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Any of yall play this game? And what are your thoughts on the current state of Rust?
I got it thursday night.
Its pretty fun despite the ungodly amount of respawns.
Has an addicting gameplay loop of resource gathering, pvp, and base building.
I find the social part to be fun because you can either fuck with trashtalkers or befriend players.
If you play on a specific sercer for a couple wipes you might develop a reputation
I played hundreds of hours but one day they introduced new body types attached to your steam ID and my character is now a fat bald black woman and there is no way to change it. The devs made some faggy remark about how you "can't choose in real life lol!" ignoring the fact that people want to play characters that resemble themselves. Haven't played since.
That bothered me too and was one of the reasons I stopped playing
Its the only game that i consider an actual waste of time.
wait you cant change that? yikes I was just thinking about changing my character after a few days playing.
at least im not some nigger though

I used to play then streamers turned the game into a cesspool of sociopaths making any interactions with other players as toxic as possible.

Now the meta is KOS or get fucked because the guy will inevitably build his base right next to yours and try to take all your shit or grief you the minute he can.

Then people figured out that they can avoid pvp altogether just by waiting for you to log off and offline raid your base and take everything from you.

If they introduced safe zones where raiding was not possible and increased rewards for exploring monuments and zones outside the safe area it would encourage people to come back and try to pvp.

Make a crafting mat only available at certain monuments so people who want to craft an assault rifle for example absolutely have to go there and that would force people to fight head on for resources instead of avoiding each other like faggots.
Ya gotta be amicable with your neighbors and unite under something in common like being hill people or revering a grand tree, etc.
If they're russian then you're SOL.
>what are your thoughts on the current state of Rust?
Pretty fucking grim desu.
>AI touted as genius in previews is still retarded.
>HDRP having literally no notable changes after its release, every map is the same and no natural cover exists.
>Safezones did absolutely nothing to solve monument camping.
>Every piece of armor has radiation resistance instead of just having Radsuit be the required armor in monuments, which was also the original intention but silently dropped because fuck you for wanting interesting combat instead of a numbers game.
>Upkeep changes made to artificially inflate player numbers. You don't want that shiny base to decay do you?
>Still 0 anti-roofcamping measures or weapons exist since launch.
>Obvious, but blatant pay2win features such as Arctic suit or whatever full camo shit they decide to add next.
>Removing more and more default blueprints so you can't counter someone ahead of you ever.
>Removing armor having specific hitboxes protecting you so each had its niche.
>Specifically nerfing prim or solo players weapons because join a clan loser.
>External spam has been a problem for ~9 years and just now is it be addressed.
>Melee combat being garbage since introduction.
>Flying vehicles bastardizing the dangers of travel.

Literally the only thing this game had going for it compared to other survival schlop was the building aspect being consistently changed and updated while also having gunplay being at least somewhat unique compared to other "point and click" fps games. They removed these things.
>hmm new players don't want to use guns because they're so expensive and they have no natural way to test them out consistently?
>should we introduce shitty tier guns that have the same recoil or maybe a extremely cheap ammo so they can practice with it?
>nah lets not do anything for years and complain about how doing nothing didn't work so we removed the system
>Any of yall play this game?
No, I've never played it.
>what are your thoughts on the current state of Rust?
It's terrible
Thinking about downloading it again.
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I'm bad at games
I don't know much about Rust.
I am unreliable and probably won't log on regularly.
My PC can barely run the game.
Anyone want to play with me?
>be white man
>SteamID makes me latina with bushy pubes
>hunt down blacks with the KKKlan
good times
Forever ago had friends absolutely begging me to buy the game to play with them for months, I played it once and within 10 minutes my friends started ranting on about how much they hated the game. An update came out a few days later that messed with the recoil and they all quit and that has been my experience with rust.
That doesn't sound like friends.
You gotta respect yourself more
From what I see in Stimpee videos it seems like you can have a lot more fun in the game now in a single play session or is he just editing the videos really well? Like I get going offline at all means you get raided but it seems like the progression has changed in a way where you can get some guns and kill some people and raid lower tier bases in your first 4ish hours?
Indeed, I stopped playing with them when they started cheating in another game we played together.
I like there is a way you can make your own server so build what you want without being griefed but I like getting achievements in steam games so that is the minus which you can't get in a custom RUST server.
In my head stimpee has just gotten good at it. I get stomped for the first 24 hours of wipe until i get a weapon but it might just be me cause i suck
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Well I re-installed it and am going to try and play today after work (in about 8 hours from this post.) if anyone wants to play with me my add is https://steamcommunity.com/id/NicoociNicoociN/

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