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'She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat' S2 soon.

Previous: >>3991858
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what was your favorite live action /u/ movie or show that you watched this year?
Either Tár or Portrait of a Lady on Fire.
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The fuck does this have anything to do with Godzilla?
Imagine the possibilities.
Is Eileen good?
Actually it doesn't matter I'm going to watch it anyways, Anne Hathaway kissing women is all I've ever wanted out of life.
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>Is Eileen good?
No it is just weird film, there's basically only few scenes worth watching, the dance in the bar and the kiss and the hug and the rest is just bad and ending is a bit retarded twist.
Well the protag is basically horny young woman in the 60s in USA and the begining is just non-lesbian related, like the end.
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>'She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat' S2 soon.

Woman x Fridge s2
A very cute fridge when not in character though.

Station 19 will end with a reduced 10 episode season because of the strike.
At this point 70% of the viewers only watch it for MayaxCarina so whatever.
Seventh and final season premieres on March.
I tried to read that but dropped it when it started ranting about men being evil for liking it when a woman cooks for them.
Well it is just one fucking page about that and for good reasoning where the guy at work automatically assumes the value of the woman is good as long she can cook for him than what she is actually doing at her job.
I bet you also couldn't stomach the big girl asking for normal portion of rice like a guy nearby got than the old grampa giving her half-of rice bowl just cause she is a woman either.
it's a Price of Salt fanfic with a twist that ultimately ends up being boring thriller. I liked Anne's Cate Blanchett impression though so there's that I guess.
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Having now seen it, I actually really liked it. And idk why people are saying it's not gay, it is BUT it's one sided and Eileen and Rebecca are both insane people so it wouldn't have worked out anyways. Eileen is very much in love with Rebecca (even outright confessing to her later on), and Rebecca knows this and uses it to coerce Eileen into helping her.
It's not a romance though, so if anyone wants to watch it for that then you will be disappointed.

Anne Hathaway is good in it though. She's very captivating and you can't take your eyes off of her anytime she's on screen. So if you want to see her act seductive towards another woman then there's that at least.
Honestly if they just ran away together, then Eileen would have been a 10/10 for me.
Chaser Game W aired their first episode. Anyone watch it?

I'm so used to how easily accessible subbed Kdramas are that I have no idea how to watch JP ones.
I don't know about subs, but the first episode is on Nyaa, have just downloaded it
Yeah, that's what I did first. I've been looking through Twitter and apparently someone is planning on subbing this. No idea of the quality, but it beats nothing.

I know it's just the first episode, but I'm already obsessed lol. Really helps that the two leads are really pretty.
These tweets pretty much sum up the first episode. Spoilers:
Watched it now, the dialogue is not great and the direction is awkward. Characters tend to "have interactions" rather than believably inhabit the same space.
I like how Fuyu (no I didn't get/remember her Chinese name) is alternately stone cold and an emotional mess without feeling inconsistent. Often these alternate-side characters just feel like they behave radically different for the sake of the story/drama but may as well be different people.
I'm keen to learn more about Itsuki and what led to her actions in the fallout.
Overall it's okay. Will certainly keep watching.
>direction is awkward
It does feel super fast-paced.
It's also a little worrying the official account even gave a heads up that the angst will get worse from here on out. But I'll be down for it as long as it ends on a happy note.
You know, I get she was drunk and it was impulsive and everything, and it was only a kiss (IT WAS ONLY A KISS), but it is a little amusing that Fuyu, someone whose heart was broken when her girlfriend cheated on her, is currently married and then goes and kisses someone. Not that it's equivalent – although on that subject, I am looking forward to finding out more context behind that. I hope it's not simply a misunderstanding; that'd be lame.
>angst will get worse from here on out
Depends how it's done. The uncomfortable atmosphere with Fuyu speaking in dual meanings and then probing Itsuki to elaborate on her last relationship was solid stuff. Edginess for the sake of it I can take or leave.
“Oh, honey! It’s just that your friend has been telling me all about what you two and the boys have been up to at the academy,

...things just got a bit too immersive.”
Subs for EP01. The group that picked this up paywalled theirs.
Watched Echo TV series first season and hell damn they really diverged on her from the comics and made her look a bit gay with her and her female cousin, I suppose intentionally.
Good watch it was but it was strange they didn't allow them to even hug at the end of the series as adults but made some pararel between pairings, knowing the comics story for future there should be zero lesbain/bi content next with Echo but a fan can dream.
I know this is old news, but I’ve been out of the loop and have just been catching up on my power rangers and my mind got blown by lesbian rangers.
>youtube somehow recommended Trinkets
>watched first episode
That show is kinda gay don't you guys think?
What kind of loser charges for fansubs? I understand direct commissions, especially for something niche, but even when I was poor I never considered trying to monetise unofficial translations.
Not familiar at all with the JP sub scene so no idea. After that post was made though, there's now two people who will be subbing this through YT's captions also.
I'm guessing only up to EP03 since it got picked up on some other platform?

Speaking of, EP02 aired and created more questions than it answered while also pulling out lots of textbook cliches. I love it, as long as we get scenes like that elevator scene I'm down for all the angst.
Can someone just download it off youtube and reupload it?
Need recommendation, preferably GL exclusive without other distractions.
Some seasonal crime mystery show has a lesbian in main cast with a sexy wife.
Also new season of True Detective 4th one now with Jodie Foster as lead has her adopted daughter being a lesbian/bi girl who fucks her 16 years old gf and films it.
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You all need to watch Doctor X. It's not explicitly gay, but damn it, Hiromichiko is perhaps just one of the most subtly gay things I've ever seen in a series and I love them so much, they're so cute together. Takes to Season 4 to really get going with the subtle Yuri though. (It also gets better and better with each season, so Season 1 might be a little weak, but cope with it, it's important for the setting, but every season after is peak.)
Watched S1 ages ago and thought it was just okay. Does the show itself get better? Don’t really know if I wanna watch another three seasons of that just to see a couple girls not even being gachirezu.
Yeah, Season 1 is the show testing its waters to see if it can stick. Season 2 onwards is a constant climb in quality, with bigger budget and a bigger cast, with each season better than the last until Season 4 which is the best season, then it drops off a bit for season 5, which is still better than season 3. Season 6 is also pretty solid, and Season 7 is good too. The only reason I say it's more subtle Yuri, is because with each season you get to see more of Michiko's influence on Hiromi and, with each season, Michiko develop a bond with Hiromi that she doesn't have with any other character. And post Season 4, it's a little less subtle and a lot more noticeable. There's a pretty solid amount of fan content for the pairing as well from Japanese fans.
I'd say the show is still really damn good though, and worth the watch regardless.
>and films it.
That sounds like it'll turn into an annoying drama subplot.
>lesbian/bi girl who fucks her 16 years old gf
Are they both teenagers or is there an age gap?
>Each season of the series is structured as a self-contained narrative, employing new cast ensembles, and following various sets of characters and settings.
Sounds like S4E1 might be worth a spin then.
Nesting tv show is about two female friends moving in together where they want to find a right guy to start family with but instead they fall for another, so pretty much like most yuri manga out there.
The Handmaiden
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At the halfway point and they're finally starting to reconcile with each other. The true power harassing boss is introduced.
The 23~ min per episode is really holding this show back on certain aspects, but I'm absolutely enjoying my time with this.
jenna ortega dyking again in miller's girl
Does Martin Freeman play the other girl?
Not really worth of watching even for spare girl x girl scene.
Maybe it would be better if Ortega made out with Dominczyk that would be hot.
I watched the trailier (its french for trailer), and it looks like she is in a semi-serious, possibly bi-curious relationship, but the whole movie revolves around her wanting to fuck Martin - am I wrong? Elaborate.
I will watch it only because of the f/f fanfiction it will spawn and I don't like reading fandoms blind (much).
From the trailer and leaks it doesn't look like much of a /u/ movie.
I watched the miseducation of cameron post last year and the scene where cam dreams about kissing her teacher in class and gets woken up by her roommate is probably the funniest thing I saw last year.
What, if any, are some Youtube channels you're following?
They upload full yuri onto YT now?
Evelyn Dar covers a lot of relevant western media releases and is the best out there in honest reviews, editing and humor.
is there any japanese tv shows or movies about lesbians?
No, none.
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Is anyone watching the season 2?
Yes. Thanks to the magic of torrents I can keep up with the episodes daily.
They have japanese subs and also last weekend furritsubs uploaded last week's episode's eng subs.

So far they have moved around stuff from the manga and added other ones, which really makes it work better for TV.
The actress casted for Yako has kind of a plastic face so it clashes with the other character's looks but, she's ok.
It's tempting but I'll just wait for everything to get released and subbed then binge it
It's a shame that the protagonists are asexual. the size difference would make things interesting
Wait really? I've only read until volume 3 of the manga, that's disappointing I want to see the fatty banging Nomoto
Yes, the author made some posts confirming that the protagonists are asexual, I haven't read the entire manga but I'm disappointed. Nomoto has a naughty face in the manga and in the live action it is hard to accept that she is asexual.
Why shouldn't we?
Fujiyoshi Karin for the deipnophobe is totally random but it's nice to see her in a lesbian role.
The problem is with the asexual bullshit, calling people with a proper sexuality "asexual" just because they don't have sex is so fucking retarded.
From what bullshit fantasy did you pull that from?
The author only "promotes" Yako as asexual. There is also official artwork of the two mains with pride and transexual flags saying no to all discrimination and another pic of them covered only with the lesbian flag for Valentine's.

And as for the girl Nagumo, her sexuality has never remotely come up in the manga so far.
Vol 5 comes out on Feb 15th so maybe that one has some development in all aspects, or not.
Every few years I think back on this.
I'm not surprised that readers think the protagonists are asexual, I've read all the recently released chapters, so far they've only shared a kiss and are living together, not that the manga is bad because of that but...
Way to spoil it, imbecile
Anon, they literally called themselves "asexual" even if they mean "sexless". It's the whole plot of episode 16.
Them who?
Nomoto and Kasuga?
Cause they're the mains.
Preteen lesbians are a miracle of the universe.
>they break up
>political commentary
I'm sorry
Just watched episode 16 and Yuki says shes barely found out shes a lesbian and the other one tell her to find herself out, but never says she's asexual. You're fishing or plain retarded.

Learn basic japanese before watching dorama.
>on-topic post about great live-action /u/
I can see how certain janitors of transexual inclination would be threatened by it.
Janitors will mostly just press the confirm button on whatever's been reported, you can get anything deleted if you report it enough, just delete your cookies and change your IP each time.
She said she couldn't recognize herself in the passional characters she saw in lesbian movies, that she is different and worrying she's not an "actual lesbian" because she doesn't feel the same. The other one, that has it written in her twitter bio together with other retarded shit like pronouns, started telling her own experience that sounds like alphabet propaganda and MC felt reassured.
I hate it as much as any other anon here, if not even more for the incorrect use of asexuality, but that's what the story has been until now. MC wants to stay with Kasuga but she hasn't had any sexual thought about her.
You have to be a special kind of obsessed deluded conspiratorial lunatic to believe that even 4chan janitors, of all fucking places of the internet, would be trans people. Elon and Trump really have fucked up your brains forever.

>I hate it as much as any other MALE anon here

>incorrect use of asexuality
Yeah, we can really tell that you're an expert about these things (and that you totally know the difference between romantic and sexual attraction)
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Gelphie back on the menu?
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What show is that?
They're so ugly
>Zolita - Bloodstream
New Zolita short film/music video finally arrived after a long wait. This one was so much fun. Hope she is using these characters to kick off a new storyline that will continue in the next mv.
It's from the recently released trailer for the new Wicked movie(s).
Is that Ariana Grando?
Of course, she Dio's off brand sister.
Any idea where this is from?
Reverse image search suggests the red character is

I can't seem to find any sort of official live action, so my best guess is that it's probably taken from a fan film.
Yeah, seems to be just a cosplay video of Viper Ning and Justina Gu, two rival characters from Naraka: Bladepoint who apparently have some small amount of vague subtext in the game. Can't direct link to facebook because 4chan thinks it's spam, but you can find it at /HanfuXiaoyao if you're still interested, but the catbox is already the full version.
I found it on YouTube
Looks like this channel uploads a lot of GL Chinese fanmade videos with English subtitles.
I know I’m probably the only sentaifag here, and this is only subtext and probably me reading more into it than the writers intended, but I just watched episode 15 of Choujin Sentai Jetman and the relationship between Ako and her “親友” Kyouko practically felt text by the standards of 1991. Ako’s the genki girl who’ll do anything for a yen without a romantic bone in her body, and yet she’s about as desperate to save Kyouko’s voice as Gai is to save Kaori’s life in the previous episode, and that was straight up text. Super cute.

Not a recommendation, I know people don’t care about this kinda shit anymore, I just wanted to mention it.
Anyone saw that new movie with Kristen Stewart?
While we're asking questions, is there any Tyzula fuel in Netflix Avatar?
Holy shit I was just watching that, it's great and one of the few watchable SS for me.
Doesn't the Sentai series airing right now (Kingohger) have yuri too?
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Chaser Game W aired its last episode today and for those curious, the drama ends on a happy note. I guess? Last episode was kind of a hot mess.
It's a low budget drama with a runtime of 23 minutes each episode (8). There's also so much shit they're trying to cram in each episode, but the chemistry between the two leads is so, so good. They honestly hard carried this show.
Two disclaimers though, one of the leads suffers from comphet so she's married and has a 5 y/o child (I'm still side-eyeing that timeline) when the drama begins. There's also a stereotypical perverted middle-aged man (part of the story) who sometimes appears that I hated every second of. Luckily, none of his behavior involve the two leads.
Anyways, Itsuki is now one of my favorite lesbians and I'm sad it's over.
I've seen on Twitter that the staff are interested in a season 2, do you think it would be worthwhile?
Honestly, they have two great lead actresses with amazing on-screen chemistry and as long as they don't put them on the back burner like what they did in second half of the show, it's a formula for success. Also I just want to see Itsuki's actress in another drama. Episodes 1-4 were fantastic, especially 4. I highly recommend it. Though I'm genuinely curious, if there is a second season, how they're going to continue the story now with the leads' occupational changes and the second half of the show's title not applying anymore.
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Well, the director is the one pushing for it and he admits they were out of budget by the end so here's hoping

Yeah, I saw that too. This Twitter thread goes into it in more detail. This account is great in general for translations related to the show.

There's also the upcoming character coupling fanmeeting in April that's organized by the show's network, so hopefully we'll get some news by then

What do you guys think of this? It’s not made by Hollywood but still looks cool.
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Who'll Stop The Rain

Taiwan 1994 so expect comphet.
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Well, the director is certainly ambitious
Props to them for taking responsibility on how shit the last episode was though. Don't know how involved their lesbian supervisor is, but she's also at fault if they consulted with her for this episode. Also, TV Tokyo needs to step up and sell the physical discs for this show.

Going to be a sad Monday, the two JPN GLs finished airing.
I've been seeing stuff about a currently airing Korean drama called Pyramid Game that's about school violent and it looks like light subtext atm, but apparently the webtoon author hints the MC goes out with one of the girls at the finale.
There's an upcoming Thai GL called 23.5 that's airing the end of this week. Honestly though, I really can't get into Thai GLs which sucks because there's a lot, but something doesn't click with me.
Who is gonna watch something that ends with both bislu...i mean protags end up with dudes at the end because its a prequel?
Just thanks the team and the producers move on and adapt a new and better story.
Thailand its completely destroying every other azn country with their GLs adaptations...heck we are decades away from South Korea escaping their christfags hellhole mentality and embrace homoshows so they are gonna reign supreme easily for all eternity.
>both bislu
We get it, you hate the show but don't do Itsuki dirty like that.

Yeah, I recently looked into Thai GLs and they're just pumping these out like it's nothing. Really hope I'll like the new one coming out. Korea has an insanely vocal incel community sadly.
>Thailand its completely destroying every other azn country with their GLs adaptations
Spoonfeed me some recs please, onee-chama.
I recently learned how big sukeban drams got for a while and now I’m filled with a great yearning for a revival with lots of GL.

What are the odds here, ~0.004%?
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Main reason to watch NCIS Hawaii is still going strong.
Is it actually good, though? Main NCIS hasn’t been watchable in years and none of the other spin-offs were ever good.
Start with Gap, its all on Youtube and with subs, then probably wait till this friday and try 23.5 which seems to be the next big GL show.
Its absolutely kino mostly shipwise, the rest is standard issue NCIS crime of the week 'murrika good stuff.
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Finally made some time to watch Vigil season 2. It improved on the /u/ since the MC could actually talk to her gf instead of being stuck on a sub this time around. The story was pretty engaging and I thought it kept all the twists well hidden. The only thing that bothered me wasn't the story as much as the amount of risks MC and gf took to do things alone without backup when confronting likely suspects and not being armed themselves. And all this while having a daughter and being pregnant. Mom got kidnapped, pistol whipped, tazed. Pregnant gf got cornered with a knife, twice, and shot. At this point if they don't get desk jobs they will end up traumatizing their kids.
New season of Hacks is looking pretty gay
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NCIS is still going on? Do they still have that goth chick?
Is there a list of the "must-watches" for a newcomer? I mostly stick to manga but some LA sounds like a fun change of pace.

It can be movies or series, subbed, preferably japanese/korean but if it's really good then I'll take western stuff too.
The Handmaiden by park chan-wook is both japanese and korean and really good.
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Imagine me & you
But I'm a Cheerleader
Transit Girls - jp
GAP the series - thai
Love senior - thai
Our love story - kr
she loves to cook she loves to eat s1&2 - jp
Sleep with me - Philippines
Out of breath - kr
Chaser game W - jp

those are my favorites. lots of good thai GL coming out soon though. Everyone's currently boycotting Blank the series because of the extreme age gap but it's probably going to be pretty good.
If you're okay with American television, I highly recommend Person of Interest for Root/Shaw. There's even a YT channel that clipped all their scenes, separate and together, if you don't want to go through 5 seasons yourself. To this day, I don't think any other pairing even comes close to them for me...just maybe don't watch the last few episodes of the final season.

Really thought it was just yuri anime that was thriving, but I'm really happy about the variety of live-action GL series we've gotten recently.
Nah, she left years ago, I think her actor had a problem with the lead actor. They replaced her with a cute black girl, but I don’t like the character she plays that much.
The Handmaiden
A few of my favorite /u/ movies that I rewatch most often are Saving Face, Kajillionaire, Duke of Burgundy, Bottoms, Crush, Fear Street trilogy. There are also some fun complete TV shows with /u/ like See (3 seasons), Vigil (2 Seasons, may continue but each season is self contained) Motherland Fort Salem (3 seasons), Gentleman Jack (2 seasons, canceled but ends ok enough to watch).

It was a great show but the reason everyone warns against the final few episodes when talking about it here is why I'd never recommend it to anyone on /u/.
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Lost and Delirious
Other goodies have already been covered by previous replies.
>preferably japanese/korean
No. You WILL watch western masterpieces and you WILL love them.
>extreme age gap
My interest is piqued
One is 18 and the other is 34. Student and teacher. I think episodes come out on Saturdays. only one is out so far though
I guess the controversy is that anything under 20 in thailand is considered a minor.
So I skimmed through the BL show that the actresses of 23.5 were a side couple in to get a glimpse of them together and they're actually really cute together. Not sure if the shorter girl is just small in general, but the height difference between the two is great. The only thing I didn't like is probably the taller girl's voice, sounds kind of grating when you first listen to her speak. Anyways, looking forward to seeing them again.

That and that one hilarious promo image they used. Girl wearing some sort of elementary school backpack.
I was thinking that about the girls from Making Memorable Memories. This girl is SMOL
23.5 is cute but I think I'm too much of a hag to really get into it. I hope in the future there'll be more adult settings.
Felt the same. The alien girl is pretty cool though
Watched a bunch of /u/ music videos today and this one stood out for having the most memorable lyric.
>I could be a better kind of best friend
>with my hand down her waistband
>Chaser Game W
I know episodes/scenes aren't normally shot chronologically, but it's kind of wild that the big reconciliation scene in Episode 4 was probably the last thing they shot. Also, it's recently been revealed that all the cafe scenes were shot in a single day.
The more I learn about the behind the scenes stuff, the more I realize how broke the show really was lol.

Cute ad tho
I think Person of Interest is still worth watching, though I was very upset at the time when Root died
After getting into this show and getting back into Japanese stuff in general, I've realized how much I dislike how restrictive Japanese culture is. Or whichever word that describes how domestic fans love to gatekeep and pretty much everything is not easily accessible for foreigners.
All this to say that I'm pretty sure it's looking likely that the network organized event next month won't have online streaming even though oversea fans definitely carried in viewer engagements. Would love to be wrong, but eh.

I've watched that episode and subsequent ones once and I'm happy to say that I've read enough fan theories/fiction to completely override what I saw. Other than the reunion, I can't even remember what happens next.
>watched Love Lies and Bleeding
I honestly don't know, the buff girl treats kstew like shit throughout the entire movie. She cheats on her with men, she ditches her just to get ahead in her muscle building career.
>See trailer
Who would ever watch this dreck...christ genre movies suck lately.
>won't have online streaming
Glad I'm wrong!
Drive-Away Dolls was so bad. I can't believe I got duped into watching this garbage because Ethan Coen was directing.
Its ok but way too much into their own humour...leagues better than Love Lies Cucked thou.
I think it would have worked a lot better in the 90s or very early 2000s.
>or very early 2000s.
I think that's when his wife/woman-married-to-him-that-might-actually-be-a-lesbian? wrote the script

Is this yuri or is it the usual bislut story?
Someone uploaded the movie if anyone's interested.
>Death and Other Details
This was a very fun mystery show with surprisingly high production value for a hulu show. The /u/ side character relationship was present very often so you see at least one of the lesbian characters every episode. I think there are more /u/ sex scenes compared to the other non /u/ characters too, although the quality of romantic relationships in this show in general is pretty shallow so don't go into it expecting the /u/ to be the main draw. Spoiler for ending I expect s2 will have more sex scenes of her getting high with a lesbian harem. I feel bad for her wife since she was one of the more competent characters in the show and deserves better
zero taste. it's the funniest movie I've seen so far this year
julianne moore dyking again in Mary and George. the series is primarily focused on a gay relationship(s) though so it's barely counts
I really liked it, thank you. Li Ling Wei is so freaking pretty.
Heads up fags, the new Ghostbusters movie is gay, girlEgon romances a teen ghost...movie is mid but nowhere as bad the shitcritics were trying to portray thou.
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Fatty Helm got some in newest Grey Anatomy season.
That chick went from fucking prime big titty thicc Renee Wrap in Sex Lives of College Hos to this...
I just came here to ask if this was true after hearing about it. Probably won't watch the movie anyways but maybe if it's on streaming someday...
Yes, but Sony wussed out and didn't gave them a kiss.
But basically her storyline is getting benched then meeting a hot ghost girl and almost getting tricked into bringing the ice age.
You can totally tell the original script had a more in your face romance and that they downgraded it to ''subtext'' to sell it to 'murikkkans and the rest of the global retardos market.
Randomly watching that "El Encargado" show with Francella and just happened to catch a scene where a girl casually french-kisses her friend, except she's only fooling around because she has a boyfriend, and the other girl clearly feels terrible about it even though she enjoys the free kisses.
Just wanted to mention it for the record.
The youtube algo has been dry lately but I found a couple good ones
>Rosemary Joaquin - Erika (Official Music Video)
There was a deleted scene version as well which was also fun.
>Drivers License - Olivia Rodrigo (Rain Paris Rock Cover)
Just a cover but it is unique to have rock /u/.
>FLETCHER - Pretending
Timing makeouts with the beat was satisfying, although youtube blocking a decent bitrate behind a paywall is ass and made the audio quality distracting.
Drive away dolls was much more romantic than I expected. I enjoyed this more than Bottoms due to the /u/ being more satisfying overall, but they both were fun comedies. Falling in love after doing makeout rotations with a lesbian soccer team was cute. The comedy /u/ movie trend hopefully will continue although I don't think there are any others announced yet this year.
Why is one of the MC so fucking insufferable, most actual lesbians don't act like this.
I didn't think either one was annoying and their energy levels aren't really a reflection of being a lesbian anyway. It looked like a standard outgoing X bookworm duo to me.
Some new lesbian movies to check, Drift and Silver Haze.
Finally, an overtly lesbian metal duet:
>Blackbriar - Moonflower (feat. Marjana Semkina)

And wanted to share my fave goggleable ones at least...

>Blackbriar - Snow White and Rose Red (feat. Ulli Perhonen)

>Dark Sarah feat. Manuela Kraller - Memories Fall

>CORONATUS - The Elvenwell ( I Can Give You )

>Within Temptation - Paradise (What About Us?) ft. Tarja

Love Rain Paris doing more lesbian rock - I first heard of her from her completely genderswapped cover of Montero
>MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) | Rock Cover
late as hell reply and the answer is a yes to that and same with the kamen rider series re vice in king ohger the yuri is between the queen himeno ran and the judge rita, himeno kind of adores rita and accepts and loves their softer sides and rita also cares for himeno more than others but tries to remain impartial cause she's the judge. in revice its between sakura and augilera they have a litteral whole enemies to lovers thing going on with them and go on a couple of dates by the end they have a vibe of a cute couple whove been dating for a long time
First Chaser game had a shit ending and now Blank has also finished with an unhappy ending. Why they can just make a happy finale for the lesbians? it feels as we are back to when only tragedies, unrequited love and death was the only way a lesbian character ends up in.
Blank season 2 starts on May.

And don't spoil anything cause I'm only on ep. 4.
There was no certainty about that when they were filming it, if it wasn't a hit that would haven been the ending for them. Anyway, have fun I guess.
Saw this Irish short film called Agape:


The main character is an Irish Traveller (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Travellers) named Margaret, who realizes she's a lesbian while wedded off to a fellow male Traveller.
Hello. Is Miss Sherlock worth watching for gay lesbians or is it just subtext on top of het shit?
>Chappell Roan - Red Wine Supernova (Magician's Cut)
Was ok, they didn't have much chemistry though.
>Chappell Roan - Casual (Official Music Video)
Has a good underwater scene but the siren chooses eating people over staying with her.
Anything in Fallout TV show?
As Fallout TV goes if you would squeeze your eyes maybe you could see something between MC mother and that main "antagonist" lady Moldaver, but that's all and both are dead anyway.
Purnell lead is of course infatuated with the random BoS black guy colead, so nothing really to see in it and I doubt there will be anything in next season seeing how it ended.
Also it was so bad at some point it's like they wanted to rip something from Arcane in one final moment.
Poor Purnell can't act at all at least in this show.
>JoJo Siwa - Karma
Not bad. Lots of Sapphic longing and staring into each other's eyes, but nothing more than that. Not even a kiss. I'm looking forward to seeing her get more mature work.
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Upcoming Thai GL coming out this year

The Last Case - Pilot

The Secret of Us - Pilot (also pic related)

My Marvellous Dream is You - First teaser

Cranium - Teaser

Unlock Your Love - Pilot

URANUS2324 - Pilot (FreenBeck!)

Reverse 4 You - Pilot

Pluto - Pilot

The Passenger (FreenBeck)

The Loyal Pin (more fuckin FreenBeck)

Blank season 2 in May

23.5 - Currently Airing (on youtube)
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CGW fan event was yesterday and overall I had a fun time watching the livestream. The actresses watched certain scenes from the show, did some small improv together as a couple given a keyword drawn from a box, etc. If you don't want to pay, there's clips all over Twitter/X. Which is kind of funny since it's paid content and usually fans are super anal about that. Also, they're finally going to sell the BD.
I came out of the show an Itsuki fan and now I came out of this event a Sugai fan. She's just so...God I hope she plays another lesbian, I need her to kiss more women.
Absolute Thai domination.
>there's clips all over Twitter
Searching チェイサーゲーム with video filtered on nitter gives me nothing though.
Isn't there a full rip somewhere?

thx anon for this
Full rip? Nah. Mostly clips shared. I think I saw them in this tag #いつふゆファンイベント, but now people are slowly using their heads and not including the official tags when sharing this.
Punctuation and capitalisation were invented for a good reason.
>UMI - wish that i could (Official Video)
Has some gay men stuff too but the /u/ half of the MV is nice.
As a casual enthusiast of linguistics, I’m pretty sure the invention of capitalization was an accident, actually.

New Korean GL drama "Lonely Girls" EP 1

Pretty low budget though lol

Second teaser for My Marvellous Dream is You. Looks good
>Isn't there a full rip somewhere?
check bilibili
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>Nakamura Yurika jumping from Sugai Yuuka to Ikoma Rina
I haven't watched it yet and I don't know anything about it but it seems promising, like, the first thing she thinks when she meets her is how beautiful she is.

I saw it, thank you. 360p, typical chinese quality but at least it doesn't have chinese hardsub.
Is Lizzie (2018) any good? I saw a clip of it on Reddit and the poster makes it look like yuri, but it's based on real events and set in the 1800s so I have doubts.
To be fair, it's very likely the next season will have more of Moldaver and Rose in flashbacks, and after the finale, I wouldn't say much of a squint is required to think they were together.
Haven’t seen it, myself. Synopsis on Wikipedia confirms that there’s GL, but at least one (maybe both?) gets raped by a guy and they don’t end up together.
GMMTV (channel/producer of 23.5 and the upcoming Pluto) just announced the series "US".
Supposedly for the second half of 2024 but could end up airing in the first semester of 2025.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4k1FH1Z2Lg

Looks angsty but at least the characters are adults and not teenagers.
Will have the same director as 23.5, which is fucking beautiful and you should watch it.
Sounds gay. I bet these two were fucking each other when they were younger.
>but anon, they both have kids now
It's called goggles.


CHANGE2561's new GL "Affair"
can believe someone here was saying not to bother with Love Lies Bleeding. it's easily the best /u/ so far this year and I doubt there'll be anything better.
The BDs' extra of Yodonna have been uploaded on nyaa.
I had hopes that this was going to go further.
Zolita - Small Town Scandal (Official Music Video)
Country inspired /u/mv, probably one of the few
I keep getting this one suggested at the end of everything I watch and I have to watch the whole thing every time. Easily one of my favorite recent ones
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Hacks 3rd season started.
Abandoning your cute sexy gf for an old hag is retarded.
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Prom Dates movie, low budget crap, not worth watching honestly.
Not a masterpiece by any means, but The New Mutants is cute.
So lesbian ends with two daughters of her dead partner and also ends in fake relationship with gay husband and his male lover.
No thanks.
Every episode of this just screams more and more Mommy issues. It's actually almost breaking my heart watching Ava do the things she does.
New GL/Yuri Chinese web drama. To premiere on May 20th.

I'm looking forward to this even though it's a short drama format and mostly general romance. And that's because, there are usually GL/Yuri adult life novels. But so far, only Radio drama adaptations have been made. This is one of the first from the sector that is a live action show. They are using the Radio drama VAs for the voice-overs.

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Not for long.
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New Brazilian series from the same company that did Stupid Wife (which is also great)

Xeque Mate

Trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5bkD3nmT6w

Episode 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpucOjQA0jQ
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Why does nobody talk about America’s Next Top Model? It’s got a lot of waifus of different shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. You’d think a board dedicated to seeing cute girls together would love a show like this.
She's a serial hit and run. Gets on a show, makes the girl and the audience fall for her, fucks the girl and then fucks off to the next TV series.
But seriously, I like that she's not sticking to roles that wón't let her carreer advance.

>Stupid Wife
Last year they released 4 special episodes of how they became a couple in their college years.
Then season 3 premiered and it was interesting but in the middle of it they went for the second most used lesbian trope straight from the 00s back when writers had no idea what they could do with lesbians and I totally lost interest.

Didn't you make this same post a couple of months ago?
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How did >we feel about the first episode of Blank season 2?


Way better subtitles, 2 seggzy scenes, same dumbass story.
It was great and I'm glad they covered so much stuff in just one episode. Sam+Mon behaving as one single entity is still really cute.
I've read the novel and it's a wild ride, but the second part is mostly less angsty and way more filled with sex than the first one.

My Marvellous Dream is You is still more engaging than Blank, specially now after Wan and Kim start to actually spend time together.
There’s one single /u/ moment in Malcolm in the Middle that continues to live rent free in my mind. One of the boys’ army buddies comes to visit and she has a crush on the mom, which eventually culminates in the younger girl giving the mom a leg massage (who moans passionately during it) and the girl cops a feel on her. It’s a moment that lasts about 30 seconds but it was probably one of the most impactful moments of live-action television for me and my teenhood sexuality.
You spiked my interest. A quick search for the episode throws that the army buddy was played by Larisa Oleynik, aka Alex Mack, aka the lesbian awakening of many girls who were about 12 in the very early 00s.
S07E08 definitely gonna check it.
The entire episode isn’t really worth watching just for the /u/, her crush is implied through subtle longing glances towards Lois which is nice but the rest of the episode with her storyline has the boys thinking she has a crush on Reese.
Here’s the clip:
Thanks for the clip but I wasn't gonna watch the whole episode if it didn't interest me.
For stuff I just wanna check some scenes of I just have my finger on the forward arrow to skip 10 seconds. Really useful for shitty shows with /u/.
god i fucked loved malcolm in the middle
Not really, but that's a nice thought.
I'm not reccing this at all but...in the Interview With The Vampire show, which is great but for gay dudes and vampfags, they aged up Claudia and aged down Madelaine and theres this vibe in the fandom that they did it to make them a couple, trailer and their first meet seems to point to that but if you have seen the movie or read the book you know how it ends...
On the other hand of shit i don't rec you for wlw content theres hilariously Bridgerton, this season the raspy voice sister and the bitch of the show got really friendly, some people think they are going to have some kind of thing because the show cared enough to give the bitch a backstory this season and they do have chemistry...on the other hand the issue with Brigerton and gayness is that they only got the rights if they keep the ships 1 to 1 with the books so...its probably nothing, but the fics have been going crazy on AO3 lmao
Well 23.5 ended today. Pretty cute series. Thailand is killing it lately
Is this from Monarch? Or is this from one of the Japanese Godzilla movies? I doubt Toei would do anything like this since they're supposedly a very conservative company.
>Love Lies Bleeding
Not defending the movie but buff girl never cheats on kstew with anyone, the writers just had to make buff girl fuck kstew's scumbag brother in law at the start of the movie before she met the MC to make the movie as trashy as possible. Not to mention kstew cheats on buff girl by fucking the prostitute because she was being blackmailed. Just everything in this entire movie was everyone treating everyone else like shit. Wasn't a single redeemable character which maybe was part of the point but just made it a miserable experience. Need a palate cleanser and the only other new /u/ I have up next is Silver Haze. Hopefully that isn't going to disappoint as well.
>palate cleanser
Go watch some Thai GL series, which is how they now call yuri in Asia (but outside Japan).
Like oneesama said, 23.5 is extremely cute if you can tolerate the occasional screeching GenZ teenagers. It's on YouTube or Netflix, depending on your location.
If they just spent 2-3 minutes more on this storyline to give the girl the chance to actually kiss and/or hug the ghost after she literally separates her spirit from her body then this would have been an amazing movie with way more impact. Would have meant the betrayal would sting more, and the ending would have been bittersweet. Instead it was just obvious story beats until they win a pointless and empty victory. The subtext was blatant enough where it doesn't make sense that they cut it since they even left in a bunch of other stupid sex jokes. But oh well, can't expect anything from big budget movies most of the time anyway. I hope New Mutants isn't the only big special effects movie we'll ever get.
Started watching Bodkin because I heard it has /u/ and its a comedy murder mystery so would have ended up watching it eventually anyway. Only got up to ep 3 so far this weekend but it appears it will have /u/. The MC investigative journalist is a hot irish hardass and it seemed impossible for there to be /u/ since she is cold to everyone but in ep 3 a new character is introduced and she expertly flirted with MC to get get flustered. Not sure what will happen yet but I love the chemistry so far and seeing her get her outer shell cracked by irish flirting would be fun.
How depressing is Macha & Vanilla?
>Started watching Bodkin
I wanted to suggest it but didn't like that nothing really happened with /u/ so i didn't bother.
The hot careteker lady of course has a kid and the only thing we see is her kissing the femMC once and then just wants her to leave cause of course she acted like an ass, shame they never returned to this plot in the epilogue.
But maybe it will get s2 so something again could happen.
I liked it as murder mystery show but not much of /u/.
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Just finished and it was fun but agree on all your points. I still thought it was worth watching just because I enjoy having a fun show with a /u/ MC but there are a lot of other murder mysteries to choose from with more /u/ lately (Vigil s1-2, death and other details s1, only murders in the building s2).
You can also add Under the Bridge to that list, but it's pretty minor.
What's that, a lesbian show with a pretty minor?
>Silver Haze
Tried watching but the first minute is literally het sex. Double checked I didn't play the wrong movie then skipped around to see if it could possibly be worth continuing after that and found more het sex and a lot of trash accents so I gave up. Disappointing to say the least.
There’s really not enough America’s Next Top Model in this thread
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Was watching Monarch Legacy of Monsters because it had the actress from Shogun who was really amazing and found out she's the MC and also gay in this one. She was also in giri/haji which has /u/ as well although I forget if she was involved in it at all. Anyway for Monarch the /u/ is only in episode 5 and it is a backstory/flashback thing where she is shown having a gf pre-gday and the gf invites her to move in with her, but then the next flashback shows MC waking up next to some other girl so apparently she cheats on her gf because of commitment issues, never see either of them again. It was also weird because the show seemed to be leaning into shipping her with the girl that her brother was into as they are inseparable in basically every scene after the reveal that the MC is gay. Nothing ever happens though but maybe something will develop in S2
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Girls fondling each other doesn't save it from being absolute shit.
Most platonic kiss ever, reminds me of chicks in clubs kissing other girls to get guys attention.
>chicks in clubs
Read this as chicks in cubes, probably because I was thinking about the Cube film series (Kate and Sasha definitely had a thing for each other).
I'm in awe that sal jiang got a live action yuri production. Hopefully this one isn't locked behind weird platforms like some other recent jp yuri shows.
Can't believe it. I also hope they go all the way, as japanese dramas aren't known to be great with yuri adaptations.
I hope Tsukkiatte will also get a drama one day.
JP should learn from Thai and release stuff directly on Youtube.
>Am I Ok? (2024)
This came out of nowhere and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. It wasn't a romance per se and felt more like a dramedy but watching it made me realize how rare it is to see a chill down to earth movie about a closeted coming out. The platonic best friend and her having a fight while the MC is trying to lesbian was written too perfectly and hit too close to home. The straight girl was also painfully well done but the movie never felt like it was using any good or bad event for cheap catharsis or drama, so I thought the approach it used remained pleasantly calm which was nice for change. Definitely think it is worth giving a try if you want something a little different that happens to have /u/.
>behind weird platforms like some other recent jp yuri shows
Such as? I'm asking in case I'm missing something. I know there is Tai ari deshita on "Lemino" but as long as they get ripped it's not a problem.
Is this the first yuri manga adaptation to J-drama? The fat chick manga got an adaptation last year but that doesn't count (no fat chicks). The few others were original. I think this is a good news because BL got tons of J-dramas so it was time yuri get some
Futari Monologue had a live action adaptation. Also it isn't the same thing but there have been a lot of yuri stage plays as well.
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The Acolyte might be worth keeping an eye on? Main character had two moms and also seems to be getting chemistry with padawan girl. She played it fairly straight in the moment but I can't imagine anyone wrote "I'm better company than a droid, and way more flexible." without considering the innuendo. That said, it's not like Jedi are allowed to have relationships so not sure how that'd play out, could be a point of contention later on though.
That was definitely Osha flirting and trying to be funny at the same time. It makes Jecki smile but she notices the other Jedi coming and quickly hides her smile and turns away a little.
Not touching it cause not interested in the New Star Wars, and so far nothing has interested me enough to bring me back.

Bring me the YZV.
That was my read as well. If nothing else I hope they get enough to inspire a decent chunk of fics.
According to George Lucas, Jedi aren't celibate. They're allowed to have sex. Just no connections or commitments.
George was/is a horny old bastard. He's the reason 14 year old Ahsoka was running around in a tube top and miniskirt.
I think the director (who is a lesbian) said this will be the gayest Star Wars has ever been. Her wife/fiancee/gf/whatever plays a role in the series (yeah nepotism).
>Her wife/fiancee/gf/whatever plays a role in the series (yeah nepotism).
Well as long it is a lesbian/bi leaning into females nepotism I'm all for it.
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>yuri stage plays
Please tell me all of them.
Well we have SW Outlaws game with femMC, Acolyte with femMC and also we had Ahsoka with basically two fem MCs.
Lets see now how many of them delivered on lesbian/bi into females front.
Yagakimi's 3 plays, Ohsawa yayoi manga, assault lily, towatsugi. Whisper me a love song is getting one soon. There are definitely others I am forgetting.
>that doesn't count (no fat chicks)
Kill yourself, waifufag. The women in yuri are not for you to lewd.

Sadly they never get an official release so we can only see the 360p versions on bilibili. And I haven't found the Oosawa Yayoi's one yet.
Most yuri these days is aimed to waifufags, including all those CGDCTs and idolshit that /u/ love so much. You lose
Fuck off back to the het board you crawl out from.
I assumed oneesama meant Chaser Game W being on GagaOOlala, which is a Taiwanese gay/lesbian media streaming service focused on Asian and European indie stuff. Looks dubious but it's ok and has some self productions. As usual, it's 80% gay and only 20% lesbian stuff, plus the non Asian lesbian stuff is mostly not even worth a watch.

I actually got a subscription for it, 3 months for like 13 USD total and got to watch CG W and a bunch of Asian shorts/movies/series I woulnd't have otherwise. My credit card didn't get hacked, so all cool.
>Is this the first yuri manga adaptation to J-drama?
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna wants to stuff you with food till you die
>Jedi aren't celibate. They're allowed to have sex. Just no connections or commitments.
That's lame. Can we go back to the celibacy?
>I think the director (who is a lesbian) said this will be the gayest Star Wars has ever been. Her wife/fiancee/gf/whatever plays a role in the series (yeah nepotism).
Seeing episode 3d fucking Jedi ruin everything, a nice coven of all-girl witches just wanted to chill and create super natural baby girls with each other.
They had to have filmed it, right?
She already had a second stage play and it just happens to be opening this weekend if anyone is in the area and can go see it.
I have no memory of this one and google doesn't help. Is it a doujinshi?
Wild Eyed and Wicked movie protag is a woman with a gf, but hell I expected something else seeing the promo poster than what I got.
Still I don't really know what it really was about, a methapor?
Yes, it is a doujinshi.

The ratings are universally terrible. Disappointing since the premise could have been fun. Not sure I'd ever be bored enough to bother wasting time on something so poorly made that even bonus /u/ couldn't save it though.
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K-Pop group STAYC's new album trailer is kinda gay.

Where's the rest of it?
yeah it was nice. kinda bored of coming out stories though even if it was a fairly refreshing coming out story. that was my one negative. also it's very interesting that one of dakota johnson best performances was playing a confused closeted lesbian.
also this has one of the hottest casts in any movie ever, dakota, sonoya, kiersey, molly, odessa all in one movie like holy shit
From /u/'s point of view, the Jedi are evil.
So the witches learned to use the force to create life...doesn't this kinda works with the old theory that Shev used to force to create Anakin?
Because insanely it goes full circle with the end of the last movie and Rey picking up the name of Skywalker, while being a Palpatine...it rhymes like poetry.
We don't know yet.
And the way Aniseya was talking during the Ascension ritual it felt like she was preparing to die so she could become one with the Thread (their way of seeing the Force) and that could be how either the Jedi learn to become Force ghosts or Palps learned to transfer himself into a new body after Vader yeeted him down the shaft in the Death Star.
I think it was more about the twins being next in line to lead the coven than her dying in that very moment, though I agree that for a second it sounded like that was going to happen.
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Sasakoi is getting a stage play and lycorisrecoil just had one as well.

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