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Level down: >>1261488
First for stinky toxo mithra pussy
bros i picked Odin as my server, i'm kinda new to the game and i recall the biggest servers being Asura and Bahamut... should i just reroll? I'm level 5
Cant wait to see you cuties in the official /vm/™ retail LS in 4 days
You wouldn't fuck a cat?
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I would

any turbo rich anons on horizon xi willing to give a level 30 thf looking to get back into the game some gil to continue his journey?

In game: Fauxe
Hey anons I think I'm going to start playing Horizon. I have no experience in MMOs and very little experience with final fantasy. Wish me luck!
Good luck! Ask here for a LS pearl or hope one of us finds you.
I don't know what that is yet, but I'll post my name in the thread when I'm all set up and in-game. I'm following this video to get the basics set up.


whats the LS name? anyone in lower jeuno who could give me one?
Ok anons I got in but my UI is a fuckin mess. I'm trying my best to move stuff around but most the time it wont even pick up the thing I want to move while holding shift and dragging
Is there a 4chan ls? Can I say nigger or faggot in it? I’m not Rinste btw
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besieged ilvl update and some RoE shit mixed with qol stuff? improvements to vanabout? ffxi will live retailfags rejoice
the stock UI is not movable. Only add-ons are
:D Hooray
I think they're really banking on the XIV raid giving XI a major resurgence, time will tell I guess

Where are you fags goin?
What server?
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Same! I was playing on retail, and to be honest, i fricking love the game, it's amazing! But it feels pretty lonely : /

So yeah, i'm downloading Horizon, hopefully i will have fun there; i love partying up with people and helping and getting helped! WHM incoming!

Yeah retail is more dead than i realized.

Ima just hop on horizon
transsexual identified
I got everything pretty much situated. I started a thief named Saeya and have made it to level 8, I died at around level 5 because I thought I could fight a level 5 bat but they whooped me.

Horizon seems fairly populated, I see quite a bit of people around the marketplace.

There are also people running around and a couple people starting new characters fighting the first mob group around me.
Message me in game and we can party up I'd love to join the clan or guild or whatever too.
What is the population like in Horizon? I loved FFXI and might try to play.
>But it feels pretty lonely
It's the same on horizon. My advice is to seek out total noobs like yourself although they may prefer to be carried by experts, you might find a nice group in the bunch. Most players are like trusts but they take hours to show up.
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Their website says there are 1906 people online. It sounds like a lot.
Yeah 3-4k was typical for retail on a server so that isn’t bad. Didn’t think to check the site so thanks.
It's a double edge sword in regards to population. Outside of Asura, retail players are excited about new people and will go out of their way for you and often times you're doing them a favour by taking their free stuff. On Horizon because the population is massive (in FF11 terms) you're more replaceable and no one really cares to be friends, everyone is using each other for their single player mmo experience.

A server should ideally be 800 to 1000 singlebox players at peak times. Horizon will hit 3000 on some weekends.

Asura is extremely lively and overcrowded
Right now theres 2500 people counted, with tons of bots and multiboxers

Ejin has 6 characters he runs all the time there hes one of many.
Sorry no sacks on right now to hand out pearls.
He plays on Ragnarok
Im starting to branch out from the level 1 mobs and Im taking considerable damage. Where the potions at?
Press H or Home or Numpad * to rest. Takes 20 seconds for the first tick, then 10 after that, the amount is exponential.
god bless you thanks
SE is adding race change

Am I missing something?
Why do people tell you to use the "Ambient Lighting" feature in Windower? It just cakes everything in an incredibly harsh light, it's not ambient, more like "harsh overhead lighting everywhere".
Retail is saved
>Asura is extremely lively
now subtract the merc services
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>mfw resting after every couple fights
I might finally get around to multiboxing

going through the story 2-3 more times sounds miserable tho
watch them charge more than XIV's version
Only if they do something about the subscription price, I know 6-7 people that would love ty try XI retail and they get walled by it still being pricy. Frankly I thought they'd do more to draw peoples attention to XI because of the announcement but so far nothing.
I can't find the launcher for the game, do I always have to use the launcher setup to access the launcher? I've searched every folder for a launcher
playonline for the OG game
horizon has its own launcher
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how tf do i make gil on Horizon?
Fish, HELM, Craft.
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been looking for a new cheap controller, is the F710 anygood?
get groomed and erp as a tight butt mithra
You buy it from the server staff.
what about tigh butt fem hume?


I don't think I'd want to play on anything that doesn't come with a keyboard of some sort.
Female humes make the best cocksleeves
Literally me
What are you currently working on in retail
Figuring out what I was doing 2 years ago.
Are there any good gear planners, websites/addons/whatever, for retail? Trying to keep track of all of the shit I need in notepad is going to kill me.
you can put together gear sets for yourself on AH at https://www.ffxiah.com/members/item-sets and put notes in them for yourself or collate them in a node and get really detailed

example of one such node https://www.ffxiah.com/node/349,

learn how to put them together here https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/38053/ffxiah-nodes/

if you're too lazy to do that you can open every item you need in a tab in one window and never close that window until you unsub at which point you can save it in one of those session saver browser extensions for later
does dxvk work with ff11? and if so how do I uninstall dgvoodoo so I can use dxvk instead
Yeah this. I'd be all over retail if they just bundled the sub with XIV or required 3-5 extra. I'm not paying 10-15 or whatever it is a month for a 20 year old game.
>I'm not paying 10-15 or whatever it is a month for a 20 year old game.
Well, I do.
but my solution for the reduced price is to just sub for XIV for 4 weeks at a time (thanks housing demo!). They get about the exact same amount of money as they would for offering me a sub bundle, but XIV becomes a barren wasteland and your friends also quit because you're no longer on to do roulettes with them or hang around in Eureka so you become two ships passing in the night for a few weeks when you COULD be keeping the population of both games alive.
Everyone but three people I know who have come to XIV have dropped the game within a month. Everyone I know in XIV who played XI has said they'd enjoy the game but they won't pay the sub at its current price.

They missed a trick when it came to relaunching the game by cancelling the idea to combine subs and they're still missing the trick. If they're banking on it being a resurgence then they need to finally bite the bullet and offer combined subs or something just anything else than leaving it as is and hoping for the best.
FF11 ruined FF14 for me, no joke. I can't even log on 14 anymore.
EW ruined 14 for everyone. All they had to do is bring in the RoV motifs like they did with CoP and SHB. But instead it had to be some reddit nonsense about the heat death of the universe.
XIV is (was) a single overarching story. ShB was the climax and EW was the falling action. Comparing the expansion stories in isolation is dumb and is a big reason people quit because "it's boring" in ARR.
>expansion speedruns all plot threads from previous expansions and goes off into a story about a magical vtuber bird
>"falling action"
ARR does suck ass too though.
You can tell a woman wrote the story
Idk I don't think it actually matters what the final days was, the story was finished after the second trial. The self contained stories for each expansion are all hit or miss but the overarching story is good.
She wrote ShB too.
Yes, you can tell a woman wrote the story
Women written XIV is the only XIV that is worth playing.
Now that I think of it, wasn't TVR also written by the CoP woman? Miyako Sato and stuff.
Those online player numbers are complete bullshit, there is no law a private server has to follow where those have to be true numbers of players.

If you go try do anything you see those numbers are bullshit, I would be surprised if there are even 500 people on that server. The only content most people do is leveling, and lfg takes ages above 40.

The thing is, nobody actively wants to disprove those numbers. So they don't, they just pretend they are real cause that feels good to them.
*punches your face*
I genuinely don't know why former FFXI players can stand xiv
He's too strong
why don't you disprove them then, genius?
The same reason why people that eat steak can still enjoy mcdonalds
Fucking aerec what Will say now?
not era
It's a cash grab, it doesn't even need to exist because more than half your stats are from gear
Are you that ESL retard that keeps making topics on the drama subreddit about race changes over and over and deleting them? I'm glad a schizo of your caliber found your way here.
how do I use a controller
with your hands normally
can I get a serious answer? It's obviously not just plug and play since it won't fuckin work
use an extremely generous amount of lubrication
Windower? Ashita? Just stock?
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Which controller? Use this one, ps2 adapters are all cr*p.

it took me like 5 hours of googling to get my DS4 with DS4windows to work with this game including registry editing shit and I don't know which of the 24 different things I tried actually did the trick. sometimes if I come back from a long break it doesn't work again and I have to fiddle with HIDhider or reset my pc until it does. I wish I had better answers for you brother but you gotta dive in google and get your hands dirty.

here's one link I saved that apparently worked once, maybe it'll help you https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxi/comments/3r0zvt/xbox_one_controller_directional_controls/

This UI is so ugly, vanilla's minimalism is so much better
This thread suddenly got toxic, yuck. See you guys tomorrow.
First time?
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I see SE are still extra hebrew about what a "free login campaign" entails
One of these days I'm gonna resub, just to rearrange my wardrobes so that I can at least play one job competently, with just the 2 wardrobes.
Do they prorate wardrobes? I've read that in XIV you can enable all retainers on the last day of your sub and it's only like $1.
I wanna say no. Somewhere in account management, it says something about no refunds if you cancel early.
XI was incredible but that era of MMOs is dead and gone, might as well make do with what we have today.

And no, private servers are shit.
Any /vm/ linkshells on Bahamut?
You don't cancel early you just don't enable it until your sub's about to expire. Allegedly with retainers this means you only pay price/days remaining. It doesn't help while you're playing but it lets you stash gear you won't be using.
They are just trying anything to make money from this game now huh. How long until they start selling level boosts and gil
your characters race was more impactful in era
barely matters in retail anyway
Game should be free to play all the time and only charge for wardrobes, expansions, transfers, etc. Imagine paying a subscription in 2024 and having to pay for storage on top of that to make the game playable. Insane
making one as we speak, will be ready to go for patch day. If anything it will be useful to see how many of us are actually on bahamut or if its just been 2 guys asking for one for months
any /VM/ ls sacks on horizon atm?

in jeuno about to start bard quest
i'm a brand new player looking for a fairly vanilla experience but i also don't want to pay. what pservers are decent?
Pick a poison.

One is strictly era and it's slow as shit (true era) unless you wanna learn to control 2 characters.

The other is era+ stuck with only 2 expansions with staff that will ban you if you smell funny and is slow and shit.

Finally the last one is more like retail but capped in era (easy mode with free party members [trusts]) but more areas to play in.

None of them have the full story.
Does horizon still put hundreds of bots under the map to inflate player count or did they stop doing that?
that was never a thing
Why would they do that when they can just inflate the number /sea all spits out?
Idk when wings in the morning there were 100-300 ppl have the same activity/yells/movement than horizon when eu morning are 952 always i think in the morning its 700 ppl inflated and its really like 150-200 and maybe some afk, i nights or NA peak time when it days 2200-2700 i think its real number is like 700, and they inflate It more, im sure, l rmeember wings and It was same activity than now with 150 ppl, you see eu mornings in wings and server ks very dead to do things like empty, and there is 962 ppl thats a lot, i remember nasomi when ninja streamed /sea was 1800 with db triple box and the movement was insane, too much ppl around, its was amazing, but now i dont feel that much ppl in horizon, they fake the numbers, no way is that dead with 952 in eu mornings and quiet and not that amazing in peaks,still movement but not crazy when peak like nasomi ninja, fuck you im not english
nice schizo run on sentence you esl shit. this amounts to "I feel like they arent real players"
>making fun of nonnative English speakers
Cmon man! Horizon is a place for inclusion, diversity, and transgenders. It even says so right on their home page.
I feel like I'm going to have a stroke after reading this retarded word salad.
This is 4chan faggot check your eyes.
Nice arguments faggots but what that retard says is true, you insult him because you dont have arguments
Seems like you talk a lot of shit also anon
dipshit yelling in jeuno for a 4chan linkshell lmao
volume 2 ambuscade whale no longer has the shock spikes? can anyone confirm?
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How do I contact a GM on retail? Something fucked up and I can't continue my BLU AF quest. Lathuya won't let me commission gear and Waoud won't give me the next quest, it's just stuck like this for the past two weeks.
Didn't ask esl moron, go ahead and strike English off that list of languages you know while you're at it.
theres no argument you gay retard. he made up a word salad story about something that just isnt true
schizo unreadable post. please repeat K-8
I actually don't know
I legit do not think you can contact an english gm in retail anymore. You could try the official forums I guess. What quest is it? Not that this is your scenario but sometimes I would think I met the condition for a quest but I actually was missing a step from the previous quest
Not sure why anyone would say Horizon.
Not sure why anyone would say Eden.
I'm looking forward to the Bahamut's Linkshell anon! ign = Claudelein
It's Transformations in your quest log? Did you get the CS from the whitegate?
anyone else having trouble buying crysta with a visa debit card? has worked fine for years I can't imagine why it would be a problem now
Not crysta, but I can't update my debit card. I remember hearing XIV was having some sort of problem, I guess it's related.
SE upgraded their payment system for XI & XIV.
If you are in a third world country or have a third world visa debit card (france, germany etc) you may be unable to complete your transaction unless your name, address etc are all correct and in the country you are currently occupying.
Contact customer support, but update your details and remove/re-add your payment info first.
I can't find the Lycopodium NPC in the Batallia Downs zone... jesus christ, i'm trying to unlock summoner and i need the snow area.
IIRC it's just a glowing sparkle on the ground and you need to activate it in the past first. Just go through the cave near sandoria.
I just use PayPal otherwise Amazon Pay
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Two More Weeks is a go on bahamut. just to get a headcount on how many here were interested in doing stuff together or just couldn't find a linkshell. /tell Endfockr for a pearl. Haven't played in a while but I'm down for anything from ambu to sortie and helping new players level and whatnot, and hopefully others will be too. hope to see you there :)
i will send a tell soon, i'm currently trying to unlock blue mage
>alt right meme as the LS
nice, another 4chan guild where everyone just spams the n word to act cool
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>tfw too low IQ to figure out how to get the skillchain lua thing to work
>chud name
No, thank you.
A late thanks, this will help a lot.
>chud meme LS
its over
this game is pretty fire for a japanese game doe
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Time to go get hit by bees for 4 hours until you learn pollen
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wait how is that an alt right meme? I called it that because whenever someone asked when the ls is getting made they said next week or in two weeks
its making fun of the endless lockdowns back during the chink virus hysteria
can't relate, am third worlder
Is XI fun?
Anyone here play on Horizon?
The game is fun.
The community is trash.
I agree with this. The problem with Horizon is that it's the old school tedium but the nu-school MMO mindset community
So you have like the literal worst subhumans poisoning the well in a game that's supposed to be about behaving like a normal social person to get shit done
Like they're all meta slaves or something? Am I going to catch shit for playing a class combination that isn't optimal?
>Am I going to catch shit for playing a class combination that isn't optimal?
100% yes
>Like they're all meta slaves or something?
Worse than that, not only meta slaves but the type that expect you to be up to speed and also geared up to speed to the same extent as someone who has spend every waking hour of their life on the game since the original retail release
Oh, that's unfortunate. I really wanted to mix Dark Knight with Red Mage or some other caster.
DRK/RDM is cope meta if you think your idea of fun is just sitting around waiting to cast stun a boss and never attacking it
I've literally never played this game before.
I know, that's why I'm explaining to you that you can do DRK/RDM and it's technically fulfilling a meta role you just won't be doing anything other than casting stun
Whoa there, bub. There are some fine-lookin babies in this community. Any mithra in the chat? Tell me in game for erp.
drk/blm supposedly works on taru cause of their high int, rdm/drk is a niche build useful for chainstunning and will absolutely be brought to some fights. youll find that you can make off builds work fine but if you want to run them then you should expect to form your parties because others are naturally going to ask you to come as something good if they are inviting you to their party. alternative DRG/Caster works really well
QRD on CatsEye or Eden for a new player? I tried retail, i like the game but it's too fast.
Catseye is a custom fun house server and eden is beyond dead.
Catseye if you want retail (fast progression) at 75 cap.

Horizon if you want slower burn 75 cap.

I played on Eden for years but as another poster said it's pretty dead now and I can't imagine starting up as a new player. Everyone still playing is already established.

any vm horizon sackholders on?
About to play BRD after playing WHM what am I in for?
extremely active gameplay. bard is the best xp puller so you never really stop moving
Every PLD should have a Kraken Club to EXP.

Every BLM should have a sorc. ring, ice obi and HQ staff to EXP.

if you dont have an aegis you arent playing PLD in anything that matters
Horizon is about exping in parties and attaining items to exp and complete a meta build that others have agreed on for you so you can exp in parties later on down the line. Other players are similar to NPCs in that they don't talk much and they are all doing the same pre-scripted method at all times.

Retail is for enjoying Vana'diel, running quests, seeing multiple storylines, playing a huge assortment of jobs in any way you like, a billion things you can unlock and do, multiple concurrent events at all times. You get to play with your linkshell and run ultra-hard content if you feel like it.
>playing a huge assortment of jobs in any way you like
literally just form your own party if you want to dick around with off builds. as I leveled I did everything from melee redmage meme duos, to standard healing and even being puller in different groups. if you want to be a silent autistic retard with no voice in your group then you cant be surprised when the party assumes and expects you to come as something functional.
no, yes
Nothing says enjoying vanadiel like getting spammed to buy gil, power levels and have people play the game for me. All while never seeing a soul and having my party of npcs clear my content while I take a shit.
Buy my Horizon gil
I don't know if that's entirely true, but i admit i'm a new player. I'm basically using Retail to play the story and fool around, while using Horizon as a MMO to enjoy. The biggest let down about retail for me was the trusts, i thought it was okay until i got 3 in my 'party' and was one shotting creatures in the world and getting 150% XP from it. On Horizon i had two complete strangers saving my life by casting cure while i was almost dead fighting some rabbits at Gustaberg, thing that never happened in Retail yet because it seems everyone are in endgame zones or just idling in cities.
I mean give horizon another 3 years and most people will be idling in cities too. People are still joinig and leveling alt jobs atm. Retail is a very very old game, anyone still playing finished leveling a decade ago at the latest
Getting to level 99 is an old metric that's barely relevant to retail. If you want to compare era leveling to retail you need to look at job points and master levels. That slow dangerous boring grind is still there you just need to update your thinking.
Saw the game was discounted to 10~ bucks with the first month free for a new account and thought what the hell and decided to get it yesterday.
Do I just play retail for now or is it better to join a private server?
Haven't started it yet. Wanted to know more about the community and alternatives to official servers.
Community is cancer.
Everyone hates each other
Everyone looks for reasons to hate each other.
Everyone tries to gaslight everyone into hating each other.
Come join Horizon Xi if you have nothing to do but want something to hate.
That bad? Is the game still good/ playable on horizon? What are the advantages of retail over it?
More populated than a retail server.
Logged into it. I'm having technical issues. Opening movie doesn't play, even though I've toggled the option for it. Weird sound spluttering and the game doesn't run too smoothly.
Are those common issues?
Sound spluttering seems to have mostly gone away when I fiddled with the in-game settings.
Anyway my question about retail was more about there being QoL improvements or more content maybe. Since Horizon seems to limit itself at the first expansion.
Godmode livedtream son boys
retard it was making fun of Qboomers who insisted all of washington would get arrested in 2 more weeks
Just 2 more weeks to flatten the curve goy. You want to save grandma don't you?
Meanwhile you have the actual eden staff saying that they are in no way a part of this and its not happening. Who do I believe bros the guys running the server or the person posting about it with multiple dummy accounts thats been banned from most private servers? I'm conflicted.
Fuck you arerec/kipling and your shit Server, wait and see
schizo moron why must you plague ff11 discussion.
We get it, you got caught cheating and are mad. Go play retail or something, they don't care about it there.
don't forget we have the dark matter augment campaign up retailfriends, a phalanx set may just save your life one day
is there a cureslut ls on horizon?
Can i just pretend to know whats going on and start a hnm ls?
On Horizon? Not a chance, you need a fucking mega corporation to get a claim
Yes ask flonnezilla.
Shouldn't have said nigger or harassed staff in tickets
for me it's SIRD but I respect you
>Log in to Horizon
>economy is still fucked beyond belief
>log out
Cry on live journal faggot.
how very trans exclusionary of you. xhe meant twitch stream

i'm trans, deal with it bitch
gross you need to go back
>Catseye is a custom fun house server
I thought I heard they removed all the funhouse stuff like free relics and made it more like horizon. I thought it was just the "I was banned from horizon" server now.
Yeah except people only play on horizon for notrusts/multibox, catseye is just retail with less content and no sub. Completely different group of players, so i have no idea why they changed anything, nobody is playing on horizon because relics require a fuckton of gil printing lmao
2.6k nobodies currently playing. Just cause you dont play there doesn't mean nobody does.
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Why do I keep getting randomly booted from DI back to my home point during the boss fight?
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Oh, it's a retarded game mechanic.
get spike flail'd dummy
Every time I think I have this game figured out it springs something new on me.
Spicyryan murdered people with flail so the devs changed it.
Anyone here taking a break from Horizon when FF14 new expansion comes out?
>playing 14 at all past 1.0
FFXI was built specifically for people to constantly nostalgia post about how they don't like FFXIV and how they just don't make 'em like they used to anymore
played xiv for 6 years but there's not one piece of media shown about dawntrail that makes me interested
you completely misunderstood the post. Hes saying no one is playing specifically because of relic prices, they are playing the server for other reasoj, though no boxing is a reason people dont give enough credit to
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this weapon is so stupid
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oops wide-text failed
oh, the shouts? yeah, wild that it's a constant spam of that bs on Asura
Silence them with the built-in filtering system. I think it was integrated last year.
crocea mors + daybreak + seraph blade is nuts and makes my pp hard

do you have an orpheus
emergency maint at 11pm someone tell me what the exploit is quick before they patch it
multiboxfags I bought 3 accounts during the sale do you guys have any tips to get them to endgame quick? there's probably a ton of shit I can skip on the 1-119 guide if I just want to use them as buffslaves right
ejin has guides, but I haven't looked at them.
the current community made me go back to XIV as my main mmo with FFXI being the "taking a break" game
If you craft in your moghouse with an addon that lets you see craft results you can close the window as soon as you see an NQ forcing the craft to break, then you just repeat until you HQ.
it came back?
Cortiko was right about Beasty.
any horizon xi sack holders online?
/t Pufferfish
Don't join they are bullies.
Aint that the guy that got a free ghorn then ditched?
>Start playing retail again earlier this year
>Sold my old account so I had to make a new one
>Check back in during the free login period to waste some time
>Just now checking through my screenshots now that the period is over
>In one shot I notice a name I remember, a person I played with 20 years ago during my original stint in the game

What the fuck, I wish I could sub so I could log back in and say hi, how the hell did I miss that name when I was there in the first place.
He still plays
What classes are most in demand in groups on Horizon? I like going around buffing and healing people too. Do most buffs work on people outside of party?
Everyone loves bards.
Whm, rdm, blm, smn, bard will guarantee you late game invs
Yes, but its gone now.
how do you manage to bring back such a critical bug? SE really can make a game haha...
The posts say that Edens staff aren't involved at the moment. Godmode is going to take the data to staff when he's ready. But here, horizon staff will schizo post about it. Shut the fuck up Fae.
To quote KnowOne - "On my behalf as an Eden dev, there is no news of us taking on the constraints of another server to maintain. If some outside party is planning to use the projects source code to open their own server when it does go open source, then it should not be advertised as even being a 2.0 of our server but it's own thing and not catapulting the popularity of another name.

You won't find a better group of people that work on a server, we might be few in number here but we are a family working together to bring out the closest to an era experience we can. It's the people that run the server that make it what it is, drama free staff, stability, content updates, and longevity that make this place great.

Just using the name Eden without the staff involved that make it run puts a bad taste in my mouth.

As far as I'm understanding it's people not in any way wanting to run a server and have no affiliation with anyone who does. They wanting another server that's the same as the one that's already established but with single box.... like you can't get past that restriction. And a fresh start."

TLDR eden2 is Setsuko begging Godmode to set up a private server for her because she has been banned everywhere else. Eden staff is not involved in this delusionary endeavor at all not just "at the moment".
Banned from one server by a gm who is far from impartial = banned everywhere lol

Godmode was the original owner of eden, and he's thought about releasing a new server for a few years. It's not something new.

>be Horizon "devs"
>make classic 75 era server
>change gameplay mechanics and jobs for no reason
>change the soundtrack (!)
>change the textures
>change the icons

I dunno what else was changed because but how fucking retarded and out of touch do you have to be to greenlight such inane changes?

Why do people even put up with this chinese knockoff? Nasomi was a shitshow and felt 10x as authentic as this garbage.
Nasomi authentic? This is how I know you have brain damage.
Why do you keep hiding your identity on all of these forums trying to promote it, Setsuko? The original Reddit account you made to promote “Eden 2.0” is banned now too, I assume for using multiple socks and replying to yourself. What are you hiding? What are you so afraid of?
where are the exemplar point spots on bgwiki, the exp guide only goes through apex mobs doesn't list locus sites
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Job changes were pretty good desu, the only questionable one was the utsu recast from the pure basis it wasn’t enough to change the actual meta, so what was the point? However the Thf rework, pld refresh, and macc to magic bursts are great additions, and im tired of pretending otherwise. They didn’t go far enough like with melee dd as a whole, went though the trouble of changing endgame monster stats for i quote “ to make melee strats more viable”, but didn’t change how much tp is given to monsters so magic still rules in this era. Some of the custom music is actually pretty nice, i just wish every zone was done because its out of place to hear this one track thats totally different than zone into silence/an old track being remixed. You can just turn it off, so why are you crying? Ashenbubs looks good in some aspects, and bad in others. Its not even included anymore l, and when it was. It was an option, so why are you crying? The henm fights are neat. its cool to have some extra endgame content, the only issue its still magic only so it feels so samey to a lot of the current fights, whats the point?

The Leviathan refreshga was stupid, if you look at how much MP it gives over time at 2/mp per tick and the MP cost of it the SMN actually LOSES MP using it, which is not how any refresh effect works in the real game and shows they don't know what they're doing when it comes to balance. Same with the nerfs to RDM and many other "changes" that make no sense
I have found it to be great leveling. No longer forced to find a rdm or brd only. Grab a summoner for support and can keep on exping without issue.
so I started on my relic on HorizonXI.

I was dumb enough to convert to the first step, but now idk if I can go through with it seeing how expensive the currency is getting.

I can't run Dyna consistently for the currency because it's a free-for-all now.

So my option is now to just buy them. Are there any good money printing methods? Currently fishing at lvl 90+. But folks have told me crafting is better money printing - HOWEVER, most require 1-2,m investment before being profitable.

find a good somewhat active LS that isn't full of sweats and drama baiters - which is not easy
>nerfs to rdm
>a miniscule amount of mp increase to refresh and haste recast was lowered so arguably both healers are stronger now anyways
Lol rdm is arguably the strongest job in the game if you count its usefulness in every piece of content, and uh oh smn can now refresh too. A support job is supporting, the fucking horror. Is this a rdm nigger seething theres a 1% chance he won’t be invited over a smn instead lol?
>which is not how refresh works
refresh on 4 people is absolutely a net loss for a red mage so in that sense it makes perfect sense as a party refresh ability that can activate instantly for the whole party instead of taking about a minute to get placed on everyone.
Protip: If a LS has to advertise for recruitment, it's garbage. No good LS will struggle to keep players.
This guy acts like people dont stop playing or just want to play other games.
Cute excuses for your 200 man shell.
Litterly every HNM LS has an active recruiting discord post.
And those that have separate LS for events, also all have current recruitment threads.
Not sure which server you're playing on.
Enjoy your trash LS.
Oh ok, I guess the joke is they're all trash?
Only the ones who have to recruit. Yes that includes all HNM shells and their related trash.
I see. I think you failed to comprehend my first comment then. You must be talking about social linkshells that don't do any content.
My comment is in reference to all linkshells.
Any exp party that has to recruit is trash as well.
Tell me about one exp party you had that wasn't trash.
Do any of you people even have fun playing this game anymore?
Im having a great time. Today Helped two seperate ls mates, got 12 cooking skill ups, and 3 job levels.
I'm making friends with HELM nerds as I farm gil.
I've managed to time Liement perfectly 3 times in a row, you tell me.
>starts building relic
>doesn't know how to make money
I think you may have a problem bud.
what's the name of your great egls
On catseye the shell I tried to join doesn't do any public recruiting, you have to pester one of their officers for a link to their private application form. And before they even give you the link they look over your profile to see what kinds of gear you jobs you have leveled. They also require references so they can check up on your history to see if you're the type that cause drama, and the form asks you a bunch of questions and when they reject you they don't tell you what you got wrong, just "You're not the type of player we're looking for at this time", like fuck off you stuck up pricks.
Why bother being a serious LS when your server is a joke?
That is the question, you're on the easy mode server, why be a bunch of sweaty nolifers who treat this shit like a job?
>sweaty nolifers
That is literally 95% of the FFXI private server populace. And the other 5% is people pretending they aren't while calling everyone else nolifers when in fact they are even worse.
Everyone else is usually filtered out of the player pool by level 60 or so.
This is a 20 year old solved game I can't believe people take this shit so seriously. Can you all at least make it more interesting and start dropping diss tracks?
But if you're the most sweaty of the nolife sweaties why are you on a meme easy mode server and running a hardcore exclusive club LS? Couldn't make it on a real sever so you had it do it on catseye instead?
They tried once and it turned these threads into women hating schizo posting. Thankfully those individuals fucked off. Post wholesome stories instead.
real ls have a hentai channel
Reminder: Kipling is a fat sex pest
>I don’t know the name of the ugly red head with the receding hairline or I’d have included something about her too

We’re still here, we just blend in now. Get spiced, NIGGER!
Shut the fuck up Kipling.
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anyone under 30 play this
Yeah me.
Shut the fuck up Birdy.
Why do you ask?
Its not birdy, guess we just outnumber you. Ff11 is a young mans game, time to go back to the old folks home pops.
Why can't the discord addicts just stay on discord
Because there are rules there where as here we can scream at each other like apes.
im not allowed to say nigger on discord, or talk about kipling trying to cyber with his fellow discord mods while his wife is giving birth
does 29 count or is that basically 30
going through the story again a little slower now for alts, the writing in this is very charming right from the get go. the plot is pretty bland at the start but the characters and dialogue is great
no way that faggot is under 30
Not even Silk Road Discord is safe anymore.
Name someone, anyone at all that you know is 30 or under and plays ff11. I will wait but not too long.
You were never allowed to use slurs on Silk Road, Rinste.
They are violating his god given first amendment rights.
The only god we recognize is Altana. Heathens out.
u mean aerec-p
post altana feet
Which region has more people playing it?
Murica, east coast
who posts more between birdy and tristt in the discord
Literal whos.
This. I have no idea why anyone who wants to play era XI would play there. The job changes honestly disgust me, to say nothing of the retarded item changes. Think it's mostly just the usual suspects who jump to every new server and a mob of zoomers who never played XI before.
This. I have no idea why anyone who wants to play XI would play retail. The job changes honestly disgust me, to say nothing of the retarded item level changes.
Stockholm syndrome. If you want to see just how mentally unwell retail players are just go read the ffxiah forums.
So if Retail bad and Horizon bad where should we be playing? Catseye?
Pamama is best,
14 only banana,
Pamama milkshake.
Just don't.
New eden server
Catseye is a retirement home for the lobotomized.
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The only hope is a new server with wings content.

I want fresh so bad bros....
>what are we waiting for?
maybe classic ffxi was a mistake
Which discord?
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When did you start playing Finaru Fantashi Erebun?
Sounds like you'd be right at home then.
Aerec... the patch... where is it SIR? it's been 4 months??? Kipling??? ANYONE? SIRS?????
>why do we need a tank?
>well we have whm blm smn thf bst
kick the thf get another smn and a whatever dd, ez xp
thf is the pt leader
how do I sell gil
Someone sends you item and you give them gill, then take item and sell it at a profit. This can be easily tracked but it will look innocent.
>coming never
Sorry you only got 20 people interested, Rinste
How much you want to bet half those responses are paid bots. We all know how she loves to brag about boting Vampjess's beauty contest. Return customer discount.
Who is vampjess
Some dumb cunt who schizo posts here. These threads are battle of FFXI schizos. Pick your thot.
Just kill tough or vt mobs with another dd zzz. We inly need a tank or 4 dd/nin in xp because were fighting mobs 8 levels higher. The second you move down to tough you can 3-4 man shit with 1 /whm just fine
Why does this community hate itself so much?
Will you ever find happiness?
i t h i n k y u o j u s t s i n g l e h a n d e d l y f i x e d 4 c h a n a n d e v e r y o n e w h o p l a y s p r i v a t e s e r v e r g a m e s
i wasnt subbed during last vanbout i read something about campaigns getting extended is that happening again and how long is the extension?
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>hey SE XI's sub price is kind of retarded at this point can we get it lowered or merged with XIVs?
>no, in fact we're increasing it for no improvement to service, please look forward to it
were they just eating that cost before, or did they just recently move part of their business into the US?
I'm not playing anything since wings died. Eden is very old, small pop dual box so not worthwhile, catseye is retail for thirdies and horizon is aerec's make believe playpen.

A new era server will pop up eventually, probably when a bit more of Horizon's pop gets bored.
send tells to everyone else and just reform without it.
If no one's made a new server by now, a new one isn't coming.
The private server scene has already lived out it's lifetime over the last decade, Horizon was essentially the last bastion for anyone looking to play a classic-esque server.

It's over. Better live out whatever FFXI classic desires you still have on Horizon before Aerec gets bored and shuts it all down.
what will you do with your lives when the servers shut down?
Nah, pservers will always exist as long as SE doesn't do something like classic(which they never will). There are thousands of people who want to play 75 cap XI so pservers will continue to appear like mushrooms after rain.
The fuck are you on about? a new private serve is made every 1-2 years.
We've had like 10-15 different ff11 private servers since 2019.
Fishing for money is a lie.

I should've invested my gil into crafting for money
And how many of those servers did you actively play on?
Exactly. We're talking about servers people actually care about, not Johnny and his 35 year old friends play on an empty server every day after work
The fuck are you on about again goalpost mover.
theres been exactly 3 servers before horizon that had any meaningful population. nasomi > kupo/eden > wings > horizon

everything else was ez mode custom nonsense (way more custom than horizon)
Shut up VJ, go blow Mcd for all that alexandrite like we know you're doing lmao no one cares about your shit drama.
Ffera my man
Check it out
any guides out there to make a private server? im a senior software engineer, but not a lot of experience with networking. would be an interesting project to poke around at. what are some features that other private servers have that you guys like and dislike?
Make sure you don't have a fragile ego and put your ex as a GM. That'll be a big step.
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was there an addon that let you see linkshell messages from another character show for you while tabbed to an alt or am I making that up
why is that any different than just equipping the linkshell on that other character
no ego here. im too old for that. my ex has never touched anything more advanced than her phone.
this shit scares me. my first time playing XI and it's horizonXI. But a lot of people I play with/in my LS have played on multiple servers. Usually from Retail to Nasomi or Eden, then Wings, then Horizon.

I have spend every day since launching playing horizonXI. I cannot imagine starting over on another server that comes after Horizon. And something WILL come after Horizon.
i'd start by just looking at the currently available emulators and go from there
surely you can't do worse than the horizonfags
I don't think so honestly at least for not a long time, horizon by far takes the longest to progress with no multibox/trusts so people are kind of locked in at least for years. i can see myself starting 11 over on another server in like 6 years from now. the only real thing i can think of killing horizon if it were to release in a few months or something would be official progression locked servers or a remaster. which LOL
its clearly real numbers if anything i wish it was less players. im sick of some nm shit still being camped 24/7 by 5 seperate niggas a year after launch
11 is too old to get new players. it needs a massive face lift with gms to ban botting/multiboxing. name one other game that requires you to do fucking scripting to play the game
economy looks less fucked than retail in era, or do you not remember 300-700k utsu ni scrolls?
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literally me, sad!
Sad isn't under 30...
Can anyone tell me if horizon is good for a new player? im aware it's not true 'classic' but its kinda fits my bill. im just very unaware of what's meta or not since people would basically toss me aside due to it having custom balancing. i did try horizon once around launch and nasomi years prior but i couldn't get into it and thought about retrying it again. keyboard only controls feels very confusing to me in XI but, it isn't impossible to get accustomed to. also how long usually would a party run last for?
do you want to be ragged and homeless for 2-3 years? play horizon
do you want to speedrun the game and have endgame fun in a month? play ffera (no trannies allowed)
use controller also the leveling experince of 11 becomes really really really fucking old by the time you get to your third job so retail skipping all of that is not that bad of an idea in my opinion
Use a controller. Game is ass to play with kb/mouse.

Ask what meta is if you’re concerned about it. People are generally not going to say anything to you in exp as long as you’re not doing dumb job combos and make an attempt to gear up properly. Horizon is your best option if you enjoy party leveling or groups in general.
The website number is usually wrong. Last night the number was ~600 different from in game
The website in general is all sorts of fucked up. Half the time after logging in it won’t give me my characters. When I finally do get my character pulled up it hasn’t been updated for at least 4 days.
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the squad
>play retail
>lockstyle hauby walmart turban byakkos
nothin personnel zoomers
is it tough to multibox 6 at a time?
Don't bother with retail, the whole idea behind Horizon is to relive early game content while it's still relevant. Speedrunning 99% of the game with a bunch of trusts is the zoomerified version of an otherwise soulful endeavor.
you can speed run horizon too and run out of content
The people who are crying for ToAU are the ones to giga grind and speed run then wonder why the fuck they burned out.
horizon is gonna die if toau doesn't release soon
FF14 will do some damage next month.
to your prostate
>ToAU doesn't come out
>all the sweaty tryhards leaves because they are content starved after only having HNMs to camp for the past year
>server left with just chill people
sounds like a win/win
FFXIV's Endwalker basically sealed the deal on LimitBreak's downfall.
They won’t leave because there is nothing to leave for. The casual who has been there since launch will leave because even the biggest casual has had time to level to 75 and do all the missions and content by now if they wanted to. It’s been a year and a half.
I need ways to make money in HorizonXI please
join the logging party waitlist in yhoator and you might be able to make some money in a few days if you're lucky enough to be granted a party slot from the terminally online crew out there

if that's not your cup of tea, level alchemy so u can make 20k/hr npc'ing kodoku

clamming makes ~30k an hour
It used to make more. What dev was clamming and then got bored of it and told them to nerf it?

logging yhoat makes upwards of 80k/hr i dont know why they had such an issue with clamming
desu I'm surprised they haven't even considered doing a staggered release with the jobs and new skills if they're that incapable of programming the content
Limit break had 30-40 people playing MAX when endwalker released lmfao and the peak population around launch was 150. it’s not even remotely the same thing
1 expansion for 14 is like 2 weeks of content lol.
This, most people are just going to do the msq, maybe mess around with some of the new dungeons/cc than quit until a few patches worth of msq come out. Barely anyone plays endgame in any mmo, even aeric was bitching on discord about the surprising lack of endgame players in the official data for horizon. Which shouldnt be shocking, start clicking on random players in jeuno and tell me how many have even a single piece of hnm/limbus/dynamis gear lol. The inly reason horizon holds good numbers for a pserver because it takes forever to level in “classic” 11 and dad gamers are still doing that on alt jobs
I dont play 8 hours a day.
Was he joking or did the sweaty people finally quit? Last time I tried to do sky (last winter) there were 3+ linkshells and 30+ people at every single sky NM window. 200+ people in the region always.
200 out of 3000-4000 daily players even if we were to be fair and say its 400 players engaging in endgame activities every day that would be only 1/5th of the server. He wasn’t joking.
I can assure everyone there is more casual players than hardcore ones and the only concern they have is still completing cop promvy and unlocking ninja lol
no chance theres actually that many people playing
I was thinking when server first came out since you said a year ago which yeah there was like 3000-4000 people on 24/7. Now its 800-2100
can i finally do sky or am i still at the mercy of sweaty faggots who sit up there 24/7 to sell the drops?
How good is the Aegis on retail these days? Is it not worth going after because it lacks an ILVL 119 version?
Still are.
Some Quit but they replenish their #s and continue the sweat.
It's 2k. The person you responded to is trying to inflate the #.
Can you not read? What a weird thing to hyper focus on. He said a year ago i was giving a numbers a year ago>>1307576
~6 months.. NA winter
its not important. i stopped playing except once a week to do the weeklies when they had no eta on a toau release at their 1 year anniversary
still has its uses in magic-heavy fights, just don't bother afterglow-ing it. The shield thats not worth going after anymore is Ochain because the new prime shield is just straight up better unupgraded and takes 1/100th the time, effort and money to acquire
damn why didnt other servers think of this stuff??
Image bragging about being hyper vigilant on your own staff and then turns out the head GM was leaking everything and cheating and a staff member was RMTing. It's almost like karma when you don't own your mistakes.
Let's add keeping a lying and manipulative fat fuck on your staff so your female staff members start leaving and then you can't release toau on time.
I miss Critical...
don't you private server players ever get tired of whining about the same drama over and over again
No it’s fun making fun of obese sex pests and guys who think they’re an actual video game director.

Since it sounds like you’re an actual retail fag I’m going to inquire… did SE ever make changes to the game so the use of ja0 wasn’t mandatory? Or is that not fixable at this point?
Unmedicated and unemployed schizo guy has been same fagging these threads for months unfortunately. We will be free when he finally kills himself one day
It’s at least two people cuz I’m not the only one making the posts :^)
do people actually want to play on eden 2.0 where the one of the project owners would be some salty cow in her 40s who would doxx you at your slightest infraction?
Did people actually want a server with a bunch of false promises & sex offender staff members while hardstuck on a CoP only Server?
Catseye feels like a mess every update now. Every week it is a bunch of core features breaking or simple additions not working. MowFord must have been carrying this entire mess on his back while the owner diddled about.

This week it is Trusts breaking again. Rhapsodies crashing everyone to desktop. A simple ring not working. Yanking out their broken Nyzul WS shit to tell everyone impacted to submit a ticket.

Last week it was an array of gear losing all stats. NMs not spawning. NMs using random moves they don't have and killing people. EXP breaking for alliances and Trusts breaking again. Meanwhile the server is broken and unbalanced as hell. What a fucking dumpster fire.

Eden 2.0 is already a circus before it starts if it even does. Someone please open a real server and embarrass all these clowns.
That's good. Catseye is a LSB testing server.

Their custom shit is most of the problem. Can't really be a testing server for LSB when you are breaking everything all on your own.
No :(
We were swindled. Their promises and generally positive first 8 months ballooned the population to a point where no other server can possibly compete though
Imagine believing a person who lies so that they can cheat on their wife and mother of his children and then harasses women in real life because he doesnt want to admit he has a problem. Setsuko never made those dox posts on 4chan and if you choose to believe a person who cheats on his wife in the living room on the very couch his family sits on, then you really can't he helped.
Imagine believing anything a notorious doxxer and serial server staff pesterer says. Kinda telling that nobody on the eden staff wants anything to do with her or her crazy attempt to make a new server for herself because she has been kicked off every other one. When it doesn't turn out like her weed addled brain realizes Godmode is going to feel silly for ever getting involved with that walking mental disorder.
>people on 4chan caring about sex offender staff
lmao even
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No. It's just Setsuko and her goons/orbiters promoting it because most of them have been banned from Eden and/or Horizon. So they don't have another choice for an era-like server.

Anyone who played on Wings when Gweivyth was opening it is the same kind of retard. That shit always crashes and burns when the people at the helm are clinically unstable fixtures of the community with a history of public mental illness.

The fact that people even refer to it as "Eden 2.0" is a joke because Eden staff have come out publicly and denied any involvement with the server and stated the use of the name makes them sick.

Obviously, Setsuko is doing it to steal credibility because she knows it's going to be hard to promote a server where she is in a position of authority with her sordid past and history of unhinged behavior. She can claim she is "not on staff" all she wants, but she's clearly orchestrating the entire effort. She even accidentally posted on the BG thread today using her main account instead of the sock the admins made for her. Woops!
Considering Setsuko is notorious for cutting out text in screenshots to make herself look better, I'm surprised you believe that she didn't make -any- posts on 4chan to harass and doxx Kipling, staff, or others (remember that one girl's e-contest?). I bet you also believe that she "really" got hacked on discord (lmao). If she didn't get told to cut that shit out, I imagine she'd still be on 4chan crying about how 'she dindu nuffin'. Both Kipling and Setsuko suck, but Setsuko sucks more since she's terminally online and has a track record of doxxing and harassing way more people than Kipling tryna jerk off in DMs.
i was the first one to harass and doxx kipling, not setsuko. get spiced!™ NIGGER!
I too make it a habit to believe someone who cheats on his wife while she's giving birth instead of the person who asked staff why they didn't follow their own rules and then got banned for it lmao If being "unhinged" means you don't take shit from a cheating GM or smelly, fat perverts, then I don't think that's too bad. I'll respect that.
Eh horizon staff continue to post about it, not her. Let's go back to ignoring the retards.

Should I gear up my blu next? Is blu fun?
Love the "Whataboutism".
Kipling makes Caelic look a nice guy.
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Shut the fuck up Fae/Juul/Violet.
Imagine thinking Horizon staff aren't in these threads trying to control public perception.
Also imagine thinking shitty HNMiggers aren't here to post about their high school tier drama.
Even imagine thinking the ascii dick spammer isn't here schizo posting.
If you're one of the above you're delusional.
Shut the fuck up and post about FFXI or kill yourself.
bro there is like 20 unique ips in these threads
their server has 2k people
You're telling me Aeric doesn't obsessively browse these threads and other websites to see what people say about him? Do you really believe that?
lol you setsuko simps are so easy to trigger
So easy to spot your posting.
Remember when Aerec made the server announcement for simping. While the server was down.
Setsuko is the only strong women the ff11 community has. Rest in Peace Critical.
I used to be friends with her. I can confirm she's the one who made up a lot of the bullshit. She needed to cover their asses. I probably should have stopped being her friend once I realized what kind of person Fae was. She used to tell everyone Setsu was a slut and joined in laughing when players would harass Setsu in tells.
Prove it
I was friends with her, too. She shared how she got server first BRD because her "roommate" played while she slept.
Drop it, Fae. You said this shit to multiple people in our discord. Own up or shut up.
Why does this Fae person sound like a backstabbing corrupt person on the inside and polite on the outside?
I will play either Eden 2.0 or Horizon ToAU, whichever comes first.
I would mess around with eden2 but honestly i need another year or two before doing a full restart. Repeatedly starting such a grindy game like ffxi at level 1 no gil have to do all the missions again gets exhausting, im not against it. But i just got to a very comfortable spot on horizon.
I made a new char on Horizon but didn't get the new character cutscene and just spawned in at a mog house
Welcome to era+!
its like that on every server.
I was friends with her too. she shared how she slept with kipling (virtually) and frank both one night and about how much bigger kipling is than frank. and how he's totally not fat and is really cool
Poor Rinste. Still yelling whatever edgy thing he can in hopes that Fae will pay attention to him.
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BLU is easily one of my favorite jobs but it's not everyone's first pick for parties
no it's not lol edens works fine. horizon was banking on eden releasing its source code but now they've been cucked because they can't copy pasta our working code LOL
very petty of them. there are 10x more people on horizon, why they godda be so selfish! :(
i don't know why people idolize the 'fresh'. starting fresh on horizon was shit. way too many people clogging up the dunes, qufim, kazham pipeline. the only people who enjoy fresh are those that manage to get and maintain a headstart to monopolize something like fishing rods, or clothcraft.
Remember when you couldn't log in for 4 hours? And blackscreen in every zone?
those people are the first to get banned on every server though
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the ultimate era+ experience. let's not forget the bsts running around invading well known party exp spots
"our" lol
Thought about giving XI a try, played a little bit on some funserver a few years ago but it was a ghost town after the first weekend the only players left were me and some fag quadboxing
Anyway checked out the server that actually has people on it, saw the tranny flag on their homepage, read they made a bunch of gay changes obviously for the classes 3 people on the dev team play and all anyone talks about is retarded drama
Guess I should come back in a couple years? I just want an 03/04 experience with no fags multi-boxing
If the launcher symbol is enough to make you drop your tendies please don’t play on horizon. We have enough mentally unstable retards as is
dont listen to this faggot ^

we need more people to push back against the trannys and fags on the server
Yes you’re so brave pushing back anonymously on 4chan where only 5 other people read it cause this thread has tons of posts but only 10 unique IPs
Server and it's staff is full of retards.
You’d fit right in then anon
Ha, got ‘em

Good one birdy/bliven
Good, please don't play there the are too many people already and doing sky is a chore with 70 people at a camp. Wait for the Setsuko server to be mentally ill on.
I dont really want to sperg out on the server in fact I dont want to deal with any of that shit when I'm playing, its just in my experience when youre dealing with leftists and trannies running something with an iron fist it baits the spergs and is a huge shitshow, although I've played a pserver for another game that was full of Based Shitposters sperging out 24/7 and that was a miserable experience too
the management just needs to be like some faceless corporation where theyre largely hands off but if you sperg out enough one of their GMs has to get involved youre probably fucked. Anyway dont worry I wont be joining to fight the tranny menace, some guy above mentioned progression servers I'll probably wait out til we get one of those (aka never)
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Eden is for based bros who want to enjoy XI as tanaka intended. Horizon is for 16 year old queers, sweaty tryhards, wannabe developers and the guys who just bandwagon which ever server has the most population
Eden needs to support Ashita v4. I wonder what it's like now, I barely played but it was my first attempt at FFXI.
Eden is generally more custom than horizon. They have made all sorts of whacky balance changes and custom changes to content that everyone conveniently ignores. Also Eden isn’t like era because no one players there lmao. Enjoy your dead server with your dual box to keep you company.
Assblased Horizonigger right on cue
I’m sure your dual box thought your post was funny. Too bad there aren’t any other real players to share it with on Eden
This is some cringe bottom tier bait, fag. I'd rather play alone than with the trannies that infest horizon, that's for certain.
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we out here
Did tanaka intend for you to have wardrobes, out of era spells and cherry picked rmt item changes?
Bsts being a plague is actually era tho
multiboxers have always been the absolute scum of MMOs. you will never be able to rewrite the history of that truth, or shake the fact that the most successful private servers for things have such garbage banned.
>eden's 'custom content' is a small table of QoL improvements which was eventually implemented by tanaka that everyone agrees is good for the game
>horizon's custom content requires an entire wiki to document aerecs 'play and find out' fuckery
only if you were a shitty party that didn't check the area you were going to, BST was never able to freely go to any camp because jug pets were trash. The job actually required playing around Charm and was kino. BST code also required you to only camp on nobody unless they camped on you, and then you MPK'd their shitter ass.
Even then, I'm willing to bet BST was only like 5% of the reason for the MPK nerf. It wasn't that hard for a THFgger to flee an entire zone and ruin it for hours. THF will always be the genuine nigger class and ruined BST forever before Horizon. This is a fact no matter how much Horizon tries to change era.
FUCK AEREC FOREVER for defiling BST with Horizon's tranny version and overpowered jug pets. Also wasn't it hilarious how the first high level people were instantly on BST? What a fucking coincidence
this just reads as 'i suck at twoboxing' sorry you have to play on the handicapped server bro
Eden isnt handicapped? My god the meta is have a 75 whm multibox power level you to max, its literally extreme easy mode to the point they might as well just auto level you to 75 with full merits unlocked
are you retarded? nvm, don't answer that
if you actually want an era server shouldnt it have a bunch of bots that only speak japanese and hate your guys
meant to say guts but w/e
we don't need japs, most of the world hates americans, who deserve to be hated most of the time LOL
Im sorry I dont speak disgusting multiboxer vomitspeech. multibox servers are the equivalent of places like india or maybe brazil. any redeeming qualities instantly ruined against all of the shit and vermin.
skill issue
orz, it sounds like all the multiboxers need is a script that spits out JP ONRY and Eden would in fact be the era experience
>india or brazil
projecting, maybe one day you'll be able to afford a pc that can run more than one box of a 20 year old mmo, jeet
Lol coping. “Multiboxing” being allowed isn’t easy mode
your room temp iq is missing the point
Keep moving those goal posts.
Keep enjoying whatever aerec feels like buffing this week
He nerfed one of the best exp camps, actually.
Thanks for playing and finding out for me. I'll stay tuned for more updates on Aerec being a fucking retard so I can laugh about it from the comfort of Eden
ha, got 'em. us eden bros really know our server is hard mode cuz swapping between screens takes years of skill to master.
finally you wrapped your mind around what i was saying. stay on horizon, you belong there
im a different anon. i was agreeing with you. cant u read?
Sounds like a bunch of trannies jerking each other off over which custom server is less gay
Pre-nerf exp rates, no item bullshit to make it easier, RNGs the only DD that actually does damage and you know what throw in the server is locked to 50 with only base jobs until Shadow Lord dies for the hell of it and you dont get Zilart until Maat dies
THEN I'll play
make ur own server im sure 10 other nerds would love to play with u
why don't they add a book warp in mhaura in retail
My money's on the reason(excuse) being that there's one "right outside" at the Buburimu Outpost.
JP onry was never a problem, people just freak that they tried LFP at 1 o clock in the morning and found JP ONRY in a search comment. JP players would play in their time zones, as would the rest of the world. This meant JP onry was more a preventive measure- it made no sense to play with someone from another part of the world that could fall asleep due to it being late as fuck, or have to leave sooner than expected, as JP players did not like replacing members like this.
Nowadays, people are simply on this game for 10-12 hours so it would be impossible to replicate the system of old.
sorry u got banned :(
Careful. If you trash talk horizon, staff will schizo post and attack you. Maybe ban too. Blame you for other dumb posts. All of the above. Aerec can't handle seeing people talk about his shit server with shit staff
nah im the one schizo posting on here. i play both sides though. Horizon is a shit hole and aerec-p-san is a faggot with a bad personality that causes all his server's coders to leave
Basically, your only options right now are all terrible.
Now tell us nanking nevah happen and comfort women signed up for it, apologist.
Don't worry the setsuko server will save us.
if I was Japanese I wouldnt want to play with a bunch of noob american teenagers in shit gear either
I look at horizon discord.
I see all the shit players that are ok with 6k xp/hr in the name of "fun".
Horizon still populated outside of peak hours? I live in Asia and basically quit the game ever since I started waging. Missing the game a lot though.
I mean... Setsuko vs Aerec/Fae lmao. I'll take Setsuko. At least she doesn't cheat and had the balls to tell Aerec he was a dumbass. Inc horizon staff schizo posting about how she was so mean and wanted them to follow their own rules. No one likes yoi Fae. Fuck off of your shit girl feud
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>thread is 80% horizon drama
holy shit shut the fuck up about your tranny server you dogs, just play the game and talk about the game not the ""personalities"", you shitters
Leave Dogs out of this. Only officer to ever do shit.
why do mmo generals always turn into this. my hypothesis is mmos attract the most women and gays than any other genre and therefore are more likely to foster catty drama instead of vidya discussion
Remember everyone who doesn't agree with me is the horizon staff schizo posting.
What I wonder is why did MMOs turn out to be the exact opposite of what they were conceived as: An escapist world where you become someone else, not an alternative job where you hate everyone like they're your coworkers and gossip and moan constantly. I don't RP, but I do try to put myself into the feeling of inhabiting another world, but that involves being an autistic loner out of necessity.
this is a 20 year old solved mmo you retard. there is nothing left but drama. i dont follow horizon but i sincerely doubt aerec could put together anything difficult enough that you faggots had to come discuss it on 4chan
>there is nothing left but drama.
This is only true for a certain type and it is a personal failure to embody such an effete prattering bug creature.
this post radiates neckbeard energy. is that you, kipling?
You shouldn't behave like a gossiping old hen. You are MALE.
telling people how they should behave is a woman thing
Most of the difficulty of 11 has always been getting enough of the correct jobs and getting people to actually show up
Everyone here is male. We're the problem, brother.
tanaka fucked up making bard so strong and letting thf be the only job that can improve drop rates. any game where a set of jobs are auto picked because they are necessary is shit
Be careful who you shit talk around here. There are some unhinged, manic adult men who will accuse you of committing a felony, and when it turns out to not have been you they will keep telling everyone it was you anyway.
I pray for you guys once a week. You're filled with so much hate and desperate for any small piece of drama everyday.

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