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Is the pirate bay still good?
I still find it rather useful.
are there other sites that I should consider?
1337x.to or join a private tracker like torrent leech
It was never good but it served a purpose. Anyone using it after 2014 is retarded though.
"the" pirate bay went defunct in 2009, every "pirate bay" since is just using the name, and they appear and disappear at random. sometimes it's full of malware and honeypots, sometimes it's completely empty.
it's not worth shit anymore. use 1337x or rutracker if you dont wanna join private ones
what is a private tracker?
not sure
TBP, RARBG, etc are all public trackers. everything on them is accessable publically, ie you can search them, view the whole swarm, all their content is freely available to anyone.
private trackers require signing up, most require some validation that you aren't a fed and some even require payment (rarely). but since it's private theres no way to get their content without signing up, even if you had a magnet link or torrent file your IP wouldn't be whitelisted and they wouldn't seed anything to you. thus makes it much more secure and private, as your ISP for example can't snoop and see what torrents you're downloading, only that you are downloading something. also means feds and DMCA can't find it and shut it down. they almost always require that you seed a certain ratio or time though, leechers get kicked really fast as it slows the whole swarm down for no mutual benefit.

tl;dr a tracker distrobutes and tracks torrent pieces, a private one is, well, private
Sorry but you don't know a lot about private trackers.
>private trackers require signing up
>most require some validation that you aren't a fed
There is not a single one who does this.
>some even require payment
Wrong. (There would be one chinese tracker, which could be an exception to that rule.)
>your IP wouldn't be whitelisted
Technically wrong.
>as your ISP for example can't snoop
Wrong. (And your ISP is not the problem.)
>also means feds and DMCA can't find it
Wrong (See Example 1)
>as it slows the whole swarm down
That isn't the reason.

Example 1:
Because you are so full of knowledge, this happened recently:
>Last summer (*summer 2023*), Lithuania amended its Code of Administrative Offenses,
>allowing media watchdog LRTK to fine pirates, without going to court.
>Over the past several months, dozens of fines were handed out. The targets
>were first-time offenders and all received the minimum fine of 140 euros.
>The early fines were almost exclusively issued to users
>of the private torrent tracker Linkomanija for sharing pirated films.
>According to LRTK’s latest information, it’s also keeping an eye
>on users of ‘private’ torrent tracker, Torrent.lt.

As the reader the assumption is: the users of these trackers were seeding from their home connection.
The thing is the change of law in this situation in Lithuania.
There was the situation with Danishbits.

In theory a closed swarm without an anti piracy agent is different than a public swarm.
Use your brain if you want to use private trackers.
btdig.com has a lot of hard to find links but many dead as well. I think it aggregates from other torrent search engines but not sure.

Any alternatives to btdig?
That guy somehow manages to have a more punchable face than Ben Shapiro who he tries to make fun of.
Are you?

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