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Let's go Colorado. What's going on in this state?
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Any Colorado frens?
22, M, In one of the bigger cities
hiking, games, anime, tech
>looking for
talkin, friends, relationship (if bio-woman). Im pretty laid back and wanna talk to some new ppl
>not looking for
LGBT... , coomers, weed talk (if you're into weed that's cool. I'm just not into it)
>Social Media User
discord: fukinwetad (alt account, if I take a bit to respond)
>Fuck off we're full
34, m, Denver. Want to grab a coffee? I'm down for making a new connection today. If you're around Baker, hit me up and I'll buy you a coffee at the Bardo.
the air is too dry and the women all have tattoos. being in colorado is like being stuck in an oven with shrinky dinks.
34, M, Denver area

Anime, gaming, exercise, history/philosophy, cars/driving

>looking for
Friends and long term connections. Meh on dating, would depend on how things proceed.

>not looking for
Coomers, incels or incel adjacent men, weed/stoners (nothing against you if you smoke but I’m too straight edge to partake myself)

>Social media
Discord: SN-95#223, I’m not on all time, so expect a delayed response.
But I'm already here.

Anyways, 35m, Boulder area, looking for friends and to explore more of the area.
Notes after moving here from California years ago

>"natives" are the biggest faggots on the planet and anyone who actually gives a shit about where they were randomly born and ties that to their ego is a fucking moron
>Genuinely the dumbest drivers I've ever seen
>Denver area people are so normie and hot
>Fucking love this state, its city areas, its nature, its music scenes
>Anyone with a "native" sticker should have their pet tortured in front of them before they themselves are publicly executed
>Never realized how goated Red Rocks is, it's somehow not overrated for how hyped it is
>Food here is overall amazing still, very few times I miss California for food
>Fucking love the snow, fucking love how we get JUSSSST enough for a Winter but not enough to fuck us like Minnesnowta
>Did I mention how fucking stupid and gay and fucking retarded "natives" are? I can't think of anything as comical as a white person genuinely putting a "native" sticker on their car because they happened to be born in a state that we founded in fucking 1876
So you fucking move someplace you weren't born, shit it up and are mad ppl call you out on it. Native CO 4lyfe
Thank you for confirming that you're a fucking retard
Natives should drive even worse to keep these fags out
You're a fucking retard
I love Colorado for its beauty and its retards. Don't like it? Get out nigger!
I'll live where I want and laugh at the anger of dumb faggots who think they own a state because their parents before them happened to settle down here. Fuck your imaginary borders that you set up your ego around you dumb fucks
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being born in Colorado makes me better than you
Cali expat here as well. Been here only a year though.

Can certainly vouch for this state being an objective improvement in terms of just being more livable. If you know a decent Chinese place here though, please share. I’m jonesing for good Chinese food since leaving CA.

Snow isn’t that bad but I knew what I was in for. Haven’t been to Red Rocks.

Hit me up if you’ve got more recommendations.

I only know northern Denver area but I really like any "$X scoop and up" titled places. Usually $7 w/ combos
Just moved to Denver for work! 37/m, don't know anyone within a 20 hour drive. Big into fitness, finance, and MMA! OurYoungHero on Disc if anyone wants to talk!
well this thread became peak 4chan real quick
bumpin for the lolz
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Hiking any 14ers this summer?
I am doing Pikes Peak with a couple guys that haven't done it before. Its the gayest mountain, but I've never done it from Crags so at least that will be new.
Fuck off we're full. You need to go back.
Is that why everything is so fucking expensive?
don't you fucking die on me
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I'm a sissy cum slut who hosts in the 719 area...
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Interests: Cooking, vidya, some reading, role playing, board games.

looking for: waifus, bros, recipe swaps, or just something to do on the weekends. Also badly need a workout buddy

discord: esterwithoutpants
What's all this then
What kind of vidya we talkin about?
25, F, hour from Denver

Vidya games, BJJ, some anime, cooking

>looking for
Conversation, company for concerts, friends

>not looking for
Coomers, doomers..just dont be fucking weird man.

>Social Media User
Reply with your discord and I’ll message you
eh, why not. lets play some games _supper
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once upon a time I played mobas and RTS, now it's mostly coop shooters. Found a way to hook up the old PS2 to a computer monitor, so I've been enjoying going back a decade or two and playing through things there again.
BJJ is cool, I haven't found a gym since I just moved to the area but want to start again

Disc: OurYoungHero
Any suggestions on how to beat the heat today? Supposed to hit 80 :(
concerts? hmu
Women aren’t real. You are bait.
The natives aren't that bad, they just hate you. And they're right to. You're hardly even a person, just a thing that only cares what it can consume. Like a locust, but worse because at least a locust can be fed to a chicken.
Rest assured, the residents of any nice place you move to will find you insufferable and hate you. This includes California now too, btw since you left and all. Have fun never having a place to rest your head.
Could one in theory do this with a Nintendo64?
Anyone wanna trade Colorado sluts ?? I got some I’d love to expose


Kik bass696969
Im always down to chat with someone new and make a friend

32, M, Aurora
vidjo games, sports, tech stuff, medieval history, adult film industry, Colorado things
>looking for
Friends, maybe a drinking acquaintance. Gender/orientation doesn't matter desu
>not looking for
Ironically not looking for sex, used to work in the porn industry in a non-sex role and it fascinates me.
yo, what vidya you play? anything online?
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I'm a sissy in Denver lol

And an alluring one at that! Would you plz email me at lv1066qr@proton.me?
Got a chubby lefty Aurora slut's nudes. If youre in the area Kik exposemypig to see if you know or recognize her
just wanted to share a fun CO story.
I work there in FoCo a few times a year.
Married mid 30s guy.

Company puts me up in the cheap Best Western across from CSU campus.

See LOTS of fucking sexy fit guys and girls on campus, remember how fun it is to be a dirty slut myself in college.

Work myself up into a horny froth and install grindr. Just looking to jack off with a college dude. EASY pickins. I find 5 within half an hour. Start chatting and got first guy to come to hotel room.

I was nervous as hell because I haven't seen another guys cock in 20 years.
He's a tall kid and brought smokes. We blaze up and start watching porn on my laptop. Next thing ya know we've both got our dicks out.

I'm only 5.5 inches and he's probably 6.5? great cock and balls. neither of us last very long and we both start laughing as we start to bust at the same time (only like 5min) we were both so horny we just cum all over the place and let it fly. Laying there on my bed, him on the other one, covered in jizz, he thanks me and says he's gonna bail.
Good times!
What do I do? of course get super horny and start messaging the other guys.

Pick dude number 2 who according to profile is packing 8 inches. I want to see BIG. I've already nutted with one dude, might as well keep going.
Msg him to come over and tell him to wear shorts and have his cock hard when I open the door.

45 min later I get a knock, open the door, and find a STUD of a soccer player there waiting for me throbbing big dick visible in his shorts.

"been plumping the whole way here" he says.

Comes right in and I don't even let him sit down, door is shut and I hit my knees and yank the shorts down and see a GORGEOUS monster dick right in my face.

Haven't sucked a dick since I was a teen and cannot help myself and immediately lean forward and kiss it. I lift it up and it reaches his belly button and I start to rub my nose up and down his veiny shaft. Loving the smell. I kiss and lick his big full balls.

my wife would be furious to know i'm on my knees and licking and spit shining some 22 year old's cock.

Ask him last time he nutted and said 4 days ago.
This is going to be a mouthful! I go to work on him really turning into a cock gobbling slut. Sucking, slurping, drooling, gagging. Making it very spitty and sloppy, the way I like to see ad get them.

he's holding my hair hard and really fucking my face good. I look up at him with big pleading eyes and he says "down your throat?" and I just nod with a mouth full of meat.

he bucks hard, holds my nose HARD against his pubes while he's all the way in my throat and just BLASTING jizz. i can feel EVERY rope blasting and I pull him out and let him shoot a couple all over my face too. I'm drenched in college jizz and I cum like a fucking maniac. I lean back and arch my load all overmyself while he continues to jack his big spitty dick all over my face.

Then he leans down and fucking LICKS it off my tongue. That was fuckin wild.

he leaves, i'm still covered in my own and his jizz. I take a selfie of myself as a cum covered whore so I can jerk to it later.

Call wife and have a chat with her while I'm blasted in cum > Hottest thing ever!
this is a very disturbing read when i live in the area where this story takes place
So I further entrenched myself in CO, I bought an ebike!
Ladies, take note: This is why you don't marry bisexual men.
anyone doing anything fun this weekend?
bumping again
Here's a new thread.
but you're the angry one
Bumping again and again and again
surely another bump
21 y/o transmasc stoner visiting Colorado for the next week and a half. anything fun to do here outside of hiking? where can I go for some quick and dirty fun?

I like pokémon, scott pilgrim comics, some anime, splatoon, drawing, video essays, gooning. looking for anything really, come ask for pics of my tdick if you're feeling brave

disc: guycreature
You're the reason we're leaving to Texas. You can enjoy the homeless people you brought to our cities, and all the homeless shelters. Fuck you california transplant.
Not born in Cali myself but raised there since I was 10 till I moved here to Denver. Never really had the displeasure of "Natives" giving me shit. But then again, I never say I'm outright from Cali.
Having done HVAC work before what I do now though, I've found East coasters who move here are actually the worst drivers than anyone else. Oddly enough, people from Boston or New York drive the worst.
Woke up to gun shots outside my room, turns out the starting spot of a marathon
Got any contact info? Im close and love playing with sissies
discord is emilysis_
Sent ya a friend request!
Well I read it all in your eyes the words will come to you
Just moved from tx to denver maybe 7 months ago for work but still here sadly,

So far my main take aways are that this state has the absolute worst drivers and passive aggressive faggots I've ever met. People here drive around with coexist bumper stickers and faggot flags as if these shallow topics are the biggest issues while ignoring the fact that their votes led to the migrant crisis here and the homeless insanity you'll see on most corners. People in denver exist in a different fucking world in their head where they're the main characters. Rampant narcissism here.

The women I've met here are all the most generic kind of basic bitch that you'll swear you've met them before. They all care about the same things and talk the same way, they're bisexual but they'll use some other buzzword to sound unique. I've met more strippers here randomly than anywhere else. Thank God I have a girlfriend already because I'm too old for hooking up with boring bitches. I feel sorry for any single man here, it's the absolute worst dating scene I've ever seen in any state I've been to. Femcels and dorks galore.

On the bright side the hikes, nature, and just the overall scenery here is stunning. Great bjj gyms and a ton of physical activities here compared to a lot of places.

Anyway, looking for new friends.

27 m
Into: BJJ, mma, guns, weight lifting, fishing, hiking, camping and honestly anything physical. I like weed, dont care if you do or don't makes no difference.

Not into
Sensitive people, I have gay friends but please no progressive faggots. No coomers no chronically online people and no incels.

Discord sperm wizard # 6794
my baby is still alive!
Gonna be visiting Denver for three weeks from June 2nd until June 24th. Looking for people to hang out with and maybe hookup.
Wow, the irony here...intentional? Doesn't seem like it. Or bona-fide self hatred? I could answer but...I'm curious as to the exact variety of your delusion.

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