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post anime torrents
dragon ball super Broly
baki the grappler s1

naruto shippuden complete

lol nice shitposts
ghost stories

The Irresponsible Captain Tylor (1993-1996) (Season 1+OVA) [BDRip

No Guns Life (2019-2020) (Season 1+2) [BDRip]

Hikaru no Go

While exploring his grandfather's shed, Hikaru Shindo stumbles across a Go board haunted by the spirit of Fujiwara-no-Sai, a Go player from the Heian era. Sai wishes to play Go again, having not been able to since the late Edo period, when his ghost appeared to Honinbo Shusaku, a top Go player of that period. Sai's greatest desire is to attain the Kami no Itte (神の一手, "Divine Move") – a perfect move. Because Hikaru is apparently the only person who can perceive him, Sai inhabits a part of Hikaru's mind as a separate personality, coexisting, although not always comfortably, with the young boy.

>Odd Taxi

Set in a world of anthropomorphic animals, Odd Taxi follows the story of Odokawa, a 41-year old walrus taxi driver. He has conversations with other animal inhabitants who ride in his taxi on their respective journeys around Tokyo, where the series is set.

>Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist

16 years after the "Law for Public Order and Morals in Healthy Child-Raising" banned coarse language in the country, Tanukichi Okuma enrolls in the country's leading elite public morals school and is soon invited into the Anti-Societal Organization (SOX) by its founder, Ayame Kajou. As a member blackmailed into joining by Ayame, Tanukichi ends up taking part in obscene acts of terrorism against the talented student council president Anna (for whom Tanukichi has a crush on).

anyone have:
Blue Gender
Tenchi Muyo
Outlaw Star
DRAGON BALL Z (1989-2019) - The COMPLETE Dragonball Z UNCUT Series, 16 DBZ Movies, 4 OVAs, 11 TV Specials
Hunter x Hunter (Series+Movies) 2011 [Dual Audio][BD][1080p]
Neon Genesis Evangelion COMPLETE 1080p Bluray AV1 Opus Multi5
BUBBLEGUM Crisis (1987-2003): COMPLETE Series
Initial D Complete Series (High Quality)(Dual Audio) [1080p] Blu-Ray Rip (V2)
Rurouni Kenshin Samurai X (Complete) (High Quality)(Dual Audio) MKV [1080p] Blu-Ray Rip
Fullmetal Alchemist + OVA (High Quality)(Tri Audio) MKV [1080p] Blu-Ray Rip
can someone seed please?
Lf You're Under Arrest season 2(aka Fast & Furious)
Cant find it on nyaa and bakabt's torrent seems dead


So underrated, thank you.
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シリアルエクスペリメンツレインLAIN Collection

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Haibane Renmei
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I know mega links get a lot of shit here, but take it or don't. This is a personal 4K Upscale of Lain that I did. It's got a bit rate of about 88MB/s and has dual audio FLAC along with English subs and another subtitle track with storyboards. Enjoy, or don't. As far as I know, it's the only 4k Lain. 165GB

pastebin com/0fdDz3fG
Hey what a coincidence! I was just watching this today

To any anons that havnt watched this, pls give it a try. It's kino. So kino
Fate stay night unlimited blade works season 2


Fate stay night unlimited blade works season 1


Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch

Is there a tracker for premium stuff? Say for example right now I'm looking for Akebi's OST but I have only found YouTube videos so far and I doubt it will ever be uploaded to nyaa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJwwa_BJ2NY
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Amagi Brilliant Park (Season 01+OVA+Specials) [BD] [Dual Audio][1080p][HEVC 10bit x265][AAC]
I will be bumping to keep quality alive on the board.
any Studio Ghibli in 4k?
AnimeBytes and U2 mostly
all of them suck, stick to the 1080p mgvc blu-rays
what are the best palces to get anime music?
Anyone got a HD Ergo Proxy magnet please?
Just in case here are the magnets for the decade torrents


>1980s Part 1

>1980s Part 2

>1980s Part 3

>1990s Part 1

>1990s Part 2:
>1990s Part 3

>1990s Part 4



>Lupin III - Full Collection 2018 157.5 GB

>Ghost In The Shell Collection 1080p
Here's all the Studio Ghibli films up to 2014.


use nyaa.si + sneedex.moe in the future instead of being a little dumb nigger

My Hero Academia Season 1-6 1080p Eng Audio
Oh yeah anon?
Dragon Ball Super - 1080p - Full Series - English dub - Seasons 1 to 5 + extras
Lupin III - 2018 Collection (Lupin Sansei / The Third)
The fuck the torrent is 339 Gib

Here's a smaller version of Initial D

Might not be the right thread to comment on but is there a torrent for anime OP/ED somewhere?
This is really vague?

Like, fucking all over anon. Which anime? In general? Possibly. Search btdig or torrentseeker or some shit.
Patlabor anyone?
Patlabor TV (Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor)[Dual][Subs][HD][1080p]BrRip

The 300gb version is also significantly better looking but whatever floats your boat
thank you anon
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Cowboy Bebop - The Complete Original Release (Dual Audio, Subtitles, Unedited)
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Cowboy Bebop - Movie 01 (Knockin' on Heaven's Door) [BD 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Multi-Audio][Multi-Subs]
anyone got all of bleach, I've been struggling to find the whole show in a single torrent anywhere, especially in above old school 360p
you can find plenty on nyaa, but man the anime is kinda mid especially the beginnning. the manga is waaay better.
none I saw on there was the full show in one, or gave any real info on the quality
and one of the ones I found that were all 366 episodes had subtitles missing from a bunch of the episodes according to the comments
Here you go friend

1080, dual audio, complete subs

Maybe not complete, I'm not even sure what I'm looking for. But it's more than nothing.
will try it out, tho this is terribly slow
who is/are the most reliable uploader(s) on nyaa
im done streaming anime and would like to know
SubsPlease is by far the most consistent one

read up here for more info on groups and such https://thewiki.moe/
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Samurai Champloo (ENHANCED) [1080p] [DUAL-AUDIO] [x265] [HEVC] [AAC] [10bit]
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Rurouni Kenshin + OVAs + Movie [Dual Audio 10bit DVD 480p | BD 720p]
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
The Original Baki the Grappler
City Hunter
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Trigun (01-26)
Anyone know where to find the Cowboy Bebop dub? Just the dub, having to switch audio tracks makes auto play a pain.
Just set up your player's language preferences properly
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Outlaw-Star [1080p] [DUAL-AUDIO] [x265] [HEVC] [AAC] [10bit]
[deanzel] Outlaw Star v2 [BD 1440x1080 Hi10P Dual Audio FLAC-AC3]

actually good release
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Wolf's Rain
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Hellsing [DVDRip h264 768x576 10bit AC3]
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FLCL (2000) [1080p x265 HEVC 10bit BluRay Dual Audio AAC]
complete my fucking ass, this is only the OVAs and movie.
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Dragon Ball The Cmplete TV Series (1986–2003) DVD RIP UNCUT
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InuYasha Complete Series + Movies [Dual Audio]
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Slayers Collection (Slayers, Next, Try, Evolution-R, Revolution, Excellent, Book of Spells, Great, Gorgeous, Premium, Return, The Motion Picture)
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[DmonHiro] s-CRY-ed (BDRemux)
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[OZC] The Big O

*Yurasyk is better but it's on animebytes
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Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet S01 PROPER 1080p-Hi10p BluRay FLAC2.0 [CTR] (English Dubbed Dual Audio) (Suisei no Gargantia)
[hchcsen] Gurren Lagann S01 v2 [BD Remux Dual Audio 1080p AVC 2xFLAC]

*hchcsen has a bunch of mecha anime on his nyaa profile too
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Yu-Gi-Oh Season 0 [+Movie]
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Complete DVD Rip (Subbed MKV H.264) Dual Audio for 1-9
any jojo?
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Yu Yu Hakusho (Serie+Movies+OVAs) [Triple Audio - Multi Sub] [BD 1080p] [HEVC 10Bit x265]
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Does anyone have a bleach complete dvdrip torrent nyaa only has the ugly blurays
Best quality for Bleach up to 167 is SOFCJ + ParanDark subs:
https://nyaa.si/view/1096795 + https://nyaa.si/view/1136721
There's a fansub collection which is kinda ugly but you get cool hardsubs:
I would also like a good dvdrip for 168+ but I'm not sure it exists so I'd settle for a remux

I can make a torrent for the the patched SOFCJ+ParanDark release if you want
MTBB did these encodes https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=okay-raws+bleach
Sick, now I just need to find softsubs for 168-273
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Here is a torrent that I have been told is good and will complete the bleach set

with it's subs








Here are the subs for the series but this website also has other sets of bleach subs if you don’t like these. Hopefully subs can be added to this new set and not have to be patched in for each episode every time you watch like the torrent linked suggests to do.
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Dragon Ball GT - COMPLETE (001-064) v2 - [R2J Dragon Box] Multi-Audio [Broadcast JPN+ENG FUNi Dub][480p][x264][8bit]
ewww nigga
What is enhanced in this version?
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Cowboy Bebop Session XX / Mish Mash Blues / Yose Atsume Blues / Episode 27
Does anyone have the 1997 release of Berserk? the one on nyaa somehow crashed my torrent downloader after failing to download and now i'm unsure if it's safe
Try this one https://nyaa.si/view/1489012
Can someone (re-)seed this please:


I'm stuck at 0.0% for months. Tried different clients as well. Is it dead? According to the info noone ever finished it but it always has seeders :/
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stop watching anime.

It's the first step into becoming a tranny.
Where can I find Yurasyk's release of Kino no Tabi?

Eureka 7 and astral ocean


Any help appreciated seeding these
Thank you so much anon!
These >>1261214 led me to a release that already has ParanDark subs muxed in with better audio, dub, and signs/songs subs: https://nyaa.si/view/1462547

Personally I'll be replacing my manually patched versions with this. There's some more information about best releases here: https://nyaa.si/view/1643192
if you need something just use nyaa .si
Please please watch the 2003 version, not the 2017
Yurasyk encoded the 2003's DVDs
Does anyone have a monogatari magnet link?
Redline (2009) anyone have please?
Does any one have Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise?
or Steamboy?

Also, was Casshern any good?
Here you go. Great taste anon

Thank you brother.
bonkai77 is dogshit, kill yourself


best encodes on the block
anyone have the english dub of Kodocha/Kodomo no Omocha? the nighthwk ones on nyaa arent working for me for whatever reason
Why is it 32gb? Is it 16K or something?
it's all on nyaa
it's the untouched video from the blu-ray, which is like35mb/s
does anybody have great teacher onizuka, please?
learn to search on nyaa.si, monkey
i didn't how to and that gives you the right to be rude? next time go back to your bbc threads
I spoon-fed you the magnet and you're still butt-hurt about it? Stop being so sensitive and learn how to use a search bar...
do any encodes higher quality than Urotsuki's exist for Slayers? not the poorly upscaled blu-ray.
does anyone have one outs?
the ones on nyaa either don't work or have bad subs
maybe you misspelled it? it's supposed to be "assassination"
searching for the japanese title might help as well
unfortunately Urotsuki's encode is the best thing out there right out
https://nyaa.si/view/1702317 damn that's crazy
anybody got a link for Pluto in 720p?
im not using that shit, keep being an asshole nigger
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I'm only here to request two seasons of Project Arms.
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Black Lagoon Seasons 1-2 + OVA (BD 1080p x264 Hi10P FLAC Dual Audio)
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Does anyone have an English dub of "God(?) Save Our King!"
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Anyone have the final ep of AoT ?
nvm found one
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anon speaking from personal experiences

Paprika 1080p Dual Audio
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you have to go back.
But Anime was there long before that mental illness was a thing.
At what point can you call a download to be dead and unable to ever become complete?
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Can someone post S01E01 of "Skull Island"?

I managed to get E02 thru E08 but for some reason, nobody is seeding E01.
no, go suck a dick
this, thats not anime, thats western zogchow
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does anyone know if theres a low file size Magic Knight Rayearth or any decent sd version? its my favorite animu
what a bro appreciate it
np dude. I dont know how much there is but that looks like all.
What is the best Sakura Card Captor torrent? I don't care much about >remastered, optimization 4K, etc etc. I just wanted to look good and old
I'm also looking for spanish subs
best video source IS the 2017 japanese blu-ray, if you can get the bdmv or a remux that'd be ideal

This torrent has LatAm subs and audio. 200 fucking gigabytes and counting. Best one in English seems to be the Kinomoto release (which is based off the NIS America BluRay)
thanks, my other inuyasha torrent didn't have the english dub
Actually being on this site is the first step. The nazi to tranny pipeline is very real
Kinomoto's video is Beatrice, which is outdated
-----Best version in my opinion-----

https://ny.iss.one/view/831686 <--here for more translations/info
[Sephirotic] Neon Genesis Evangelion 1-26 DC+EoE [MULTI][BD 1080p 8bits v2.22] COMPLETE

This is the complete classical Neon Evangelion High Definition Collection
Episodes 1-20, 21’-24’, (DC only) 25, 26 + End of Evangelion Film
1080p 8 bits ~1,8 gbs per episode
QAAC 5.1 + Legacy Stereo
55.8 GiB

lol the nigger mirror site
here's the version with actually best video -> https://nyaa.si/view/1500649

Sephirotic did an ok job (even fo it's time) but lots of his choices regarding video are extremely questionable
Magnet link for the Scott Pilgrim Takes Off anime with the Japanese audio which is hard to find normally because of anime torrent sites taking it down for no reason and normie torrent sites only having the English dub

>but lots of his choices regarding video are extremely questionable
I think they're fine anon, he explains his choices and why he did on his blog.
Also thanks for sharing this version, i didn't know the recent ones.
About the nigger mirror site, the main one didn't work for me somehow so i used the mirror.
>because of anime torrent sites taking it down for no reason and normie torrent sites only having the English dub

it's not an anime. it's a US netflix cartoon.
Pluto (2023)

correlation is not causation
anyone got the original Mobile Suit Gundam?
been really wanting to get into Gundam and lookint to start at the start
You're really lucky, hchcsen has been remuxing pretty much ALL of gundam. I know it's pretty big (just watch and delete), but none of the other options come close to it in terms of quality. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
based anon
Anybody have a Nichijou?
revolutionary girl utena in HD exists?
Heard of a Cyber Punk anime, anyone have a link? Something recent not based on the game. No idea what it's called.

it was excellent
Anime website fuckface. Leave
despite being 720p it has the best subs for it, if you want 1080p get the BDMV
thanks guys. Gonna check it out tonight after football.
This might be a long shot but do any of you still have the "episode of nge in 6mb" file? I think it was a webm. I downloaded it years ago but it corrupted during a transfer. Please help me, anon!
Anyone have jujutsu kaisen movie or season 2?
nigger monkey is incapable of searching nyaa
Looking for Buckethteads' main source of inspiration in early albums:
Giant Robo (which can be found on nyaa.si)
or the live-action Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot.
>COMPLETE (001-064)
>only 64 episodes
I didn't know there was so few episodes of that. I swear it was longer, but I didn't really follow it.
nothing new here , dose anyone have am a spider so what
I have zero experience in torrenting. whats the best way to get high quality preferably blu ray release, and no subtitles so i can make anime webms. nyaa? I heard there is or used to be a site that was the go to for AMV makers
start here https://thewiki.moe/
Anyone have Tales of Symphonia or Tales of Abyss anime? In SD if possible
Here is the whole thing plus a little extra


Patlabor Movies 1-2-3 [Dual][Subs][HD][1080p]BrRip
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>pastebin com/0fdDz3fG
Please upload it again! Your upscale is amazing and I'm missing the last 2 episodes
anyone got Gundam in.. a size you can save?
get ZetaRebel's release from Animetosho.org if you are poor
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Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (Erased) (Season 1) [BD 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Dual-Audio][Eng-Subs]
spent fucking ages looking for a dragon ball torrent before remembering this place was a thing. thank you, now i can finally fucking finish this shit
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Steins;Gate (Season 1 + OVA + Movie) [BD 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Dual-Audio][Multi-Subs] (Batch)
Does any one have a complete torrent of yugioh GX?
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Steins;Gate 0 + Specials [Dual Audio 10bit BD1080p][HEVC-x265]
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One of the few with incredible visual and audio, both could stand alone.
Thank you.
Anyone got a clue where one can find a not-dead torrent for the Ger Dub of DBZ that is actually unaltered?

All releases I know are either fucky(the anime-miako release is cropped for example) or dead. Are there really no straight dvd rips?
Angel Beats:
A true classic

Jin-Roh - The Wolf Brigade (1999)

Will s(n)eed.
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no.6, a good watch if you like dystopias or lil gay boys.

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Sasaki to Miyano. gay fluff.

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anyone have "mask danshi wa koishitakunai noni"? there's a torrent up on nyaa.si but it's dead as fuck. it's been just a bit shy of a weed and i'm still at 0.0%
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It's been a while but here's a re-up. It should be up for a while this time.

SEL 4k upscale mega
Am I an idiot or is this hash not working?
Base64 link brother
I've never come across b64 before. Thanks!
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Angel Cop BDMV
This is the actual remastered version not the old upscale.
Finished downloading the episodes I was missing, thank you
Does anyone have decent quality of the anime "Night Raid 1931"? hchcsen seems promising but they lack any seeders.

the only torrents that matter
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Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (01-26) Dual Audio, subtitles included.
sorry I didnt post in /requests but....

anyone has K-on? doesnt have to be HQ or super HD remade, I just want to watch it with english subs
get this instead:

(no it's not big, you're just poor)

MTBB is working on a release that'll be better than all current options
ah ok, thank you! ill keep on checking this post then
Does this load for anyone?
Loads fine here.
I assume some geoblock then. Mind tell your location and client?
Anyone here with a hikarinoakari account ? I can't be bothered to wait a whole month to join the secret discord for just two albums... I'd be grateful if somebody could share them pls :
Anyone got the Love Hina OST?
Only torrent I can find for it is on Nyaa and dead with no seeders.
HnA has a no-share policy for anything hidden behind the forums so you're probably out of luck unless somebody wants to risk their account. They keep track of who downloads stuff & at what time.

Can you say the specific albums you need? There's a shit ton of them for Love Hina & I don't feel like snagging everything that has a unique song.
nobody is afraid of hna janitors lmao
That wasn't really the point of my post, but feel free to share it regardless.
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>Can you say the specific albums you need? There's a shit ton of them for Love Hina & I don't feel like snagging everything that has a unique song.
Title: Love Hina Original Sound File
Catalog: KICA-523/4
Date of release: 21SEP2000

It's split in 2 CDs, there should be 45 tracks on it. Album manly has BGM tracks, but there's some vocal stuff on it as well.
Uploaded, please seed for as long as you're able to.
Thanks anon! You're a real hero
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Lodoss-tou Senki - Record of Lodoss War [BD.1080p] [Iznjie Biznjie]

I had this shit on VHS fuck yeah.
>based on his own DND campaign
I'm thinking B A S E D
I've been watching a lot of old anime recently.
>64 episodes
>so few
This is your brain on shonenshit.
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I found some ancient HMV collection that i saved around 2012
Should i post it here? Or there is some better thread for it?
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I need fma 2003 in the best quality possible I searched in nyaa and got alot but I don't which one to download pls if can anyone help me appreciate that
>fma 2003
[Maximus] Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) [BluRay 1080p x265 10bit Dual Audio Eng AC3 5.1 + Jap AAC]

Ty really appreciate that ty again for your time

>>1301590 watch this instead please, I beg you, don't melt your eyeballs with that shit
[NTRM] Fullmetal Alchemist (BD 720p Ma10 FLAC) [Dual-Audio]
Tbh looks way better than the other one
Appreciate that ty
So if you can help again by telling me how to know the best quality , looking at the bitrate is that right?
Does anyone have Koyomimonogatari BD? Either Engsub or raw
>So if you can help again by telling me how to know the best quality , looking at the bitrate is that right?
Bitrate is one indicator but far from the only one. Consider reading this https://thewiki.moe/guides/quality/ for more info on anime quality
Or just head to https://sneedex.moe/ and search for the anime

Best encode as per seadex/sneedex:
[smol] Monogatari (Season 8) (BD 1080p HEVC Opus) | Koyomimonogatari: Calendar Tale | Monogatari Series | Calendar Story
Okay don't know what to see but ty for your time
please read this
Because that wiki article's practically useless for anybody who just wants to sift through releases. It tells you about codecs, remux vs. rip, etc. yet doesn't tell you what to look for, I have no idea why people keep linking it. For starters, a lot of quality is ultimately dependent on your setup, for example if you download a release with FLAC audio but you don't have an audiophile setup you aren't going to hear any actual difference between that and non-shitty lossy formats (not talking about 96kbps MP3 here). It's like downloading a 4k movie but having a 1080p monitor, you won't benefit from it, so what you need to do first is decide whether you want the highest quality for archival or to meet a balance between size & perceptible quality.

For the former, there's no single comparison other than just comparing side-by-side screenshots of the video yourself. Many good encodes will have comparisons in the description you can use, though do note that many of the issues they bring up require either scaling 1080p video up to 4k or zooming in on the image to actually notice -- it's the same autism that many movie encoders suffer from and doesn't matter unless you're watching on a larger than 1080p display. What you're looking for is artifacts (some of the most common can be seen here, though do note many of their examples suck cock and are overexaggerated: https://guide.encode.moe/encoding/video-artifacts.html). After you've compared the video, you should have a decent idea of which is best, but you can still gain info from the MediaInfo.
Lossless audio for archival, x264 vs. x265 doesn't matter anymore but the former usually is used by better encoders ([smol] is a good x265 one), and look for subs with effort put in.
Finally, bit depth doesn't actually matter that much since very few 10bit releases are *actual* 10bit, but it does save space/bandwidth nonetheless so I'd recommend looking for a release with it since there's no real downsides: https://yukisubs.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/why_does_10bit_save_bandwidth_-_ateme.pdf.
Anybody got the Kokkoku's ED rip in lossless? Tried every tracker but non have the flacs.
Uploaded, please seed for as long as you're able to.
Thanks a lot anon.
Love Hina was a once in a lifetime anime. Sometimes I wonder what Ken Akamatsu is doing these days.
>Ken Akamatsu
Well he's a member of Japanese National Diet these days, so probably busy with that.
He also is a proponent of freedom of expression, especially in video games, manga, anime, and other artistic mediums. Even successfully removed language from a law that would've made loli drawings as illegal as real cheese pizza.
His Japanese wiki page has a lot more information on his political stances, most of which are based. Only one I kinda disagree with is that he wants less nuclear power, on an island country which has zero fuel production capacity.
looking for Pokémon, seasons 21 and up. Can't seem to find it on the Bay or Nyaa, except for one ridiculous torrent that had season 22 for like 75gbs.
Obviously the anime gods frown upon you. High bitrate or death.
torrent failed
It did? I will send you the nyaa link.



Also reposting the torrent download and magnet link. maybe i made a type with the magnet or something

Stupid nigger can't even spell or pick a good release, kill yourself
seed 90s please
is there a fansub of bocchi the rock? I'm watching the official english subtitles and it's so inaccurate it's laughable, some examples I can remember off the top of my head (excuse me for not using kana):

a scene where someome says "Gorilla?" is translated as "what is she, king kong?"
every scene calling Hitori "bocchi" has some sort of "Hitori wanted to make friends but botched it" pun that has no real relation to the actual words being said (Hitori is alone, literally "Hitori bocchi")
and so on

I get thay you can't translate puns like thay directly, but this is just rubbish. back in the 2000s all thr fan subs would translate so much more literally and just habe some fineprint explaining the pun for a frame or two so you could pause if you didn't get it but otherwise didn't drastically alter what was being said.
do people just not do that anymore? was "keikaku means plan" the final straw?
there's not, and ``fansubs'' (they just edit the official script 99% of the time) nowadays usually add more silly localization rather than the other way around. grim state of affairs.
you sound like a N5 nigger
4chan's interpretation of JLPT results and their supposed indication of fluency has ruined so many discussions. you should reevaluate your life.
People score N1-N2 then enter denial since the test they took is essentially 5 beginner levels. All it indicates is if you'd have a good chance being able to get by in a workplace, not really worth circlejerking over. There's a reason many Chinese people with nearly 0 actual knowledge of the language pass N1.

so theres no other subs for BtR? damn
I've just been reading the manga and enjoyed it enough to watch the anime but it's so wildly different in how it gets translated, even dialogue that is 1:1 from manga to anime has drastically different translations
from what i understand chrunchyroll did the official english sub? i've only heard bad stuff about their wildly inaccurate subs in the past.
this is basically my experience, i did up to N4 for work but it really is just a formality, mostly just "can you read these 1,000 kanji". Most of my friends here even natives wouldn't have above N3 or N2 anyway since it doesn't really matter unless you're a writer or lawyer or something. I'm not fluent by any means but enough to have conversations in and out of work, and clearly enough to be bothered by misleading or incorrect subtitles
>so theres no other subs for BtR?
you could also try the B-Global script which is typically more literal, but it also usually doesn't read anywhere near as well so will have to pick your poison. there was also a one-off release named Gotch for episodes 1-3 which edited the script, but I'm not sure if it's any better. it does seem like they put more effort into it at least.
past the initial 3 episodes, there's no different subs other than just differently styled/timed stuff. the DB+neohevc release combines Gotch + Half-Baked (which is the restyled/retimed subs) + Erai (which is just CR), so that'd probably be the best bet if you don't want B-Global.

>from what i understand chrunchyroll did the official english sub?
yep, their quality ranges from pretty good all the way down to dogshit depending upon the series. not as bad as the subs Sentai shits out on HIDIVE though.
ill try b-global and see, thanks!
i've wanted to get into subbing for years now but i never really know where to start, and it seems stupidly complicated with all the video formats, transcoding, making sure it works on different platforms etc etc
i just see so many issues with subs of all kinds that I figure it's probably pretty difficult to make them, but doing the translations itself shouldn't be such a mess. it really reminds me of that scene in i think it's scary movie, where the girl talks to a japanese ghost and very obviously just says "toyota mistubishi honda hiroshima nagasaki" but the subtitles are like "hello little girl, are your parents nearby?" or whatever it was, mind you that was funny but when it's done inadvertantly it's just annoying
is there any decent batch torrent for sayonara zetsubou sensei series?
>is there any decent batch torrent for sayonara zetsubou sensei series?
sure, got you senpai.. >>521528
looking for a decent 1080p blu-ray rip or even better a remux of Lupin part 3
you seem not have tried going to nyaa.si
stupid nigger
I said decent quality. all I found on nyaa were shitty 265 reencodes or webrips. but never mind, I found the discotek bd remux on animebytes
how do you get into animebytes?
by being cool
File: ANIMAE_4CHAN.jpg (233 KB, 1000x750)
233 KB
233 KB JPG
Can anyone upload this as torrent, please?
it's horrible, don't bother

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