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Can I enjoy this game without having to shill out more money for ingame currency/premium subscriptions?
I just want to play some comfy MMO for story, exploration and questing with other people, and I've always enjoyed the Elder Scrolls world, but recently playing LotRO with all its over-monetization has left a bad taste in my mouth, I wouldn't want to make the same mistake again especially for a paid game.
>paid dlcs
>paid expansions
>paid cosmetics
>paid monthy sub
>paid lootboxes
>paid base game
it's worse than lotro
enjoy every classm being the same dot spammer, combat is the most trash i have yet to see in an mmo.
it's kind of sovlless
>I just want to play some comfy MMO for story, exploration and questing with other people

Yeah I think you can play it for these reasons without spending real money (beyond expansion costs). Subscribing does grant you all the DLC previous to the current year (not including current year). So that might be better to do for a new player? not sure. There's a shit ton of cosmetic cash shop stuff. But yeah if you only want to play this game as a bit of a "singleplayer TES game", then you can do that without spending money on cosmetic stuff.
apparently about a month stretch of extra xp and freebies. i got it for free on epic store last BF so i'll prob be checking it out
>Can I enjoy this game without having to shill out more money for ingame currency/premium subscriptions?
The base game has 200+ hours of content. And there's people who just hang out with others
based xpshark
good game, bad monetization practices with the lootboxes and whatever. The subscription is nice but not necessary especially if you're new. Community is great. Enjoyable solo and even more so with people. Combat is meh.
>Really chill
>Inexpensive, buy to own
>Great world and lore
>Good community
>Can pick up and play whenever
>PvP is probably the most well done out of any MMO right now
>Loot box monetization
>Subscription is essentially a requirement if you're interested in the crafting system
>Combat is meh
>No cross-platform, meaning PC can only play with PC, Xbox to Xbox and Playstation to Playstation.
In all honesty, is it worth getting into. I have it, ive had it since release. But never really took the time to play. Recently im replaying skyrim and just want more content in wait for 6
Thats every modern MMO these days though, constantly nickel and diming and cash shopping you. Everything is monitized because the game is "free" (aka you can create a character and roam around)
Bought the base game and Morrowind in a bundle years ago, tried to get into it. Feels really floaty and weird in combat. It's not for me. Multiplayer TES is wrong.
This game is 20 bucks, though...
This was me, got it in 2020 played with friends for like a month-ish but hated the weird squishy floaty combat the whole time. The combat felt fake and fudged (which it is so that you can play any content at most any level). The world in ESO is great and lush and fun to explore but it just makes you wish you could play it with Skyrim/quality single player engine vs a janky multiplayer one.

OP If you want to check it out then go for it but honestly it's not amazing. A C- to C+ at its best.
Would have flopped hard if it didn't have Elder Scrolls in the title, the brand hard carries it like you wouldn't believe. It's not the worst thing I've played but holy shit I would not recommend it.
Questing is chill, sure, but it's also mind bogglingly easy. Seriously, you're fucking invincible against regular overworld enemies. The difficulty is either "rape everything and never drop below 99% health" or "lmao get oneshotted". The latter being the case in veteran (max level) DLC dungeons and trials (raids). Also most of the "quests" are the same fucking thing over and over. Hope you like running from point A to point B and clicking E on a note, because that's what you'll be doing for most of the game.
The combat is incredibly unsatisfying. Nothing has any weight and your damage isn't tied to weapon upgrades or anything but rather your armor set giving you bonuses and how good you are at your rotation, which is always just throwing down a bunch of DoTs, spamming your main damage skill while waiting to reapply the DoTs, and "weaving" light attacks between every action. Which is just a gay way of saying animation canceling light attacks for free damage. People like to praise the "build variety" in this game and I cannot understand why. Everyone uses the same gear and has the same build for their role, and the only difference between classes is the color of your class skills.
Don't even get me started on the aggressive jewing. Some of the worst monetization I've ever experienced.
And before anyone tries to cope and tell me that it gets better, I've played the game on and off since release. I've done literally every single quest in the game up to, and including, the High Isle chapter and done several veteran trials.
I fucking wish this game was good, man, but it just isn't. I regret spending several thousand hours of my life on this garbage.
i mean it's just for comfy gameplay and exploring. when are the mainline ES games "difficult" unless you jack up the difficulty level? baffling when people play a game they think is shit. move on buddy, there's a thousand other games to play
Buy the biggest bundle whichever has the most content on Steam then refund it. The game content will not be removed from your... Bethesda(?) account, whatever it's called, ESO account.
nice try todd, not falling for your tricks again
Okay but should i play this or fallout 76? i have never played either before and looking for something new.
why not both? i think 76 is getting some content updates soon, you just missed ESO anniversary event fyi
f76 is free at the moment if you have amazon prime, i've been playing it a bit and it's not a good game at all.

ESO isn't exactly a good game either but it does have some decent qualities despite the mind numbingly easy and boring combat
i'm a n00b player, but the sheer content even in the lowest cost bundle (i got it free on epic store some past time) is overwhelming. dozens of quests in my log across the various regions without even trying or fully exploring the areas / NPCs. dunno, perspective of a more veteran player is probably more valuable
It's how I got the Black Marsh DLC for free. Helps that they falsely advertised you getting all the previous content when you do not.
bump. does ESO have a /vg/ thread? if so, i guess this is redundant
> People like to praise the "build variety" in this game and I cannot understand why.
What they mean is that you are not hardstuck as dps/tank/healer on your class. Essentially, this means each class has three "builds (actually roles)" as opposed to other games where classes only have one "build".
>Can I enjoy this game without having to shill out more money for ingame currency/premium subscriptions?
FUCK no you can't.
>everything even worth-while is locked behind DLC
>only two real reasons to get the subscription (get to play past DLCs and craft bag)
>only content actually worth doing is dungeons, rest is shit
>cosmetics are $20
>best houses are $100+
>premium currency can't even buy anything in the shop
you literally NEED the sub to actually even play the game without your bag filling up with literal trash. Stay the fuck away from this game.
If it does still it's super fucking dead and full of faggots.
try gw2 (not a great game but fun enough, and the base expansion is 100% free)

also look for private servers of older games, like swg or tera online or wow

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