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Gunblade, third-person fighting games: A major hole in the game’s industry.

Reddit soys couldn’t handle the idea and decided to shadow-ban me for semantics but In short "Gunblade, a 3D third-person fighting game featuring free camera control and a competitive emphasis on advanced movement and depth in fighting game mechanics”.

I have design docs and such in the making, constantly tweaking in a sort of “pre-production”.
[->Design Doc<-](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-wXew93S0LxCncjefgg1bfSSooJdFoeqLcdouzKOvUc/)

Kino? Let me know. Ideally I get a group of loyal chudcels that band together and create another 4-clover studios or something jfl.
why free-camera control? If movement is supposed to be advanced for you and your opponent i'd imagine it would be better if there was a lock-on. Although i guess the same argument could be used against lock-on to increase depth.
yeah i wrote that before reading the doc, i just don't understand why you don't want gimmicks. Everyone fights with a weabon/gun with many options in movement i think having no gimmicks whatsoever, even if you want it to be a sweaty competitive game, would be too dry.
Lock-on is an important feature Gunblade WILL 100% have however it would be a toggle (Think Rocket League)

“No Gimmicks” was a small word I used on the tangent of Arena Fighters. I wanted to heavily distinguish Gunblade from every Arena Fighter, because Arena Fighters are often round based and have the entire viewport fixed on an enemy “team” with flashy particles 24/7, Gunblade would be free off all this in so many different ways, I’d say it’s more similar to GunZ lobbies nowadays than any Arena Fighter. Gunblade will of course have Gunblade classes that are archetypes and such, so it will have the classic game design gimmicks in that sense, in a good way.

And as for “sweaty fighter”, Gunblade will inherently be a much more accessible game than any traditional fighter as classes have 1-8 keyboard specials and such instead of motion inputs/keystrokes. Imagine all combo systems and fun fighting game mechanics
just without the arcade-centric aspects that are retained.

Thanks for reading anon bro and take care.
>i'd say it's more similar to GunZ
the second i read "advanced movement" and "free camera" i got reminded of it.
>it will have the classic game design gimmicks in that sense, in a good way.
Good, everyone being 100% thinkered to be as homogenous as possible would be bad.
Hope you get your project going anon.
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thanks, you're one of the few who didn't right away shoot me down by attacking me with semantics or telling me to kill myself because i shared an idea and not a finished prototype/game lmao

if anyone reading has interests and isn't an outright fag, the blueprint doc has my discord, thanks.
I don't really like to just shit on someone. I think you're already aware that creating a game isn't as simple as having an idea and a design doc. It takes time, patience, knowledge and passion, especially if you're not being paid.
I'd add you if i had an inkling on how to code, so i'll just be watching from the sidelines. Good luck, don't grind yourself down.
>third-person fighting games: A major hole in the game’s industry
trust me, it's for good reasons
this is why your ancestors never left africa
is the art from the game, if not nothing burger
im literally aryan
so this is the power of vm
Nah that's just rwby
This nigga tryin to trick people into making another dogshit arena fighter
>3D third-person fighting game featuring free camera control and a competitive emphasis on advanced movement and depth in fighting game mechanics
that's what mmos are
its a good board
Is this the gunblade general?
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yeah bro!
why does she have Nami's tattoo?

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