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is there any way to run roblox on linux?specifically debian 12. i know roblox stopped support for linux but is there a workaround?or is using a vm the only option
oh my fucking god you newfag
stfu you fucking underaged autist this isnt a general thread, its not like he'd get an answer in one of those either anyway, a general thread existing doesnt mean its against the rules to make a thread asking a specific question about a topic
man chill its my first time using 4chan i just couldnt find answers anywhere else. sorry i dont know how to use this platform
lurk more retard, gtfo of this board
chill bro its just a site i just came here to ask a question i dont know ho to use the site
>14 year old child discovers oldfag gatekeeping culture
Have you tried installing Windows?
Have you tried killing yourself?
Have you tried killing yourself?
take your own advice nigger
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>he's trying this hard to fit in
i'd laugh but it's really just disappointing how terrible you're doing
both of you are embarassing yourselves. literally only 15 year olds who want to try their hardest to come off like a bitter 30 year old oldfag act hostile like this to someone simply asking a question. this board is infested with underaged children so its no wonder that people would behave like this.
>guiz i called him a newfag, do i fit in yet?
is everyone in this thread calling you a faggot also the same person?
Sex sex sex sex
There used to be ways to run it through wine a few months ago (Vinegar or Grapejuice) but roblox craked down on them cuz muh heckin hackerinoes. You can play the mobile version of roblox on linux using waydroid but it's kinda shit.
ahahahah lox. Everybody mustn't sit on linux ,stand up from this bottle
why are you vying for my attention so bad? are you gay?
it was intentional to prevent roblox from being played on linux. there was also a windows 10 OS simulation that got sponsored by roblox recently, go figure.
Last paragraph of the first section. The method emulates the mobile version of Roblox through Android. You'd need Wayland, which is gay and retarded. Maybe you could use some other method of emulating Android apps to play Roblox. Me personally, I wouldn't bother--too much work. Just send a heartfelt letter to David Bazooka telling him that you'd like Linux support for Roblox alongside a collection of tasteful furfag paraphernalia--they're all furfags over at Roblox HQ.
I know you’re a twink for BWC
t. 15 year old kid
t. angry 15 year old kid projecting
t. angry 15 year old kid who just got called out
t. 15 year old that lost to BWCa
I'm using debian 12 also but I can't really help you.
Does it work in Wine?
windows vm only

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