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Torrent archive:

Eternal wait for the next PGL edition
Previous thread:
Need the new pgl. or i might die
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Paychads, I am yet again asking you to toss a magnet link on the ground for us groveling poorfags to feed on. Thanks in advance.
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Gomez has a 10 minute monologue defending trans rights and Sam had some great input as well. Blowing out his voice from screaming while doing mid standup was a great career choice by him. one of the best PGLs in a while IMO
It got really tense between Gomez and Sam for a minute there. Doubt we'll see them together on a podcast again
samuel dont forget to upload the next pgl your viewers are paying good money for it so they might get angry if you dont upload it in time
>PGL_0078_CheapSquidCock_r2 (CRF27).mp4

hell ye thank ye
When? When Gomes referred to WP2 as "you guys' short film"?
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fastest purchase in a while
Thanks for the link man!
no problem, took me hours to figure out
Thanks brudda

Suck on Corey Feldman's herpes knotted cock for a while
I don't know if this networking episode appeals to stand up enthusiasts, but this managed to be as boring as Sam and Nick's noveau riche car/watch talk. Watched/listened to the whole thing. Amazing how Sam has hours worth of advices for maladjusted losers when he's the one who's impossible to interact with. Nick carries the socializing part of MDE even though he's not that good at all, he's just loud and has a extensive pool of resources concerning contemporary stereotypes, which makes him interesting to listen to. I know that whenever they bring guests is a way to gather contacts with the podcast/stand up scene but they should really stick to creative talk + scifi talk + conspiracy theories + 2000s celebs trash talk with Charls and occasionally Erick. I'm not paying for that btw
you sound mad jealous
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I’m still looking for standup bootlegs
>your bullshit
I didn’t think it was possible to be this gay. Seek Christ.
Thanks bro, got your back, guy.
I hope Sam reads this bro
Sam is not bad at interacting with people. He's a good guy and you're just a jealous loser that needs to get beat up IRL. He knows what he's doing, built MDE from the ground up and you're just a fucking stupid loner nerd typing on the internet.
sam is on the phone doom scrolling more than interacting with the guest. if i observed that then others will as well. not a good look. most of what you said is correct.

if this isnt bait then you are messed up with incurable simp.
nicks schtick has worn very very thin. it's odd i like luis more than sam or nick on this episode.
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tj really does look like a serial killer
Sam Hyde is a cocksucking jewish pedophile and it's based watching non-discord raid MDE ads on /tv/ struggle to clear 1 post per hour, usually OP bumping the thread.
Maybe he should try being funny?
Sam's great at interacting with tranny dick down his throat because he's a stupid lazy faggot
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Be nice
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Charls did way better than he had any right to with Effina, I wonder if Sam lusting after her was what destroyed their relationship back in the day
Fucking bozo.... He's a fucking bozo... He's a fuckin' BOZO. He fucks dudes... Fuckin' bozo....
she looks retarded
>its another sam hate thread
its all so tiresome.
>captcha: G0YTT2
Weed is gay and retarded and for faggots but I will say watching World Peace while high made it 50x better.
Yeah having mixed race kids is definitely an epic win

I can only enjoy weird media when I do drugs because my brain is the size of a peanut!
I don't remember this many people ever defending lowtax when he was being a retarded fag, probably because lowtax wasn't jewish
>bringing up lowtax
>fans complaining about half assed low quality content
Niggas do it for free. Wild
>having mixed race kids
i dont know why you're making a point of race mixing when Sammy has an asian girlfriend? lol retard

gofile link of latest pgl to stream for those who cant into P2P file transfers
Who cares if he has an Asian girlfriend if he doesn't have kids? And I didn't condone that either. You fucking imbecile. I'd run you off the road if we were in Rhode Island.
>racemixing is LE BAD
>b-b-but Sam Hyde he does it and has no kids!! So its LE FINE
Your mobility scooter with candyman stickers isnt street legal, so im not too worried.
If Sam had a hapa baby the kid would be cool, unlike all those other freaks.
is there a new pill archive? I know its sams clips but I liked how some of those were edited together
Lowtax didn't have people around who would defend him, only social justice trannies who hated him. MDE has fans still, so of course they'd be forgiving.
You were told politely...
sam really needs to stop looking at his phone
Sam does have hapa kids with her. He’s worse than charls cus the kids are bastards and he’s a nigger with multiple baby mamas.
he has to stay up to date on everywhere on the internet talking about him being gay
all publicity is good publicity
ty for the upload. message to sam: more charls, less forcing everyone to watch networking with spiritual scum
Anyone got the Jaihoo's trip to the future audiobook? I'm not paying sam $20>>1302628
Hi channing
Bitch looking like a tranny here still would no cap
ladyboy richard ramirez
Thanks, I'm not paying that fatty for an audiobook
sam you are fat and stupid and you look like a fucking stupid baby i fucking hate you
You'd deep throat a 6 year old no cap
sam ive come down off my pills, i love you we should live together
shut up you are not funny
Is this the don jolly torrent thread?
>posting about yourself again
hi you lazy untalented fat fuck!
You don't know the first fucking thing about MDE.
Hi jet! Made any more thinly disguised torture porn lately?
Hi channing
Hi Samuel!
Hi don!
Hi kurush!
hi parkourdude91!
Hi Nic Zerp Rainone!
Hi dj kaos!
Hi Edie (male)!
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Just re-watched KSTV1. It's crazy how much more energetic and on point he was. When you watch his podcasts now he's like a tired, flaccid old boomer with no zing. Melting into his 2000$ Herman Miller while eating with his mouth open reacting to slop and making Nick do the heavy lifting. And he wasn't even on roids or TRT back then. He needs to lock in and get his act together
Yeah it's crazy. I relistened to his series of voicemails about "creatives" and ad guys. Night and day compared to him coughing into the microphone and barely having anything to say.

MDE really depresses me now.
He likes to think that he's above getting complacent but that's exactly what he's become. Sad thing to see after witnessing his golden age. There's still some momentary glimpses of that, but it's not the same.
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I used to think Channing was nuts, but after fishslop I'm onboard with the whole project.
It's crazy how pathetic losers like you guys think you know what Sam should or shouldn't do. Hit him up when you're a multi millionaire?
MDE used to be about more than grifting brown retards like yourself for easy cash
Shut up kid, I'm not brown, why would you even assume that? I'm white. You're such a fucking retarded faggot. Don't even try to tell Sam what MDE is about, you're poor.
You had me fooled since you type like an uppity nigger. Go back to watching fishslop.
Have you even watched tissue box you nu-mde poser?
Fuck you, retard. You're probably brown, don't fucking type about me being a nigger.
Faggot. You don't even know what that is. Stop talking as if you know MDE.
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The girl he was dating before was way hotter. Effina is an actual nutcase. I dont really get what chuck saw in her. It doesnt seem to me like they have an actual relationship. He treats her more like his childbride. Reminds me of DSP and panda lee to be ahnest.
Tell me without looking which disco bands instrumental was used at the end of jerry hates wiggers.
It's ok if you started watching MDE after the 2070 video man, I won't hold it against you
They've never managed to make decent shirts. I've got an OG shooter shirt and it's like the shirts made of napkins. Horrible quality blanks.
>he wasn't even on roids or TRT back then

He was also in the prime of his life. Now he's almost 40 and prematurely aged from injecting drugs and over-exercising because testosterone and the state of society made him more aggressive. Nothing to be done at this point.

Always was incredulous at how Sam took a hard line view on weed, alcohol and the rest while doing one of the most hardcore, mind altering substances possible - steroid hormones which alter every system in the body permanently. All this while already being a huge, hulking, 6'5 guy. All he needed to do was stick to a good exercise regimen and he'd have been fine. Alas.
wHAT was that post? What shirt was it? The diddy shirt was hot garbage. I blame bicflame
Insecurity is so damaging. You can see the point where he starts revelling in being "big" and starts throwing his weight around. I really noticed it in that jhonniey video where he's pushing kurush around, it's not very well intentioned
He was complaining about the CEO erick hadyn shirt posted above
muh comfort colors doe
He talks shit about Sam Sulek while injecting test, unironically hilarious how unaware he is
It's obvious the reason why Samuel's voice is consistently fucked up is due to his sexual deviancies
Liberals cancelled my right wing tv show! IMAGINE if the situation was reversed!
>new jay dyer with charls on paywall
If somebody uploads EP14 of The Palace with Eggy, I promise I will upload the audio of Charls and Doug Tenaple's 'You Can't Get There From Here' EP1-5 in return.
>can't even see the pricing without making an account
>search results say $15/mo for sitewide premium
hell nah
missed chuck going live again because the fucking youtube NIGGERS don't send the fucking notifications
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I pledge to never make another anti Chris Lynch comment after he gave me a poster at the live show.
>that part in the tekwar HW where he says "I'm going to do my best work when I'm 80"
Dude, Sam uses it to get more work done... Stop making bullshit up.

You're making shit up, he's a normal dude. All the sex shit is made up by his exes.

He will. He's only going to get better and better. You're a loser that'll never do anything.
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>he's a normal dude
no amount of reddit-spacing is going to save you, Samuel.
I've cracked your little davinci sexual deviancy code. Stop eating your girlfriends vagina and or asshole and spreading around your throat aids to your harem of asian whores
>You're making shit up
>his exes made it up
>channing made it up
>charls made it up
>don jolly made it up
>brown people made it up
>marky made it up
>soph made it up
those damn anti-samites!!
seriously sammy, youre way past your prime . thanks for killing mde NERD
>Charls paywallig his yt streams

>dude get a skill
>dude stack money and resources
>dude your time is gold don't waste so much of it online
>get out of discord and social media groups
>get off prescription and illegal drugs weed is so bad for you Nick uses it but he built a house ok?
>avoid e-whores and bpd art hoes
>btw buy my NFT's
>and shit merch (it's shit on purpose though lol)
>buy a superchat on my stream for 50 dollars for some vague advice I've given 100 times before for free
>check out my fishtank show and buy TTS
>join my MDE/NFT/Fishtank Discords
>follow my wigger crew on twitter/insta/tiktok
>my wigger crew is made up of perc/xanax/lean/cokeheads, but it's ironic lol
>hey check out these e-whores go watch their streams and donate
>WP2?.... hmmm It'll be out soon, but come watch my standup where I do my peeing michael bit, I'm SO close to meeting Joe Rogan
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deep down he just wants a hug. would you forgive him if he apologized?
A fully handwritten apology to me and don jolly is all I've ever asked for
>edie (male) made it up
you're unironically a fucknig loser
putting Sam's advice in a greentext doesnt refute anything lmfao
>Dude, Sam uses it to get more work done... Stop making bullshit up.

Degenerate and Anti-Christian behavior. honestly the worst thing about sam is using Christianity for right wing points while promoting Satanic shit more and more as time goes on.
Fuck you all, you're losers. Faggot loser kids that need something to hate. You guys have nothing so all you do is hold on to hate. Sam is a good guy and he's doing good things. He didn't kill MDE, he didn't fuck any Asian girls (He's not a fucking race traitor you faggots), and he didn't SUCK OFF A TRANNY. You guys are fucking retarded for believing these bullshit stories.
Didn't read past the first few words. You sound upset. I'll pray for you and Sam to find repentance in your heart.
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Post the booty for daddy or be nothing
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What did Charls mean by this recent post where he tagged Sam? Is it over?
This shit is unbelievable, it even looks like (self?)sabotage. Fucking up his Youtube metrics and engagement and then complaining about being forgotten. And then ignoring/hating on his fans because his self loathing mind makes him think that everybody who doesn't pay for his content wants his kids to starve. Watching MDE these days is just witnessing the downward spiral of a bunch of 40 year olds.
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Sam gifted him that very expensive cashmere beanie.
And yes it's an allusion to how he's both indebted to sam and unable to speak up about his real feelings on the fucking nerd (notice the shirt he's wearing)
it's an allusion to how sam likes to wear beanies, sometimes in a humorous manner.
Keep donating you're nearly in Sam's crew!
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I think he printed the shirt on some "streetwear" brand and made a convoluted excuse why it was superior to LA apparel and comfort colors, but it was really just for profit margins. Their blank choice is abysmal. They do make shirts that are borderline hot topic level embarrassing. I see random etsy graphic designers that make shirts 10x better than what MDE is making. They literally just need to take certain graphics from their show and put it on a comfort colors shirt and I'd buy it. Jet has no fucking idea how to make a "cool" looking shirt and neither does bic. Even Sam struggles with making a decent shirt because he's obsessed with maximalism due to his hard on for ripping emigre. Actually on second thought, I'd just make my own bootleg and save money and have a unique looking MDE shirt that actually looks good.
I realize the CEO shirt was made by Charls and he is really fucking bad at making shirts too lol
Dude.. Sam, test literally makes you age, stop taking it.
>I see random etsy graphic designers that make shirts 10x better than what MDE is making.
I need a link, I want new shirts and don't wanna support Sam's gay sex life
wear shirts made for grown men then not ironic meme shit
You think they will make more hq stuff again or only the fucking pgl
Nah I wanna see the much acclaimed etsy shirts made by random graphic designers that are aesthetically superior to MDE merch
holy shit this is some actual shit charls would do though, esoteric. the same jacket is insane
wait Sam Hyde did what?
Hey Sam, don't be upset.
>he cant link the etsy stores
Com98 merch from a while back?
I think Shane Gillis has a crush on Nick Rochefort with how much he wears his Chamonix shirts
>giving more ideas for free to Sam
>Still no links
>wearing the same shirt over and over
It's called autism, Nick has it too for Oneohtrix Point Never
they've really let the PGL set go. in the latest episode the TVs are just gone and that dot matrix sign is off. its been lacking for a while now, but it used to be kinda cool.
that fucking NERD
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh it makes me so mad
>i didn't cheat, dasha was sucking sam's dick and it happened that she touched mine by accident
- N*** R********
Why did Charls say Sam's a faggot and lets dudes fuck him and suck dudes off then?
>Why did Charls say
because hes a fucking schizo. dude is nuts. cant trust a word he says. THAT BEING SAID i can see sam being a bi weirdo.

Dasha always says that my bussy's tight...

any new frank hassles?
I think they fucked each other (in a literal sense) and have some weird mutually assured destruction thing going on at this point

new Charls discussion
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I still believe in the kindness of strange niggaaaassss
It REEKS of bozone in here. BOZONE is the origin of this behavior.
>no palace today
>charls makes 2.5k/month with the patreon
>still didn't get that he could easily 2x his profits by streaming on the regular and not deleting any VOD
I might be late to the game but I'm starting to think that our boy is dumb
I saw Sam today with a cute lady and and small child. He smiled warmly at the small child. What could this mean?
Was he trying to fuck the child after deepthroating tranny cock like the last time?
Shan't be listening to Charls rambling incoherently about nothing while making vague references to being sexually abused for 2+ hours.
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Bring it back Sam
Yeah! Oh, and the fact that it's probably the only shirt he has that matches the beanies color. Def subliminal tho!
i wish this wasn’t a larp and you posted proof
I've bought three or four MDE clothing items by this point and I'm always impressed by the quality. The crime beanie is thick, heavy and durable, lot of mass on it. The cash star shirts have been similar. Random redbubble/cafepress/ebay rip offs are almost certainly inferior in some way. Sam had a whole PGL rant segment with Nick wherein he was upset about the herbal T printing quality. MDE does do a good job when it comes to merch. That being said, bicflame is not a good designer and I avoided the last drop and a few before that because the ironic early 2000s southern rapper aesthetic is really hard to do well and artistically it's a failure, IMO.
thats why it was funny as fuck that the fishtank shirts were such garbage quality. sam probably did that on purpose because he hates fishtank fans.
Idk? Maybe he wanted to throat his BWC?
God damn if you get a youtube membership you dont even get to watch the palace, I will go back to never paying anything at all until the semitism resolves.
We're talking about real MDE merch, not nu-mde merch.

Once you've worn camber this shit just doesn't cut it.
Yesterday's Palace is still available on yt, either he's realised his mistake or his so fucked up he forgot to lock it behind the paywall, Charls is deffo on heroin or fentanyl, I'd be surprised if he lasts the year, I think Sam cut ties with him originally because of his habit.
>he didnt put the latest video behind paywall therefore he's on fentanyl or heroin
just shut the fuck up and lurk 7 more years before posting pseud. same goes to all those calling him a schizo just because they don't understand what he's talking about lmao
>Charls is deffo on heroin or fentanyl
Smocaine was a cry for help. damn.
Thinking Charls is on fent or heroin is beyond retarded lol he was ten times more frustrated and aggressive back in the Twitch daya, 2017-18 was peak Chuck's burning hatred, he's pretty tame these days in comparison, just too agitated (not drugs) and visibly emaciated (bad diet because he can't even trust supplements now + his anorexic wife)
care to give any examples of what oldhead mde merch looks like
Guys, Sam is cool, Nick is funny and Charls is smart; you just don't get it!
yes. sam's mom is also cool and treats me right
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The OG shooter shirt. Very thin fabric.

Been watching Charls since the twitch days, Effina let slip a while back about his half hour stints in the toilet, at the very least he's bulimic, and 100% a victim of sexual abuse
For me, it's Sam's terminal throat cancer after sucking strange dicks from the internet
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How about you just do what I want and be fucking happy for once in your life?
Edie (male) had his back IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN
Who cares? My point is the new stuff is still solidly made. Might have been some duds but I've been impressed by the material quality of recent drops. Not so much the artistic merit though
The real oldheads care, what good is an MDE t-shirt to me if it has no soul?
Nick Rochefort can like, he can recite the whole Down song
I can too...
That was the only actual funny Palace episode, they should get Nick at least once a month
you jut know she has a purple vagina and dark nips.
Effina's pussy and nips are light pink
Are the audio tracks for PGL up anywhere? I don't need the videos
extract the audio yourself
Alright faggot. Fuck you
what do you want me to say?
Edie (male) can deliver them into your holez if you ask politely
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Lemme just take a micronap here...
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I'm not going to upload the audio-only versions from gumroad.
learn2ffmpeg or ask chatgpt.
>we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow
>that's where I wanna go
>way down in sam's pozzed hole
Sam is so big and strong, I bet I would feel warm and protected if I held onto his hand while taking a nap with him on a rainy fall afternoon (im a femboy)
My gosh, this is a real man right here I want him to hold me so badly. If he held me with his big muscly arms I would feel like a girl
Sam, make me a woman please. Make me your woman. I will take estrogen for you
I literally couldn't stop you if you wanted to physically overpower me
Sam please I've been taking estrodial and learning to cook for you, I know you're really busy so if you took me in I could cook all your meals and clean for you... I know you need lots and lots of protein because you train a lot which I really admire so I could do that for you
Never expected fucking thorin of all people to collab with Charls
thorin is an e-sports legend, he's extremely based, was banned from cologne for calling polish people inbred when debating with destiny lmfao
absolute kino
Lol so based to insult White people when we're being bred out of extinction - hey, you zoomer faggot, did you know your curly hair comes from telegony, ie your mother fucking and unlimited amount of black guys and transmitting their DNA to you? sad but true
i feel like i'm being gaslit into believing nick doesn't have an abhorrently uninteresting and abrasive personality with no redeeming qualities to counterbalance it. i feel like a lot of these people drooling over him are autistic teenagers who see him as a father figure because he comes off as a (responsible) dickhead. To each their own, I honestly don't get it at all.
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New Charls Carrol with Jay Dyer is so unbearable (Jay's fault)
>Amazing how Sam has hours worth of advices for maladjusted losers when he's the one who's impossible to interact with
No shit why do you think he has so much advice for them
anyone posting their opinions in this thread is gay post the fucking torrents u absolute losers
Good thing it's a fact Sam Hyde sucks dick
they did 2 other episodes which are better than this one imo
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Fucking KILL YOURSELVES. None of you are fucking funny, this whole Edie thing is played out. I really fucking hope one of you faggot trannies run into Sam one day and he beats the fucking shit out of you disgusting faggot nerds.
Yeah really based.

What the fuck does this shit have to do with being funny?
Jeez... Sorry for Edie rocking...
Are you new or something? He interviewing him years ago and it was boring as shit then too.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you like tranny dick so much?
I watched some Sam Hyde videos and it rubbed off on me
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>its a chris does his best to fake laugh at everything episode
>its been on repeat for months

This retard is somehow getting worse at this shit.
>victim of sexual abuse
Now we're talking. 100%
Still infinitely better than that revolting pernicious little creep jet
You can't give advice when you're a fucked up loser yourself who haven't learned shit. He made bunch of money by being a parasite in fatherless zoomers' brains, nothing to do with giving his best to overcome his own fuck ups. He's an hypocrite at best.
>charls is looking 28 years old
The puking is working, damn!
is this from a stream?
>I hope Sam assaults you for talking about his tranny fellatio habit so you can sue him
Uh, hello? Based department?
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Thinking bout Charlsmaxxing
wher's this from?
First you have to be white to brownwash your genes out of existence. I doubt you qualify to begin with
Stop projecting thirdie
I'm not the one with brown kids, that's CHarls. But yours would be even if you whitewashed with a pure Scandi. But you already know this.
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STOP, my child observe the cat and chill nigga

I don't got time for this shit nigga


Smackhead Charls stream:
brown hands typed this
lil nigga mad
gimme standup bootleg. don't make me loot beg, gimme dat boot leg.
I'd lust after Effina, if you get my, Intent there.
Who can watch this faux-profound bullshit for hours?
is charles actually a smackhead? What proof is there?
Lil nigga? Is this a reference to Charls brown kids?
>fake sam hyde store has better quality t-shirts than the real one

KWAB. I cant fucking stand the heavy tee sammy sells. "they look good on big dudes" is the weirdest cope i ever heard to sell a shitty t-shirt
Just look at him, I think when he had Christ Dillinger on the Palace he relapsed in a major way.
>What proof is there?
there's tons. so much proof. I don't even know where to begin with all this proof.
for one, have you seen the guy? isn't he weird? he's skinny, he's eccentric, he's out-going; I'm none of those things! but you know who is? crackheads. let that sink in...
another proof: it was posted here. think of all the other truthful facts which get posted here, I'll give you a few minutes. so much truth! doesn't it just make you wanna take me at my word?
ya boi need dat dere Pee Gee L Seventy Nine...
I know it's up dere

post da magnet
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This. Paychads, please
yeeeea im gonna need that PGL 79, pronto
You know what? Save it, paychud. I'm done with PEEGEEEL after these last couple ones. Sam is just too obsessed with networking faggotry. Get chuck on there, talk some shit and we're good to go. But no you just have to get another brownoid that is actually not racisterino at all because thats heckin yikes on there huh? Fuck you and your gay stand up tour.
Seriously though please paychad bless us
>PGL has officially become Podcast Networking Life
No problem with that just get Tim Dillon and the ghost of Patrice... Try getting Weck again Sam...
I'm just a bystander, but it gets funnier the longer it goes on
This one is just Nick and Sam chopping it up and Sam's got his voice back. I stopped watching a few episodes back but it looks to be OK again.
I agree, all three episodes are more or less the same topics and way of cryptic talking
Idk how people that have a platform cannot spend an hour before the show thinking about topics to discuss and gain insight so that it isnt just sporadic regurgitation
why did you listen to 4 hours of something that you find boring as shit ? are you fucked in the head or something ?
hey you've convinced me pal
When did I say I listened to the whole thing you illiterate fuck?
>got his voice back
He also has his long hair. This one is old, they should release everything they have in the vault every one-two weeks but the editors are too busy popping pills lmao
how did his hair grow so quickly?


just like Sam in front of Edie (male)!
paychads I am once again asking for your financial support
>PGL_0079_MassageParlorHandjobOil (CRF25).mp4

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Think there is something wrong with this link
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Paychads... why the delay?
>competency crisis
you mental slob, how could you.

blame bozo
>>He interviewing him years ago
>calls me illiterate
Why do you feel like your opinion matters if you didn't even listen to it ?
It's cartoon porn isn't it
sorry i was taking a massive shit and it caused me to delay all other activities. forgive me.
>PGL_0079_MassageParlorHandjobOil (CRF25).mp4

what the fuck this is dolphin porn
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it's the same one as in the rentry dumbass
yeah haha I selected the wrong file
>alludes to mcafee not being dead
>talks about harddrives and fiddling with their server
this shit's from 2021 nigga pulled out the lost tapes
also his raid 60 is inevitably on its way into a building fire, sound strategy
Love you bro. Would have sucked that log of shit out of your ass if you asked me to.
why did Sam play hide the hotdog with Edie (male)?
your mother
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perfect is the enemy of good
>allegedly 25th december 2023
>jokes "see you in 11 weeks when it comes out"
>18 weeks 4 days December 25, 2023–May 3, 2024
It was filmed November 8th and they joked it would be out on Christmas
"Did you know Spanish people have a lisp and pronounce Barcelona "Barthelona"? Isn't that annoying and gross?

>Also Sam
I can't stop eating for 2 hours to do a half assed podcast where anything goes. Munch munch munch sandwich hut burrito into mic. Slop like pig. I'm rich and don't care.
Also, Chris Lynch has a truly shitty vocal timbre. Gravelly, nasally and sounding like he needs to gargle more than he needs more food for his fat fucking stomach. This aside from the fact he can't get out more than a few words a minute. Fucking servile imbecile
The way Nick talks admiringly about different major city party scenes like

>Muh NYC guys are just on another level. I thought I could party but it's different in a high building

Makes me think he's sucked a cock before. The tranny shemale shit in his browser history confirms this. No straight male has a modicum of respect for that lifestyle and he knows way too much about it.
He probably did it 'as a bit' because 'it would be so fucking funny dude'
Because I've committed every MDE worth watching to memory, fuck off nu-mde poser
You're telling me a guy who knows how to do the Laotian top rock is a bit fruity?

I swear none of you fucking idiots have listened to Tw@t, it would clear a lot of things up for you and then you could go back to watching joji and H3H3
COCK! COCK! COCK!!!! All you fucking faggot nerds do is think about fucking cock and sucking cock. It was a fucking 2 hour long podcast and the only thing you took away from it is how much you like to fucking debate about cock. You're all fucking faggots.

Faggot. Sam is just making a joke. Stop picking apart everything he says.

You're a fucking FAGGOT. GAY FAGGOT. Miserable little fucking faggot nerd. Jump off a fucking building before Sam takes you out in real life.
Hey don't blow a gasket man, you stepped into the gay MDE thread
he also has the computer skills of an average zoomer and can't find anything
hes 30, its not like hes young
i thought he was a zoomer but i was surprised he wasnt. dude is dumb as fuck.
He very clearly has a learning disability/dyslexia and other issues but since he's a chill guy and has a positive aura he's good to keep around.
everyone posting their gay gossip is a spiritual woman
post torrents stop gossiping and writing blog posts u fags
quit your whining and whinging
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>besmirching the Chrynch

shouldn’t you be smooching some pp’s?
I completely understand liking the guy, but voicing your disagreement in this form:

">besmirching the Chrynch

shouldn’t you be smooching some pp’s?"

is just incredible. don't do this anymore
This is all present day nu-mde deserves and it brought it on itself by getting involved with idubbbz, which was the true turning point when MDE really lost its way
chris lynch is a good soul
why does everyone on this thread gossip like a woman/faggot?
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>nah, I’ll just repeat it so it sinks in.

Less besmirching, more cruising at the Southington CT rest stop.

Also you added quotations that fucked up the green text and showed your nufaggotry.

>don’t do this anymore
See how this works? It’s almost like you need to follow my advice without any deviation because your own projection makes you incoherent, misguided, and frankly you added nothing substantive.
Wait, he had short hair in the last one and now it's long again under the beanie. What gives? Is this just an old episode?
This is the audience MDE attracts
because MDE is for faggots. Great work Sam.
like a faggot you say
it's 2 faggots and plenty of retards that keep taking the bait for some reason
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Appreciated my nigga. Now let me shake your hand.
Palace is live, Charls is slurring his words and acting manic, bu the's not on drugs

It was pretty good. I'm also very surprised Charls acted eccentric, as I've never seen anything MDE related before. Interesting point
i didn't wash...
>Less besmirching, more cruising at the Southington CT rest stop.

This is like almost a joke. You understood the concept of "sucking dick is embarrassing and can be used an insult", but it's not a joke yet, dumbass

>Also you added quotations that fucked up the green text and showed your nufaggotry.

There's only two options here: either you are like 10-15 years younger than me, and then maybe it's age-appropriate for you to be what you are.

Or, you are roughly my age and have found 4chan when the Habbo hotel raid happened, seen the golden years, seen the multiple unrecoverable downfalls — but even twenty years on you're still here failing to land a joke that an average 6th-grader gets tired of by the end of a schoolday, and scolding people for fucking up quotes. Bitch, I write a lot, I'll use any quote syntax I want to
do some push upz
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>it’s not yet a joke
you mean your life, right?

>you’re not a oldfag like me, here’s a list of how I wasted my life
Or you could be nice to Chris Lynch

>I’ll use any syntax I want to
You will be pee sitting down

Talk dumb, get the thumb.
nta but why does chris lynch hang out with a pedophile? not a good look chris.
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Why is it so easy to find Nick's phenotype in Brazil? Is he lying about being french canadian and he's actually portuguese descent all along? Is that why he's obsessed about portuguese and brazilian people, just sheer self loathing?
What's Nick's phenotype? No bones in his face? Looks like a literal formless bag of scum?
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He also hangs out with that dude Ben, who seems like a bit of sociopath. Chris must be protected at all costs
Sam gets 90% of his income from the podcast, you would have thought he''d do it more than once every 6 weeks
I wouldn't admit to being French-Canadian either, but if you had to pick one
some guys are just super prone to moonface and they all look the same

it's like how some women carry all their weight on their hips and thighs
Being prone to moonface means you don't have bones in your face dude
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it's unalcoholically iron
whoever claimed sam was molested by his male babysitter, congratulations on finally posting something that makes me less inclined to bully him off /tv/
give him rocky's spot
Anyone have the torrent for Sam trying to convince everyone that he doesn't have yellow fever HydeWars?
HW30 browjob or the one in the sauna with Zach and Don Jolly where he talks about how blowjobs from asian hookers are always bad
Its on archive dot org
He did it again in the new PGL. Who was it that Nick brought up as having asian fever bad that they know, assuming he wasn't fucking with Sam himself.
Lmao I didn't get what people saying this stuff were on about until I watched the last hydewars. Hes like I always wanted an asian gf.. but it wasn't that great.
Is everyone gay?
Anyone notice Sam saying he would be afraid to hook up with girls in New York? Meanwhile both his baby mamas went to Pratt and lived in NY when he started fucking them
>Anyone notice Sam saying he would be afraid to hook up with girls in New York? Meanwhile both his baby mamas don't exist
yeah man, weird
Anyone have a playlist of Charls' old stream music?
One time I was hanging out with myself at a McDonalds... I bought a McNugget combo with a medium fry and soda. As I was walking to the table with my tray I saw Sam Hyde walking towards me in the corner of my eye. He shoved me and said "Hah DUDE. That's what you get for being a little nerd. You should try being a cool jock like me". I was on the floor with my spilled nuggets, fries, and soda. I'd never felt so humiliated in my life... I even started crying. I haven't left my house for anything ever since that incident. I don't know what to do anymore... I just wish I never met Sam Hyde.
reconsider your life choices

no no, go back and trace your life that led you up to this moment. Then reflect.
I made out with 3 chicks by Madison Square Park in the space of an hour. NYC is degenerate.
Sam's finished, it's over for him.
Mason Comtois? it's on yt
Thanks, could not remember the name.
Did you enjoy licking up the leftover cock DNA from them? What was your favorite part besides that?
gossiping women discussing their fav/hated guy
post torrents and shut the fuck up you absolute fags
Just got chuck's gumroad what should I watch?
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encyclopedia.zone too
do it Don, wherever you are.
do the needful.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Faggot kids still here making up faggot lies. Sam is done? He's doing a fucking stand up tour you absolute loser. Also, there's nothing wrong with having yellow fever, even though Sam doesn't have yellow fever. He always stays true to his morals.
Has anyone heard from Don Jolly yet?
sam doesnt have yellow fever
He’s in this thread trying to stay relevant
based moral high ground holder don jolly
He's writing on his blog and staying free of internet negativity unlike some of the naysayers and low vibrational individuals in this thread
Enjoy your herpes
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His stream of Life Is Strange.
What else is even there besides stream archives and The Palace?
More like Ghost of Edie's Dick
encyclopedia.zone is dead, does he have a new blog?
I've just assumed he's dead at this point
yeah right, pretty anticlimactic end to my search for what happened to him.
why won't the fag upload to youtube anymore then? I miss his videos
>why wont the fat faggot that got fired for not making videos not make any more videos???
there's no evidence suggesting that don jolly is a homosexual
what the frick is a Laotian top rock ?
Out of all of Samuels zoomer goons, Chris is the most tolerable one (aside from John Peleck but hes no zoomer or newfag)
I don't like him or hate him really. Jet and biclame are insufferable, joey neutral, laker junkie
If he wasn't an alcoholic and worked out he would look more like he's in his late 20s but for some reason Nick has a DUI fetish
Half of the shit Sam says on stream or pgl is just complete bullshit, and this thread is a prime example as to why (because everyone is batshit insane drama kiwiwhore niggerfaggots)
like when sam didn't want to say what his testosterone was while nick is talking about getting his massive alcoholic induced ass hemerrhoid removed
chris surprisingly isnt a zoomer
It was a video of nick from years ago, a true old head delight
He was always more of a POSTER than a sloptent creator. He's moving into his elder statesman years, doesn't need the aggro of the YouTube algorithm.
Only comment I've ever seen Sam like on insta lmao
More like 8 months at this point, the last episode was from october
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>bodycount: 80
>herpes: n/a
Your cave-dwelling ancestors were all about consent and transparency, particularly when it came to matters of ethical behavior.
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‘tis not me, fren…
Anyone know what this is from?
the picture or the hyde wars episode?
The episode
its called black listed desperado, ep 31 or something
32 actually
By far the worst meme image to have disgraced these threads.

What do you guys think the Jay Dyer episode is like?
>aside from John Peleck but hes no zoomer or newfag
Pelech is from 97-98, he's literally a zoomer, he was like 16-17 during KSTV 1
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>mission accomplished
Blocked the image and reported for duplicate posting.
I walked out of the blockbuster one morning and I thought I was looking for the firm by tom cruise but I walked out with the firmgully what a excellent choice
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I cannot be stopped
>it’s not so much that I must win, but that you must lose
How do you walk out twice
fuck it man
any new gossip? im a faggot
effina rimmed me
samuels doing bloodplay again
Movies movies movies movies
Did he prolapse his anus again? Damn.
it's eh, they almost get into the "break up" but completely sidestep it
>fuck it man
half-correct answer. you get two (2) points.

The ONLY correct answer is that you picked up GoldenEye for N64. Life changes permanently after that (and then a slight bump when you get paintball mode... then life never quite hits the same...)

I'm sure you can still smell the popcorn, the plastic boxes, and fluorescent lights. YUMMY YUMMMY YUMMMY

Anyone got a torrent for the edited version of fishtank? I'm sure it was entertaining live but I had better things to do with my time than watching a 24/7 livestream
anyone manage to clip the stream from earlier?
The youtube episodes are higher quality than what's on the site, despite the ads and censored Chris nudity.
Peleck is based and strangely manages to be likeable somehow, unlike literally every other Sam orbiter
Idk who Jay Dyer is, but listening to this he sounds like a complete fucking autistic retard and not the good kind.
I think I saw him in a shining documentary and he had really shitty /pol/ copy pasta talking points lol
He's overly serious the entire time when interviewing a comedian and not compatible at all with Charls' particular social cues
>Yeah I'll laugh with ya for a bit
season 1 is a very "you had to be there thing"
the edited episodes are tone deaf crap that are missing a lot of essential moments
I didn't watch them but the two vids by "Jabroney" on yt seem much better because they add a lot of the context and reactions needed to get a feel for how it really was
You also had to be a nu-mde poser piece of fucking trash
chill mate, it was fine. a few good questions. didnt interrupt charls. I liked it
You have very low standards
was just happy to see Charls in a coherent setup. his streams are a mess and so is palace most of the time. last few pgl's were just soulless networking without him too
that aligns with my mental image of him. I think I heard him in a debate once, can't remember the specifics. pretty sure he does he apologetics, shilling some brand of orthodoxy or something.
I suppose that's true.
the whole point of Fishtank was the live aspect, it was originally pitched as a "hell house" where the contestants were constantly pushed & tormented, but the reality was they couldn't think up of enough stuff to keep them occupied so most of the time they were lounging around doing fuck all.
Being live 24/7 it was worth checking in to see if something was happening, and a bunch of clippers posted stuff onto youtube that you might have missed. Between watching live and the clips on youtube you were pretty much covered.
I have no idea what the purpose of the "Official" edited episodes were, as the show just wasn't interesting enough to watch over again, maybe if they released all the behind the scenes footage that might be interesting.
Ultimately Fishtank turned out to be boring, and the fanbase was 99% simps and orbiters who throw money at the show in some desperate attempt to get close to the cast and crew. I watched a little of Season 2 but quickly grew bored by the karate lessons because they didn't have any better ideas and disgusted at the fanbase's even more rampant simping.
Podcasts can put on in the background as your doing other stuff, and about half of PGL's are interesting enough to have on, but I cannot fathom watching this over again.
another big part was "community" reactions, clips memes, differing opinions
but yeah it's a degenerate amount of time investment for fuck-all reward, I had learned my lesson and I don't think I watched s2 for over an hour total
>paychads instead of paypigs
wtf happen?
If you'd have listened to the oldheads from the get go you wouldn't have wasted any time, but it's like pearls before swine...
Have I fell victim of the Mandela Effect or there really was a RedBar segment about Sam and Marky?
Samuel, it's Mother's day. Call your mummy and tell her you love her.
This weeks Palace is still public

Anyone know who the QT is who topped up their drinks? does she stream or have a cashapP? I wanna give her money.
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Can’t someone bring a cell phone into a comedy club? Paychads are being demoted to paysimps as we speak
It’s your cousin when she’s not sucking black cock on Onlyfans. If you took a break from fucking children you’d know that
Hey. be nice
PGL with Roger Stone? I bet Charls hates that guy
I think Stone is a NiggTank investor
Why would Charls hate the man who got Drumpf elected ?
because they're furnishing drugged out zoomer twink ass to geriatric jew faggots, thanks Delora Gans
I think this is why Charls seems so stressed and conflicted recently. On the one hand, he's getting himself into better financial shape via MDE 2.0, but he's also becoming a hypocrite by being funded by those with nefarious (or at least biased) intent--which is what happened the last time they got canceled via Sam's doing.

If you knew that it was only a matter of time before the rug is pulled again, you'd be stressing too.
do you think that FUCKING NERD fucks and gets fucked by Roger Stone?
>Hes literally gay, hes lets men fuck him and sucks their cocks
what did charls carroll mean by this in his turkey stream which I watched live and the stans cant gaslight me into thinking it never happened
he was deep in schizo bullshit himself
he also literally believed sam kept paid shills to smear effina and barred people from working with charls etc
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>different ear lobes
>you have gay porn saved on your computer you fucking faggot
how much gay porn did you sift through to find some faggot that vaguely looks like sam?
>ruddy cheeks
>blonde facial hair
>wrong ear lobes
sloppy job
oh okay charls is schizo, even though sam has said hes never been schizo
>intently analyzed gay porn
>intently anal-yzed
yea i bet you are fag
the ears look the same tbf
sam's aren't attached
>autisim for the win
Top left of the grey is poorly shopped grey to "leg". Also, beard line doesn't follow ear lobes -> see>>1306311

So, let's recap:
>you have a vendetta
>instead of giving yourself value through efforts, you instead have gay porn on your computer to exact revenge
>you photoshopped this gay porn to be more convincing
>you shared it with us to... convince us?
>you are slapped down by autists.

This must be that druggie woman because of all the time she wastes collecting porn. I mean, how would you search for similar phenotypes? Oh, wait, the only image that comes up on reverse image search is a meme from 2017 (from a defunct subreddit)...

With this amount of effort, you could have truly worked for $15/hr.

Someone post that link of her drugged up interview slurring her words. Using drugs is the mark of a coward and you could have easily slamdunked his reputation even with slander.

I don't even think you'll ever get that opportunity again, so you've moved on to his "fans" in some type of Munchausen to give your life meaning (because apparently you're so awesome that all of your boyfriends could never match up to...)

>alternate theory
Sam's team is in cahoots to stir controversy, so they pretend to be this woman and continue to give her regular L's so she knows her place...
Fredrick is not happy about this.
Charls doesn't care for Trump or Republicans. Maybe in the 2016 culture war he did (the vote trump ending on WPS1E3) but he hates politicians and anything to do with politics.
He is spiritual not political. I could be wrong but I just think Charls has a general distaste for anything government related.
I think the best defense is if someone took her picture and did that DignifAI (https://dignif.ai/), so this becomes a hurtbox for her. Same for Discord trannies, but we know that on a long enough timeline, they'll eventually stop posting...
what? get help schizo lmfao
>we're over the target
remember, women argue exclusively in character assassination, not logic. If they were smart, they wouldn't do this... because that would be logical.

If you're aware of the spam of these threads, time to get DignifAI'd.
how much do you lads think Samuel gave Charls to cum back to MDE ?
During his schizo meltdown stream he said he wouldn't comeback even for 6 bagillion dollars.
Sam's a jew, so I honestly doubt it's anything over 100k, but clearly enough for Charls to buy a house or apt in the States, idk if he lives in Rhode Island
that's not sam you facially blind crackhead
he nibbled on his hotdog
Is it possible Charls just forgave him after they cleared up the misunderstanding over the car show? Like you say he seemed pretty set on not going back for money
>When you watch his podcasts now he's like a tired, flaccid old boomer with no zing.
It's called losing your edge, you tame out as you get older, you stop giving a fuck which is a blessing and a curse. You just don't give a damn anymore, death is coming fast, years become minutes. You start to resent your past self and wonder how things could've been different. You start realizing what you truly wanted. No one can stay cool forever, no one is immune to aging.
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Will he make the fight finally happen
Sam wishes that gun was Hasan's penis.
WTF? What are you doing Samuel?
Wigger crew in full damage control, let’s share this everywhere.

Sam ”Selfsucker” Hyde

When he can’t have another mans penis in his mouth he takes his own, Nigger cockhungry as fuck!
>yay more bred 'n' cirkus
I just want standup bootlegs and PGLs because Jah Rule is not helping me make sense of this world
He's just stretching, stop making up bullshit about Sam. It doesn't even look like him.
you think Charls got his apt or house or whatever from his Patreon earnings ? lmfao
Charls is incredibly uncomfortable with Sams shenanigans
>bringing charls out on stage for no reason on your standup tour
>calling for charls bringing him awkwardly to the stream at nicks backyard stream
>the first few streams sam and nick had together
if you aren't a socially acoustic retard, you would be able to pick up on the tension. It isn't even a question whether Charls got paid, but how much.
wtf sam u said u weren't gay
It's not him
who is it, his identical twin?
Dude just look at the photo it's not him, are you blind?
is there a page that hosts charls content for download? trying to find an archive of the nick charls stream from a month ago if anyone has it thanks
Charls rents, or at least he was renting his last place before he moved recently. If you actually kept up with Charls' schizo streams instead of gossiping, you'd know this.
What makes PGL and stand up less of a stupid distraction than a fight
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Don’t you ever challenge me. Provide the goods or continue being nothing.
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But I don't have any nigger and you challenged me. Explain why watching Sam scream about how he's fucking indian please help him is any less bread n circus than watching him get gassed in 3 minutes fighting Hasan who can't throw a single punch or kick that hurts him or continue being nothing
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Probably that live touring makes a lot of money whereas Sammy lost money from the fight (unless you want to argue the publicity was worth it which it probably was)
or maybe you're just neurotic low T dramafaggot who thinks his insecurity and overanalyzing is a sign of social aptitude
>It's called losing your edge, you tame out as you get older, you stop giving a fuck which is a blessing and a curse
Losing your edge happens when you allow it to happen. That's what makes it so bad. Sammy always talks how he lives in a bad part of town to maintain his "edge" but that clearly isn't enough.
>Explain why
Challenge accepted
>watching Sam scream about how he's fucking indian
cultural awareness of immigration subterfuge and lowering of mean IQ
>get gassed in 3 minutes fighting Hasan
leftists are oversocialized and live in a constant state of cognitive dissonance. One of those claims is "punch a nazi", but when given the opportunity, it turns out the nazi drinks horse blood AND smokes, still beating the brakes of the aussie criminal subhuman.

Conclusion: Sam is guns and butter, not bread and circus.
>now butter my rifle before I take the stage...
when I say "take the stage", I mean anal penetration. You'll need to take PReP and prepare for my "visit" by eating nothing but bread so you can develop hemorrhoids (i LOVE those little danglers)
>tfw you fucked Sam Hyde in the ass and own him forever
Thank you for this compelling argument and adding a period at the end of it—holy shit, let me renounce my prior stance and rethink my life.

Fuck how could I be so WRONG? I’ve never been in a place where what I thought was pure logic and deductive reasoning shattered before me by your rock-solid argument.

No no, you get your dose of serotonin and I will marinate in cortisol until I calibrate my instincts to match yours. Damn…

You: 1
Me: 0
>hurts bro
You didn't make an argument you simply babbled nonsense after realizing you'd put yourself in a position where you have to defend Sams shitty stand up as anything other than drivel
is the palace up for grabs anywhere or no one shared it yet?
I think there's been a handful but you'd have to dig through past threads, probably cheaper to get 1mo channel membership and rip as much as you want
you will pee sitting down
and we shall know you by the scent of piss steam that's condensed around your wide-open taint
>no bidet for you; we don't waste pearls before swine
>technology is made for babies and pajeets nowadays
>I miss when I had freedom over the OS and programs
>blocks his own email address
So its pretty much confirmed sam hyde is a power bottom?
>get the DignifAI ready
We talked about this…

Are you ok?
sam hyde has no dignifai
Yeah. Internet porn and zionism destroyed sam's mind and anus.
If you were ever curious as to why MDE is horrid now, just look at this guy and the slop he expects
you will shit standing up
and we shall know you from the scent of shit coming out of your dick
>imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
thanks, babe
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I got 3 comments nuked on YouTube for spreading wisdom on using automation and sheets. Here are some deleted comments from the latest New Pill video dealing with creative tasks.


Fuck this, I'm resurrecting that comment because I'd rather MDE fans make money by making their shit efficient:

First, I use ChatGPT-4o as an employee. I can give it menial formatting tasks and keep open different "conversations" that are primed with research from before (you can do callbacks to this info as needed). My favorite prompt after a request? " *_Do the same for this shit: xxx_* ," with 'xxx' being whatever you just formatted. Many use-cases.

Second, otter.ai is good for transcriptions. If a client sends me an "explainer video", I just put it in transcribe, take the transcript, and get to the main points. A good prompt for this is "Taking this entire text, could you give me an outline and any special requests". Time is money and I'm not going to massage some dude's ego because he can't get to the point. LOOKING AT YOU, DAVID! (Note: This also works for Zoom meetings, where clients are recorded and can't weasel out of contractual obligations)

Third, invest in a Stream Deck and a macropad:
- The Stream Deck has 15 buttons that can be programmed multiple times over and with subfolders (you can have 10 pages, so one of those pages just reads "MONOMANIA IS A PREREQUISITE FOR SUCCESS". I also have buttons customized to such names as "FU Pay Me" and even full-text prompts as the touch of a button.
- My macropad is a DOIO 22-button. If I'm doing rapid editing, I have it set to the most useful commands (ex. bold/italics/underline, undo, redo, copy, paste, find, replace, close tab). This enables you work left-handed while moving the mouse.

Fourth, use voice recognition (I'll CONTINUE IF THERE'S INTEREST)
I have a real job.
I used to work real jobs (ex. trucking, taxi, construction, IT help desk, food service, entertainment, warehouse). If your mental posture isn't maximizing profit and minimizing effort, you deserve to do my bidding and be brought to heel.

THEME SONG (and sideboob):

>I have a real job
Yeah, real broke. According to my estimates, I'm making $120/hr. HOW MUCH DO YOU MAKE, big guy?

>one value add
define your metrics. How much you make an hour, how much work you can perform without going brain dead, how much weed puts you from Ascended One to Couchlocked Subhuman. I almost got into a bar fight because I told this bartender to do that when he complained about not getting "the good shifts".

I'll only continue with some more ONLY by request.
does anybody have a palace torrent with all the streams?
>I'm making $120/hr
doing what exactly
Everything from paralegal work, grant writing, SEO, branding, Biotech technical writing, scriptwriting, audio/music editing, songwriting/composing, and more.
>get good
I used to be homeless and would charge my laptop in my tent in Northampton, MA, Redding, CA, and Keene, NH to eek out more time to work.
>people are lazy
yep, and I charge a premium for stupid people.
what are your qualifications and what do you advertise your services on
**WARNING**: If you read this, you are denouncing the Talmud. If you go further, you are guilty of betraying your bloodline.


you don't need any - just have relevant examples, or do what I did and just steal existing work that I want emulate and pass it off as your own until you get a portfolio.

One cheatcode is to just set up a fake job on Fiverr or Upwork, take all the incoming submissions as examples of professional work (look at their hourly rate and total paid contracts), and then either a) pass it off as your own, or b) rewrite a fictional example that's demonstrable of your experience.

>do you have college experience
No, dropped out twice because I'd rather not have a non-dischargeable loan.

>what do you advertise your services on
I either contact companies directly or use the aforementioned channels.

>but what if I don't have 5-star reviews.
get a friend, have them create a job, submit work (you can fake it), and then make sure your friend gives you a glowing review. Then, leverage that.

>what do I charge?
Start low and time yourself, including smoke breaks.

>any other advice
only work for yt people. Over the course of nearly 1,000 clients, the only people who ripped me off were Indian, Pakistani, and Ukrainian. Philipines is the GOAT, as you'll only be working with women and they are a) attractive and b) straight-forward.

Okay, I'll field any questions from here on out, but with 2 decades of experience (I got my start working at a college newspaper... oyyy veeeyyyyyy)
*and Chinese
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>**WARNING**: If you read this, you are denouncing the Talmud. If you go further, you are guilty of betraying your bloodline.
>in an mde thread
>nihilistic jewish content for shit eating gays and tranny hooker blowers
>Delora Gans
>denouncin' the heckin' Talmud
no wonder you were homeless
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>homeless by choice, no food stamps.

I saved money to purchase a van and travel through the USA, stay on BLM land (Bureau of Land Management) for months on end while everyone freaked out during COVID.
Madddddd comfy and I wrote 150 songs surrounded by the sweet smell of fresh sage outside Grand Junction, CO

>what were you doing?
most likely crying. I was banging Navajo and future yentas with daddy issues in Narragansett and Hampton, NH. I denied them my precious fluids of course

>how much do YOU make?
coffee is closers. sit the fuck down.

The funny part is that since I shared my work philosophy with verifiable results (pic rel) this entire time. Meaning, I'm getting paid while you seethe.

>how much do you seethe an hour? Can I pay you in cope or cringe?

pic rel

VICTORY THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIERMxKaKCQ
>this is you and your homotribe's congenital defects, mouthbreather
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I just remembered that Roger Stone (Latest PGL) was on Epsteins island wearing a bull mask with a Nixon tat doing things to underage girls.
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Jannies, is it okay if I contribute to this community by offering career advice while we patiently wait to be blessed with a free PGL as God wills it?

>pic is how you fire a client
I’ll only elaborate on how to source clients by popular demand. I’m gonna need two “ME NO LIKEY NO MONEY NO MO” replies. Naked female breasts with no reverse-image are also acceptable currency. One original by Ashley Jones counts as two.

>what about tranny boobs? Aren’t you afraid?
If I can’t tell, take it as a compliment (but also seek help)

the last new pill with the art dude had some gems, but he is clueless on how to source and sus out high-quality client with no network/prospects.
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>when Nick calls him "Sammy"
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Ahhh fuck it, I’ll have to seduce Ashley myself.

>akashic records engage
Alright, you’re homeless and you have no money, but you want the skrilla to taste the good life? I mean I make in an hour what you make in a week, so let’s go.

Start on Upwork. Fiverr already puts a price subconsciously (“aww gee, write me a $5 book by tmrw”), so sign up for Upwork. You’ll need ID and sheeit, but it is exactly like getting a weed card, pajeet and all.

>wow catpostersupreme, now what
Fill your profile out to 100%.
>but that’s hard
Again, steal someone’s profile word for word and just change it up a bit.
>GPT prompt: “rewrite this Upwork profile but personalize it for me” + their shit

Bid on jobs. Look for work wherein you have some skill… or type the name of the job in YouTube with “How to be [job]”. Aim low, and only work for clients in your respective country. All foreigners hate each other.

Beggars can’t be choosers, so just go for a quick and easy projects. Your only goal is to get a five-star rating. Everything else is gravy.

>Note: people take advantage of newbies, and I used to torture an old lady in NJ who thought she could work. Don’t delegate unless you want a digital plantation

Okay, now bid on jobs by setting filters for < 5- 10 proposals. Open all jobs in new tabs. You should have ten in each. Apply to each job. You apply by quoting a job.

Alternatively, you could just create a fake job as a client, then steal the incoming proposals. You do you, girl.

>propsoal writing
yeah it’s a typo, fuck uou. You’re going to compose your first template. Save this shit and copypasta this everywhere. I use the same template with only changing a few words.

>fellatio-worthy tip: after a two sentence introduction that ends with “…and I think we’d make a great fit.”, you then ask them three questions about the project.

>lemme eat $40 chipotle and be right back
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Hyde took her anus, bro
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Lemme smoke a bowl and come right back…

This is your new mindset:
Alright her face is nude, I’ll allow it. Gonna need one more

Just give me a few minutes
>Act II
MINDSET THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1cRGVaJF7Y (there's nudity)

It's an ego boost to get one on the hook: how do you know what to look for, agree to, and all that shit?

Unfortunately, it's always changing. Here are a couple of rules I follow, but that chipotle's making me want to work out for Ashley Jones (I keep getting older, she stays the same age, alright alright)

>#1 - No pajeets, Chinees, Africans, and especially arabs. They all conduct business differently &I don't have time to deal with negotiating like some dusty bazaar (fuck the chinee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV-q8M4vJ6M)

#2 - If they negotiate a price after you quote a price, start looking for new clients while you string them along. ("Could do you it for $37.50 instead of $50") Money now is better than money later, but be prepared to fire them.

>#3 - Avoid the gays. They have brain worms and feel like they are good at their job. They are not--and they get catty. If you saw that screenshot before, that's a fag. Liberal. Sometimes, they have money because they have no expenses or live as DINKs (look it up), or they just get promoted as a safe white male by office women.

#4 - Black people are surprisingly good clients. They usually are either hyper professional or they came into money through a social program. For the former, you'll get like 85% of the value. However, they'll never complain unless you're negligent--and that's speaking of someone as a featured guest on Dr. Oz and Oprah. That client also had several best sellers on Amazon updated each year by yours truly.

For the latter, you are White Jesus and you bring the riches of the west...

However, they will expect you to do everything, often just inserting random ideas with the tacit understanding that it's your job to make sense of it all (YOU ARE JA RULE).

MINDSET THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWvOHT0zfXY
| RULES (cunt.) |

#4 - I have had one such client that was writing a report on Bitcoin but added how monumental Kobe's career was, along with why some Nas' Illmatic was equivalent to the blockchain. CARGO CULT SHIT

#5 - Don't work off Upwork unless you do it on the sly. And if you do, keep the project open so you'll have 14 days to leave a negative review (which will fuck them over). Your digital reputation is all that matters (unless you're indian).
>#5b - Also, offer a 10% discount to sweeten the deal, which is the same money (Upwork takes a tax-deductibel 10%). The only advantage of working offline is faster payment - Upwork takes 5 days in escrow (which is why I posted the $500 today that clears on the 22nd -actually, it'll clear at 8pm EST on the 21st and you can instant payment, even on Sunday)

>#6 - Specialized shit pays well--as does freaky stuff. I finished a kink project for this one burnout girl in Africa, then worked on municipal bill the next. Then I worked as a paralegal, preparing documents for a woman that was filing a lawsuit for wrongful termination. Pay attention to the trends. BioTech is always big because of dying boomers.

>#7 - Avoid all vices. Forex trading? Online Gambling? Sports? GAY GAY GAY. These attract degenerates, the same type of people who think they can charge a callback on Upwork's escrow.

> #8 - Be responsive. No call gets past you during business owners. If they work on the west coast and you're on the east coast, you may have to be available 9am - 8pm. Always ask for 24-hour notice for meetings.

>#9 - (Number nine) Number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number nine, number (Number, number nine, number nine)

I'm conflicted. On the one hand you're sharing something that might help some people.

On the other hand, the way you present your thoughts in a manner of a one-man show, with musical cues, rehearsed quips and exaggerated speech — you seem like you are fucked socially, so maybe not the best mentor for the lost?

"You do you, girl"
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>valid critique
You also are here for free torrents from podcasters that compare luxury items.

>poorly socialized
body count: 75

Tell you what, I'll let only you decide. ONLY YOU. I'm showing you the path from literally dirt broke and taking sponge baths in a NH swamp to never having to look at a receipt again.

If you're a janny, I'll wrap up now if you want...

>"You do you, girl"
It's called humor, you malignant cunt.

>Are we all gonna make it?
Y / N
I'll wait...
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Ok but what work/service are you actually selling? Maybe I missed it somewhere up the thread.
>Ashley quota has been reached
alright, we're cool. I'm just a bit on edge. I'm moving in 3 days and my neighbor called the ops on my 2x cuz he has early onset dementia.

we'll make this a choose-your-own-adventure

>Ok but what work/service are you actually selling? Maybe I missed it somewhere up the thread.
Modern freelancing in all types of endeavors.

We'll make this a choose your own adventure:
Option A:
I'll move on to branching out beyond Upwork, but that's the easiest path besides selling yourself to a company.
Option B:
Freelancing while homeless

You pick
You don't know shit, faggot. Sam's made more money than you ever will.
This is great advice if your highest calling in life is picking up pennies and half smoked cigarettes off the floor
Yeah but this goy's doing ok without rich jewish parents and not sucking cock for masonic initiations (i think)
you should try being less negative
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I’m back, I just woke from a chipotle coma
>sam, this is what happens when there’s no PGL

Yeah, I’m not claiming this is the sole path to being financially comfy, nor is it scalable to millions without transition from freelancer to self-made c-suite. I’m just saying that there’s a distinct lack of info when you’re at absolute zero.

>pic rel is a $200 present I bought for my 10 yo neighbor today w/ “developmental disabilities”
You can finally stop being the dude at gatherings with no present….
>This is great advice
Thanks bro
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Ok lemme make some coffee. My neighbors baritone horn is coming in the mail so we’ll take a picture when it arrives while I write this shit

MINDSET THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNE2oCZH_4k


#10 - If you let your clients rip you off, they will. This can come in the form of:
- not approving assignments on time ("Oh, I'm sorry I'm busy with [family/work/travel/vacation]
- sending anything besides trackable digital payments ("I can pay you
- endless revisions
- creating variants of the same design/content (which they repurpose and don't pay you)
- giving the runaround

>#11 - Your client can be late, but you cannot. If you know you won't be able to finish something by a deadline, explain how you'll finish is asap

#12 - You CANNOT outwork shitty payrates. Once you've spent 8 hours on a $100 project, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. There's a weird fatigue where you'll end up saying, "why is this so hard?" It's hard because it's below market rate. Gas station pay, gas station results.

>#13 - Some clients will blame you for their own bad decision-making and inefficiencies. When I first started, I blamed myself; now, I just recommend what they should do until they seethe. Remember, you're the expert and they're not. Don't ever let them forget that.

#14 - Every client uses some form of content management system and communication platform. They're all the same. Asana, Slack, Trello, Zoho, Magento, Clickup - once you know one, they all serve the same function. Your client will expect you to be an expert, but they'll give you a grace period when you "ramp up"

>#15 - Agencies are good for consistent work but lower pay. Business owners are good for quick work, but they'll yell at you for their own problems. What you want is middle managers and those who have to answer for someone. Your job is to make their life easier and make them question their hiring decisions. I LOVE to steal work from lazy office workers.
>most positive vaguely mde related content in years
>would actually benefit most current mde fans
>shat on by spoiled retards on benzos that spend all day on discord
Thanks broseph

>most positive vaguely mde related content in years
when you get successful, it's hard to see others suffer due to lack of guidance and opportunity. Consider I agree with (most) of the MDE mindset, I'd say this appeals to someone who shares these values.

I'll change gears and give my anecdotal story about how I went from sleeping in a Walmart tent to making $120/hr and doing whatever the hell I want.

Considering I've spent like 3 hours cumulatively writing this, I've already lost $360 and got yelled at.

I'm just waiting for FedEx to hurry the fuck up before I grab some beer.
the real punchline is that you're out of Sam's price range and can probably do the work of at least dozen wiggers
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My neighbor's gift arrived in real-time. Here's some subliminal advertising in the pic... FIND THE ARROW
>yeah yeah, my across the street neighbor is broke and didn't fix his gutter...
> the real punchline is that you're out of Sam's price range and can probably do the work of at least dozen wiggers
I appreciate that, but no. Graphic design and video editing is the hardest freelancing shit you can do.

>oh why, great catposter?
Because creative shit will always be a matter of nuance and subjectivity. No one ever looks at electrical work and says, "Gee, that's some nice grounding, but do you think you could wrap your wires so it doesn't offend the ADL?"

>nigga I'm dropping so much knowledge, they won't be no potholes when I's free....
alright, I'll show you guys how it's done

MDE fans, you are my client:

> Deadline: 5pm EST
> Deliverable: One (1) post about homelessness
> Expectation(s): I expect some fucking short-haired goddesses and forest nymphs as payment. Audrey Tautou lookin' bitches. You have fucking 3hrs 45 minutes to copy-paste... or BE POOR FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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