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I’m curious how much interest there is in a Lara Croft toyline or figure. The recent remastered games have me falling in love with the franchise and character all over again and I’m disappointed with all of the figures I’ve seen so far if her in the toy world. I’m curious if there’s a reason they haven’t made toys for her in years, because Im sure they would sell well. Also is there anyone who’s made a good custom or Etsy seller who sells good Lara figures or at least a headsculpt? And could anyone recommend a good base body for Lara?
I'd buy a low poly one with the triangle tits. I want more figures in general that recreate that low poly look I think it has novelty
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Me too, but the only ones I can think of off the top of my head are the virtua fighters one. I’d LOVE figures from the early RE1 games done this way.
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I just looked on Etsy and there’s someone who’s done RE1 Chris and Jill and RE2 Claire and Leon the low poly way, but they’re statues unfortunately.
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id buy an extremely busty coomerfig of Laura %100
>what are you doing step bro?
Have you not gotten any answers from the last ten threads you've made about her?
I'd be interested in a throwback core design inspired figure, especially if it could be had for cheaper than a high end $60+ release. if it's just anniversary or squenix lara I'd probably pass.
nta but I’ve only ever seen threads about existing tomb raider toys, this one seems to be about making a custom Lara
Oh look. It's this same exact thread again.
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Would you dare say a win for coomer gen? Also I thought gamers don’t buy toys.
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gamers love to coom
I won’t lie, kinda based athena
metroid and his BABE, samus
>oops, im stuck in the washing machine
That's not athena, that's either the original poster of this pic or some one took it from /ctg/
athena couldn't be based if he ate 5 million boxes of baking soda
they isn't afraid of anything
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>just wanting a good Lara = shitposting
nobody invited you into this thread, but post a Lara Toy at least if you’re gonna complain about it
No, but making the same exact thread over and over again despite it getting barely 50 replies is shitposting though.
I made one Lara thread before this and that was months ago and I was asking what the best Laura toy was. Since then I’ve been searching for good deals on those few Lara toys that actually look decent but somewhere along the way I gave up and decided to make a custom and that’s what led to this thread. I’m just wondering what would be the best base body and head options for a good custom Lara. Preferably 6 inch.
No you didn't. We have an archive, this same exact thread gets made weekly, alongside the Indiana Jones thread and a few others. Why do you do this? Do you just have that little to do all day?
Do you think everyone is the same person? I don’t even like Indiana Jones, much less made a thread about it. Tomb Raider is a popular franchise and Lara is a popular video game character among males, so I’m not surprised she gets posted here. Plus Indy just had a new movie. Do you think every general is posted by the same person every time?
You need to vary your response, because it's the same every time someone points this out.
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>months ago
Yeah I remember that one too, and the others that followed it. There is an archive retard. I hope they never ever make any new tomb raider toys for your coomer ass. I hope it’s all survivor Lara’s from here on.
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I would love a new fully articulated "import" quality figure of classic Lara. But obsessively making threads about it isn't going to make that any closer to reality.
I can respect that, I take it back. I hope someday they make that figure, and OP never gets it because it keeps selling out.
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sorry, here’s the best I can do
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Get this or hope for a 2.0, problem solved.
Lara Croft would never stoop as low as having tattoos. She’s not just some cheap harlot.
>Dylan Mulvaney as Lara Croft
ZOMG I didn't know how much I need this in my life.
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That thing really is hideous, but the forces that be will enver allow us to have another attractive Lara Croft figure again. And the sad part is they'll keep shovelling out "guaranteed to lose money" crap like that under a belief that we either buy it, or we're Hitler racist sexist (insert whatever)ists who don't deserve it anyway.
That's Revy from Black Lagoon.
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I know who it is, but you were saying to use that as a Lara Croft stand in.
I wouldn't. It's too chopped-up with articulation to where it looks ugly.
I think it could be used as a decent starting point for a kit bash or custom, the only really ugly articulation is the thigh swivel
A Phicen-type body with seamless silicone over a well-articulated frame would be better suited in my opinion, and they now make them in smaller 1/12 sizes.
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Yeah the body itself isn’t too bad, the clothes would just need a repaint and you’d have to paint over the tattoos. I just checked Etsy and came across this which looks kinda promising, just kinda more expensive. It’s using the Zarana GI Joe classified body and they sell unpainted heads as well. I suck at painting though.
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>the absolute victim complex on display
you are an unbelievably huge fag.
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Enjoy your nunuLara.
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Happily, also you are being disingenuous as you are using face from call of duty skin.
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Nu Lara a cute
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I’m the OP and I don’t even have a huge problem with Survivor Lara, I only played the first game of the reboots but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also don’t think she’d ugly or anything like that, but as far as I’m aware, not even she has the most figures either right? At this point I’d take a classic or survivor Lara for my collection, but it’s just not happening.
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I <3 Laura
I'd love a good quality Japanese figure of classic Lara. However I strongly suspect Crystal Dynamics would only license out Nu-Lara. I really hate the reboot games and their interpretation of the character.
Yeah, I hate to say but I agree. If they were gonna do it, now would’ve been the time since they released that original trilogy remaster and they didn’t tease or release anything unfortunately.
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You'll never get anything classic Lara again. Jewish feminists have gotten their claws into another one.
You just eat up whatever shit they put in your face.
Why do they always choose people WHO DONT PLAY GAMES to direct these VIDEO GAME adaptations
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oof that doesn't look much better
>im a giant fag that just wants to destroy things

I mean, you can just admit it, we are on an anonymous board. If you like what they are currently doing to Tomb Raider, you deserve everything you get, which is just an empty shell of its former self.

Personally, I like the reboot tombraider games, but redesigning her and making her less attractive so the pasty, kink driven, modulok looking dude with a wig on feels better about themselves is absolutely retarded.
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My god you are so UPSET! You can’t believe a normal dude can find nu Lara attractive.
Im not upset at all. You really need to learn reading comprehension friendo. I guess Im expecting too much out of a brainlet zoomie though.
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All your buzz word insults indicate other wise, get therapy. It’s not healthy to seethe this hard over video games.
i don't have much interest in lara herself or her games but she makes my cock throb so i would love to see her in action figure form.
preferably with double G boobies.
>making her less attractive so the pasty, kink driven, modulok looking dude with a wig on feels better about themselves
not that I'm a fan of nu raider, but characters need to get a lot uglier than nu lara for trannies to not feel threatened, we're not talking about alloy here.
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I got the Amazonian Lara
guro icon (TuT)
oh that works nicely
nuLara was replaced by CoD Lara
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Xesray and ebay
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>that mental display to rationalize the deliberate ugliness of modern "Tomb Raider" to make her as horrible as you are.

Fuck off. Create your own shit instead of ruining what other people enjoy.
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Are these even your pics?
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They wont do that. leftoids cant create anything, they only infect with cancer and kill off everything.

Honestly at this point, we should be in a new renaissance. Games used to be strictly japanese, then westerners got them, said "cool we can do better" and the 90's and early 2000 happened.
Then unfortunately, all the faggots and trannies got let it, and they turned gaming into a cesspool again. This is the perfect time for new studios of talented people to get together and create new ideas and new concepts for future generations. Hopefully we've learned our lesson and will gatekeep better this time. We shouldn't be saddened by what the wokescolds took from everyone normal, we should be emboldened to make something new that people enjoy.
>Games used to be strictly japanese, then westerners got them, said "cool we can do better" and the 90's and early 2000 happened.
Fuck you guys are retarded and it gives me a laugh.
I might pick one up if the sculpt was good. New nu-lara is alright, but I didn't like snuff-porn young lara so my interest in the series dropped off during the reboots.
You do realize this is a board about toys, right?
yeah, I was in a hurry and I underrepresented the meat there a bit. my point still stands. I was honestly thinking mostly about early nintendo. But to be totally honest, japan held the market for an incredibly long time and then you had the boom of western developers pushing the envelope, with things like Tomb Raider.
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Welp, it’s here boys. Limited Run Games is doing a $200 collectors edition for the OG trilogy remasters that comes with, that’s right, 3 LARA CROFT figures polygon styled. Now they say figure and it’s not exactly clear if they have articulation, although if they’re just little statues, you would figure they would put her in a pose or at least give her the guns to hold. I think they might be 5 POA. They look good regardless though, I just need to decide if I wanna cough up the $200. These are a limited time order thing which is annoying, so you can only order it until June 23.
Goddamnit, all I would care about is the figures and I’d have to spend $200?
>in game accurate models
>5poa at most
Just print your own.
>Limited Run
this is your answer. they will be as shitty and low budget as possible l.
>finally get the Lara Croft figure they’ve been spamming all these threads about
every time
either suck it up and buy this lara or shut up about it already
shut up retard 5poa is trash and limited run is one of the shittiest companies around.
The guns are neat.
The fuck is this shit
Is this a game or pure sjw babble at this point?
Exactly, and really goes to show the demand for “real lara” when a company like limited run has to print some cheap toys. You are never ever going to get the coom Lara you are seeking OP. Fuck off with these gay ass threads you sperg and settle for the plastic slop you deserve.
OP is the Troon Baiter
What do you mean by “real Lara”? I actually wanted polygonal style Lara this entire time, but she may not even be articulated and if she is it looks like 5poa. I just want a fully articulated Lara.
don't make eye contact anon, it's retarded.
You know what I mean anon, quit playing dumb. Stop making Lara threads. Buy slop or don’t. You don’t buy it, it shows there is no demand. You buy it, you feel like retard for paying 200 for 5POA.
>playing dumb
True, I feel bad. OP or that anon might actually just be retarded.
cool where did you get the outfit for your Bernince?
I had a bunch I got on ebay waaaay back in the day, but I ended up opening them and giving them away. I wonder what they'd be worth now. I was an absolute tomb raider simp back in the 90s
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The packaging was robust
I have this on my shelf right now
Various eBay sellers
when did statue figures like this go out of vogue?
Gee thanks for the wealth of information
Qrd on Limited Run Games? I actually have both their persona collectors editions on preorder
That is really cool. I wish companies would make more retro style figures like this. There's something super comfy about PS1/N64 polygon figures.
That's Weta Workshop. The fact they didn't make her either cute or a celebrity cartoon is actually worrying and supportive of the "anti-beauty" conspiracy theory.
It's like Square demanded they make her ugly.
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I have two on my desk right now, the video game version (picrel, not my actual toy, just that version) and the Angelina Jolie movie version.

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