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A thread for citizens of Australia and Austria.
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
3 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
Sydney hookup server
36m bi WA degen kik: suckabro

Down to chat about anything
Wa bro here
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Would anyone be interested in modelling for street portraits? M or F, either is fine really. Trying to grow my portfolio a little and you can use the photos for Tinder or something if you want I guess. Not sure when but want to gauge some interest.

I've also worked as a professional photographer, so they'll be decent photos too.
Film or digital? Post pics.

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For those who obsess and those who wished to be obsessed over <3

>How obsessive you are (if applicable)
>looking for
>not looking for
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I'm obsessive. In fact I had to start fasting in order to stop thinking about a certain woman who blocked after several years. all I ask is that you are cute have a nice voice.
I can be quite charming when I need to be. also I'm making a YouTube where I wear woman's panties over my head so if you want to donate to the cause hit me up.
forgot me tag
33/M/Midwest US
>Sexual Orientation
Dom Top
>About Yourself
Big, burly, bearded, daddy type
>Normal Interests
Cooking, assorted games, board games, world building, D&D
>Sexual Interests
General enjoyment of being in control, feeling powerful, and adored. It goes with a lot.
>Looking For
Pathetic and obsessive subs that I can neglect and treat poorly. Nervous and needy types who go out of their way to please.
>Not Looking For

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20/M/Netherlands (twente)
Love, esotericism, thinking
>How obsessive you are
>looking for
Love, cute bottoms, blood and rotting
>not looking for
Far away people since e-dating is torture
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m 19 east coast USA

>describe yourself
college student in STEM. handsome, genius, narcissistic, smarter than you, but most of all extremely humble. loves music and basketball, hates long walks on the beach and cigarettes (grow up). has done too many drugs to count but is sober now. currently on an overwatch kick but interest is fading fast. has directly sent someone to the psych ward for 2 months who he found on this thread. depression, adhd, sociopathic tendencies, you know the drill

>looking for
chats mostly, just have a personality (or at least pretend)

>not looking for
dry conversation. don't expect me to carry the convo. don't try too hard to be edgy. KNOW HOW TO HOLD A CONVERSATION!!!

>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord iwontalwaysbehere

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Robots, incels, attention seeking e-girls, can we have a thread over here? How long have you been on /r9k/? Please come check in
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r9k edating is always an insane gamble. friend groups are nice but there can be a ton of petty drama
Been here since around 2016 or so. Currently 23 KHHV but working full-time and might start studying soon. Somehow still insanely depressed, can't muster up enough energy to do anything creative or productive besides going to my shitty fucking job.
>/r9k/ soc thread
>everyone just talks about stupid bullshit instead of posting contact
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fembots, add me
yeah yourself included lol

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Post an image, and your discord tag in text. Just that.
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20+ only uhhh looking to vc cause i’m bored as fuck and need friends that are only slightly retarded

disc: DollDestroyed
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Have tiny dick? You're welcome
Post, critique, rate and discuss small penises

previous: >>33256644

>No random porn dumps. Post pictures of yourself!
>No paywhoring, begging, or soliciting
>Be respectful of each other
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god id do anything to suck you off
Great stuff.
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Kik ohnj2657
>barefoot dicklets with suckable toes
Didn't plan on acquiring a new fetish today, but here we are. Keep up the good work gents.
Kik: lilboopboop

Stocky uncut little pp to show

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Last one died, i know there are still sissies out there

drop your contact and what you're looking for
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You're hot, contact?
Hit me on Kik WTF1234567891
Anyone who sends me a random NN pic of a hot fem in a short skirt or dress I have to send back an embarrassing vid of me cumming while crossdressed

Kik is TriggeredCDchloe
Teleguard FQED3AYFM
32m. Maryland USA. Fit Latino with a thick dick looking to experience my first irl femboy. Looking for cute petite ones for me to dump my loads in. Show me a boi can do it better.

I have pics and vids to share. Kik/telegram/discord cresentmoon91.

Discord: D.Denora
Kik: D.Denoras
Tumblr: Den0ra

>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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>weirdo, huge weeb, Interested in anime & manga, VNs, film, video games and sewing cosplays
>people who can hold conversations, similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships and connections
>no queers
>discord @notarappist
>high IQ person intelligently thinks as an intellectual a good place to find and talk to other high IQ individuals is on this site of all places
fucking cinema
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I already posted somehwere else but this thread seems nicer so here I go
29 guy in japan right now
I like music I play guitar and stuff, really into outdoors stuff camping hiking etc I travel to national parks every year, cars/motorcycle, anime and weeb stuff (yuru camp pls), video games final fantasy is one of my favorites I'm really looking forward to playing FF XVI now that its on PC, tech stuff networking and computers / electronics/microelectronics, passionate about anything diy, guns and tactical junk, drinking, I just got a cool tattoo, wicca stuff, photography, science and physics things, sad music, fashion stuff, food, comfy things, idk
I have many cool pics to share of adventures
>Looking for
other guitar playing, gun owning, motorcycle riding, tech enthusiast, outdoor adventurists or anyone that might share something in common, I have a very wide range of interests I think
just someone genuine and fun
>Not looking for
alts / throwaways
>Discord tag
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyedmeteorboy
>About you
Chill programmer, almost all day busy but can find some time to chat.
- Programming and software in general (
- Cars (Both new and retro)
- TV Shows (BB, BCS, Narco, Silicon Valley and others)
- Music (Mostly rock and house but have almost every genre)
>Looking for
Preferably femanon, but open to any sex or gender. Just be nice and no big age gap (19-27 is ok)
>Not looking for
Nazis, fascist, gooners, lewd
matrix: @samsepi0l.c:matrix.org
telegram: @samsepi0l_c

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486 replies and 87 images omitted. Click here to view.
32 m Durham Region
Bi bottom looking for a top for discreet regular play
Kik: northernryguy
I'm quite curious on why that's a belief you hold. I thought I made it clear I'm looking for older women.
a lie made someone who is underage, and clearly jealous of the older girls

Welcome to the city, please don't swim in the harbour sometimes the sewage lines running under the bridges break

Chocolate chip cookies that don't suck ass after 4 hours since you like to bake

Preheat 350°

1 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tbsp vanilla
3 cups flour
1/4 tsp baking soda

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bridges aren't supposed to have sewage lines
a bridge should never have pipes
one bridges have expansion joints
two the pipes would freeze during winter

you run the line under the river or each side of the river should have it's own sewage system
the pipes under the bridge are probably rain water runoff

UK thread. Just general UK thread, from anywhere in the UK.
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
starting this back up to meet with the mf on /tv/
my disc is: orpidguy
(pfp is a human hand about the light a cigarrete for a crow)
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F , 19

looking for friends / financial help (very urgent )
i dont sell!
Oops wrong tag
19 Male French in the UK

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/feminine femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshiped - frm feets to armpits, scent, piss, asshole, drool, fingers, etc.

I am also DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: controling your every actions from distance or IRL, monitoring you, giving you orders etc.

I want you to be obsessed by me, obeying to everything and treating me and my body like your own personal god.

I also enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me more about your depaved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

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Looking for a F or T or Catfish to make my super girthy BWC leak all day

Or ill rate/wwyd /chat about anything you send my way

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Post masc/Femboy feet here

This pic is from a guy I met on Discord, if you want more of his pics, just leave your tag
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Damn you got a very hot cutie foot, looking really soft too. Definitely would play with those feet
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Are there any goth, emo and femboy here?
adorable pose. very sexy soles too

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Send me mom or sis/daughter pics and I will let you know what I'll do.
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Heyy!!! Horny af trade me your degen hentai/porn/irls into anything
Kik hungman562
Looking for a bud to rate, talk about and jerk to girls we know

Animal2936 horny bwc here
Ohnoit6756 sharing tight brown girl no nudes supports blm looking for someone to fake her or trib .her
Let me have your body.

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This is a thread for those looking for a loving BDSM relationship or a loving relationship with BDSM elements.

Feel free to use the below template:

>physical features
>career/life situation
>khhv status
>looking for
41 replies and 13 images omitted. Click here to view.
19 [M4F] #online very new to this looking for someone to make me feel like I have a purpose.

19 uk here.
For a while now I’ve been searching for this sort of relationship. I have recently ish ( through terrible things happening to me that I will tell you in time) just been extremely lonely, I don’t want to say the word depressed but that kind of way, and just having 0 inspiration and want if any kind.

I am hoping to find someone from here to not only have a femdom relationship but also guide me and controll my life either to give me a reason to actually get up and do somthing, or make me crave you more by making my life worse. (I WOULD LOVE EITHER IF THESE)

About me: 6ft3, 150 ish pounds. Brown hair almost to my neck. I get told I have feminine legs? Hah. Light body hair. I am very into video games and spend most of my time with friends online playing some.

Preferences: I wouldn’t mind someone my age or older either is perfectly fine. I would prefer a more controlling person but not a dealbreaker
Preferably a time zone near ish mine or if you are further away I hope you have a decent bit of free time.

Please feel free to ask any questions I’ll answer any

DISCORD meowy4
Hey there! 24M Gay submissive male, looking for dominant males interested in a long-term S/M relationship!

About me: 24M Northeast U.S., 5’7, white, thicc but losing weight. Grad student, works in banking, interested in politics, sports, history, baking, philosophy, sexuality, sociology, economics/finance, and more. Open to long-term and eventual meetups.

Interests - Politics (U.S. Democrat), Gaming, Music (Radiohead, Ye, Emo/Folk/Indie, really anything desu), Sexuality and Kink, Philosophy, Economics/Finance

Kik - UsualSuspekkt

Discord - YourDeepRest
28 M England
>Letter (Gay / Bi / etc.)
Gay man
>About you
White, submissive bottom guy, 5'8, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim build, not bad looking.

Work in marketing, professional, not a typical '4chan' type.
Music, history,
>Looking for
Looking to fall in love and have a relationship with someone who loves to be loved and wants to be with someone where we will be each other's world.

I want someone who isn't scared of an intense relationship and wants to fall in love quickly.

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35/M/US western time

> looking for
I'd love to meet a cute ladyfriend to flirt and chat with, maybe watch movies and/or play games occasionally. Open to anything from dirty talk to voice calls, pics, video or more if we like one another.

If we have very good chemistry, then I'm open to a longer-term dynamic. For more on what I'd want out of that, see sexual interests below.

> not looking for
anyone with a penis, catfish, dull conversation, text-based roleplay

> sexual interests
Daddy style dom, sadist, and rigger. Particularly interested in ddlg (obviously) and free use/total power exchange type dynamics. I prefer taking control and work particularly well both with brats and the more eager-to-obey types of submissive girl. Happy to work with you even if there is little BDSM experience!

> me

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19 Male French in the UK

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/feminine femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshiped - frm feets to armpits, scent, piss, asshole, drool, fingers, etc.

I am also DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: controling your every actions from distance or IRL, monitoring you, giving you orders etc.

I want you to be obsessed by me, obeying to everything and treating me and my body like your own personal god.

I also enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me more about your depaved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
214 replies and 71 images omitted. Click here to view.
Still the same username?
I see you removed me right after I said something, was there any particular thing I did wrong?
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Discord: shuno_ntr

Straight White 31 Year-Old Male from USA.

>About Me
I'm a nerdy guy who likes video games, watches anime and scifi shows, tech enthusiast, likes to build computers, etc.
I tend to be a serious person overall, but I have plenty of capacity for humor when the atmosphere is casual and right for it.

I have a really powerful cuckold/NTR kink, so I get turned on to the idea of being in a relationship with a girl that openly cheats one me with other men, even though I would be expected to remain loyal regardless. At its core I think I'm just attracted to extremely slutty women and I have a strong masochistic side to go with it.

I basically just want to be the loving nerdy boyfriend of a total slut. I'd love to be with a girl where we cuddle and watch shows together and sleep together every night, but when it comes to sex she wants huge dominant guys. She'll always have me to either make me watch or to come home and tell the story.

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19 Male French in the UK

>Looking for
I am looking for a submissive girl/feminine femboy (18-25)

My main interest is to have my average body worshiped - frm feets to armpits, scent, piss, asshole, drool, fingers, etc.

I am also DEEPLY into total power exchange dynamics: controling your every actions from distance or IRL, monitoring you, giving you orders etc.

I want you to be obsessed by me, obeying to everything and treating me and my body like your own personal god.

I also enjoy other stuff as well as more vanilla stuff.

Come tell me more about your depaved kinks and how much of a girlfailure you are ^_^

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25, male, nj
doesn't matter
>looking for
a big breasted milf to sexually torment me to dress up as a vampire or nurse and abuse me, to listen to my heartbeat with a stethoscope, I'll pleasure you any way you want and I'll be your cute boytoy femboy
>not looking for
an emotional or romantic relationship
I'll put it later maybe if there is any interest

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2012-2024 Celebrating ten plus two years of suborning community standards!
Previous thread >>33252806

>Female Sexy Audio

Be as tame, as romantic, as sensual or as filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread.

All content is welcome to be performed here, but please keep in mind:
>Please keep long and extreme scripts in some sort of text hosting site (see FAQ for list)

>Name and picture requests are generally ignored. Contactfagging is also generally ignored and discouraged by the /soc/ rules unless given permission by the performer.

Please use the request and delivery anchors below

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204 replies and 27 images omitted. Click here to view.
Adding on to this. If my script doesn't get performed, I have no issue with that. Everyone is free to perform whatever they prefer. I don't complain

However, I just want the ability for my script to be posted and stay in the thread incase someone does eventually do it

If someone robs that from me, then I'm just going to repost it everytime they take it down
This is reasonable. I'm sorry you're being bullied.
Seconded, censorship is hideous and insulting. I don't need anyone to hide things from me. I have filters for that.

Also I'm curious, what even is the request? Why would anyone care?
Thank you, I appreciate that. It was a request involving interracial
Yeah I don't know any other places at the moment where you can really get age play audios do you? It's pretty slim pickings out here right now.

Sorry for long reply time. 4chan just doesn't hit like it used to for me so I check only every so often.

Outside of soundgasm and a few DL'd files? I've got nothing besides my memories, sadly. Wish we had a sort of collection that could be maintained but that's likely too ambitious or problematic.Looove ageplay but it's deep in the taboo pool AND seems very susceptible to, "Oh the author/creator woke up one day and scrubbed their collection so now there's little to nothing" events.

I'm glad we had the burst of big time pdfile audios from the girls like meimei and nyanspurr. That was the most fun I've had with FSA in years desu and I'm sad both have stopped.

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Dont have the template?
Let me help you out there.
Save this pic and crop out the gender that ISNT you.
Write some things about you that people may want to know.
Spruce up the pic and give it some pizzazz
>Welcome to the party.
91 replies and 50 images omitted. Click here to view.
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26 M Croatia

>about me
-anime, mango and video games; also love aquariums and fish/plants.
-Am obsessed with psychological horror/thriller and Korean films.
-Love going to the cinema and sometimes hiking.
-Never smoke, never drink or do drugs.
-Catholic, but don’t go to church and don’t mind other religions/agnostics/atheists

>looking for
-A femanon that feels we can connect.
-Someone whose definition of happiness is relying on each other and cuddling while playing games
-I don't mind mental illness and neets, I will always love you

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I just like the old template better.

discord: microsoftsqlserver2019
Holy shit dude, how do you cope?
This is just residual hope anon.
29/MtF/Northeast US (likes EU)

Recent Music: /watch?v=CQz1C4twXLc /watch?v=yRKlSTb6IxI /watch?v=lMWjrU7H0OY /watch?v=1_-Ei9A114k
Faves: /watch?v=zobf_4sfEbQ /watch?v=vqz8c4ZP3Wg /watch?v=f25R9Gl6FWc /watch?v=PelenogTUEk /watch?v=FU_yNE2MMOU
Bonus Track: /watch?v=wpQ_R85VfJc

domestic princess + artist (:
INFP-T 6w5
likes art, spirituality, health+fitness, video game (please do not talk me about video game), fantasy/sci fi media, roleplay, internet+people+culture+politics, learning abt world+nature+science+technology
likes listening to music a lot and wants to meet someone whose music vibe with
needs partner be taller (5'9+/175cm+), preferably older (25+ minimum)
wants to look at the stars and explore old castles and ruins and beautiful places together
significant mental/emotional illness curable w/ loving attention from a good man
values honesty and communication heavily, writes walls of text + wants to talk to others
talks about emotions, dreams, media, experiences, things internet people said, meme, and more

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