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I think anyone who followed this project saw this coming, but now it's official. The Mars Industries Facebook page has also been taken down, and contact information has been removed from their website.

Will Michael French of Retroblasting comment on this? As I recall, he was one of the most active shills of this scam, making promo videos and even doing a livestream with the creator, Conrad Murphy, after multiple backers complained of never receiving their kits.
I don't think I would ever back a toy on kickstarter. Or a video game. Or anything except like books because usually books have everything actually ready to go and just need the money to print it.
>I scammed you, but I'm the real victim!
What a Chad. I need to come up with a project like this to make a cool $70k and then just walk away from it without supplying anything.
Dude, no one cares about your gay e-drama. Let it fucking go already.
I don't entirely get how this happens. When I wanted to set up a Kickstarter, the rules were you had to have a prototype ready for production. Really negated the point IMO as I needed the funding to make the tooling to have a prototype. How the heck do people get away with having nothing set up and violating that rule?
Reminder! RETROBLASTING TOLD PEOPLE TO BACK THIS PROJECT! I wonder if he'll be refunding anyone the money he bilked them out of?
>What? Won’t the people who backed it get their money back? I swear that’s a kickstarter policy.

Hahahhahahaha no, you got fucked. Kickstarter got their money, they are whole and happy.
ANYONE WHO GOT SCAMMED: They're forming a legal defense for a Class Action Lawsuit and to press felony Grand Theft charges (I guess they need at least $20k worth of people who got scammed to join in on the suit)

For details just check the comments on the kickstarter update for OP's pic where the crook claims he's "insolvent (but there is NO registered business by that name! Dude is a lying crook!)
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If you need tooling then you're prototyping wrong. 3D print your shit, it's a prototype, it doesn't need to look smooth or to be solid.
>Just 3D print your shit
>Just slap up $1000 for a one time use
>Just buy a stupid fucking machine for s fragile piece of shit prototype

Holy Fucking Shit
Then sculpt it out of clay like they used to do in the good old days before seamonkeys could shit up threads.
Genuinely this dude made me realize how obnoxious the Sea chinks are. Pajeets are getting all the heat for now but it won't be soon the attention will shift to sea monkey land.
It's weird. SEAmonkeys are either the absolute best or absolute worst people you will ever meet. I'm friends online with a lot of Flips and they're all pretty cool, but then you have guys like chungusfurry/Athena/comus or whatever name he's using now.
Is Mars Industries the guys behind Gun Runners?
Don't think so. If I remember right, Marauder Gun Runners are based in Minnesota.The guy running the Airwolf Kickstarter is in Florida, according to comments on the KS page.
Marauder Gun Runners would never produce 3d printed garbage
Okay thanks, I was confused
>another Kickstarter took the money and ran
Why do people keep falling for this shit?
>we didn't get anything!
>where's our money?
>we're gonna sue!
Baby's first KS. lol. lmao even.
I hear the term potato head thrown around a lot, but this guy seriously looks like one kek.
Anyone that ever gave this shitmoney is genuinely amongst the most retarded people on the planet, this had all the signs of being a giant scam.
>What? Won’t the people who backed it get their money back? I swear that’s a kickstarter policy.

Nope. They let people take the money and run like Cryptid Toys did.
Wow I forgot about those, I remember almost pledging. This only funded cause it was pre-GI Joe Classified and Valaverse, right?
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You forgot to add "kek" you stupid seamonkey.
Stupid Box Ghost. I did order a few of these, was the one time a KS I backed didn't deliver. Luckily everyone else seems to be genuinely trying to get their figures out.
Add "rock and roll anthem" to the cards, that's my favorite line.
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I guess someone was reading this tread and got provoked into doing damage control.
yes the customer is always a faggot
Does he start blaming other content creators going "WHY DON'T YOU GO AFTER THEM THEN ME" like last time this happened
Yes, blames everyone else except himself, and of course calling anyone mildly criticizing him as being a hater.
When was this? I got back into toys in 20 and while i was gonna get into valaverse i found classified and went with it.
I dont even think thats a person, just randomly says the same line in several threads. Atleast zatlit was a human.
Yup. Basically says that “channels talk about the sentinel a year before it comes out and when it does and has broken knees, nobody gets mad at them”. One, hasbro is an established toy company so it’s not the same. Two, they don’t have hasbro employees on their channel talking about it. RETROBLASTING LITERALLY HAD THE GUY ON HIS CHANNEL WHEN PEOPLE WERE HAVING DOUBTS ABOUT THE PROJECT TO SWAY PEOPLES DOUBTS. I don’t get how he acts like he had no responsibility in the project.
this this this holy fuck do I hate fans. Corporations will ALWAYS do the best work. We owe them everything for giving us the things we love.
why would he be responsible for it you mongoloid
holy freakin this. If hasbro puts out a broken product then that's ok because they've earned that fucking right.
No, fuck you. The sentinel knees were fine. Hasbro did the best they could with a difficult toy, and we should just be thankful that they made it at all. Without them we'd never have sentinels in our collection and that's important.
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Ignore this >>10989382 anon overshooting.
The point is they can be fixed by tightening, which they shouldn't have to be, but Retroblasting doesn't mention it's an easy fix cause it doesn't makes Hasbro look as bad as he wants.
Retroblasting is disingenuous
the simple fact of the matter is that Hasbro are professionals and as professionals deserve our trust and deference. They know what they're doing more than some hamhanded reviewer. If they didn't, they wouldn't be where they are.
blatant bait
Not the point of my post at all. Not everything has to be about Hasbro
I bet only like four people blamed him in a way he could see and he made a 25 minute video about it
It's funny because he's making this video to say STOP BLAMING ME FOR THIS, I'M JUST A GUY WHO BOUGHT IT, DON'T ATTACK ME, he then tells his followers to attack another Youtuber who did advertise it.
The main difference is the other Youtuber was smart enough to actually delete the video when trouble happened
With all of the autism on this board it's no surprise Michael is here.
>Michael was the retroblast spammer all along...
I like that him and his toadie, Timothy Ward are trying to blame Michael Mercy in the comments. What vaporware toy will Michael get his fans to buy next?
Why do you give him views if you hate him so much?
I don't, I get the URL and download it
Honestly, that kind of even gayer. Why not just ignore the things you don't like? I genuinely don't understand people who are like this. Do you enjoy getting pissed off or something?
Nice try dumbass, but you would actually have to not be on /toy/ to argue that you're not also exactly what you just described
And if you're already aware of that than self hating is even gayer
>Why do you give him views
I don't, but if I wanna see what people are talking about I just download it
Shut up faggot
>No U
Whatever man, you do you. I don't go out of my way to watch or consume content from someone that deliberately irritates me. Sounds pretty autistic.

>if I wanna see what people are talking about I just download it
That's fair I guess. I can understand that. It's just so many people on this board seemingly go out of their way to look for things that upset them. It's really weird and I don't get it.
You can't throw out a "you do you" and then admit you're mad by going "SEEMS PRETTY AUTISTIC"
Did I touch a nerve or something? Holy shit. What's wrong with you?
I see why Melinda was smart enough not to get involved with this, Mick really needs to let her make more content.
My favorite part of Mikey shilling the Airwolf, was when he looked into the camera and said how it'd be even better in the final production.
>investing (yes you are not crowdfunding, you are "investing" when dealing with a unknown entity without a track record) on a $600+ item

Can people really blame other people when they lost a investment bet?

It seems easier to get some fans together to work on some 3d programs and print the thing themselves rather than the traditional and highly volatile (money wise) injection system
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>generic helicopter toy gets cancelled
>Focusing on the YouTube drama instead of the toy
You guys are worse than teenage girls.
A airwolf just flew over my house
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I dont think that you can set up a company with just Mars + business definition. Mars food probably has all rights secured for simple variation of their name to stop bootlegger.
Yes, you can. It can be seen as advertisment. It is a delicate line between reviewing and reporting to being involved in the product.
But it might be hard since all investment bankers would sit in prison. But some investment bankers get sued. So there is a 50/50 chance you can.
>bootlegging whiskas
>I dont think that you can set up a company with just Mars + business definition.
It's already been pointed out there is no registered business by this name and his claim of insolvency has no merit.
I got my money back from contacting my bank and being on the phone for several hours until they finally caved, feels good. Hope everyone else can do the same. It’s funny because I almost backed out of the project before the kickstarter originally ended, but then I saw the RetroBlasting video where he was showing the prototype and thought it looked really good. I started having doubts about the project and that’s when RetroBlasting did that livestream Q&A with the creator and it helped dispel some of the doubts I had. Now here we are, 3 years later, most people never received their kits, most people will be out of their money, and a ToyTuber that places all of the blame on “Canadian Warrior Poet”, I can definitely understand how there’s a lot of hurt feelings all around with this project.
So far, I have only seen a handful of his videos and he had always been a relatively normal dude in them but holy shit, this one is a pain to watch. How can an adult man be such a crybaby over what people say about him online? A 25 minute video is overkill for something he could talk about in 5 minutes
Michael just put out a statement with an old screenshot, stating how mad he is that someone made fun of his shirts 2 years ago.
Pic? I can’t find it
As the video said, one person accused him of advertising, and replied to him with a movie gif, which he hates more than anything casue that's HIS gimmick. So he made a video that's 25 minutes long with over half of it telling you to attack someone other than him
He's just a big autistic baby
It's 1:18 isn't, not 1:12? How the hell can it cost 600? The Roboskull MK 2 is essentially a 1/12 single seater space jet that's the size of an actual adult skull and it costs 200+.
I'm bringing Uncle Ben's back. None of this "Ben's Original" bullshit. Gonna have a ye olde timey negro on the packet and everything.
He really is petty and to some point, I now understand the gripe some people on /toy/ have with him. It's always easier to just ignore the guy though

>He's just a big autistic baby
That captures him just fine, at least judging from this one video. It's just fucking toys, ffs
One was a scam and one wasn't
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It's on his Michael French page
Nice bait, retard, but I'll bite: Roboskull Mk 2 includes a swappable pilot seat that you can slot in so you can fit a GI Joe Classifieds figure in it. So essentially 1:12, just that it's a single-seater.
I'll once again repeat what I said before. These are grown-ass men arguing over children's toys. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
>anime profile pic on his Facebook
Fucking hell, he must be exhausting to live with
Yeah, for some reason he’s super into anime now. He keeps putting random clips from anime into different videos. His last livestream he must have just discovered Ghost Stories (you’re about 15 years late) because he put several different clips from it into the stream and even explained it because his two other boomer friends had no idea what it was and were confused. His taste in anime is trash anyways, because he made an hour long video hating on Eva because he hates Shinji even though he reminds me of Michael. His anime videos also barely get any views, because SPOILER ALERT we wanna see you talk about TOYS. You know, the whole reason you started your channel?
In a word, Michael French is insufferable. What an absolute faggot. Everyone else is the problem but him. I hope the other youtuber drama queens go after this fucking hypocrite for promoting the Airwolf project then blaming others for pointing out he literally sponsored it with airtime.
Michael only likes animes with lots of shipping or harem settings. Michael probably felt cucked by Shinji ending up with Mari.
Especially when this has all happened before with the fan strikes back bantha and it was the EXACT same situation. At least he said he was going to not be talking about these projects anymore until they’re actually out and in stock for people to buy so hopefully this doesn’t happen again. But he really should face some consequence for this, or at least take some fucking responsibility and say you were wrong instead of pointing fingers.
Everyone connected to Lio either troons out or becomes a pedo. Personally I think Michael will troon out.
So this is a stealth Retroblasting thread? I don't understand why you guys fixate on such a mundane subject. He's not even interesting to watch, just insufferable.
I doubt Michael does either of those, but we’ll see
Which Retroblasting employee are you?
I'm just asking. I genuinely want to know what you guys find so interesting about him. I've tried watching him but I can't make it past a couple of minutes without closing the rab. What's the appeal?
I think the appeal for most people is the drama, however I do enjoy some of his content. His old videos like the Star Wars Follies and the retrospective videos where he talks about the cartoon behind a toyline and then the toys themselves were pretty good. He doesn’t do that stuff anymore though.
>I think the appeal for most people is the drama
Is that really it? The way some of you talk about him, you make him sound like the second coming of Chris Chan, but I just never saw it. I don't get the appeal behind e-drama between a bunch of grown men that whine and argue about toys, but whatever.
You niggermonkey SEA flip retard, I only brought it up as a comparison. I don't care if it's 1:18 or 1:12 or whatever. Why are you even arguing with me about this? It's fine though, I bet you didn't even back the damn thing.
He used to make high quality videos on toys and toy lore, only to be massively buck broken over the Haslab Sail Barge, which he refused to back after Mattel's crowd funded Ecto-1 failed to get backed. The resulting downward spiral exposed him as a highly autistic nerd, who's fun to laugh at as he flails in the wind.

>you make him sound like the second coming of Chris Chan
That’s only really the heavy autists, there’s someone who made him a thread on KF that wrote like a whole book about him and all the different events but it just never really took off. The most interesting event with him is the whole sail barge incident, but even that just isn’t all that interesting to the average person. We also don’t really get enough insight into his personal life for it to really reach that level.
I honestly don’t really get why he’s spammed here to be honest. I know he’s mentioned 4chan in the past, but I doubt he really browses here. I think it’s just something Junkman tried to force since he clearly is here. I think if we just all started ignoring it and stopped giving the reactions they want, it would finally stop after a while.
He's got that early Chris-Chan energy, where he's livestreaming himself throwing fits as his parents check in on him.

He's mentioned in the op, so I don't see how it's stealthy. Not like that Star Wars Expanded Universe figures thread a week or so back.
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You're responding to a stealth post by a Retroblasting employee. You can tell by how they act like pic related.
>there’s someone who made him a thread on KF that wrote like a whole book about him
Is it this guy >>10990546
Hi RealGregTroll. There's two Michael threads by two different people, and you got banned on both. :-)
Yeah, looks like it.
>I think if we just all started ignoring it and stopped giving the reactions they want, it would finally stop after a while.
It's been going on for like four years at this point. Maybe even longer. It's never going to stop.
I’m genuinely curious if it’s all one person or a group of people. If it’s all one person, that’s just depressing that they’ve dedicated their life to this.
Sadder for Melinda, who has to hear Michael
I think it's mostly one guy. There was some backstory or something but I can't be bothered to care enough to remember what it was. I'm sure there are other sprrgs who also participate but I wanna say, for the most part, it's one extreme autist. Probably >>10990632
Melinda wouldn't go near that fucking airwolf from day one, she's a classy lady
Didn't he say something embarrassing like "Shinji is a bad soilder" as a reason why Eva is bad
More that Shinji is a narcissist
But he's 14
Nope if the kickstarter gets funded the money is officially there's.
Its lead to some real gems like the supposed crazy bitch that was going to make a tarot card set then started talking with the sun and was instructed by the sun to go batshit and not make the tarot set.
Fun times
More likely than having one on your shelf
what's michael's excuse?
>Atleast zatlit was a human
Let's not go that far, Anon.
Michael cries like he has a pussy. This is womanly behavior. His friends and supporters should be embarassed.
I found him first for his content which I still like, and as I watched more I started to see his side that takes everything super seriously, and I think that side is really funny especially in the context of toy collecting. So it's a win win.
His video tallying up each video that year as positive, negative, or neutral so that he could prove a point to fans who say he makes too many negative videos is incredible.
A little more work and it's Tommy Wiseau
Constantly obsessing about some random YouTuber is more womanly imo. What mental illnesses do you have?
How come the tactic isn't "shut the fuck up I like retroblasting" but is some stupid "urhm, are you really talking about someone you hate? Do better with your time". Seems hypocritical so it'll never accomplish anything
Blaming others right after spending ten minutes telling everyone it's wrong to blame someone for making a video about it. He's like a schoolyard bully who just got caught and trying desperately to make the teacher not call his mommy
KS really needs to update its TOS on shit like this.
Because it seems to piss you retards off.
This thread is a trip.
I actually cancelled my pledge for this before it ended, but I did lose out when his previous KS with the Hero and Skeleton blanks fell through. Of the twenty or so toy KS I backed though, that was the only one that hasn't delivered (though I am starting to lose hope on the COMPLEX Base Series 2 KS). However, I don't really feel like he intended to just take the money and run from those projects, but rather he dealt with a bad factory that put out crap products then sucked his funding dry. There actually were skeletons produced from the first KS, but they weren't in any condition to actually ship to backers and the factory just demanded more payments to fix the mistakes they made in the tooling.

This one came out in 2019ish, so right before Classified and Vala hit market I believe. Classified launched in 2020 and Vala came slightly after iirc. I'm sure if people knew what else was coming they might have held back. But still, the Army Alphas were much cheaper then either other line initially, and that made it was easier to army build.

I remember seeing the dude post a lot on the Fwoosh, and he always answered questions and took feedback requests in a positive manner. But dealing with a bad factory can easily tank any potential your line had and really screw over everyone. It's especially bad for smaller toy producers as they don't really have any way to protect themselves from getting strong armed by a factory half way across the world.

But overall, all my delivered KS products have been ok to great, and there's a few companies I've pledged multiple times to. Most recently I got my Savage Crucible stuff in, and while I haven't dug into them myself, I've heard nothing but positive praise. Toy KS in general seem to have a higher then average delivery rate if the actual project is successful.
Kickstarter is not a store or a pre-order system. It's an investment platform with no guarantee that your investment will pay off. Anyone who goes into KickStarter thinking there's no chance they could lose money shouldn't be investing in Kickstarters to begin with,

They're very upfront and clear on what their purpose is and what the risks to you are, so anyone begging for refunds three years after a project failed to deliver deserves to lose their money.
>KS needs to protect the buyer instead of protecting KS
Oh you dear summer child
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>His video tallying up each video that year as positive, negative, or neutral so that he could prove a point to fans who say he makes too many negative videos is incredible.
This is from the new Airwolf video lol, he's doing the same thing. His buttbuddy Timothy Ward even giving him a new list
>Rascal Does Not Dream livestream
wut? he did an anime LIVESTREAM??
Also does he not realize the titles don’t mean shit when he shits on companies and is just overall negative in most of those videos?
The negative content is the best part of his channel. Star Wars Follies, dunking on Haslab/scam artists/other jewtubers is the most entertaining content he makes. He should do it exclusively and stop with the video essays on moldy DVDs or Indiana's Jones' hat.
Doesn't sound like a scam. Just an idiot who got in over his head.
>Indiana Jones' hat
Dude, that Indiana Jones review is amazing. He literally stops his overly long review/video essay to go on a half hour rant about the inconsistencies in Indy's costume in all of the movies and how ass backwards it was in the last movie. I know he edited into its own video, but it's even funnier in the review because it's peak autism. I can not recommend it enough.
Well there’s that, but he also uploaded a 30 minute video last week that discusses JUST the hat, specifically the hats he owns and how he got a hat from the original hatmakers and how innaccurate it is to the FAN’s (who are doing the best work) Indy hats
Looks like I've got an autistic rant to listen to tonight.
This. Angry Mike every time is what we deserve.
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mfw when the good 'ol racist packaging sells better than the updated garbage
Can't be having depictions of black people interacting positively with whitey, anon. That would be racist.
Collab with Garand Thumb where they blow away all the shit toys RB hates with high caliber weapons? Imagine it, Angry Mike and White Mike blasting away a Sail Barge with a FAMAS.
You realize a sail barge runs upwards of around $1,000 now right?
Have you seen some of the firearms White Mike gets on his channel? He spends that much on just ammo per video. $1000 for the main gimmick of one of his videos is fucking nothing. You guys do realize collecting toys is one of the poorer hobbies out there right?
Depends, if you’re only buying stuff in stores yes. But if you’re buying older stuff, or into 1/6 and other lines it can get pretty pricey real quick.
Compared to collecting and shooting guns, no. No it does not.
Hey guys send me 80K and I'll make you some aerowolf chopper models or whatever

Just send the money and it will all be good I have a factory ready to go with prototypes I just need the money for the deposit first
Could you do it through kickstarter so we can at least have our money backed just in case?
>Garand Thumb
Lmao just looked this guy up, it's Mikey if he were actually manly. That's fucking hilarious.
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>artisan toymakers
My brother is a mold designer for injection moulding with ABS, he works for a large company which makes frames for plastic windows, glass facades and stuff like that. I'm an artist who could create 3D prototypes which my brother could disassemble, adjust and prepare molds for it. He thinks about starting his own company. How viable is the idea of creating 1/12 scale vehicles for figs? Mostly in model kits to self assembly for a start. Would people buy this or it is to niche?
I would rather buy a figure secondhand for 2x what it went for than buy it from the Kickstarter campaign itself. That's exactly what I did with the very first wave of Beasts of the Mesozoic figures. Best case scenario you wait 2 or more years for a figure not knowing what the final paint apps will even look like, worse case is OP.
Absolutely not. You sound like you've done no research and sound incredibly naive. Tooling design for things like windows and other large parts is very different than smaller, more intricate things like action figures and stuff at that scale.

>I'm an artist who could create 3D prototypes which my brother could disassemble, adjust and prepare molds for it.
Just by this description alone, it means you have absolutely no idea what the process is and how production actually works so no, don't quit your day job.
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If Mikey joined the army
nah he’d find a way to wear his Indy hat and satchel
I've only ever backed two things. Necromolds and The Necromolds expansion, and I fucking love it.
Window frames are more complex than you think they are, they have really small and precise components in their locking mechanisms, hinges, ventilation etc.

I know how production works don't worry about that. I'm just curious if there is even a market for 1/12 scale vehicles.
Sure, since you know everything and are 100% correct, go for it!
Why are you so salty? Go check how advanced modern window hidges are, they require a lot of planning and precision, designs must avoid existing patents. Don't be mad when someone corrects you, as you have no idea what you are talking about. Injection molding of simple toys is nothing compared to that.
GT also managed to have many kids.
people just mad they have to blow companies, and bigger youtubers for views while rb just runs his mouth. how many likes, and retweets have these people given randy, only to not receive some tmnt shit? or liking pride month pledges from hasbro or mattel? how many top 10 lists? how many ads have you paid for? rb shits the bed, promotes a scam company, or just bitches for hours live. people keep watching. it has to breed jealousy. he might be an asshole, but people tune in. i didn't start watching him until these threads.
NTA but you do sound pretty uninformed. I think the anon was talking about how you described the prototype to tooling process which has been well documented by lots in the toy space, and is not at all like how you explained it.

For what it's worth I think making 1/12 scale vehicles as model kits is an awful idea too. Fully assembled, painted and complete 1/12 vehicles are already a hard enough sell, much less ones you have to assemble and detail yourself. Most people who collect toys have no artistic ability to do so. It's also going to be wildly expensive for tooling for items that large, and you'll never make the investment back. There's been countless attempts to do similar stuff at what you're suggesting so I strongly encourage you to actually do the research.
I wouldn't listen to that anon, dude clearly has his head up his ass about something he barely knows anything about.

As for a market for 1:12 vehicles, it's small but definitely growing. With more 1:12 soldier based lines like Classified or Valaverse being so popular, a lot of these collectors are literally begging for vehicles. Hasbro has had two very successful kickstarters and have been putting out smaller rides that sell out almost instantly. The Skeletron Roboskull mkII managed to capture both the 1:18 and 1:12 markets with it's ingenious cockpit swapping mechanic, and even Valaverse is trying to roll out a Soccer mom Car-of-Doom. And there's plenty of one offs and repurposed rides making their wag around the community.

If you could come up with cool looking, affordable, snap together 1:12 rides, I'm sure you'll find some fans. You won't be moving thousands of units but if the product is good and the service well managed you'll build yourself a nice loyal fanbase. And a steady, reliable market is way better to build than super popular but short lived line.

Though with the "model kit" concept, you'd have to make sure that a) the final product is solidly built so that it could work as a toy b) the build process isn't too complex and the instructions are well laid out and c) the build process itself is fun. You could easily turn the entire construction process into a feature and not just a cost saving measure if the entire process is well designed. There are multiple model kit/figure building fan threads just on /toy/ alone, so it's not something everyone would consider a chore as long as the build itself is fun.
4Horsemen makes better 1/12 vehicles than hasblow ever could
>Though with the "model kit" concept
That's the reason the idea is a bad one IMO. Like the other guy above said, most people have no skill level to assemble something correctly much less complete a model kit with paint, waterslide deals or what not. I think it would just be so expensive for the tooling for 1:12 scale vehicles alone that it's a horrible idea to try to attempt. Unless the guy just has super deep pockets and has like 100K laying around to blow, then go ahead my friend. But the design/prototyping/tooling/production costs for a model kit you're expecting people to assemble themselves just seems like it will never work from a first time creator with no experience.

People and even companies that have a lengthy history professionally producing toys and vehicles have had major issues, delays, and production hurdles. I'd never give any first time creator my money and expect a good final product just because his brother has made windows lol
>a market for 1:12

what market? its dead

.....paint and waterslide decals? The hell you on mate? There's entire markets of snap together kits that make fantastic figures that don't need any of that. At worst you just need snips and some sandpaper. A model kit of a 1:12 vehicle would just be a new version of the original ARAH Joe line as most of those vehicles had to be assembled out of the box too.

But even still, model building is a very popular hobby and has a lot of crossover with toys collecting. There's at least four constantly active model related threads on /toy/ right now, and have been for ages. Just because you can't snap two pieces of plastic together doesn't mean others have trouble with it.

While I agree a first time creator will have a lot of issues with tooling and designing a proper kit, it's certainly not something that's out of the realm of possibility. Especially with the rise of 3d printing, prototyping things has never been easier. Hell, the entire Nerf hobby has been overrun with home made, 3d printed stuff that blows away anything any major company is producing They also need to be assembled by the buyer and those are *far* more complicated builds then any plastic vehicle would ever be but it certainly hasn't hindered that market from exploding across the entire hobby.
Who's that bald creep in the thumbnail? Looks like a faggot
I wasn't going to answer this but I see other anons already have. If you have to ask on 4chan, you've lost before you even started.
>You sound like you've done no research and sound incredibly naive.
As this guy said >>10993851 (You) you sound like a cocky, know-it-all who won't consider anything else anyone else says. So go for it then. I think it sounds like a perfect way to lose a LOT of money and that this will cost WAY more than you ever imagine with little to no market to support it, but you do you man. Remember, 4chan is not real life, and the amount of people who put their money where their mouth is, is smaller than you can even imagine.

You understand haha.
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Dude seriously needs anger management counseling.
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In further retaliation, Michael has come out as gay
Do you just sit and constantly refresh his twitter or something?
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That was from a GI Joe group Michael was feuding with over the Airwolf.
holy shit lmao, why does Michael even post this shit though? he’s just making it more public.
Why does he say he's not lurking and then he posts screenshots showing he was? He doesn't even think to say someone sent him that
Ok, that doesn't really change my question. Do you just sit on his socials hitting F5, waiting for an update?
Holy shit, you're still at this? Lmao, it's been four years man. Let it go.
What was it?
I just wait until the Joe groups post about him. It doesn't take very long.

Michael and LioConvoy admitting that they're actively on /toy/ looking for Retroblasting threads.
I don’t get why his fans support him so much, go into any of his comment sections and they praise him like he’s a god or something. It’s kinda weird.
I didn't know CC was based like this

I guess no one told them there was no market for 1:12 scale model vehicles.
From a licensed property, mass produced so the unit cost is substantially cheaper than anon and his yet to be started company will ever be able to manage, vehicle is basically one color so there isn't really a need for much finishing/detail work after unlike most other vehicles, and it's even more costly to have the vehicle scaled for ML/whatever too-tall 1:12 scale it is.
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Oh no no mo
What’s the post? It’s showing as deleted for me
Just admit you have no idea what you're talking about and save yourself some face dude lol.

If you can 3d model and print shit yourself, prototyping things isn't hard to do anymore. Again, the entire Nerf hobby is filled with these types of home made blaster kits and there's even a dude in the /ctg/ who designs and 3d prints his own figures and smaller human designs are *far* more complicated then larger vehicles which can be broken down into simple solid chunks with minimal articulation required. Hell, there's even a dude 3d printing his own Rolling Thunder, and that thing was ridiculously huge when it was designed for 1:18 figures. That first step isn't exactly a super costly endeavor anymore.

The most costly parts of toy production are the creation of the steel molds themselves, paint and assembly. If they're basic model kits, the last one isn't even a factor and paint can be skipped entirely by simply printing parts in different colored sprues as has been done for decades. So all that leaves is tooling the steel molds. That right there will be the biggest financial and mechanical hurdle as all the pre-production stuff can be done as a hobby these days.

Also, the dude never asked about the technical aspects of production, just if there was a market for what he'd want to make. And right now, that market is just starting to emerge and it's probably the best time to get involved in it. But hey, keep being negative nancy anon, that kind of attitude is always sure to lead to success!
You're clearly the same guy who originally brought this idea up so just put your money where your mouth is and make it happen. It seems there is no swaying your opinions at all. Multiple people have said it's not a good idea but prove us wrong. I hope you have like $100K laying around for tooling and production :) Good luck.
Dolphin porn
Always has been. This board owes him an apology really, first the barge and the bantha, now this Airwolf debacle, all of Lioconvoy's adopted daughters turning against him, the failed plot against Spector Creative... Crimson Commander was right.
Put your trip back on faggot
Screenshot of LioConvoy saying that Michael was completely buck broken.
Nah, I'm not that dude. I don't think he's replied since pointing out how salty some people got over the idea of someone being able to make their own stuff. I'm just an anon who would love to see more 1:12 vehicles out there. Especially if they're a) affordable, b) well designed and c) not soccer mom SUVs like what Vala is putting out.

Though if I did have a spare 100k lying around, I totally would try to get my own toyline running. Though I'd probably stick with 1:18 stuff as that's a better scale to work on vehicle based toylines overall. 1:12 stuff looks nice, but even smaller vehicles like the Classified Vamp are so big that they can take up entire displays.
Crimson Commander accidentally posted a screenshot that included his real name. One of the other screenshots in the thread has his last name in it and the deleted pic has his first name. He's the first result on Facebook when you search this name and it's very obvious it's him.
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I like that in the comments, MIchael agrees that the dick wouldn't feel that bad.
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>I did nothing wrong
What did he do wrong?
Did you see his recent posts? Comparing Reddit to 4chan so we know he's here. Then posting some gif talking about "white boys", but we already knew Michael was racist when he used to talk about black people liking fried chicken lol
but black people do like fried chicken
>Michael is racist
>Makes Crimson Commander and Necanon seethe
>Tells Jin to dilate
>He also likes cunny manga
He really does belong here.
Melinda dyed her hair blonde and he posted an anime girl reaction gif lmao
Sounds like Michael is based

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