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Frank Herbert's Dune 2000 miniseries director's cut 1080p BR rip
Hey, do you have Dune 2021?
There exist four versions of this mini series:

Good; the original International Uncensored version presented to the Sci-Fi channel which runs ca. 280 minutes and was deemed unsuitable by Network execs/censors. This version was used everywhere else. 280 minutes.

Bad; the American version (ca. 265 min). In the American version they censored the nudity and remove lots of other scenes, American version is considered "unwatchable"

Bad; the UK version

Good; the Director's edition which adds ca. 6 minutes to the original version (ca. 286 min)
>do you have one of the most popular torrents of the last 10 years
ghee i wonder where on earth you could find that!

oh wait! FUCKING EVERYWHERE you retarded nigger it's the most downloaded movie in the last decade, every damn torrent has over a thousand seeds at LEAST, are you so fucking braindead you can't tyoe two words into fucking google?
jesus fucking christ, I hope you don't vote, useless nigger

Children of Dune miniseries. the quality is probably shit because i ripped it from Youtube
Zero seeds, can't even load metadata. Nice job, faggot.
Any chance you could share the Uncensored International version or the Director's Cut? Seems like OP's torrent isn't working.
My bad, bro. Sorry about that. Should be working now.
>Should be working now
It's not. Why post if you're not going to seed, at least for the first few days?
Is it just me or is the torrent broken?
harder to find than you think
easier to find than you think
literally google "dune torrent" and it'll be on the first page, and that's without using a metasearch like 1337 or bt4g.
if you can't find fucking dune of all things, you have clinical retardation. it's like saying you can't find how to download google chrome
>literally google "dune torrent" and it'll be on the first page
Okay, I did just that. Care to point out the torrent link for the Dune miniseries director's cut in the related screenshot?
>Spoonfeed me harder
I'm not asking you to spoonfeed me, I'm pointing out that you're retarded and wrong.
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i never said anything about the miniswries you illiterate fuck
the guy asked for the dune 2021 movie, which us literally the first result

god you niggers get dumber every fucking day. fucking kill your family and then yourself to prevent your retarded faggot genes from spreading.
I'll admit to being retarded if someone will fix this torrent because I can't seem to load the metadata from the magnet link. That's what I'm really here for.
>changed the search term to "dune movie torrent"
lol concession accepted
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ok retard
>go to piratebay.
>first the D.
>then the rest of the letters.
>After the arduous and long task of typing you still have to hit Enter.
>Start to doubt this whole thing.
>Start pondering life.
>Wonder if I should give up at this point and kill myself.
>By the time I'm done thinking my finger is already in the key.
>Decide to go ahead with it.
>The search takes what seem to be eons, but I keep my sanity intact, through these insanely long, 2 seconds.
>Now is the time to filter all the wheat from the chaff.
>I've come this far, there is no turning back now.
>Turns out the second movie has mess up all the search for the first movie, so I have to go through the unfathomable number of 3 torrents on the list before I find out, almost without hope, the torrent for the first movie.

And so it begins the labor intense task of clicking on the magnet to download the movie. But that's another story.
You're fucking retarded
>I'm just pretending to be retarded

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