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/feet/ - Female Feet Thread

>Girls, post your feet

females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!

from:>>32655274 (404)
lol, what a trainwreck
did you omit the rules on purpose or are you just retarded?
lol, lmao even
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oh lord those are luscious, can you take a pic with more light on them?
Sexy soles anon
I was to rub my old dick on them
U show the dick pics to ur wife?
lol, this thread and legwear as a shitshow as always
Ur wife like looking at other cocks? Would you record her masturbating to a picture of another man’s dick?
tell her to post hog
Damn…I would love to see ur wife’s asshole bro
You clearly don't understand how this place works. We don't request pics of peoples wives here. It's for females only.
Go back where you came from and never post here again.
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More please
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Backsiess! *mwerp* :P
oh dear lord those are glorious (great body too)

Can you scrunch them up?
moaaar pls
I hate how ideal this shit is and then she just disappears, we will never have good feet girls again
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kinda nice feet, but shame about the quality
Dunno if this is ok for the thread, I am not into feet
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Timestamp please?
perfect. damn shame you won't post again, but it is what it is.
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:) wanna take a sniff?
Timestamp please
PLSSSSSS I WANNA LICK ITTT (i wanna smash you)
Shut up Rajesh.
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you guys are gay
i stamped your mom last night fag boy
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Nobody likes a self-entitled cunt. Fuck off if you don't care about our attention.
Nice, more?
Since this thread has guaranteed femanons posting, I'd like some feedback if that's okay ladies. I love rubbing my gfs feet and successfully created a sexual link in her mind by doing it as foreplay while she watched porn. Now if I just give her a footrub on the couch while we watch TV she starts getting horny lol. But giving her pleasure while she watches porn has led to me wanting to do more.
The one idea I had so far was letting her go on a camchat site and keep clicking next on all the ugly randos jerking off until she finds someone that she actually finds hot then text chat with him while he jerks off for her (our camera would be off coz I already know she'd never go for that and I wouldn't want her to, maybe we'd leave the mic on so he can hear she's really a chick). Meanwhile I'd be giving her a footmmassage before moving on to eating her pussy when she wants to cum.
As a woman would you feel like you're being asked too much if offered this? We've laughed and joked about having both types of threesomes before so this isn't even going that far. I just want to know if you'd be interested or not and why.
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Ugly. Stay right there while I get a cleaver
What a waste of time. This has gotta be the lowest effort CWing I've seen in a while.
If you don't care about timestamping for us, let alone taking decent pictures, why even waste your time here.
Yes mommy, I’ll do as you say
just fap and gtfo. lol
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Got any stirrups?
would tickle
Post a picture from today with a timestamp please?
That's a tranny that tries to post in legwear sometimes. Trannies like to use the zoomer lighting to try and hide their manliness. Getting tired of seeing his posts.
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good boy
thank you mommy please let me suck your beautiful toes!!!
Can you do some pedal pumping mommy?
>posts with the image hash ‘oV3ITc/6eRdeVPrxS+XXUw==’. 2 results found.
Your own stupidity makes proving you're trans easy when you repost the same pics in multiple threads >>32700022
From the same thread >>32700006
>posts with the image hash ‘GnusOAxtwLLEgbBoEEYvMw==’. 4 results found.
Which you later posted in a different thread with the following
>24 hot trans girl

In stirrups please
You should go have sex or something :)
Is me

Is someone else entirely

You're just a paranoid lil creep :>
You still got nice feet. Mind sending some more pics?
Thanks for the warning.
I wonder, why are trannies so obsessed with fooling hetero men into thinking they're women? Is it a cry for significance?
>I wonder, why
Because it's an actual fetish
>Because it's an actual fetish
just when I think I've seen it all. Those faggots need to fuck off somewhere else
Didn't know there was a word for that. It's basically /legwear/ and /feet/ in a nutshell. For somme reason they only feel validated, if a hetero mistakes them for a woman.
in other words, mental illness
To both anons and the femanons, is there any way to get my gf to open up to feet? She has a really big aversion to them, and often tries to cover them up with socks. She has really cute feet, and I've told her so and she knows about my fetish. I've even offered simple foot rubs but to no avail. Anything I can do or am I just screwed and should just leave it alone?
It doesn't matter who is who. You're both men posting pictures that don't belong in these threads. Why can't you stay in your own respective threads? There is nothing feminine about either of you.

Don't encourage the trannies please.
>It's basically /legwear/ and /feet/ in a nutshell
Yup, and the memeOP contributes to it with the OP format he tries to use for every thread possible, including boob and sma at times. But then it's now known he's a contactfag and paypig so it's probably intentional.
Am I extremely sleep deprived or is this Casio?
good boys tickle mommy's feet!
Cute, ticklish?
This better be a woman
It is lol
could you cross your ankles please? its my favorite pose
nice, can you tickle them?
lol, this thread is as always a complete shitshow for anons simping for larpers and pic dumpers
good god we're a month and a half into this thread and i'm the only one with decent feet
Read the opening post next time and enjoy your ban.

Since nothing else is going on at the moment, and I really want to understand what's so appealing about feet, hoping a few people here will help me out.

First, can any guys here explain what it is about feet that they find so attractive? Is it just like being an "ass" or "tits" guy? Something deeper, or just "you like what you like"?

And follow up, maybe related, but can you post some examples or links to old threads that have some kinks or things you're into?
It seems some guys like nice, well kept feet and some like feet with more use, like dancers feet?
Everyone's different. Go away.

OK man. Enjoy your dead thread.
First thing you need to know is toptoes > soles.
Solesfag are just fucking retards and can't understand the beauty of nice feet with a nice pedi.

Gotcha, thanks for the helpful response. I've sucked on enough toes to know feet can be pretty sexy, but I was just curious overall about the people who see them as a priority.

I was honestly just curious and thought maybe the thread might provide some good answers on it. I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't so dead here.
Last foot was posted 14 days ago and not one person even replied to it
Last one was a dumper you brainrotten retard, as is evident by the dick in the picture.
oh I didn't look that closely. Well in that case, the last legit foot was posted 15(!) days ago!
Just let it die, we don't get any cute girls in here anymore just fat or dirty chicks at the most desperate of their lives for attention.

Onlyfans and whores posting on reddit has ruined the amateur foot threads
/feet/ was never a size thread.
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Size 10 ;)
Females only.

It's mostly trannies.
Lol I am a female, sorry you can't deal with a girl taller than you, you 5'4" pencil dick loser
can we see soles?
>sorry you can't deal with a girl taller than you, you 5'4" pencil dick loser
lol, insecure much you instantly went that defensive? Me thinks you do protest too much.
Classic tranny reaction, lmfao. Real women never have this type of reaction. Fuck off. You don't belong in this thread.
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Rate my feet please!
look pretty good, can we see the soles?
yummy. Moar please. Don't be afraid to show some calf too;)
You people are agonizingly delusional. You have an overbearing foot fetish, so much so that you frequent this specific thread. And then when women DO post, youre so beyond paranoid that all you do is call them trannies.

You're beholden to feet, but also beholden to your hatred of trannies. This is textbook insanity
just say you have ugly feet and move on
This is textbook tranny. Fuck off.

He's just mad that he's getting clocked in a foot thread. Must be humiliating.
Feet sommeliers defending their honor
Dip your fedoras deeper gentlemen
My kik MalaveVictoria F20
this is the female feet thread.
trans feet belong in the male feet thread.
>female feet
Not how that works, I'm sorry you're retarded. Get better soon <3
you are not female you are a man playing dress up asking for validation from strangers on the internet because you don't resemble a female in person.
4chan is one of the last holdouts for weirdos scared of women. I don't think I've been mistakenly referred to as a man in public for almost a year now
Don't care go post in the male feet thread hon freak
Notice how I've posted on these threads for months and haven't once been banned for it. It's almost like I'm functionally an adult female or something

will rate feet of you kik me. Will rate anyone's!

kik: noworriesfeet
I rarely look in this thread anymore because its just men trying to see if they "pass" and all the hot females left 10 years ago.
Don't forget all the spambots even though the OP harasses multiple CWs about contactfagging despite doing it himself
72 days. This is pathetic. Why don't we let the thread just die in peace
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Disc: s_chat
Text me only if you have cute feet :3
male feet
very sexy, i love the contrast between your porcelain skin and the black nails/clothes!
I don't wanna post my feet in a public thread, but I'd love to send them in dms with a guy, heres my discord if anyones interested. oh and I'm 19/f
who the fuck is this and why did u put my discord here
fuck off
Can I be enlightened to starting to take photos of my feet? Is there guidelines? Is there any tips I should know? Thanks I don't wanna end up breaking some weird taboo
Haha no theres not really any taboos to hit.
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So like, this is fine?
Just because you have feet doesn't mean you should take pics of them.
this thread is for obese whales and men to post their feet.
not fat, just have hereditary cankles, suck to suck also don't complain when fed dumb faggot
I would rather look at the male feet thread it has better looking feet.
Females only, faggot.
enjoy. thoughts?
if yours, nice. I'd like to see them stepping on or in something
better feet than most in this thread, they're cute
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Unfortunately it is difficult to share a desire with someone who doesn't appreciate the desire to begin.
To everyone with a foot fetish, the reasons are different, personally I feel bad for people who do not have any type of "fetish" per se. As it makes the "foreplay" adventure that much more enjoyable to indulge in that fetish, some will never understand that.
Personally, I'm bi/pan and enjoy both worlds actively. I like female and male feet but for different reasons, not too much difference but still dif. Male feet: I like veiny sweaty feet (no hair) and a "semi" strong scent. With Female: Smooth, baby soft with a light musty scent. Both would need good ankle definition and medium to high arches.
95% of people I meet/see/acquaint I have no need, want nor desire to see their feet, but there is the 5% that will drive me krazy/nutz/koo-koo.
I would also say that if I am desperate to see someones feet, I will find a way for them to lose their shoes and socks (sock fetish too).
every time I nut to this shit my hatred of tranny's grows deeper...

this is why TTD is necessary. They falsely appear as women and make me feel gay.
Every time I see a tranny in public I balk in disgust and start filming him.
These toes are perfect
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Can i get a rate?
Also, how do you feel about tan lines on feet?
every time i see feet i just assume it's a man, now. fuck.
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lol i dont blame you
I do have a uterus and everything though
Ass on soles please
8/10. Spread the toes
Solid 8/10, not even into feet but damn id love to tribute you/them
point your toes so your soles scrunch up, please?
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It was a struggle to get them in the frame lol
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What makes a 10 in your opinion?
Oh, very nice.
is the term female meant like the bigot way or the interchangeable with women way? Depending on answer i might post
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not sure if this is what u meant
yes, stuff like this! Can yo do it again sitting on your feet?? fuck your arches are nice
daaaamn. please sit on my face.
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got u
Do I remember you?
maybe, ive posted before but never my feet. Haven't posted in probably a year though
hell yeah, toes looking cute af.

can you do gifs or webms?
All female camwhore threads have always been for biological women only. Unfortunately the retard OP doesn't specify that and now these threads are overrun with men pretending to be women. Don't post here.

Thank you for saving this thread and reminding everyone that this is what a female looks like.
is there a quick way to do it on the phone? dont feel like whipping out the laptop
ugghh does anyone know the quickest way for this fine lady to make gifs or webms?
hahah in the meantime could i ask you what do you think makes the perfect feet? Im really curious about this fetish
it varies from person to person. For some of us we like chubby toes, some of us like long, slender ones...some of us love certain colors of polish, hate others, and some of us really like no polish at all. Some like dirty feet, some like clean.

I guess I'd say attributes that are pretty commonly appreciated are a high arch, proportional toes, well kept nails, and soles that go from smooth to wrinkled when you flex them.
If you were lost, would you say please dont find me?
Interesting, i would have never guessed that smooth/wrinkled soles thing
Whats your favorite polish color?
I like nails that contrast, so dark polish on pale girls, and bright polish on darker girls.

I like silver, pink, french tip, and black the best. Red the least
What do u mean?
Want to show me ur gums?
im too acoustic for this conversation
still up for more pics? Do you have flip-flops?

Hey man, I'm that anon you're responding to. I appreciate the thoughtful response. I get that it's hard to explain or respond to someone who doesn't "get" it. But honestly I was just curious as to what appeals to someone sexually or at least what's "attractive" about a body part that isn't really a primary or secondary sex characteristic. I mean I suppose it's debatable on the latter, but it doesn't matter.

Anyway, I've played with womens feet when they like it, but if they don't care I don't care. So I was just wondering about it. Plus I figured the thread could use a little more than just "bump" over and over.
Nice arches, slender, pale with pinkish soles, clean, well-taken care of

Sometimes though 10/10 feet are whatever's in my face

I like these poses a lot. Hope you come back. And also post more tits!
Did you post to hgt? You look really similar to someone from there last year but some of your freckles don't match so it's not very clear.

Posts like this are why /feet/ get such a bad rep, that and the obvious creep stalking.
Very nice, truly.

Request for anyone, open toe heels, shit is so sexy.
>Also, how do you feel about tan lines on feet?
your tan lines are pretty subtle, i probably wouldn't have even noticed them if you didn't mention them. they definitely don't detract from your feet imo, very sexy especially your soles
>Posts like this are why /feet/ get such a bad rep, that and the obvious creep stalking.
Speak for yourself mister "I compare girls freckles."

If she doesnt understand my post, its probably not who I think it is.
>Speak for yourself mister "I compare girls freckles."

nah man that's not even close to asking for pics of gums in a feet thread
>that's not even close to asking for pics of gums
If you know, you know.
there's always that one anon that is always raging that people on 4chan are creepy
>sees /feet/ near the top of the catalog
>slight movement from peen
>open, scroll to bottom
always. my penis should be used to this by now and bumping should be disallowed
Nice larp Ivan.
damn, more!
You guys do realize that bumping the thread doesn't really encourage girls to post right? They may see the thread up at the top, but when they come in and see it's all the same 2 people saying
that's not real motivating. Girls aren't sitting there going "I wish the foot thread would bump to the top so I can post my footsies." If a girl is on /soc/ to post her feet, she will find the thread no matter where it is. All you're doing by bumping it is getting our hopes up that it's an actual femanon but 9.9x/10 it's
fucking jackasses

any replies here that aren't "bump" are guys talking shit "tranny!!!" to anyone who does post.
nice logic, retard

fwiw these threads have been going downhill for years
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Do any girls have foot fetish, or do they do it to please their men?
>fwiw these threads have been going downhill for years
yes they have. And my logic isn't flawed. If a girl comes to 4chan to post her feet, it's not going to matter where the thread is on the catalog. It is exactly the same if it's at the bottom about to die due to lack of replies or it's the first one due to constant "bumps." Clearly whichever it is, there aren't girls actively posting but in either case the guys who like feet are lurking, ready to pounce

Side note: why do you think it's been going downhill for years? Is it the girls learning that their feet have worth and taking them to OF?
I had a gf years ago that was into feet, she loved manfeet (she thought they were "sexy"), she enjoyed kissing and massaging feet mostly and was more than happy to give a FJ if requested. It was just a private thing between us as she never really said anything until I was massaging her feet one night after her long day standing (tired feet) and she said something to the affect like, "why do you get all the fun?" and our mutual foot thing was off to an awesome start.
i've met a few that were into being on the receiving end of it, they're not that uncommon, but i've only met one who was into being on the giving end (she was into both so it was even better)
lovely feet bb
i have a specific type when it comes to feet (short and wide, with thick toes and high arches with wrinkly soles) and I'm into soles specifically so i'd need to see the bottoms of those puppies to give you a proper rating.
As it stands, I'd give em a strong 7. Not perfect, but can be improved with a pedi. Let's see if those soles are perfect 10s, bb
nta but that's a lovely pic. I'm not usually into tops and nails but those are beautiful bb. For another shot, try getting one of both soles with toes spread a little. I'm already getting hard from that one so you're doing it right, girl. You new to foot play in general or just pics? My girl gives a great footjob and that's next level for me
kinda needs a pedicure, but + for sparkly polish and tattoo. Looks like you have some dry skin under your right big toe, try an epsom salt foot bath, it's quite relaxing. I'd play with those all night long, wanna feel those long toenails grasping and pulling at the skin of my shaft until I bust all over your soles
absolutely lovely soles, you've got the pose game down
Would anyone like my feet? Size 5.5/6 but severely scarred
they look like they need a good massage with some lotion, can i volunteer?
Aww that's so nice. Tbh I wasn't expecting a positive response. Ty for being kind.
i'm just being honest <3
do you go barefoot outside a lot by any chance?
Honestly they're not good. They might look better with some fishnets covering them though.
i do, yeah! my id is greenhouse_goblin if you'd like to add me
Added ya!
Not bad, can use a little care...Soak in "foot soap" (soap/powder goes into warm-water 'foot-bath' for a half hour everyday for first week, twice/three times after). Get "kerasol" skin/foot ointment and work into your feet at night and wear cotton socks to bed after applying. Use a "PedEgg" or pumice stone to get rid of any heel callouses etc.
In a week or so you and others will love those potentially awesome beauties. The effects are immediate after the first night and first footbath. Good luck and def post moar!
It's not about having anything of worth. There are ugly and fat chicks raking in dough on sites like OF. It's mostly they realize that the same attention they can get for free from a bunch of neckbeards on 4chan, they can also get on Reddit or OnlyFans while also making money.
true true. That's what sucks (for me) about feet. You can have some absolutely gorgeous feet but once I find out it's attached to an absolute porker, I'm out.

stupid captcha: Please wait awhile before posting.. Dude this is my first post today!
do men actually pay for feet pics? whats the market like?
it depends on the quality of the goods whether anyone's going to pay for them or not, if you catch my drift
i mean not really but it looks like the market isnt worth the effort so eh.
I would pay to smell and lick some pretty feet
Just trying something out, is this a good angle?
It's not good, it's excellent. post moar angles
Gosh, fav socks ever
Can you sit on your feet and picture from behind, best angle for soles :3
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same shot but with the hatch opened/body unclipped
I screamed when I saw this haha
Please do the same shot but remove 1 sock and keep other on (:
Would you be willing to do barefoot or open toe heels?
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i'm new to this, do ya'll like barefeet or like this?
proof of gender?
holy shit this is the first time in months that I see /feet/ thread near the top, come in and it's not that dumb motherfucker saying
100x over
that's what I thought.
Love both, take one off and keep other on
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kiss and lick my feet
>posts with the image hash ‘tJf2WY3rspbKUoB1WCUXfA==’. 2 results found.
lol, larp as expected >>>/b/913228972
And here's this one but with the image flipped to try and avoid hash checks >>>/b/913228996
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is the foot on the very left and the foot on the very right the same foot?
damn, catfish
Dumbass, that why we say no contactfagging.
A lot of girls giggle and act like it's weird the first time I'd start giving them a massage. "ANON! Do you like feet!?"
But once I gave them a little bit of foot pleasure most seemed awakened to another of their body's erogenous zones. My first gf would end up sitting in bed and just placing a big toe on my mouth until I started to suck it. She liked it as a precursor to pussy licking.
I also got my current gf into it though it's not an absolute must for either of us. I think I accidentally trained her to get turned on by foot rubs by giving them as she watched porn for foreplay, particularly while watching her two biggest weak spots, lesbian porn or two bisexual guys and a girl.
Now if I just want to massage her feet as we watch a movie or TV as a treat she ends up wanting to fuck lol. We haven't done it that many times but she also said footjobs are nice because my dick feels like a massage toy so I'd say she's into it.
When I was with an ex she used to let me practice massage on my housemates coz she didn't like being massaged. I'd do full body for like 1.5 hours but finish with a good 15 minutes on each foot if they were nice. I'd do it for both these Canadian sisters that were backpacking, the older sisters feet were the softest pinkest soles I've ever seen and I know she started getting turned on, moaning softly during and saying stuff afterwards like "it's weird that just feet can feel so good" lol. When changing from one foot to the other I'd also let her toes brush quickly against something very rigid in my shorts for just a split second which would also elicit a quiet little giggle or murmur.
Sadly I ended up fooling around on my ex with the younger sister (never went all the way, but definitely cheated) coz that was a weird relationship at a weird time in my life. No excuses, I was a dog but I still get turned on thinking about the night the older sister tried to get me to fuck her coz her little sis obviously told her what we'd done.
Seems like you just meant girls being into receiving. I've also had multiple women stare at or comment about my feet though. I wash them in every shower, keep my nails trimmed and I have a sparse little tuft of light hair on top of both but they look hairless from standing height. That first gf that liked me toe sucking would tickle my feet while I tickled hers, watching TV even though I didn't ask her too. And she said they look "cool" lol.
A lesbian housemate of my ex was one of the starers. One day in their kitchen I was barefoot and I was wondering what she's staring at and then "anon, you don't have hairy feet?". I thought it was an insult about not being masculine or something but then she said "no no, they're nice for a guy".
And one day I ran outside to turn off a garden tap to stop it flooding a garden and my current gf said when I got back "wear shoes! You'll destroy your beautiful feet". She also does the tickling thing even though I don't ask for it. For girls it's less sexual, more like "I wish mine were that soft". I get the same thing about my eye lashes which my mum warned me would happen when I was a teen. "Women would kill for eyelashes like yours anon". To be honest I'm kinda glad they've never wanted to kiss or lick or anything. Mine are as clean and nice as a guys feet can probably be but I still have a mental bias against the male body. It's not for total veneration like a woman's and it would freak me out a bit.
Honestly I hope I run into a girl with a foot fetish. Mutual foot worship and mutual footjobs would be amazing.

I want my body worshipped though. I've never had a bias against the male body and always had a degree of attraction to myself desu.
i accidentally developed one over the years :x
would love to hear more. About how it started, how it happened. and how you feel now and what you do
basically i just started visiting these threads years ago and learned how to make my feet look and feel prettier
>never thought about my feet before
>see girls posting very beautiful pictures of their feet
(Daddy, B2, Dubs)
>start taking care of mine
now? desu, i haven't had the time to do any up keeping in a long, long while but now i catch myself always trying to touch/kiss my man's feet (his are pretty, for man feet)
you should post yours for us to ogle c:
well, like i said, i haven't been doing much up keeping, so my feet aren't looking their best, but sure, i'll bump the thread :3
Fucking love the Nanaer socks and converse! So cute
cute socks! you should take them off c:
pls take more pics like this, especially after a long day walking around
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Text me on kik if you want see some cute feet ^^
>What makes a 10
Look, you've got an amazing body but your feet just look... eh. And your Big toe + Pinky being spread like that reminds me of the shreck logo just because of how big your pinky is.
of your pussy, yes
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soles and ass please
>Not asking for a timestamp
Dumb pajeet
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what's up?
possibly interested; good looking feet but Could you show tops and some way to confirm gender?
didnt knew feet could have down syndrome
>what's up?
my cock, now - you have lovely soles and those toes look like they're made for footjobs
amazing feet right here, perfect soles
those look luscious, dear lord. Can we see ass on soles?
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do I have fugly feet? Rate?
not ugly at all, the look quite nice even! would/10
would you mind ttimestamping?
would you care to show your soles off? maybe ass on soles? :)
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9/10, can you curl your toes?
Less paper 4 the planet sake
Now I know I’m more of a legs guy than feet
those look so soft
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you’re welcome I guess lol
idk if this is what u want
can you spread your toes?
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gorgeous, just needs some cum stringing between those toes and dripping down your soles c:
nice strong big toe!
would suck and lick those
slattern type build ahh
whoa, what happened? why all the bruises

i had to look that up lmao - i disagree
>why all the bruises
blue-collar workers essentials lol
awh, you need a kind pair of hands to give those legs a bit of tlc! your feet seem to have escaped uninjured but they can get some too ofc lol

would you mind showing your soles and timestamping? :3
Girls hmu on kik I'll pay for feet pics
Kik: glorg_
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Female 19 Perky Natural Asian
Medical student in training

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
ik you're a seller spamming all the threads, but props for keeping it on-topic lmao
god damn this thread is from the beginning of the year. what a disaster. it's over.
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Very nice, dark red is good, usually red on nails is so played out at this point.

Would you be able to post in open toe heels or sandals?
now that's a nice foot
I came/10
oohhh god I love big feet ooohhh goood keep it up
I'm prepared to devote my entire existence to worshipping these flawless soles please post moar
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Not my taste
Low quality
Low quality
8/10. Good color, but maybe use better moisturizer or turn down the sharpness in the image.
6/10. Bad angle.
0/10 I don't like smelly.
I hate this shape.
4/10. Image blurry.
Not my taste, but nice ass.
7/10. I like buttplugs, but I don't go for femdom.
5/10. Cool feet, but I don't want to see your hairy ass man.
3/10. Too bony.
3/10. Get a pedicure.
7/10. Cute, but toes are too short. Points added because of timestamp.
5/10. Not bad, but paint your nails better.
2/10. Are you a dude? Points added because timestamp.
9/10. Great photo, nice foot, titty is appreciated. Only reason no 10/10 is low quality image,

Not my taste.
Not my taste, but cool feet.
Awful pictures.
Toes or gtfo.
Meh, but thanks for the timestamp.
Are you even trying?
+1 for video, -1 for man hands, -1 for appearance.
Shit angle.
Fuck you, troll OP.
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Females only.
Literally love girls feet and my earliest memory of liking them is 10 years old. I have loved them forever.
Kik: parvib7
Offering to do tributes of feet. If you want dedicated man that will get obsessed over your feet and worship them daily I am your guy. I want to get addicted to them and only be able to cum to them nothing else
Got more of her?

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