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Is it possible for an anglophone to find work in Montreal?

I don't have a lot of work experience, I'd like to go back to school. I studied in Montreal for about a year when I was younger and loved it. I want to return, but I only really have work experience in retail. Has anyone else lived there extensively? Is it possible for Anglos to make a living?
>Move to an area that speaks another language
>Cry because you have to learn the language
Why the fuck do Anglos act like entitled refugees? You want the perks of a society but want your own society there? Well fuck off.
tu es un grand fagot
Lol. I love seeing anglo retards getting replaced by Punjabis.
As they say in Ontario: ਇੱਕ ਡਿੱਕ, ਚਿੱਟੀ ਕੁੱਕੜ ਖਾਓ
>doubles down on the faggotry
it's easier in montreal than anywhere else in quebec. My friend doesn't speak french and goes by just fine. There's some neighboorhood that are also more english if you're near montreal
What does your friend do for work?
>I don't have a lot of work experience, I'd like to go back to school.
and study what? a lot of anglo students at concordia and mcgill shoot themselves in the foot when they study at an anglo school that has limited ability to get them job placements if they don't know french
it's definitely possible, you're just going to be limited in terms of jobs/salary, like you're not going to be getting a retail job where it's legally required for you to speak french to customers if you don't speak french, there's still multiple smaller businesses, less than 40 employees, that are anglo

montreal also isn't cheap like it used to be

quebecers are being replaced by haitians and nafris
bbq is going to send you guys a lot more
Would love to work remote in Quebec but Canadian immigration is insane. Region-locking their quality of life.
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if you work for a random smaller company or have a degree/remote job, you could get by for sure. You'll probably have to either have friends help ya out with job connections, meet strangers at bars who have openings at their jobs or just luck out. It's not impossible but there are laws in place here and places aren't nearly as willing to take a chance on anglos if you don't speak any french as they can just pick up any french cunt here within half a second. Most places won't hire me in the labour field, even when I'm overqualified because I don't speak enough french.

t. Hoser who moved here 3 years ago and is planning to leave (own reasons but also) because french is easily one of the gayest languages, hands down and I have zero desire to learn it, even if I back Quebec as it's own.
Anglos are faggots
la bosse
he worked at a movie theatre, then as a mechanic and now he's in IT
To be fair, there are English-instruction colleges across the world. They’re very common. It’s a bit strange that there aren’t very many in Quebec province of all places. French-speakers seem to be the only people who are very insistent on this. You can even do English-only college at American colleges in Japan and pretty much the whole of Asia.
If you’re a remote worker and an American, you can stay in Quebec for 3 months without a visa. Seems pretty lax to me considering the alternatives are like 60 days for the most part.
What if I have a remote job for a company based in the same time zone in the U.S.? So basically, all I would have to worry about is finding a place to rent short-term and generally socializing and doing errands in English outside of work. How hard would that be?

I’m actually willing to learn French, but I wanted to go to Quebec this year and my French will just not be what it needs to be in time.
99% of cunts here under 60 in MTL speak English, or at least in the parts that you'll frequent. Unless you go to the Eastern end of the Island, and even then, under 50 generally know enough English. MTL isn't some thirdie language zone, small towns and Quebec (city) will be way more aggro about not speaking English or truly just not knowing English. Just say shit like Salut, ca va? then buy your stuff at the shop. Socializing is extremely easy, unless you're a robot.
>quebecers are being replaced by haitians and nafris
As long as those immigrants are catholic, they will be able to assimilate.
>and study what?
I want to be a filmmaker. And while I don't think studying film will necessarily help my career, I do feel like networking opportunities are golden. Plus I had gone to Concordia before getting BTFO by the lockdowns, but I had wanted to take their exchange program down to L.A. I could go back, but I don't know that it's entirely worth it to be a broke ass, bum ass student anymore and rack up even more student debt in something that doesn't actually get you jobs.
>if you work for a random smaller company or have a degree/remote job
I don't have a degree but I'd love to do a remote job if literally any would take me. My only work experience is in retail. I worked the same shitty wagecuck job for like 10 years. I want to kill myself.
yes get skills

No they are bigger Frenchfags than the French. You must be able to speak French.
I'm a francophone, and it really depends. I live in the very francophone suburbs, you'll need french if you ever go there, same with the east end (Even then, I know an anglo dude who lives in Rosemont and doesn't even speak french somehow). However, there's the west island and basically all of downtown. Tons of anglos there are living in a bubble. The area around McGill uni is literally called "Ghetto McGill" because it's a bubble of all the McGill students who don't have to learn a lick of the local language.

I don't know why people are so mad about learning the language. They say Canada is bilingual, but it's BS. You don't need to learn french in BC. Quebec is basically its own country already, and you should treat it as such. You would learn some basics of the language of any place you live, no?

I warn you though, it's going to be tough to make true friends here. It's a milder version of what you see in Scandinavia or Japan. People won't invite you to their family gathering or really be private with you, at least at first. People are nice on the outside, but they can talk mean to your back. These are some aspects of our culture I don't really like. We're cowardly and we have a village mentality. I certainly want to spend more time abroad when I graduate even though this is probably the part of Canada who actually has a future. The rest's economy is too dependent on natural resources, depressed small towns or bubble economies like Vancouver. Also, if the USA goes to shit,we'll be like Jordan dealing with the Middle East imploding. We'll be stable, but dependent on aid, swamped with refugees and with a ruined economy.
Yes my wife is anglo and she has an english job. All her friends work in english too. Depends on your industry really.
Currently industry-less. What do
I have a basic grasp of French, but I'm not fluent. Certainly not enough I would think to have any kind of entry level job as like, a cashier or any bullshit like that. Which is all I need atm. Something to grind at while I get to live in and enjoy the city.
do landscaping or construction with anglo businesses in the west island or D.D.O.
lots of places have majority anglo workers you just have to find them. montreal has been an anglo enclave since the mid to late 1800s, thousands left during the referendum days, but the anglo communities are still concentrated in the west of the island of montreal. You should still learn some french to get by, know what to say to a cashier, etc. Just accommodate francophones, when in rome...
im in montreal right now. man this city is amazing. how did it manage to remain pretty good while the rest of canada becomes so shitty? whats the secret?
nationalist french government preserved a lot of old world charm... on Concordia st there are the hottest bitches ever. Crescent avenue is where all the bars are at.
I spend a decent amount of time in Montreal for work, how is Oka Beach? Are there a lot of students who go there like the UBC students who go to Wreck Beach?
Still plenty of poojeets
Thinking about going to school here
I'm taking a 3 day weekend trip from NYC in a month. Leaving Thursday night to spend Friday Saturday Sunday there and drive back Sunday night.

Should I do Montreal or Toronto? Toronto resembles NYC too much just with more Indians while Montreal has more sovl. I also visited last year and loved it so there's gonna be less to digest there.
I'd go to Montreal. I love French Canadians. They're like French Texans.
lmao youre fucked
I wouldn’t recommend it. I spoke French and moved there (this was in 2011 tho) and still couldn’t get a job anywhere. Ended up line cooking in a bistro for six months but it was very tough there

Texans aren't insecure insufferable cunts though. The ones in Quebec City are nice but those in Montreal are your average woke retards.


Oka beach is where the bottom of the barrel society goes. Avoid it.


That was in 2010, now concordia st is crackhead avenue and the hot student chicks got replaced with ugly ass chinks and indian international students. Crescent/Peel are nice.
Tough because of how busy it was?
fuck off we are full
somehow ke be kwah are even more obnoxious than standard frogs
>now concordia st is crackhead avenue and the hot student chicks got replaced with ugly ass chinks and indian international students.

i was staying in a hostel right at the corner of concordia st in 2014 ... had a blast fucking the international chicks. barebacked quite a few koreans, 1 chinese, 1 japanese

Something about film/entertainment in Quebec, it's a very closed circle and a very elitist sector as well. The few people in it all know each other and the only people breaking in that sector are closely related to these people. Getting a good job implies someone inside got you hired.

Quebec is nice to study arts/film/entertainment but to break into the business you'll have to do so abroad to have any career at all. Even Michael Mando (The guy played Vaas in far cry 3 and the latino gangster in Better Call Saul) studied theatre at Dawson College and spent a good 8 years doing shit work and underpaid theatre gigs before Ubisoft finally gave him a role where he got noticed. Talent and hard work really don't mean shit in Quebec.
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angloid nadians are the biggest subhumans on the planet
Where then would you recommend?
In ontario you have to pass grade 12 french to graduate. Federal gov is done in both. The current and many prime ministers have been quebecois. All of canada has bilingual goods as its the law.

The reality is that the vast majority of quebecois have never left the province and so have no real experience in any other parts.

Quebec is the israel of Canada, crying out as it strikes you.
I didn't read what anyone else posted but you'd only be able to find a job in Montreal on opposite ends of the job spectrum, which means you either have to work an absolute shit job (dishwasher, ubereats, warehouse) or something very high-indemand that also isn't client facing (some software dev jobs).

The QOLF or whatever the language dictatorship ministry there mandates all corporate communication has to be done through french, so it's not like you can get some random business analyst job and get away with it.
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>Quebec is the israel of Canada
Anglo Canadians are the world's biggest assholes. God, I wish my parents never came to this shithole. The only part of this shit country I've had a good experience with is Quebec. Culture, nice architecture, actually nice people. Anglo Canadians are sub 80 IQ sociopathic two-faced scum. Nation of assholes.
The truth is, there is no one Canadian identity. The very basic proof of this is the fact that the type of maple leaf on our flag, isn't even found anywhere west past the prairies. We took an Ontario & Quebec type of leaf and put it on our national flag.

The country is super regional, every province hates eachother. We're the balkans but more polite.

You can't throw the assumption that all anglo canadians are assholes. We're not even meant to be in the same country.
Seething Franco fag(s)
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average angloid canadian
>In ontario you have to pass grade 12 french to graduate.
It was grade 9 French when I was in high school eight years ago, and I don't think it's changed. The rules were French from grades 4 through 9, and it wasn't particularly hard, ie you don't leave the grade 9 class speaking passable French.
Are you dense?

We have English cegeps, with many trade school options.

We have many trade schools in English.

We have McGill and Concordia. McGill in particular is very well known and 100% English
> You would learn some basics of the language of any place you live, no?

Then why do French people move to Montreal and not learn English?

Montreal is bilingual, not French. Quebec may be French but the city is not.
Definitely pick up some French phrases. I find that the locals appreciate any effort to speak French even if you aren't fluent
I definitely have a basic grasp on the language, it's just that I don't know that I'm fluent enough to communicate with anyone for extensive periods of time.
Seething BetaFrog

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