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i know this seems really corny and all but im so desperate to see my friend once more. He was from the UK and his name was nosgov on discord. If youre out there nosgov, please come back. - phaliia
Fuck you.
I've been soft doxxed on these threads multiple times before. Just move the fuck on instead of doing this shit to people. If you had a falling out, it was for a reason.
>multiple times
same person or is there a more interesting story here?
Do you have a license?
You called me, I was kind enough to text you back and you didn't reply. Guess it wasn't that important. I've finally realized that you only want me when you have nobody else or you need something from me
agreed. If someone did that to me the last thing I'd want to do is get back into contact. So retarded
I'm not her but you sound interesting, sorry for laughing at the last sentence.
Hoping someone who lurks and passes by this thread recognizes this pfp. She got sick a couple of months ago and went MIA. Id be grateful to hear if anyone conversed with her and knew about her.
did the lewd with her and she disappeared afterward. I never talked to her since. pretty sure she just ghosts anyone she get sclose to. I miss her but yeah
dont save her she dont wanna be saved
can u tell me her first initial to affirm that this is the same person? Just want closure at this point. Out of the people on here, the way she messaged me made me feel special. Kinda why I wana just move on at this point.
>the way she messaged me made me feel special
You were in the same way a desert is special while you eat it.

Trust me man you need to move on, she's not gonna come back
what's your favorite book, T?
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Ey Oskar from Norway the big dick Mr fish merchant himself if your out there it’s me Vic, long time no chat I wanna talk again.
I still have ur steam account and I added you log in and readd me and let’s catch up because I know you use this place more then steam anyway
Hi :p from discord
This is the American you were talking to. I think we had a misunderstanding before you blocked me but I really enjoyed talking with you! If you see this good luck in uni! I’d love to talk again!
I know him.
I used to date him for a year or so.
For a fucking minute, I thought you were him and was asking about me.

I have him on steam still but we haven't talked since our huge falling out [won't go into details]

right in the heart, ff

are you a girl?
She sent me lewds too and disappeared. You were not special, I'm sorry to tell you that.

She dropped that account long ago.
Many such cases
Who else up feeling heart broken over a Norwegian
hilariously, i'm norwegian. him and i dated idk for a year or so but he had some mental problems and was very controlling and a paranoid schitzo. usually I could handle that, since I'm pretty crazy myself. but it went to far with him and he ended it.
Overall he's a super sweet fun guy to talk to and be with, but that boy is kinda of schitzo jerk at times. But I wish him the best even if he did fuck my mental for a bit.

i apologize on behalf of us norwegians, we're solitary distant creatures.
Well, that makes sense lol
Sorry to hear that, I think some people just aren't meant for relationships, speaking as one of those people, it sucks for everyone, esp when you still have a lot of love for them
Hahaha thank you, I respect that desu I wish I was more like that, unfortunately I am intolerably clingy
Sorry, I'm not your T. We've never really talked about books.
Same to you, anon.
I definitely understand the whole ''some people aren't meant for relationships' part.
I don't do them anymore either. Because I find myself too easily used and ghosted because I'm a very intense and passionate person and give myself completely to someone.
Did you have interaction with that guy too or were you just in general responding due to some other similar experience?
I come to these threads often and only ever had one person in many many years ever write about me.
Which is sad af since I see all these other people writing about clearly abusive fuck-garbage people.
I guess the good people don't get missed.
That's sad desu but understandable and I can completely relate unfortunately, that exact thing is a huge insecurity of mine.
Not that guy, I just happened to also be missing a big dick Norwegian too.
There's dozens of us.
Even just once is huge to me desu but maybe not if you've been here longer/more.
Yeah I try not to dwell on that thinking too much, but I've been ghosted by people who have talked about others they've been friends with/dated, how much time they wasted, how terrible they were etc, and they knew them for years, or still do, meanwhile I'm ghosted after months?
Don't get me wrong, not saying I'm perfect in any capacity, but jesus fucking christ lol
I forgot to mention, this is for J.
I just came here to say most of you are ghosting piece of SHIT cowards and deserve far worse than just loneliness
Talked wit her b4 but she ghosted me lol
Mine as well, or one of them.
Also, he didn't have a big dick.
Pretty average honestly, like most men on this planet.
But, I don't miss him, but he does cross my thoughts from time to time.
I learned a precious lesson from him though, or at least he contributed to me finally learning my lesson lmfao.
It's wild that the good people don't get missed and only the actually garbage dump people.
Which in turn makes me bitter as fuck and makes me more detached.

It's ironic that a lot of men on here pull the victim card. The poor me I'm so hurt by women/people/victimized/i'm so damaged, but in reality they're the actual problem.
Then they come to here to lure us sensitive femanons with their bullshit lolz
It's not about men vs women. It's about decent people vs bad people. Not to mention that hurt people hurt people - my horrible ex was a victim of abuse and she turned into my abuser. Best thing to do is treat people with kindness and break the cycle
The good people don't get missed because they either stay in our lives or they're capable of a clean break. I think a lot of people ITT are like me - the feeling we have isn't really missing someone, it's missing the good times with that person. Like it's not that I miss my ex, it's that I miss the happy times and wish that she would be a good person and do right by me
It is though. Have you not seen the state of society rn? It is very much a war of the sexes and will get even worse from here.
If you honestly think that treating people with kindness, love, and goodness breaks the cycle, then you're incredibly deluded. Sorry to have to be blunt like that but it's true.

Also, in your comment about good people staying in our lives or making clean breaks is you saying they are a permanent figure or they are forced into giving people [good and bad] closure and a means to not give a shit, is purely awful. People, especially here and in a crumbling society, they love a toxic relationship because we're all damaged people continuing the cycle. Most don't give a shit anymore. No, the vast majority of people who come here to post are the ones who feed and thrive off toxic relationships. They love being the victim or the victimized. The different threads posted here are a small data sample of a much larger issue that is plaguing society and showing what we all under the surface love and how we are.

the world is crumbling from around us and 4chins /soc/ is a small sample of proof of how and why it's happening.
Miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe. RIP to a real one.
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here, there's lots of bad vibes, sad vibes.
Still got his contact on discord if you do post his tag. Also sorry about the entire “date thing” he has a problem with that, cool guy tho I miss him. I am a girl yee.
Rae / LePinkyFace, why did you just suddenly ghost me one day?

I hope you're doing well buddy.
Men aren't the issue, women will never admit they're horrible at judging character and have the balls to be afraid of good men (aka unattractive men) and will do retardedly dangerous shit for men that's their type (aka attractive men). You bitches have no sympathy from me.
miss chatting with a cute sonic dork, changed my account a few times but the analogue pocket was how they remembered me
>the vast majority of people who come here to post are the ones who feed and thrive off toxic relationships. They love being the victim or the victimized.
I mean, looking at the catalog it’s mostly just porn obsessed people. Going into the actual threads with any substance the people I talk to are usually nice enough, they just can’t carry on a conversation at all which makes sense I guess. But no I don’t think being crappy to other people is going to make society better, if someone repeatedly wrongs me and refuses to improve I just cut them out of my life, hating on the other half of the population doesn’t benefit anyone.
I have his steam and not his discord. It's probably better this way. Also, don't miss him seriously. Not to be mean, but you wouldn't have had a shot with him IRL, I lived in the same country and it still didn't work out xd

/r9k/ is that way. 0/10 zzz

The catalog consists of porn threads by npc goonbots, ''dating'' threads, and mental illness threads of varying types.
Don't make excuses for bad people and don't deal with intentional incompetence.
I'm telling you the fact of reality is; that the concepts of ''treat others how you want to be treated'', ''the value of goodness'' and 'paying it forward'' are all fallible ideologies that will be met with little to no return/results.

Maybe you see the glass as half-full.
I on the other won't fill it in the first place.

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I’m not interested in him romantically, even if you are it’s not worth it all? He is great but uh yeah I know a lot about his relationships and I know not to get near him romantically. He is cool and a schizo Christian being a schizochristian myself I miss my schizochristian bro.
Since when is he Christian lmfao? Is this a new thing he swapped too?
The things that man expressed to me, did with me and talked about are so far from that lmfao.

Are we even talking about the same Oskar from Norway?
Oskar is a common name you might have thought I was talking about you when you were referring to someone entirely different lol, he talked about cod liver oil was far right and a Christian. You probably mean someone entirely different.
Add her on an alt and make up an entirely fake personality and fake story of how you found her account and why you’re adding her. If she responds then you have your answer,
who you?
h, you?
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haas anyone seen my dog named John Fitzgibbens the Third, nicknamed lemon?
Tyler got him
its so over
this is belicure btw
dear all the women I ghosted

lol ur mid

When you find her tell her T wanted to meet up as well and he's sorry for everything lol
I still have fotos of him. should i post ? lmfao.
the cod liver sounds vaguely familiar
but idk
god i wish i could meet someone cool at my college on 4cha n
awwww lame ass one of a million egirl got her heartbroken by a pseudo-intellectual
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Me too. I had someone LARP as me on here a few years back and people I used to talk to on here thought it was me and now call me a "Slag/horrible person". I am a nice enough girl and I only get dirty with about 4% of men I meet so feels like they have the wrong end of the stick but ah well.
you're ugly and unintelligent and lame, and no woman has ever gotten her heart broken by you, or ever will, because no woman or no human for that matter will ever love you we get it lol
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Hi Sarah issa u unkew u suk okla
Post his steam pfp vague enough not to dox.
Hi my discord tag used to be "I need a Medic" or "Medicine" and I lost my account and some friends last year. If you thunk you remember me please add me back!
Disc: medicine8426
Vivian from nyc, I wish you didnt block me. I'm sorry
nvm i found i someone that actually cares about me for who I am and doesn't ghost me all the time.
glad it only took you five days to recover from that, Anon.
LOL yeah I think I know why they ditched you now.
This is a long shot... And I don't know if you will see this. But did we play For The King?
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blooms, hat... my bros... where haveyou gone. :(
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Hey Ashlyn. It's been almost three years but I still remember you fondly. My life has spiraled down so much ever since you left me. I hope you've been watching the new seasons of Loveis War, My Hero and Demon Slayer. We had so much fun.
If you are reading this, then please come back. I miss you!
Time always exposes what you truly mean to someone...
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G, I do hope you're ok. I wish I wouldve bought more than just one. A few more for you and a lot more for me
Don't you mean "what they mean to you"?
It's really not worth it to worry or think about these kinds of people
If you're talking about the same mia with multiple accounts, she aint got bpd buddy... she got that autism. You're better off forgetting about her, lol.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's her. Still I can't help but miss her. It's hard to find people as passionate about plushies as she was
good to see her face healed up, I wonder if she ever killed nathan
This, most of these people aren't even thinking about you, I know it's hard to move on but it's for the best. Btw one of the best ways to move on is to meet new people
88NP88 if you're stil out there, know I miss you and I'm sorry for fucking things up. If you want to rekindle things, my discord tag is still the same.
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whats the point of trying if life is just going to stab you in the stomach and kick you back down no matter how hard you try to be perfect? it always hurts the same. im going to end the cycle today. Karin, maybe one day youll see this if you are alive, thank you for trying. im sorry i was too much for you, really i am for anyone haha. if anyone wants my discord for whatever reason (hey maybe someone remembers me) its shock.focks and ill be around for a little while longer
alani are you still hanging out here

did you ever get sent to the psych ward?
I've seen a girl actually see a post here, "forgive" and come back maybe once in two years of lurking. If you fucked things up chances of forgiveness are near zero, you think the person is thinking about you but you're not even a possibility anymore
Happened to me. Chances are low but rarely exactly zero.
hey i was talking to her too can you add me on disc crayonsforcripples
ive also reconnected with somebody i lost contact with because of these threads.
I should let go
same. someone posted my first name + nationality in these threads before which is already distinctive enough. people (men) need to get a grip
i really miss dr. caligari
i still miss her
I met up with him, after that he would not talk... I love him but maybe I'm just too repulsive
yeah, probably.
Fucked things up real bad tonight -- and I honestly have no clue why, or how I let it get so bad, or which particular fuckup was the final straw. Didn't even think dating was what I was looking for.
It's like the more someone tells me I matter, the more I lose my fucking mind. Never fucked up quite that bad though. Never felt that special before.
On the off chance you read this -- I know it's my fault, and I'm sorry. That's all.
Woman moment.
There's people I'd like to talk to again. Changed my name. ray.olight on Discord now. Was Lifeless and Feorge Gloyd.
>Feorge Gloyd
I'm trying to find a certain someone whose username on disc was related to salt and injuries. You jokingly told me you were a swamp witch. Last I heard of you, your grandma wasn't doing well, and you had your lizards in lil containers. I miss talking to you, you're the only person I've met here that's any kind of interesting. If you're out there, and you're still using that acct, my username is related to big fingers.
Imp, imp, imp.

Don't you have better things to do than check these threads, little girl?
If you're actually sorry then come back.
Sorry anon, you've either got a case of mistaken identity, or you're a pretty twisted person.
I'm J, I left that message for B, and I'm the one that got blocked -- only posting again just in case you've made an innocent mistake.
>revenge porn thread
nigger really
Ah yes, newfrens
there's so many soc people over the years I've abandoned for being too crazy (or was myself too crazy) that I'd honestly like to check up on.

I remember one woman, Quinlan, kept jars of her vomit by her bed.

Lark was a mormon afraid of sex and then ended up in a poly throuple or some shit.

Alani ripped off all her hair and got sent to a psych ward.

I really like crazy girls but they're just so... CRAZY!
looking for 2 people, one ex from nyc named anna, the other a plane nerd girl from russia. add me
Just posting in this thread, to see if a friend sees this I was talking to on here. She went by the name waffles, and one day poof account on discord was deleted. We were fine talking and such and she would some times have to break but it was just stress and autism stuff, If you see this waffles pm on discord.
hey can you message me, i was really close with one of them
soph/verbena made a new account then deleted it 2 days later
crazy how many dudes shes fucked and pretended to love, might be the most on this site
thats what happens when youre a legit schizo and trauma hoe, fucks everything with a pulse - and those who know, know..
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if you really wanted contact with me then you couldve added me on myanimelist/steam (url has never changed), if we were friends then youd know how nauseous and uncomfortable id be with my full first name being used

Bump .
yo....................................................................... this shit is sad.

come back nosgov.
I miss you Christiana
I think of you heaps, as well.
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littlerockdove, sometimes I wonder if I added you out of the blue after all of this time... would you even remember me? I wish I could've found you quicker after my account got nuked but oh well. Life goes on I guess. hopefully you haven't yet killed yourself
She never came back bros and I thought we were getting on well ;_;
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who posted this shit in last months thread
To that chick who went by gothgfdotcom or something, hope you're still lurking. I miss gooning on vc...
Yhivi, I hope you and all your loved ones are doing well. If you don't hate me for running away, reply to this post and let's talk about it.

- bambi
Miss you Silvee/E. Glad to see you're still alive but I genuinely hope you're doing better.
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doubt it'll work but we used to talk a lot about random stuff like our gf's n shit, you had a Holo pfp and some jap name on discord, and to any other old frens my new discord is: blodsvorr

i want to talk to 0xwillow#2009 again
bitch is crazy ngl
All my lost friends are gone. Even my irl ones. They'll never come back. I'm a massive asshole. I deserve all of this
Vicky from Germany, I still think about you and definately still miss you.

- Simon from denmark
I’m sad and I’m sorry about yesterday. I want to hug you so badly. Please forgive me. I’m sorry for being such a mess who can’t even take the consequences of my own actions. I wish I could more easily make you stay so we both could be happy. I just want to be happy with you. The trauma is so hard. I regret hurting you so much but I just keep doing it. I can’t blame you for being distant. It just hurts so much. I wish we weren’t here. I wish it was easier.
Heyyy you probably won't see this as it's been like almost a year but do you remember me? We had played smash together on our 3dss, your name was Mayberia or something like that i remember that you worked with kids and that you liked fire emblem, i had a donkey pfp, i didnt ghost you or anything, my account got deleted is all
One in a million shot but I’ll try anyway.

You’re older than me.
You’re an incredible writer.
You gave me a fat fetish. I’m still addicted to it now, to this day.
I’d been working on something for you for a while that I never finished.
Love AA, DR.
I kept mentioning a girl in a box.
You showed up in my dream.. Back to looking at a empty list and idealizing what would've been, because I'm too afraid of not being distant.
Personally, despite everything, I miss Alicia/cinnamon
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Did he have reddish hair, glasses?
cool person who said im cool too
M.J. , It’s funny that you had the guts to tell a lady that you wanted to get her pregnant and "deal with the consequences," but not the guts to tell her that you're not interested in her and just resorted to ghosting.

P.S. I thought you were one of the ugliest men I’ve laid my eyes on and the more you bragged about how much money you made the more I just wanted to baby trap you.
I want Jam back I lost your handle when I deleted my account

disc: something.sour
The solution is just just not ghost people, Like if you want to stop talking to someone provide closure and end it that way, so they’re not left open ended

be responsible with the human ties you create and burn the bridge properly if you want people to stop trying to cross it, bitches

or don't be, but then don't complain when it stuff like that happens
R, I’m sorry for fucking it all up. In the off chance you read this and change your mind about things, you know where to find me. -J
Fishbowl ya out there m8?
Might be on the right track. Care to give me some more information?
I wonder if you go through these threads? I suppose you wouldn't be tonight though, huh? I'm glad you're out having a good time after all of the drama. I'm sorry I bombarded you with love so often even after you didn't want it anymore. It's the only way I ever knew how to talk to you, you know? We started out like that and I suppose I never learned how to not see you in that way. I know that one day you'll be able to stop thinking of yourself as an unlovable monster one day. Like how I know you'll be truly happy again one day. I will say that I'll never understand how you could have the gall to sit there and type to me that losing you "wasn't losing much." So many years together dreaming of the perfect future together. I lost everything that day, you "sardine fuckin' shithead." I miss and love you and our sweet little angels more than you'll ever know. Give them plenty of kimthes from me. Take care of yourself and give them a long, happy life. Don't forget about yourself. You do that far, far too often. I hope you weren't actually lying about trying things again some day.
drop tag
Can you describe Jam a little for me? That might be me...
Mae, if you’re reading this I’m sorry I ran away. But I’ve realized how silly I’ve been and how you’re such a great person and I want to get to know you far better than I ever did. Please let me add you again. I don’t think anything will come of posting in this thread but I’m giving it a shot. Sen(ny)

Vague, could be me though. Can you share more details?
All the people I miss definitely do not remember me. It's weird how easily women move on.
I don’t know you, but I love that song
Porcelain from Thursday’s 1999 the waiting, right?
What do you know about her?
Yep so it seems
why do you love it
I like their pacing, they have great momentum
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like dis
shiiet, did you used to have a pet rabbit?

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