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Happy Birthday to my OTP!
hopefully one day the translator of the himegami no miko manga finally tls the extras he said he was gonna do
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>18 years since I watched KnM and Yamibou
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(Agony starts playing)
>subject in the name field
One day they will return
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Do they even need to return?

They officially got married and had sex even.
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name a more passionate love confession. Who would have thought even almost 2 decades later, that yuri even now has trouble getting the "I love you" message across
The flute? Himeko TANKED that.
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It was a tanto sheath
>name a more passionate love confession. Who would have thought even almost 2 decades later, that yuri even now has trouble getting the "I love you" message across

the yuri comunity is fucked up beyond any hope.
I love yuri but god damn you guys are disgusting
Why does your aspergers flare up every single time someone makes this joke?
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Out of context, that seems like a yandere speech.
Welcome to 4chan
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Oh yeah, it's the godless month, time for a rewatch and reread
What, did the anime actually take place in October?
>rape your wife and leave
>she is unable to process what happened
>calms herself down by cleaning up and tidying your mansion
>you come back and pretend that you did not just rape her
>she buys into it
>say webm
>she blushes

what is going on inside himeko's head?

No. The anime's run started on October 1, 2004 (October pertains to Kannazuki, hence the significance).
It did take place in October. Himeko and Chikane's birthdays are both October 1st.

>Himeko and Chikane's birthdays are both October 1st.

Forgot about that. Thanks.
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Sun dresses? In October? Those dykes are in better shape than I am that’s for sure
>Uploaded: 2005-05-28
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was the new manga any good
I mean, it was 100% pandering Chimeko fan service. So yes, it was fucking amazing. It was everything I've wanted for like 20 years.
did it actually end properly
but is it scanlated
18 years
We need more content…
Nah it's time has come and gone. That said, some references or yuri authors that got inspired by KnM would make me pleased
Why did you post the mechs...
And no, I will never get tired of their archtypes. Chikane x Himeko was just perfect as far as character dynamic goes. I cant get enough of the hyper competent princess who's actually hopelessly in love with a kind hearted girl of lesser pedigree

I might have to rewatch the show again, it's actually been a few years since my last rewatch.
the slow close up at the end is truly the cherry on top
>two days left in the year
Maybe I can do a rewatc marathon....tonight
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even this is 18 months old...
I still think about Chimeko every week. I'm never letting them go.
Every week is a bit much but they really established that prototypical yuri couple for me personally back in 2005

The cool but vulnerable alpha x the kind hearted and naive beta who steps up when shit hits the fan
The maid...
So which version is the canon ending? Both the manga and anime depicts two separate endings.
In the manga Himeko decides to stay with Chikane in the shrine. Both are seen again years later sitting underneath a tree In the anime, Chikane gets reborn and Himeko finds her again, possibly 1-3 years later. Does the cycle still continue? or end? Since both of them reappear in a different show (Kyoshirou to Towa no Sora), possibly same timeline or different timeline (New lives or same from show)? Currently, both are now married and living together happily. Can someone explain pls
Source pls?

Is this official?
Theyre two separate continuities

The anime was started at around the same time as the manga if I recall, so it's not a situation where one source adapts the other and then changes the ending for funzies
The new manga that recently ended
I go with manga since the plot makes me sense for the most part. Presumably the cycle continues forever, but they'll be able to possibly retain their memories from now on? I don't actually consider their appearances in Kyoshirou, Amnesian (blegh), or even Himegami "canon" to the original plot. It's the same characters but in the original, it was established that with every life they had to battle Orochi.
I liked the theory that in the anime, the cycle was broken.
>Oct 2, 2004 to Dec 18, 2004
Almost 20 years chiefs...
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Content doko
This is what all yuri couples strive for.
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Even with the Mecha on the front, the pairing is still important, I would love for the official box to be like that.
What is this, toy kit for Souma's mech?


They are also making Chikane's version
It's so goofy seeing this 20 years later...
What happened with the maid? She's the protoyaya
Next KnM spinoff when...
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This is the ‘character commentary’ found in the Geneon limited edition. It’s a 30 minute slideshow using scenes from the show and the characters talking about various stuff.

The problem is that there’s only the English dub of it, so Chikane and Himeko sound like Rukia and Orihime from Bleach. Most of it is shit but the last 9 minutes has a nice Himeko and Chikane scene.

This is only on the Geneon limited edition; when Sentai Filmworks got the license, they didn’t even bother putting on their DVD editions. I don’t even think KnM is on HiDive anymore. I uploaded whole episodes to YouTube and didn’t get a copyright flag.
I want to listen to it but...damn, it's gonna take some time to get used to
The funny thing is I became a lot more welcoming to dubs since watching the show back in the days but this still feels hella weird
What makes it worse is that Sheh keeps inhaling to do Himeko's high voice and does it CONSTANTLY.

I don't know if she got a different microphone from everyone else but it's so noticeable.

When I first heard the dub, I thought Sheh did well to sound like Noriko Shitaya. Though it was almost a decade since I last saw the anime. My memory could be spotty.

"Noriko Shitaya's Himeko", I mean.
Are all the VAs, both JP and EN, even around these days. I feel like I havent done the whole "Im gonna watch this show tbecause a seiyuu" thing in forever
Kawasumi and Shitaya voice Artoria and Sakura respectively in Fate, and Kawasumi also voices Kei in GuP, but apart from that they only seem to get secondary roles (Kawasumi voiced Terakomori's mum last year).

When I first got into anime, it was a guilty pleasure of mine to go for an anime for who's in it (Lyrical Nanoha). To answer your question, it's mostly role reprisals (like what >>4221424 said) or secondary roles.
I feel like following seiyuu used to be a bigger thing….like I legit picked up shows just because it had Kobayashi Yu’s husky dyke voice before

Or maybe it still is and I just grew out of it
Sheh and Ruff are still around
Dub sounds okay in this.

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