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For context, I have a friend there who is looking for a roommate they said I don't even need a visa to stay permanently: I tried working through the constitution but can't find anything that explicitly confirms this(Not legally trained, could just be a dumbass)

Is anyone able to confirm this? If it's not true, how much should I expect to drop just to get a temporary residency?(Assuming we are using USD)
I don't know but I'm also interested.
I was wondering how to get citizenship, looks like if you live in the country for a certain amount of time you can apply. So maybe just go there and keep extending at the immigration office? Not sure though.
Mercosur citizens have residency for 2 years, renewable.
There are investor visas, not too expensive, but I'd hire a lawyer to set it up.
There are digital nomad visas, 180+180 days, no work permit and you'll need proof of income.
You retarded friend is probably alluding to the fact that it's a shithole country and no one will check your papers. Obviously that's not sustainable if you want to live there permanently. You'll be issued a fine and will be barred from returning for some time when you leave. Highway Patrol will use your expired visa as a pretext for soliciting bribes and you won't be able to access anything that requires id.

you get 90 days visa-free and you can just keep going to colonia and coming back in order to get a fresh 90 days (unless they changed the rules). it's annoying but at least it's a short trip. also useful for withdrawing dollars from the ATMs over there.
We are full, fuck off.
>moving to a sinking ship
lmao even
Argie here. From Patagonia.
What is your idea coming?
What do you do or what are your intentions?.
I think it would be good to make all the paperwork if you want to get a job and have bank accounts and all that. But still..
I've never heard anyone having trouble with that even being temporary residents.
I met a couple from Georgia living here for 20 years and working as teachers in a music school and one of them got the national ID and the other didn't until today.
The son of that couple grew as an immigrant and accessed everything a citizen would. Public school bank accounts and university.

I think you cannot grasp the freedom in here. No one is going to enforce the law and law enforcers will help you bypass the formalities to make your things easier. It is some cultural thing. .
Argie again here.

What I try to say is:
Don't even worry or don't even think of the paperworks.
Even less so if you are not going to get into the cosmopolitan Buenos Aires jet set corporate labour market.
Come and see some places. I truly recommend finding places to live that are not Buenos Aires, since people there are in all senses insane.
You will find people very welcoming and helpful and even more so if you are a foreigner from a northern country with USD in your pockets. You can even buy land or a house for a very very cheap price in your terms

I really recommend Patagonia, near Andes mountains there are really comfy and good towns. Bariloche, Bolsón, Villa La Angostura
Also it could be good to visit Córdoba and Mendoza.
Just don't think Buenos Aires is Argentina because you might be disapointed
Well what are all the Russian draft dodgers doing?
OP can do the same thing as them
sounds very promising
thanks for the information
so nobody's going to bust your balls if your visa expires? what about when leaving the country?
>will help you bypass the formalities t

Does this apply if you are not white?
JEWlei is going to make Argentina a libertarian paradise, trust me bro! 2 more weeks!
But all in seriousness, ignore all the retards here, the cunts who work for the government WILL make your as hard as possible.
You can forget about doing anything without a DNI.
They'll try to squeeze as much money out of you as they can.
>You can forget about doing anything without a DNI.
is it difficult to get that for a canadian/german?
looks like the way people do it is to get a student visa and just keep extending it til you've been in country for 2 years then apply for citizenship
seems like a bitch though and I don't want to be going to school there
>and I don't want to be going to school there

why not? it's free in Argentina
well I guess I could if I could find a decent spanish program, I'm just not interested in studying anything, I'm 35 and plan on coming to argentina to retire
I was searching for spanish courses and they were like 200 USD per week so I guess I was looking at the wrong schools
can you show me where to find a free spanish course in argentina? seems like they all cost a lot of money
question for argentines:
how is the situation there if you get paid in USD? is it true that things got really expensive even for foreigners to live there?
also, nomadlist.com/buenos-aires says the crime situation is kinda bad. is that true?

beware, they might change that. Jewlei wants foreigners to pay to study there. he might also change everything related to foreign students.
still trying to find where it says you can study for free
I guess if you are studying spanish courses at a university?
>still trying to find where it says you can study for free
anon, public ed it's literally free for everyone. I'm from latin america, I've been to universities in buenos aires before and they had a TON of students from other countries (peruvian, bolivian, paraguayan, brazilians...)
private ones aren't, though.
try looking for news; guess you could use these keywords "milei paying foreign students" or something.
Yes, shit is expensive — as expensive as any decent European country. I was in Spain a few weeks ago and groceries and other shit is actually cheaper over there. I'm seriously thinking on moving to a small town in Spain, like Merida.

I don't know why you retards want to come here, go to Europe instead. This is a shit hole and will always be.
anon... you obviously are trying to discourage people from going/moving there. I was there some 8 months ago and things were cheap af. so cheap, it was kinda sad
That changed with Milei, he eased all price controls. Shit has gone up tenfold.

I was spending like $50 in groceries a few months back, now I have to spend $350 to be able to buy the same shit. Bills? all went up x5, at least.
I'm telling you, almost everything is more expensive that in Spain; it's crazy.
>This is a shit hole and will always be.

In theory they have enough oil to solve all their foreign exchange problems but it'll take time to ramp up production, maybe ten years.
It's a blatant shithole
Hey. I want to move from Colombia to Tierra del Fuego for 1 or 2 months.

Cuando tenía unos 15 o 16 años vi un documental sobre la isla del faro en Cabo Hornos. Quedé impactado por lo hermoso que es y la biodiversidad. Actualmente trabajo remoto y realmente estoy interesado en irme a vivir cerca de Cabo Hornos 1 o 2 meses. He pensado rentar una habitación en Puerto Williams o Ushuaia. ¿Tiene sentido lo que quiero hacer o me voy a estrellar con la realidad?
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As I said, avoid Buenos Aires. Shithole, crime, crowded, people is nuts, very risky and quite expensive to live.
Go to comfy places. cheaper, simpler, nicer folk, dollars highly appreciated.
Don't try to sneak into corporate ivory towers, that's all. Find something to do to provide good service to community and do good deeds. You will be highly regarded and welcomed.

not true.

Do you think you are going to get imprisoned or detained? No way man, on your own. I live here in Patagonia, I have an expired driver license for as long as three years now, never been asked. I travelled and all. Just once I was asked for it and I showed it and the cop didn't say anything. People is just chill. Play dumb, they will play dumb.

no, but don't even worry.

Tipical fear based. the state corporate aparatus is shrinking, and people avoid taxes and fees as much as they can.
There was no enforcement back then, they will not enforce now. Because as I say, the enforcement of corporate state politics is not in the Argie consciousness.
Even covid scamdemic diluted fast and controls were lame.
Everywhere except Buenos Aires, I lived there for three years, it's another thing. Avoid it.
I have been thinking of going to Cordoba for a couple of months. How cheaper is it then the rest of country? Also how are the college ladies there?
Drastic change!
I have never been there. But sounds epic.
Chillest people in the continent. Slowest paced place I can think of. Long long winter. Praised cold summer. You will feel cold coming from Colombia. Nevertheless beautiful to pursue.
Does your path have heart?
Can't say anything about college ladies. I don't know.
I havent been in Córdoba. I Think it's going to be cheap because it is one of the biggest cities. But that brings other complications you know...
>I have an expired driver license for as long as three years now, never been asked. I travelled and all.
That explains why Argentines drive like absolute shit
Argentina is a shithole and yes, it's much more expensive than Europe. Buenos Aires is the biggest village I've ever seen and no matter where you are, all Argentines are retarded sociopaths. It's a terrible place and a waste of time.
>, it's much more expensive than Europe

it wasn't always like this. it's just milei doing what he promised, to destroythe country
Is it chad only? Just set my location there and barely got any matches in Cordoba. Still going to go anyway but I thought I would have gotten better results than I did

nobody can afford to date or even have sex any more in argentina. the condoms are too expensive and so are the telos
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>Yes, shit is expensive — as expensive as any decent European country. I was in Spain a few weeks ago and groceries and other shit is actually cheaper over there. I'm seriously thinking on moving to a small town in Spain, like Merida.
>I don't know why you retards want to come here, go to Europe instead. This is a shit hole and will always be.

bot, u say the same thing every argie thread...
I lived in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil for a few years. I became fluent in both Spanish and Portuguese. I ended up spending the majority of my time in Uruguay.

I would recommend Uruguay over Argentina by every metric. My wife and I are currently looking at homes in Uruguay.

If you have any questions, I'll come back and check tomorrow.
Guy who lived there confirming.

Your concept of laws and requirements is so far gone from South America, it's like the wild west. Laws are mere suggestions. You could get away with just about anything, I know Uruguay at least you get free citizenship if you've lived there 5+ years illegally. If you sincerely want to go the legal route, I believe you only need $10k in a bank account and they'll grant you residency.
Can you get a fair exchange rate when withdrawing cash from ATMs these days?
Why? Uruguay is just more expensive Argentina. Everything else is the same, including Jewish protectionism that will make you pay through the roof for any electronic device more complex than a calculator
Are the smaller cities effected by Jewlei's lack of price controls or is it only BA? Was honestly trying to avoid the latter anyway
Prices for electronics look pretty normal on mercadolibre.com.uy I mean they price it out directly in USD as any more expensive purchase in UY is done in USD anyway not just electronics and the exchange rate is normal.
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Living here for a month in Buenos Aires. I like the city and it seems like a high trust society. My rent is 500$ a month and includes utilities. In pesos that's around 60k. Across the street and within a block I can find all my groceries; meat, bread, fruit etc. There's good looking women. My Spanish is okay (I studied in college) But I wish my Spanish was better. It's kinda cold here right now but not freezing ass cold like it would be in other places.

Also there's a new Anarcho-Capitalist president who is reducing inflation. Retail sales are up, commies are seething. Argentina isn't exactly Avalon but it's a great place to visit if you want to experience a high trust society. That being said: you'll want to live in an upper middle class neighborhood or better yet: outside of Buenos Aires which I hear is pretty nice.
>seems like a high trust society.
>it's a great place to visit if you want to experience a high trust society
>you'll want to live in an upper middle class neighborhood
Just walk outside with your phone in your hand for long enough and you'll see how much you can trust the society over there
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It must be my neighborhood. I'm in an upper-middle class neighborhood. There's cafes and retail shops everywhere. Also I only ever go out to bars once a month. I'm not really trying to interact with people who are going to fuck me over. That being said: Yes don't leave your phone on a table unattended.

I come from America. I would rather have my phone stolen or be held up at gunpoint rather than be a victim of a random homocide or random acts of violence.

I've lived for a month in my upper-middle class neighborhood and it's very nice compared to other places in Latin America and the United States. It's not Avalon but it's better than any other large city that I've been to in the West. And there's white chicks.

picrel is random OF thot not from Arg.
>upper-middle class neighborhood
>high trust

lol. even recoleta's luxury apartment buildings all have iron bars over their windows. that's your definition of high-trust society there
Argie here,
500 usd of rent for a single folk is a scam and you are paying that because you live in tight ass Buenos Aires , Palermo would be my guess.

In Patagonia you can have a 3 bedroom house, garden and garage in the prettiest neigborhood and no crime whatsoever for that price and less.

> My rent is 500$ a month and includes utilities. In pesos that's around 60k

500 USD is not 60k. It is around 500.000 ARS...

What is with Georgians moving to Argentina? I know a guy from Argentina whose parents are from Georgia and he came to the US and started doing music. I wonder if we are talking about the same person. If so, that's kinda crazy...
>Buenos Aires no longer mega cheap because ancapman did the anti socialism thing
fuck it looks like I'm off to Bangkok to piss away my savings and revel in hedonism before deleting my Minecraft map then
I don't think it's the same person. My friend is in the UK now. Parents are top class violinists and teachers.
There is another Georgian musicians family in town. Maybe one of those.
I will now move to Patagonia
You can forget about getting a deal like that as a gringo though
Even if you learn Spanish?
As a foreigner, you need a garantía, which is two people who pledge that they will pay your rent if you can't do it. I could not convince my girlfriend's family to do it for me. They thought they would have to put their house on the line. Good luck.

couldn't you rent it under her name?
Her parents were fucked in the head and would not allow it. They are former villeros who made it in politics, living in barrios cerrados and buying the newest iPhones Pro Max in Argentina (100% more than in the US). They are very paranoid about their wealth, especially since they did some tax evasion in her name. Argentina is a dirty fucking place and this is one of the many reasons she will soon be my ex.
Damn. I guess you’d have to just rent airbnb’s until you find a place to buy outright.
the official exchange rate is much closer to the unofficial one than it used to be, but when I had to use an ATM at the airport it forced me to convert at a much shittier rate with no option to decline conversion, maybe it was just an airport scam and the ones in the city are better. I brought plenty of cash and just exchange with the cambio guys now.

Are the smaller cities effected by Jewlei's lack of price controls or is it only BA?
>lack of price controls
Why would you think they wouldn't be effected by lack of price controls, which are PRICES ENFORCED BY THE GOVERNMENT, if the government doesn't want to enforce them anymore?

That's what I mean when adressing Buenosaires' porteños. It is another conscious state.
There are people that rent free of warrants garantías. Face to face, word of honour contracts. "Particular Alquila" it's a rent by an individual, making his own contract and conditions. Some of them don't ask much, just give them the money and fulfill certain premises.
There is a rainbow of oportunities.

But if you go to the big capital city where everyone hates and distrust eachother and the social fabric is rotten, then good luck finding other than struggle, paperwork, scammers, taxes, regulations.
Where I live, people live in another universe different from the Buenos Aires.
Just show some integrity and you will be regarded with honour and respect as a member of society, and there is no paperwork or law that can stop you from developing as a human being.
Just because social fabric is not rotten and corrupted and we support and care for living humans. We want all of us to grow, we give and receive. Even cops and law enforcers know and practice some kind of reciprocity.

In Buenos Aires they step over the heads of people living on the sidewalks. They pass by and never offer a hand or a room. If the hobo is fainted nobody cares. I've seen it with my own eyes. People is sick and possesed by money and power demons. Spend enough time there and you will normalize unhuman practices, and thoughts and you will become pesimistic.
And you probably will lurk basket weaving forums telling people "don't even try"
How much do apartments in Buenos Aires cost? Like a 2 br in a good neighborhood.
I want to buy a small vineyard near Mendoza…

that's the best part of hte country. but the other side of the border is also nice and doesn't have all the problems of argentina. the only thing about chileans is that they will eat piles of ground beef completely raw so you have to be into that kind of thing or else ngmi
kukas mugrosos NO VUELVEN MAS
If you move to spain you'll starve when the financial system collapses. Argentina will ironically be better than most of Yurop
As a Chilean, you are fucking clueless. Lots of argies are coming to my country to buy cheap and high tech because they can't afford the current prices with their new goverment, they're even shopping in Paraguay, Bolivia and many of them have moved to Spain from what I know. The situation in that shithole will only get worse in the next 4 years.
It's well known that argies have no idea about economics or politics, but they went full idiocracy recently.
Is Cordoba a good place for college cuties? I was thinking of seeking arrangements maxxing in BA but President lolberg seems to have made the city pretty expensive compared to before
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How hard it is to get Argentinian citizenship? I want to get in now before Argentina becomes a wealthy first world country...
No one takes what chileans say seriously, you guys have motherfucking Boric as your president.
>You retarded friend is probably alluding to the fact that it's a shithole country and no one will check your papers.
This is true
>Obviously that's not sustainable if you want to live there permanently. You'll be issued a fine and will be barred from returning for some time when you leave.
This is cope. It’s so easy to break theblaw in third world shitholes like arg. I pop in and out of various countries in the Caribbean like colombian on my yacht without passing through any proper immigrations. It’s easy as hell to live there permanently as an illegal provided you have money
There is no way you can possibly think that. Europeans and americans were far ruder and nastier to me than argentines were. And argentina is soooo cheap compared to europe. Really man i dont know how the hell its possible that you think that stuff
Is it true the age of consent is 13? asking for a friend
Pretty easy to find outnfor yourself, king of the retards.
why you want to live here? I can't wait to leave argentina myself
Boludo, salí de Argentina ya!
Por que seguis ahi?
T. Left argentina 10 years ago

Op coming to argentina means paying insane (((taxes))) and living in a low trust society.
Why would you ever want that?
>living in a low trust society.

Except for northeast asia, this now describes the whole world
However, Latin America is way more dangerous than other regions.
Also, the police and the district attorney don't give a fuck about crimes unless is something like murder
Australia is high trust. There's nowhere in my city that I could go, at any time of night, and feel unsafe.
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I live in cucknada and am making six figures and yet still can't even afford a condo in my city.

I'm just biking everywhere, eating shit food for very expensive. Surrounded by mediocre, dishonest globalist NPCs

I hit some rock bottom spiritually a week ago and started taking lots of spanish lessions.. I'm already almost intermediate because I had some spanish speaking exes.

Thinking of forgoing my six figure job one day, taking a full time remote role and moving to a place like argentina..

I actually already tried it some years ago to Chile, but it was fucking disastrous. But knowing what I know now (KNOW THE LANGUAGE BEFORE YOU GO) i think I could make it work
>It's well known that argies have no idea about economics or politics
no argument here
>but they went full idiocracy recently
how would you describe what they've been doing for the last 80 years?
even the most shithole countries have high trust communities outside the despotic shithole cities
how well could i live in buenos aires, the whitest city in latam, on a meager salary of 10,000 burgerdollars (post-tax)
10k per month i mean, duh

also a tranny btw
>the whitest city in latam,

I don't htink this is remotely true. Maybe 40 years ago it was.

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