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/vm/ plays Hunt: Showdown NEW EVENT EDITION

New weapons new changes all for the better? Post lfg's, discuss new changes, ask for help, and shit on others by posting your superior loadouts.

Mosin schizo, stam shizo, dragonbreath schizo, gay admin schizo need not apply
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>gay admin schizo
come on, post feet
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in case you missed it, you can buy the redneck girl on discount on the black market. Same for waldmann, hawkshaw jack, drowned rat, drowned kid and wormbite
Does huntlab have autism? He’s like an incompetent version of Cornf.

The community never calls him out either. It’s kinda cute how supportive everyone is of his needlessly long videos.
I missed these threads.

Bomb lance is fun.
I wish it had a sticky bomb ammo that let me see the bolt with blade seer. Would be funny
took a month long break from the game, come back to play at 6* and i see those fucking YS, scumge, and BB apes are still allowed to play the game. surprising that they STILL haven't been addressed by crytek yet despite at LEAST half of them being blatant hackers
fucking hell zoomers on the internet that are either black or think being called black is a compliment need to be purged for the good of the world.
huntlabs the ultimate 3 star who is too disabled to realise how wrong he is about everything, I tell anyone new I play with to avoid huntlab and instead watch either cornf or 4fsgaming (rip)
clonkf has only made like 3 vids in the past year
should rec psychoghoast but ignore his balding pompadour
I hate Ghost's schnitzel-eating jackboot accent, it's grating to me. The only euros I can stand are Rachtaz and his gay femboy boyfriend, Hornet
> Never heard of Huntlab before
> Realize that he's a new Hunt Youtuber
> Open up his most recent video that's in praise of the Vetterli
> Throughout the video I notice him continually aiming down-the-sights at or near floor-height
> Close video
He's a shitter, isn't he?
> Random racism/off-topic bullshit that has nothing to do with video games at all whatsoever
>has nothing to do with video games at all whatsoever
>directly has to do with coments by poster
thumbs up
Flechette for the C&K was a fucking mistake, seriously the last few events have had so many bad custom ammo additions it’s crazy. Wtf is their balance team doing
how are flechettes any worse than slugs which have the longest ohk distance for shotguns in the game on the ck + have penetration?
>bosses the shittiest they've ever been
>even more awful powercreep
>dolch showdown
Think this is the first time since I started years ago that I'm just not going to play.
Slugs they either kill you or don't, flechette applies pressure even if the player is shit.
I don't understand why they released it myself.
I mean i agree with you, custom ammo is not content and these fucking idiots don't seem to understand that custom ammo has intent behind it, i wish i could be locked in a room with dennis for four hours so i could beat the shit out of him until he understands it.
Great point being the fact that they gave the dolch custom ammo at all, or the fact that they gave the centennial HV and bleed rounds, both of which are absolutely fucking busted. god i despise these german fucks
>I'm just not going to play.
dropped the game a few months ago and just check in to see if they've made any good changes

solo revive was pretty much what made me lose interest in the game, shows the devs don't know what the fuck they're doing and every update it seems that problem becomes worse

wish i could revert the game to where it was when i first bought it around 2021, the only major improvement in that time that comes to mind was the rubberbanding shit got fixed
I do like solo revive but it really should be a once thing. Maybe even have a hard time you can wait before you cant revive anymore.
they should have kept the solo queue and enabled solo revive only in there.
wanna play duos/trios, play with duos/trios rules.
> How are Flechettes, an ammo type that can inflict immediate bleeding damage upon shooting an enemy Hunter in the arm worse than slugs, an ammo type that cannot kill with arm shots
Stay in 3 star, you absolute moron.
Thanks i hadn't really considered the pressure from bleed because i'm still thinking about viable engagement range of shotguns and how easy it is to kill with CK slugs anyways, how far out is this effective?

>planning for arm shots when shooting someone in the chest is easy and either ammo type is a two shot kill to an arm anyways from 17 meters out (the distance a slug will one hit kill an enemy to the chest with crown and king)

you quite literally reveal your own skill level as being a shitter, insult others for asking an honest question about the viability of flechettes, and prove you're likely too much of an insufferable cunt to actually find people to play with all in one fell swoop. I'd say see you in the bayou faggot but it's clear we're never going to run into each other
Prior to this update:
Terminus flechette: rarely seen
Rival flechette usage: rarely seen
What am I missing? Both of these would do the same thing that the crown flechette does.

I already know the answer, and it's that you're a noob and flechette is trash above 4 star
I've seen people talking about 40m two taps with it because spread is very tight. I've not used it myself and know the streamers that run nothing but mosin spitzer & dolch P are saying it's mid.
Rival gets 2 shots before reload instead of 5. Terminus requires levering, bullet grubber, and is a short barreled shotgun vs the C&K's long barrel; even if you're hitting shots at range it does effectively nothing.
This is also under the impression different shotguns don't get different spreads for even the same ammo types.

I can't say for certain how OP it is, I just don't think the game needs more high RoF buffs and we need significantly less hold F meta.
Crown and King has the tightest spread of all the shotguns with flechette and the best two tap range, up to 40 metres
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Incorrect! You're pulling numbers out of your ass. The difference between a long barrel flechette (specter) and medium barrel flechette (terminus) is marginal at best!
The only other argument you have then is the 4 point trait requirement on the terminus which is negated by trait re-speccing. If the crown and king flechette was strong, then we would've seen the terminus see some use in the meta prior to this update. As it stands flechette is still a meme
> Buzzword insults that don't negate my point about flechettes
My point was, that if someone hits you with flechettes, it doesn't matter WHERE they shoot you, you will get hit with bleed- which is ridiculous. I don't know how you have such low reading comprehension that you couldn't figure that out, but again:

Stay in 3 stars.
>incorrect it's marginal at best
You literally do not know how the current C&K performs and just assume because 2 other guns differences are "marginal at best" this means that the current can't be different. Like how the drilling pennyshot wasn't significantly better than its buckshot for 4 months.

I'm applauding your creation of that gif, though, it really adds to the fagtor.
post a photo of both your hand and your stats, i have a feeling about what both are going to be
>> Buzzword insults that still don't negate my point about flechettes
Okay, great talk. Your concession has been accepted. :)
I see you still won't post your stats, pretty crazy how you're out here with "opinions" but are too afraid to post your stats, I am asking you to verify that you are actually capable of having the knowledge and capability of making a claim on whether or not something is overpowered and your response is to refuse to post evidence while acting condescending. Post your stats, prove your claims are verified by actual skill.
"it doesn't matter where someone hits you, you still get hit with bleed!" please elaborate how losing penetration capability is valued over "lmao bleed!" as if other guns don't also two tap at that distance. Is the cyclone overpowered? it two shots at far more superior range, fires at the same speed, plus it has penetration! The Krag can do the same thing plus pen, is the centennial with bleed bullets also overpowered because it adds bleed?
You talk and act like an 18 year old child that just took his first debate course and thus thinks he's the arbitrator of everything correct and is inherently intellectually superior to everyone he speaks to because he thinks he can call fallacies and insult his opponents at his whim when in reality he's decided that he's winning an argument no matter what anyone says because he's incapable of honest thought.
Post your stats, until you do, you prove your point that you don't know what you're talking about.
Stay in 3 stars :^)
this dude is seething to high hell
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Skimmed your post, many word to out yourself as a retard and wasn't going to reply, but then I saw
>is the centennial with bleed bullets also overpowered because it adds bleed?
I'm not certain if you're baiting here. It genuinely is. You shoot someone and they die because they get the choice between hold an angle for another second hoping to trade before bleed out or hit F immediately and get wallbanged, grenaded, or pushed.

The drilling was already a mistake with bleed ammo but it at least had a low velocity. Then they added in the significantly cheaper and faster bullet version of it, you don't need to hit someone in the head to completely fuck them.
> Your entire counter-argument essentially boils down to "post stats"
My K/D is around 1.60. If I post it, you'll still manage to talk your convoluted, nonsensical bullshit where you're dancing around C&K flechettes totally not being powerful free pressure because <Insert weapon here that doesn't have flechettes> IS ALSO GOOD TOO, BRO! While knowing full-well that I'm not talking about any other weapon.

Stop moving the goalposts. And again, I accept your concession. :)
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the new guns are pretty fun
>you literally do not know how the C&K compares
you're right, but neither do you. Thankfully I can rub two braincells together (and I also play this game unlike most people here) so before I loaded into a match tonight I went and compared the rival/term flechettes to the crown flechettes. Guess what? The rival & term both outperformed the crown!

So once again I ask the people in this thread saying that the crown is strong with bleed:
>If crown and king flechettes is strong, why were the other fast firing flechette shotguns never used?

I'm already seeing paypigs play with the mako and marathon a good amount, and yet just like flechettes on any other shotgun, I have yet to see anyone running the new ammo type on the crown.
I refer to >>1203898
Multiple Anons have chimed in to call you an idiot and you can't comprehend their already explained viewpoints on it.
I'm NTA, anon. I'm making a completely different point, thanks for still not refuting my point tho!
Okay, lets assume you aren't that coping retard and are a completely different anon with your own brain tumor preventing you from comprehending why being able to throw out medium bleeds and 2 shot from 40meters away by shooting in the general direction of someone might be a bit strong when tied to a 5 round semi auto over a double barrel that has 50% more spread.
Additionally, people DID use flechette. People used it plenty with the terminus last patch because every other hunter had levering, if you somehow forgot that schedule an MRI now.

You made me load into the test range to try it out and...surprise! it's significantly better than the other 2 flechette shotguns listed by a large margin with a significantly tighter cone, you lying faggot. Is it as good as a spitzer mosin at range or slugs in cqc if your aim is perfect? No. But it doesn't need to be.

Really though I know you're full of shit because every other match has at least one person with it since it's battlepass level 4 and they will, at minimum, try it out.
Haven't tried the mako yet since im not a paypig, but the marathon just feels kinda off. It seems to have that slide action reload bug the specter had for ages and maybe it's me but I can't seem to aim with it as well as I can with the winny c. Needs that bug fixed and HV added before I'd consider using it more regularly

the hipfire is p tight though, with a high RoF to boot.
RachtaZ spoke pretty highly of the Marathon swift, he's claimed it'll be the new best rifle for beginners. It seems pretty solid all things considered despite the bizarre reload bug. It's probably going to the best new rifle Hunt has offered in a while, considering how the Mako hardly stands out from all the other long ammo rifles
how would you feel if the Bomb lance became a 2slot melee? Should Katana return to 2slot as well?
That would be fun like for an April fools event
Katana feels pretty good where it is since you have to invest points into the strong melee attk
Why are you lying? I couldn’t get a double tap past 30 meters with the crown fléchette, and was doing around 80 damage with the rival/term fléchette at 30m.

What compels you to blatantly lie to prove that your shitty ammo type is strong? I won’t even address the other points you made because you’re just making up shit now
That round is for penetration realistically speaking
Wow, must have completely different balancing between 5 hours because I know you're fucking retarded and full of shit.
> Think all of this talk about Dum-dum/Flechettes being great and overabundant is nonsense
> Like clockwork, I start getting tagged in Hunt by Dum-dum and Flechettes seemingly more often
> I regularly fall from High 4 star to 3 star, and even down in 3 star I keep getting tagged by Dum-dum and Flechettes
Yeah, ok. I get it now. Fuck this noise, I'm bringing Bloodless from now on.
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Man this game is tough.
Aiming wise i think i'm better than the average from my experience in other shooters but god damn i just can't pop heads here, something about the pressure, the atmosphere of this game, makes me hesitant when i try to take a shot, how one bullet can make the difference, the stakes are just so high.
How did you guys get rid of this..anxiety?
I don't have this issue in games like csgo, cod, bf, squad etc
Lower your sensitivity, use loadouts you don’t care about losing, be more aggressive, and stay calm during fights.

You’ve got the tendency to be a pussy so you gotta practice not being a pussy. Then you’ll be able to balance between being a pussy and a hard throbbing cock.
Stop caring about the bounty and play for kills. You can get the bounty in peace after you wipe the lobby.
Run ultra cheap loadouts.
By that i mean the shit free hunter gives, and at most $50
Play solo
There, a single clue or two will get you money back. There is now no cost to losing.
Don't do this. Playing for the objective will make you good at the game.
>why yes I do run my katana with martialist and berserk how could u tell
post stats also means post your rank retard nobody cares if you have a 1.6 kd at 4*
so i've been playing since the event has come out
you know what i've seen maybe 3 times total at 6*? C&K with flechettes
You know what i've seen a gorillion times at 6*? Spizter ammo and dolches with fmj. Huh, meta slaves at 6* must not have gotten the memo yet that crown with flechettes is overpowered
Namely, until you get over your fear of fighting, load up the shooting range and practice in it for a good few minutes. Then once you're all warmed up, focus on winning your 1v1 duels. You can go for the bounty if you like, but focus mostly on how you're gonna act in confrontations. Have a minor plan in your head, and work off of muscle memory.

Keep doing this until you no longer feel like you have to go to the shooting range to iron out your fear, and boom- you're one of the big boys in the bayou!
Oh, and one thing I forgot to add: LEARN WHEN TO ENGAGE AND NOT TO ENGAGE. Don't be one of those clowns who decide to take a 1v3 when your random teammates are dead, because 8/10 times you're going to die and wind up frustrated with how unfair Hunt starts to feel.

See to it that you can engage with the enemy on YOUR terms when possible. If you don't have any intel on where your enemies are (Like for example, you're getting shot at by someone with a silencer who you can't see and you don't know if he's in a trio or not), you're better off retreating or repositioning until you can gather intel.

Playing Hunt with zero intel = K/D go down
Playing Hunt with intel = K/D go up
this works until you keep running into situations where lack of utility becomes your downfall. remember to always have access to low stamina cost blunt damage (knuckle dusters, knuckleknife or brawler pistol), choke clouds (hand crossbow, choke beetle or chokebombs) and a source of fire for burns (flaregun, fusees or firebomb.)

ive lost count of the amount of times i have watched teammates lose a winnable situation due to poor prep and planning. bringing a loadout that covers at least two of the three ranges (shotguns/semiauto pistols for close range, rifles/single action pistols for mid range and magnified rifles for long range) so that you have a higher chance of not getting caught in a disadvantageous fight, a sparks sniper and officer is a cost effective loadout that will cover you at all ranges
forgot to add throwing axes as a means of dealing with barbed wire too, they double up as a means of dealing with 99% of ai too
>for the crime of linking a homereel goytube video i sentence you to burn at the stake
> Be me
> A couple of nights ago at 4 AM EST I decided to play Hunt
> I end up getting killed by a motherfucker who's name is all in Russian characters
> Mysteriously, today I was notified by Steam that someone from the Russian federation tried to hack into my Steam account
You cannot be fucking serious. It's funny, I always thought the idea of an online game being region-locked was too harsh...but now? It all makes sense. I cannot believe some alcoholic Russian cocksuckers most likely noticed my english username and singled me out (And possibly countless other english usernames during that match) as a good candidate for hacking.

Fuck you, Ivan.

And fuck you Crytek, for not region-locking.
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i disabled mouse acceleration and started to aim better now
yeah i've been doing that since yesterday...playing with free hunters and piling up gear
i'm gonna start playing solo now, noticed that most randoms don't know when to engage and/or fall back
while i still have that anxiety i was actually missing some shots because bullet velocity and distance actually matter in this game...and each gun is different..that's pretty cool
i've been rocking springfield krag and a romero hatchet as secondary.
Now my issue is my reaction time since i'm trading most of the time
Region locking out china and russia would instantly solve yhe entite hacking problem.
Poos are alright with that, surprisingly.
I'm gonna be completely honest i am so sick of this spammy faggot shit in this game
These shitters at crytek are making it so that nothing fucking matters in this game except fire rate and hitscan weapons i swear to fucking god it's like the balance team is so dedicated to choking on dick in berlin that they forget that they're supposed to be balancing a video game
im not posting my feet you faggot
dualies should be made 3 slot
> You WILL get used to semiautomatic and automatic weapons being in a Cowboy game
> The solo WILL revive himself up 5 times in a row and eventually kill you
> Bleed ammo WILL be added to every gun in the game
> Necromancer WILL continue to have zero sound clues when it's being used on someone you thought you killed
...And you WILL like it.
Play with friends or with randoms. Having someone to cover your back, soak up bullets and pick you back up really reduces the pressure. Practice headshotting zombies if you don't have to worry about noise. And bring cheap loadouts as others have said( don't skimp on Tools and consumables though).
Winne aperture with fmj and caldwell revolver with dumdum did it for me when i was more of a shitter
ok this is EPIC i can pop heads now
i have friends to play with but we dont play in the same server, we have like 150 ping and it sucks and yeah i'm playing with randoms
tried solo today and its boring imo
> Winne aperture with fmj and caldwell revolver with dumdum did it for me when i was more of a shitter
> when i was more of a shitter
Really now? And when was that, a few days ago? Hehheh
now i know that the knife doesn't instakill
>winfield fmj
>caldwell dum dum
surely youre jokingly suggesting this, no ones stupid enough to think this is a good idea
> Staying ADS'd when the enemy is on top of you
Stop fucking doing that, that's a terrible habit that will make you lose many duels.
lol mmr? 3 star (console 5 star)
>lol mmr
4 star, i'm new though
what's wrong here so i can improve?
i only did it because i was using dual revolvers.
drop the dualies for starters, just run an officer and your rifle of choice, regular winfield would be my recommendation, either change the knife to a knuckleknife or bring the officer brawler

bring chokebombs even if solo, and if you bring an officer brawler then drop the knife altogether and take fusees too. what region you play on?
Has Hunt been affected by the recent EAC REC exploits?
So far i've heard only of Apex but the EAC has been implied as the culprit which allowed for remote access bullshittery.
Don't want my shit hacked so i'm just asking if anyone has any info on that.
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Why even bother starting the fucking match? What a joke
hipfire is increadibly good in this game, especially with rifles
you can accurately hipfire rifles to 30m if you croch and 20m without crouch
pistols much less so but when you're that close it's just better for you than adsing
if you had swung at them with your throwing axe they probably woulda died, it does more damage and causes heavy bleeding
i personally just bring a throwing axe for melee usually
People always coming to fights they aren't a part of like flies on shit
faggot when I hear gunshots I’m making my way there
this game has way too many aimbots in it lately and it's always a private profile with bans on record
Nothing new really. This happens every time a new event drops. I decided to stop playing at the start of events completely to avoid these faggots.
even worse now actually because the in game report feature is actually worthless now because they claim people were abusing it too much so the only way to report people and have them banned is to go through this ridiculously convoluted process to report people on their website and add video evidence, which of course, is fucking IMPOSSIBLE in this game due to bugged spectator cams, no killcams and 9 times out of 10 you're the last fucking team killed on the map. These germannic niggers seriously expect you to kill yourself at the beginning of a match to potentially find people hacking in your match and spectate them all game long.
what gets even funnier is you'll actually find clips uploaded to the hunt subreddit of some of the usual suspects (BB, YS, and Scumge) BLATANTLY hacking and they're still allowed to be a rampant plague upon the game.
Dauntless is my favorite gun. What's yours?
These German scammers really only care about selling as many skins that cause FPS drops the moment you equip them as they can, huh?
they'll probably ban you for using hudsight or crosshair though because crytek logic
calvary sword
necromancy makes this game unplayable
you shot me in the head with a nitro round? durr im gonna stand up
In my day,you couldnt even pick up guns and the nitro didnt even exist and you had to navigate by the stars being blacked out by trees to know where you were at night
Anyone who leaves a match within 2 mins of being downed should get a 15min penalty timer from matching up again and lose 1 star to their rank if both of his teammates are still alive.

Im tired of every single match my teammates immediately ragequitting the moment they fucking die while I clutch 6 fucking people to die to trade with a 3 star with a slug shotgun because im literally out of fucking ammo from spinning in circles shooting everyone and we couldve won if my teammates were just still in the fucking game after I cleared out the general vicinity, so I can pick them the fuck up with the 1.5s revive timer if they would just fucking stay.

All my old friends either killed themselves, gave up on society and moved to live in the mountains in a shed, disappeared, died of covid, knocked up some trailer trash and ruined their lives and now work 14 hour days, or sold themselves into sex slavery.
make new friends
>common denominator
yeah the common denominator in games is that everyone is dog shit.

You cant make new friends now.
Everyone is an autistic asperger faggot that wont talk in game or add you even if you hard carry them or say nice things to them.
Everyone is anti-social and socially retarded on top of it.

If someone does add you, all they do is scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER over and over every match.
Its so fucking obnoxious and unfunny and ruins the vibe.
Its like everyone is trying to copy the /gif/ fuck streamer threads.
If I send a picture to someone they screech at me STOP SENDING ME VIRUS LINKS when its literally a link to a .jpg.

Gaming is fucking dead.
works on my machine :^) what server you play on
>have nice match with nice teammates
>add each other
>never talk again
i think we're all just a little autistic
have like 2300 people on my combined friends list s that do this autistic shit
fuck off
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I fucking suck at this game lads
>140 hours of play time
>4 star mmr
>1.35 kda
>Played 10 games today and only got 3 kills in total
My aim fucking sucks bros
Give it to me straight before i fucking kill myself, can someone improve their aim to an above average level or is it genuinely over?
aim is like 40% of your kills, rest is made up with positioning and utility.
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My movement and game sense are not bad
The issue here is my aim that sucks balls, i miss shots that i shouldn't all the time, when i miss a easy kill it makes me feel REALLY bad
Is good aim something you can acquire?
yep but stick to one velocity range, winfield hv is good because its cheap to learn and you can swap it out for a mosin
Mako chads rise up!
there are chill auscunts who play hunt, maybe join the discord
>Gaming is fucking dead.
And so is socialization in general. We got to a point in our civilization where you don't need to talk to anyone to survive. You can literally make money remotely for months without speaking to another human being face to face. Everything is online now. People don't need to go on dates to figure out if they're attracted to someone now. We have tik-tok and shit like that for it now. If 10-15 years ago a mid guy could easily anglefraud/photoshop his pics so that girls would give him at least a chance to woo them with his charisma/vibe/sense of humor, today it's basically impossible because everything is in the video format and filters for that are just not that good to trick anyone. No wonder zoomers are the loneliest generation alive. They'd rather jerk off than talk to a living human being. Simply because it's easier and stress-free.
nigger I aint reading all that
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>duo hunt
>partner doesnt say anything other than obnoxious mumbling and stuttering
>sounds like jimmy from south park
>ignore it and admire the centipede's marathon and hand crossbow
>very loudly collect first clue
>partner almost gets merced by a concertina armored
>get the drop on a winny whiteshirt and bomblance reptillian
>partner gets steel balled while im dancing with the whiteshirt
>knife the reptillian that presumed I would panic shoot
>hipfire the whiteshirt for the wipe
>rush to partner just to realize they DCd
>collect last two clues and stumble upon, kill, banish, and extract with rotjaw bounty.
>partner's steam set to private
I dont know why I dont just play solo at this point when 9 times outta 10 I have to babysit a toddler in duos anyways.
What am I scared of?
Dying and having to wait 7 seconds to self rez?
Man cheating is so fucking bad now.
1 in 3 games people are just firing randomly into 2-3 walls at me and im running around in circles to not stand still and theyre like fucking 70m away. And people just headshotting through the smoke with a rifle without a scope and im using a scope and I cant even fucking see them but the muzzle flash as they head shot my teammates perfectly 4 times in a row.
I luckily dont come across too many.
I think in the past week I ran into one, thats said im 3-4stars.
never consistent
You faggots will actually complain about having bad aim while knowing full-well there's shooting range available that you never use.

4 star is too good for you, you should be hardstuck at 3 stars until you learn to aim, shitter
nta but iirc theres no moving targets in shooting range, i dont think anyone has the issue of missing stationary targets… right?
i only miss my shots when enemies move too much
shooting range is worthless without moving practice targets
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> shooting range is worthless without moving practice targets
I highly disagree, I use the shooting range to practice flicking to heads. I think the muscle memory from that can transition into being able to lead targets decently. According to Steam I now have slightly over 300 hours in Hunt, and I regularly bounce from 3 stars to 5 stars. Here are my stats, so I think the shooting range legitimately has some merit.
ok bro, ill use the shooting range more and see how it goes.
okay but actually?
Did all the sweatlords/cheaters get tired of the new event yet? Wondering if it's playable again.
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i played all night friday and tonight with trio 5stars and have had great games
qq'rs gonna qq
what star are you?
5, but I try and derank to 3-4 stars whenever I can.
I dont know if I should pity you for dealing with cheaters or loathe you for smurfing.
If there were no cheaters at higher ranks I'd have no reason to derank. Smurfing in Hunt is a symptom of cheating.
And to be fair I try to play 1v3 when I derank. At least that way it puts me against teams of two 3 stars and one 4 star, and it feels more or less balanced and fair. Sometimes three 3 stars. If I play trios as a 5 star the game will just match me with teams of 4 and 5 stars, and sometimes even 6 stars. The matchmaking in this game is retarded.
Im a 4 star but I carried my 5 star partner...
stop dying
>Lower your sensitivity, use loadouts you don’t care about losing, be more aggressive, and stay calm during fights.
nta but I did everything above bar staying calm and lowering sensitivity.
I turned off acceleration and during fights i'll flinch and knock my aim off just enough to miss.
I gotta slowly lower my finger lmao.
Was incind mosin always meta or was it a response to necro as a mandatory solo perk?
I literally encounter a solo once in every like 12 fucking games and they get utterly shit on every single time
shut the fuck up about solos.
most reddit concern ever.
it wasn't and still isn't meta where the fuck are you seeing this at
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It's fucking over. The only thing you can do now is play some shitter multiplayer game that features a long time to kill (Like say, Overwatch 2), hone your skills at that particular game, and then come back to Hunt at some point hoping your skills from that game have transfered to Hunt.

You're FUCKED.
>get headshot by long incind ammo
>2 bars insta burnt off
yea its meta
Have you considered that you're just a bad player?
>no penetration
You dont carry a secondary with fmj?
yikes dood, I bet you dont even pack an ammo box
>deflection away from justifying his retard choices
fucking nigger
i wasn't this bad
Man playing with people in this game makes it so unfun.
My teammate goes down.
I smoke 2 exits to a building.
Molotov the other.
Place a trap on another and active the barbed wire.
My other teammate doesnt watch the only possible place for them to come out of which is the molly window.
He doesnt even look down the hallway.
he allows the enemy with the crown and king to jump out the window and walk up and shotgun us while I pick up our teammate.

i fucking hate you people
I cant fucking stop goddamn 9 possiblities every fucking interaction.
I need you mother fuckers to do 1 single goddamn thing.
and thats asking too fucking much of you.
fuck i hate you
why are you treating randos like friends you care about and need to rez
they're bullet sponges or distractions that might rez you if you fuck up
if they go down treat the game like you're alone, if they stay in the game and you win or get a ez chance they get a rez
It is an easy chance to rez. It just requires you to fucking look at the window. Whats he going to do vault out the window as you fucking shoot him and hes on fire?
fucking hell.
i mean being lit on fire should be aa fucking indicator that oh she that moving beacon of light is moving towards us hes on fire hes lost a bar of health at least now just shoot him and we win. NOPE


my teammate died in the next game killing himself with a barrel that he shot and walked back over too BECAUSE HES FUCKING SUICIDALLY RETARDED and I refused to pick him up and just stood next to him ringing the bell over and over
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congrats you killed 8 4* players man you really did it!
I finished my arsenal book and uninstalled.
Or he could have killed 2 retarded solos with necro 4 times. It's happened to me a few times. And once I specated a guy who killed me die to my traps 4 times on purpose. Faggot was shamelessly deranking right before my eyes.
Good on ya. I love Hunt sometimes as much as the next guy, but uninstalling it will always be the right choice. Why? Because Hunt can be really fucking boring and you'll have a string of matches all night that are 100% Hunt (Searching for bounties, enemies, compounds), and 0% showdown. (No PVP combat at all).

Hunt at it's lowest bores me to actual tears.

> t. Ex 5-star player that's uninstalled and reinstalled Hunt like 5 times by now
hlo armokoru :)
Why are you mad?
it was still a good game for me dick.
It was a server wipe with only 1 solo and he didnt have necro...
I disagree.
The hunt is picking up on a player's tracks even if they arn't hitting any sound traps at all and catching up to them and dropping them before they know you're on their tail.
OR knowing you're being tailed and springing an ambush.
Average d!scord tranny
…but what about the entries they’re adding once the event is over for the new weapons
was soloing in a duo game and the last person after the shitstorm was another solo that just peaked my shotgun nest for no reason and got murked
we are so back
i'm mad because i WISH i could deal with 4* advanced training dummies like you are. at 6* everything is either chinese on the west coast or scumge/bb/ys/hate/whatever faggot clan they decide to call themselves that day using every single hack/exploit they can find including derendering while vehemently screeching into the microphones to deafen you and going on the different social media accounts trying to defend themselves acting like they're innocent and TOTALLY aren't cheating despite having encyclopedic knowledge of every single hack that EAC will detect and 16 different "smurf" accounts.

the moment you get good at this game it stops being fun and there's nothing you can do to escape the high skill brackets because there's only two brackets in the game, retards and cheater queue (this is actually a true statement by the way, look it up, each region has two pools it pulls from to make games, one is above 5.25ish stars and the other is beneath that)
Do you guys even like this game
yes but hunt at its highest doesn’t justify hunt at its lowest
>two chinese aimbotters with bans on profile etc
>check their kds
1.3 and 1.2
EVEN with aimbots the Chinese suck
reminder that those are healthy kds for normal players, hilariously hackers usually have no knowledge of the game and die to ai and the like
they probably are dying on purpose to get to lower mmrs guys or they bought the hacks recently or bought the account
would be cool if there were harder and more in depth pve, but then doing it when players are there makes it very hard
slug ammo never works for me for whatever reason while i get instantly by whoever uses it
did you try adsing
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>slug ammo never works for me
Works on my machine. https://streamable.com/vqkcwc
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Can't wait for all the cheaters and battlepass sweatlords to fuck off already, so I can have chill games again. https://streamable.com/b8g4sk
yes i did
good stuff
bros what the fuck the sparks is good
>149 damage
>long ammo pen and dropoff
>above average muzzle velocity
who told you it wasnt?
>1 bullet
>get 3man rushed
I'm new to the game, just too surprised with the results so far
>Pull out my lemat
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am i ever going to get a reward for my bounty wealth?
>pulls out officer
its a good starter rifle, teaches you to reposition between shots and follow up with a pistol shot to finish them
handy but a fast firing secondary really compliments a mid-long distance primary, try the officer new army or spitfire (or bornheim match with quatermaster)
*laughs in 16 dmg to my arm*
Oh yeah. I once 1v3'd a trio with it and kept killing the motherfuckers over and over and over with it until I literally ran out of ammo and had to melee the last guy.

Then you can also do fun shit like this with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWvF3Zk6DR8
love me sparks
'ate desale
'ate rain
'ate night
'ate ash
'ate fog

simple as
holeee shit I hate the bush wookies on that one forest map near alice farms
bunch of fuckers just hiding in the woods
>just open 200 rifts in battleroyale mode when the game often ends on someone opening their first rift

wut I open 3 rifts all the time
What kind of dirty motherfucker leaves their team behind? I died to fall damage with a bounty after we cleared the map and some fucker ran away rather than rez me and the Chinese dude on our team just alt f4d. The fuck.
> Fall damage death
Only the strong survive, shitter. Your teammate with the bounty did the right thing. Your body is weak and fragile, and will not survive the bayou summers. Rest in piss
>no kiteskin
ngmi i'm afraid
any south american ova here?
What about Fronkie
>playing 3s without friends
Found your problem
rez me
Don't brag about such things here
>discord server made up of retards from here
its on (you)
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now that's just rage baiting
>playing with 4channers at any point in time half of which are usually heavily autistic Europeans
Recently been playing the "fire mage" build using two hand crossbows with dragonbolts (fireball) and an ammo box (mana potion).
cheap and fun.
Ive seen 3 transwomen playing hunt showdown
0.015% out of 20K.
The only time I check out a profile is if im reporting a teamate and its ALWAYS set to private
I've banged more hot trans women than that
i think you mean americans but yes
I've seen exactly 0. Feels nice not to live in Trannymerica.
> The first game featuring me dying tonight was because a solo player with a shotgun that my team and I thought was part of a duo immediately revived himself while my back was turned, somehow ran up behind me PAST my teammate who was watching my back, and killed me for free
> My final game of the night featured me killing a solo that I knew was a solo, my team captures the bounty, and one of my teammates got killed by that same solo player 15 minutes later who waited for over 10 minutes to revive himself and ran across the map to meet us
...Holy fuck, man. Why play in a trio when you can get a free "AKTUALLY, I'M STILL ALIVE" button just because you're a solo player?? What the fuck was Crytek smoking with this necro change?
Thats cause they're too busy dying in the rice fields or milking oats to make bread for immigrants to have time to lose cowboy games against the chinese.
You made the mistake of assuming his gender status and because you didnt stand in a way that was defensive to that play, paid the solo toll 15s or whatever later.

Then again you didnt learn and didnt burn him out before moving on and your teammate died because of it.
> We live in a Hunt world now where it's actually a good idea to keep the fucking flaregun on you at all times so you can burn random solos
It really is over, isn't it? And we're still going to have to keep dealing with this bullshit even when the engine update hits, won't we?
>not instaburning bodies
Been using dragon breath and dragonbolt builds to counter it.
I run into an insane number of solos.
my fire mage build actually burnt out 50-75 health before downing and took no time at all the finish them off.
Really liking the cadwell new army for the fast cycle rate while ADS.
I see 1 solo in every like 4 games in usa east at 5 star
How big is the anti necro faction anyway? Would crytek listen and remove the trait altogether or at least nerf it if enough people sign a petition?
its just 2 stars on reddit as far as I can tell
>his low quality esp cant detect their bulge

>join usa west server
>guys doing the boss
>keep los blocked with brick walls the entire time
>crouch walk up to the boss
>no los to me at all until these last 2 seconds
>guy just peeks the wall 50m away that I'm literally looking at and prefires me around the corner knowing exactly where I am without ever having vision on me

good job crytek
Lets say a 5 star player goes for a solo game, does he fight against trios consisting of 4 and 5 star players or how does this shit works exactly?
solo lowers your overall mmr matchmaking
you can select whether you fight duos or trios and play in one of those two match pools
assuming you don't live somewhere or play at a time where mmr barely factor, you should play against team where their average mmr is probably around 1 bracket under you.
As a 4 star, i'm always against a mix or 3 stars duos, a high 4star-low3 star dude, 4 stars solo, or even a 5 star dude and a 2 star dude.
> How big is the anti necro faction anyway?
There was a time on the Hunt subr*ddit where if you complained about pre-upgraded Necro, you'd be downvoted into oblivion. Now, post-upgraded Necro has it's own stickied "Necro hate" thread with shitloads of complaints.

Necromancer and cheating are now regularly discussed and complained about on the Hunt subr*ddit, but I honestly don't think Crytek is ever going to do anything about either.
I dont know what actually contributes to MMR because I get kills left right and center but im still 3 start
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i think i finally found my loudout
sparks incendiary and uppermat (shotgun ammo is slug)
concertina traps to cover my back because i don't trust my teammates at all
2 dynamites, regen and stamina shots
breach compounds without relying on my teammates because they are passive shitters, use dynamite to make the shitters inside the compound move to the other side so i can enter
MMR and KDA raising.....
Rangecels seethe over meleechuds
> He's not bringing decoy fuses or hive bombs at all
Sorry chud, a good push isn't complete without those basic items. Try again
I cracked and bought the kamacite moon skin....
Am I a true goy now?
No space for dat.....
I wish the sparks had riposte or bayonet variant...or maybe i should use the martin riposte hmmmm
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kill make it go up
death make it go down
assists don't count
if you trade with someone with the same mmr than you, your mmr should barely move.
if you play solo, get two kills then die to someone else, chances are that you still lose mmr due to their galaxy brain move to pit your against players with 70-150 less mmr than you, making you lose -20+ mmr per death and winning like 5-12 mmr per kill against those.
Tips to becoming a more successful sniper?
Scoped weapons are notoriously my weakpoint.
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Anyone else here ever end up playing with a Hunt Youtuber before? I just so happened to play with Cornf 10 minutes ago. I asked him when we were extracting if he was a Youtuber because I'm pretty sure I'd seen him online before, and he trolled me by replying "Nah bro, you've never seen me before" lol.

He was pretty good, first legit Hunt player I've ever met in-game with a K/D over 2 and not hacking! (RachtaZ would still walk all him, tho)
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Should have told him to hurry up with his next video
I used to be one. Last time I encountered him, I was playing a meme double melee build and I almost killed him with my pocket pistol. I headshot his buddy and then hit him 3 times but he managed to hit me with a bow before I could reload and get the 4th one off. He wasn't cheating and actually whiffed like 3 out of the 4 times but nailed me in the head with the last one.
I know the scriptures say judge not lest ye be judged, but I’m gonna say it: this CornF guy… he’s a real jerk!
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Hi Anon, nice to see you. I remember extracting w/ you at pearl plantation when you asked if it was me.

[SPOILER]Don't tell anyone I lurk this thread, OK? [/SPOILER]

mfw I fuck up the spoiler tag
i want your swamp babies
Huntbros... we're going home
>shaddap cunt
wasn't me :^) but hurry up dickhead
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i became a 5 star but my KDA isn't that high yet...
Kys, irrelevant eceleb shitter.

I'm a high 5-6 star with a kda of 2.5+. If you have a kda of under 2, then you don't really belong in higher ranks. Back to 3 stars with you.
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>if you have a kda under 2
bait or retard. 0.8-1.5 is normal depending how you play. higher than that is achievable through just farming kills just as hours can be afkd. hours and kd arent the be all end all
>200 kd cheaters and Crytek does nothing
lmao wtf is wrong with the world the fuck
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>yfw the Mountain Man is a canon faggot
my guess is that they won't give a fuck until the engine update.
he said no homo so its kosher
At least he aint a furry not much choice for sexo up in the mountains
jesus that cadwell double tap hurts
>they add a literal anthro to appease the furries
your genuine reaction to this?
i would be disgusted
but i would still play and savor shitting on them and being able to know they're immediately sensitive to anti-hom-trans trash talk which would be funny
>male furry
Fuck this garbage. Actually quit playing the game.
>tasteful female anthro with a cool outfit
Maybe. Maybe. Built for human hunters...???
>he doesnt want the qt sniffable twink furry
Haven't played in months
Just got the Marathon, potentially new weaponfu. Feels like butter to use
For the record any double tap hurts
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>tfw u get the bounty and find a red trait
this but rat cum
>rat cum
For me it's gator cum
gator cum<gay rat cum
You're wrong.
>rat cum
based individual we got 'ere
most activty posting is by furries
how we have fallen
crytek is, ironically, too gay to add something that based.
I witnessed a 1 star in the wild last night with like 35 kills and 250 something deaths. Lil bro had a .14 K/D
honestly i'd kill myself if that were me
well yeah how do you think he got a .14 k/d
That was literally me when I first got into multiplayer games. Well, almost. My k/d in PUBG was 0.35. But I also blame all faggot cheaters in that game.
that's my wife she doesn't player fps and gets flustered easily 0.14 kd
What's with hunt attracting furries? I check their steam profiles and it's 3 homosexual furries with furry avatars
yes but faster double taps hurt the most. A slow double tap well I don't get hit the second time.
>gets flustered easily
That's pretty cute lol.
That's not Hunt that's just fps games these days
>want the plague doc skins
>if I buy them I cant buy the pass for the next event
I already have the OG plague doc but still
Just do what I do and wait for it to go on sale. There's also a chance you can buy it from the black market at a heavy discount at some point. Just keep checking the black market tab. Don't fomo into that 2k BB shit, the skin isn't going anywhere after the event ends.
isn't the engine update dropping this month
there's multiple skins that don't come back after the event and when they do they come back higher price
skinflint, og plague doctor, scrapbreak skin...
lmao even
Hackers genuinely are ruining the game for me. Every night I get at least 2 games against obvious fucking hackers.

Just played against a team of triple mosin spitzer snipers who somehow knew where my entire team was 150 meters away.

I spectated them and they somehow knew where all the other teams were too. Wow isn't that crazy?
>Every night
It's simple: don't play at night. Cheaters server hop to regions where it's night to avoid getting mass reported in their own regions. EU and RU are full of Chink and Spic/Brazilian monkey fuckery late at night/early in the morning. They also farm hunt dollars apparently, and it's way easier to do so in a half-dead lobby.
>og plague doctor
was never available to buy after the event
Yeah you’re right. I get better matches Friday through Sunday in the afternoon. Weekdays are when things get freaky.

It’s just that I’m a neet and this is my favorite game.
>Weekdays are when things get freaky.
I noticed this a while back too. Which is funny, becauseTarkov (which is similar to Hunt) has the exact opposite problem: raids in that game are absolutely infested with cheaters on the weekend.
I feel like necro probably wouldn't even get as much hate if MMR was thought out better so it wasn't an easy way to derank without even trying.
is necro really that bad? I only play trios but when we find a solo with necro, which is fucking rare it just devolves into fucking with the guy and getting free kills and is basically a resupply point
depends on the situation really, if you catch a solo alone then it's pretty easy to deal with em, the issue starts when you're in a gunfight with another squad and you have the dead body of a solo pestering you, you're forced to camp it while dealing with the other squad, often leaving your squad in a bad spot
That's good for me as a solo. I want you to kill me 3-5 times so I can get lower MMR.
You see solos working together? Some dude was being a menace and some china man was sniping for him, instead of taking him down off the roof. Anyone else went on the roof? They'd be shot
>solos working together
I've seen solos working together even in soul survivor. And when I checked the faggots' profiles on steam, they were buddies. Pretty sure some fags queue at the same time solo to get into the same game and then play as a team to get all the benefits of a solo like self-res and bigger serpent radius.
The only times I experienced was when I corner a solo at the bounty and either of us get into a gentleman's agreement to split it.
all the time
Every time I've tried to cooperate with another solo I just get shot in the back, so now I don't even bother trying.
i've seen two dudes in soul survivor doing nothing next to each other until the timer ran out
of course they were buddies on steam.
Did they nerf hipfire on the last 3 years? I took a long break (a real long one as you can see) and nothing feels right. Hipfire, dual wield, fanning, levering, you name it. Everything feels much less accurate than it was.
I welcome the change, just want to clarify if it's me being bad or they really did change it.
Solo necro cancer and MMR abuse is so popular I wouldn't be surprised to see duos go out their way to queue as solo hunters
I used to be a high 5 star with 1.2 kda and I absolutely hated it. MMR is easy to gain but hard to lose without resorting to solo target jobbery in low MMR lobbies.
Why would you ask this question? For all the flaws Hunt has, I'm pretty sure 98% of all Hunt matches involve teamwork, even amongst random solo players.
So now that EFT is dead, are we going to get more newbies and cheaters?
Nah. Possibly. But they'll most likely just go to SPT. SPT blew up yesterday. And a few big streamers apparently streamed it on twitch with thousands of viewers for hours.
we'll get more players for sure but probably not a huge exodus
also engine update status? it's the perfect moment for crytek
Teamwork? People don't even talk to each other
Also solos teaming is cheating
teamingf through in game communicatrion is literally kosher amd nased
Like I said, I think it at least a portion of it is because the way MMR works with it lets that dude effectively start smurfing real quick through no true fault of his own. Every time he gets killed trying to necro is his MMR dropping until he fights people that can't deal with it as well and are much worse than him overall. If they just adjusted it so there was at least a grace period then I imagine some of the hate would die down even if people still ultimately thought it was annoying.
>Also solos teaming is cheating
yes but cheating is encouraged in hunt
I've been playing mostly duos for a week and there are solos teaming with duos all the time. They don't want to join as trio and would rather enter duo only lobbies like that. I can't decide if it's amazing or stupid.
>also engine update status? it's the perfect moment for crytek
Why even care about this shit? New engine doesn't bring nothing but new problems. It will still be the same game with the same models and textures, just worse performance and even shittier audio because I know they can figure out a way to make it even worse.
I remember the first engine update and the only changes were stutters, disgusting blue filter in night missions and massive downgrade of audio.
It's pure cancer
the problem isn't only how bad it is, the problem is that it doesn't bring anything good to the game. It shouldn't even be here.
They could solve it by fixing MMR and disabling all forms of necro if hostile players are present in the range of like 75 meters, but what I learned in 7 years of playing hunt is that crytek doesn't care about solving problems. And playercount shows they're right, they don't profit off longtime players, average customer doesn't stick around for more than 6 years and even if they do, they stop paying. They only focus on monetization and attracting casual audience.
>disabling all forms of necro if hostile players are present in the range of like 75 meters
good luck playing against snipers in every single lobby
> Kill solo player carrying a slug shotgun that rushed into the boss compound to kill you
> If you don't watch his corpse like a hawk or burn it to ashes during your stay in the compound, the solo will get a free kill on you and perhaps even your entire team the second he self-revives
> This glaring issue is made even more difficult to deal with if an unrelated enemy team starts attacking your compound and you lose track of where the solo's corpse was
The only people who don't think solo necro is a godawful addition to Hunt are the people who abuse solo necro.
That's how hunt was before necro and it was better than stupid shit we have now
>farming kda on a retard that keeps getting up over and over
>mosin spitzer clown fiesta camping compounds until the clock runs out
Guess which I would pick any day of the week.
the gayest one
lol that's so greasy a trio had one guy spawn in with no weapons and he got me with a throwing axe then stole my weapons. Leaving me with only fists. I stole his dead buddies gun and we won in the end but goddamn!
You idiot seem to think these are somehow exclusive lol.
What the fuck is this "no shadow" exploit he's selling? All the shit he sells has such obscure names I can't wrap my head around what it's supposed to do lol. Out of all this shit I only get no bushes via potato graphics, and I know how to do it from early access, though it barely gives you any advantage. Also "fuse cancellation", wtf is that? Do they mean putting out burning hunters? Genuinely interested.
Reported to Crytek.
why are hunt showdown threads so dead? i'm clocking in 210 hours now and i think this is the best fps i've ever played, i can't stop playing despite getting my ass handed all the time
There's just not much to talk about this late in the event i guess. Maybe i post some loadouts.
pve loses its fun after a while and when the enemy are playing lame (not engaging either camping in lair with shotguns or sitting two compounds away with a sniper) the game suddenly becomes a walking sim which ends when you get bored and leave or when you die because you decided to engage a losing fight
or it's a hunting simulator where you kill all the enemies the shenanigans your way out
>playing hunt
>both my teammates are Chinese
>happens more often than not
More fucking Chinese than normal Americans in this game the fuck?
Waiting for the new update desu not much to talk about otherwise.
Will the engine update even change anything?
new map new bosses new guns new mechanics new architecture new limits
man watching 'normal' hunt players after dying is sad. They rotate and sit around a compound camping corpses for 30 mins. Very sad.
There are 1.5 billions of chinks, what do you expect?
They don't want to cheat on asian servers because they are full of cheaters, so they go to US or EU
More stutters
After 5 years my game still stutters when enemies fire their guns which they introduced with first engine update, can't wait for them to add new stutters
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>am a three star shitter
>just got out of a match where I killed two solos, didn't encounter anyone else, and then extracted with the boss token
>check the lobby details afterwards
>there were only four people in the lobby other than myself
>one of them was a one star who I saw in the distance coming towards me, waited in a bush as they walked past and then headshot them from behind
>they had 0 KD and only 600 bounty
I feel bad now.
you're 3 star shitter only because you solo queue and derank by getting killed by other 3 star shitters
this happens because crytek lowers your "match MMR" when you solo q but is using your real MMR to calculate the difference when you get killed. So you always get queued with players of lower skill and also get heavy penalty for dying to players of lower skill. This drags your MMR down.
3 stars is only 150 MMR away from 5 stars, while being 300 MMR away from 1 star. You need to be a literal retard to get less than 3 stars, even my middle aged friend with dementia is 3 stars. You are bullying people with disabilities.
any way to speed up prestige as fast as possible other than the event xp boons going on right now? i have autism and have to see the number go up to boost my ego.
Idk what to tell you, retire hunters maybe?
Used to be really easy with retirement at level 25, now you need them maxed
Crytek purposely puts 3 stars into solo matches against other solos. Just played a game with two players. Fuck MM.
Why wouldn't they? If there are enough players, they try to make even matchup.
Crytek doesn't match players by MMR, it matches teams by MMR
1 player < random duo < premade duo < random trio < premade trio
They will prioritize matching solos with solos and random duos, and premades with premades.
The fact solos hate playing against other solos is kinda hilarious, not gonna lie
post kino loadouts that aren't mosindolch
Romero Talon + Dragon's Breath
Handbow + Flame Arrows

Drilling Handcannon
Dual Scottfield Swifts
How do I get rid of huge stutter when I go between compounds and get a notification with compound name? Geforce experience overlay disabled, gamebar deleted, foreskin intact. I also get mini stutters when people shoot guns. This shit started happening some time after release and kept going for 5 years, I changed all components in my pc 3 times and reinstalled windows twice, it just won't go away. It was on win7 and it stays on win10. I don't believe sweats cope with this shit, there must be a fix.
How do I fix this crap? It keeps losing me fights.
It's not the point of playing solo. The point is to shit on and have fun destroying 3 players. Not fighting some solo retard.
nice solofaggot cope
why don't you suck my cock you little bitchy man baby widdle guy
because I'm not a solofaggot lmao
I can't hear you over the cock in your mouth bro
Whole matchmaking system should be redone so if you play trios, you should only meet trios etc.
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i think i'm in a really strange position in this game
>just over 1k hours
>but perpetually in 3 star, occasionally 4 star, due to playing exclusively random trios (i'm a friendless loser)
>never play meta loadouts martini or sparks at
>play hyper aggressively
i often see 4-5 stars with worse stats than mine, when i go solo i basically always extract bounty, wiping a team atleast if i find one
should i play solo instead of randoms at this point? from what i gather higher MMR is simply ruined by cheaters and the tryhard style is a different game, but at the same time i feel like its frustrating being a dedicated carrylord. should i use long ammo more often atleast?
you lie
you don't become a 3 star with positive kd normally
the only way to become a 3 star with positive kd is to abuse solo play or play premades with low skill teammates
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why would i lie about that? maybe you're confusing kd with kda
when i play long ammo i tend to reach 4 star, i've hit 5 star before, playing only with randoms. i've seen 4-5 stars with lower kda than mine, but 95% of my time is in 3 star hell.
Because with kda 1.43 you have to be at positive kd (which you are). And with positive kd there is no way to stay at 3 stars MMR. Because it's a pool of low skilled players with negative kds + abusers. You will inevitably climb out from it at least to 5 stars, and then your kda will start going down. That's how matchmaking works. You can only keep high kda by abusing MMR system or being among the best in 6 stars where you simply have no competition.
Actually your KDA is on a level of 6 stars, because in 5 stars you meet 1.1-1.25.
If you stay in low MMR bracket and have positive KD that means you are regularly getting killed by players with much lower MMR score than yours (otherwise you would either drop KD or climb out of that bracket), which is only possible when you team up with low skill players or join as solo.
How do you even queue solo in this garbage game?
Soul survivor has been broken for like 5 days now, when I queue solo I have infinite matchmaking and nothing ever happens, the same with random teammates - I can wait forever and I don't get matched with anyone.
All my friends are sleeping, how do I play this shit?
Used to play with randoms alot 3 years ago but now it just doesn't work
I'm 3 star but I play insanely aggressively and have a 1.55 kd for it I don't care if I die I only care about killing 3-5 guys
every time you get killed you lose MMR and every time you kill you get MMR
it doesn't matter if you play aggressively or not, it's natural for MMR to go up when you get more kills than deaths against equal opponents. The only exception is when your opponents are not your equals.
And that's why current MMR system doesn't work. Solos get purposefully matched against weaker players and if they get killed even once (not even mentioning self revive letting you do this more than once), their MMR plummets, despite kd staying almost unaffected.
i swear i dont derank on purpose and don't play quickplay at all for example (and almost never solo), i think they made changes to MMR a while back you might be forgetting about, i just do like this guy >>1276631
often times i wipe 2 teams and don't get to 4 star, or i get to 4 star and die once and i'm back at 3 again. i have no idea how it works.
I think this game could use somekind of 'season' ranking system, they calculate it from your overall KDA and then match you - then you have own season KDA they continue to keep through the season, only for it to reset and start again. The current MMR system is just not good with the handouts.
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the "3 star who belongs in 4-5" seems to be a thing, but rare, i think what explains us is just the retard-tier incompetence of randoms and it seems that playing randoms gives you a weaker MMR range than playing pre-mades somehow.
everyone who has these stats seems to play aggressively, but randoms never know when to push and just sit back so you get fucked by completely stupid necros, or unfortunate spawns, teammates making noise at the worst moment, etc. playing random trios for 1k hours~ i have seen such braindead shit that has me unable to comprehend why they play this game. and i always thought 5star+ would basically be 2.0KDA+
I used to do really good with a super bare bones load out
precision nagant
sawed off caldwell
of course this was like 2 years ago
The biggest flaw in the MMR system is that it assumes a certain level of team coherency a.k.a an ability for the individule members of a team to engage in productive teamwork.
The solo (buff/nerf) to MMR placement assumes said solo will be playing against a competent and cohesive team where the numbers advantage is a very real thing.
This, in my experience is seldom the case.
For example, in a match i had earlier today I was running a shotgun, a weapon that favours agression. My teamates however were running rifles (a sprinfield and a winfield i believe.) weapons that generally speaking favour longer, less agressive engagements. So I breach the boss lair to engage and do so against two enemies my teammates are playing cautiously in the extreme and as such I am effectively playing solo. This situation is compounded by the fact that the ingame VOIP implentation whilst interesting, is dogshit for effective communication.
So if i were engaging a solo instead this would be a "fair fight" but if my teammates and I were more effectively "gelling" together it would be one vs three to our advantage.

TL;DR: The Matchmaking system overcompensates for an advantage that rarely exists ingame (especially with randoms).
It's not why it's dogshit.
It's dogshit because math is wrong. They use inidividual's MMR to calculate the difference in skill between opponents when scoring kills instead of team's MMR. If they fixed this tiny error players would properly move to higher brackets when they perform above skill level of their matches, solo or not. But crytek is stubborn and probably malicious because instead of making proper matchmaking their goal is to divide the audience into 2 big pools to reduce matchmaking time low skill pool for newcomers to avoid waiting times, and content creators fodder pool to avoid waiting times for 6 star influencers. They don't want the middleground where 4 and 5 star could have good matches to exist, they want 5 stars to get dragged into 6 star games instead. And, well, 4 stars is a really small bracket which serves as a barrier between low skill pool and high skill pool so you don't get dragged from one to another in a single game. It's a very low margin of 150 MMR though.
So I have enabled resizable bar and set it to 1 GB for hunt (using profile inspector)
Absolutely no fucking difference, it stutters just the same
Is running low textures the only possible fix?
Why did playercount increased tenfold over the last few years, but threads are completely dead? Who's playing this game?
Do you really think 4chan is some kind of 'hotspot' or something? Go to Reddit, there's like thread by a minute of people sharing clips and shit.
No but I expect a game that gains popularity to get more discussion rather than the opposite
I guess the real answer is chinks, they inflate numbers
China yeah, somewhat, but Hunt is also really popular in Russia. It's constantly discussed on the Russian clone of 4chan too.
Chinks, for sure, and honestly, this late of event the thread always begins to die a bit. Its going to be more active again when the next stuff is out.
/vg/ threads are HOTspots for good games. Hunt is a good game so it should have a bigger discussion imo. Not this one post a week threads last for 6 months bullshit.
That's only natural no one is my equal *puts on sunglasses*
>/vg/ threads are HOTspots for good games
Lmao, thanks for the chuckle. Have you even seen 70% of /vg/ threads? It's all soulless chinky gachaslop (and these fuckers have their own gay board too, but they still feel the nee to shit up /vg/ with their mental illness). There are only a handful of actually good generals on that board.
I fucking love explosive ammo unironically
yeah but the good ones are active with a usual 10-25 posters everyday filling up the thread with funny shit and shooting the shit. It's great. I hate that the closest thread is the tactical thread with a few schizos and like 4-5 regular posters.
>closest thread is the tactical thread
It's been kind of shit ever since the Arma general died and all the salty, perpetually assmad Arma larper faggots migrated to &tg and started shitting the thread up and seething that we discuss games that aren't Arma in that general, when it was us who broke away from their shitty larper general to get away from them in the first place.
We had a period of pretty high activity in &tg when RoN 1.0 and Tide of Desolation dropped at the same time. Lots of people came to the general just to discuss Hunt and Ready or Not. But then the general kind of died again around January and has been more dead than ever.
People who play sniper exclusively and only engage at 120+ meters and always run away if approached should be chemically castrated.
But playing sniper can be fun!
sometimes I like to take a ghillied up guy solo and just stalk teams and pop them from a distance then move on to freak them out
its fun
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Got into this game yesterday, any good tips for new players? I like using the marksman rifles, but are there any other viable loadouts I should try?

Is the official Discord a good place to find people to play with? Randoms didn't seem to communicate much in-game.
dont give into gear fear
dont be afraid of pushing, people panic
keep moving, dont stick to one place, especially after making noise
For beginners, medium ammo is the best. Especially vetterli used to be my favorite because of good hipfire accuracy and firerate. Now that they've buffed firerate on centennial I don't know which is better. I wouldn't recommend falling for long ammo trap because of bad ammo economy. Medium ammo is perfectly viable. It's not just cheaper, you also get more ammo from pickups and can use any secondary without restraints.
Most players can't hear normal footsteps so use it. No need to slow walk, just normal walking is good in most cases. If you approach a compound that likely has enemies, stop sprinting until they detect you.
Always run before you get sandwiched between two teams, this is a death sentence.
Make use of traits. Buy at least one legendary hunter so you can have traits in low ranks. You can delete all traits it comes with and use perkpoints for something else. Also you can respect health chunks at 0 cost if you want.
I would avoid sniper variants, deadeye and marksman are okay, but make sure to pick steady hands if you use scopes for reduced sway. Pay attention to enemies and break distance if you get rushed, if enemies are very aggressive there's a high chance they have shotguns, so use your range advantage. And don't hesitate to use hipfire at close distance.
Make use of regeneration shots, they are overpowered. Meta used to be big vitality shots, now it's big regeneration shots + physician + medkit.
If you don't prestige, make use of poison ammo and poison sense trait, it's free wallhacks and ridiculously overpowered, but only available to high ranks so you can't use it if you prestige.
Non cooked dynamite is pretty useless, throwing animation is rather slow and you are vulnerable when you cook explosives. If you aren't comfortable with explosives, better take more regeneration shots and antidotes.
Bring fuses to burn bodies and deal with barbed wire armoreds
Avoid everything with scope for the first 100h, bullet travel is a thing in this game, and scopes change the 'lead'. If you're good with one gun, it doesn't necessarily translate to other guns in longer distances.
Dual wield+shotgun is a good newbie combination, its very 'rng' and 'all or nothing', but you'll learn movement and the fact you got to play aggressively. The game is more "skill dependant" the longer the ranges become.
>Dual wield+shotgun
That's a terrible combination, dual wield is shit at long distance, just like shotgun. Why would you do that?
I haven't played for a long time and dual wield used to be good at close range, but it feels like they nerfed it. Not sure if they did, but it definitely is bad now. And feels like hipfire on most pistols was nerfed in general, few years ago you could spam with cheap conversions, now you will not hit shit unless you have low recoil guns like nagants.
Anyway, I wouldn't recommend dual wield at all, to begineers or otherwise. For beginners it's best to have a dual action revolver for sidearm (like officers nagant or colt new army) or single action if you have fanning (like nagant or pax)
Shotguns are rather bad unless you use slugs, I wouldn't recommend them to beginners at all. It's not early access where compact ammo was dealing no damage past 40 meters, you will get spammed to death at medium range.
cover 2 distances when making a loadout (for example a longrange rifle with a fast pistol for close range, shotgun + strong pistol for mid-long-range)
when you die, think about what you did wrong, for example you shouldn't have rushed in when you heard this guy around the corner firing a shotgun before, you shouldn't have moved out into the open, you shouldn't have triple-peeked this corner when you knew the guy was aiming at you, you should have went behind corner rather than standing in the open, you should have checked the floor for traps, etc.

rotate around players/compounds and always try to pop up in a new spot and have a better position
DW was never bad. It's just RNG nonsense. It's a bad option for long-range, even to medium, but the point of my 'opinion' was that its good to learn pushing and movement - which is the weakest part of any new player. They freeze.
The same goes for shotguns, you don't need to be a master aimer with them to deal damage.
>its good to learn pushing and movemen
and how exactly getting 2-tapped by enemy who has proper sights helps to learn pushing?
>shotguns, you don't need to be a master aimer with them to deal damage
but you do
>playing randoms gives you lower party mmr somehow
this is a thing that is in the game, however:
>playing randoms
what region you play?
how to make this game more interesting/less shit?
>ban china from the game
>new non-cheesable AI
>fix the matchmaking system somehow
>permanent choice of daylight or night conditions rotations
>dial down the hotwheels skins and bisexual ugandan furries, instead turn nonlegendary tier 1/2/3 hunters customizable ones with buyable/achievable(prestige/specific challenges, trials etc) cosmetics such as clothes/tattoos/jewelry
>more fantasy weapons instead of completely interchangable shit like marathon/winfield and mako/krag
>maybe game modes that are more about player conditions rather than weather (stealth weapons only, start naked, etc)
>do more with darksight
>some sort of leaderboard/scoring system for seasons (formerly events)
I hate most of these, but the problem with BR games will always be the same until someone cracks the code: The best way to win is the most boring way to play.
> Implement region locking
> Add more interesting/scary AI types (Grunts especially)
> Rework MMR
> Stop dicking around with the engine update
> Add actual killcams
> Add replay system
> Add more bosses
> Rebalance special ammo types
> Add more ways to earn Hunt-bux to help broke shitters
> Bring back earning blood bonds
> Rework prestige
There we have it. I've saved Hunt, you're welcome.
half of grunts should chase after you as ferociously as immolators
a lot of these changes are really obvious and seem easy to implement, but crytek seems unable or unwilling, does the current engine limit them that much?
officer carbine is borderline broken yet i rarely see anyone use it
no range
just equip an uppercut or upperP
I feel the same about the Slate desu, it feels way too quick for being optimized without perks and being reasonably priced. I prefer it over Terminus + levering
Im also a slate man myself. I dont think the other shotguns are worth using compared to it. Though maybe its just the pure aggression in the slates pump action.
CnK slugs dominates upper ELO, otherwise it's Slate slugs
new event when?
im one of those retards that needs a progression system to feel like im not wasting my time playing vidya
remember that most players are shitters than can't afford that many slates
My perk to add would be something that let's you gather grunts to surround yourself. You pick up 4-5 grunts as body shields and they follow you around. I call it the Lich Lord perk.
this guy gets shotguns. You have to aim with them because if you don't every single shot misses the enemy point blank.
I don't play the game without 2 full stam shots and 2 full hp shots. Healing and getting out of breath is for nerds. Costs 500 bounty every match but that's fine.
the last ten posts are all (me)
I don't know how to feel about this game. It's filled with niggers that cheat insanely. You play against retards when you start, get up to 5 star mmr and next match your playing against unreportable chinks with esp that snipe you in the head and just know your a solo with necro so they flame camp your body. Even though you died in the middle of a giant firefight at the boss lair.
The gunplay is slow and methodical and it's a super fun sandbox of guns but the in-game currency is absolute shit. Why take out a nitro when you can take out a sparks for 1/10th the price? Why take out a avtomat when you can take out a nagant officer carbine?
I don't understand.
you're not wrong
the answer is fun and shenanigans
It disgusts me playing with randoms and facing a team that plays like a swat team. Perfect communication and movement together, obviously premade on voice comms.
How come cheaters usually have garbage kds like 1.5-1.8 max? How the fuck aren't you at a seriously high KD cheating?
>hunt redditors
fucking onions boy liars my entire trio was wiped by a TKer just now at start of round
the last 15 comments are all me
No they're actually all me
God, I can't imagine saying this. One of my first 3 star lobbies my teammate punched an explosive barrel instantly killing us all within the first few minutes of the match. I don't even know why the fuck they instantly explode when you melee them, they don't even do that when you shoot them. Retarded game.
they don't explode when you melee them, you can't even ignite them
keep your distance from teammates, stacking on top of each other is just begging for shit like that to happen
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>playing with irl friend who is shit at fps games.
>He doesn't play hunt all that much
>Picks up a katana after one of our matches where me and another irl friend extract.
>The following match we grandslam and on our way to the extraction an immolator aggros us at one of the wagonsites.
>He pulls out his Katana and slaps the immolator, setting it off and blowing up an explosive barrel right next to us.
>All 3 of us die in the explosion.
>Look at post game results, we killed 3 of 3 enemy teams.
>Now no one gets the bounty.
Absolutely hilarious and fun time with the lads
> On the verge of hitting 5 stars
> My teammates and I are approaching an enemy-occupied compound in the process of being banished
> I find a decent hiding spot facing near the compound
> I notice one select crack in the wall out of maybe 4 others that I can use to attempt to get a better look at the compound
> I use it
> The gap I'm looking through is so tight that I can hardly see anything, but from what little I saw there was nobody directly in my line of sight
> I do this for maybe 1 minute max
> I instantly get headshot by a 5 star player that was part of the 5 star enemy team defending the compound, which means somehow that player was magically already looking in my EXACT direction without any bounty tokens
> This all happened during my first match of the night
> Infuriated, I decide to logoff
...I always thought the whole "Higher MMR lobbies run the risk of being infested by more cheaters" thing was a joke, but that's legitimately the 1st time I've ever 100% thought someone was actually cheating. I feel bad for players that are consistently 5 stars or higher and regularly have to deal with dying to suspicious bullshit like that.
Oh, and almost forgot to add: The enemy Hunter that killed me headshotted me through a sliver of a crack in my hiding spot with the Caldwell pistol. No sniper rifle or any other weapon featuring optic zoom. Not odd at all. :)
why would you want to play with high star cheaters?
>playing with some dude who wrote a book and lost his legs in Afghanistan while being special forces
dang the USA is crazy
for whatever reason i get super nervous when playing lately and can't aim for shit because my heart beats like crazy during intense gun fights, i was normal a week ago.
vaxbros not like this
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I don't want to play with these people
Too bad.
Holy fuck is it unplayable, ever since the update announcement it's almost like all cheaters have been scrambled to go all out on servers.
I don't want to play with these people
Are you new? Ever since they started doing these gay ass events non-stop, at the start of each new event the game becomes absolutely unplayable because all manner of cheating faggots come out in droves to grind out the battle pass/ruin everyone's fun.
There is no new event right now there is no event until august 15
Are some players deaf? I can hear the footsteps coming to them but they don't react.

It's the 65% off sale on Steam. Every time the game goes on sale, cheaters pop up like mushrooms since they can just buy a new key on the cheap if/when they get caught

The minute Hunt ever goes FTP (god forbid), it's dead in the water
Not vaxxed thoughevertheless
Man I don't even know anymore, the moment i get in a game my heartbeat rises but it doesn't happen when I play other games, played cod for example and i was fine
Thinking about picking up Hunt while it's on sale. Is it worth?
genuinely the best pvp FPS out there.
this also
zombie general with 2 posters (You) and (me)
it's worth it full price
despite dead thread full of winny babies
inb4 it's discord's fault
maybe they were right bros
20Hz tickrate servers pitting you against Chinamen with 300 ping and VPNs using $5 cheats, yeah you should buy it
Cheats aren't that cheap
One good thing about the south american servers is that the brazilians can't afford cheats, I've only seen one cheater in my hundreds of hours of playtime
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>Loaded into match
>6 Hives in front of my spawn
Follow up question. If I buy any of the legendary hunters and if I die with them do I have to rebuy them in game using the in-game currency or is it permanently unlocked to reuse every time?
100 bounty dollars per hero
Does that include if I buy the dlc hunters?
Once you buy the legendary hunter with your bloodbonds you get to keep them forever. When you die with a legendary hunter, they're lost with all their items and traits like any other hunter and you have to rebuy the character with 100 hunt dollars.
yes, all legendaries cost 100 hunt bucks to recruit
they come with no gear but 3 random perks + spare perkpoints if they're not enough to generate 8 perkpoints if you sell them
if youre willing to eat shit for a while and get through the suck its is hands down one of the best games ive ever played
it really is that good
what the heck no events for 2 MONTHS? They're losing my skin bucks!
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Explain this shit. When I hit upper torso with double barrel from 12 meters it's -20 damage. When I hit a limb with any weapon at any distance it's also -20 damage. When I get hit with shitty small caliber in my arm, it's this shit. How the fuck is this even supposed to work? not to mention he hit me 2 times in a row with fucking fanning on this garbage gun that has the spread that covers your entire screen.
Every single time I die to bullshit that shouldn't and my shells are replaced with fucking popcorn while enemy shoots depleted fucking uranium bullets at me.
g** g**
It exploded through the wood for dmg then hit you and exploded out for more damage
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>don't play for 3 years
>try sole survivor
>get oneshot 5 minutes in by someone I never saw or heard twice
ok I guess I'll try again in 3 years
>try sole survivor
critical mistake
Cheaters aren't even that bad on Hunt, you can't complain about cheaters if you're crouchwalking across an open field

In my 1,000+ hours I've never met a cheater, what's your excuse?
how are people with under 1.00 KDA real
i just saw a prestige 5 with 0.37 KDA
Won't regular queue be the same thing but instead of getting shot by one guy I never saw, I'll get shot by 2+ guys I never saw AND lose a bunch of equipment in the process?
That would be me I guess sans being prestige anything lmao
>play all night
>close game
>have a steam notification
>comment on profile accusing me of cheating an hour ago
>can't even remember the game
worst feel
i dont think this is the game for you if you cant handle losing
>Won't regular queue be the same thing
sole survivor doesn't have matchmaking or it's like different i forgot so no it wouldn't be the same unless you're like really shit at the game
Ah fair enough, you're right

yeah cuz "just losing lol" is the same as lasting less in a game than it took to load
Why worst feel? Just means you dunked on someone and can feel proud of it
Just because you can't identify cheaters doesn't mean they don't exist dumbass how could you even tell Waller's and radar users? Protip you CANT
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>KDA raising
>MMR raising
>Maxed out 4 hunters in a row
After 250 hours i think i finally started gaming
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lol wait till that mmr keeps rising
I've done nothing but rage reporting these last 2 years complete with threats and names. Lets see if they actually do something about it and finally free me from this game.
Just got killed by a cheater, i wish i could rape a cheater bitch in real life and not in Minecraft
It was a blatant one, like new account with 50KDA, 50 kill 0 death, no steam profile, his username was just a dot and he headshotted me through a wall from 70 meter away
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The biggest problem is other solos as a solo. I can fuck up a team easy then some retard solo sniper or something third parties like a bitch to ruin the fun.
skill issue. dont go near walls that you can easily be sniped through noob
Shut the fuck up fag it was a wall you can't see through and he had no scope on his mosin and was 70m away
one time i clutched a last standing duo really hard for the bounty while they were chasing me with full meta, then one of them added me, waited over a day for me to accept his request, then he left some russian shit on my profile and blocked me again
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you guys have seen all the leaks (trapper dlc hunters, throwing spear, etc) right?
do you think the stupid prestige badge charms are going to be the "new prestige rewards/rework", or what else could they do at this point?
Got into a 6 star lobby as a 4 star
full of wallbanging sniper cheaters and 5 kds
why even bother even the cheaters are cheating on each other incredibly boring
why don't they release another prostitute character like Lulu? People seem to love her
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>switch games and close thread
>3 months later check on thread
>its still the same thread
>check my video from my report of a hacker 9 months ago
>devs still havent reviewed my ticket I submitted to customer support
>crytek posting about some "we care about hackers we got a ezcheat++ subscription blah blah blah" nonsense


No crytek doesnt care about this game at all
its abandoned the community entirely
they are just milking it for money from the dedicated playerbase at this point but /vg/ threads are never an indicator of game health
the hunting bow is the best shotgun
>playing with two buddies
>hypersweat Solo hunter chasing my pal through a compound with a katana after they both ran out of ammo in a firefight
>sit around a corner and cleanly two-tap trade with newarmy dumdum ammo.
>my friend rezzes me
>only lose a small health chunk and we banish anyways
>burn and down them a few more times to insure no self-rezzing
>after the match check the players
>katana user didn't queue with anyone
>shitty moeshit anime pfp like luckystar or dragonmaid
Hahaha fuck you anon, the power of friendship wins again. Me playing like an absolute shitter with my bros just completely negated the hundreds of hours you have grinding this game by yourself.
sometimes being not a shut-in has its perks.
Okay but I'll just eat ten other teams. Your time will come. I am the world eater.
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>the betterli
>make david fifield a legendary hunter
>solo necro is op
>nerf long ammo
>we need a walking dead negan baseball bat skin!
>hunt giveth and taketh
>put cowboy hats on memes
>look at my new tattoo of this videogame
>gunslinger controls is good now
>carcass gunrunner and felis are so hot xD
>brokeback mountain joke
>dude redneck is so funny and epic
>this 150 hour 2 star tranny on twitch who streams for 12 viewers needs a custom skin
>new albanian non-binary taxi driver hunter skinslop? take all my le money crytek!
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Look at this absolute specimen. Looks like I'm in for a great time.
3 star issue
any point in playing until august?
non-event hunt is superior to screaming altars and overpowered pact traits
i got cocky bros i'm getting humiliated by 5* niggas
Can we ban people who are scared of the bosses? Players who run and hide from them instead of helping you kill them? I see 3 and 4 stars quivering in their boots when they fight scrapbeak ffs. I float between high 3 and mid 4 star and the shit I see is real rage bait. As if they know you are barely containing your urge to scream at them over the mic because of their inaction and retarded plays.

I swear to god, when playing with randoms it's best to pretend you are playing solo and have your teammates act as meatshields and then abandon them when they do stupid shit.
you americans have some issues in your servers, here in south america we are all tryhards thirsty for blood
and we barely have hackers because brazilians are too broke to afford them hacks
they are usually not carrying anything to damage the boss post-melee tool nerfs anyway, im more annoyed by the retards who instantly run ahead into the spider lair when i carry a sticky, faggots hiding usually only ruins things with assassin

though i have unironically team-killed shitter teammates who sat back during critical moments and burned them, some of them are so retarded they don't comprehend what just happened and don't leave the match for a long time while they burn out
>play with guy who has 12 pages of steam hate comments calling him bot, trash, garbage, super shit player
>tempted not to rez him outside of compound when he dies because of risk
>do it anyway
>he's actually pretty clutch
heh, lemmings insulting because they see other people do it that dude is cool
Cheaters and their tagalongs get what they FUCKING DESERVE.
oh not not a timeout, how will they ever recover...
doesn't matter hopefully the pussies scared of bans fuck off from the game with their cheating butt buddies
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nobody is scared of bans when a new account is 5$
these "weekly updates" are total nothingburgers, they're just repeating things from the year old roadmap video with clever wording to make it seem like they're busy with something.
they're gonna have to give some patches to win me over, i bet the throwing spear is going to be a total gimmick aswell, completely interchangable with the throwing axe. can't wait for the 20 euro double trapper hunter dlc that i won't buy aswell, i sure need a springfield marksman skin.
the losers who give a shit about their steam profile and stats do
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so like 5% of abusers, mr 4 star?
you're a retard if you genuinely think high level players want to lose their accounts because of their shitty cheater friend
What gun is that third skin? I’m not joining your leak/cheats discord to learn about the latest datamines, just post them publicly like the old dataminer used to do
springfield marksman
you dont have to be snarky about it, i'd post it all if it wasnt quite a lot spread over a faggot's discord server where they talk nonsense instead of keeping the leaks viewable
the prodigal son and that guy fawkes dlc were also leaked, the mako was leaked, "prestige charms" were leaked, descriptions of another hunter and possibly scrapped weapon skins were leaked, throwing spear and a skin for it were leaked.
throwing spear supposedly is a weapon slot item and has its own page in the book
they tried to post it on a public reddit but it got banned immediately
Got my first hate comment on steam, feels pretty good
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what skins do you guys actually like?
i play hunters based on their hands and like the tattoos and rings, umpire's bane is also nice with the big pitcher's glove
for weapons i like the cultist or ornate looking ones, i don't understand people who play gross looking shit.
Cute girls or dark clothing men who blend in with the night
i got lulu last twitch drop but i wish i got the infected or billy story.
Got TTV in my name and i get one about every session. Especially russoid premade teams send a lot of hate when you wipe them lol
based if you have no twitch
>new player
>finally unlock all guns and have a lot of hunt dollars to experiment with
>lose everything, including hunt $
why didn't i look into this

the game literally tells you this dumbass, what did you expect from a prestige
I only use bone doctor because he looks badass as fuck
He's edgy but not goofy like the reaper
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Hunt: Ooga Booga
used to love this game but since I got an OLED monitor it's absolutely unplayable with no HDR support.

My screen is literally pitch black and in the blackness enemies are moving around and shooting me with perfect visibility.
Jesus this looks much worse

Literally “we want the CoD/console audience”
It looks great.
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i just traded with a dude that killed me with two fanning shots but i didnt even hear the second shot
what the fuck is this game nigga? i fucking despise it but i can't stop playing it
man this fucking sucks consols truly ruined gaming
>no more black market
>no more LORE book
>"stupid people dont like thing so byebye :(("
if they change the black market in an honest way (not using it as an excuse to sneakily give less discounts) i welcome it, completely pointless feature i always forget about.
what's the point of the black market without a real mean of earning blood bonds
I barely have the time to earn enough between events to buy the battlepass
you buy blood bonds
then get better value from them from black market
aint no real men buying blood bonds ya goof
ok then it's still cheaper purchases of skins from the blood bonds you earn in game
and also cheap cash buys of things you already own
i make more than the battlepass in blood bonds each event, i'm just not interested in all the shit skins
but i stil buy all the ones i own on discount, sometimes there's a BB worth buying
skill issue
Skill issue Deez nuts in your mouth
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kek wtf kind of team is this
anyone wants to play? we need 1 more for trios in europe
What * and KDA
3 stars and 1.7 kda, but we are full now
They were Chinese and only played PvE then run away
I don't respect Europoors. They're vile and shitty people 100% of the time.
baka abusing running side to side and twitching is cheating
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What's your 6* loadout
Looks like a 3* loadout
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It's the only loadout I'm good at
you ever play 2 single chainpistols with fanning? i once wiped 2 teams just holding m1 and switching gun once
Yeah, they were quite destructive once I got into range but I need the normal dual conversions to hit things at range
dual new army swifts can be fun too
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Dual N.As are the best brawling dualies imo; maybe dolch but they're too expensive. Dual NA + Conversion my favorite solo loadout definitely
vpn chinks
when you get killed with 3 shots from bornheim you still can only hear one

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