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Outside of gay paid or private sites, I was annoyed that WWF Attitude Era wasn't available in its entirety anywhere. So I spent money on a WWE Network ripper and downloaded all RAW/SMACKDOWN/PPVS from that era and created this torrent.

It comes in at 2.4TB, and I'll be seeding until the end of time. Enjoy!

First super thanks for your efforts!!
Now something on the size of the torrent.
I'll suggest something and it is super ok if you think this suggestion is shit.
Wouldn't it be cool if the 2.4 TB of files would be 24 torrents, so that
a user could get 100 GB and seed a complete torrent then. Logically that
would only be 1 of the 24 torrents which make up the 2.4 TB.
In my opinion the likelihood would be higher that someone has 100 GB of space to continue
to seed, instead of having to reserve 2.4 TB of space for this purpose.
And yeah I know that it is more work to separate it into 24 torrents.
For example a torrent for each of the sub categories
could make sense, for each YEAR for the categories PPV/RAW/SMACKDOWN

an example would be
1997 RAW
8 files with around 5 GB.

1999 PPV
14 files with around 9GB.

1999 RAW
55 files with around 5GB.

And for the argument that you want the whole pack of everything: one could make
a torrent containing the torrents of the sub categories.
So the pack torrent would contain 16 torrents
or a list with the 16 magnets.
related: does anyone want all of taker's wrestlemania matches? i have a folder.
Mega Gaizone wrestlefags
Does anyone have the live Benoit tribute episode? Obviously, it's not on WWE Network, but I want to rewatch it for all the horrible awkwardness it shows.
Thank you based anon. I started earlier this afternoon and at 11% The nostalgia hits.
>WWE Network rip
Enjoy your substitute theme songs and swaths of censored and deleted material, I'll be enjoying the ReDub.and.ReCut versions from gay paid or private sites
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a viewing guide? what a fucking chat
which sites

373gb of the PPV events from 1983 to 2023

anyone have "Razor Ramon: Oozing Machismo"?
Wouldn't be so bad if the best private sites didn't all have closed registrations and force you to pay basically a membership to get access to torrents like a bunch of kikes. Can't blame people if they don't wanna support that kind of shit.
WCW from 1994 - 1999 would be nice.
I have grabbed some over time but the quality is dubious at best, sometimes extremely poor ripped from home VHS stuff.
Thanks I'll be seeding
Anon, you can CHOOSE which files to download. You click the above link, then you select which files you want. You only need 10GB for one file to download. There's no reason to download the entire collection unless you want the entire collection.
Don't f*cking address me as anon!!
Just say what you have to say and don't condescend.
I do have to say that your advice is welcome
and I thank you.
But if you use that "Anon," crap again I will
chokeslam you to hell!!!
Do wrestling trackers have events or such?
Anon has Autistic moment
Anons first day on 4chan
Anon couldnt chokeslam a house cat
Anon cleared his throat and tried to do his best Tarantino script impression
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I said...your name is ANON!
Xtreme Wrestling Torrents
why is it so fucking blurry even though they are 1080p? I dont mean a little blurry either I mean actually straining your eyes blurry.
Is it like this on the network?

but seriously, its blurry because fapping to sweaty men makes you go blind
Anyone know where I can get all of the episodes of ECW's Harcore TV?
fuck yeah, i can relive my childhood.
thanks nigga.
late 80s early 90s WWF WAS PEAK
Anon is literally 12 years old
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I think you mistyped the year, good sir. Still thanks for that gift.
I'm not getting any seeds, help
tried to buy in. got scammed. no replay in 2 weeks.
Does anyone has the kevin nash incident footage from the security cameras?
Some event happening on one of the Wrestling trackers currently?
And >>1305814 it should work, if your payment was successful I would guess they are ok with you becoming a member.
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does it have the actual music instead of the shitty dubbed themes? ECW has a bunch of copyrighted music and they just dubbed them all over.
>ECW has a bunch of copyrighted music and they just dubbed them all over.
"Good" that they have to cut out the music, this is only a relatively good part of the whole presentation! ...
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no, 80% of those are trash. You wasted time.
if you can swing it, I'd kill for a MEGA or whatever of his WrestleMania entrances (excluding the Boneyard Match)

his entrance against CM Punk is still his all-time best entrance
Fantastic torrent. It made me realize the era I loved the most was the year just before the Attitude Era kicked in, 96/97 was the year for me.

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