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ask the questions you're too pussy to ask
>Why aren't movies seemingly ever torrented in 2k (1440p)?
>What is the difference between cracked software and regular licensed software?
>Why aren't movies seemingly ever torrented in 2k (1440p)?
the human eye cannot see over 576p
>What is the difference between cracked software and regular licensed software?
learn how to google shit
>Why aren't movies seemingly ever torrented in 2k (1440p)?
They're only meant to be watched in the cinema.
>doesn't know that resolution can vary drastically depending on screen size
>why no 1440p
because the warez scene has decided the only acceptable resolutions are SD, 720, 1080p and 2160p
>cracked software and regular licensed
cracks are a workaround file/code that breaks DRM/copy protection.
regular licensed software is the legitimate software
What's going on in that pic?
Pervs? Cult?
which are the best places for general torrents (movies, music, ebooks, etc.)? apart from the usual ones
1337x for publics, shouldn't use the pirate bay. If you are smart enough to use private trackers, you can go for it, but there are a lot of dumbasses who ask for invites and then forget how to fucking torrent
yeah i mostly use 1337x for some stuff + rutracker for music mostly. i wanted to get into private trackers but dunno where. any reccs?
torrentleech. Shit ton of stuff, stupid easy to get buffer. Season packs and everything above 14gb is freeleech.
what are some other good places besides /t/ to post magnets anonymously? Just want to seed a few things far and wide...
Do you guys watch your torrented movies on your TV? If so what device/method do you use?
most movies are not interesting, but you must decide for yourself. there is nyaa.si, thepiratebay and not really much known sites. RARBG and demonoid where ones i knew before... but you supposed to pay money that does not cost the producers anything so they can rip you off because "people" are very intelligent.
>>Why aren't movies seemingly ever torrented in 2k (1440p)?
the real answer is they just aren't released like that. it's either 4k for movies/blurays or 1080p for streaming/dvd
no point reencoding to 2k either, since anyone who cares wants 4k and anyone who doesn't wants 1.2GB, and 2k movies are neither of those

not to mention it's lack of commonality as a screen resolution outside of gaming monitors
i meant theatres
I lost my filter that got rid of all the porn threads does anyone have another I can use?
>shouldn't use the pirate bay
In 2006 site's ownership changed hands, and its original three founders left the company one by one, last of them leaving iirc in 2009.
In 2014 swedish pigs raided TPB, confiscated their hardware, then later in 2015 their .se TLD was seized by swedish cuckold authorities by ruling of their cuckold niggerloving court. TPB appealed and lost, so it went down for an extended period of time.
When it came back, year after year it got shadier. First major fuckup was when in 2017 they implemented a cryptominer script on the main page. Users weren't made aware of it initially, but after then TPB owners got caught, the script was removed the following year.
Next thing, probably the most important one, was that the "skull" statuses (marking VIPs and other trusted users) became completely worthless due to lax or nonexistent vetting process. "Trusted" users would repeatedly upload malware and their status never got revoked.

TPB is an empty husk of itself, full of malware and dead torrents.
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>learn how to google shit
A really long HDMI cable. One of these days I need to buy a wireless setup.
>t. doesn't know how to google
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With my Xbox. I just hook a HDD and use the VLC app for the console.

I also noted that a lot of people use Firestick, Apple TV or the Google Chromecast together with their Plex servers.
How does this torrent link work? Doesn't seems to work when I copy paste into add torrent link even with magnet extension at the front
I usually run a vpn as normal when I torrent, but I also use a secondary browser based vpn when visiting sites and shit. Is that overkill?
I’m running two VPNs at any given time when torrenting, basically
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While this is not a torrent related question, is there a way to bypass or trick a filesharing premium link to download the file? An app or link generator perhaps? Please and thank you anons.
Any P2P clients worth using anymore? Haven't used one since DC++ was common.
because this isn't a magnet hash. it is a base64 text.

yes there is what you asked for. and did you think about getting a debrid account?
Any good place for OSTs of video games?
Two VPN's does nothing, just potentiates the number of hands that have access to your data.
The solution is an internet killswitch. Ideally kill the entire device's connection if VPN drops. On top of that, or in leu of, set up a kill switch specifically for your torrent client. Also bind your VPN network in your torrent client. In Qbit >settings >advanced >Network interface
This makes it so it can't connect to any other interfaces.
Where the hell is this mysterious warez scene?
Dead and buried. All of members got either bought out by Irdeto (denuvo's developer) or threatened with lawsuits to stop cracking it, and it's the only DRM on the market that always stops cracking for months if not years. Nowadays "scene" groups can barely crack steamworks using pre-made tools.
Are haxnode good or are they a bunch of evil trojan nasty fuckers
Haxnode has no clearnet website, whatever .net, .com, .org or other TLD for haxnode you find, it's a fake site with malware. It's like with old scene groups like skidrow.

Their releases are available on trackers like 1337x.to, look for ones with comments and seeds.
Yeah but are their releases full of dumb exe patches and shit that put malware on your computer outside of the program/app. I haven't had probs with Skidrow akshually
How do you guys manage to download 98gbs worth of pornography without raping your internet?
I have 1tb of jav porn, what do you mean raping internet? If you're talking about limits then our country has no limits for internet.
is torrentgalaxy safe?
Is 1337x suddenly forcing other anons to download a vpn before you can use it? If I click the “download without vpn” option nothing happens but if I click “get free vpn” it takes me to a pretty sketchy looking page with flashing lights saying “A VPN IS REQUIRED TO USE 1337x”. I never needed one since I’ve been using this site but it’s also been a couple weeks since I’ve torrented anything from here. Did the actual site move somewhere and I’m on a fake one now or what?
Why do I only seed while I'm downloading? I rarely see any of my torrents seeding by itself

the mirror you're using is probably fake
it should be 1337x.to
This is the legit site isn't it?
yeah, maybe try with ublock origin?
Thanks! That worked.
Have any of you ever actually had your internet shut off for torrenting?
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so the question was: why are there several OF content threads?
>>1281571 >>1286391 >>1290727
what about getting one thread for OF content and posting all your packs/similar into this one?
the company in the picture is representing some OF content copyright holders.
the next question could be: should you get OF content without protection for your IP if you want to use torrents?
Yes. California.
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maybe you don't want to visit their site at the moment.
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I'm using deluge and i never seem to seed my torrents unless I'm downloading them at the same time. Anyone know how to seed as much as possible with Deluge?
No civilized country puts data limits on broadband.
It supposedly has a vetting program to mark trusted uploaders, but its admins are genuine retards, so I wouldn't trust that.

For example, the site has its own ddos "protection" that triggers even if you're signed in, can trigger in the middle of browsing a category/search query, and upon completion takes you to completely random category, disregarding your query. It had been reported in a bug thread, but admin instead started typing in broken English that the site is "very big, lots of growth, we are not insignificant", ignoring the bug.

If you trust that kind of sped with verifying other users' uploads, that's on you.
I figured it out. I just followed this tutorial ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-ds7ESYUjE ), set ltconfig to High Performance Seed, and immediately went from having a few torrents labeled "seeding" and most queued to all of them labeled seeding and 6 actively sharing.
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I got the scary email from my ISP, issue is I'm using a VPN. Been torrenting for a couple years now and this is the first time this happened to me. How did they get my real IP address and how can I stop others from getting it in the future? I'm using AzireVPN connecting through Wireguard.
most likely an ip leak, do you have a killswitch set up on your vpn? if you use qbittorrent it also has a killswitch in the settings that stops all torrents whenever you disconnect from your vpn.
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So I used to use utorrent back in the day, but since they stopped making updates for the MacOS Catalina, I’ve been using Folx. It’s alright, but I feel like there’s better options out there for me. What do you Anons recommend?

I’m using a 2012 MacBook Pro, and I’m too broke to replace it for something newer and better
Is this ZinieQ?
No it’s azami_1110
just use qbittorent. no reason not to.
if you want something more permanent, buy a basic 2 or 4 bay synology nas and setup qbittorent using docker/container, then use rss (nyaa for anime, torrentgalaxy for tv shows & movies)
Got a smart TV with the Plex app on it, and I set up a Plex media server on my file server. works well enough.
Solutions from easy to hard:
1) running qbittorrent, transmission, deluge (?)
or BitTorrent (ads, and closed source)
2) running a VM with for example linux in it (and then the clients on that system.)
3) compiling open source clients for mac.
I’ve run several VMs on my Mac back in the day, essentially quad booting it with ubuntu, windows 8, kali Linux, and windows 10 at the same time. This was back when I was trying to jailbreak my iPod and the most recent software for doing so was a windows exclusive

It’s unfortunately just a little too slow nowadays to reliably run even one VM. Still appreciate the idea
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Where can I torrent/stream German dubs (movies, tv, anime)? For Russian stuff (original or dubbed) I can always use RuTracker or any number of streaming websites, but I don't know any analogues for German dubs. Want to watch some kinos in German to improve my language
Any good andriod apps for torrenting. Mostly educational books.
And what about a good free book reader. I am mostly looking for dark mode A web browser extension would work too, maybe even preferable.
thats bullshit
why do some of my torrents have their hash as their name and aren't downloading
you can just right click copy link on the dont use vpn button
I am wondering if it makes sense to vpn to a country where torrenting isnt being hunted down so bad or if it doesnt matter at all
crossposting a question from /vgtg/:
Bros, does anyone have the actual store version of Minecraft? I mean the actual minecraft.net release straight from the store that lets you play on most servers (thinking of 2b2t) with an actual account, NOT the cracked/tlauncher version. Also, which version of Minecraft (java/bedrock/etc) for win11 supports cross-platform with PE (Android)? I was thinking of playing co-op with my brother
I don't know if this does help:
For the Java Edition, look for a client.jar file, *game version here*.jar
>client.jar is the main code source for Minecraft. It is located in the
>.minecraft/versions/<version> directory. When using the latest version
>of the launcher, it is named <game version>.jar.
Is RuTracker entirely safe? Downloading some instrument libraries for Kontakt (SWAM Solo Brass Bundle, SWAM Solo Strings Bundle, and SWAM Solo Woodwinds Bundle) and they've all flagged as potentially having viruses. Everything I've gotten from here previously has been safe but I don't want to get a trojan on my PC out of carelessness.
Thanks so much! Are you implying that by just running the .jar file (through just double-clicking it), I get to play with a non-cracked client that supports co-op with android? And just to confirm, I can DL any version of MC Java straight from 1337 right?
>t. mildly autistic
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1. You're retarded
2. See pic related, I stg some of you motherfuckers are the most socially inept people I've ever interacted with82wt
1. it's true tho, so I guess you are the retarded one
2. I don't use cracked or licensed software, so it's not my hobby (foss software is always better)
How the FUCK do you remove the "save in" file locations from BitTorrent?
the point of using a vpn to torrent is to just connect to any country to chase away your own ISP, it's basically just like putting on a balaclava.
the country is only really relevant for accessing geo-locked content or maybe to throw off geographic ad tracking AI, otherwise you should just connect to whatever's fastest
I know what a vpn does i was just wondering if it makes sense to tunnel to a country that doesnt care about this stuff or if it doent matter bc only the country i am living in matters
I've been downloading music in .flac format, the same album but from different source can have a difference of 500 mb, how is this possible? is the heavier version better? Im having the biggest FOMO ever, I DONT WANT TO LISTEN TO A 14.2% INFERIOR VERSION OF MY FAVORITE ARTIST HEEELP!
Level (0 to 8) and Bit depth can influence size. Did you get a spectral, to see if one of both is a transcode from lossy? Or to rule that out?
>Level (0 to 8) and Bit depth can influence size
but does i affect the quality?
>Did you get a spectral, to see if one of both is a transcode from lossy? Or to rule that out?
there is a spectral but Im a complete amateur, I dont know how to read it
Are there any resources for webripping/blu-ray ripping? I have a lot of movies I'd like to rip for my own personal archive.
Specifically webripping; i know of a few ways to rip blu-rays but I am completely unfamiliar with webrips
I’m trying to waste as much bandwidth as possible in short amounts of time while supporting the bt protocol. Does anyone have suggestions for certain (qBittorrent) settings I could use or torrents I could seed for optimal upload speeds? I’m planning to port forward sometime but don’t quite know how to get that set up.
I can occasionally get to 1.5mb/s up, but only when I have a lot of active uploads.
If any faster speeds are unattainable, I’d still greatly appreciate hashes for popular torrents with a high amount of leechers.
If the question would be: you need a VPN for a "small" file (<1GB) for a single use in several months.
Maybe you want to have a look at
They have an option for 1GB files for free.
This should not be seen as an ad, it is for the many times I saw users asking for a free VPN.
WEB-RIP'ing is screen recording, WEB-DL'ing is getting the video files from the provider.
There are places online where the matter you asked for is discussed.
So what's /t/ opinion on bitmagnet? It' supposed to be a local indexer, but I'm not sure on how safe it is.
bros i think im genuinely retarded. im trying to seed my uploads, but everyone gets stuck at around the same mark (~90%). my client says ive got 100% availability no matter how many times i recheck. i can seed others' uploads just fine.
Any trackers for femdom porn?
If I apply to the main femdom tracker via emailing them (femdomcult) what am I supposed to say to convince them to let me in?
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>the human eye cannot see over 576p
I'm sorry wat
No but I've recieved multiple DMCA letters from my ISP. One of them was for 1918 and the other was for Tropic Thunder, funnily enough. This was only a couple years ago. There was a bug with my VPN provider that let packets through even though there was a kill switch. They patched it but still sucked. Luckily have moved since.
There are very few movies in 1440p simply because it's not the standard. The standard sizes are:
(UHD=4k) for big TVs
(FHD=1080P) for small normal TVs and monitors
(HD=720p) for tablets or those who want to conserve internet and not play vids in FHD
(SD=480p) for small phones.

Movies are usually shot in 4K nowadays and downscaled to 1080p or upscaled to 8k(if possible).

Very few people have TVs or monitors that have native 1440p res.

Cracking is basically modifying the license files and injecting them with a bogus license that works. Most of the time the cracked software stops working if you update it.
I just got a seedbox with deluge and I'll be accessing it via VPN. Do I need to do anything regarding the setup of a seedbox or deluge to torrent safely? All I see in the deluge preferences is a proxy option, is that recommended in this case?
why should i seed?
>is a proxy option, is that recommended in this case
What do you want to use the proxy for?
A seedbox is used to torrent. Would you like to elaborate a bit about the way you wanted to use it?
Leave out the content you want.
are there any torrent trackers with data breaches? stuff that you would've found on raidforums or breached
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any reason why iknowwhatyoudownload shows my IP as torrenting porn? And illegal porn? I only torrent legal shows/movies. It's accurate besides the XXX stuff. I don't use a VPN.
do ip trolls lurk the torrents on here or should i wear a condom on /t/
You use a shared ip
>You use a shared ip
I don't. that's why it's weird. unless my ISP lied to me when I set it up.
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hey /t/ friends i've been searching for several 30-for-30 episodes with no luck (sports documentaries by ESPN). i'm considering subscribing to ESPN+ for like only 1 or 2 months and using OBS to save them. I may or may not have an account with a torrent search engine and if i did i would definitely not share the copywritten material illegally. out of curiousity, if one were to share something recorded on OBS can anyone recommend a guide on setting it all up, formatting, compressing (if that's a thing). it would make sense for someone who were going to do that type of thing to learn about it all ahead of time before subscribing to the streaming service. not that i would do that, of course.
Hello /t/ friends, first time visiting this place and I had a couple questions.

Is there a place where I can downloaded Japanese manga, art books and music in FLAC?

What are some good websites that you recommend to download BD scans a part from the normal sites like Nyaa? I am also looking for some Japanese learning websites a long with a few other websites for learning different languages. I am just building an archive at this point.

Also, what are some good torrent softwares and finally why do people complain about piracy?
Fuck. On.
ayo this nigga downloading kiddie porn
>ayo this nigga downloading kiddie porn
nah not me that's why it's weird. it has some Russian torrents, porn, and illegal porn that aren't mine but most of it is.
>nah not me that's why it's weird. it has some Russian torrents, porn, and illegal porn that aren't mine but most of it is.
I guess I should add I have a self hosted server but I'm pretty sure they can't use my internet/IP somehow for that... right?
is sony vegas still the best video editing software to pirate? if so are the copies on tpb still good?
Ok, if you know you did not download it, and if your IP is not shared,
then probably you have a infected device.
Is the server facing the internet (reachable) ?
If so, I would argue the use was done from the server.
Do you know if any exploits are currently working against your server setup?
If the server is not the problem, try to find out which device was owned.
... thinking about it, do you use a torrent client which had the problem with a unsecured
web interface? A vulnerable client and no vpn could be the problem too.
>Ok, if you know you did not download it, and if your IP is not shared,
>then probably you have a infected device.
>Is the server facing the internet (reachable) ?
>If so, I would argue the use was done from the server.
>Do you know if any exploits are currently working against your server setup?
>If the server is not the problem, try to find out which device was owned.
>... thinking about it, do you use a torrent client which had the problem with a unsecured
>web interface? A vulnerable client and no vpn could be the problem too.
but how would any of this happen? I would image I'd see logs of someone logging on and files would exist on my server somewhere if they downloaded using my shit, right? My server might be vulnerable but I can't see any logs of anything weird happening.
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When people make threads like this on /tv/, how exactly am I supposed to get the torrent from this? I’m used to copying and pasting magnet links like on /t/
You go on BHD (the place where FLUX is releasing) and search for Frogman.
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peep the handbook
Anon, do you know for sure you have a static IP?
if you don't have a static IP there could be anything on there from previous users, even so, mine still shows incorrect torrents when I /know/ I have a static IP and no compromises, sometines the bots just get it wrong.
Places to check for a .torrent file when you know the hash but DHT isn't giving metadata?

Tried btcache.me, btsow.com, magnet2torrent.com, itorrents.org, torrage.info, no dice at any of them.

Hash is 969d90cb778867e327313e6d429797b8c2d86485 if you're feeling masochistic.

Thank you.
are PDFs (and other ebook formats) safe to download? I didn't think that it would be a problem because I didn't think it was an executable, but I've heard that viruses are commonly spread through PDFs. Can someone please explain this to me, and how I can be safe?
Where do I get updates for vidya?
The only guy who gives out updates for vidya that I know of is IGGGAMES.
There was a torrent site from Russia, I believe, that I saw posted here a few times. I lost the name and can't remember it. It's porn section often had torrents of collected Gonewild posts and older collections of themed amateur nudes with things like computers as the collection title.

Does this ring any bells for anyone? If so could you give me the address?
only russian tracker i know is rutracker, don't know if that's what you're looking for

anyone know where to get the painting software rebelle 7?
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Bros, is there a torrent site without too much intrusive ads and/or porn ads?
I need it for some no-adblocker normie family members
There is one! I would name it but the evil side would just use this to target the site and attempt to destroy it.
You can find it easily. Just search for a list of the top 10 or top 20 public sites! It will be included in such a list!
when will we have legit AI sex robots?
You're the only person on earth that can answer that. Listen to both and decide if you can tell the difference.
How would you get the file otherwise?
It's true that pdf can contain malware and if someone really wants you to suffer, they'll be able to. But I think it's unlikely if you use a somewhat up to date and standard pdf reader or even your browser.
This german guy has interesting info.
Best way I found is through youtubers like donkey.
The most biased the better.
define legit
what functions?
I just noticed a bunch of torrents dissapeared in my qbittorrent. I guess this is how torrents die, whats up with that? I'm trying to find them to readd them but I can't find all of them obviously, the files are fine but I wanna seed, how do I prevent this from happening again?
I think I'm one of the few who uses an old TV and HDMI cable to connect it to the PC. It works fine for me. I also have a monitor that I use for normal pc usage.
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Is there any way to have the "downloaded" match either the total size of the file or read zero?

The reason the numbers are wacky is because I renamed a bunch of files, removed the torrents from QB because retard, readded the torrents by finding them online, changed torrents' location path, and finally did a "force recheck" because I assume that's what should be done.

Long story short, I was a hit and run fag since the mid 2000's. Not anymore. The torrents in pic are the ones I plan to seed until I die.
I bought a +10TB portable HDD: I probably won't move it but I like the option of using a laptop and an HDMI on any modern TV. Usually I just watch stuff on my ultrawide monitor at my battlestation. If I get tired of the computer chair I have a recliner I recycled that's just behind my chair/monitor.
I also have this question.
All of them if you use an ad block. I use Brave browser's build in shields and uBlockOrigin if the aforementioned fails. If you don't want to do this then consider using qBittorrrent's built in search option.
Tixati user here

I've scraped all the magnet links from Nyaa and I want to get the metadata for each torrent without starting to download the files themselves.

Is it possible to have just the metadata downloaded without starting any files themselves? I'd like to have a library of dormant torrents that show a list of the files within each, but with a txt file of 36k+ magnet links, I'm not going to stop each torrent manually once the file list is downloaded.

Should I just be using a different client? Is there a way to do this with a headless client? I have better than average grasp of tech and can script some things out.
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this isnt really a question but more of a request from a dumb newfag.
i got this picrelated torrent a few years ago and stopped seeding because it had a bunch of seeds at the time. just recently i saw someone requested something similar on another thread and thought i'd check it and apparently it now has 0 seeds and when i started reseeding it had 27 peers at 0%. I left it on overnight and now there's 68 peers trying to get it but my dumbass home connection apparently doesnt want to connect to any of them.

it's a pretty great torrent (siterip of all gamefaqs text files up to 2021) and i can't upload it to anyone via bittorrent, so i thought maybe someone here can get it from this file host and reseed it for a bit on my behalf.

heres the magnet and filehost addresses for the files, excuse my retardation doing them all separately, i'm not good with computer.

https://easyupload.io/tbqz0w (gen 9)
https://easyupload.io/qxnud3 (gen 8)
https://easyupload.io/83r0b7 (gen 7)
https://easyupload.io/bifq28 ...
https://easyupload.io/v25d2t (gen 1 in properly named folder in a .zip)

you gotta make an account on this website? this shit safe?
Well, I just added the magnet and instantly got connected with 9 seeds. It looks like the torrent is healthy enough for now
oh good to know.
Is there any sites that are exclusively amateur torrents? I've been looking for megapacks or just single videos of real maids fucking. Whether it be in a hotel, at home, or wherever. As long as shes employed as a maid and sleeping with a guy while on the job. I'd settle for escort / massage videos too. Race doesnt matter.
you probably have your ports closed. Google it, it's one of the most common problems retarded zoomers have.
Have you never heard of private torrent trackers before that you're puzzled by this?
Yes you need to have an account there, and you can only download with an account. The tracker keeps track of your upload/download ratio and enforces other things like minimum required seeding time or rewards for seeding a lot, all of which overall contribute to the longevity of torrents, as opposed to some public place like TorrentGalaxy where everything older than ~3 years is fucking dead with no seed in sight. Typically the "recognition" of the user by the torrent tracker is achieved by having a unique announce URL, so if you give your .torrent files to your friend then he will trash your ratio.
Most private trackers are also closed/gated and you can't just simply "make an account" there. Find someone who will invite you there. It's an (ideally) self-selecting community/network of people who are trusted to be at least somewhat adequate. Although a tracker can be permanently open for registration, too, like Rutracker once was a while back (private tracker with forced registration and ratio counting, but open for everyone - they went fully public a few years ago)
Private trackers are valued for their libraries of more rare content that is still seeded, and also for being more safe DMCA-wise (if you live in a country where it's a concern).
I can't believe I'm the only one who is doing this or posting about it. I watch my downloads in two ways
Old win7 lap
Turn on Windows Media Streaming in the Network and Sharing Center
Enable Smart TVs or other devices.
My LGs and Samsung TVs have media player apps that play videos in the Win 7 Home Video folder as set in Windows Media Player.
No wires. No cable connections. 100% wifi.
The only catch is no subtitles will transmit over wi-fi (or at least I haven't gotten them to work)
Solution is to encode subs into video with Handbrake

Downloads all go on a usb thumb drive or ssd mobile drive
Plug movie drive into usb ports on Smart LGs, Samsungs.
Play movies with TV media player app
Subtitles will work in most cases as long as they are the same exact name of the file (except for file extension, usualy .smt) and it's in a folder with the video file.
Obviously great for taking movies with you on the go and no computer needed. Just a friend or family's Smart TV.
Why do i sometimes see my real IP in the peer list for a couple seconds

Why do i sometimes see random IP's with the same port as mine
How do I get images out of an SQLite file?
What are some good USB sticks for their price? I was considering a single large disk but they don't come cheap and I'd much easier get over misplacing a single stick than my entire collection.
I have no idea
What is wrong with TPB? I use it all the time no problemo.
god ever since rargb died there're zero places to download tv series from
>bro just use (insert garbage site here)
No, your shit site doesn't even have magnets for batches.
I'm not downloading 20 episodes one by one.
It's still my first goto
90% of the time it has exactly what I want.
greetings from India by the way!
Okay ill bite, when you wanna install a movie, theres some extra info, such as

encoded with x265 in HEVC and AAC 7.1
Encoded using the time consuming 2 pass, 10 bit color at 6000 kbps

etc, what are these things exactly, in specifics? and also, what makes some of these movies bigger some smaller than others, despite being 1080p?
lmao, this guy doesn't even know how to install a movie
Encoding type means the type of compression that was used. The only time it matters is when you're trying to watch it on some kind of USB stick that you plug to your TV or a smart TV, since they might not support it. iphones also don't support certain codecs because niggercattle that use them don't deserve a functional device.

AAC is an audio codec, 7.1 means it supports up to a 7.1 surround audio setup (but can be played on worse ones, like simple stereo or mono). Same restrictions as above apply.

The rest are just technical details for people to jerk off over, because their 10bit encode is 0.4575% better than an 8bit encode. You won't see any difference unless you're specifically looking for a reason to complain.

Kbps is bitrate, which means how much data is "spend" on every second of a movie. This is essentially what makes two 1080p encodes vastly different in size - the higher the bitrate, the more data is used to store each frame. More data = sharper image, less artifacts, bigger size.

99.9% of the time the only player you need to have installed on your PC is MPC-HC or VLC to watch everything on the market without any issues whatsoever.
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I'm just trying to get Adobe Acrobat Pro but this keeps popping up on 1337x
how do I prevent this
You need a free VPN
ended up doing that
My mom uses the pirate bay, any other good site for full TV/Movies i only know the weeb shit, and i don't want her to get an virus.
I have a 5TB HDD. I want to torrent a variety of things on it but mainly movies, tv episodes, audio files. i don't plan on playing games on it even if i do end up storing them there. I also have a smaller 1tb hdd to put stuff on from it to use externally on other devices such as my media box .

What format should I use, ExFAT or NTFS, and what should the unit allocation size be? Should this be different between the 1tb hdd and 5tb hdd? Is smaller or bigger cluster size (unit allocation size right?) better?
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Does anyone know how to Turn DVDs into actual digital video formats where they can then be made into a torrent. Asking for a friend (picrel)
have you tried >>1299026 ?

also on that note, there are a lot of torrent sites out there and not all of them are english language or popular on english language internet but have content you wouldn't find anywhere else, is there a proper way to torrent files on unknown sites without risking a virus?

say this show https://d.pianbar.cc/btshow/3648730
no idea what anyone's saying but i still want to torrent it because i can't find it anywhere else. would setting up a virtual machine and going through the usual torrenting process be the right way to check the file's safety? i know it would work, i just mean would it be overkill if i'm only torrenting movies and tv and not anything with an executable.
is there a terminal based torrent client that isn't rtorrent or a fork there of?

gang stalkers
I just made my first torrent to share on here after years of being a shameless leecher, but when I try posting it, the link is too long to fit into the post box for 4chan. How can I shorten the link so I can give back to the world and atone?
shorten the name of the torrent, put everything in a single archive, chop off some of the trackers at the end, encode in base32/64, pastebin & link
since you're so tech illiterate you can't even go to google dot com and search for "windows dvd rip" I'll spoonfeed ya! Open vlc (I hope you're not so illiterate I have to gib you a how to install) and press Media > Convert/Save, change opptions if you wish, select files/disc and hit save.
Note: it's one of the slowest though simplest tools for the job, I looked for some tools [spoiler]I fucking HATE proprietary software, especially when it charges money,[/spoiler] and handbrake is a good choice, but if the discs have DRM you have to download a file and that's just too much for the average person.
too little info, what software, OS you using? does the client have a forum/bug tracker, if yes, are you the first with the issue?
I'll hazzard a guess and say that those are dead torrents as either no tracker is tracking it or there are no peers to torrent from
>your country doesn't care about DMCA
don't bother
>your country does care about DMCA
not having internet is a bigger bother

NTA, not exactly, there's more to minecraft than a single jar. there are two types of clients (to my limited understanding) online and offline, online's the regular one, while offline is what you use if you don't have internet. now the cracked variety is just setting the client into permanent offline mode and not forcing authentication (as has happened to me when I didn't have stable enough internet for a few months and the launcher forced a login on me). if you run your own minecraft server, you can set it into offline mode via the config.txt and anyone can join regardless of client type, I do not, however know of any java versions that support crossplay with bedrock eddition (unless we're talking custom servers), and don't bother with LEET, the minecraft versions are archived by mojang(now microshaft) and are publicly accessable (not available, you need to know the URL), just use a "cracked" client like UltimMC or ATLauncher.
*technically does, but it's flac so it's only in a studio you'd notice
depends on how you got it, if you have an image that supports transparency, invert the color on one with no compression/optimisation and overlay them with 50% transparency on one, then see if there's any difference. alternatively put bot into sneedacity and line up the peaks, then invert one, merge both, and see what comes out. the flatter the less there's a difference.
also, you're yousing flac, you don't care about file size, what's another gigabyte per 6-8 minutes?
>t. flac connisour, not addict and opus enjoyer
I just took all the trackers off of it after researching more that apparently you don't need trackers for a public torrent? Do you mind testing this torrent to see if it even downloads? It is spongebob season 14

dunno about more trackers.
you tell 'em what you like about femdom, how it makes you feel, how you'd do anything for a dom and you NEED the torrents to keep yourself and society safe, lest you commit unspeakable atroccities in the name of being dominated by a female.
check TPB, 1337x and rutracker, dunno beyond that.

dunno. goolag some sites, my guy. can't be that hard, right?

rtorrent, transmission and qbittorrent and people (consoomers) complain because you aren't being a good goy(cattle) and aren't like them(fachists) and they(corps) complain because they aren't getting every shekel they can, if they could they'd rip the clothes off your back for a fart joke in a comercial
you've been proxied then, as in you are the proxy and no file has been saved to your device, like thanos you're just the messanger and you didn't read or write the message passed on. alternatively, have you considered that internet niggers are wrong sometimes and you haven't knowingly or unknowingly recieved or transmitted illegal pornography? it could also be that they're operating on dated legalese so it used to be illegal or it's illegal somewhere else.
Genuinely uncompressed video is EXTREMELY HUGE, for 1080p it's many gigabytes per minute (not a typo). It's extremely impractical. No one uses that, typically not even professional-grade cameras, let alone formats for consumers. Uncompressed lossless video is a thing, but it has an extremely small range of niche contexts where it makes sense to use it. Real-life footage of real people and scenery using real-life cameras with optics doesn't require uncompressed footage, because a lot of stuff in the frames is technically "meaningless noise" (for example, think of leaves on a tree - does it really matter to your eye if every single leaf is described and shown 100% exactly how it is?).

Types of information such as video and audio can be compressed in a LOSSY way, which is different from putting it into .zip or .rar archives. Lossy compression deliberately removes some parts of the video or audio data, in such a way that your eyes and ears (almost) don't notice it but this enables the information to be compressed quite a lot.

If it's done well, you won't notice anything. If it's done poorly, you'll see "compression artifacts"; in the video, it often looks a bit like classic poorly made jpegs.

There are different algorithms that were invented over time (such as H264 aka AVC, or H265 aka HEVC) and different ways to use them to achieve good results. In general, there is a triangle of three things: time, quality, and resulting file size - and you can only choose two out of three, or some balance between them. You can't expect a fucking miracle, like some excellent looking 1 GB rip of a 2 hour movie in 1920x1080 resolution, but with more adequate goals good compression is achievable. Which is why a typical H264 bluray rip is some 7-15 GB and usually looks "fine" on a computer monitor, even though the original stream on the bluray is ~30 GB.

The other anon who responded to you is also correct about specific specs, but this here is the general gist of compresson.
Flac is a lossless encode of the SOURCE. Nothing is lost in the encoding process, but what the source was is up to you to check and/or trust. If one of them is from some shitty source then it can be smaller because stuff like upconverts from mp3 compress quite well.

Also, there is a setting in flac (level) that balances the time it takes to compress into flac and the resulting file size. There is no difference in audio quality, it's still the same exact set of 1s and 0s of the waveform.

But a difference of 500 MB is fucking huuuuuuuge because a typical album (CD-length) is under 600 MB in flac. Something's not right here.

Can it be that one of those uploads has ultra HQ artwork scans embedded into each individual track?
The single best thing that you can do for purposes of archiving and preserving information, for yourself and for future generations (unironically), is NOT to rip them into a compact .avi DVD-rip, but to upload them as full DVDs. Then, someone who cares and who knows better than you can make small DVDrips if they wish.

Consider this for an analogy: suppose you have a rare audio CD, out of print and all that, highly sought by some people online. Sure, you can make a MP3 rip of it, but why not share the original quality? This CD will rot or break sooner or later, archive it into FLAC while you still can. At any random point in time, you - or anyone else - will be able to convert that bit-perfect FLAC into MP3 if they want, but you can't restore the original quality from an MP3 rip.

Same principle applies to your DVDs. Frankly, DVD is a shitty format by 2024 standards and there is no particular reason to enshittify it further into some 1.37 GB .avi XviD rip.

If the DVDs have no DMCA-whatever-copy protection, you can literally just treat them as a folder. Put it into your CD tray, copy the contents from the disc into a folder, voila. It's directly watchable using MPC-HC or any other player. The big .VOB files are individual parts of a video (split into 1 GB chunks), the .IFO files right before them (in alphabetical order of files) are "playlist" to play the video from several 1 GB chunks uninterrupted as a single video.

If the DVDs *DO* have copy protection, google how to copy the files from such a disc into a folder on your HDD. I'm sure it's trivial in 2024 with some small free utility which Just Works (tm).
well I checked it, and it don't work. I use rtorrent so that *might* be the culprit. the first error is the wss protocol tracker ath the end, I don't know what that's about so I cut it out, then I couldn't connect to either of the trackers listed, neither openbittorrent not opentrackr was reachable. try another tracker (or perhaps I should, I'm no torrent enthusiast, just a network admin so I'm outta the loop)
I have problems downloading certain files while others works fine. I can't connect to any seeds/peers while other anon claim these downloads work fine for them. So I asume that this is a location problem between me and the seeds/peers?
goddammit. I have no idea what to do. I guess I'll just stick to mooching off others. I spent like 6 hours manually splitting and renaming episodes from 14 seasons of spongebob so it would cleanly fit into Plex correctly and just wanted to share my hard work..
there's two things I want you to try, go to pastebin dot com and make a new paste containing the original torrent that you made, copy the resulting id (last part of the url) and post it here. secondly go to wikihow and search "how to make torrent" and follow the steps *carefully*, then get back here with a link to the tutorial and the torrent you made
Here's a question that you need to ask yourself before dealing with the technical issues.
Spongebob, one of the most well-known modern animated series. You think uploads of it in every quality don't exist on well-known public-facing torrent trackers?
You think someone would seek a collection of Spongebob in a random thread on 4chan instead of going to TGX or 1337 or Rutracker or any other well-known source?
Even if some of the stuff in your collection is fairly unique and missing from popular uploads, you think anyone has a chance of discovering it here?
You think someone would want to download fourteen fucking seasons at once, as one torrent / one folder, which I'm guessing is hundreds of gigabytes?

The best thing that you can do if you want to ensure the longevity of your material is:
- Find popular existing uploads on torrent trackers and join them (download them and keep seeding, or if the content matches exactly down to every single bit then let the torrent client check it and join the swarm as a seeder right away)
- If you have something unique and rare on your hands, then go to some popular tracker with a section for this kind of content and create a proper upload there, with a name and description and other stuff, so that other people can discover it there. This is what being an uploader actually means. Same with the vast majority of other anons from other threads that I see here. Someone spent time putting together a collection of photo sets and videos of some Met-Art model? Great, unironically good work, but go to Pornolab and upload it there with a description and samples and shit. THAT's how you ensure that your torrent survives for years, and that it will be downloaded by more than 2 people.

I assure you that absolutely no one on earth is going to prefer a random newbie anon's magnet link to a collection in fuck knows what quality over existing well-structured, well-described uploads on established trackers.
>You think uploads of it in every quality don't exist on well-known public-facing torrent trackers?
If they do, I couldn’t find them. The one I based my torrent off of is one that I downloaded from Pirate Bay that was seasons 1-13 in 1080p, around 230gbs. But upon closer inspection I discovered several duplicate episodes that took the place of other episodes, 75% of the episodes were stuck in dual episode format which doesn’t jive well with Plex(and I’m assuming other Plex like software), and many episodes were named as one episode but were actually a whole different one. Also season 11 was just completely fucked up with errors that I had to just find that season on its own and replace the one in the original torrent. The only torrents I could find anywhere online of season 14 were episodes 10 and 11 so I went to KimCartoon and used a video downloader to grab them from off there to complete the collection.
>Even if some of the stuff in your collection is fairly unique and missing from popular uploads, you think anyone has a chance of discovering it here?
Yeah? I’ve downloaded lots of series from here that I couldn’t easily find on piratebay or 1337x. If there’s another pre-split correctly named collection of the complete SpongeBob series in HD I am not aware of where it is.
>You think someone would want to download fourteen fucking seasons at once, as one torrent / one folder, which I'm guessing is hundreds of gigabytes?
Absolutely yes, as I do this all the time. I downloaded all 15 seasons of Supernatural in 1080p at once and it was around 500gbs. Is that weird? Hell I downloaded a 1.2 TB collection of just Hitomi Tanaka porn once from here.
>If they do, I couldn’t find them.
Idk mate, for example:
https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6354008 (this season is apparently shorter, idk, you tell me as a Spongebob fan)
etc etc

- web-dl from Amazon, specifically the region that has the best bitrate/quality; your comment about sizes makes me think that they probably both have the same scene release as a source
- I'm not personally familiar with Spongebob but a quick search tells me that it was never released on bluray, which is very common, so webdls are the best thing you'll get (direct stream captures, not screen recordings)
- original audio preserved
- added the official Rus and Ukr dubs (expected since Rutracker has it in their rules, you can simply ignore those extra audio tracks)
- well-seeded and likely to stay this way for decades, just like almost anything on Rutracker, which is a huge advantage of that tracker
- episode order/numbers are in accordance with the official production numbers (quote from the description there)
- curated and released by someone who is clearly a big fan of the show and manages the creation of the fanmade alt translation

> Is that weird?
Yeah bc the vast majority of people don't have that much free space on their drives, only a small number of enthusiasts do. And very few are willing to seed those ~230 gigs at once. A dozen per-season torrents, each of them a reasonable size, will be seeded for far longer and by more people than the absolute gigawhale of a torrent with the entire show. I've seen it countless times on all sorts of trackers.

I mean, you're a Spongebob expert and I'm not so if you know what you're doing and my arguments don't hold up for you then I won't push. But I still feel that you've almost completely redone someone's already done work for a much smaller potential audience.
Yeah season 10 was the shortest season by far because half the crew was working on a movie. The torrent I fixed uses the Amazon versions as well. I just wanted to share it with any other cartoon/spongebob enthusiast on /t/ mainly, I didn’t really expect people to seed it or anything. It was such a headache splitting and editing everything I just wanted to save anyone else as ocd about having everything perfect on Plex perfect like me their time. Also I figured most people here have bigass external hardrives like me being the torrent board and all..
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Since that earlier comment I've checked and apparently almost all Spongebob episodes consist of two stories or "segments". Is this what you were splitting? But it seems that pretty much everyone on the internet universally considers these segments to be a single episode in terms of counting in episode lists and releasing on torrents.

>Also I figured most people here have bigass external hardrives like me being the torrent board and all..

Sure but a 200+ GB torrent is a fucking chore to deal with still. Typically there are a few very dedicated datahoarders who keep and seed even stuff they don't care about, but anyone even a bit more normal wouldn't keep that. They'd keep seeding *smaller* per-season torrents though, and that's how these smaller ones will be kept alive by the larger swarm for longer.

I'm slowly working on a complete Gemma Arterton collection, keeping the highest quality versions (ideally complete blurays) but also maintaining a database of the best public options for different qualities, where "best" = typically best-seeded (on public trackers). I expect it to be ~1.5 TB or so. A collection of 1080p bluray rips or webdls would be in the ballpark of 500-600 GBs I guess. But I don't expect anyone to care about a torrent of this size featuring all her movies at once. It will be a neat organized table with no-hassle direct links to grab any of her movies in the desired quality. Picrel is an early wip sketch (even the magnet links in the screenshot are temp placeholders). I'll have it as a local database from which a static html page, or a 4chan barebones txt post, can be generated.
So what is the reason that sites like 1337x, RARBG, etc, get so fucked by hosting providers for sharing torrent links, but this place doesn't despite being far bigger and given frequent mainstream media attention? MagnetDL only provides links, as is the case here, and yet still got in trouble with its own provider a few years ago.
Even if the site is run out of some underground Bulgarian bunker with hosting that doesn't need to abide by US laws, shouldn't ISPs still be pushed to ban known torrent-sharing/piracy websites? Mega files that are posted here get taken down sometimes if they're not Base64 encoded so it's not like the companies don't know.
thanks for clarifying
Why isnt there a torrent of the hobbit movies at 48fps? Surely the studio could release the movie digitally at a high fps
48 fps isn't supported by Blu-Ray, not even the newer UHD/HEVC Blu-Ray. There's only 50, 60 and 59.97. Classic FullHD / BD25 & BD50 blurays didn't even support 25 fps progressive, which is why European productions that had something to do with TV, like TV series or TV movies, could only be released as 25 interlaced.

Now, of course, a video player application running on a computer can play a video at any random fps, but 48 fps looks REALLY REALLY FUCKING BAD on 60 Hz screens. Jittery in the worst ways as if you're constantly having microfreezes. Even 50 fps videos look better. You can somewhat easily adapt 24 fps to 60 refreshes (with a 3:2 pulldown or some version of it), but 48->60 just straight up looks bad.

I imagine 48->120 would be better (mathematically it's the same ratio as 24->60), but many TVs and monitors are 60 Hz, and most definitely were 60 Hz around the time of Hobbit.

Just generally speaking, you can get away with so much more when your output device is a projector that can show any random-ass resolution and any random-ass fps. Home screens, with a preset resolution and refresh rate, place a lot of constraints.

There is a somewhat similar, though distinctly different, issue with the resolution. Movies are typically mastered in 2048xN px, or 4096xN px for "4K". Or some other "roughly 2000" number for certain aspect ratios, but notice that these numbers aren't 1920 and 3840. It's not an issue with HQ copies for movie theaters (DCI), because a projector will output your 2048x852 video with pixel-perfect precision and will project it onto the canvas. But for home screens, it gets resized to 1920x800 with black bars. This of course reduces the clarity a bit, although you lose quite a lot of it from compression already.
that makes perfect sense, thank u very mnuch
Why are so many movie bluray rips by scene groups made to be specifically 6.55 GiB (give or take some megabytes)? It's weirdly consistent between all kinds of releases. What is this magic number, exactly?
What does the peers and seeders mean when you look at it on the tra ker urls tab? Because i see several ones when i look at the tab but when i look at my actual torrent theres none but myself.
Are you torrenting with a usb stick? They're horrible because they can shit themselves randomly.
Can anyone help me with if its possible to connect to or download this torrent. It doesnt seem to work
Only gorillas don't use adblock, anon.
Doesn't work
archlinux - transmission 4.0.5
>tech illiterate blablabla
Read the op again, passive aggressive fag
What filesize is "adequate" to you for movies? Is 2GB too low?
Assuming I do that, where should I go if I want my torrent to exist? Where do I find anons that care apart from here?

Thanks anons (not him).
I'm a retard but here's how I explain it:
It's cat and mouse, but with an overly administrative cat that must jump through loops of bs (property owners), and can only catch the mouse through another administrative cat (isp) that care on paper but really doesn't as long as it's being paid and isn't brought to court every day, to catch a mouse that is in fact thousands of mice that just need a computer and a website to share a bit of text between each other (magnets) to share the content on their hard drive.
None of them have the resource to check all data going through the internet pipes, so the only thing they can do is wait for a piracy whale to appear (megaupload, piratebay, rarbg, ...) and flag it.
Then launch their administrative operation that must be fucking long and not fun.
Then wait for the authorities to do the deed and close the site.
I'm sure it's been optimized by now and they can do it faster, but it's always a reaction to an action, and I doubt it can be automated. /g/fags please explain if I'm wrong).
ISPs are "pushed" in the way that they face fines and buraucratic bs, but they can't be prosecuted for being """incompetent""" with their """search""".
It may be projecting on my part, but I wouldn't be surprised if ISP employees torrent too. It's fun and it's free.
It's dead to me
>Is 2GB too low?
Way way too low, and the only people online who claim otherwise are those who watch stuff on their phones (where the physically small screen makes the compression artifacts less noticeable) or those who have no standards and/or little experience watching digital movies on a monitor so that they simply don't know better. And also the young generation who grew up with streaming, typically US streaming, which has absolute dogshit bitrates with some rare exceptions, and so they are accustomed to this specific low-quality look that they see on their Netflix and, again, they don't know better.

It's like Jean Claude van Damme posting this horrifying "AI enhanced" old throwback photo to his Facebook, and not noticing that this looks awful. Because he's a dumb boomer, because he's using his phone with a small screen, because due to his age and lack of autism he never, not once in his life, paid attention to how digital images on various screens look.

... Also of course there are some people who can't afford wasting gigabytes of internet traffic for one reason or another. Fair enough.

Most bluray rips that aren't made to be "mini" rips are something like 6-15 GiB. A longer movie quite obviously requires more space than a shorter movie to be at the same quality. A highly dynamic movie with transformers and explosions needs more space (desu it's better to say more bitrate, more kilobits per second) than a calm drama with soft colors where not much happens on the screen.

Don't sweat the specific numbers, bluray rips online quite neatly fall into these two categories of "roughly 6-15 GB ones" and "mini rips below 3 GB". Making a re-encode / bluray rip is not something that an average random dumbfuck Joe does, so the vast majority of rips are made by people who have at least some idea of why they are making the rip and what they plan to achieve.
Can you try again?
It works now!
>t. flac connisour, not addict and opus enjoyer
damn son
are you me?
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Figured it out but not for your software
Edit .ini file in a word processor
Search "SavePathHistory"
Edit the list to whatever you want
Search "RememberLastSavePath"
Type "false" after the equals sign
Save file
Restart qBit
stupid nigger kys
if I have a magnet link or torrent file, is there any way to save the metadata (file list and directory structure) to a text file without actually downloading the torrent?
i remember stumbling across a list of IP ranges from china/india/turdworld countries etc that was used to block connections but i cant find it anymore and i didn't download it at the time
anyone know of one or where to look?
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I have been downloading movies and i would like to be able to play them on my PS5. I know you have to put them in a folder labeled Videos to do it. But most of the torrents i download are mkv and sometimes audio wont play. And some of the movies are japanese with subtitles and i cant enable the subs.

So what is the best way to convert these files to something that a PS5 will play? I am assuming MP4 is the best way to go. I tried a few programs and the only one i can get to kinda work is Aiseesoft Video Converter. But the free version dont work and the pro version will only convert 5 minutes. I tried looking for a torrent of Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate with a key generator but none of them are working.

wat do?
I found out its possible to directly rip FLACs from Qobuz and Deezer, is there any reason to torrent music or use soulseek if its available on those services? Seems like a waste of time to me, wish I knew this before I wasted a bunch of time attempting to reaquire my library in FLAC off rutracker.

for 1080p probably H264 would work best, for 4K H265 and if it doesnt play mkv try mp4.
Only use Handbrake and ffmpeg, you don't need anything else, all the paid ones just repackage open source tools with a flashy UI.
Any good non-invite torrent trackers for porn that focuses on Fansly/Onlyfans/ManyVids content out there?
I lost my porn free streak because of this board. Fuck you coomers
start using filters

/porn|j[a4]v|flashing|sexy?|asmr|furry|shemale|trans\b|trap|tranny|bdsm|femdom|joi|cosplay|pmv|\/gif\/|gay|breasts?|boobs?|tits|thic[ck]|amouranth|m[ou]mmy|giantess|hentai|udon|tweetney|insertion|works|21roles|boutineLA|graphis|savoderova|fellatio|paizuri|naked|cam girl|larkin love|\bOF\b|insertion|goo girl|onlyfans|x-art|glory.?hole|skylar vox|hard.?core|candid|\bPH\b|image.?sets|nudes/i;op:only;boards:t;type:subject,comment;
I want to make my own personal media server with torrents, is it feasibly possible to download a fuck ton of torrents without getting shot by the media owners? If so, what Harddrives do you guys recommend?
Use a VPN if you live in a shithole and the biggest one you can afford, get 2 to have a backup.
Most VPNs should have a “killswitch” option or something similar in name that you need to turn on. Internet isn’t a solid stream of connection, like plugging a keyboard into a computer, it’s more like a wave that goes up and down with connection strength. Sometimes for a split second it will dip too low and your VPN disconnects showing your real IP. You never notice this with anything else because most things will just take an extra second to load, but with VPN you need it to always be connected or have killswitch turned on
Sounds more like a computer problem. I had a similar issue for awhile on my ubuntu computer. Basically just had to update and upgrade everything and it started working better. Could be a completely unrelated solution for your since you’re not giving too much to work with
it is on
thoughts on using refurbished drives?
probably yeah, if that's what you're after it may be better to use the direct FLAC ripping tool, but my main reason for using soulseek is that it has lots of people's random shit so it can have demo tapes or live albums or even just new things to listen to by downloading an entire folder of assorted genre or billboard year-end songs. also with things like video game OSTs i go on soulseek or just use yt-dlp on a playlist with youtube
but i'm not sure why anyone would torrent music basically ever considering downloading is literally always faster and has wider track availability.

this board is 90% useless porn threads. if you're too stupid to know to browse the catalog no more than every other month with filters then that's your fault.
Interesting. So it's basically a similar situation to Toei not attacking every random kid on DeviantArt who draws Goku and instead focusing on the big names like TFS?
I'm mainly surprised nobody's tried copyright trolling this place and framing it as a piracy site or something. Especially since threads here last for ages even if they eventually get deleted (and even then, there're still the archives)
You're retarded
Anything 720p and up is acceptable, going lower than 360p is retarded, going higher than 2k means you're a faggot who talks a lot about quality because it makes you feel better than your peers
MKV and MP4 are not formats (not variants of video encoding), they are containers. Inside them, there are video streams encoded with H264 or XviD or whatever you want. 99% of movies on torrents that are 720p and 1080p are in H264 so codec isn't an issue.

Don't use "converters". Use something like Avidemux (free and cross-platform) or any other similar software to literally remux/repack the problematic MKVs into MP4s (if this is indeed the issue in your case) without any reencoding of the video whatsoever.

If audio still doesn't play because it's in some advanced codec that your PS5 doesn't understand, in that case you can reencode the audio - into AAC or whatever you need - without reencoding the video. This can be done in that same Avidemux.

If you go with Avidemux, in the main window there are two blocks on the left, what to do with video and what to do with audio. For video, keep the default option "Copy" (= don't reencode). For audio, switch it to the codec that you want and configure the settings with the button below. Then, below audio, there is a container option where you can pick mkv/mp4/etc.
>is there any reason to torrent music or use soulseek if its available on those services?
The release can have different versions in different sources. Anything from a different tracklist to a different mastering. Especially be very wary around different modern re-releases of old singles/albums, the probability of a different master is pretty high and maybe it's something that's important to you.
Otherwise, you're correct.
>but i'm not sure why anyone would torrent music basically ever considering downloading is literally always faster and has wider track availability.

> downloading [from streaming like Deezer etc] has wider track availability than torrenting

Motherfucker what. Easily 90+% of music isn't available on streaming services.
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OP wanted newfag questions not retard answers
>Toei not attacking every random kid on DeviantArt who draws Goku

It's generally accepted now by most companies that going after random fan art or fan cosplay etc is bad for PR, even if technically the company is legally in the right. Fan works that generate like 1-5 bucks for the artist - if that - are free advertisement for your IP, and you'll spend more money on the salary of your corporate lawyers than you can ever hope to get out of that infingring criminal in court.

But this is a relatively recent status quo. Even text fanfics are a fairly new thing (compared to the age of the modern concept of copyright), and back when they were first appearing, they were not taken kindly by IP owners.

Also, idk the average age of the 4chan poster in 2024, but kids these days probably don't know that even posting videos of gameplay to youtube or elsewhere wasn't always approved by videogame companies until like 2010 or so.
i obviously meant downloading from from soulseek. i'm sure there are a ton of torrents for the music i listen to spread across different sites i'd have to go hunting for but people are far more willing to just link a folder on their pc than to generate a torrent and keep seeding it or whatever, especially if i'm just after one song or album and not an entire discography.
Stream onto Twitch and then watch on your device
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yo bros how to download a magnet link? It keeps giving me this error
you are just mad because I'm right
I may be wrong but if you add the torrent, it will do that first and only then start downloading the files.
So you just have to pause the torrent after that initial download.
filter that shit
out of sight, out of mind
you're a faggot, right
Try opening the torrent with Qbittorrrent instead, does that work?
That's not what he wants to do, he wants to save the file/directory structure inside the torrent to a TEXT FILE.

While software for doing this to real files and folders exists, I don't think I ever heard of this thing but adapted to .torrent files.

Therefore your best bet is to open the .torrent file with this or that bencode editor (google them) and see if some of them support what you want.

Also, just so you know, a magnet link doesn't contain any file lists at all. When your torrent client is fed a magnet link, it starts asking around (through the embedded tracker or through DHT) if anyone has heard of a torrent with this hash as stated by the magnet link, then your client downloads the .torrent and then it finally has the file structure and all the other stuff that comes with the .torrent. A magnet link is basically a handy way to handle torrents if you don't want to mess with .torrent files, but it's not a replacement for a .torrent file. It's more like a "description" of a torrent file which your client gets from other peers.
What other ways can I download stuff off The Internet besides Firefox Extensions video downloader halper and easy youtube downloader? Doesn't work on a lot of sites.
Do I need a capture card???
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>ask newfag questions
And no one answers them
when I add it in qbit it grabs the metadata and shows the file list before downloading, but there's no way to copy paste it all. maybe there's another client that can do that?
thanks for the explanation. I'll look into bencode editors.

the reason I wanted to do this in the first place is because there's a 1tb torrent with tens of thousands of files that I plan to update and add to, but I don't actually have the space to download it rn. if I had a text file with the file list I could start going through and making notes, checking what needs to be updated etc. in a much quicker and cleaner way than if I was just reading off the metadata list in qbit.

I should really just go buy a new drive so I can download it though lol

where is this board archived?
where can i find more niche engineering software?
https://archived.moe/t/ for your first question, not sure about the second though

some websites let you download music/images/videos by going into inspect element and viewing the network connections media tab.
happymod dot com

How safe are these paid APK mods? Are they actually it, or is it some form of malware? From my understanding, paid services are now host based, not on the app itself DRM style.
You need yt-dlp as linked by the other anon. Read its tutorial or watch a few videos to learn to use it.

It supports a lot of well-known sites out of the box. And if there's a random-ass website that yt-dlp doesn't "know about", then chances are very good that this website still uses some classic method to send you the video. Typically in 2024, it's in the form of a playlist file (usually .m3u8) which contains small sections of the video, and the player on the page plays them seamlessly. Then, you find the link to that playlist file using the browser's Dev Tools (press F12 unless you changed the keys), and feed it to yt-dlp. It will parse this playlist file, download the chunks and combine them into one video, just like it does with youtube and others. To learn how to use Dev Tools to find the media files that are loaded when the page loads, watch some tutorial on youtube, because it will be pretty retarded to explain every quick for every browser through text.
I know torrents have a reputation for being shady and dangerous, but has this ever been truer than any other form of file transfer online, or is this just because of torrenting's proximity to TPB?
Similarly, how likely is it that I could click on a magnet link and then it ends up being something like CP/snuff/gore that some shithead's kept in their seedbox to fuck with people? Like, I hear that altchans die a lot of the time because they get flooded with CP, so what's the possibility that someone makes a torrent sharing site that has someone sneaking illegal torrents on that mods can't even notice without torrenting every single magnet posted?
why does everyone greentext the magnet links?
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How am I supposed to build seed points if no one downloads the files I'm seeding? I've downloaded freeleech type stuff off private trackers, had it sit seeding with my computer on for days and little to nothing, only to get banned for not seeding when I turn my pc off? Am I doing something wrong

Also, do most people download blu ray remuxes when they want to watch a movie? Do you delete the file immediately after watching, or what size or how many hard drives do you have? Seems like I'm always having to pick and choose what I want to keep.
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>How am I supposed to build seed points if no one downloads the files I'm seeding?

Usually you should be more concerned about gigabytes of upload. Upload / download = ratio. Terrible ratio = restrictions on your account or eventual ban.

"Seed points" (or any other similar wording, bonus points or whatever) sounds like a system on your tracker to reward the act of staying as a seeder and keeping the torrent alive even when no one is downloading, because this is important for longevity of torrents. You can see it as something like "0.1 points per torrent per hour" or similar. Depends on the tracker. There can also be other ways you can accumulate points. Often you can then exchange these points for GBs of upload or other perks.

> only to get banned for not seeding when I turn my pc off? Am I doing something wrong

Yeah you're clearly doing something wrong, misread something, or aren't telling the full story. I can't think of any tracker that would require seeding 24/7 or a given number of hours per day. There are usually rules to seed a torrent for X amount of hours/days in total, but you're free to spread that over as many days as you want.

> Also, do most people download blu ray remuxes when they want to watch a movie?

No. But I seed some kinos, especially rare ones, in the best quality that is available. If the sources of the old 6 GB bluray rip die in the future, you can always create a new rip from the full bluray / remux. But you can't restore the original full quality remux from the small rip. When it comes to preserving stuff so that it can be found and downloaded in 2040, it's most reasonable to care about the preservation of the best quality version.

> Do you delete the file immediately after watching

Stuff that I don't care about and was for a one-time viewing? Yes, or after the required seeding period runs out. But most "not obscure" flicks can be easily found in public sources which have no such seeding rules and no way to enforce them.
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Aren't you just missing the beginning of the link?
You should compare the link to its source.
You can also urldecoder.org to view the link without encoding.
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Scene rules don't matter when it comes to p2p. But should you change the group if you add subtitles to the container, especially bloated subs like pgs?
So the group is not associated with a bigger file when their actual unmodified release is smaller.
Thanks for the insight, I actually have a great ratio in my qb app due to seeding several hundred gigabyte Dragon Ball torrents for years but as soon as I joined a private tracker for wrestling stuff, I couldn't get anyone to seed anything and I couldn't build any sort of ratio at all.
This post >>1297378 explains why people prefer to go to, and share on, private trackers, but I'm still not quite sure why people would ONLY post certain media to private trackers when it's something more obscure.
Is there any reason you couldn't just post to both your l33t club and also some public site? even if the torrent dies eventually I don't see why it would be preferable to locking it behind a community. If it's gonna fuck up your seeding ratio that much, would it take up that much space to just make a duplicate torrent for any media that isn't readily available elsewhere to share to the public?
is this the stupidest question ITT?
DDLs have exactly the same issue, though. you could download vlc.exe from softped.ia.com rather than softpedia.com and suddenly find your PC encrypted and asking for $500 USD in bitcoins
the difference with torrenting is, if theres 2,000 other people downloading, seeding, commenting, etc about something, it's probably more legit.

the image of torrenting being scary and full of malware is twofold, one of which is legit the other isn't.

to start, TPB went broke in like 2009, so every iteration since has been a bootleg run by this or that group for this or that reason. some of them were legit, some were full of malware, and since they keep disappearing and popping up it's impossible to track who is who and what is whay. same goes for similarly large sites like KAT and more recently, rarbg (RIP).
to some degree this also stems from the original p2p clients, eg limewire and all those, as many people would just rename a file to brittany_spears.mp3 as a joke but in reality it's bill clinton. but that's not anytjing directly related to torrenting, just a general fear of filesharing

the second thing is propoganda. many companies will try to tell you aboud how dangerous torrenting is to sell you a solution. Buy our malware scanner! buy our VPN! buy the original media! and so on. most of it's snake oil, some of it is just jumping on the train. VPNs are very useful for totrenting if you want to hide the traffic from your ISP or obfuscate your IP from the swarm, but really offer no protection past that.

over time the two blend together and now theres a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation about it blended in with real threats if you aren't careful.

>so what's the possibility that someone makes a torrent sharing site that has someone sneaking illegal torrents
it's definately possible but the good trackers have very autistic and overzealous mods thay wouldn't let this happen. plus, theres always private trackers if you want to be 100% sure
make them stick out easier for non-themers
>Also, do most people download blu ray remuxes when they want to watch a movie?
most people? no. hoarders? yes
>Do you delete the file immediately after watching,
most people? yes
>what size or how many hard drives do you have?
anyone downloading BDs would be ashamed to admit to having less than 40TiB across at least RAID10 (4*20TiB)
>Seems like I'm always having to pick and choose what I want to keep.
buy moar fgt
just take the hash and add the trackers later, the hash is right after
the trackers are all the urls after
probably the filename is too long
if you pay to pirate, you are being scammed 100% of the time with no exceptions
>but i'm not sure why anyone would torrent music basically ever considering downloading is literally
generally higher quality (both literal audio fidelity and general presentation, tagging, etc) and more range.
SLSK has a lot and myself and some others are working to expand it's catalog but theres so much stuff you just can't get on there. I'm basically the only person with good quality rips of The First Take, or ThorHighHeels' stuff, for example. but I can't buy/rip/torrent everything for you, try as I might
VPN (and a killswitch) solves this
as for a server, check out radarr/sonarr/jackett for s
automation of the downloading, jellyfin for the playback, and check out >>>/g/hsg for hardware and software help
theres no such thing as a refurb drive. theu are used and they wipe the dust off. if it's over 10k hours be wary, over 50k very wary. but i've personally used drives that are 10+ years old with closer to 100k hours without issue, likewise i've had drices under 10k die. just know that all HDDs are consumable items and should be replaced every 3-5 years, or about every 50k hours
not a torrent tracker but coomer and kemono both host rips of those sites
no because that infromation generally comes from the swarm, you'll need to add it in a paused state and your client will try to pull the metadata without downloading the data data.
>apparently you don't need trackers for a public torrent?
all torrents need a tracker, but you can add your IP as a tracker for either public or private torrents.
if you don't specify a tracker to seed on, theres no way any clients can "track" where to get the files from.
thay said, if you do specify a tracker to seed on, clients might not need to specify a tracker to download from, as some modern clients can search public trackers for a matching hash. but you still need a tracker, always, even if it's your IP.
on a given website it's usually not real-time, but peers are clients in the swarm and seeds are clients that are uploading. leechers are only downloading.
if there are seeds but none of them are on your client, it's because you aren't able to connect to them for any number of reasons. low seed ratio om that tracker making you lower priority, your IP is chinese, russian or israeli and therefore blocked by most people, bad neteorl confif, etc etc
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>bad neteorl confif,
bad network config***

my fingies hurt from typing all that on my phone so i hope u fuckers get learned from it all
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Is it a bad idea to use the pirate bay for any of these? I wanna get it but I'm pretty worried about getting something that's gonna fuck up my PC
Smart people test cracked soft in virtual machines and often keep it there, there being little reason to want it on bare metal. Install OS, take clean snapshot, install cracked soft, test, if it fucks up revert to clean snapshot.

I've not paid for soft since 2000 and had very few problems and never had to wipe a PC, but I'm thorough because it's worth it.

Alternate option, test on your spare beater computer (no one sane has only one).
Never used a VM before, seems to be a few options, I'll look into it
why are some torrents loading so unbelievably slow? like its not even hitting 100kb/s anymore
it started out fine
enough peers available
restarting didnt work
>your IP is chinese
is there a way to block a whole country without getting massive ip lists?

>low seed ratio
Mine is terrible, i usually try to keep seeding but nobody wants my slow fucking upload kek
heres every chinese IP address

you can download lists and feed them into your torrent client or most have geoIP plugins
you could also block the network and probably get a good chunk of the third world in one go, but im sure theres plenty of legit IPs in that range
Is there a way to set things up in qBitTorrent so that the client will only seed when there are 2 or fewer other full seeders as reported by the tracker, and won't seed if there are 3 or more seeders?
Or perhaps "seed at 10 kbps when there are 3+ seeders, and seed at full speed if there are 2 or fewer", since I acknowledge that the torrent should be active in the list to connect to the tracker in the first place.
The reason is that there are some rare-ish torrents, on public trackers, where I don't mind being their "curator" and keeping them alive indefinitely. At the same time, I don't feel like straining my hard drive with this at times when I "don't have to", that is, when there are other seeders around.
I would also like to know this, but also I'd like to know how long I should even keep seeding for.
I only stop seeding when it's reached 1:1 and is a popular series or movie, but I've heard some people say "basically forever" when others say you should stop when you get a 1:1 ratio, and some even saying if you seed for longer than 1:1 you're hurting the torrent.
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>and some even saying if you seed for longer than 1:1 you're hurting the torrent
This makes zero fucking sense whatsoever
Obviously you "should" seed forever if it's something that you care about and want to preserve online.
> I'd like to know how long I should even keep seeding for
This entirely depends on your definition of "should". Whom are you under obligation to? Rules on private trackers have a specific duration, for example "seed for 6 whole days or to 1:1 ratio, whichever comes first". Or is your goal something else, for example you want someone in the year 2056 to grab this torrent and find existing seeders?
Picrel, I'm pretty sure that I did my part and then some and then some with ~1TB of upload on each. And I'm not seeding them anymore once they hit that number. But also, honestly, they have a bunch of seeds. They aren't rare torrents. The same exact 1TB of upload from me as a seeder will be much more useful in some 5-10 years from now than it is now. There's a movie from 2015 where every upload on every public and private tracker (that I know of) is completely dead, except for shitty ~1.5 GB YIFY-type mini-encodes. I'm sure it was well-seeded in 2015 at first and someone seeded a terabyte of it too, but I'd much rather prefer if it was seeded in 2024.
Why are some webdls 1918 or 1916 px in width, not 1920? Same with 4K, some are 3836 or 3832 instead of 3840.

It's widespread enough that I believe that these aren't poorly recorded "rips" (screengrabs), but genuine webdls, and that the streaming services genuinely sometimes deliver video in this format for some reason. Why?
>This makes zero fucking sense whatsoever
yeah i thought so. i saw it in some old reddit thread from like 11 years ago and thought it was bullshit but never got a proper answer on it.

and thanks, the rest of what you said makes sense and is basically what i assumed, but i moreso meant "how long is the usual acceptable amount of time to drop a seed" from a place of common courtesy. though i'd assume the response to that is just what i'm already doing with 1:1 for popular ones and forever for smaller/rarer ones.
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Anyone has any site/Links to download Hentai Artists porn works that are behind paywall?
I am lurking everywhere in order to find of somebody has Studio-Pirrate/Rosselito art works since almost all of them are patreon/Webpage only

Help a coomer out, please
Why does qbittorrent freeze and say something like; getting metadata? It has always worked on my machine but it happened to me yesterday with a Japanese movie. What are the possible causes?
Use qBittorrent v4.4.5, what the fuck are you doing with that adware?
Sometime the people who scanned the original made a little boo boo. The file was actually 1920 but it had teeny black bars on the sides. So SOME streaming services actually crop it, so when its on your tv it looks edge to edge.
Is there anything qBittorrent 4.4.5 does much better than 4.2.3? Cuz thats the last version I could get to work properly without issues.
Havnt sailed tje seas in over a decade.

1: What's a good VPN?
2: What's a good torrent software to use?
3: Where can I search for specific torrents? i.e. games, movies, books. software.
you can also use transmission or deluge, as a rule of thumb stick to open source software as much as you can

>qbittorrent 4.4.5
i'm pretty sure the current version is 4.6.4 and i didn't find anything on the changelogs or repos that would warrant staying on 4.4.5, did anything happen?
I'm no scenefag but the only explanation I can think of is making it fit on a DVD, but I checked the dvd sizes, and according to Wikipedia it's 4.7gb for single layer and 8.5gb for a dual layer disk, so that's a lot of overhead. Maybe it's just what they aim for as a sane middle of the road value? You get noticeable quality loss at ~3gb and it could be considered excessive to have a ~20gb release, I also want an answer now lmao.
You better have backups or the data better be worthless, I wouldn't use them for anything except as fodder for my media server drive pool. If you're going to pull the trigger on some, either learn to use Linux/Unix for btrfs/zfs's auto-healing filesystems or deal with ReFS on Windows.
I just seed to 2.00 unless it's something special, in which case I keep it around forever. I have too many torrents to micromanage that shit.
I mean, not really. The same exact movie can be in 1918 or 1916 px wide as a legitimate webdl, and then come out on bluray with (of course) full 1920 px width with no tiny black border. And if you go pixel-hunting, you'll find that the 1916 px version from streaming servers is actually resized down compared to the 1920 bluray, not cropped on the sides.

A recent example off the top of my head is No Hard Feelings.

What is even the point for the official content providers to do this? The original studio masters for 2.39:1 movies are typically 2048px anyway (or 4096 for 4K), they get resized down no matter what.

> the people who scanned the original made a little boo boo

This applies to very modern movies that were entirely shot and processed on digital, without any film scanning.
>the only explanation I can think of is making it fit on a DVD, but I checked the dvd sizes, and according to Wikipedia it's 4.7gb for single layer and 8.5gb for a dual layer disk

No offense to you personally, but do people not know the size of DVD anymore in 2024? Just out of curiosity, are you under or over 30? I kinda expect(ed?) that anyone who is enough of a "power user" to be able to use torrents probably knows the size of DVD by heart, even if they haven't used them in a while.

(btw those numbers are in the dumb decimal gigabytes; the actual sizes are 4.37 GiB and something around 7.9 GiB for dual layer dvds)
Yeah I was too young to have those numbers memorized, I wasn't pirating at that time lol.
Yes, it will randomly put twice as many torrents in Stalled state as usual lmao. It's been a problem since early 3.X and devs are too busy censoring repo to deal with the actual issue,
4.5 changes UI theme to these candy-like icons is all my gripe, really.

What's the solution to this? Does increasing connection limit help at all?
any idea when 5.0 will become standard? running that rn, no problems
Not really torrent but might try here.
How would one download videos from a site like showcamrips, I tried yt-dlp and jdownloader and they dont work. It seems the videos are hosted on a different site but when you follow the direct link from inspect element, it says the requested page is not found.
Surely some random camrip site doesnt have better DRM than sites like youtube but I am not that versed if there are special tools to downloading coom material.
Unfortunately no. Nothing helps. qbit will just randomly decide to stall a torrent and there's nothing you can do to fix it. If you recheck the torrent, it won't move. If you force reannounce, it won't do shit. If you restart the entire client it will be active for a few seconds, then just stall and fucking die. It can have dozens of seeds, won't help. Transmission and Deluge don't stall on the same torrents, but their UI is fucking trash written by baseddevs to look "modern" and therefore pozzed and shit.

I doubt 5.0 fixes it, because so far qbit's devs have spent more effort censoring and ignoring reports regarding stalling than investigating and trying to fix it.
Video DownloadHelper? You might need to install it onto your pc if the extension doesn't work.
I have few since I haven't torrent things a LONG time, so I'm outta the loop.

1. do I need a VPN be force now to torrent

2. do I need to do anything specific to torrent these days (i.e. adjust program settings or system settings)

and 3. how wary do I need to be of both torrents, and my ISP & IP
*I haven't few questions
* I HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS; god I fucking hate becoming dyslectic
1. no, but its recommended to keep isp from finding out
2. just make sure u seed lol
3. if you go through the pirate bay or a common place you might get an email, but ive gotten like 50 notices and nothing happend, people dont really torrent anymore so only big studios and stuff care
how tf do u do captcha
not easily; that's how
people don't torrent anymore? what do ya mean by that; I thought more people would be doing it due to all the bullshit with streaming & gaming these days
whether you get into trouble or not for torrenting seems to vary by country but VPN's are cheap so better safe than sorry plus they came come handy for things other than torrents, especially if the VPN you are using allows for port forwarding

rather than changing any settings now a days you probably want to look into joining some private or semi-private trackers, it took me a dead HDD and probably a significant lifespan reduction on several others to learn that most people can't bothered to seed public torrents, there is a thread dedicated to private trackers on /g

it's hard to tell how concerned you have to be about your ISP or masking your IP since it depends several factors like how aggressive your particular country is on those matters, what you are downloading/seeding and in what amount, etc. but using a VPN should be enough protection to make it not worth it to track you down
Because it has a stigma around being old and complicated and prone to virus infestations. Neither of those are necessarily true, but there's enough of the stigma to keep people who do have a problem with streaming services sticking to 123movies or similar sites, plus people generally don't like owning media because of the space it takes up on their PCs.
I have a friend who says he only watches things through Netflix, Amazon Prime, and/or Disney+ purely so the algorithm can tell him what to watch and find new things for him. I don't get it, but considering subscription-based renting has taken over every form of media (music, tv, movies, games, comics, probably manga eventually) it's clearly a popular enough view to keep that model profitable and torrenting/DDL more obscure.
kinda sounds like blessing for the most part, I think
and what exactly are Trackers?
the info block I read says is for servers to keep track of Seeds & Peers in the swarm so they can find each other, but ya mentioned I should look into private or semi-private trackers

again I've been out of the loop a long while now, so I don't really know what's been fucked with since I've stopped torrenting stuff
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newfag to all of this shit here, I want to get into private trackers but my ratio is 0.07, what should I do?
Yeah it has its upsides but overall I still think it'd be better if piracy was far more widespread than it is now. I remember seeing when Netflix disabled the option to take screenshots, started including ads to paid tiers, and upped their subscription prices all in the span of a few months, and people's reaction to this was just "What the fuck? Well that's annoying, guess I'll have to live with it though" as if they're in an abusive relationship. If people actually unsubscribed en masse, maybe streaming platforms would start to become more like Steam and provide an actually worthwhile service.

And at the very least if piracy was more widespread, people wouldn't have to hunt down media that existed within the past decade that they assumed would just be online forever, because there'd be more people who had downloaded or torrented it and hadn't deleted it because they knew it wouldn't last forever in the hands of a company.
Today, my antivirus started to accuse 1337x of having malware and I can't access its pages. Is it just me? I'm pretty sure it's a false positive because I've always used that website without problems but kinda wanted someone else to confirm.
here you go https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
>A private tracker is a torrent website that provides the same functionality as a public tracker but is invite-only. This means you need to be a member to view the contents of the site and download its torrents. A tracker can either be semiprivate, where you can create an account for free by just registering your details, or fully private, where another user has to invite you

there's no more malware there today than there was yesterday, you're fine
mods should sticky this thread desu
i think it's more like this thread should die normally and then be a recurring /sqt/ or /qtddtot/ general like other boards have.
>Where can I torrent/stream German dubs (movies, tv, anime)?
Try some of the sites listet on szene.link (Serien, Movies)

Most german movies and dubs are garbage though. Personally, I blame the Filmförderung.
Is Soulseek safe for downloading roms?
is the city safe for buying drugs?
this is a retarded question. it depends who you download from. just ask around in the nicotine room or maybe theres a specific ROM room, and see who has the good stuff
it's been at least 20 years since i've seen anyone try to upload malware to slsk, the only people using it now are people that care about it staying around.
where do I download Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
nyaa doesn't have it
not reading it online
? it's literally everywhere.
archive.org has a bunch you can download or you could just use mihon/hakuneko for android/pc and download them from whichever source you want.
the manwa not the book
>or you could just use mihon/hakuneko for android/pc and download them from whichever source you want.
What’s the fastest way to get my seed ratio high enough to download more stuff from Pornolab? It suggested seeding my previous downloads but it only shows 2 of them and so far after seeding them both for 24 hours my ratio is still at 0.22(same as before)
Are you sure that anyone *wants* those previous downloads of yours? Let alone in a span of just 24 hours?
whats the best kinds of torrents that will get me a good ratio?
that was literally me with a good number of torrents I had
Dunno how pornolab works but most trackers tend to have some freeleech torrents around, grab those and seed them well.
Popular torrents that are freeleech (if possible). It depends entirely on the site, as a hypothetical a porn tracker and a literature tracker might both have the LotR trilogy but the lit tracker will be more interested in the LotR books

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