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Share high quality anime rips. Don't forget to attach a promo image along with the magnet link(s).

REQUESTS: Please search https://nyaa.si/ before making a request. If Nyaa is blocked, using a VPN will solve this. Also, feel free to make your own contribution while making a request.

Collection of classic anime: https://pastebin.com/mHSd2nnv
Anime by Decade torrents: https://animegeneral.neocities.org

Previous thread: >>1224352
Angel Beats!


I posted this in the last thread but the thread was dying so I figured I'd post it here.
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Forgot pic
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Does anyone know if there's an abridged version of Hi Score Girl wih only the arcade segments and none of the middle school melodrama?
anyone have this?
too poor to pay for this
Whats the best release of Queen's Blade? Its not on the list.
BDRemux (on AnimeBytes), all the encodes suck. If you're poor and can't afford to download 80gb get anything since they'll all be equally bad.
I have an obscure request: I want a recording of the special broadcast of Iron Blooded Orphans that ISN'T BS11. Something like TokyoMX. The only existing copy on Nyaa is BS11.
Could you upload to https://gofile.io/ or any other file host that isn't absolute garbage to download from?
...I'm asking for it. Why are you asking me to upload something I don't have?
Because my reading skills rival a 7 year old mexican immigrant's. Anyhow, if anyone has these tv captures (NO TV RIPS) pls do so.
Those girls are gorgeous. Is the story in this any good?
Do you know what Key is? It's Key, so it's got the things Key has. Think Clannad/Little Busters/Air.

The story is a bit weak in the middle but the ending definitely got me crying a bit. But again, it's Key, so if you know what that is, you know what you're getting. If you've never seen a Key anime before... IDK if I would recommend it or Clannad first honestly.
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serial experiments lain
And I have 45TB and growing, thats a drop in the bucket
if you don't have AB, these 2 should be good enough:
I thought AB had just died, what's the story?
>And what pyramid scheme do I have to join to get in?
AB's domain was targeted in a mass take-down but eventually got backup basically. As for how to join it you either gotta get invited (do not buy invites) or grind private trackers starting with RED (https://interviewfor.red/en/index.html), reaching PU and 1 year account age or joining GGn at 6 months and grind that for 3 months and finally join AB (it's not worth it unless you're autistic).
Does anyone have Dr Slump 1997?
Anyone got any massive manga collections?
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I wanna watch Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Which release from Nyaa do you guys recommend?
looking for the best torrent for Ghost in the Shell 1995 (don't care about the rest). There's so many encodes and rips it's hard to decide. Preferably with dub included. Has any person fixed the dub tracks audio levels too?
Also redline (dub included preferred also)

Right now I have bonkai77's encode for both films

I can deal with having two downloads if the best video doesn't have a dub track so please do not refrain mentioning those torrents either.
There's no such thing as the best Ghost in the Shell encode at the moment due to the fact all of the home releases and (public) TV captures SUCK. However seems to be working on it, so maybe look around their discord server http://www.judging.it/

As for Redline you either want the ITBD Remux (https://nyaa.si/view/1339636) or Beatrice's encode (https://nyaa.si/view/1350424). Gonna remind you that you've asked for the best so no complaining about file size. For further reference avoid bonkai77, his encodes are sharpened to a destructive (any sharpening is destructive) and starved to high hell.

CTR's muxes
>Gonna remind you that you've asked for the best so no complaining about file size.
That's fine within reason and you're links are within reason, I mainly just mean not remuxes. I think I initially skipped arids because what I use to play on my tv (with my brothers) can't handle codecs like flac, dts, opus etc. And I watched Beatrice's v2 because my other setup is better for 2.0 than 5.1. Thanks for the recs and context around GitS
How much of an improvement is beatrice's v2 to v1. Wondering if I could just find the dub track separate and add it to the v2 video, like an arid v2
meant to reply to this
ALL Shin chan movies subbed
Anybody know what release of Air Master is the least bad?
i remember watching this guy on my 3ds
bumped for an amazing show
+1 for GitS and REDLINE. both masterpieces
If you're talking about the old movie, go for the judgement release. they actually mixed the best parts from each available release and fixed several parts on a frame by frame basis.

I wouldn't call it high image quality, but the shows themselves are kino

[sam] SK8 the Infinity (BD 1080p HEVC x265 10-bit FLAC) [Dual-Audio]
seed if u can
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Toei's Puss in Boots got a new 1080p bluray release a few months ago, apparently it should be on some trackers already? But not any public ones, so I'm at a loss. Anybody got it?
it's on U2, no I am not gonna post it to nyaa, get fucked poorfag
anyone have the bocchi live stage bd/dvd?
I'm gonna assume that U2 is some sort of private tracker? If that's the case, why bother gatekeeping? Just share stuff and get it out there. That's how things should work.
yes U2 is the biggest CJK raw disc private tracker. idfc about your 3rd worlder trackerless monkey antics, find a way to join or cope tranny
What's your opinion on HeVK's encode?
Horrible, just look at the encode settings
Can't read encode
how does one go about getting a animebytes invite
i used to be on it by luck(some kind hearted anon invited me) but i lost when my hdd went to hell
hit power user on redacted.ch
Yes, it's fantastic. Highly recommend.
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Have these been updated or something lately.
They've been stuck for weeks.
Appreciate the collections, but these ones aren't going anywhere
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Lodoss-tou Senki - Record of Lodoss War [BD.1080p] [Iznjie Biznjie]

新機動戦記ガンダムW (Gundam Wing) 「全49話」.mkv

Gundam Wing remastered

did this nigga just post episode 49 and leave?
Pretty sure that's 49 episodes in total.

Redline collectors edition
Thnx anon
I heard Monster (2004) has a new Blu-ray but with fucked up audio. is that true?
Audio is a minor issue compared to the nearly unwatchable shimmered video
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What's the best torrent for Outlaw Star?
Anyone know if Spy x Family fansubs are out? My usual go to places (rar, t-p, nyaa etc) are either dead/malware or dont have it
Cyan and GJM-Kaleido both did it, though the latter only did the first cour. How did you not see it on Nyaa?
ah sorry, i mean the code white movie
Nope, no Blu-ray out and I'm not sure if one's even been announced yet. Season 2's final BD just recently shipped out so if they do announce it I assume it'll be soon.
Where can I get Ryza no Atelier BDs? it isn't at nyaa and other websites I know
By buying them, not on U2 last I checked
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Mask Danshi wa Koishitakunai noni or "This Shouldn't Lead to Love". a short bit of gay fluff by the same studio that animated Umibe no Etrange:
also the trailer if you want that for some reason (i downloaded it by accident)
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not anime but i figure its you guys who will have this, cant for the life of me find a torrent for project heartbeat. been playing diva but looking for more song diversity
anybody got bleach? prefer dual audio if possible
How do you get into U2 these days? I heard it was much easier years ago
Either through a recruitment thread on another private tracker or by getting invited by somebody already in. A lot of fansubbers/encoders have an account, so if you're friends with any of them that'd probably be your best bet.

no, it's lost media. sorry.
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i was searching through nyaa for the akiyama yukari sensha kouza special of das finale 1 (english subbed) but I can't find it. looks like nyaa only has the first 9 episodes. tasukete anonymous https://myanimelist.net/anime/39429/Girls___Panzer__Saishuushou_Part_1_-_Fushou_Akiyama_Yukari_no_Sensha_Kouza
I have 5tb of anime and I just totally lost will to ever watch it. Why is torrenting shit so fun. I am in this hole of watching old stuff from 60s and 70s. Please drop any subbed from that era if you have
Still cant find a decent Samurai X torrent and dont give me that shitty remake version
are you fucking retarded?
Shit quality
thats literally the highest quality that anime has ever been in, it was only ever released on TV and DVD
so you are retarded
does anyone have Cyber City Oedo 808
it's in here >>1297049
how about searching nyaa before asking?

DVDs fucking suck and there isn't much that can be done about it
can maybe make you a torrent if you can't get what you need from that site, since game is small and I'm on a better site that has it
This is a really specific request, but would anyone happen to have (or know where) I can get the clean openings & endings of the Persona Trinity Soul show?
animethemes.moe does not say they're creditless so I doubt it exists. But try checking the DVD isos around the internet
boasting and feeling too big to share
mind sharing your nyaa account login details then?
>all of the home releases and (public) TV captures SUCK
I got the bluray recently and it's really good. Disc itself has no special features though which is weird.
youre very kind, I ended up buying the game and im very happy with it
Thanks anon for the Ghost in the shell anime.
Expected higher quality posting here
Does anyone have Mushrambo seasons 1 and 2? would really like to add it to the collection
Why hasn't anyone uploaded it? Oh well, I can wait a year or two for someone to do it.
Probably a mixture of it being ~$300 USD (was more in the past but theYen's dying atm) and there not being much demand. While the adaptation wasn't outright dogshit it wasn't really anything impressive either, so the only people that bought it were probably big fans of the franchise.
gurren lagann

for the people who aren't poor
Does anyone know where to find the english dub of Slayers TRY that isn't haphazardly mixed? Every single torrent I've found on nyaa and such has had the next episode previews without music, audio desyncs during the episodes, etc.
I doubt anyone made a proper release, maybe try the BDMV?
Sadly no one translates the Das Finale tank corner episodes. I have them RAW on a drive folder. Last DF not included though
Can anyone help me find Zoids: Wild Zero? I've had to search everywhere to find it piecemeal, but I'm still missing the finale: episode 50. So, if someone could link me the full series or just that episode with English dub I'd really appreciate it.
Is this just the series, or does it include the movies and extra bits?
why don't you try adding it your client and finding out?
noone has AoT in its entirety subbed???
same person, I meant subbed with english subtitles and regular japanese audio. The only tor i found here was indeed subbed yes but at the same time dubbed too so it was useless.
This seems like a thread mostly for anime series, but does anyone know where I can get good movies OVAs and such? Mainly from the 80s and 90s.
Nyaa is pretty much always the answer. Private trackers like BakaBT/AB will have better retention, but AB's a pain to get into unless you have a friend. BakaBT should suffice as a supplement to Nyaa.
yeah getting an interview for bakabt was annoying as hell, took days of queue in the irc, at least for me, not sure how it is now.
it's a shame because I had an account there before it went private but didn't use it for years so it got deleted.
Yeah, their account deletion policy's pretty annoying in that it should be a lot easier to remake a dead account if it's even possible to anymore, not sure. AB for example just requires you to join their IRC then use a command to automatically reactivate it.
People like to shit on it but it has amazing retention. It may not have a massive variety of differing releases (intentionally), but the releases it does have are good since they're vetted and pretty much always well seeded. If you just want to watch the anime itself it'll get you by. It was worse back when they didn't allow any Funimation stuff but that restriction's since been lifted.
Anyone have any links on "Haikyuu!: The Dumpster Battle (2024)"
thanks for the link! i trannylated the 12th episode myself if anyone wants it. it's about the Mk. IV and the Renault FT. One of my favorite episodes so far. i'll maybe do the other ones too.
rentry dot co slash garupasubs

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