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Post a recent photo and your last hree songs listened to on your streaming service of choice:

1: HIM - Killing Loneliness
2: Billy Idol- Rebel Yell
3: Judas Preist - Electric Eye
I'm gay and also have blonde hair, piercings and tats but you're a fucking faggot dude
I dont like a single thing about you. You look like an absolute cunt. Just on sight alone, I want to throw a brick at your face.
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cool glasses bro
>Suicide - Teen Suicide
>White Tee - lil Peep
>Ur My BBY - Ricky eat Acid
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>Why can't this be love- Van Halen
>Poison- Alice Cooper
>Strangers in the night- Frank Sinatra
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Urfaust - Voodoo Doll
Brahms ‐ Ich stand auf hohem Berge
Luis Enríquez Bacalov - Django (Italy 1966)
germany moment
you look like my rdr2 online character if he was fat
Is that a good or a bad thing? Could I improve or is it over?
It's William Murderface!

Decent taste in music.
Look at me, I'm so cool cuz I bought a can of onions wax for my faggot stache! I'll definitely get laid at the Ukelele jam sesh next tuesday!

why did you take a picture of just one side of the bottom of your chin? hiding the bald spot on top of your head no doubt.
So bad? Any way to improve?
No wax, nigger
El doge
Oh look same people as usual (including me lol)

Mordecai by Between the Buried and Me
Rebellion(lies) by Arcade Fire
Flash Delirium by MGMT
Why would you post a thread like this when you could just make a topster or post in the other music threads? hope you delete this shit
he wanted to attach his gay face to it because he's an attention seeking faggot with awful taste
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he was a spotify boy, she was a youtube-2-mp3 girl

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yxqsp47zags
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRunX_0G1yg
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVMJy_mh3jE
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35m, all over the map
otherworldly, mystical, haunting, melancholic, ethereal, esoteric





1. Vision Video - Comfort in the Grave
2. sowithout. - brimstonehell,me
3. Movements - Full Circle

I was told this emo/goth thing would be a phase. I've only gotten so much deeper. Send help. ;_;
4? Thanks for the honesty. Anything I could do to improve or is it something unchangeable?
Honestly don't worry about it! 4 isn't even particularly bad, it's just mildly below average to my tastes. If you smiled, wore a nice shirt, and were with a cute dog in a park instead of a gross bathroom or something you could still be like a 7 lol. A lot goes into just the vibes you give off. If it turned out you had an awesome personality you'll seem even better to people. Also I just have shitty music taste and people rate me a 3 or 4 plenty. :P
How old are you and also do you want to be friends
36 years old.
What is your tag?
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1. Pouya
2. Lil Peep
3. Semetary
i'm stupid and did this wrong
41 - Pouya
Life OG - Lil Peep
Scarecraw - Semetary

Music factored into rates
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How Many Mics - The Fugees
Drop - The Pharcyde
Dynamite - The Roots


I'm not opening those, but I'll still eat your asshole.
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I don't even know what any of these genres are, and when people ask me what music I like I send them this and they're like who tf is this. Fucking normies
>I'm not opening those
schizo faggot, wouldn't want you to touch me anyway. What do you think is gonna happen? People have literally lost their mind they can't open a youtube embed.
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In Dreams - cursetheknife
Dot In The Sky - Drab Majesty
Mary Boone - Vampire Weekend

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