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Are basements and sewers really gonna be a game changer?
have they said theres gonna be an extensive network or anything? I dont even remember seeing sewers mentioned in the devblogs but unless you can use them as an alternate conspicuous traversing method they wont change anything
adding some RNG to the world is interesting from a looting/replayability standpoint, but I dont see them being practical from a basing standpoint
its better to have windows to be able to jump out of in an emergency than a base with a single way out. Not sure what to expect from the non randomized basements.
who cares about that? i can't wait for the fishing rework, my favourite activity in any game
I have never enjoyed fishing minigames in any game
Fishing was very OP before since it was really just a time check so I support adding a minigame that makes it less braindead, but I probably will never fish again
[SPOILER] asdfasd [/spoiler]
>basements and sewers
They're just gonna copy the way CDDA did it and call it a day imo.
How did an indie game get shilled so much? This game is almost shilled more than Binding of Isaac was in 2019
>unique game that doesn't really have any competition on the market
>in development for 10+ years, one of the very first early access games
>after several delays and years of waiting, finally gets an update that makes multiplayer compatible with the most recent patch
>immediately blows up as youtubers pick it up
>thousands of new players flood in
>game becomes a FOTM
there's your reason, it also has a very rabid fanbase that defends the retarded developers no matter how much bullshit comes out of their mouth
We're on a dead thread on one of the deadest board. Where's this shilling you're talking about?
Dire need for an update. Fuck you, Lemmy.
>I probably will never fish again
Same, it being just a time check is much better than the shit they want to make. It's a zombie game, i'd rather spend more time doing something related than having to waste more time in some really boring and simple minigame.
all indies are extremely memed because either most buyers don't play them for more than 10 hours, mod them into a bloatfest or don't play them at all and just watch them on youtube.
Tell anyone that you hate modern games and he will just reply:
>just play indie games bro
ask them what games and they will always repeat the same 5 most popular games, god bless the autist that recommends something different and actually unknown by anyone that wasn't born 12 years ago
Kill yourself coomer
Build 42 coming 2030, trust the plan.
>game changer
not really. more map changes wont fix the underlying problems with the game.
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Any servers running a different map than knox county?
what did greg coomer ever do to you
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no /vm/ server?
been tried hundreds of times. Generally ppl can't agree on the settings/mods/rules and there isn't enough chan interest in the game anymore so the results are low pop serbs that are usually 2-5 ppl co op which die two weeks in.

So the general is more of a waiting room for the next update.
unlucky, guess i do some solo stuff until this winter when b43 comes out
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these chinese/korean/japanese hot women player model mods should be mandatory for every server and include the sex mod
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>Activities like preparing a sandwich or making a nailed baseball bat logically require a handy surface to perform the work. The way it’s being implemented – any logical surface will do (tables, counters etc) but this sort of crafting will no longer be possible while standing in the middle of the street with zombies approaching.
This sound retarded. So what, I can have a hammer, nails and a baseball bat but because I'm not next to a table I can't do it? This the most rudementary "crafting" a person can do, you can do on the ground or on top of a fence or car bonnet.
>need a table to make a sandwich
While we do use tables and plates in real life it's not like it can't be done without it. This is just stupid. Counters and tables should just make it faster, or rather, make it a lot slower without it. And your character should just automatically use a surface
The logical assumption is that youll have to sit down on the ground to do those actions without a counter
Whether they actually did something logical or not idk
From what i've heard, it just devolves into petty dramafaggotry and people fighting over what mods to add, i don't remember any of them allowing cracked players so not my problem
I miss back when b42 just released and we had a bunch of populated servers back to back.
Remember that server with the sex mod?
They wont do that because PZ is dogshit nowadays.
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early zomboid was kino and dare i say it, soul
this was the before times, before lemmy grew his planet sized ego and embraced social manipulation
It was kino until everyone got bored of how unfinished and broken the game is, now everyone is mad that the development still progresses at a glacial pace despite the devs turning into millionaires and hiring a bunch of new people
>waste more time in some really boring and simple minigame.
agreed. they dont seem to realize people dont like green bar fill not because its not some shitty minigame but because its not interesting in the first place.
whats a time traveler doing here
I could not care less
Shame, I literally came here for this.
you are two years late I'm afraid
the 4chan zomboid community slowly withered and died as it became evident that the next update was still years away
We are in a better state than 7 days to die. Somehow.
Not the place for it, dipshit. Enjoy your ban.
lemmy pls go
Bros I'm so sad. All those hours exercising my character, grinding skills, building a base, gone. Level 9 aiming, level 9 long blunt, crates and crates of ammo. I had cleared out so many places in LV only to get insta killed while on an easy run. Bit straight through all my armour AND my thick skin perk and took 100% of my health. Literally just checked that room and shouted and I'm normally always so careful

That's always how they get you, when you're least expecting it.
skill issue
deserved for walking around like a clueless retard
Now you know why playing a shitty unfinished game with permadeath is a stupid idea
since when do bites just fucking one shot you what the hell
I would play a server with this on
in sandbox you can put infection = instant death
It was normal settings. I think they must of bit me on the head at the same time or it was a glitch
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>3 unshovable zombies phased into eachother one shot you.
Minor skill issue. Be better next time or however the indie roguelike goes
Zombies have a chance to crit. A neck bite or something like that could cause the insta-kill bullshit.
how bad is a vanilla multiplayer PZ server
no mods
no nothing
just PZ
since no one can agree on what mods how about no mods
Everyone holes up in a house with all the food and ammo they're ever gonna need within 5 hours, server dies in a week.
If you enable PvP the server dies at the 6 hour mark since PvP is a shitshow
>no mods
Dead on arrival dogshit server.
>no one can agree on mods
Yes, we can agree. The only faggots who endlessly complain about mods being added don't ever join any server (niggers also complain about the server not being open to cracked copies), they didnt' even join the vanilla server back when we had a modded one and a vanilla one on the OP.
Just post a list and ignore the bloatfag whiners
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Isn't like Cataclysm better than this game in every way?
This is why I always lure zombie out to open field.
Is it really so hard to not download 50 car mods and 100 cheat mods? Skill issue journal? OP melee weapons everywhere? Faster this? Easier that? Shit server
You don't understand how fried the dopamine receptors of some retards in this thread are, they need a slurry of bloatware mods constantly plastered all over the server otherwise it's no fun
I have fried dopamine receptors and I dont partake of that rotten fruit
zomboid with all those mods gets boring fast, its like if wherever you hit a roadblock in a game you use cheats to spawn something in. When you don't have to earn it there is no dopamine reward, and zomboid is a shallow game to begin with. Probably why those servers have fast turnover of players, they get bored fast
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Is there an ideal approach when sorting out the mod load order?
day 14 of quitting smoking. halfway there.
Good on ya, anon.
yep. i'll probably quit alcohol in the winter. but i'll have to stockpile weed to counter the effects of withdrawal.
Just bought the game, i got told by /vg/ to come here.
Any beginner tips? Any mandatory QOL mods i don't know about? Any strong strat?
Play unmodded while you figure shit out
The only thing to state about builds is that fitness and strength will never move a single inch, presume your starting stats in those are your final, everything else you can grind.
Add mods as desired, but most break progression and are poorly thought out for the most part. Develop your own tastes.
Okay thanks.
>Play unmodded while you figure shit out
Really? It's an early access game, are there no QOL mods or shite that unfucks the game?
There are plenty that are like that but it really depends on what YOU consider fucked to then be unfucked.
If you don't like that theres no lock picking or hot wiring minigame and those are instead tied to just breaking in and a skill level, those mods exist but I don't give a fuck about stupid shit like that.
What YOU care about will be revealed in gameplay.

A big controversial one is the skill journal: you get one life because that was the fad back then, however if you don't want to lose every skill and start over constantly like a roguelite speedrunner tranny, you can pick up the skill journal mod which will let you carry over skills which often take dozens of hours to grind between lives otherwise you'll lose everything when this inevitably happens >>1291428
If you don't care about that and take your estrodiol every day, you'll hate that mod and resent the suggestion of it.

So figure your own shit out, theres no real universally good mods, just mods which change things or bloat your harddrive with pirated music.
there are a lot of options in the sandbox menu
dont be afraid of thinkering with zombie spawns, loot rarity and more
you can play on easy for a bit to learn how the game works and then ramp up the difficulty a bit more
it's a sandbox game, your imagination is your own limit.
you should play without mods first, then install whatever you want
That's not true I didn't tell you to come here
This place sucks
get back to work lemmy
>noooooooo you should not minmax tv although you'll have 5+ level in carpentry and cooking
>skill issue journal
Playing the game wrong
you should, but I hate the gameplay loop it creates personally. Considering how neccesary carpentry is and how high cooking makes food even less of a concern, youd be a fool not to partake, but it makes runs pretty formulaic
>but I hate the gameplay
dunno dunno, running around evading zombies to loot those books while starving and bleeding to death is kind of fun
You tell him, sister
how long does one even has to play for cooking to become viable roleplay aside? I have 200 something capacity worth of canned foods stored from 20 days of looting rosewood and I'm not even done with that area yet
once you get to like 7 or something you can sprinkle saw dust (rotten food) into your rice crispies
with skill books and the cookshow every morning it isnt too difficult to get it there
but you are right that under singleplayer apocalypse settings, non perishable foods spawn rate makes it not much of a concern anyways
Tomorrow either the plan will be trusted or we will have to wait 2 more weeks.
You're not getting a release date lmao, you should know these grifters by now
I'd be surprised if it comes out before the end of the year
If you're still on "first half of 2024" then yeah we have 2 weeks, or its going to get spicy. I want it to be in that timeframe too, even just an unstable beta to test. Hopefully thursdoid will be out within 24h.
I want to steal 8 computers and put them all in a basement with movie and game posters on the walls. The ultimate lan party.
If Sewers aren't at least city wide they'll be worthless. You should be able to major areas of Louisville via sewer.
love me some sewer levels in zombie games
t. OG dead island enjoyer
most places sewers are just small-ish pipes not extensive tunnel networks one could walk in
Yeah but Louisville is a major city which typically at least have walkways for cleaning and maintenance. I know most are like crawl size at best but if they're going to add sewers I better be able to at least travel around.
if you go onto google and look up louisville ky sewer, it looks like it has a sewer system traversable by humans in at least some spots
but itd also probably have you waist deep in shit water, in a game where you cant currently wade through any water
It's getting 1.0 in June at least.
I love 7 days to Die, it was one of the first games I've bought after pirating it for like 7 alphas in a row. I play for a week straight every single update with a group of friends. Lately the game has gotten worse and worse, that update where buildings stopped being houses and turned into shitty dungeons really ruined the vibe of the game.
Thursdoid is out. Unstable is not imminent. Stand down.
>still no release window
>delaying features until further updates
its so ogre
its so funny how badly the devs dont even understand that this giga retarded crafting overhaul will only apply to RP servers. you think the more normie servers will be okay with no loot spawn? fuck no. when a player drops into a 5 month server, he is fucked on loot because some retard built some shit in the gunstore or for whatever reason loot spawn bugged out. asking a newbie to go to fuck mcgee's house and his clan faglords to ask for a wooden spoon to kill zombies with will never go over well.

besides the most fun of this game is the looting and thinking every server will turn off loot spawns because we can now craft some shitty rust sword after 6 months ingame shows an extreme lack of intelligent thought within lemmys brain. players want to be able to loot the cool shit and go to LV to loot some guns and swords, not go to some players shitshack in the middle of the woods and beg for a spear because the map is completely empty.
you don't have to turn off loot spawns
For multiplayer, yes, a lot.
But I think the new mechanics and skills are going to be a way bigger game changer than basements.
Sitting down and use floor as table for simple recipes is the logical thing to do
Modders will fix it. Like they always do.
>As such we’ve decided it would be a better approach
>Though we haven’t worked out exactly what will be in the first iteration
>We’ve only made the decision this week
>but with this readjustment of our plans
>How quickly we’ll get the build shipshape remains to be seen
13 years on, is it even possible to learn this level of unprofessionalism?
i predict that, like creative mode, animzed, the cover system, and computers/surveillance, the crafting shit will be quietly shelved and forgotten while lemmy pipedreams up another big idea that he's too incompetent to implement
at least we got new key ring graphics though :O
>the crafting overhaul may not quite live up to the potential we set out for until we fill it out later down the line.
it took them 3 years and they're still not done with it lmao
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give me a guide on how to level each skill the most efficient way

jewgle search leads me to shitty r*ddit threads where every dumb r*dditor has his own opinion on how to level stuff
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fish with triple float iirc
gather near trent, more items in the box the better
shoot featherfoxes in kama
make pickles until master, then start cooking for profit and level on the way

sourced from my experience 2 years ago
Wow this thursdoid was lacking. All this time and for what. They cant even give updates on the shit they showed us last month. Never began
>we have decided we're not done with crafting, so the next build will also be 3 years to complete and also npcs are delayed to build 49 because we just cant add them until the dildo crafting profession is in :)
It's like the devs only work once a month, for 2 hours max.
Fucking unbelievable shit
>rolled character that can only grow neckbeard
>update comes out
>play zomboid
>get bored two weeks in
>but bro dont you want to spend 6 months watching green bar fill up to make clay brick?
>turn off zomboid
>rope because i wasted 13 years on this shit game
dismantle zombie watches and use the scrap to keep your generator fixed; dismantle every radio and TV you come across
raid VHS stores for Carzone tapes and make sure you've read the skill book before watching
>first aid
no reason to bother, but cut yourself walking on broken glass and jumping through broken windows, and then heal
find a section of highway full of burnt out cars and dismantle them all
the larger the horde you're sneaking nearby, the quicker this levels - it stops levelling if you're detected
just forage everywhere
dont jump broken windows.
too high risk of getting broken glass on hands and arms, which hinders combat
Stepping on glass once a day is 100% fine to powergrind first aid tho.
Just make sure you have tweezers/needle/thread to close the wounds
why not crawl around trees butt naked?

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