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play signalis
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This is /u/

Odds are we all did.
>thread with empty subject field
You're getting reassigned, OP.
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Signalis? That gay robot game?
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This is Havana Syndrome
It's pretty mediocre, best just stay a secondary and ejoy the robutt yuri
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Fuck this zoomer mentality.
It's a video game, play it. It's only like 8 hours
Remember, a productive citizen is a loyal citizen.
For working as little as an extra 3 hours a day for just 356 cycles, a loyal citizen would be able to save up enough Rationmarks for chest and buttock enhancement upgrades as a gift for a Replika of their choice.
>after playing this game
Why does the militaristic govt keep investing into these Replikas? They seem to be very flawed and instead of fixing the errors the govt provides workarounds.
>Why does the militaristic govt keep investing into these Replikas? They seem to be very flawed
The Protektors would be very keen to know where you heard such idle gossip, comrade.
In the papieren distributed by das govt, bitte.
Repeat offender too.
Make me.
because they are very useful despite the flaws
Playing this game just makes me wish I was playing a Resident Evil or Silent Hill instead. In fact, I could beat several of those in those 8 hours.
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>Playing this game just makes me wish I was playing a Resident Evil or Silent Hill instead
That's stupid, because neither of those games have lesbian robots
Neither does this one for like 90% of its playtime.
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He doesn't care about yuri, he's here solely to do franchise vs franchise debating that you'd commonly find on /v/. I'd recommend not engaging further.
Cute androidlet.
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For me it's the theme song.

Never been to /v/.
Nier Automata had sad lesbian androids in 2017
This game had sad lesbian androids in 2022
So we should get a third game in the sad lesbian android trilogy in 2027, looking forward to it.
Made it to the mines after about 4 hours. How much longer do I got until the end?

I'm digging the game but I can tell it's gonna be one of those cases where I have to look up some plot explanations because I'm too much of brainlet to connect the dots myself.
There's three chapters so you're nearly to the halfway point.
And yeah, you're probably gonna have to look shit up to understand what's going on, even I'm still not 100% certain about what happened.
Stellar blade, maybe? The trailer has that yuri vibe.
I watched two trailers and didn't see any yuri, either your goggles are on too tight or I didn't see the right one. The aesthetic seems cool at least.
>understand what's going on
The problem with Signalis is that this is impossible.
Yeah but you can get like 90% of it, the rest is up to speculation I think.
90% is far too generous.
Nier Automata had a criminally low amountbof lesbian androids. (Well, gynoids.)
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That's impressive. She didn't let even a single drop of coffee spill.
Not really. The timeline of events is pretty straightforward if your properly read the documents.
The only important thing that aren't clear are the metaphysical stuff like the meaning of secret ending or why everything even happened in the first place.
Eating a Replika is a bad idea, as their flesh is very toxic. Is kissing or having sex with one dangerous too?
Unless you mean to literally eat their pussy/ass, intimacy with a Replika is perfectly safe.

In fact, it's probably actually safer.Because of their artificial nature, there's no risk of catching an STD from a Replika.
I havent
tell me more
Play the spooky game with robot lesbians

Simple as
Do you like survival horror?
Do you like godless horrors from beyond the veil of reality?
Do you like sad lesbian androids?
Do you like the retro sci-fi aesthetic (stuff like floppy discs and windows 98 in a futuristic setting with space ships)?
Do you like the aesthetic of German communism?

If yes, play game.
Alright I'll do it
God I hope there's more art like the OP
Ill draw some myself if I have to
I want yuri horror with varied enemy types.

Watching it on youtube will give you a superior experience since the actual game part is bland
>Watching it on youtube will give you a superior experience
zoomers get out
Report and ignore.
I want lesbo robot enemies that are dog girls!
I want lesbo robot enemies that are girls with long tongues!
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I see what you are doing and I do not appreciate your baiting tactics. It's obvious you just want to be spoiled.
Replying to bait to point out it's bait is still falling for the bait you supreme dingus.
Aw come on, let me at least tease her!
when the fuck did /u/ turn into /v/
What the fuck are you all talking about.
Elster trying to fit two female connectors together.
While this is obviously bait, I can actually see an argument for it to be made.
If we assume that Elsters are originally straight and 512 only became a prison lesbian because Arianne was her only human contact, then S2301 would be straight for the majority of the game until her mind got subsumed by 512.
>this is obviously bait
It's not. 95% of the game is walking around dark hallways doing fetch quests and listening to the radio, with all the yuri being relegated to some vague backstory that only becomes clear in the last few minutes before the game ends.
>how to say you've never played the game without saying you've never played the game
Don't dodge the point.
Elster's gestalt was a lesbean and Elster fell in love with Ariane because she coincidentally looked like the girl the gestalt loved. Pay attention.
There's zero evidence that Alina and Anna were in lesbians with each other. Sure, they were very obviously close, but it was never confirmed if they were platonic or not.
Next you're going to tell me there's no evidence that Falke has nightly orgies with all her Kolibris.
Quit joking around.
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Nah, that's obviously real.
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I love me some assertive KLBR Gang.
>Nah, that's obviously real.
But Falke wishes it wasn't
She only has two hands and one tongue, so two Kolibris are going to be moody tomorrow, unless they're amenable to a footjob.
With what feet?
They got stubby little hooves, which would actually fit inside a hole far better than an actual foot, for any replika or gestalt freaky enough for that.
Falke thought having the Kolibris cater to her every whim would be a great stress relief. She didn't realize how tiring it is to keep up with 5 hyperactive midgets.
Worse. Now that they had a taste of her flesh, they can't live without. If she doesn't let them have their way with her nightly, the productivity goes down the drain and everyone gets decommissioned.
It reads like a sitcom or a robot hellraiser movie.
>One is the replica of our Glorious Leader
>The other is a hivemind
>Together... they have gangbangs.

>Please wait a while before making a post
>Do other things while waiting for the timer
>Forget about posting for the next 10 minutes
>Suddenly remember and come back
>click Get Captcha
>Please wait a while before making a post
Fuck you, Hiroshimoot! I'm not going to buy a 4chan Gold account.
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Already did
All the high quality fanart made me buy it a few months ago. Really need to start playing soon.
Bro you can knock it out in a weekend it's like 8-10 hours blind if you're not retarded nobody's asking you to turn some mobile gacha game into a second full time job.
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I've gifted it to 8 people, including 3 randos on /v/. Of those, 2 finished it. One got to Rotfront. Another got to medbay. One played ten minutes, did not continue. Two did not boot it, ever. One played ten hours, somehow did not finish.
The two that finished it loved it. People are weird about that shit, took me a month to get a buddy to finish it. Lives rent-free for them now.

Horses and water I guess.
I already have a bad habit of starting too many games at once. I want to finish what I already have installed before starting another game.
It's worth dropping everything to play it, seriously. It sticks in your brain afterward like the pudding at the bottom of the cup. It's less of a game and more of an experience.
Signalis will filter the majority of people who play it because it's a deliberatly retro horror game if you're not a complete pussy bitch you can do it with relative ease
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Crazy given we're talking about a video game, I know. Early after release people actually had long, in-depth discussions of the lore and puzzling things out. It only turned to shit about two months after because some abject commie got severely asshurt and started endlessly shitting up the threads. Go figure.
I think what annoyed me was I literally asked all of them if they wanted it or not. One got to Elster crawling through to the radio room and stopped after that. Not a bit further. I'm bewildered.
What's this? Early concept? Fan game? Just some random art?
>I think what annoyed me was I literally asked all of them if they wanted it or not.
People don't turn down free stuff but they will not complete intentionally obtuse puzzle games
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Original version of Signalis. It was 2d side scroller at first and you were just investigating planets. Here's the original Penrose.
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Their professor told them in more polite words it looked like shit/generic, so they remade it, and we got Replika horror. Some of the later cut stuff was cool too, like Elster's stealth camo system, her machete, reading the Penrose's operations manual, that other survivor from Alina's squad..
Any source on that story? Sounds made up.
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I'm not a database unfortunately, so I can't cite exacts. It was their university project, and they did a showing/demo at Hamburg of early versions. The paper/essay on the game has a copy, or had at the library of Hamburg. Have another early version, anyway.
You can reverse image search these early concepts and find the source yourself.
>I love Amy
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how does signalis have sex
Falke sending gay thougths into Kolibri's mind.
The port is covered by a removable flap.
Wouldn't sticking your tongue there invalidate a Replikas guarantee?
Not to mention the risk of electrocution.
Do you think she singles one out for the night or calls for the whole hive?
theres like 1 boy in the whole game and hes not part of the main romance
Any creative ideas for a robot girl pussy? signalis related I feel like just giving her an anatomically correct vagina would be boring. Need ur help
It's just a big USB port.
Is this what you call "yuri brainrot"?
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You know what?
*yurifies your yaoi*
question for you guys: which star & eule do you ship? i always assumed it was the ones in the mines.
(non-spoilery to the game because its a recreation of a movie scene. )
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All of them.
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I just finished the game for the first time, jesus christ my heart is broken but i think it might be one of my favorite games of all time now
There's so many questions i have but I'm also scared to read or watch any analysis because I don't want the picture i have in my mind to be replaced
which ending did you get
Just come away with it with your own interpretation.

if you're interested in reading king in yellow for free,

there's a quote from the book is never in the game, but reading it after playing Signalis and being heavy with emotion from my own lesbian experiences and being told I'll go to hell by my parents, this quote resonated with me:

"If but the Vine and Love Abjuring Band
Are in the Prophets’ Paradise to stand,
Alack, I doubt the Prophets’ Paradise,
Were empty as the hollow of one’s hand."
Not one ara would get any love from a eule? :(
i mean they canonically shit and piss ( they have their own bathrooms ) so i guess that means that they have working anuses and vaginas
gleefully whisking her away to the afterlife..?
i mean its cute though
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Promise god I'm still crying
>Toteninsel (Emptiness)
that might be more for the human staff and the prisoners since the place was a labor/political camp
In the prisoner dorms area there's a specific bathroom marked only for guards, and the dorms areas have only bunk/areas for replikas, who also are known to eat. You can find half-eaten rations in the eule dorm.
Given they apparentley have internal batteries, either it's to stabilise their persona or for a form of energy. I mean, it is a german game..
there’s “worker bathrooms” and “protektor bathrooms”, Worker(gestalts) get no privacy and have to squat next to each other, whereas the protektors get sectioned stalls for privacy. afaik all protekors are replikas, as gestalts basically have no rights

basically what you said also i didn’t notice that the eulen have food in their bedroom! Also lstr says “I’m not hungry” at some point, and i don’t think it’s because she was mistaking herself as a gestalt

so they probably have genitalia
signalis overdose
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Elster's known to have an internal battery, so perhaps it's some sort of high-carb conversion of chemical energy to electrical.
Or maybe people really want to believe Elster got some tongue action.
>on replika diet
Apparently replika meat is incredibly toxic to humans. It stands to reason that their rations would be as well.
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Happy 512 day
How many lesbian holidays do we have?
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There's December 5th too for the non burgers
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happy 512 : )
Anyone try 1000xResist? It has sad lesbian clones and is Yuri approved.
It looks like a walking sim.
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opinions appreciated. Keychain idea!
cute cute cute cute cute cute cute CUTE CUTE!!
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Reminds me of a fumo
Alright, that was pretty funny.
Elster should have a _ mouth
They usually are

Animation is pretty good too
>Nitro Express (.600 or .700) drops a Replika, but it will get back up
Who said they're more or less as resistant as a regular human?
They didn't expect to account for Eldritch cancer.
But they did account for rail thin girls and Replikas to shoot that rifle, apparently. I've seen really big guys getting knocked on their ass shooting those guns, but Jane Signalis seems to handle it just fine.
I was doing some digging and I happened across some old (unfinished?) project of yuri's from around 2015 named The Last Starfarer which also appears to be a sci fi yuri, I don't think it was meant to be tied to signalis but there's definitely some loose connection and influence in terms of the visuals
The only remnants of this project come in the form of a handful of sketches that were archived so there's not much to go off of in terms of what it could've been about but if anyone is interested i can post the other drawings related to it i found
share more! I’m always interested in yuri’s pov. It helps me understand the vision of this game more.

Any idea on what this sketch is depicting? I don’t know much about last star farer.

Do we have any news in terms of rose engine? I doubt that the two of them will be making a new game any time soon, but do we have any idea if they are working on anything currently?
just pretend it’s gravity on leng or something
>Any idea on what this sketch is depicting?
Unfortunately I've got no clue, the tumblr posts don't really elaborate much other than that it was clearly some project yuri had been putting serious thought into around the time signalis started development proper judging by the fact it has it's own dedicated button on the sidebar
The tags on the art featuring the girl named yuri stern are tagged with robot and android which implies she too would've been a robot girl, which checks out since she heavily resembles an earlier character of yuri's named rosenthal who's explicitly described as an android
My current theory is that after they restarted development from the original sidescroller to the 2.5D top down incarnation, yuri rolled the characteristics and the (likely romantic) relationship of these two characters into elster and ariane to form what we have in the final game rather than their more formal relationship from the original narrative which would've been hard to make a compelling narrative around
>Do we have any news in terms of rose engine?
Neither creator has said a peep on any future plans, but frankly I think they've earned a rest
Now this is where the signalis connections start to get real intriguing
The art features a bunch of sketches of a girl named Rosenkranz (plus a soldier aiko in the top right)
The space suit design here resembles the suits in signalis enough as is, but then you get to her uniformed design and it's incredibly obvious she's some kind of proto-Alina
I can't help but wonder what kind of relationship she would've had with the other two assuming she wasn't also paired up with some proto-Lilith
It looks like her limbs were cut off.

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