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Girls und Panzer returns to World of tanks (WoT) again after a 3 year wait! it will begin on May 16th, 2024.


Choose between three commanders (Miho, Mika, Erika) in the article above when the collab starts and obtain one of the commanders for free after completing the mission chain of your selected team.

There will be paid bundles to obtain 3D/2D styles, decals, emblems and/or tanks together with their respective crew members.
>Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H (Ankou) [Tier 5]
>BT-42 (Jatkosota) [Tier 5]
>Tiger II (Kuromorimine) [Tier 7]

>Previous thread:
Wargaming have also released an official mod for English subtitles and icons of the girls speaking and interacting with each other in-game if the entire team is put together in a tank.

The three tanks (Pz.IV, BT-42, Tiger II) are all categorized as German tanks, and their crew members can also be trained for other tanks in the German Tech Tree in-game.

>Mod with installation instructions:
Any info on prices? Knowing wg it's gonna be 100 bucks each
Nope, not shown until it starts tomorrow and the 2021 bundles are scrubbed off the internet somehow.
I don’t think the PZ4 was higher than $35, so the BT-42 should be around there and the Tiger 2 a bit more expensive.
I’m planning on getting the biggest bundle myself as long as it doesn’t go over $200 dollars
>The three tanks (Pz.IV, BT-42, Tiger II) are all categorized as German tanks
I'd expected the BT-42 to at least have been soviet, but I guess it doesn't really matter.
>only one commander
what the fuck
do you get the rest of them with the moneyshittering or do you legit only get one
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Only one commander out of the three, and Mika + Erika are HARD.
Minimum tier to progress these missions are tier 4.
Missions reqs over 14 days event duration:
>Miho: deal 55,000 damage (x3) for a total of 165,000 damage
>Mika: Kill 55 times (x3) for a total of 165 kills
>Erika: Block 55,000 damage (x3) for a total of 165,000 blocked damage

If you are casual, you are pretty much stuck with Miho... better off paypigging the $30 bucks for a full three-skill crew out of the gate desu
Wow, /wotg/ is back, I haven't seen this thread since the forum shut down
Guess it's time to grind for Maus then, I've been kicking that can for over 10 years now
Are you yanking my chain? Who's paying $30 for a tier 5 tank?
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So if you paypig can you skip the gay ass grinding?
Regional pricing is a BITCH
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Someone convince me to not blow $70 on skins for a shitty tank game
zazie pls
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lmao imagine playing World of Tanks in 2024
Just mod bro
i do not need to imagine
BT-42 and the Tiger are fun especially when the downtier Tiger 2 actually sees historical tanks instead of the fictional bullshit that is tier 8s and above…
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>again after a 3 year wait
Somehow, it feels a lot longer? I keep thinking that the previous GuP event was before covid and stuff.

Time feels weird nowadays...
>install game on steam
>open webpage to redeem my one(1) free unit
>it prompts me to install some launcher bullshit
>install launcher bullshit
>scan for game
>point it to the install directory
>it wants me to install the whole game separately through the launcher to get the free unit
Absolute fucking asscancer. For what purpose do I have to do any of this?
>Absolute fucking asscancer.
I agree. There's something wrong with Gaben worshippers.
I don't think you get the vehicle, just a commander and decals
Yeah you get everything and some 5x exp win missions
Are any of the bond tanks worth getting?
121B is strong, Object 252U and T26E5 P prints good credits and KV-5/Chrysler GF is for fun, but those two tanks require gold spamming.
For low tier bond tanks, Tiger 131 and M10 RBFM are the strong ones.
Everything else is no, too niche or powercrept to hell.
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>See this thread
>Decide to download it again just to see how it is
>Get hit with 15 tutorial slides
>dumps 6 random Tier V shitboxes in my garage
>There are now THREE types of equipment
>There are now TWO more currencies
>crews have been changed again
>There are now battlepasses
>There's now a subscription service (doesn't give you premium or unlock access to the battlepass ))))))
>There's now some random number next to your each tank (to stop sealclubbing???)
SerB what the FUCK have you done you absolute NIGGER
There is no SerB anymore. He had to go, after some pro-Russian comments on social media.
>dumps 6 random Tier V shitboxes in my garage
Assuming you're talking about the anniversary tanks, only the VK 28.01 (105) is worth playing
>There are now THREE types of equipment
>There are now TWO more currencies
Experimental equipment is minmaxing shit, don't worry about it. If you want there's a mode coming soon called Steel Hunter that will give you some for playing
>There's now a subscription service (doesn't give you premium or unlock access to the battlepass ))))))
WOT Plus subscription service is a scam, just ignore it. Only good for free demounting and third map ban when playing campaign missions
>There's now some random number next to your each tank (to stop sealclubbing???)
Kind of, it only indicates how many battles someone played in that tank. If they max it out at Level 350, it's either a sweaty one-trick or the biggest shitter ever...
I'm having fun with the M60, it's like a leopard that can occasionally bounce things, the M10RTFT is ok, but needs a good crew
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its over bros...
I wish WG had closed 10 years ago, this game is fucking shit
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>Who's paying $30 for a tier 5 tank?
Nobody with a brain lmao
Weebs pay hundreds of $ for anime .PNG's in gacha games.
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>be botrat driver
>last friendly
>facing off against T8 polish TD
>polish TD is last remaining enemy
>~120m open field at north base in Live Oaks
>penetrate one shot
>polish TD remains at 200HP
>whiff other
>polish TD shoots you
>you remain at 400 HP
>ram polish TD
I swear to God, these botrat drivers are all sub 80IQ clinically retarded mongoloids
I thought it was more about the crews, free BiA + 2 other skills
I used to be scared of bourrasque drivers but somehow a lot of bad players end up playing it and doing boneheaded things
I guess most of the good players got bored with it
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>guess most of the good players got bored with it
I guess it's time to bring it out for a drive.
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Mad cuz bad
being scared of the tank with the best camo rating in its class that can remove half to 2/3rds of your hp in a single burst in the same tier while being driven by a complete halfwit is perfectly normal
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>Already got 121B from CW back in the day
>Already got 252U
guess it's time to buy some of the tryhard equipment then
More like world of NIGGERS
All my crews are white (except Italy)
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Dam rite yt boi and you better remember that
>tankers are too retarded to understand that they're the niggers
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anyone got that video of QB raging at a nofun member?
>~9k matches
>A few Tier Xs including M60 from the first clan war campaign playing with ntr or neet or w/e the channer clan from the time was.
Convince me to play this dumpster fire of a game again. I keep hovering over the launch button then just.... Not.
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Did they change this? I could've sworn it was 50 the last time I checked.
yeah, all challenges got halved like a day ago
Gitgud, stop being an autist and platoon with people.
>play with people
How do I find people to play with when all the 4ch clans are ded?
WorldofTanks official discord
But I want to yell "NIGGER" at full volume
Is every "player" in steel hunter a fucking bot? They all play the exact same way and it's infuriating.
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>it's another "allegedly bad gun handling borat hits you twice in the only pixel protruding from your tank from 250m while turning and rotating his turret" episode
This or Warthunder?
I have never played either game
Apples and oranges comparison
World of tanks
>less grind
>HP mechanics
>boatload of fantasy tanks
>gimmick tank mechanics
>abuse of spotting mechanics absolutely necessary to have a good game on open maps
>close maps (80% of maps) devolve into waiting for the enemy to drive around the corner
>artillery unfun mechanic
War thunder
>grind out the wazoo
>know where ammo/crew is to win every fight
>realistic armor/tank layout/shell mechanics
>multiple vehicle types
>high tier games devolve into waiting for the enemy to drive over hill/around the corner
>aircraft unfun mechanic
This is accurate, WOT is better as a game and more fun once u understand the game mechanics and learn all the maps good positions. Though the game is quite stale for vet right now because WG can't add anything new or interesting. They haven't added anything p2w for so long now.
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Tks for your hp donation.
Wg added bot to the mode.
And forgot to add
World of tanks is pretty easy for beginners, the mechanics aren't that complicated, but are limiting in the skill celling you'll get
I have close to 1000 hours in WT and I still don't know how to change the sight on the M3 lee for example
Do you mean those bots that just spawn around the map? I'm talking about actual players. Every single one of them plays as if they're also bots.
Not surprising considering that 70% of players have worse winrate than bot.
Big news, crew update
>20k damage blocked
literally 4 games in a t95
>perk limit
But why? What's the point of adding a bunch of new perks or reworking perks to be better if we're now limited on what perks we can take? Isn't choosing which perks to get first a meaningful enough decision, especially when the update adds so many desirable perks? Can't believe I actually see people saying this is going to change anything. You'll pick the same meta perks every time just like now, except you'll only be able to have 6 and won't even get to play with the non-meta perks.
Yea it does nothing, crew is the only system that doesn't need fixing.
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we were tankers
i love this lil nigga
Most of my crew are at 4-5 skills even after 25k+ battles, so the 6 skill perk limit doesn't really matter to me and like 95% of the population
Light tanks got major buffs with secondary perk training, autoloaders can now dip into an extra 1 or 2 loader skills with their commanders now
Pretty excited to try out the new radioman and loader skills, going to drop intuition on a lot of my loaders and possibly BiA on a few high alpha hitter tanks that doesn't need VR

Are you actually swimming in 6+ perk crews? Show some screenshots of them or you're just being mad for a upper limit that doesn't even affect you...
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Did you actually read my post, or are you deliberately ignoring my criticisms because you have no counterarguments?
Did you read mines at all?
You mentioned how “limited” we are on choosing perks, when people barely have 6 skill crews in the first place. It’s why I’m asking you to show proof or fuck off with your fake outrage over some upper limit only giga autists will hit
Some heavies and TDs can drop camouflage for other shit, small crews of 3 or less get majorly buffed via secondary perk training, especially elc even 90 and manticore with new radioman skills and for current 5-6 skilled crews they can drop firefighting across the whole crew for situational handling or DPM buffs
You complain about skill variety, but the current state of radioman and loader are awful since they only have situational awareness and safe stowage/intuition…
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I'm not very smart and haven't played the game since WG have reworked crews,so how does this work? Are Brothers in Arms and those two free perks considered "zero slots" for GuP crew members or I'll lose 70/40% of them after f2p retraining?
Open the crew profile, if it's zero skill it will display as such.
Why is the Raven so awful? Every other steel hunter tank feels OP in comparison.
who cares, steel hunter is nothing but fucking shit full of bots and niggers, and if not for the ridiculous rewards nobody would waste their time there
Raven was vanilla fun when i played steel hunter last event. Take all the traverse options and you circle majority of people to death with the red slowing field active
Does equipment stack? If I have gun laying drive and improved rotation mechanism will I get even less dispersion?
Yes, but gun laying drive is not very good for reducing dispersion outside of a few tanks
vertical stabilizers, IRM, improved aiming and vents should be what you take for gun handling equipment, aim time improvement doesn't do much compared to reducing dispersion / faster turret rotation
GLD is a borderline useless piece of equipment
I have no idea why I said GLD, I meant vert stabs
>steel hunter is nothing but fucking shit full of bots and niggers
Same can be said for the rest of WoT where there's no rewards for playing.
tanker perish
WOT will last forever. West WG is retarded but RU WG is doing fine.
Or until all the RU players get drafted, pretty sure reqs are getting lighter day by day and they'll start drafting the retards soon
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tankersisters... its so fucking over...
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>20 minute video for a yes or no question
All wg staff deserve to be publicly beheaded
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>RU WG is doing fine.
Death to jewgaming
Haven't played for a long time but started a little here and there a couple months back. Almost at the M46. I really liked US meds so I basically have a new crew in every one, are any of them actually good enough in their tier to keep? I think my E2 is at 3 skills and E8 at 2, with the Thunderbolt at 1. T20 was my favorite tank many years ago so I don't really want to move that crew out and my Stug IV female crew is in my Pershing.

Also what's the equipment layout like? In the past it was literally vstab/rammer/vents or optics on everything. I imagine heavies appreciate the HP boost one for the full track repair. I also imagine with how retarded fast newer tanks are turbo is required on anything not retarded fast.
USA meds up to tier 7 are still good, the tier 8 and pattons have really suffered for being such old tanks without getting any notable buffs.
For general equipment layout, rammer and vstabs for mediums remain core for randoms and are what most people still stick with.
Vents are now the flex slot with people often taking turbo, hardening or optics.
If you can't seem to use DPM effectively, it's actually not too bad of an idea to replace rammer with vents or run a viewrange build on your pattons, which run commander vision system/optics and have the third slot as a flex choice.
Play something else. Uh fuck WG nerfed all the good tech tree line so most of them are shit. Play the Chito SP i guess. It's so OP and you would have fun. Use turbo, rammer and IRM or hardening.
I have a message for all wg employees:
>without getting any notable buffs.
pershing got a massive buff, pen and gold pen got buffed 20mms, rate of fire, aim time and accuracy got buffed
it still gets roflstomped by OP t8 premiums but it can fight back now
cheeto SP works stupidly well with vents, rammer and optics on open maps
That buff's not notable in current meta, single shot 90mm tanks are terrible in brawler/autoloader/hardening meta outside of a select few ones... If it was several years ago instead of one year ago, then yeah it would be huge.
Legitmately I have not seen a single tier 8 m26 pershing for the last few months until now, and that's because it's on top of the tree.
If you want to mention massive buffs, that would be in the vein of the Tiger II, Centurion AX or RHM PZW, not pershing...

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