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Thread for finding people to play games with.
I am going to continue posting this thread until I make some friends to play games with.
>>1198677 check this out
this one is better cause it has anime girl on OP
true shit add me https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066017633/
>want to play
Deep Rock Galactic
Lethal Company
Elite Dangerous
Helldivers 2
Microvolts Recharged
Quake 3 arena
Risk of rain 2
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>it's all competitive team party-royale shooterslop players
What I'm really looking for is to ideally join a clan or some pre-established group. Feels like these days everyone's a lone wolf solo player who only wants to team up just to get a temporary competitive edge. I remember a decade or two ago there were clans fucking EVERYwhere shilling themselves and trying to get recruits.
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same, same, i hope we both are just looking in the wrong places
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Do you want to start a clan, anon?
I just want to form a group where all of us hop from game to game every week or so
>Monster Hunter
Just games with big multiplayer campaigns are the best with bros
the legacy begins
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Shit, forgot pic
I dont think a steam group is the way to go
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Perhaps not, but it's certainly easier than adding a bunch of people to your friends list, and keeping it all on steam makes it convenient. Do you have any suggestions?
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im in
Matchmaking is to community as salt is to snails.
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I don't see you in the group, anon
Did I mess up the group perms? I think I set it to public
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anon, you may have an addiction
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Nah that's just from me brainstorming. Thanks for reminding me to clean it up lol
See >>1285874
Come join us
i wish all boomers died already
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Thread for people that still let the desperation of their inner voice sway them into seeking social connections.
>hasn't embraced the void
RTS's are nice anon, and by RTS's i mean Dawn of War. The only one that matters.
The fact that you opened the multiplayer board, picked this thread with this to say is top tier comedy.
I do miss the late 2000s and early 2010s where you could find a Steam group for all kinds of multiplayer games, through /v/, or even /v/ groups.
Does a doctor only mend the healthy?
The doctor treats the healthy and unhealthy, but who mends the doctor?
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While I agree that solitude is much more preferable than most options, I would not say that it is the best. Perhaps it is not worth putting too much work into finding a better situation, but I like to put in a little token effort just for fun.
What kind of games are you interested in?
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Bumping my thread, although I might make a separate LFP thread
lets play GTFO, i'm down for some drg as well though i've never played it
Considering that they're free so everyone could play, i'd imagine good games to check if people want to stick around would be 100% Orange juice or Endless Legend.
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Good idea. I've always wanted to play 100%OJ with other players
>>1295030 sure thing anon >>1295527
i just got 100%OJ today :D
I'd be keen to play as well, played some of both before they went free.
just a matter of setting a time for it, now. If you guys are EU it's probably over for me lel
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I've made a thread on the steam group for time coordination, if you guys want to take a look.
joined the steam group. Although i do think discord is a better idea.
Im down to play terraria/tf2/minecraft/l4d2/cs/osrs or whatever else
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The time that dude posted on the group should be fine for me. I'll just keep checking here and join the group when the stars align.
I think OP dislikes dicsord going by the group's description.
A lot of people don't use discord, and I'd like to provide an option for people who don't use discord. There are a dozen discord threads on vm currently, with many more on the other boards.
I don't have anything against the software itself (it's very useful and popular for a reason), but I dislike the social context, as well as how inflexible it is.
I'd prefer a discord too, though. Steam just lacks a lot socially that Discord makes up for.
Just be really selective with you who let in, and the server's fine.

I'd love to get back into OSRS if I had some friends to play with. I got bored after Song of the Elves because I had nobody to do any fun lategame content with like godwars or raids
What do you guys think of an ironman group? Im down
How're the sessions going anons.
if someone's up to trying Dungeon Siege Multiplayer give me a (you). I can get the multiplayer to open up but there's never a single game so idk if it even works.
No session yet. Still waiting on a steam event to join or a consensus of something to play
Sorry anons, I'm very quite sick this weekend so I am not able to manage the group or participate in games. You guys could do something amongst yourselves though :)
>check group
>total number of member: 4 retards
How many retards are enough for you?
This is a funny ass thread they STILL haven't played anything
all of them
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lol true shit, ill host something tomorrow

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