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Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
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Emergent projections of fundemental reality?

Seems rather rudimentary if I do say do myself.
>Wolfgang Smith
Not too often I the positive version of this face : C
I hate everything about that pajeet channel, that and the German dike are the worst.
OP faggot that's clearly a discussion about metaphysics not science.
This is not science, it's pseudointellectual YudTube midwitism.
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Nuh uh, General Relativity, Standard Model and "Dark Physics".

Guess which symbol represents my crotch most? Exactly, a mystery
Hey OP. ”Sch1z0” is a keyword a certain chatbot scans for on this board. Sorry your thread to get derailed.
your problem is you are stupid so when anyone talks about things that arent in your undergrad textbook you are incapable of processing it
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I've read enough here.
because, just like schizos, science is increasingly separated from reality.
TMST, most people in the the soiences are mentally ill and their notoriously poor performances in all other aspects of life proves it
>Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?

Because its all lies.

for real science truth go here...
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That channel is maybe 1/3 science, the rest is pseudo-philosophic rambles.
Curt makes a big virtue of being "open-minded" and not asking critical questions, so it's become the perfect gathering place for all kinds of crackpots and esoteric bullshitters.
we're reaching the end of science, and lack the language to describe the new perception
Because you're a communist (aka materialist)
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Why are you watching retarded talkshow slop that is specifically designed to elicit a reaction and get clicks from braindead morons?
Like, pick up a book, nigga.
What this guy said , don't trust everything on the internet , ain't that rule no.1?
why are >muh books supposedly so much more trustworthy?
is it impossible to publish lies in book form but not on the internet or something?
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>Stop calling my soiyence dogma into question, goy!!!
>Thats heresy!!!
scientists are not omniscient; you should always ask them to show which experiments validated their hypothesis and what their error margin was in their data. you wouldn't take a medical doctor's views on politics more seriously because they are a doctor. you wouldn't trust a postman to know much about welding. likewise a "scientist" is just a nothing word, scientist in what, publish what results, working with grant money for what particular investigation etc.

historically speaking scientists do not make particularly good mathematicians or philosophers, because all of those subfields became highly specialized during the industrial revolution. scientists are pretty good at inventing drugs, weapons, genetic modification, doing big statistical models. setting public policy or discussing religion? ehhh, stay in your lane maybe.
indians feel culturally inferior because they have made no significant contribution to the corpus, so they need to rope in their idiotic religious theories into the standard model and theoretical implications of quantum models scaling up to macro effects, which has not been observed. it's a conscious effort to poison the well with nonsense, eg. see the joe rogan experience podcast's latest guest - usual hucksters that stay around silicon valley hoovering up idiot money.
I saw sabine's recent vlog about that micotubule study earlier. She's got no idea what she's talking about, but at least she partially admits to it kek
Ffs it's still early
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God pajeets are an embarrassment
Real science is really hard.
And people have to eat.
So after decades of failures frustrated scientists start peddling pseudophilosophical bullshit to the masses to earn a living.
Some of them may even believe their own bs - contrary to the popular belief, old people are dumb - you may have more experience and knowledge collected through your life, but regardless - your brain and mental capacity degrades over time.
Metaphysics is just theoretical physics.
Which your picrel is not.
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They must in order to survive. It was bad enough when it was just publish or perish, but schizos are calling long shots. The sciences only defense mechanism is to say a little bit of everything so they have their own schizo army and correct predictions.
If you can't beat em join em.
If you never figured out the trisection of the universe/reality into 1. actual matter 2. math 3. consciousness, qualia, you seriously are just not that bright.
This separation follows evidently. Like, from everything. Are you gonna say math isn't really a thing? Or your experience reading this post?

captcha: r8VAXk
The Captcha is egging me to take the science juice.
if they're so dumb, why can't you outwit them?
Schizos love soience, the soience meme is what powers the schizos' grandiose delusions of intellectual superiority as as well as many of their other out of touch with reality ideas
>Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
Because people are starting to realize the scope of what science tells us is very limited and that we actually know nothing. And they are trying to make sense of the world.
>German guy says platonism and the vedas disprove relativity
Uh oh
Because the truth is stranger than fiction. One of the only true aphorisms.
Because otherwise zoomers wouldn't even listen to them. They are in competition with things like tiktok for attention. Everything must be exciting and groundbreaking.
Cosmology has always attracted quacks. Cosmology had promising beginnings, but it has descended into this crackpot theorycrafting and competing for mainstream media attention.
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Ever since the false meme that scientists were smart was popularized, science started attracting more and more mentally ill narcissists with grandiose delusions of superior intelligence. These people invariably cannot do anything of legitimate merit in the sciences and they're too full of themselves to admit their inability so they resort to longwinded bullshitting and pilpul to explain themselves and they end up inventing ridiculous ideas like dark matter and other schizo coping mechanisms in the process of their pomposity.
Science was way, way better off when the meme was that scientists are retarded nerd losers, not only because that was true, but also because it repulsed the overly image conscious schizos that are such a massive drag on the scientific process today
Because most (scientific) books aren't written like shitty clickbait articles for 60iq tards
Scientific books are checked by an editor and usually peer-reviewed. And they systematically provide citations to the original studies.
>muh infallible sacred texts
No they aren't.
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science is inherently schizo, they want science to become nu-christianity a monolithic faith structure with your science popes and science bishops, fuckouttahere
Did anyone here even watch the video? The guy isn't a scientist he's some weird platonic idealist guy talking about the vedas. It has nothing to do with science
Show how OP and all the others are faggots who can not tell apart science and mysticism.
this. nerds need to shown in no uncertain terms what losers they are, coddling them leads to undesirable outcomes
>scientists are pretty good at inventing drugs
no they aren't
most of what they invent is garbage
something like penicillin is an incredible rarity
Everyone remembers penicillin because they bend over backwards to try and sweep things like thalidomide under the rug
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No, because you can't talk about Rule 1.
How come children with delusions of intellectual superiority can never answer this one simple question?
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> Wolfgang Smith (born February 18, 1930, in Vienna, Austria) is a mathematician, physicist, philosopher of science, metaphysician, Roman Catholic and member of the Traditionalist School. He has written extensively in the field of differential geometry, as a critic of scientism and as a proponent of a new interpretation of quantum mechanics that draws heavily from premodern ontology and realism.
Holy B A S E D. This guy is much more patrician than you retards are giving him credit for based purely on his Wikipedia article.
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how many cars have been on that cobblestone?
I don't get it. Is this supposed to be a diss on libertarianism?
It always has been. Materialists and determinists are even more schizophrenic than Platonists and pan-psychists.

Determinists are so hooked on industrial they have to reinvent "spooky action at a distance" for even macrophysical phenomena to handle that their model is completely incoherent.
rare braindead boomer post on sci
scientists used to be able to communicate their ideas in plain english until about 1900 or so. they were able to do that because they were honest back then, they intentionally obfuscate their language these days because they're trying to hide what liars they are behind a wall of pompous word salad
Science is basically this:
>Try to create a narrative and story that can be used to subverting human thought.
>But pretend it is all just a mathematical model when people question it because math takes time to parse.

The thing is these things contradict each other. Stories are not rules by math they are ruled by archetypes and human experience. Those things are not subservient to math if anything it is the other way around.
It does show the limits of science tho. Tech has not improved much since the 60s besides computers. Science can't maintain supremacy without producing tangible results. It will become just a nerd thing again. It's a losing path.
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Show more pages of your grimoir.
It looks interesting.
the cobblestone is good. it's just a different design philosophy.
pavement roads are like drywall: it's quick, it's disposable, you can tear those fuckers up and down and rebuilding them is even faster. they won't last two thousand years like a castle but society thinks in terms of quarterly profit now
Correction: schizo talk sounds like schizo talk
Schizo babble on.
Because you're essentially labeled as "anti-science" if you try to call out the schizo babble. It's just the academic version of "racist". It's a slur created to keep you quiet without addressing your argument. Science and academia at large have always had big egos, but it did produce clear and practical benefits. Now the new-aged "theoretical physicist" stands on the shoulders of giants, and when he claims that 37.5 dimensions are folding into themselves to create strings by way of simulation-created dark matter it "looks" like legitimate science because it has spawned out of formerly reputable institutions. The useful idiots conflate the IDEA of beneficial science with "what scientists are actually doing". It has basically become dogmatic. It goes something like:

>Scientist with academic prestige creates schizo theory
>He invents a bunch of shit to make it work (new fundamental forces, completely fictional mathematics, etc.)
>Proceeds to share theory that basically invokes shit that is nothing short of magic
>Magical properties make it unfalsifiable
>You: "Actually, this sounds like horse shit"
>Midwit: "Uhhh actually you don't have the credentials to say that. Don't you know that SCIENCE has brought you the very computer that you are writing your comment on??"
>The midwit then proceeds to confuse ego for humility as he concedes he doesn't really understand the experts, but he can use the appeal to authority as a bludgeon to keep you quiet to inflate his own sense of intelligence

It's the exact same path that religious institutions took. It started off with practical benefits and structure, and then devolved into pure retard drivel as central authorities took power, and the low IQ NPC's couldn't determine the difference between the purpose of religion, and the actual practices of the people within the religious institutions. The irony of course is that many of the Science™ lovers are atheists who rejected religion for exactly the same reason.
They use their schizo baby talk because they don't have anything worth communicating. If they had something they were proud of then they would be suddenly be able to communicate normal, but since they're ashamed of what they do for a living they hide behind a wall of schizo baby talk
This, if you look at scientific publications from the era when science was actually doing something useful they're written in a way that anyone can read them. The modern era where they've turned into a wall of pomposity only came about because they're trying to hide the fact that there is nothing substantive thats being produced.
Its like the old Catholic Church where they used Latin to make sure that the lay people wouldn't be able to understand what was really going on
Science's current trajectory towards increasingly complex and abstract terminologies can be attributed to the inherent intricacies of modern theoretical frameworks. As we delve deeper into the subatomic realms and quantum complexities, the language naturally evolves to accommodate the multidimensional paradigms that challenge our traditional epistemological boundaries. This linguistic evolution, while perplexing, is a testament to the ever-expanding frontier of human knowledge and understanding.
BTW the source for "Roman roads" is a text on building a villa or house and laying the foundation for the house. The top left image is fallacious.
Thanks to the Jew, science is simply sold to the highest bidder or the best clickbait.
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No it isn't, thats how they built their roads. Information on the topic comes from excavating the Roman roads that are still in use to this day.
If modern roads were built to those standards then politicians couldn't grift massively off the annual repair jobs.
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Nairaland can be an absolute goldmine for content.
Academics are unproductive useless morons and they try to hide that fact behind a wall of jargon and catchphrases. Its the classic "speaking in tongues" routine from religious revivals.

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