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>What is Ninjala?
Ninjala is a free-to-play arena brawler where you face off against other players using special weapons, skills, and green cum gained from magic Ninja Gum.
>Is there single player content?
Yes, although you do have to purchase it. Ninjala is primarily a PvP game.

>Official Websites

Anime Episodes, Manga Chapters, and More: https://pastebin.com/xVggDhQ6


Previous Thread: >>1209923
It was way harder than it should have been to find an OP image. Fifth card slot is really the only noteworthy thing this season
Fuck this season, no collab and people bitching non stop over... everything annoys me.
It's not as if the bitching is unwarranted. GungHo has barely been fixing anything while continuing to pile on more problems ever since Lab was introduced. It's been almost 3 years of nonstop bullshit that got worse over time
I just miss /gum/ and /gum/ anons
We would not be bitching if Gungho actually made their game good. But as it stands they continue to enshitten it so bitch we must.
I don't think bitching is the word you're looking for unless you really are looking to be a Gungho boot licker with all the problems they've left unchecked lately.
Ninjala 2 is the only way.
We just have to believe in Ninjala 2. Surely it will let us transfer our inventory from 1 and get rid of Lab and fix the issues with the main modes and let us play Turf Match whenever we want
No more using birdapp to get clips off your switch, you'll need to buy a USB to USB C cable now.
Ninjala 2 is the only way I would excuse the lack of content we've been getting these last few seasons. I hope they're going all in on it if it is being worked on. Axe the p2w bullshit they said would never be in the game and fix all the other problems they've ignored for so long.
I believe them to be incompetent enough to be blowing it out all their money and time on pachinko parlors and vending machine panties. They're not working on something big, they're genuinely too stupid to be doing so.
Hope they forget adding Iai katana to it.
I could live without either katana. Game would be massively improved without them and Cannon
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New hair in today's shop seemed very nice for a magic lass
Cute witch, the hair looks nice and fluffy.
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Thanks! The hair seems to go really nicely with hats & other outfits that go over the top of your character's head. I can see myself getting a lot of use out of this hair
Turf at next reset
>I have to pay tax on jala now
It's fucking over
Anyone down for some turf tonight?
I'm down for a bit of turfin tonight -Ri
I do
Will pick you up after this match! We'll be 4/4 after this
i left so G could join
Honestly glad that match failed, I played that grey skinned guy in MtMB and he was a supreme faggot.
T woke up to lobby snipe turf match
Time for Klaus to grow his hair out and join the club.
I see the new hair has been a great hit.
>network disconnected
Well fuck
The rare case of being barred from playing being a good thing means we can pick you back up right away
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Rate my bean.
Tanya too much?
cool hat/10
Nice use of the red ribbon in the Miku hair on the early Christmas bean
Glad ya like her! Seemed like a really nice fit for the outfit
Matching is too mushy, being paired with the same 3 people in 4 matches really shows how much I didn't miss playing with randoms, back to ff14
You guys know that there is a fishing tournament, right? Normal battles are gonna be extra empty because everyone is fishing right now.
Oh boy. I can't wait to fish for 4 hours and get nothing of value in return, thanks anon!
I fished for like an hour and ended in place 43.
Good for you anon, I don't care about my placement or fishing in general, just another gimmick to waste my time while I wait for the next 1-2 months of nothingness.
Think I'll make this my last one then take a break to get some snacks, may come back later if turf is still goin -Ri
I'd be up for some Turf if you've got an extra spot -Ma
I got my tokens you can have my spot
Alright, GGs for now!

Coming for you
I like running into whale prime occasionally, he seems like a nice guy.
Hey if you guys are doing turfs and there's a slot open can i join?
Sure, coming for you now
Same, guy just seems to love the game despite his issues with it
What an overkill, also last one for me tonight GGs and thanks again for the squad! -G
GG, thanks for playing!
Back with some snacks if there's still a spot open in the squad -Ri
>ragequit that early
Can't blame him, but sucks for his team
Dear god that fuck had blast barrier constantly up
That's the last for me tonight, GGs everyone! - C
Thanks for hosting, it was fun!

Glad he got gangbanged at the end there
Run into the guy pretty regularly whenever there's turfs. Drug junkie, uppercut paws player, generally a cockbag whenever they're around.

Thank fuck it was unenjoyable for them.
New players shouldn't have access to cannons.
Thanks for havin me again tonight and ggs! Gonna call it for the night for real this time -Ri
Thanks for the games!
Nice thighs/Bean
How am I supposed to finish the post-100 BR mission if there's no BRs?
That's the fun part, you don't.
Does anyone want to do some more turf before it ends?
I would -Ma
I've got a few rounds in me -Ri
Off to a good start
It's been ages since I've used Drum, but apparently I still remember how to play it. Trying out
>(AltSP) Utsusemi Master 123, Life Drain 123, Stealing Hyena 3, Turnabout Guard 23
for a super tanky high-cost 4-card build with all the essentials
I'm up for it
Will grab you after this match
Matching failed twice, I'll try one more time disband and someone else reform it if it fails
I like those Keep Out glasses with the gacha outfit, neat idea for a combo
Thank you! I knew that it was a good idea to impulsively buy them!
Bah. Gotta call it there sadly, wish I could have gotten in one last round before I needed to get off. Thanks for the games either way!
GGs, it was fun!
GGs! Too bad about the ONF
The level sticker is so fun to have and use. Someone shows you their own level sticker? You get to flash your loser badge right back and them and prove once and for all that you're the biggest loser of the land!
I want to rip the ninjutsu button out of these people's controllers and shove it down their throats.
Sorry I can't hear you over my fifth punishing blade :^)
Every fucking sword in this game, I swear
Maybe I should use Giant Killer after all, the regen would be nice and Turnabout Guard 3 isn't doing much for me. Very easy to kill without gumbinding too with HTB and the recent changes to give sound waves damage. Could we back out for a card change after this real quick?
Sure thing, we may even be lucky enough to ONF looking at this lobby.
HEY! Calibur isn't *that* bad. Except for Grenade's massive hitbox, and punishing blade being broken, and how the meta generally selects for ninjutsu spam builds, and how Wave Cannon is really spammy, used for massive third partying and also bypasses guard for no reason. Other than that it's a well balanced weapon
Well that was convenient. Really need them to lower the cost of Giant Killer by 1 or 2, I want the ninjutsu for a bit of Dragon insurance but I have to settle for the Hyena speed boost instead
It's us and like ten other people playing turf this Sunday night
Never mind, I don't need Utsusemi 3. Giving up that lets me take Hyena 1 for Dragon sniping and Giant Killer 13 for some regen and better chances of 3 Dragons per game. Hyena speed boost isn't going to be doing much on this weapon, especially after the nerf.

Guess everyone's tired from mom day
Love how the robot head looks with that outfit
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You’re cute I might not be cuter..
Thanks, she's one of my favorite androids.
If it's not babies, it's shitters that can't do anything without their instant win buttons. Ogre Gloves and Sonic Trick need to be gutted.
Damn, that was down to the wire, nice save.
>it's the tenchi brat again
Needs gumbind correction
When does the limited mode run out on Sundays, three or four hours after reset? If it's four I'm gonna call it after this whether we ONF or not since matching's taking forever, but if it's three I'll keep going
Pretty sure it's three
Alright then, fingers crossed we can get at least one match in these next 15 minutes.
The mochi has been pounded
That was a very silly way to end it
Finished right on time, GGs tonight!
Thanks for the games, was fun!
I spy with my little eye that Tanjiro ball
I wonder if the collab gumballs with the faces on them have any awareness? Or any of the gumballs, for that matter? What thoughts would be going through their head when they get shoved inside a ninja?
>when they get shoved inside a ninja
You stole the thoughts from my head
Nice use of cherries
Sometimes I wonder if the lab was the end result of the pushback on the original monetization of weapon skins. They clearly had big plans of that being a money sink, like people constantly buying those piles of unsold trading card stock.
I still don't know what they were thinking with that shit. Who on earth would ever want limited use weapon skins? Pretty much nobody used them at all during the first few seasons and it would have made collab skins worthless. As for whether or not that idiotic system resulted the Lab, it's hard to say since their fix did end up giving people more incentive to buy the pass and probably sold a lot more collab weapon skins than they would have otherwise. I think they probably made more money overall after the change, but since they clearly lost more money with Lab than they would have made if they didn't turn their game into a trash fire I wouldn't trust them to recognize that.

I think it's more likely the removal of shop FOMO that got them. That was a huge and very appreciated change, but it undoubtedly cut into their profits in a big way. Then again, Morishita was probably planning the paid fishing minigame since before the resort was announced so who knows. Maybe he planned on ruining his game with p2w from the start too and just lied to everyone about it.
You think the P&D money will keep us afloat forever?
Frankly, I'm surprised PAD is making money anymore with how old it is. We're still good for a while considering the anime just got a new OP for what seemed like a time travel filler arc of all things, but considering we didn't even get a mid-season patch or a collab I don't know what's going to happen with the game itself. Maybe it'll just tread water like this until the Switch 2 announcement and then they'll reveal a sequel, or maybe they're not devoting any resources to it because Supertrick needs them for Let It Die 3. It's hard to say because the GungHo Japan side doesn't communicate anything with us. The JP twitter is just a bunch of ads for the anime with retweets of voice actors pretending to give a shit about it, so we're really in the dark here.
We're confirmed to be alive at least until next spring according to the Ninja God tournament schedule.
Remember, Beanies: no EoS until the Persona 5 collab comes
Gumbind correction was applied
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It took ages to get this many. Wonder how many of those downloads actually stuck with it
>squid game got an iaito katana
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And in english
Where is my free jala?
GungHo can't afford free jala anymore, please understand
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don't worry anon, if you put your ninja through this official GungHo(TM) Jala hole, you can get up to 1000 jala for free!
you just have to get your ninja to crawl through the very tight Hole(TM) for the free jala
No Ulterior Motives guaranteed
Wow, what a deal! I'm glad GungHo is finally giving the players what they want.
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I want a ninjutsu where your ninja purges their clothes to unleash their true power
Spam Gungho's suggestion box until they give us the Senran collab we deserve
fuck that
I just want the yellow emma alt that never got released publicly in some kind of gacha
Tournament prizes can't be released in gachas because it would make the winners sad, please understand.
does it even matter in a dying game
The tournament winners are some of the few people still playing, having the outfit in the gacha would make them super sad.
Please understand and thank you for your comprehension.
Mallet how does it feel to be the ultimate Last Ninja Standing here?
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Like every game I love dies.
Actually they are preparing some "11 millions downloads campaign".
Time for ninjas to release the beast all week
The only good thing about this is weeklong access to four uninterrupted minutes of testing how silly emotes look on a beast
>samurai armor blue gacha.
Wait, I don't remember this one ever being blue gacha before, it is NEW?!
I thought it was at one point, but I don't remember
It was, that's how I got it since I didn't bother rolling for it the first time it was around.
Anime. I guess this time travel filler is good for more adult "Ron" and "Jane" if nothing else.
Why is Jane big and tasty again?
It's her ancestor who coincidentally looks and sounds exactly like her. Same with everyone else except Burton and Berecca because they're the ones that went back in time. It's such a dumb arc that I hope it ends up all being a dream in the end
A fittingly dumb end to a dumb arc, just as the founding fathers intended.
anyone want to team up tomorrow for pain?
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Wasn't planning to, but I've got a build that needs testing so I may as well
Sounds like they didn't want to make another character design. Pretty clnvenient that Ron's ancestor was there too, looking exactly like him with the same hairstyle. Does Brecc have one too?
Not that we've seen. Jane's ancestor is apparently named Jien, also
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New mouth cylinder spotted
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What kind of baka ruins a perfectly good cyber scroll with dark blue and green accents?
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Me, a cat egirl
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Well stop, I need that scroll for ninja things.
You know what, I'll join too, I'm long overdue for some masochism -bean
>finally get time off
>wasting all of it on ninjala brain
The lab was antidote to my Ninjala brain poison. Just think about that until you're too disgusted to open the game
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Tonight we dance for GungHo's amusement one last time. Together.
Serously if the next season doesn't deliver I'm donesies.
If not for GungHo America's tournament schedule I'd be wondering if we'd even get a next season
Squad is go
Hey can i join you guys? I really really really do not want to do tihs alone since tournaments suck. Please.

Well that was cancer.

I entirely forgot about my alias and i think it's too late to change it
I left the party by accident sorry.
The tournament is living up to expectations and is being awful, how unsurprising.
It's at least going to be *less worse* with people to squad up with i suppose
Actually it is worse with a party because you run into more parties yourself
Objectively it's worse yeah, but psychologically? There's three other people suffering just as much as i am, along with me. And at the end of it we can all come together in unity to say just how much the experience fucking sucked. And i think there's a certain beauty in that.
Spot's open if anyone else wants to join the pain
Razor Edge and March need to be nerfed into the ground.
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> the thread door slowly opens
> a ninja is peeking inside
Go away.
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> the anon slowly unzip
> "Yaranaika?"
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Some fear the blondie others love her others hate her

She's truly an intriguing ninja
Nobody fears her.
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New Kandii just dropped
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oh yeah? then come at me bro
it's been a while since we made a /gum/ room battle
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but seriously how many of you are playing this dead game?

the retirement server is confy as fuck

Anyone who wants to join is already there.
Fuck off.
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Seems like they've announced another matsuri
I understand everything now. It has been possible to consistently combo into Bumpy Accelerator this entire time and all you needed to do was launch the opponent and manually aim your dodge upward before mashing Special. After almost 4 years, Motor has consistent combos which I haven't tested in real matches yet, but it's probably fine
I don't even play anymore but I still come by to read your testing and vids.
Thank you for reading and watching, I'm glad they're interesting enough to come by for. Sorry I don't have more lately
You carry this gay bean game all on your own
My old combo method with using Iron Bind + BA to reach that same position also still works pretty well, but the cooldown nerf really hurts Motor too badly to keep using it as long as there's an alternate method to use Bumpy in combos. Motor has a powerful moveset, but it is not a reliable one and sometimes it puts you in a bad place. You really need Shot and Horse regularly available to cover those situations, so the cooldown nerf from Iron Bind really ruins this weapon's flow. Going to try this next
>(SP) Stealing Hyena 123, Giant Killer 1, Energy Hoarder 123, Ninjutsu Stock, Berserker 13

Speed boosts are extremely valuable on it to the point where I'd say it's one of the best weapons in the game at using them. Hyena and Stock are both perfect fits. Berserker and Giant Killer are there to give more reward for chasing people down with those speed boosts since it has a lot of unburstable damage for KOs, but it can't always bind that easily with its movement, damage, and the precision required for Shot. Got rid of Life Drain because Energy Hoarder + Giant Killer 1 was almost enough on its own with the weapon's low-ish HP. Life Drain felt kind of weak on Motor without damage reduction to supplement it. Not sure I'll be able to test any of this in real match until Turf this weekend, but it feels like a really good setup given what I know already.

Also, a couple more long clips from the tournament grind. Digging the new outfit more than I thought I would since the accents on the scroll and bike don't feel as out-of-place in motion

I just want to enjoy the funny ninja game as much as possible before it dies even if GungHo is making that difficult to do
Idea: they are preparing Ninjala 2 for the super switch, Ninjala 1 can still be played on it but support will end soon. You can migrate your account to the new game so you keep:
>All your customization items, including collaboration ones.
>All your emotes.
>All your stickers.
>Your fishing items.
But you can't keep:
>Your Jala (on the final days they make a massive sale that includes past passes items)
>Your level, everyone resets at 1
>Your rank, everyone is a blue again
>The cards, they are completely revamped.
What do you think?
That's what I'm hoping for, but if they don't get rid of Lab too then there's no point and it will just die again
Aside from inventory transfer, what are your hopes for Ninjala 2?
More songs like the forbidden one that was datamined but never released.
More spats.
More voices.
Permanent Ninja Turf side mode maybe rework it's purpose to be like Splat's Salmon Run.
Less sword wank.
>less sword wank
This but also more ninja wank
I'd be fine as long as there were no more Ninja Steroids and they reduced both Katanas to a reasonable level.
Those two reasons pretty much why I'm not playing now.
There are actually more things to worry about than just the two katanas now, so things have gotten worse since you last played
>There are actually more things to worry about than just the two katanas now
You mean there's MORE bullshit than regular Katanas fucking everything and Variable Stance Katanas being essentially uncounterable?
Remember Sonic Trick? It does as much damage as a ninjutsu when fully charged now (literally 2 tricks after a big weapon kill) and enables Hyena combos off most hits even without that. I lost half my HP as a Motor in a restricted tournament from a single BA shockwave, which went through the wall and gave the user projectile invulnerability when he fired it. Surfing Cannon also does just enough gum damage to make medium Ghost 1-shot bind and is unblockable and almost undodgeable when fully charged. The Boon now does triple your gum damage to go along with that too. Ogre can 1-tap people off any hit, including its frame 1 invulnerable p2w cheat special, due to the gum damage and hitstun increase on medium Ghost and once you get large Ghost you have another instant counter against any melee attack from any angle. Golden March now ignores armor and barrier while being an armored mobility option with a huge, damaging hitbox itself and is absolute cancer to fight against if your weapon relies on armor. Sound hammers can also ignore armor with sound waves which is not quite as dumb due to how slow they are, but still annoying. Cannons can still steal kills from across the stage while being untouchable. To top it all off, Punishing Blade and Beast can guard cancel their own hitstun due to a bug that GungHo lied about fixing. That's just weapon balance too, it's not even getting into BR's hellish respawns and chaotic stealing meta or TB's terrible matchmaking and drone-only scoring system. The projectile hell and the katanas that started it are only part of the fun in Ninjala now
Uh, that certainly is...a lotta bullshit.
My indefinite vacation shall continue, it seems.
please do not wank the ninjas mid-match, it's bad sportsmanship to ippon a post-orgasm opponent
I haven't played ninjala or been in a /gum/ thread since around season 11
I'm sorry for leaving you... I had to move on in life
but I think about you guys sometimes
Then just IPPON them first so they're stuck in the wall and can't fight back
Understandable anon, sometimes I wish I could do the same. Thanks for visiting at least. Hope life's been treating you well since you left
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HAHAHAHAHAHA! you non believers just got fucked! 600 Jala and two weeks of extra 20% off in the shop.
I'd rather have the jala hole.
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>they combined the spring power up campaign from the roadmap into the 11 mil event to make it look more impressive
lol, lmao. Be sure to play 10 battles for a free hat starting on the 5th.
Did it work?
Oh come on! That hat is so silly! I love it!
It's a nice hat, but I'd like it more if it weren't locked behind a limited time event
Now that's all well and good but this is going to be happening in June, so all during the anniversary month.
It's a genuine possibility that they're just going to give us the extra 20% discount those two weeks and then for the anniversary, they won't give us the regular extra 30% discount of the anniversary.
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Yes, I wasn't able to post some days ago.
Welcome back to the gum mines
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I miss my ninja
You should go say hi to them
It works online! The end of the last match is the only case I've found so far where it doesn't and that's because I switched sides during my combo and it messed up my camera. To avoid this, you can just take a sec to adjust your camera after the NA2, lock on during the up dodge, or use a different combo route that also uses manually-aimed dodges like in this webm. To be precise, it's NAx2 -> dodge up + away -> BA -> Bumpy. Normally this wouldn't work because Bumpy starts in the direction your character is facing and the dodge makes them face away, but using BA to end gumbind early will make you face them again.

It's not as good as using WA and just dodging straight up in some ways because it can fail due to dodging too far before BA, dodging not far enough before using BA, not doing enough damage to IPPON before a knockdown, not working on opponents above you, and generally just being slower, However, it also lets you dodge away and is probably a better choice when you've got multiple targets caught in your melee. Besides that, if you're not using Adjust Targeting Camera then you can aim your dodge up + away without removing lock-on which means there's no chance or switching targets during Bumpy. You still need to unlock to dodge straight up though, so personally I'd rather just have the consistency of Adjust Targeting Camera.

In any case, I need to do more testing. Haven't tried out the dodge up + back -> BA one in real matches at all so I'm just going off of Training Mode and what someone else has said for that. Aside from this,, everyone's bursting immediately in these matches. I need to make sure the up dodge works against people who don't burst too. If only there was a mode besides Team Battle to do all this testing in
It's literally next week, anon...
I get really depressed every time with this game when I come back
Same except I never left
I probably would never leave if I played my consoles anymore. I rarely pull out my switch even nowadays since I haven't paid for online due to lack of friends wanting to play games. That's the only way you are getting my money indie dev known as nintendo
I barely play anything on my switch aside from ninjala and monhun either and I don't have any other consoles because consoles are dumb. With the paying for online part at least, ninjala doesn't need nintendo online so that's something. You just pay in sadness instead
The only other 'recent' console I had was ps4 and that was because my laptops before I got a desktop just couldn't play primarily fighters that I was playing at the time on console. Some other games just ran better too for awhile. Took me a few years to really fully transition to pc gaming primarily. I still played ps4 until my ps+ ran out and I still played my switch since it was the only thing me and the boys could play online together
Still there exists the chance that they're gonna be rat bastards and cut the usual 30% discount out because "we already got a discount"
I can't understand how this is still going. Presumably it's another 4 cour season so at least 150 episodes. Is it just coasting off nippon banzai because ninjas or what
I have no idea, it's like 90% filler. I really didn't expect a new OP with the game going the way it is. GungHo really has more dollars than sense
Man-to-Man tonight, Turf tomorrow
There is a pass matsuri right now apparently
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New headband recolor

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