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Yorukura thread
Previous: >>4179541

Jellys on a bike
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Mooom, JELEE are being gay on twitter again.
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Someone should do a collage of all the times they're being gay on the official account after the show ends, because this is like the third time.
They do now how to keep interest between episodes.
Worshipping the yoru?
anyone checked the back cover of the official manga?
>Episode 7 is more important than episode 5 for MahiKano
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Those crepes collab sold out in one day, mostly because Chinese scalpers bought them all.
I kneel...
If there's no fucking confession I'm killing this guy
>this episode is more important than a kiss on the cheek that Kano promptly ran away from
That's easy to believe. But episode 5's climax was important in its own way.
From what I can tell, I think Kano will plan this beach date, maybe even get her bike license specifically to give Mahiru a ride, as opposed to the kiss which was spur of the moment.
Will Kano finally sing in front of Yoru’s jellyfish
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Fuck wrong tab.
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>>videos about /a/ live watch threads.
She looks cute here. What are the chances this is after her being all "Yoru, I have big gay lesbian feelings for you"
Finally caught up with this anime.

I definitely did not expect that thing in episode 5 and said thing being acknowledged in episode 6.
Well you're in for another treat once HiDive gets off their asses and releases the episode 7 subs.
Already watched it on Tokyo MX
I can't believe this anime is real what the hell. It's like a lesbo fever dream
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Totally legit subs if y'all can't wait
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>the raging lesbian starts talking to you
>I'm surrounded by dumb boob-loving lesbos
The last few scenes were sweet. I hope to see a proper confession soon.
>tfw your biker gf picks you up from school in front of your friends
>immediately dumps her shitty friends to hang out with her (future) girlfriend
Thank you for Episode 7 of "Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night"

The goal she was aiming for, the reason she was singing. Kanon had lost sight of what was important, but what she found was an answer that was very close to home.

Did you witness the dawn of our relationship?

Even so, Mahiru, you're really showing your talent for teasing Kanon. It really helps a lot.
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'Family' visit to the aquarium.
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Line art released.
Kiui confirmed for a Shamiko shortstack. 14x cm tall E/F cup.

What did they say!!!
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This is extremely gay. What time of day does this broadcast at?
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This has got to be a mistake. Are they really going to have Kiui take a older woman?
And does that mean that Mei and Ariel are going to be a pair as well??
The earliest broadcast is at 25:00. ATX has it at 22:30 but that's one day later.
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She used her first name with no suffix.
So already married.

Live action teasers, manga and novels complement the anime (because they have to fit the alotted tv slot). Ai ai gasa real?
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There is no heterosexual excuse for these reactions to a woman you just met exposing herself to you. Thank you director and key animator.
What a wonderful episode. This is shaping up to be incredibly special.
I really hope Mahiru gets questioned by her school friends at some point. Unless I'm forgetting something, up until now her school-world and JELEE world haven't intersected. I forget if it was last episode or the one before where they asked Mahiru if she wanted to come along with them to meet that random online guy and all she said was that she couldn't or was busy or something because she was meeting up with JELEE
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Kano and her bitch showed up to their culture festival.
>no more riding together for a whole year
>literal gay groomer gets suspiciously close to neet streamer with big boogs
who was this character made for?
You forgot "most likely a former Yakuza that is hiding right now" to that.
Yeah she will be back for sure, it is a bit strange to add such detailed character with unique style and also removed big yakuza tattoo scene to not go with her somewhere.
Positions should be reversed.
This episode felt long in a good way. So much packed in it, all of it good.

Man, I'm really struggling to pick which is gonna be my favorite this season, Jellyfish or GBC. Jellyfish is more gay (and if at this point we don't get a kiss I will go to japan and hunt the writers like animals) and the overall story is better paced, but I like GBC's directing and MCs better.

Anyways how old was that woman. If she's like in the 20-25 range I'm totally ok with her 'grooming'.
>The earliest broadcast is at 25:00
That's not how days work sis.
I am daring to hope here, and I will probably be disappointed, that the writers are going to use the extended past to show there are different types of lesbian relationships and they are all equally valid. The MCs are going to be the most vanilla since they are nearly the same age, while Kiui/Koharu and Mei /Ariel are age gap variations, but just as valid.
The set up is already here to do this, but will they follow through? Its controversial, and the really don't have to- but not being consistent and following through kind of reduces Koharu/Kiwi to fan service.
It is in Japanese TV broadcast schedules. Instead of 01:00 they say 25:00.
Oh shit, that's right. How did I forget that LOL

I just rewatched the scene after downloading something other than Erai's initial upload and her friends actually do ask each other who Kano is in the scene
So far GBC is barely pulling ahead for me as favorite of the season, but Jellyfish's last few episodes have been really great. I think they'll end up fairly on par with each other for me though unless somehow they just go full on yuri between MomoNina
Now I'm curious if the AT-X version will have the 7x7 mosaic removed or if it was just an artistic decision.
That'd be nice too, but I dunno, there were multiple instances of teasing for MeixKiui, Koharu could just be their trigger.
As for how far they're going to take all this, it's anyone's guess; I'm hopeful too, but that early tweet about yuri still has me worried.
Pretty sure that was just included for comedy effect, it's meant to be censored.
No, that anon is correct. Japanese TV and Radio use their own clock system that runs from 0400 or0500 to 2800 or 2900hrs (or 28:59:59 to be picky). Cable and satellite vendors kept using it since that is how tv guide publications and newspapers already printed there show listings. The day begins at 04/500 due to there originally being no TV broadcasts from midnight to 0500 until around 1970 when satellite transmission allowed international sporting events and concerts to be broadcast live from overseas. And cable TV was introduced at nearly the same time with recorded material run round the clock. Uniquely the Japanese chose to extend the TV time clock by 7hrs to conform to when TV industry workers started their work day. 0500 is when the 1st shift starts, 1300 when 2nd shift starts, 2100 when 3rd shift starts- and 2900 is quitting time for 3rd shift of the day before
Same. I think GBC generally pulls ahead every week except once or twice, but this week they were really head to head. Gun to my head, I would tell you to shoot rather than pick a favorite.
After this episode and all the teasing I'm pretty sure Mahiru knows Kano fancies her, and she wouldn't play along if it wasn't mutual.
I really hope this will be the anime that has the guts to say the words and not chicken out into (barely) plausible deniability land.
I mean, GWitch did it too, but this is much closer to the typical all female cast anime that are the realm of eternal subtext, it could really help lift the curse.
Kiui is only few months away of been a legally adult so is posible
>Gekidol had kiss with no confession
>Estab Life had confession with no kiss
>Gundam had marriage with no confession or kiss
Maybe we'll get lucky this time.
Kiui becomes the one who instructs Mahiru "how two girls have sex" just by recounting everything she and Koharu do to each other to her in their chats.
Is everyone convinced that Mahiru was talking about Kano as the 'someone she's interested in' in episode 4 now? She pretty much spelled it out again and the reason she wants to make Kano happy with her art is due to Kano saving her back in episode 1 so it already existed by 4 even prior to them growing closer afterwards.
I was a doubter at first, but I guess that must be it. I just thought that scene had a strange flow to it that made me think Mahiru must've been talking about someone who wasn't in the room.
Yuri status?
read the thread, look at the pictures
An extra cake suddenly appeared next to the currently baking one.
Well there's a weird ex-mobster lesbian now...
I still don't believe it. I do think it makes more sense for it to be the guy standing in front of the mural in the OP. I also believe Kano will think Mahiru is talking about her and be disappointed when that's not the case.
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Why is Mahiru such a tease? Does she enjoy seeing Kano's blushing face?
Dude just doesn't know how to give it a rest.
Mahiru has quietly been deciding if she wants to go with her feelings and be a lesbian or be normal. Thats a pretty major issue. So she moderated her actions to leave herself deniability at first, but she is trying less and less hard and we will have to see next ep if she has finally given up and admitted to herself.
I can't detect that about Kano. She seems to have already decided what she is going to do about the social consequences of being in a same sex relationship. Her problem seems, at least to me, to be that she doesn't value herself enough and can't understand why a bright, emotionally normal person like Mahiru is interested in someone who hasn't accomplished anything, and might not be good enough to ever succeed. Jelee is on the cusp of success but Kano has been on the edge of success before and failed, and she knows the loss was in large part her own doing.
Also, it seems to me Mahiru is now consciously role playing the part of the female lead in a high school romcom, and putting Kano in the male lead position. Whether Kano likes it or not or is even aware of it. Probably she is just keying off of the differences in the way she and Kano are comfortable in talking and dressing, Kano likes pants and talks boyish naturally and while Mahiru doesn't spend a fortune on fashion or makup like her sister she does normally wear skirts and dresses not pants and speaks in a traditional girl manner. And rather than make a big deal out of it she just went with the flow, just by acting normally they fit the manga roles.
I do like that they didn't push this too hard, and when they first met they were both in dresses, even if it was Halloween and they were costumes. They are not rigid in their roles.
Gundam confession was that Suletta speak of want to use dress and buy rings
not all need the classic i love you
She also more or less said it when she turned Guel's confession down.
>Gekidol had kiss with no confession

The second kiss (the one shown in the videos/Gifs) is the confession.
Mahiru tightening her arms around Kano's waist and telling her it doesn't matter where they're going while on the bike gave me diabetes.
These two are too inconceivably precious. I don't think I will still be content with merely a confession. I'm going to need a kiss. Or maybe even implied sex or Mahiru teasing about making plans to have it.
>fake boobs (and plastic surgery in general) actually acknowledged in anime
Is that a first?
>fake boob
I saw this on some anime before but it's mostly used as a joke
>Jellyfish is more gay
True. So far my favoritism for MomoNina is making GBC stay ahead for me. They have the type of chemistry I like and I really appreciate the details - like Momoka being in awe of Nina when she's singing, the glances, Nina always looking at Momoka and forgetting about her surroundings, her obsession for Momoka and her music etc. But Mahiru and Kano are beginning to win me over with how blatant they are being (I originally preferred Mei and Kano). The sound of the music in GBC suits my taste more, but the lyrics that Kano writes are pure love for her muse and it's making me weak in the knee.
At this point, I'm thinking the AOTS/AOTY for me will depend on maintext levels, which probably means Yorukura. If it's true GBC will have a gacha, they might fall short of explicit romance and go for open end that allows omni-pandering in the gacha.
Speaking of Girls band cry (I'm asking here to avoid spoilers in its thread), are NakayubiSubs better than SobsPlease? I avoided them because it says it's a speedsub but SobsPlease is a veryslowsub and they make up too many phrases with the worst one being "suki" changed in "I'm on your side" and it's extremely irritating.
Honestly about the same, I'd just go with Nakayubi if you don't wanna wait, Sobsplease are maybe marginally better
>"suki" changed in "I'm on your side"
That was unforgivable, I chose Nakayubi. Faithfulness is more important than being super polished.
which episode was that suki line?
also there seems to be Nakayubi subs and /a/non subs but their translation isnt on nyaa since they dont have a nyaa account
I don't remember, sorry.
The reason people weren't accepting of it is ironically because the writing is a little too realistic. It's exactly the kind of thing an awkward teen would do when they're trying to basically force a confession or some resolution to their inner struggles with respect to the romance. I've done similar stupid shit as a teen myself numerous times. It's just rare in anime because awkwardness or really anything that takes nuance usually doesn't work well, because the majority of viewers will usually gloss right over it. TV anime for the most part just has really basic writing, so when you come across something like this it's almost hard to believe. Not that YoruKura's writing is phenomenal or anything, but it's definitely taking a "show, don't tell" approach with regards to Mahiru and her assertiveness/impulsiveness with regards to her relationship with Kano.
Nakayubi subs might be translated from the French subs rather than JP audio from what some anons were saying in the /a/ threads. Yofukashi is the /a/non subs and I personally find them better/less awkward sounding than Nakayubi. They've been releasing around the same time too. You can search the archives to find the links.
Japanese people are weird
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Mahiru is such a tease. Is she actually just waiting for Kano to make an actual move?
She's known since the end of episode 5.
So, what are the chances BD comes with uncensored boobs scene?
Director said there's no uncensored scene, they filmed something else in live action (not actually a busty woman being fondled by high schoolers) and applied the mosaic over it as a gag.
She knows that Kano belongs to Mei.
Mahiru finding out about these events and starting to tease Kano about being a boob addict.
This episode was a wild ride lmao
Yeah, every week I've had them ducking it out in my head to figure out which one I'm liking better.
Ep1 was definitely Yorukura and then GBC took the limelight but these past few episodes made me change my mind again.
While I agree with your point about the music on GBC being better the constant bickering has overstayed its welcome I feel. And it all feels a bit too one-sided, unlike Kano and Mahiru.
I really hope Momoka gets her head out of her own ass soon.
I know this isn't the GBC thread but another distinction I'd make is that the Yorukura supporting cast feel more fleshed out while still giving the main pairing enough focus.
Hell, the failed 30+ yo idol had more exposition and focus than the two main characters GBC took 6 episodes to introduce. And I meant that as a compliment, I know I'm on /u/, but I have to be honest and say that I still enjoyed that episode and found it quite heartwarming.
In relation to the writing issues of GBC, I think Subaru is the problem. She's not that funny, Rupa is way more without even trying. She's not gay, while the others are at least sus. Her drama with grandma was kind of meh and took too long. And worse, she never lets MomoNina duke it out and sort out the drama. I'm praying Subaru will have to travel and let them be alone for a fucking day.
Yorukura is way more balanced, no characters cunt-block anybody from having their moments, the development gets hella done and it's very blatant in the romance.
As I said, for me it's really about my favoritism for the main pairing of each show for now.
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
The novel just started.
It will be a while before it gets to this part, but when it does it will be very interesting to see how they describe everything in this episode where they don't have to censor it.
Can't you tell it's meant as a joke?
Or let me guess, you're pretending to be retarded?
oneesans, what happens when mahiru can no longer tease kano? I want to believe
>when mahiru can no longer tease kano?
Will never happen. She'll still be teasing her when they're both in a retirement home.
>Kano-chan, remember when we got married in front of the mural? Why did you look so embarrassed? Eeeh?
Does GBC get good? I never watched it past the first episode. And it took me like 2 hours to get through the first ep because I kept pausing whenever the characters act too screamey and exaggerated. It's like I'm watching the first few seasons of Love Live, and I mean this in a bad way.
Though I also paused a bit in Yorukura's first episode when they took over the mural. But it was a much easier watch than GBC's first episode because the characters talk things out instead of immediately going into weird screaming matches.
Yes, very good. But from what you said there, I'm going to predict that you wouldn't like it. The characters there have a lot of conflict and pent-up frustrations.
>Does GBC get good?
It's entertaining, though if you mean in a yuri sense, there's pretty much zero chances of anything concrete happening.
You're a fucking idiot for posting males on /u/ and there is no "preference", the "/a/non" subs are the only ones translating the line faithfully, all the other ones changed the line because they personally didn't like it. From what you say the "/a/non" subs seem to be the best choice but they're not on nyaa and I don't know how to get them, Surely I won't go to /a/ to grab them.
No I want to see big old woman fake tiddies what's wrong with that.
Nina is a hothead who gets into shouting matches and that makes her fun. First episode did good filtering you. Stay away.
As we've seen, Mahiru is the ideal motherly homemaker. If Kano wants to secure a wife, she needs to step up on romancing her.
>I got my bike license so I could ride with you at my back!
>What? That's a little heavy.
Bitch, you literally just told her to make singing for you her goal in life.
I half get what you mean, they have exaggerated facial expressions like some Disney/Pixar movie at times and it feels kinda cringey.
You either sort of get used to it or you don't I guess? Give it the 3-episode-rule treatment and see if it stops bothering you, but neither it nor the screaming have gone away.
A bit unrelated but I feel that MyGO striked the best balance of facial expressions on 3D models, nothing over the top but still managing to deliver on the characters' emotions.
But yeah I have the same problem as you where I physically have to pause stuff when it gets uncomfortable. The episode with Kiui's past took me like 45 minutes to finish lmao.
Will Mahiru's friends tease her about her going away on a bike with some girl without even telling them a single word?
>Who was that? Your girlfriend?
Yeah episode 3 was pretty rough to watch too. I'm glad that present Kiui is pretty chill after that ep.
They better do, that's their ONE job
They're going to insult Kano and Mahiru will lash out at them for once.
With how this episode in particular was big on the characters accepting and declaring they're not normal, I think that's something Mahiru will also have to confront at some point. She still falls in line and hides who she really is to her classmates and you can tell it's taking a toll on her since she preferred writing to Kano and immediately ditched them without a word once Kano showed up. If she wants to be real friends with them, she should be honest about Yoru, and Kano as well.
Can you keep your tranny fantasies out of /u/?
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Japan is kinda weird, cops over there likes to harass younger people while they let old Yakuzas walk around collecting protection money.
What's with all the Yakuza talk?
It seems more straight-forward to think she got in a bike accident.
The removed tatoo + changed face and bigger breasts, as if she changed identities
She's got a removed flower tattoo. A tattoo so large (and on the back) could only mean yakuza.
I sure hope it's not like the shit that happened in Daishin'yuu.
Gotta make sure people think you're doing your job.
Why not?
There's no way you saw that obvious flower-shaped tattoo on her back and thought "huh must a scar from an accident"
The BD is fucking expensive, are you guys buying it? And they're going to release coupling prize figures like that MahiKano lap pillow (Kiui and Mei too)
9350 yen for 3 eps is pretty standard I think.

I'll buy them if they don't somehow mess it up in the ending. Probably easier for me to do since I live in Japan.
Oops wrong link
I wish they put more effort in the extra since I don't see anything appealing for the yuri but at least there's that,
This is what's already on youtube, isn't it?

Because "I did it because my boyfriend told me to do it" is not yuri, troll.
>Because "I did it because my boyfriend told me to do it" is not yuri, troll.
Then why didn't you start with that instead of being frustratingly vague about some obscure unsearchable series?
Yeah the voice dramas are included in the BD as 映像特典 (video bonus content)
New stuff is almost always in the 封入特典 (enclosed bonus content) part afaik.
You know, I can honestly see Mei getting together with Miiko. She already likes idols as it is, and are probably wouldn't mind being a lover/surrogate daughter while helping Miiko raise her kid.
What about Kiui? In episode 6 they were holding hands.
This short-haired Shimamura is too damn smug, fun fact they have the same VA
Kiui found herself a plastic onee-san gf.
Mahiru is a (mean) power bottom.
If you really didn't know you would have asked "what happened", not "why".
>some obscure unsearchable series
We trashed it in various threads when it happened.
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I did think it was a guy with how everything is artificial, including the boobs, to escape the yakuza you only need to change your face.
The implication here is that both of them pretend to be someone they aren't, right?
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In Koharu's case its past-tense. Unless she is in witness protection. I don't think I have ever before seen a case of a large breast lover getting large breasts on herself before.
Why is Kano so interested in people that isn't Mahiru's breasts?
Because she doesn't think she has a chance with Mahiru and she's a lesbian.
Explain something to me, is yuri like bi girls that only love one person which happens to be another girl? Or lesbians that is attracted to women?
Mahiru's mosquito bites don't make for good milk providers for potential children.
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She was just practicing for the real thing.
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You can support the other in other ways, there's a figure collection coming out and you can buy the songs for Spotify/iTunes.
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That's what being a lesbian means.
Makes one wonder if the incident that got her graduated might've been related.

Kano and Mahiru's date is going on right now. 5/20 also happens to be a Valentine's Day equivalent in China due to the date sounding like Chinese for "I love you".
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And they're at the beach.
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They even posted it at the same time as the ai ai gasa scene in live action PV

The dedication and effort in this anime is top notch.
Yeah, this sort of interaction outside of the show that still feels in-universe is pretty cool, hope more shows do something similar in the future.
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The manga looks extra gay so I hope we keep getting nice bonus art from it.
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Nice screenshot compilation someone made.
Oh, this is cute as hell.
Just because she's in love it doesn't mean she can't find other women hot
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What do other anons say about our odds of getting a sex scene (or a fade to black in bed, or a shot of them in bed after, etc)? We probably won't but this is the first anime original where I feel there's a nonzero chance.
That makes sense, but I always felt yuri was supposed to be like someone is only sexually interested in the person.
The random spurts of heavy fanservice make me think it's not completely unreasonable, but I'm still leaning towards no. I only demand a kiss on the lips.
>still no spoilers about the novel
Doubt that. They better kiss though.
We won't see a sex scene but Mei and Kiui notice Kano looks really tired, then Mahiru goes smug mode and says: "Eeeh? Want to tell them why?"
I've been deluding myself into thinking it might happen ever since the ep 5 kiss.
Someone posted some of the differences between the anime and the novel on /a/. It follows the same story but with some differences obviously a lot more detail. I'll probably be reading it when it's fully released.
There's going to be sex just not explicit.
After-sex scene like the AnPri tapestry from PriPri? Lying on bed with just a open shirt and strategically placed legs?
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That plus ragged breathing and intertwined fingers.
I wonder if we'll ever get a resolution to the Sunflower Dolls stuff, since they haven't shown up in a while. Seems like Kano will get her own arc next so that might be a good opportunity to punch that girl again who seems to be super wet for her mom.
>punch that girl again
It's not a punch if you use your lips.
Kano's definitely getting doxxed soon and that'll be the lead in to the Sunflower Dolls plot
This is nice, when Mahiru started talking about "reciprocating" during that scene I was sure another kiss was coming
Smash cut to them up late at night raiding in whatever game they both played.

Then smash cut again to them in bad naked and Mahiru with a cigarette.
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Yen is weak now, so I'm considering it. Depends on how strong they deliver I guess.
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new Yoru pixiv post
>there's even a pixiv
Corporate LARPing has gone too far.
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we're not 100% on them kissing yet but I'd say if they do there's a high chance.
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>I fantasize that on that day Mahiru took a photo of Kano in the same pose and angle as this one, and that she went home and looked at it while drawing this.
The writer's live descent into yuri brain rot has been entertaining to follow.
What did Teren do to him...
He strapped Yaku Yuki to a chair like that scene in A Clockwork Orange and forced him to read and watch yuri for days.
What Aya did to Marika...
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I bet living in Japan with USD salary feels good now. Just last week the crepes collab merchandises sold out due to Chinese scalpers/resellers, they are restocking it this week. Hopefully real fans will get them this week. Also, they released a lot of online kuji.
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Online kuji so far
How do you know it’s the Chinese
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Report from a japanese user who lined up at the store, must've noticed their accent and they're obviously working in a group

Also it seems yorukura is 3rd most watched spring anime on bilibili right now
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I will delete my post for you anon

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What are they talking about?
Kano is thinking about Mei.
The Yes looks like that love pillow
Wow, Kano dressing up as JELEE may come sooner than I thought.
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Apparently, everyone's dressing up... or at least, planning to!
>love hotel episode
This show is pulling no punches
If Mei forks out her dough, will she get to undress her and more?
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>uho, cute artist
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Interesting page they picked for Kano to advertise the novelization being written from the girls' POV. It's from when she's brought back home in episode 4 and is greeted by Mahiru cooking in an apron. She muses twice that Yoru is acting like she's her wife.
They're at it again: https://x.com/jeleechandayo/status/1793562008257696050
Why did Kano use that word that would imply the existence of concubine(s). Or a harem anime situation where Mahiru is acting like the winner.
Is this why she actually formed JELEE?
Yoru is her legal wife, but Kiui's kiuis weigh heavily on her mind. And Mei is there if Kano gets really drunk one night and makes a big mistake.
>Fuck her old self lookalike
So kino...
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Novel 2 cover
I didn't even think about it, but that idea must be pretty offputting to Kano. Mei is sabotaging herself.
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If you post your comment, it will appear in the episode for the live
I actually dont know if that's possible with the episode finished
A last minute edit like that is easy to make in post production.
How many of these will be just people asking if Mahiru and Kano are dating?
All of them.
Including the writer and the director.
Am I misunderstanding something or is there a live version of the radio show with that silly vtuber avatar? (And are there recordings, because fuck the time that thing airs)
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Is this someone's garage kit or can you actually buy/preorder this?
They're up on some websites though not yet on ones like Amazon and Amiami: https://otakumode.com/shop/664430361445e3001dc40035/Jellyfish-Can-t-Swim-in-the-Night-Kano-Yamanouchi-Premium-Perching-Figure

They release in September.
They're prize figs that you'd typically find in claw machines and shit in arcades, not typically stocked by general retailers like Amiami, but some tertiary retailers will secure stock.

I get mine through BigBadToyStore.
Amazon JP does have the other two prize figures currently out, the ones with Mahiru in overalls and Kano with her tummy out.
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Would you go to a love hotel for your anime pilgrimage?
Mei is too endearing, I'm not looking forward to seeing her brought down. On the other hand, Kano finally getting one up over Mahiru was great.
Didn't think the doxxing subplot would be so short, but looks like it was all set up to finally bring Kano's mom into play.

>I think they'll end up fairly on par with each other for me though unless somehow they just go full on yuri between MomoNina

I can't believe I only posted this a week ago. Still not sure if they're somehow going to try and play off Nina's pretty explicit confession, but this week, GBC pulls ahead.

I honestly love that these two shows are airing together this season and getting to see how one outgays the other each week.
What's with the implication that Mahiru already visited a love hotel? And why does Kano seem excited at the idea of Mahiru having experience? I can't get what's going through the mind of this writer.
Obviously researched it in case Kano took her there. It's been 8 months since the kiss.
>It's been 8 months since the kiss.

This specifically gave me the crazy idea of what if on the last episode we find out they've literally been dating this whole fucking time since the first kiss. Like they just set up some thing where they kiss infront of everyone and Mei of course loses her shit which would be pretty in line for how they treat her as the resident Yaya

Doubt that would happen to be honest, but it would be pretty funny
That won't happen, but they set up next episode to be on New Year's Eve so it will be one the anniversary of the kiss and you can guess how they'll one-up it.
>8 months
>they are still stuck to "I wanted to hear your voice"
How can you go through all those gay moments and not realizing you're gay and in love?
It doesn't explain Kano's reaction anyway.
I'm also thinking those massive time skips are a little strange. We'll have to wait and see where they are trying to go with that.
Kano's mum is gonna fuck Mahiru.
There's too much fanart now. What the hell were people waiting for?
That's my problem too, many times have passed and nothing happened in their relationship, and that Kano makes those "super friend who wants to know if her bestie has already fucked" jokes is strange.
It's strange that only 1 line of 3 seconds and the passage of time, all the hype for the ship fall for me
Well for me the timeskip gave them an excuse to simply fade it out and seeing some real heavy plot with the mother will start now maybe they will forget they made a kiss episodes before.
Not the first rodeo.
>Mahiru was talking about a guy at the end of episode 4
>they won't bring up the kiss after episode 5
Cool, I see we have identical replacements for concern trolling after the previous ones didn't pan out.
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Mahiru literally brought it up in episode 6.

Also Mahiru never mentioned a "guy". She said she was interested in a "person".
I don't think you understood the point of that post
So all the fanart was real fanart people sent to the staff in the last few weeks?
If not in the show, I'm sure there'll be fanart, just like with G-Witch.
If the point was rolling their eyes at the stupidity of concern trolling, then I apologize. Difficulty discerning mockery from genuine dumb in text-based mediums and all that.
Most of it, yeah.
I wonder if the boob-fondling scene will be uncensored on the BD, or if it being pixelated is just supposed to be part of the gag...
I'm pretty sure we already got confirmation that it'll be the same in the BDs.
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Something's happening!
>The story reaches its climax...
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does not sound promising, ironically enough. will be some "going abroad" tier of drama feels like.
But hopefully I am wrong
If it's talking about the story reaching its climax, then we'll probably see some pretty heavy setup for whatever stakes the story wants to present in its finale. Maybe an angsty cliffhanger of some fashion.
Forcing her way like this on a JK is kinda creepy
The whole story has been themed around promises between Kano and Mahiru. The promise that Mahiru would draw for Kano's sake, that Kano would sing for Mahiru's sake, that Mahiru would keep drawing more and more art for JELEE even after the anniversary, and obviously the big one i.e. to build the aquarium in Shibuya.

But no, something something going abroad and separation ending despite nothing of the sort being established so far because god forbid having even a modicum of trust.
The biggest issue is that she's probably just horny slut and wanted to hump and dump her.
There is no one in the world more paranoid about the media they consume going to shit than yurifags, anon. You should know this.
I have a tiny crumb of trust, but only for a very small number of people in the industry when it comes to originals. That is all it has deserved so far. I'd love to have more and to actually believe this show won't end in a total disappointment for me, but I just don't.
Justified, happens way too often.
I need more good endings to happen before I am un-jaded, can't help it. Don't want to set myself up for disappointment.
Skill issue
In your head
>I need more good endings to happen before I am un-jaded
ffs anon, maybe stop reading every depressing yuri in existence? 99% of the stuff I watch and read gets a happy ending, in recent years I can only remember one or two exceptions (which were pretty angsty to begin with)
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I am not talking about manga here, I am talking about original show. Sure the signs are good that it won't disappoint, put japanese like to leave things ambiguous. Hopefully not this time. I'll even be happy with picrelated (if anyone even remembers that) levels of explicit.
Common behavior of people who's in love, she's so gay for Kano.
With that blue lighting I really can't see it
It is noticeable, just look under Mahiru's left eye and compare between the pic where she's looking at Kiui (solid light pink like the rest of her face) to the ones where she's looking at Kano (red).
Man I really can't see the difference, I'll just take your word for it.
I thought /u/ liked fem pedos/ebes
I can see the subtle change, but honestly with the mask in the way I can't really tell if it's supposed to be a blush, or just a change in coloring to go with the slight lighting shift as the angle changes.

Though regardless, the love-struck staring remains.
No, sis is right, we've been burned before, hard.

To make it clear, I have a fair amount of confidence in Jellyfish, and I'll be disappointed and mad if it goes to shit, but I'll also be angrier at myself for believing in the first place.
That lady contacting Mahiru in the end is Kano's mother right? Does she just want to hurt her daughter?

> pic related
God I love it so much. I watch it again all the time. The main couple is great but the way the fair-skinned gyaru and short miko are so horny and desperate for their respective partners to jump them already is amazing.
Yes, it's Kano's mother and producer of the idol unit she was previously in. Her last name is different from Kano's likely because she's divorced and Kano took her father's last name.

I don't think they'll pull any "mom actually loves you and has good reasons to be an asshole", trying to hire Yoru can only mean hurting JELEE and it's no coincidence she only did it after Kano got doxxed as its leader.
Oh my God, poor Kano.
Okay I see it, thank you. I'm with >>4216276
though, I'm not sure that's a blush per se but it's hard to tell with the mask. Note that the girls usually always have that slightly redder part under the eyes, I think you can see it better in some pics up in the thread.
Someone on the animation staff really likes drawing bare feet, not that I'm complaining.
>we've been burned before, hard.
Name 10 examples.
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>hey, Kano, did you know fucking the artist is not supporting the art?

>What do you mean not?!
Why is Kano cheating on her girlfriend with Max from Life is Strange?
If you wanna make a joke about the characters not lookin' like themselves in that artstyle, I gotta say, Mei got hit worse.
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Kano's mom should force Mahiru to become an idol.
They basically made me like Void with blunt force by using it every 5 minutes and again for the confession scene.
Well that's the wrong thread to have posted this. guess it's bound to happen once in a while.
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Volume 1 of the manga is getting a reprint.
Mei watching a recording of Kano on a loop is cute but also a little sad.
I can't help but appreciate how bold they are at depicting her gayness. That on-screen note explaining she's watching a recording on loop is like something right out of a yuri manga.
Poor baby. I've come to ship Mahiru and Kano but it's so sad how Mei will be heartbroken because of it.
Just watched the newest episode. Yuri aside, am I dumb or is that massive time skip just insanely bad writing from every possible perspective? It felt like someone in the writer's room thought it would be fun to have their concert be on the 1 year anniversary of them meeting and then added the time skip to achieve that without any regard for it's implications.

It would be one thing if they were 20-something year olds, but these are a bunch of young girls who recently met, are rapidly growing up and developing into who they are as people and what to do in the world. We see how much they change in the ~2 months in the first several episodes. 8 months is in insanely long time for them, and we're now supposed to just accept that they were what? frozen in time during that period? Because they seemingly haven't changed, developed or grown at all during that time.

It's also disappointing from a yuri perspective of course. We see how close Mahiru and Kano grow during the first 2 months they meet, and then again, we're supposed to just accept that no development whatsoever has occurred during an entire 8 months?

I have more to rant about, and maybe this is just partially my autism, but I genuinely believe that this is a massive oversight that they just added for the sake of the concert being on the anniversary that in reality fucks up a lot of stuff and makes the show as a whole far less believable and enjoyable. I hope that the future episodes are better, but this makes me concerned that they're more focused on jumping from plot point to plot point without care for proper character or relationship development, so I'm now more worried than anything. Hoping my autism is unfounded, but as of now i'm worried this show's going to drop from a 10/10 grounded character drama into some average 6/10 mix between slice of life and boring plot drama that I forget about in a year, which would be really disappointing.
I feel the same way. Considering that for them it's been 10 months since Kano's kiss is incredibly disappointing for a development between hormonal teenagers. At least these time scales are a lot more accurate for how long it takes to compose a song and music video compared to stuff like Love Live.
The bike/beach date was in May which I'd argue was more important than the kiss in January because it signaled Mahiru starting to reciprocate. Then this episode was in August and October, though those two months inbetween were strained by the concert preparations being thrown into disarray by Kano's doxxing. I don't feel things are going at an unrealistic pace, we're kinda getting the highlights because this is the time the anime has to work with, but we're also shown that Kano and Mahiru are constantly flirting even when there aren't big events happening that push their relationship forward.
>time skip
Well, more chances of the main pair moving in together by the end.
I agree with everything.
The yuri is good and all but I can't say it's good writing.
Sometimes you wish the show wasn't bound by the 12 ep format probably could have been spaced out more than it is. I don't really like the time skips I would have liked to see more about their relationship developing and the story pacing to be slower but I guess they had to take it faster
The problem is that they clearly thought they had plenty of time though, as they added random filler like the entire mom/daughter episode and honestly 90% of the last two episodes as well. Seems like less of a constraint and more just a weird choice to make the show episodic and sporadic sol moments, which is kind of jarring after how cinematic the first episode and parts of the following few were, felt like they switched directors part way through.
Episode 6 set up Kano being recognized in this episode, no idea how you can call 7 filler when it was the most important episode so far for Mahiru and Kano's relationship and Kano starting to figure out what she actually wants to do with her life. Doubly so for the latest episode. What would you not consider filler?
Sisters, you severely overestimate the power young, clueless lesbians have to stall and not realize they're in love.
Her moles being visible for 5 seconds doesn't make 99% of the episode not filler. And filler doesn't mean that something is bad, it just means that the show can't be defended by saying they were constrained by the episode count, when there were things they definitely could've cut. That being said, as much as I enjoyed episode 7, if time constraints were really an issue, they could've cut out that ex-yakuza girl entirely to focus more on the main cast. And what exactly happened in the most recent episode? The only thing of note was Kano being doxxed, but again this could've happened at any point and was resolved in like 5 minutes with a performance that would've happened either way, just with or without a live audience. Like are we just going to keep saying that a couple specific minutes of one episode set up the next episode, and that that makes it not filler? When is the payoff? Are we just going to keep doing the bare minimum set up followed by a time skip to jump from plot point to plot point? It might not technically be filler, as it is relevant to the plot, but the plot is boring as fuck. I care about the character drama and relationships, and while the first few episodes seemed like they would focus on this, it suddenly shifted, so now all of the random plot shit and meaningless status quo slice of life moments feel like filler. Am I supposed to be happy in the recent episode that we got 10 minutes of them hanging out in a hotel, where the characters (especially Mei) just acted like one note gag's doing nothing of note, just because it led into an even more boring sequence of them being doxxed and putting on a generic performance? So maybe filler isnt the right word, but the things it's choosing to focus on I disagree with entirely, and these things could be cut to focus on what I would like instead and still deliver a good product within the 12 episode count.
I think they underestimated their competition in the genre but now that GBC went full yuri they realised their complacency
yeah i mean right now GBC is doing a good job with the MomoNina.(There are some episodes left GBC still didn't give more to Rupa and Tomo backstory) I watch both shows each week and like GBC won this week
GBC is an example of a show that I think does focus on (mostly) the correct stuff. It always focuses on the characters, their development and relationships with each other, and you can see them steadily grow and change from episode to episode. No plot stuff gets in the way of it or forces them to add stuff like time skips that hurt the character development in the process, because what plot stuff there is (keeping the band together, getting more popular + competing against diamond dust) is tied directly to their relationships with each other and personal development. It never reaches the same cinematic heights as parts of jellyfish for me (episode 1, parts of 2 and 3, the kiss, end of episode 7) but it's a lot more consistently enjoyable and tight in it's focus.
The word "filler" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this thread.
I agree.

However, I do think that episode 8 is still one of the weaker episode. It also felt like the first half was mostly fluff to show how happy Kano was with her life to make the shock of her doxxing carry that much more weight. Never mind the fact that the concert was ultimately pretty cringey with subpar animation. But that aside.

I just think that sometimes, as a writer, when you know you're going to get to "the good part" of the story, you kind of half ass some things that come before it. And the writer has been hyping episode 9 for weeks.
Yeah, definitely a little strange. Maybe they want to end the series at a special date in-universe or something.
I think you're getting too fixated on the time skip. It's not a big deal, and as the previous Anon mentioned, makes things more realistic when it comes to the band's growing following, Mahiru's artistic improvement, and the time frame it takes for four (mostly) high schoolers to write a song and produce an MV for it.
I don't fully understand your point of view. There's been incredibly blunt character and relationship development that's taken up most of every episode. Kiui is now honest and trusting enough to hit it off with an older woman she just met and accept spending several days out with her friends despite still disliking going outside. In the past two episodes, Kano realized she was directionless, found her purpose through her relationship with Mahiru, showed how serious she now is from how she organized the hotel stay, then everyone else showed her in turn how they all wanted to help her achieve her dream as equals as they don't consider her to just be dragging them along with her whims anymore. This was already shown by Mahiru in the previous episode when she was the one pulling up and dragging Kano on the beach when she lacked purpose, to contrast with the opposite scene from episode 1. Mei's crush is a joke but her drive to support her oshi is anything but (in turn inspiring Ariel to support her unconventional mom) and it's definitely leading to her accepting that she'll keep supporting her as a fan even if she can't be together with her romantically. All plot points have been driven by the characters and follow up what came before. There's been payoff every episode for what it's been set up, almost to a fault as some things could've been deeper and taken multiple episodes to resolve like the doxxing. Nothing feels like filler, if anything there should be more time for everything. "I find it boring" is a fair complaint, but forgive me if I can't share in it because it's entirely subjective. and not conductive to conversation.
I agree but the ep this week was on par with the end of ep7 in terms of cinematic heights. I don't like being those who constantly compare them/pit them together so i hope Jelly can stick the landing and deliver more of those moments..
>I think they underestimated their competition
This I think is dumb and definitely not the case. YoruKura is DogaKobo's anniversary project that has been in production for so long it was already finished by the time the first episode aired. I don't think they were thinking at the time "I wonder if another fairly music related yuri anime will come out concurrently to our own. We'll have to prepare for that. Hell, maybe there'll even be two."
Well the production team of Sasakoi definitely underestimated how to make a good adaptation, a good music anime or a good anime in general.
Sorry to interrupt all this discussion about fillers and time skips, but I think I've figured something out (incoming speculah).

I don't think Kano attacked anyone. I think she may have simply done something to make her mother upset, so upset that she'd kick her out of the group by coming up with that false story.
This is why I think Kano's only reaction to the reporters 3 years ago was to apologize to her mother, and why Mero mulls over the words that the incident is over (in the anime) and that she's a victim (in the novel). She's been forced to go along with this story and keep quiet over the fact that it's a lie, but has some residual guilt over it.
The only thing I'm thus left to wonder is was it Kano's mother's intention to completely ruin her daughter's public life forever, as the story has obviously followed her. And not only that, but why is she clearly trying to further ruin it by attempting to usurp Mahiru from her? Maybe Kano's mom's real goal is just to keep her daughter out of the entertainment industry forever.
Anyway, that's all I have now. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
I already said that I don't think filler is necessarily the right word. I agree that there should definitely be more time for everything, but the fact is that there isn't. It would be completely unrealistic to expect them to have enough time to juggle all of this, and this is what I think the problem is. The writers wrote themselves into a corner where they have all of these different plot points and such, and additional things like needing a long time to actually make music (which they maybe added the timeskips for), and on top of this they have a slow burn character drama. These things can't all fit into 12 episodes in a satisfying way, but I don't think the fault here lies with the 12 episodes, I think it lies with the writers for adding too many different things, and prioritizing some over others. Like yeah, the mom/daughter episode adds to Mei's character, as does her support of Kano in the most recent one. But in a limited run time, is what this adds worth the omission of other things? Is Kiui being slightly more honest and trusting something that needs that much specific time dedicated to it, instead of just showing it naturally over the entire series while the entire group is together? Are the time skips for the sake of their musical development worth the lack of believability in character development? For me the answer to all of these questions, and several others, is very clearly no. There's all of these little things they try to cram into the show, and it just doesn't work for me. When these one off events like the doxxing happen, I don't need to analyze it to see how it's actually somehow relevant, I just watch it and think "This is extremely boring, I wish the show was focusing on something else right now". I've felt that increasingly more often as the show goes on, and things like the time skips add to this and make me think that the writers just have a muddied vision for the show that's fundamentally different than what I want out of it.
Text wall posters, please.
To add to this from the yuri perspective, what all of this also does is make me far less hopeful of any yuri development, as romantic moments between the girls are very quickly shoved to the side and forgotten to make room for plot developments and timeskips. Added to facts like them only adding the kiss scene last second in production, and it makes it pretty apparent that like, maybe one of the writers is kinda trying to push some yuri content, while all of the others care about other aspects of the show way more. I hope I'm wrong and the final few episodes give enough time to Mahiru and Kano and their backstories and relationship, but episodes like this just don;t make me very hopeful for that.
Something I've thought of before is that maybe some rumours started popping up that Kano was just picked because of her mother and that's what annoyed her enough to quit.
Now I have no idea if she actually hit anyone or if that was just the excuse they came up with. Bit of an outlandish excuse if so tho.
ITT: People with 0 clue of how any kind of storytelling production works
>attempting to usurp Mahiru from her
>praying to the yuri gods that this development won't lead to forced drama where Mahiru does something stupid like accept the offer without telling Kano
It's futile to resist. G-Witch has the divergent point for the yuri anime timeline. Accept that she will betray Kano out of love for her.
I don't think she will just accep the offer, I think that she will meet Kano's mom and that will be the cause of all the drama, now I will want to know what will be Mei's reaction to the "betrayal" and how dramatic the entire think will be in the end.
I keep hearing that GBC's a good show but it's a shame that I dropped it at ep 3 cause I really can't stand its directing (imo it's too exaggerated and loud). That's more of a me problem though desu.
Crazy she damn near booked a French Honeymoon for her and Kano.
>lack of believability in character development?
You expect me to believe that during the several month time skips their characters seemingly don't develop or evolve their relationships with each other at all (we see this most clearly with Kano and Mahiru), apparently simply frozen in time during these periods outside of producing new songs, yet during the few days we actually see in the shows episodes they have insane amounts of development? It's unbelievable. They didn't at all account for the development that should've happened during these several months, just casually throwing around time skips to advance the plot while ignoring all of their other necessary implications.
NTA but that's what actually happens in real life. Life changing moments happens but between those moments you're just living as usual. You're just used to fiction that chooses to compress the timeline to an unrealistic time period.

And on the contrary, it's bad writing IF you develop the characters off screen. Why the hell do you want them to develop or evolve the characters' relationship off screen instead of on screen?

Also like this anon said >>4217337 , you're exaggerating the amount of time that actually passed. They only skip 2-3 months per ep.
I don't want them to develop them offscreen, I want there to not be so much time offscreen. The problem is that even on screen, the development theyre going through often appears like it exists in a vacuum due to the time skips.

How long has it been since the kiss? 10 fcking months. What has changed in their relationship since that time? Well, the only bit of tangible development has been the beach scene. The beach scene was a few months ago now. What has changed in their relationship since that time? Well.. nothing! The problem with all of this is that it retrospectively makes individually great scenes less impactful because their lack of relevance is made apparent. Id love to be proven wrong with actual romantic development eventually, but as of right now, these big moments have served to.. make their relationship slightly closer over the course of an entire 10 months. If it was only like 2-3 months itd be different, but 2 individual moments over 10 months are it, and as big as they were even they weren't seemingly enough to have a major lasting impact.

This makes it easy to doubt future yuri moments, as I'll always be worried that another time skip will be pulled out for plot purposes while failing to consider how it undermines character moments. I could very easily be proven wrong here obviously, but the problem with the most recent episode is that this is starting to become a real worry, when it could have just been avoided entirely by not skipping around from plot point to plot point and time to time without concern for maintaining a consistent line of character development with real consequences and evolution resulting from scenes. As of right now it feels like the plot and characters are developing in parallel to each other, with the plot taking priority. What should be big character scenes, that are great in isolation, end up being minor in the grand scheme of the plot, and shoved aside to timeskip to the next plot point. I dont like this.
I don't know what to say besides that you have a weird way of understanding how time, relationships, and storytelling works.
She will tell Kano expecting her to tell Mahiru to turn the offer down but Kano will initially tell her to go for it, just like she was willing to cancel the anniversary live until Mahiru talked her out of it. Kano is just insecure like that.
That's what I'm expecting too, but I'm still a little worried that this will be another show where the plot demands the characters to suddenly act like retards.
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>All of this (justified) chatter about Mei being a Yaya
>No speak about how Kiui is a bit of a Yaya in her own right
I don't doubt that Kiui has some feelings for Mahiru due to her being the only real person she talked to for years, but she never seemed like she intended to act on them and she has Koharu now. Definitely not nearly as strong as what Mei feels for Kano.
I think it's telling that when Mahiru mentioned having a crush (on Kano) back in episode 4, it was Kano /and/ Kiui who had a reaction to it.

I keep imagining a conversation with either Kano or Mei confronting her about it in my head.
She'd probably just deny it, but it would be interesting.
>heh, yuri is a niche genre, yuri fans will watch and buy any slop we put out there
>what do you mean two music anime with actual budgets are airing in the same season and pandering to yuri fans
I don't think anyone is particularly happy with how the Sasakoi anime is turning out. Personally I feel that within the constraints of knowing you're only getting one cour, trying to rush to the resolution is a better alternative than just leaving things hanging partway through a la Bloom Into You, but it has to be done skillfully by a good screenwriter capable of condensing the original content even by changing scenes instead of just taking scissors to the manga and making liberal cuts while keeping the rest unaltered. And of course, the trimmed adaptation would be easier to swallow if it was well-animated.
I'd expect her to initially refuse but only go because Kano told her to.
I'd also expect Mom to not be a comically evil Disney villain, just too career focused and probably autistic, so this might be a reconciliation attempt (that will go horribly wrong)
>Don't take it the wrong way Nonoka, I just wanted to meet your girlfriend. She seems so nice!
>My name isn't Nonoka, mom...
>trying to rush to the resolution is a better alternative than just leaving things hanging partway through a la Bloom Into You
Counterpoint: Even if left at the halfway point, YagaKimi is easily the best directed yuri anime of the last decade.
Which only makes me more annoyed that they didn't even get to the school play. Imagine if they slightly compressed the events up to that point, got the play in and gave it a conclusion right afterwards.
Then they would've ruined the pacing of everything else. I'd rather it stay as it is. You can watch the anime up to episode 12, jump onto manga volume 5 right after, and have a perfect yagakimi experience.
Incomplete adaptations always just make me want to ignore them and experience the source material from the beginning as opposed to starting it from where the adaptation leaves off at, but to each their own.
The fuck are you people on? The YagaKimi anime was good and did exactly what it was supposed to do as an anime for an (at the time) unfinished work -- act as an advertisement for the source material.
Everyone shut up the new voice drama just dropped.

An advertisement that needs you to read the source and cant' stand on it's own is the worst kind of anime
Pointless and with no reason to exist: just go read the source instead
YagaKimi would've benefited from rushing
>and cant' stand on it's own
No one said that, you incorrigible troglodyte.
>act as an advertisement for the source material.
This is a defeatist approach conditioned by how shitty the anime industry is nowadays. Any good work should stand on its own, be it original or adaptation. Being an ad shouldn't excuse it from feeling complete on its own even if it doesn't adapt a full story.
Oh hey, they address the others' reaction to Kano now calling Yoru Mahiru.
This is fair, I'm also like that most of the time. Yagakimi is just a perfect adaptation.

No. I don't care for the 'delivery' if the buildup to it is shit.
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>Oh hey, they address the others' reaction to Kano now calling Yoru Mahiru.
>they wonder what regular high school girls would do while taking a bath
>they leave it off to Mahiru since she's the most JK-like
>she says it should be love talk
>Mei forbids Kano from having a lover due to being an idol, Kano disagrees
>Mei asks Mahiru about her love life, everyone is interested
>Mahiru starts to panic and deflects by saying she loves everyone in JELEE
Can't be a perfect adaptation when it's so incomplete and reading the source is better.
The build up doesn't matter if it leaves you hanging and there's no delivery. At that point, the anime is rendered pointless garbage and you need to go to the source
Yet another drop of Mahiru being in love with someone. 4 days until she snaps and acts on it.
Mei is assuming it was forbidden for Kano to have a lover since she was an idol. She's not the one doing the forbidding.
Yeah, sorry.
You're kind of literally wrong. You can experience the anime, then jump to the manga for the conclusion. I fail to see the problem. Do I wish for a season 2? Of course. But It's not gonna happen, and I'm happy for what we got.
>that scene where she stated that she is interested in somebody else.
>huge time gap between episodes.
>The love hotel scene.
>and now this...
Sisters, it's so over...
>tfw she's been talking about Kano in each and every occasion
Doomposter bros, not like this...
If I need to jump to manga. I'll read the manga and not watch anime. Anime is pointless. If it was only ever gonna get a single season, should've rushed so it isn't pointless.
Jesus buttfucking Christ, we're dealing with an actual retard here.
oh it's anti-/u/ schizo's new approach.
""backing"" Sadakoi up since its clearly the mogged yuri this season
>captcha: No poi
You are /incredibly/ optimistic to think that'll resolve anytime before the final episode.

Genuinely surprised she's not, given how many stereotypes about idol fans she tends to embody

Y'ever hear that saying, about the devil eventually answering if you knock on enough doors asking for him?
Tell that to the production comitees, they are the ones who forced this approach to making anime.
So? Still a shitty approach. If I need to read the source after watching the anime, there's a problem and it's not "perfect adaptation". Perfect adaptation stands on it's own and doesn't require the source at all
An anime that stands on it's own is an anime I can watch without going to the source
Tell me: Can I watch YagaKimi without reading the manga at all?
Yes, 100%.
The anime ends at a good stopping point and by many accounts manages to tell the same story in a way even better than the manga does. You're free to continue if you want, but it's not guaranteed everyone will be compelled to.
Basically, it does the same thing as other anime that tell part of a story but stand well on their own, such as Houseki no Kuni, the first season of Madoka, the movie Nausicaa, or the majority of non-original 1-2 cour anime in existence.
OK. But the first season of Madoka is not a good comparison because it was intended as a complete story, not part of an story. If the author decided to make a YagaKimi sequel about the girls as adults or whatever, it doesn't make the manga suddenly incomplete and "part of an story"
Also, why then are so many people frustrated about YagaKimi building up some non-adapted play or whatever? Are they lying? Is not seeing the play not as frustrating as they say?
People frustrated with Yagakimi have a good reason to be frustrated with it. It's fair.
That's not really the point we're making, though.
I think the price for rushing to adapt the play would not be worth it. Not only would you be ruining the pacing of what comes before: You're still left unsatisfied because the story is still not over. The point isn't the play, the point is what the play means, and you have to read /the entirety of the manga/ for THAT to pay off.
It's literally impossible to make a fully satisfying Yagakimi in one season, unless you literally cut everything in half.
MahiKano lover suicide stung to death in the jellyfish tank...
Thanks, now I thought of that thing people say about peeing on a jellyfish sting to relieve the pain, and the idea of MahiKano Watersports Kink has been firmly wedged in my mind.
Mei would jump at the chance to have Nono-tan pee on her.
She 100% collected Kano's bath water while at the hotel.
someone setup a doc translating all the JELEE tweets up to episode 6 for ease of reading.

I wonder how much of it she drank versus how much of it she kept in a transparent, hermetically-sealed bottle.
>That setup for the Beach Bike Trip before episode 1 even aired

It really is delightful just how down bad Kano is for Mahiru. The last post-episode 3 tweet especially, and then the follow-up from episode 4, even saying she's "falling for her" after she made her favorite food after episode 6; be crazy if she actually went out and bought a ring before the show ended.

And geez, the second-to-last tweet from episode 5; and here I thought it was crazy unsubtle with the cheek kiss and the song saying "that's the [Yoru] I love", but they were even flirting on Twitter too? Amazing.

>Kimura-chan’s [motto] is ‘Always stan your fave as much as you can/Buy it, worry about it afterwards’
...shit maybe I have more in common with her than I thought.
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Episode 9 PV
This episode'd better be good after they have hyped it up so much. Else I'm going to kill Teren.
It's so over
Whats over.
>The medusa form generally lives approximately 6 months, roughly from late spring into the autumn.
Everything, the jellyfish dies
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Kano on suicide watch
Lovers' suicide confirmed.
it's jellover
Goddammit I wish I'd thought of that one...
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Can't believe Mahiru is fucking kanomom... that's just rude
Oyakodon is the fastest way to get them to reconcile.
can you kill Teren anyways
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Kano nendoroid.
>Nendoroid [Basic]
>No extra accessories such as faceplates or hands
>Look it up
>Kano is literally the only example
Wow, they must have really rushed this into production huh? Wonder if there'll be a full release later on, or if the Basic is all we'll get?

The usual very mild leaks:
- No ED (different visuals)
- ED Card illustration: kerorira
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I hope the leaks stay low key like this if they are to happen at all. I would've been a lot more surprised by episode 5 if hadn't come across the kiss leak. And I still don't understand how that was leaked at all.
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Optional follow-up.
Whoops, wrong thread.
come on sisters GBC fell off Jellyfish has a chance to stand up and take the title of unquestionable AOTS
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>Mahiru feels pressured to join Kano's mom to protect Kano from her
>Kano confesses to her during a livestream saying she wants to marry her in the aquarium they'll build
>Mahiru tells her she only joined JELEE to gain notoriety, takes the jellyfish figure back and leaves
Wow that actually kind of fits within potential expectations.

Except the middle part, sadly.
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High risk, high reward. Straight to the point. No bullshit like "I'll wait until the anniversary to prove her that I have grown up" and all that wishy-washy stuff (that ended up getting ruined by a random stalker and her mother anyway).
Oh sure, if a woman with big plastic tits asks an underage girl that it's endearing, but if I do it I get a restraining order.
There's now a cute little voice drama about this illustration.
I don't know how to rip audio from Spotify, so just listen to it there.
you need to get plastic boobs, sis.
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Touch Belly.
JELEE are doing another Q&A on twitter again, if I see something interesting I'll post it here!
sunny side up with honey.... I hate this idea so much I might try it
They made the graphics for that special ED(mahikano sunken memorial) before adding the audio....
Kano is going to need to apologize for this one.
Kano was out of line but I think her reaction was understandable given all that happened to her and what she's faced with now.
Mahiru is such a dumb cunt. I'm back on MeiKano completely. I don't care how bad Kano was here >>4222232
Who the fuck would join their potential gf's shitty mom and betray said love interest because muh art? Holy shit. She doesn't even know how much that woman hurt Kano and jumps right in. Fucking worst character ever. I'm actually seething.
So can you summarize this week's episode is as Mahiru NTR Kano with Kano's mom?
My god what the actual fuck was this episode.
I am literally shaking but like, in a good way. I totally understand both parties.
I know modern audiences can't take drama of this kind without instantly losing their shit but my god this is going to be so fucking juicy.

That being said it better end with a kiss or I am hunting every staff member for sport.

Not an artist, are you?
>Not an artist
Would you betray your love interest for a chance to sell out to a corporate bitch because of muh art?
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How intimate were they for kano to be able to just guess it?
Yeah, not an artist.
Kano's mom is an expert manipulator. She played Mahiru like a finely-tuned violin.
Well the psycho loli has an obvious crush on Kano's mom. So it had to be her bday.
BTW, I love Kano for punching that loli. She deserved some kicks too.
probably her mom's bday or something.
Mei is an artist, a much better one than Mahiru and she would never be played into betraying Kano. Mahiru is too fucking stupid. I used to think she was meh now I actually fucking hate her.
Kano needed to explain her situation to Mahiru before snapping. Hell, she should have told her as soon as Mahiru brought up the job offer.
Mei is an autistic hyperfixated fuck and can't be used as any unit of measurement for this case. Spiders Georg is an anomaly and shouldn't be taken into account for the statistics.
Jesus Christ, you keep saying I'm not an artist, but you sound like you don't have a mom or ever dated sb who does. One just doesn't mess with that stuff. Family is serious shit. Kano has the right to all the space she needs to be able to open up about her mom, she doesn't have to rush because Mahiru has zero tact and social skills.
Mei is crazy ofc, but she's loyal. Something Mahiru can't figure out.
But I guess it makes sense for Kano to end up with the worse choice since she's gonna keep making bad choices in women because of her mom. Too bad. She's so lovely and I wish she'd be with someone loyal.
Yeah Mahiru does not have a complete picture of the situation and Yukine's too good with words
>One just doesn't mess with that stuff. Family is serious shit.
Maybe Mahiru's relatively healthy relationship with her parents made her blind to this wisdom?
(still me) One last thing before I go walk this anger off, I imagine a bunch of people will take Mahiru's side because she cried and went "oh thats what you thought about me" but that's literally just pulling a victim card when you're the cause of the drama in the first place. It's so easy to touch a nerve on people then act all whiny when they simply have a normal human reaction. Mahiru is gonna make Kano a miserable woman in the future being so manipulative. I bet she won't even apologize for the betrayal. Fucking cunt.
this fucking whore
deserved, hope she enjoys getting used by some bitch.
Mahiru literally tried to tell kano and Kano said /nothing/. Kano could have said "Please don't do it." instead of being cryptic about it.
I'm not saying Mahiru is completely free of guilt--what I'm saying is that I understand her. Someone with low self esteem who has just recently started getting some back, then she gets reassured and gets the chance at the gig of a lifetime with someone who seemingly perfectly understands her. Nevermind the fact that the rumors about the mom may not even be real in the end: The little shit had the account, and we have little evidence mommy was pulling the strings there.
Plus, it's not like it would've been a permanent separation! It would have been a delay. Mahiru would have gone back to JELEE, the problem is that Kano's trauma led her to snap.

Btw, I'm not really 'blaming' Kano. I perfectly understand her. But to act like Mahiru has no reason to do what she did is downright disingenuous.

Classic yuri breakups-before-dating amirite
>Hell, she should have told her as soon as Mahiru brought up the job offer.
This I can agree with, Mahiru got played like a damn fiddle because she had ZERO reliable info on Kanomom beyond some gossip from Mei, a simple "hey, my mom is shady and manipulative as fuck, be on your guard" would've sufficed
>Mahiru is gonna make Kano a miserable woman in the future being so manipulative. I bet she won't even apologize for the betrayal. Fucking cunt.
Best girl already being influential to the next generation of yuri.
>Mahiru would have gone back to JELEE
Actually she never said that, what if she gets a full-time gig with Kano's mom after this job?
Mei hands typed this post.
That was probably Kano's fear, but Mahiru didn't say she was leaving permanently either.
How much does Kano mom score on a scale of 0 to prospera?
In Kano's defense that's something very hard to tell about your own mother and part of the conflict was that Kano's mom doesn't seem to be really bad so another part of the conflict that is ignored is that Kano feels like her mom choose Mahiru and her art over the own Kano and her voice, this is really great writing in my opinion.
We don't know the full extent of her bullshit yet, but she's looking like a solid 7 for now.
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Great episode, and really hammered home why their relationship hasn't progressed narratively despite the amount of time that's passed: Kano hasn't resolved her trauma over her mom, and Mahiru's self-worth is still dependent on her art. At the risk of being disappointed, I feel like they're setting up a kiss in the final act, what with the flashback at the end and the new year's anniversary for the concert.
Why didn't just Kano leak that Melo is fucking her mom in return?
Absolutely forced drama. No, Mahiru acts like a braindead retard this episode, no matter how good Kano's mom is at understanding teenagers, she should certainly be on over 100% guard, that for some reason the first person outside of Kano to be interetsed in her art, was Kano's mother, of course there's something there, this is the most basic shit ever, there's no way it's just a coincidence.
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Didn't this one betray her SO because she wanted to protect her? That's a lot better.
>She doesn't even know how much that woman hurt Kano
Exactly. Because Kano never told her. Never told anyone.
Humans generally can’t read minds.
Please don't compare Mahiru to Miorine. Miorine consistently called out Prospera's bullshit and knew that she had to blame the fact that Suletta is a little fucked in the head on her. A perfect example of this is when Miorine first asks Suletta if she would be willing to kill for Prospera and Suletta says yes - Mio immediately rushes over to Prospera to confront her about why the fuck she was raising Suletta like that. She only eventually caves to Prospera after a LOT of strongarming, and even then she does it to protect Suletta and never actually trusts Prospera.
It's all basically the opposite of what Mahiru does here and it honestly makes me appreciate Miomio even more.
What's her endgame? To stop her daughter to make any type of artistic career so she can't risk her own dream or what?
I can't believe they did a literal "jellyfish can't swim at night but it's just kano saying yoru" compilation straight out of YouTube for the ending and made it HURT.
Please God never let this anon date a traumatized girl who's been hurt by her own mother.
Given that Kano was popular she might take some of the fans away from the group. So yeah, Kano's mom is trying to destroy her. If I were Kano's sis I'd put her on suicide watch. Poor baby has the worst mom and gf possible.
It’s high time you got over your trauma if you want to function in the real world.
Or at least, you know, wear an autism hat and bipolar disorder pin so that people know they have to treat you with gloves.
Your points are absolutely valid, but you're seeing this too one-sidedly.
Mahiru just got the chance of a lifetime handed to her, it was spelled out when she consulted Kiui, and you're saying that as a good girlfriend she's naturally expected to let it go cause her partner might take issue with it?
How about Kano being a good girlfriend and not allowing her personal issues to get in the way of her partner's life prospects?
Making a living with art is really, really hard, and the hardest part is to get noticed, you don't just lightheartedly walk away from an AAA studio offering what most artists can only ever dream of for their entire lifetime because it might hurt your partner's feelings.
Of course this is ignoring the circumstances of Kano's mother being a bitch because Mahiru had no idea.
Can someone explain to me what Kano mom has done that's so bad?
From her POV her daughter punched someone for no reason.
She disowned her daughter cause she got in the way of her career.
Maybe she could start by calling her by her name.
t. sociopath
How can she know if she hasn't been told you fucking idiot
t. bipolar wreck who hurt every single person in their life but it’s it's never their own fault, only other people
Kano fell in love with Mahiru before even knowing who she was. At her lowest moment, Mahiru saved her life, and hte lyrics to the song Mahiru loves so much were in turn inspired by herself.

It's not Yoru(Jellyfish) who can't swim.

It's Kano.

It hurts so fucking much neechans.
Yeah, I realized that just now too. Also, Kano singing THAT song while trying to sleep really made me sad. And then the ending happened.
>she's naturally expected to let it go cause her partner might take issue with it?
No, only if it's involving her mom or dad. Let's say it was an aunt or something. Mahiru would be ok.
She stepped on an absolute landmine though.
About your other points, fair enough. Life is tough. But in this case, I wish the show would have them go their separate ways for good and find other partners. I'm mad because I can see that Mahiru is gonna be coddled in the end and Kano will be stuck with a cunt that doesn't care about anyone but herself.
Pfft what
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Finally some drama. Bring the suffering, bring the angst, this shit sustains me.
>Kano will be stuck with a cunt that doesn't care about anyone but herself
I know this is /u/ but sister, you really need to work on your media literacy
>Mahiru is gonna be coddled in the end and Kano will be stuck with a cunt that doesn't care about anyone but herself
I doubt it, the flashback about Kano was there for a reason, that was her side of the story and why you're supposed to feel bad for her too.
I think the drama was done surprisingly well this time, both parties have their sympathetic and selfish sides at play here, it's very balanced.
I'm looking forward to their reconciliation.
>I'm looking forward to their reconciliation.
You do you, anon. I'm gonna continue watching just because I wanna see Mahiru suffer under that corporate ghouls and her stooges. I just hope they won't make Kano save her just yet. Eventually she's going to, sadly.
I'm sad now.
I give it 2 epiodes of pure angst. Ending of episode 11 will be Mahiru realizing why she fucked up and Kano working up the courage to open herself properly. Episode 12 will be their messy attempts at reconciliation, maybe with slapping around mommy and the loli cunt included, and then episode 13 is the proper finale with a happy song and a kiss and the loli cunt fucking dies.
It's a 12 episodes anime.
Really? It hought it'd be 12 like GBC, fuck.
Well then I guess we're only getting one fully angsty episode. Maybe one and a half.
How did we went from "Mei adds honey to her sunny side up eggs" to this...
>evil mom steals GF
Basically this. Mom’s offer is good enough that it’s well worth ENDING a relationship over if both are unreconcilable. That Mahiru even entertained the idea of not pursuing this chance if Kano is against it says a lot. In music terms, it’s her major label debut. Mom definitely sugar coated it too much, but her career absolutely is jumpstarted after this.
And that’s also a big part of what Kano is afraid of. Due to her mom she has abandonment issues, so she wants Mahiru to be dependent on her, literally spelled that out in the end. This is toxic as hell and Kano needs to fuck off with that shit if she wants to date, well, anyone. “I need you to ruin your career for me” doesn’t fly with most people.

Mahiru absolutely could have defused this situation a lot better, but not everyone has the skills to be a part time therapist. Mahiru needs one herself in many ways. At the end of the day you should at least be able to “date horizontally” in a way, date people with similar levels of mental issues and therapy competence as you. If you can’t, you might still be lucky enough to find an extremely socially competent person willing to fix you, but it’s not guaranteed.
Funnily enough the one who essentially caused this mess is none other than Kiwi by giving the right advice at the wrong time. Mahiru probably wouldn’t have had the courage to go through with this decision unilaterally, maybe leading to more genuine talks with Kano (good) or in Kano pressuring her into passing up the offer (toxic as hell).
Ah shit, there we went again.
GBC has 13.
The drama was so damn bad. It's okay if she felt oppressed and exploited by her shitty mother that won't even call her by her own name and felt lonely because she had no friends and her group mates hated her but why would she care about some lying idols like they were the victims? Crying and apologizing for telling lies but they were fine lying until they were exposed, that's all on them like every idol scandal ever.
At least the ending gave me life. I know I will loop it for days.
>why would she care about some lying idols like they were the victims?
Because Idol culture is bullshit and not being able to take a smoke without your career collapsing is fucking dystopian, silly neechan.
I'm 100% with Kano on that one. The little idol whose name I can't be fucked to remember is a stalker, harrassed and overall very much deserved to get punched and more.
What happened with this? I saw a couple good gay ones but don't trust my translations
It's not about smoking, it's about saying something and then doing the opposite behind the scenes. Just be honest and you won't be called out for lying. There are idol groups that allow their members to have romantic relationships and their fans don't care. But if you're going to lie to sell a better image of you in order to get more money from your fans and then you get exposed for being a liar, you deserve it, it's literally fraud.
Me when I don't know how the industry works.
So either smoke, say you do and get no fans or smoke, don't say you do and get fans but risk losing them.
Sounds like it is about smoking.
So the montage at the end pretty much includes every important scene between them plus every time Kano calls out Yoru's name...

And it very pointedly makes a little pause for the kiss.

WE'RE SO BACK (yes I know how the episode ended stfu)
Were we gone?
We were never gone!
At least she got to shine.
>Saying the thing that'll hurt them the most instead of properly explaining your side of things and the way you feel
OOF. That's good angst.
And then the end credits making 100% sure you don't forget that's not how Kano sees Mahiru at all. Pure cinema.
Yoru is gonna need to apologize for pulling a Lennon and putting her own individual interests over the band's.
>Mom’s offer is good enough
Completely relies on Mom being genuine, if the mom is playing you you'll end up dropped with all bridges burned
It's obvious the account belongs to her mom and the loli is a puppet that handles it so she isn't blamed in case the owner of the account is discovered.
That's what I thought too but as some anon on /;a/ pointed out, that would be pretty stupid of Kano's mom considering she also completely sidelined Mero for Kano. She's also giving Mero the power to take her down with her. With all the rumors around her, no way she would come out clean if Mero actually sold her out. Then again I'm not sure how much realism to expect out of this show. Even after this episode slightly humanizing her and letting us know about her dream, she still comes across as pretty cartoonishly evil.
Mom is probably aware how much Mero loves her.
Mero is clearly still very much Mom's little bitch.
>It's all basically the opposite of what Mahiru does here and it honestly makes me appreciate Miomio even more.
This is some magic thinking. Mahiru's choice was bad, but still not even close to earth-shatteringly bad choices Miorine made in the second season.
How do I deal with this intense amount of pure kino?
Right? The ONLY reason she didn't end up fucking dead is because Suletta decided not to be a passive, reactive bitch anymore.
Yoru choosing to follow a path that will, in her eyes, help her reach new heights is far more understandable than "let's betray the girll I supposedly love for vague mommy reasons"
Remember how the director (or someone) mentioned that the number 1 character he had a different opion of by the end of the series was Mero? And recall how the site she managed hasn't had any updates since the Kano scandal. She's mom's little bitch, but she may turn out to be a hero in the end somehow.

I'm not excusing S2, but Miomio was under WAY more pressure than Mahiru. In S1 she did in fact act pretty much the opposite of how Mahiru did, and never once let Prospera get between her and Suletta.
What are the chances she decides "fuck mommy" because mommy starts preferring Yoru over her.
I hope Kano won't be just depressed and loitering around. Instead I want her to reach out to the twitter artist that drove Mahiru nuts by drawing a version of her art. Get that person to work on the video in Mahiru's place. Teach her the taste of betrayal.
Honestly very curious how the next episode (or two?) will pan out with Mahiru having been chased away.

Is she going to find fulfillment working with the Dolls? Actually finding the test to her abilities in a more professional environment encouraging could throw an interesting wrench into the seeming inevitability of her reconciliation with Kano. Or will she instead chafe due to the lack of creative freedom compared to what she was allowed with JELEE?

What about Mei and Kiui? Think they'll pick sides in the break-up? Or will they try to help work things out on each end?

That is just... hilariously OOC.

Also new thread when?
geez sis, I get that you're angry at Mahiru, but you need to chill. Kano is a lot more likely to kill herself than do that lmao
>What about Mei and Kiui? Think they'll pick sides in the break-up? Or will they try to help work things out on each end?
I think they at least will try to help, Kiui knows she has some responsability on what happened and I don't see Mei picking sides, unless they do a reversal and Kiui picks Kano's side and Mei picks Mahiru's side for even more drama.
Now other thing I'm curious about, and what makes me believe Kano's mom isn't thst evil, it is why that people reacted like that when young Kano said that she wanted to be like her mother, maybe Koharu has some answers and Kano's mom had some shady past?
What's the big deal? Mahiru put herself first. Kano has nothing other than Jelee. Moving on with the project might prevent her from killing herself. It's just a collab. If Mahiru can walk right over Kano's feelings then it should be fine for her to ignore her too. Kiui might suggest it, why not.
True. But that’s why you never sign a contract without reading it very carefully first. And why it might be helpful to be warned if a person is particularly shady, especially if it’s your friend’s mom and you think “well how bad can she be, I should trust her at least a little bit”

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