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All kinds of lesbian machines. Koukaku no Pandora, Nier Automata, Megaman, Transformers, Medabots, whatever.

Signalis has its own thread.
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Artist is rf400rv
Professor placed Nano's erogenous zones in odd places.
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Humans should submit to their machine masters
Airframe maintenance
Giant engines
From My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend
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really don't understand what the people posting nier are here for. im here to get off to mechanical joints and wiring and shit, not whats basically just a human in a blindfold.
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i get that she is an android but also genuinely what the hell is going through someone's brain when they come into a thread about robot girls to post her
The knowledge that she's a robot is enough for me. It's like knowing a lady is wearing sexy underwear even if you never see it.
There are all kinds. Some people are into cartoony megaman-style robot girls, some people are into uncanny stuff like >>3908800, and some people with good taste want clearly humanoid and yet clearly robot stuff like the OP or >>4108682 that doesn't trip the uncanny valley but is still distinctly a robot girl
....actually, don't
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How gay did thisn show end up being?
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More than you might expect, although less than I would have liked with these 2 in the end.
It's definitely gayer than you'd expect, but it's made by Key so there's also a lot of crying and depression. Retzel is a full-blown yandere for Haizakura and gets upset when she gets close to anyone else. Haikagura gets very attached to Haizakura, so much so that they start sleeping together, much to Retzel's annoyance.
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Not sure if these count as low-tech robots.
I think the artist has said she's supposed to be a doll, the game sounds like its supposed to be more fantasy than sci-fi
source of this please! The artist/character is probably Korean but I don't know where to look after google. thnx
Robot harem
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Metallic rouge

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sauce: https://twitter.com/arainydancer
BLAME! is yuri.
Is it really?
i need this
My dearly beloved rhythm game robo-lesbians
Uh. To anyone here who knows of Koukaku no Pandora. Has anyone ever translated all the stuff Seven Seas cut off?
Wait a minute, what did they cut off? Frst time I'm hearing of this.
Basically almost all the concept art and a lot of lore text in the end of the volumes.
They did add them for the first volumes, but then stopped, however in the original release all that stuff continued. I do recommend checking the raws for all the Shirow art and some cute doodles.
That's really disappointing to hear, Shirow's worldbuilding autism was one of my favourite things about the original Ghost in the Shell.
We wait so many years for these volumes only to get a slightly-inferior version.
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The most awaited-for crossover.
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