The Goonswarm!
Based EVE player.

Also I dont give a fuck about your post.
In my experience, most studies are not bullshit. It's just that most of them are useless or trivial. And the data is typically real and correct insofar as cherry-picking, favourable presentation, and p-hacking allows it to be.
>most studies are not bullshit
>most of them are useless or trivial
>data is typically real and correct insofar as cherry-picking, favourable presentation, and p-hacking
say most studies are not bullshit
tell us the exact reasons why most of them are bullshit
lmao shill
They're not wrong, and they're not lying, so they're not bullshit.
damn, anyone from A-O or Pupppers still around?

Most were smart goys, maybe they lurk here.
Hope they're doing well in and out of game.
pic unrel but if you see this shithead, kick him back in the water
>not wrong
>not lying
very debateable there, I'd say 50-70% of studies are absolutely lying in one way or other, small or big lies. possibly 90-95% of them include something that are wrong because the citation effects.
also, your definition of bullshit is lax, maybe you haven't been in this game for so long.
they're getting 250k-1000k for each of the shitty grant and producing nothing of values. they spend 40 hours per week on craps that are utterly meaningless with stamps of approval and prestigious from their "peers".
I can that bullshit.
never played the game but I've heard some crazy stories about what's going on in it. should be named betrayal online lol
oh, and the faggots are wrong or lying without even realizing they're doing the above, that's the absolutely state of sciences now.
especially if it's a soft science or involve money. soft science researchers are too dumb to realize they're wrong. paid researchers are getting paid to not do proper science.
Its good to assume at the very least that you don't have the full picture. Information is power. Some of that power is guarded by corporations, some by goverments and military. Some is also simply unreachable without years of learning.
>Its good to assume at the very least that you don't have the full picture.
does anyone?
Not on the whole, but on particular topics, probably.
they're paid to produce fodder for propaganda, thats why the "mistakes" are always in the same direction
>Is it safe to say that if I, a layman, come upon a study or information. It's probably BS?
Yes, and that includes first and foremost anything written by a journalist.
They will ask you not to do your own research but also to specifically read garbage written by high school dropouts. And when called out, they will say it wasnt written in a journal
>A shitposting high school dropout has no incentives to fabricate data
He's insane and thinks Bill Gates watches him touch himself at night. That's of course in addition to the fact he has zero test apparatus or knowledge about anything let alone highly specialized scientific topics - all he could do is lie.
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this, the people who come to 4chan to shit on the site and claim that everyone who posts here is a moron (except themselves of course) are clearly just some fags from reddit or shareblue (or both)
>libshit-tier psychoanalysis
It's just that nobody with a head screwed on right wants to interact with delusional /x/pol/ refuse such as you, it's that simple. The science board shouldn't have to house your bizarre copes about reality.
>everything I don't like is about politics
you only see it that way because you're obsessed with politics, you probably spend hours every day on /pol/
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>everything I don't like is /pol/
retard brain
can they kill pandahorde?
This, science is just a big scam thats based on the "faith" of spineless atheists, who are people that have no faith and who are fundamentally dishonest.
Science would work a lot better if atheists were forcibly excluded from it
Ideas spread based on how convincing they are, not on how truthful they are. The rest follows.
wealth is comfort
Yes. Your prior probability that any given study is bullshit should be considerably high.
If you can't interpret a result yourself, or unless you're just looking at summary statistics from a large publicly available dataset, it's best to ignore it.
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>they'd fuck you less than literally anyone else.
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>commercial software isn't packed to the gills with spyware, especially not microsoft products
Researchers do it to get paid. Journals do it to get paid. Universities do it to get paid.
Nobody pays anyone to publish valuable information for free, nobody publishes anything like that for free. Just take a look at something like wikipedia, its nothing but lies contrived with the intent to be manipulative, thats what you get when you want something for free.
Anything published in "muh soience journals" is either worthless, useless or a falsehood planted with the intent to deceive and misdirect
>as a layman you're better off following the advice of your goberment.
About that...
>Can't judge the veracity of information for yourself, as a layman
>Rely on experts to interpret information for you
>/sci/ tells you the experts are wrong
>Why should you trust them to tell you?
>Well, they're the experts, see...
100% yes
The new version of Windows has built in wrongthink prevention
The source of the information is always the biggest indicator of it's likely fraudulence. If the author is a woman or a shitskin then you should immediately disregard it and if the shitskin is a jew then you should disregard it twice as hard.
>a study
You likely wouldn't understand it, and you'd read it trying to have it prove your point, cherry picking the parts you think support your argument.

Linking a study to prove a point is already not something a scientifically literate person would do. A single study is meaningless. It needs to be peer reviewed. It needs to be repeated over and over again by different people to make sure it is reliable.

A scientifically illiterate person can't gain anything from reading a study, because it wasn't written for you. You literally do not understand it. You cannot.
oh. you're the layman in question. lmao

>hurr durr these things i know nothing about are wrong, because i dont know them so its wrong.

Good thing you're no one.
I wonder how many people actually follow the scientific method anymore
its become a complicated system of lying with statistics and/or computer models and gaming the peer review process
they baited you on purpose
am i filtered even if i check the citation counts to see if they're reliable?
how does that mean anything?
is goyslop good for you because its popular?
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lol, its funny, but soientists do that all the time. its almost as if they study probability and statistics hoping to learn new ways to lie and spread misinformation
citation count is a meaningless metrics. there are many work that has thousands of citation count but are bullshit.
one of my work got like >50 citations count and my afterthought about it is the method sucked ass and probably I got the result because some randomness instead of the method did anything meaningful.
it's just the herd effect anon, 95% of the time I cite something not because it's right or I care about it's being right, I just need some background and justification for my algorithm.
the question you asked is chaotic in nature. The answer you seek depends on too many sensitive variables which only you know of.
Is the majority of information online intentionally false in order to mislead, overall? No, I doubt that, we're not quite there yet or the internet would no real value other than entertaining through fantasy.

Are you frequenting websites, apps, and enduring habits which will expose you to misinformation more than otherwise? Only you can figure that out, but if you're getting your knowledge from 4chan, for example, you're doing it wrong. Completely wrong.
nobody can ever answer this question
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This, published soiyence articles are all fake and popsci trash is all intentionally fake. If anyone is reading/watching popsci then you can guarantee that person is a neophyte, which means they're easy to lie and manipulate and at the same time they're open an receptive to new ideas. they're pretty much asking to be raped by a propagandist
That kind of controversy allows greater levels of employment in those fields
The media likes to exaggerate research results because it sells more paper.
Adults are still children.
stop blaming the media, thats antisemitic
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>"""scientific"""" doomsday predictions.
more proof science is a religion, the only other group of people known for incessantly incorrectly predicting the end of the world are insane wackos who do so on a religious basis
nearly all published academic journal articles are false
Probably. I've recently been self-studying economics and it took me about 2 weeks to realize that the entire field in its modern form exists to prop up oligarchies and justify policies that the secret government were going to implement anyway. The research papers and popular views of mainstream economists are honestly hilarious to read. Even "heterodox" economists are generally polarized ideologues with dark money funding serving to prop up the fake and gay system of divide and conquer.
good book
Its been widely banned for wrongthink on the demands of influential financiers
yeah probably
They wouldn't be trying to hide whats going on like that if they thought they were doing something decent, they'd be open and proud of what they were doing if they were doing something good
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no one on this god forsaken board has read picrel
>no one on this god forsaken board has read
>one on this godforsaken board has read
everyone who has ever taken a class in science history has read it, snowflake
>everyone who has ever taken a class in science history
I reiterate, no one on this board.
science wouldn't be a messed up as it currently is if more people learned their history before trying to go into the nuts and bolts aspects
t. /his/ poster
low IQ people believe them because low IQ people do dumb things
is a complaint you see a lot of on this board. People should just acknowledge and come to terms with the fact that dumb people exist and they do dumb things and have dumb opinions because thats what dumb people do

Dumb things are dumb
Its the nature of the beast
the book in >>16178037 is better and more important and more worth reading.
t. have read both
>(((((influential financiers))))))
Have they really been shilling peak oil for over 60 years already?
its actually been going on since about 1900
Commodities turn a bigger profit when artificial scarcities are created
this, the price of extracting oil and delivering it to a refinery is relatively fixed at about $5-$10/barrel so the bigger the price of oil is above that, the bigger the profits are. if they can use global warming as an excuse to create artificial scarcity and jack the price up to $100/barrel then their profits are much much larger than selling at a market rate of $20/barrel even if they only sell half as much oil.
Whys there so many posts deleted from this thread?
one third of the posts isn't that many. most of the original posts in this thread are still here
It's probably ranting about muh joos, black people etc.
Take your meds nerd
My dick is thicker than your wrist pathetic mongoloid
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>I am the savior and protector of the less races because they're too stupid to be able to speak up for themselves
Critical thinking involves not just accepting any new information at face value, but considering all factors including the motivations of those who are presenting the new information
In all that time there still hasn't been a singe oil field in any part of the world that has ever run dry.
Why do you write like a pompous piece of shit?
Don't take anything at face value, especially no science
Why are you so easily triggered and emotionally unstable?
If its in the academic press then its either a lie that was planted fro propaganda purposes or its useless filler. Nobody is going to publish something useful and give it away for free, if they ever discover something of legit value it is kept secret so they can exploit it for maximum profit for themselves. And the fact that academics are all poorfags proves that they almost never discover anything of legit value
>I come to 4chan to exhort people to trust the government
Total goon death
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Ben Garrison has a lot to say on the topic of science
If academic literature was worthwhile then people would actually read it
>If academic literature was worthwhile then people would actually read it

they write it in an intentionally obfuscated style in order to disguise how useless and trivial it is
Yes, most likely
its working for them, the price of gas is up nearly 1000% in that period while the price of extraction has pretty much held steady with inflation, so their profits have gone through the roof by shilling that lie
Just goes to show how the people that constantly complain about "muh oil company shills" are just engaging in psychological projection
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good pic, very revealing
Why would anyone bother publishing something thats true?
he sure does
Critical thinking also involves acknowledging that just because you disagree with the conclusions of a study doesn’t make the conclusions false.
>I hate 4chan
why are you here?
they don't
This, if science academic publishing was even remotely worthwhile then there would be tangible progress all over the place. The fact that nothing ever changes is evidence that science academic publishing is a complete waste of time
> if science academic publishing was even remotely worthwhile then there would be tangible progress all over the place
and there would be ever more progress every year
but the exponential growth in publishing instead reversed the 20th century trend of scientific progress because scientists currently aim to publish, while in the past they aimed for tangible accomplishments and those tangible accomplishments subsequently merited a publication, but publication was never the real goal.
how much paper does all that useless publishing waste?
Academic publishing is definitely terrible for the environment
>academic publishing skyrockets
>actual scientific progress comes to a screeching halt
seems like getting scientific progress started back up is pretty much of a no brainer
Academics themselves are terrible for the environment, they are "useless eaters"
They're worse than just useless, they are actively harmful
>be ((((academic))))"""""scientist""""
>wake up, drive to campus
>start the day by working on a gibes application so I can waste other people's resources on myself
>spend part of the day wasting electricity in the lab getting results most of which will be thown away because they're not the results I wanted, keep the tiny minority of data points that fit my agenda
>demand more gibes to pay for one of my vanity published papers that nobody will every read (more waste)
>time to do peer review, reject everything that doesn't fit my personal political agenda, approve papers by people i like or who bribed me
>waste time and energy teaching a class to affirmative action students that are too low IQ to understand the course material, pass them anyway cause I'd get fired if I didn't
>book intercontinental airplane tickets to a conference that could've been done over zoom
>drive home, stop at the gas station on the way home fill my gas guzzling SUV
>get home, turn on the air conditioning, fuck my dog, watch some faggy tv show on PBS while eating vegan goyslop, jack off to bill nye, go to sleep
Obviously not written by a true /sci/entest we jerk off to sabine hoffsteader nowadays

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