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I am pretty old school, I cannot stand for microtransactions or pay to win games. I never got to play EverQuest but have heard great things. I loved Final Fantasy XI and pre-combat Star Wars Galaxies. World Of Warcraft was fun back in the day but it has changed so much.
Guild Wars 1 was neat for what it was. I have tried brushing up on some up and comings that are featured on MMORPG.com but nothing really feels epic enough.
Is the genre dead or is there a future?
oldschool rumescape
I just saw the trailer. Looks pretty cool.
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the trailer is kind of weird but it does a good enough job of conveying the job. osrs is a pretty unique mmo that i love a lot and i think it's genuinely one of the last if not the last MMO out there that can actually be played for fun. it's designed pretty much for solo play so you wont exactly get the same social experience that you did from ffxi or swg but it's still an mmo proper with a big world and a lot to do in it. check it out
Thanks, I think I will do that.

No. Theres not a big enough market to make a game with any semblance of a grind anymore. Kids today don't want to socialize with strangers and don't like anything that takes too much time.
>Will there ever be another great MMO?
No.Tryhards/zoomers/twitch culture has killed the MMO genre, as they've convinced every modern developer that MMO's are about getting to the end game as fast as possible and having the most difficult raids out there, then everyone quits once they stop pretending they wanted to wipe in group content for 6 hours a week, the game dies and the cycle continues. FFXI was great because anyone could perform their job well enough to be included in anything, even stay at home moms. And the game made helping other people do quests/get somewhere/kill something the reward.
Are there any MMOs that aren't gay?
Blizzard is run by fags and FFXIV is literally Biden Voters: The Game.
not osrs sorry
>FFXIV is literally Biden Voters: The Game.
God damn, I can just tell you're an insufferable faggot.
I've been having a lot of fun diving into older MMOs. There are so many with a few hundred players active that you can mostly still play entirely. It's fun hopping on for a few weeks and interacting with these dudes. My favorite ones I still make efforts to login every now and then to play. I actually picked up Mabinogi through this and it replaced my main MMO at that point and I've been playing it for about a year now.

In the future I think there are games to look forward to. Archeage 1 was fantastic early around Alpha period. Beta was good and so was launch but it went downhill. They knew that's where the game was most successful as they tried to launch restarts all the time.
So they announce Archeage 2 which will probably take all the good ideas of 1 and learn from the many, many, many mistakes,

Bright Shores is a new game from the Runescape people. I've not looked into it at all and don't plan to. I want to play it to make my opinion rather than seeing it all in previews. Similar to how I played Runescape. I have high hopes.

There's also a bunch of smaller indie MMOs I think could be worth trying like Monsters & Memories.
I am hoping star citizen turns out to be good but I don't have high hopes that they will figure out how to make it a cohesive and enjoyable experience.
At the moment it's just a bunch of interesting but buggy mechanics and features cobbled together in a vacuum and doesn't have enough players per server nor enough engaging interactions between said players to be considered an MMO despite the universe being a fully persistent world without load screens or instances.
i played star wars legend (the revived dead mmo server) with spaceshipt dlc and all.
wakfu would also be interesting if it wasn't that the company changes every damn time the mechanics or sends the economy down the drain.
Why don't you try to set up a wow server in local offline on your pc and play with bots ia? you can do only with bots the content and dungeons and even make achievements.
I would love to do it but my pc is a real piece of junk that can't afford it.
the idea of a mmo for yourself sounds like a lot of content.

i saw videos of a draenei warrior and even a mage, a hunter with pets and druid doing dungeons alone. in wotlk i used to do the dungeons alone with those classes.

I wonder if there will be similar projects with ia bots for other mmo...
well the paladin could also do everything by himself kek
if you do it i recommend that you do everything from scratch and manually with github or wow servers projects.
don't use repack databases. because they can contain viruses or cryptominers... or at least that's what I read.
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I've been doing that for a while now, but steered away from the MMO/bot swarm ideas and more into the solo/co-op side. It's very fun to make new items, spells, boss fights but one anon can only do so much on his own. I wish I had a small group of friends to build the game into a more complete solo experience.

Scaled dungeons, raids down and creating new ways for classes to clear the content all on their own. New monsters and quests in some places as well. I would recommend personal WoW servers, if only to mess around with for a while.
he's not wrong. a large portion of the players are trannies/degenerates/women.
This. Sadly. Private servers are the best you can hope for of old MMOs you enjoyed.

FFXI worked because there was content to do pretty much from 20 all the way to 75. If you didn't want to be a poopsocking no lifer who got to 75 in two weeks, you could take as long as you wanted and still be able to do meaningful content.
One thing led to another and got me thinking. Why did so few MMORPGs create a fantasy world that people wanna belong to? Like if you look at EQ or FFXI and compare it to something like Lineage 2. You don't have to play too much to notice a difference. EQ and FFXI have these fantasy worlds that have a sort of magic to them, I don't wanna say they feel real but there's some suitable level of plausible denial going on there. Playing those games feels like an adventure. Playing Lineage 2 feels like a grind. Of course EQ and FFXI have a fair bit of grind to them but when I'm playing Lineage 2, or most MMORPGs really, it feels like the world is there to contain the shallow skinner box experience. It fails to capture you in the same way. You never lose yourself to the game, you always remember it is just a game that you're playing.

I think that difference, the presence of an appealing fantasy world, is really what separated the great games from the bunch and why most MMORPGs were utter failures. Well Lineage 2 wasn't exactly a failure but there's a reason it didn't have the same sort of staying power and why today it is played almost exclusively by Koreans, Russians and turdies. They like the grinding and p2w aspects of it.
The “forced” community aspect of FFXI was a pretty big reason I kept playing. I made at least a dozen friends on that game that I still talk to 10+ years later.
FFXIV I met nobody that I cared about since you can just party with randos whenever you want.
A lot of that also came from how dangerous the worlds were. It was easy to die. Cooperation made it much safer. I think that sense of danger also helps build the worlds. It ups the stakes. You need other people so you want to make friends with them.
There are two kinds of MMOs.
>PvE themepark, inspired by WoW
>PvP sandbox, inspired by oldschool MMOs
Unfortunately 99% of MMOs belong to the first group. The other 1% are Albion and Eve.
I'm not counting dead MMOs and those only playable on private servers.
To put it that simply is dumb. Pre-WoW "themeparks" are way different from WoW and post-WoW themeparks.

Albion makes for a garbage sandbox as it is designed like a soulless mobile game.

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