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>mfw am too afraid to join, let alone speak in VC when i see a bunch of people online and playing together on the pisscord server im on
>brain tells me that even if had the balls to join, then it would be pointless anyway since i'd probably just get talked over and ignored
I can't believe i have devolved so much as a human being that just joining a voice chat session is a near impossible task for me to undertake. I see everyone having fun in the party /v/an group chat and i refuse to partake because i know i'll probably either be a laughing stock or ignored. It literally never fucking began for me holy shit.
youre overthinking yourself into a fucking ditch right now

you can be in vc and be quiet. Join, say hi and then answer questions.. you dont have to say anything else if you're uncomfy and get a feel for the people you're around. Doesnt have to be that deep
You are overthinking too much. I got invited to a server and didn't talk that much, but still had a great time because the people I was in it with were entertaining enough to not really warrant much talking. You can just join a vc and chill for a bit until someone says something to you or just try to build up the courage. Easier said than done, but it'll come easy once you're actually in it.
Join and mute yourself. Easy. Unless you're in a group of assholes they won't mind you communicating through text to start with.
are you me anon? been facing this problem for years and it always haunts me every time i want to play with people
shitcord is for retard faggots
kys nigger
just bee yourself

i mean this unironically, get in the fucking voicechat and go in with 0 expecations or ambitions to show off

just yo, i'm in the mood for X, you guys playing X?
>being THIS mad at a simple chatting app
go use skype then negroid

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