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Today marks its 3000th day
Is this a boy or girl?
>No gold SSS on Famitsu

Supposedly a boy. His VA is female though
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>no reds in 9db
And it's the first variant we had in a very long time too. It's unfortunate that it turned out this way.
I greatly appreciate the free skip and the free gems though, Onsen4 was really fucking brutal to me.
>did a 10 roll anyway because it's discounted and the new girl lancer skill looks fun
Back to saving gems
>Managed to get the lancer girl on 2nd 10 roll
She is fun to play but worse than Charlotte DPS-wise imo.
Pretty excited to try out the golf game at the end of the month
This event Hell quest is actually quite hard for me
Neko Golf: Anime Golf
>want Reign for collection
>got kuso tenshi instead
Congrats on the milestone?
>Still 1 more week of this event
I wonder if they are going to do a collab next
My guesses (L to R):
Shizu & MC obviously
Cure or Riran
Soul of Knights guy
Misericorde (as NPC)
Chiara, Shiro and Cure with Misericorde+Walter as NPCs
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Too much redhair
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Doesn't werk on my masheen (rooted)
>got Shiro on 1st 10 roll
I will take it. Still better than my 100 rolls of nothing except useless dupes in another kusoge.
>Halloween part of the event isn't unlcoked on Halloween day
>1k gems for Cure
She is fun to play at least.
Kusopl wake up. Give me a collab
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I can't believe it's already 1 year since the latest main story chapter unless you count this year anni related events which they just added as a part of main story now.
>another fire archer after Charlotte
Although Dean looks better for clearing maps
>this gacha is one month long
Maybe collab at the end of this month?
>Tried her on the weapon quest
Literally just keep tapping the screen to win. Good for bosses but doesn't seem to be that good for clearing map.
Only tap if you need to swap between her S1 and S2. It's better imo

CSM collab
4 characters for collab
Any fun to play character this collab?
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Makima is supposedly the best one although I don't have her or Aki to comment about their gameplay. Denji is fun to play but not having barrier and can't cancel his S2 could be annoying imo. Power is just mostly a normal attack + buster spin meme character
RIP 9db. This kusoge is really easy now compared to a few years ago aside of Hell quests so no guide is needed.
This 2nd wave Hell bosses are kinda painful for me since I don't have Makima. The last boss is actually easier imo
I undusted my Veronica just for that. Twas fun playing with two thumbs again.
>don't really care about the CSM banner
>drop my gem savings on the offensive support banner instead hoping for Valentine Fana
>actually got rate-up chars but they're all dupes
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Is it weird that I instantly recognized this as Kuroka just from the armpit alone?
>got Cinderella 1st 10 roll
Better than my Xmas in other kusoges at least although I was hoping for either of the other two
who is this?
might wanna try getting into the game again
He's Rindo or something like that
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Variant from the "Lifesaving Evil Eyes" event.
The bad news is the event is done and his gacha is gone.
The good news is they've started adding previous event characters to the pool, so sooner or later he might show up anyway.
But I haven't really been paying attention to the cutoff for that, so I'm not sure how soon that'll be an option.
Only got monk Selena from the guaranteed tickets for new character. Everything else are dupes.
312 characters on the guaranteed 5* gacha
>Impossible to lose on this special coop because infinite revive
>Can just bring anyone because of the stage buff
What's with the bloated HP enemies though
Still can't believe 9db is fucking dead. I still visit the site out of habit.
Jin, Saya, Carlos, Silva and Rilltet
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>Jin and Silva from 4 10-roll
>No 4* at all on the 2nd and 3rd 10-roll
I was hoping to at least get one more.
Annoying daily coop since you still need at least 2k runes each
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>Tina again
>The usual 50 gem discount ticket is on a delay this time
Was gonna roll for Tina, but I guess I'll leave that for later.
This seems like a bad setup, encouraging people to hold off instead of immediately rushing to impulse roll the new stuff.
>want either Tina or Sieg
>got Koyomi instead
I guess still better than nothing. Her damage isn't that bad despite being a support and she is easier to use than Kaguya

I thought the discount ticket is for next event after this one
Oh, is it? That seems better.
Still seems odd to me in that case, though.
Could do it as part of the lead-up to that event, instead of right at the start of this one.
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koyomi armpit and shoulder erotic
Tfw still 10 days of this event
>Key lock
Tina Mk-II
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Haven't played in a while
Was the switch game cancelled finally?

Also, why is Excellia corrupted?

Best girl anyway.
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She is bad girl now
>want the warrior
>got her instead
She is fun to play but her DPS is low. It feels like she is someone which should have been last year considering the powercreep.
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Finally notChaguma schoolgirl alt
>V. Corne S1 synergy break
>literally breaks Rugnos
Oh kek
>did one 10-roll yesterday and didn't even get any dupe 4*
>somehow got Corne from free single roll after watching ads today
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>Judah getting another valentine merch

I am literaly begging you colopl it's been two years give him an alt
>can't exchange the free rolls for old Valentine characters to weapon tickets since it's tied to watching ads now
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What collab?
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Kimetsu 2 imo

perfect time with the recap film on cinemas and Season 3 coming in April
>one more ads to watch
Surprisingly they didn't do this thing on Quiz RPG
>did 2 10-rolls
>didn't even get a 4* dupe
ok wtf I love ads now
>got Shinobu after I did 2 more 10-rolls
I was hoping to get any of the other three since I need a better slash type character. At least she is quite fun to use despite aiming her S2 is a bit annoying
>got Tanjiro from free daily single roll today
Guess I can save my remaining gems
>no Osenyan
RIP in pieces
>got Soara
I guess better than nothing as usual although I was hoping to get the new girl or Aisha from previous gacha
I mean Luna although she does play like archer Aisha. Got partied with 3 of them in same party in today coop and they deleted the enemies really fast
Does anyone actually like Idia?
Dunno. She was strong last time so very likely many people will like her. Strong characters are always liked.
>didn't get any of them from 5 10-rolls
I'm going to wait and see what's the collab before I waste more gems.
>cleared the Hell quest with NY Silva for the crab and Tanjiro for the other bosses
I need better magic and blunt units
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>got Ixia from today single ads roll
At least I get a better magic unit despite she isn't broken tier.
I'm guessing it will be the 4 main girls playable and the Joker dude as a boss.
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my game is bugged as hell
>They made Majima playable
I'm kind of surprised, i remember hearing there was some drama about him because he stole the show or something.
>did one 10-roll hoping for any collab character
>got dead multi without even any 4* dupe
>look up on LycoReco characters' info in Famitsu
>Majima is Balance type
Sensible chuckle. Good one, colopl.
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200 floors dungeon soon
Somehow I got the berserker girl from today free single roll

>Boss rush dungeon
>2 floors at the time instead of 5
>it's actually 400 floors for the title
>got the archer girl from today free single roll
I was hoping for the runesaber one but getting 2 characters from free roll is good enough
La Pucelle
>Excellia event
>Free weapon is for Georg
>decided to do one 10-roll from event gems
>it's dead multi
Surprisingly Excellia actually dies. Kinda weird there is no Ciela or Azaku despite Nagi is there
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Hero or Konosuba rerun?
>Konosuba rerun with presumably only skill cap increase instead of proper rebalance
>only Judah and Aisha fully voiced in the preview event
I guess they will be in the gacha
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>dual class
Ayo what
Wait I'm dumb lmfao it's just skill combination
dunno if it's just me but Judah looks older somehow
I can't really tell, but I could believe it.
I feel like Tina's been growing up over the course of her versions, and more obviously Kuroka and Shiro.
Weapon gacha only has Aisha's? I don't have good fist weapons orz
It's event reward for part 2
Is my game bugged or something? I unlocked Judah's memories but it only shows up to the first line, it wouldn't go past that even if I clicked or waited.

I'm doing Battle Flag 4 and cutscenes work but they are slow as hell.
I don't have either new characters to test but event stories works just fine for me aside the downloading data feels slower than before
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Twintails collab
>got Megumin dupe from the single ads roll on last day of the rerun
I wish it was new Aisha or Judah instead
>got archer Twintails from ticket
Better than my rolls on Aisha/Judah gacha at least
Haven't played this game since valentine event with Eleanor (so 2 years ago I think?) and boy not a big fan of how the game goes insanely hungry for the class change orb now since I keep having shit rolls and the only way I can keep up is upgrading skill level
Class change got discounted to 3x, and orbs aren't capped at 25x anymore.
So that helps.
Now the game is hungry for star rune shards, for leveling characters from 100 to 150.
Not that those are in short supply, you just go through a bunch.
I think I'm fine with only having handful of characters at lvl 150, but I really wish there's an easier way to get these orbs outside of the raid since you need 2k points per orb, and each raid with lvl 20k only gives you 2.2k points, so about 1.1 orb per battle
I only noticed this very recently and I don't know when did this QoL change happen, but newly-recruited characters are now CC'd by default.
Also checked with an old dummy account, CC is now free and mandatory (otherwise you can't level up).
Huh, didn't notice that. Neat.
But now that you mention it, the Shiro I picked up from the free rolls is lv1 and pre-CCd. Which I don't think would've been possible with the old way.
And my last un-CCd is a Murakumo beside Onsen Charlotte, so that means it happened sometime after September.
This and old characters that require their own specific runes for levelling up are now overridden with the star rune as well so that's great because I hate how some character don't have rerun so they're stuck at non-100 level
I had a quick look at the previous Osenyans; the renewal update must have happened during Ixia's debut (mid-November). The event before that was Sharehouse4 and they were still introducing the characters in base jobs.
But regardless, man, this is weirdest memory lapse of my life. How and why didn't I notice all this time is beyond me.
>got connection error after pressing confirm when I tried to do a 10-roll on gacha earlier
>press retry then got an error about not having enough gems
>restarted the app and I saw new Judah in my character list
Feels weird

Do either twintails collab co-op 20 times total for guaranteed dupe 5* ticket
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This isn't Anni event part 3
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Would you marry a menhera kangaroo?
>one month before anni
Skipping this aside daily single ads roll
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I guess bait gacha unless you need a mage or like the characters
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>or like the characters
Always the best reason to roll, anyway.
But I dunno if I like this lineup enough to roll, even though it's neat to see Fran make an aPEARance again.
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More guaranteed 5* dupe tickets soon
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T-Thanks colopl
>Summer Fiona and warrior April from current tickets
At least they weren't dupes
>Sharehouse Cure and Chaguma Cure dupes from today ones
What are the chance of this happening?
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>random Eleanor and Saya instead of OG Dylan and either his brothers
I'm kinda disappointed desu
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Apparently you can farm orbs in Link Horizon. Each run is like 2-3 orbs.
Example run: https://twitter.com/noir_shironeko/status/1658482277138182144
Unfortunately, kusopl has discovered this "exploit" so you can only farm until daily reset of June 30. By then you'll get rainbow fragsx200 instead of orbs. Welp, no fun allowed, I guess.
My problem is unironically the weapons and color runes instead of the orbs
>didn't get anything notable from bride gacha single ads rolls
>got Alter Dylan from today single ads roll
Feels weird again
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>Last year anni MC gets skill awakening while the one from 2 years ago doesn't
Kusopl. Although skill awakening for last year MC isn't that useful compared to the other last year anni characters since his gimmick is strong normal attack damage which have already powercreeped by some newer characters
I hate these golden tickets so much it's unreal. The 10-pick meme was way better than this shit.
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Ten-picks were great, at least until they handed out enough that you got all your most-wanted characters and you were left with mostly filler.
Which took a while for me, since they were stubborn about not giving me my top pick. But I got there eventually.
Speaking of which, looks like we're getting one of those if we hit 30k in the retweet campaign.
I prefer guaranteed not owned 5* ticket. The 10-pick pool is completely outdated so it's only useful for getting favorites.
>RTs already on a grinding halt at 10k
Not even gonna make it at 20k, it's already over.
>barely going to reach 30k even if they combine the RTs from 3 different tweets
I'm going to blame Elon
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Left to right: Airis, MC, Ixia (filler), Jin (filler), some guy (filler)
>Airis and MC are holding hands
I wonder if they are tag characters. I can't imagine the powercreep after current gacha
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>archer Airis
>seemingly lancer MC
It's really like they don't want to powercreep the LycoReco duo.
Right guy is alternate universe Burger. Calling it now.
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Meeting now
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>only 4 characters get rebalance
It's fucking nothing
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Added 1 more year.
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Tfw MC is the extra
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More star runes
>playable Graham
Grandpachads won. Easy top #1 slash-type.
>Ixia (forma diosa)
Tag kino. Must roll no matter what.

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>max rank increased to 700
It's over
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On the contrary, the grind will begin again. It was never over.
t. picrel
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>put Nero as filler in 10-pick
>actually got her instead of any of the other 9
Too bad she is kinda forgotten and most likely won't get a new alt
>only got 1 new character from new guaranteed 5* tickets
>the new 10-pick is bugged if you already used the one from killing 50 boss mission
They should just send a new 10-pick ticket for players which have a bugged one since it can't be used and will eventually expire anyway.
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>new BP cap
Oh god
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yuri booba!
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Enjo kousai
>got 3 Airis from 8 multis and none of the other three
Fuck. Hoping the guaranteed on the 10th multi won't be a dupe
>got everyone except Jin
>still have 1.7k
If the next gacha is shit then I guess I'll be greedy and try to get Link Eleanor and Saya.
>nothing for first 2 rolls
>next one gives main duo + graham
Neat. Think I'll stop there, was most interested in the duo anyway.
>tried the new tower quests with somewhat outdated characters
It was painful. They barely deal enough damage before the timer for the rainbow tanuki to spawn run out.
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>10-12 seconds per run
Lmfao. The grind before the anni banner was already fast enough and shit just went even crazy faster. I wouldn't be surprised if Colopl drops rank 750 by New Year's.
>still no Chaguma or Summer swimsuit voting for this year
>got Jin from the guaranteed
Good enough. I was hoping to get either him or Ixia since my magic type characters are mostly outdated. Unironically WE Iris with new skill awakening is best magic character atm
They can do a summer event even without popularity poll. But Chaguma, I don't know.
Was Chaguma always a vote-based event? My first Chaguma was 2017 (Tina's batch) and it had voting, but I don't know anything else before that.
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Can confirm back to 2016.
I figure the first one probably was too. But that one was before my time too.
And yeah, I'm guessing no-vote summer this time. Which is fine with me.
New boss coop wasn't so bad but the rewards are literally fucking nothing.
It has too much HP imo (13 times more compared to the latest rerun boss rush at 20k). Not using new powercreep characters is pretty much leeching
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They fixed the 10-meme from the coop reward. And I failed to get Valentine Fana again. Fuck!
I didn't get my main targets as well.
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i stopped during 4th anniv and now i came back. managed to pull the old dude and it powercreeped all my OP units back then.
Somewhat cheesed the Hell quest with Takina by looping Berserker invincibility. 1st boss was more annoying than the 2nd ones imo because the extra adds and knockdown attacks
School girl, rabbit girl, dog girl and original maou?
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>Swimsuit for both Golf and Prime
Summer of Maou.
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This makes it the third time that Oscurol and Tsukimi are together in an event.
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Meanwhile on Tennis 7th anni
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>no rerun gacha unless you pay 10k yen
>still need to waste 250 gems and no guaranteed unless you do all 5 steps for the selector since you can still get zero 4* rolls
>the characters are mostly for collection since they are still worse than new ones
weird bonus

they did a BGHS collab rerun so there's something
>got Oscurol and dog girl
I don't get why the dog girl is rated higher than xsaber Dark Eleanor. Her DPS feels lower compared to just keep tapping the screen with the latter
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Serpina S2 (no ball) - 330 billion
LF Eleanor normals - 350 billion

Even without the ball it's still beam though, and therefore, better overall.
t. エアプ
Why did they kill BGHS... Fuck you colopl...
Kinda weird since it feels like I defeated the boss on Slash tower top floor faster with just tapping screen with xsaber Dark Eleanor compared to spamming Serpina S2. The ball can do good DPS but the timing is hard for me since just keep tapping the screen doesn't always work to reflect the ball.
>The ball can do good DPS but the timing is hard for me since just keep tapping the screen doesn't always work to reflect the ball.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the ball auto-bounces during S2. Why do you still worry about the timings?
DPS from reflecting the ball with just normal attacks seems to be higher than with her S2. Maybe I need to get higher normal attack speed.
The timing isn't that hard after I increased her attack speed. Just tap the screen with minor delay so she only uses the first attack instead of doing a full combo.
>6.7 trillion total output within 20s, as opposed to 12 trillion with S2+ball
Okay, fine, you win.
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>5 "difficult" stages
>25 jewels
It's weird since the last few Nightmare stages give 20 gems each
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>it gives 20 gems if you do them now
>players which have already cleared need to wait
Gaoxi not confirmed yet
>got Luna from today ads roll
I will take it since there is still no update for players with missing gems from Nightmare stages.
>somehow got all collab characters with 1k gems
>had to spark for a character in another kusoge
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Dead characters www...
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Oh, right, these two.
Looked familiar, but I was having trouble placing them.
How are they going to explain this?
It's just MC and Airis cosplaying. Other guesses are it's take place in the past or Obon stuff
From what i remember the place they lived in looked more like Egypt, why would they have a Japanese festival and clothes?
>Izu-neesan or possibly even Rev
What are they gonna do with the VA? She just announced her retirement recently.
Maybe they already recorded the lines before the announcement?
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Yeah, this one's definitely already recorded. Gacha's about to come out, after all.
Could mean no more versions of them afterwards, though.
Unless they're okay with recasting, I haven't been paying enough attention to know if that's happened before.
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I love this gorgeous dork so much it's unbelievable.

The previous seiyuu didn't make it. Original voices from past events will be kept but the new CV for this event and henceforth is Sasahara Yuu. Honestly I don't hear the difference so I guess it's fine.
So they all came back to life or time traveled?
I hope it's not the "they can only be around until the festival end" scenario.
>So they all came back to life or time traveled?
Some kind of crazy obon magic, for sure. I mean, they actually materialized physically and shit. Or this could also be an after-effect of Ixia's world fusion and re-splitting thingy idk man.
>I hope it's not the "they can only be around until the festival end" scenario.
That should be the case if they're truly basing it on Obon, unfortunately.
Tfw only 3 characters since Rev+Apis are tag so no guaranteed at 2500 gems
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>not free

Apis is just summon like original Rev
>didn't even get any of current ones from 1k gems this time
Going to wait and see what's next event before I waste more gems
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>spent a bunch of gems chasing Rev
>got the other two a few times, but no Rev
She dodged me last time, too. Showed up eventually, though.
>want Yubel
>got Niel and Rev instead
I wish we could trade
>tried Rev in Mage tower
Her damage is good but a bit slow DPS-wise compared to the Hawaiian collab ones imo
>5 gems from Challenge quests again
I wonder it's another bug or actually intended this time

>decided to do one more 10-roll with today gems
>saw downloading
>skipped because no huge airship/fireworks and saw Theodore dupe
>actually got Yubel in that roll
The Challenge quests aren't as hard as the Nightmare quests from previous event imo unless you use completely old characters so 5 gems is probably correct
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I mean, nice quads, but why?
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3 characters gacha again
>new booba on the menu
>voiced by Youmiya Hina
Dick Status: M U H
>got the variant
Better than nothing but >>1269385 looks more fun to play
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>got her
>clears the Mage tower faster than Rev
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Is it 3 characters or 3 series collab?
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I'm dead
I think 3 series.
Looks like #1 is coming out on the 8th, and it'd be kinda weird to release 3 single characters one by one.
Also, "3 characters" doesn't seem like it'd be a great selling point, when most collabs have like 5 or so.
>only 1 character PV
That aside, the last floor the hell quest is painful
>>only 1 character PV
Only 1 character per collab, from the look of things.

>That aside, the last floor the hell quest is painful
Went with Luna > Halcyon > Graham
Graham is super comfy in 3F. Summoned Eleanor just works too well on that stage. Stress-free run for me.
Tfw no Graham so I had to use Rindo. It worked at least
Somehow I got him from today free single ads roll. Had a weird feeling when I noticed there is a download
His DPS is kinda whatever imo because normal attack only + damage field meme but taking only 1 damage from enemies attack for 10/20 seconds could be useful for some stuff
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Cute filler event!
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I wish it's this girl instead of Cure. Two characters gacha is usually suffering though.
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Based ads, Cure compu maintained
she's not exactly my oshi chara though
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Literally who?
I swear it's always the armpit bait
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Where is Linnea? Tfw the new girl has same VA with Sera
Fun fact she also voiced Werner's ded gf. Not sure if this new girl actually has a significant connection to Werner or it's really just kusopl cost cutting.
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Skill-woke OG Chiara goes very hard, her other newer versions don't even come close. Too bad the regen doesn't scale with current HP.
>want any of them
>nothing except old 4* dupes from 1k gems
>got new Recto from today ads roll
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Dragonball character collab
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I don't know this Dragonball character
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Oh, hey Miho.
>half the daily roulette slots are jewels
>still get blue ass hammer
Every fucking time
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Hate monthly co-op bosses
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>guaranteed old Tina
>no rebalance or skill awakening level increase
For what purpose

Tfw nothing from 1k gems again. Maybe I should start saving for next 4 characters gacha instead.
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Honestly, I'd probably roll if I was still missing a bunch.
I like Tina.
I wish there's weapon gacha too. I only realized Neverland Tina's spear's usefulness just recently and I regret not getting it back then.
>nothing from ads roll on new event + collab gacha
>Tina dupe from ads roll on the rerun gacha
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New girls
i remember playing this yeaars ago. how do i get an apk?
Use Qooapp or made JP Google Play account
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>still nothing on ads rolls on both current+collab gacha
It's over
Finally a good collab
>Not X
I sleep
>only 1 week long while previous two are longer
>decided to do one 10-roll because it's only 1 week
>nothing aside dupes as expected
When is the MegaMan colab coming? I tried getting into this game multiple times but always dropped it. However I really like MegaMan so I need to get him
17 hours ago until next week
>actually has dialogues in his story quests
Even X Dive (RIP) gave him voice, the fuck is wrong with you kusopl?
>got Rockman
>can't just hold my finger on the screen for gatling bullets like archer Aisha
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Notto disu shitto agen
Give me Toji
>Gojo again

Do we now how many characters the collab has?
This monthly co-op boss is worse than previous one

Nope although I guess 3 or 4 characters
>2nd collab
>Same characters

This is fucking dumb
>only 1 new character
It's fucking nothing
>want the duo since I need better monk
>got Gojo instead
I guess it's str better than only dupes
>the return of "open all treasure boxes" sub-mission
I hated it and I still do
>only got trash after I wasted all my gems in another kusoge
>did 25 gems single rage roll
>somehow actually got pic related
>want Nobara
>got Maki
At least Gojo can clear this Hell quest easily. Enemies can't hit him as long as his MP isn't 0.
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Tfw only dupes from all the tickets so far. Anyone new would be fine for me since most of them are only good for collection now.
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Got the new Lunacchi
>got Ashley
>just high damage normal attack meme character
They should have at least give him a fun gimmick like the Lycoris berserker girl.

I only got KC Charlotte for new character from those tickets so far.
>did one more 10-roll
>got 2 Ashley dupes
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Diaize's mole
>Ancient heroes quests rerun
This is ironically ancient stuff like the name indicates. I remember struggling so bad in these quests when they first came out, I actually gave up on building the spear one. Now I just one-punch everything with a level 150 off-element character.
I don't understand the "limitedness" of this rerun though, the weapons aren't even remotely usable anymore in 2024 minus 21 days. These should've been added in the rune memory at this point.
>only 3 runes each run without 2x scroll/ 5x book
Kusopl definitely should have made them permanent like old cursed weapons quests.
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I knew Luca's gonna be there no matter what, can't end the year without her.
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>didn't get any of Xmas character
>only got 2 new characters from dupe tickets
Going to wait New Year event PV before I waste more gems
>somehow got Xmas Noah motif from ads roll
>still don't have her or any Xmas characters
>another guaranteed dupe ticket
RNG please.
>got another Xmas Noah motif but still don't get any of Xmas characters
Wrong year Xmas character. Tfw they didn't get any buffs.
>grinded this shitty co-op for dupe ticket
>actually got a dupe of her
I hate RNG
>did one 10-roll
>didn't even get 4* dupe
Horrible way to start New Year
>complete revamp of battle system
That's some pretty ambitious update. That's twelve classes they have to remake.
Really appreciate how they're trying to make elements relevant again
>do new co-op
>most players use New Year characters (not Hellmort since he kinda sucks)
I feel bad leeching with an old character since I still only got shit after 4 multis
These co-op bosses have too much HP on the lower difficulty imo
Thanks free single ads roll
>only got Summer Mitra from those free rolls and everything else were dupes
I hate this mosquito boss.
>The beginning of the end
Totally not sus
>do co-op 50 times for 3 days to maximizes voting count
>the character which I voted still won't win anyway
Hate 2 characters gacha
Tfw the 4* pool will be updated so there will be some fake downloads.
>only 60 gems when previous two gives almost twice of that on 1st part of the story
Kusopl. I guess they count the 50 gems from mission as part of it.
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>no special burst nor mission clear animation
Thanks but I'm still sticking with NY Halzion/Serena. But I'll gladly welcome them if they drop from the ads.
>got Jin after 6 multis
I guess I will stop rolling with gems and hope I will get them from ads
And drop from the ads, they did! Gee thanks. Successfully tricked the desire sensor all according to keikaku
Give them to me
>tfw Jin only has 90% dodge instead of 100% like Gojo
His damage still completely powercreeped Gojo though
>got Jin dupe from ads instead of Ixia/Eleanor
I should have saved those gems.
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I wonder how are next events until the actual anni going to work
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>another 2 characters gacha
>chain Airis
>rune MC
Calm the fuck down kusopl it's only 9.5 anni
Another world reset so technically Shironeko 2 on 10th anni?
>tfw compu in 750 gems
EZ savings for the Valentine waifus.
Tfw I got nothing except dupes from 1k gems so far. Hoping I will get at least one of them from ads later.
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>Nobody in my first 10roll
>Both of them in my second 10roll
Well, now I'm glad I didn't stick to my plan of just trying 250 and calling it there.
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>she's staying
Hah, yurifags won, goddamnit. I cannot believe we're getting a second Eleanor in the next Chaguma.
>no Chaguma last year
Chaguma is over
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[cope]NW story got too real after the 9th anni. They just couldn't squeeze a Chaguma event while Ixia was being stuck at limbo. It just kinda feels wrong imo.[/cope]
>still nothing from ads except dupe NY Viper
>no extra 10 gems since there are no missions for doing the event co-op 10 times and raising the stone slab
Tfw somehow I got 4* old weapons from ads yesterday and today while only got 2* and 3* from characters ads rolls
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Cleared this shitty tower but still haven't get either current event characters. Used Jin, NY Halzion, Gojo and WE Iris unless they are banned on that floor.
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>New monthly coop boss supposedly tomorrow
Thanks I hate it
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>oppai sweep
I'm okay with this. Halzion's debut was pretty solid and I guess NY further boosted her popularity even more. Strange that Serena wasn't even in the top 20, her NY is also pretty good, arguably her best version even.
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>saw downloading
>it's just old Archer Aisha dupe
Hate this shit.
Kusopl should throw me a bone and give me new MC if they want me to keep spending
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Ad-rolled Airis's bouquet-chainsword.
After I already traded for one.
>got this Satella from dupe ticket last week
>got her again from ads roll today while still I haven't get new MC or Iris from ads roll
>saw download on Valentine gacha but it's just lancer Angela spook
>got Valentine Satella weapon from ads roll despite there was no download
I prefer getting new character desu
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Seems like the berserker class doesn't go well with Saya's kit. Or is it the other way around? Either way, this is easy skip.
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Her S2 animation looks really slow when I saw the gameplay video
>got V. Shewol from hundred rainbow ticket
Eh, alright.
I guess there will be no friendship handshakes until the gang reunites with MC-kun
>somehow got 250 gems from ads
>wasted them for only Idol Excellia dupe and useless trash
Eh. I was hoping to get either Saya or Satella since my current best slash and blunt characters are worse than them.
HI I am from the Sony Thread
>vtumor next event
Aw nah, fuck this. Skip.
based. i will now play your kusoge
game autocloses on LDPlayer, is there any way to fix that?
It works fine for me so it's not the emulator itself
What's a good site for Info as a new player? I have been using gamewith and it has been helpful but some of the info is a bit outdated
Famitsu's usually my go-to. They're considered the 'official' one, and I think there's a link to them way down on the news page. They also tend to be pretty quick.
Other options that come to mind are Appmedia and 9db.
Thanks, I'll look them over
What the fuck is Marine's skill supposed to be in her preview?
I was confused too but you can see them better now in the new previews
>got Valentine Stella from 100/100 dupe ticket
Shit's rigged
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Even with rainbow quad-S and 10/10 ratings I still ain't rolling for these whores.
>pick back up the game
>does 80 rolls
>got only 1 banner unit and the rest god knows where the fuck they came from
thanks for reminding me the reason i quit in the first place. this kusoge has the WORST rate up banner of all that i have played
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Soon: Golf, but in towels.

Yeah, they replaced the 4* Project stuff with old event characters.
Still a bunch of characters you don't want inflating the 4* pool, but at least a bit less of them are star runes now.
I will only come back to Golf when Corne is finally playable ofc with a Rugnos club
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For me it was Golf Mireille.
But I figured I'd play around a bit and stock up some gems for her in the meantime.
And then I realized I actually just kinda like the game, so I'm still around even though she's still not in yet.
Tfw forced vtumor titles from the challenge quests.
>new monthly co-op bosses next reset
Maybe I will just ignore it after getting the stone slab
>it's more annoying pair of bosses compared to last one
Tfw having to leech while vtumor characters cleared it easily.
Got pic related from ads although I was hoping for the warrior or the swordsgirl
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>Fenekka's fenekkas + pits
Okay, you had me kusopl, I will now roll on your bait banner.
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>did one 10-roll
>nothing as expected
>rolled for Fenekka since I need better slash character
>somehow got Rilltet instead on 1st 10-roll
I guess at least her S1 is useful for trappimg bosses
>did a rage 10-roll after I got shit in other kusoges
>actually got Fenekka
RNG works weirdly as usual
>removal of old quests and some menus
>Grand Project included
Welp, I guess I will truly never ever 7-star the titles now.
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>Baron training quests and cursed weapons quests removed
It's over
EoS maintenance
I've been playing this kusoge for 6 years and I have never once seen a maintenance news until now. The typical gachashit usually has hours of downtime and maintenances when there's new major content, but for some reason Shironeko just continuously adds new events and content without disrupting the game's uptime. I've always wondered about the sorcery behind that.
Game data on this game are put in the app cache instead of the actual app data
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Finally, a berserker that won't suck. Third time's really the charm.
>2 slash characters after Fenekka
At least she is fun enough for clearing maps.
>six 10+1s
>no rate up characters
Now that's just depressingly cruel bros I just wanna lie down and cry
And here I thought my 2 10-rolls with only one 4* dupe is bad enough. This kusoge gacha can be really painful.
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Tfw when I saw fireworks on daily ads single and it's just old 4* dupe
>Got her
Good enough although xsabers is a bit hard too use for me.
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Need rebalance
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I prefer current list desu
As a fag who prefers high crit rates over high crit dmg, can't say I'm happy with only just 50% rate cap. This stat should be never capped imo. This will definitely kill off the characters that don't have multi-hitting skills.
The party/leader skills will be missed, for real tho. RIP in pieces, Graham-jiisan.
>removing Idol Loussier and Magia Girl 2 events from Rune Memory
Why though.
愛でルーム should be removed instead. Useless and bloat feature tbdesu.
Just opened up idols again to clear out stuff I missed.
I'm guessing the fever mechanic it uses isn't compatible with the changes.
Forget if Magia2 used something similar.
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Skip unless the update somehow make them good again
I havent played this game in years and now all i see in its tweet replies are mad comments, what happened.
I still prefer the old UI desu.
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Stupid unnecessary downgrade happened
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>downgrade happened
>no new content to test it
>added lots of new bugs instead
>Airis wielding MC's sord
Holy kino
I wonder if it's an upgrade or they are considered as completely new classes. Kinda scummy if it's the latter.
>grand class
here comes the powercreep.
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>Beast/Lion's Roar from Tales series
Based, but I hope they don't get sued for this.
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I just remembered, they mentioned in a previous Osenyan that they're removing the Burst mechanic.
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Waiting to see how this actually works
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>free Airis
Thank you. Thank you so much
Event and daily jewels become treasure souls
Watch ads still jewel
BGM rewards is still jewels
Get rewards by collecting a certain number of treasure souls
So I assume lower gems income but guaranteed 1 new character each month? I guess the change seems to be better for F2P players and players with shit luck.
It's time to end the service and release a new Shironeko Project 2.
>no new characters from 1k gems
That guaranteed 5* looks really good now instead of getting lots of useless gems despite I need to grind this shitty co-op boss with even more bloated HP
>All 4 new characters don't have damage barrier or null ailments
This is just Shironeko Project 2 with extra steps.
>The shitty co-op boss takes extra damage from new classes finishers
You can use new Iris at least. It could use much lower HP though.
>got charlotte with 250 gems
feels good
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For the mean time I put triple normal+20% on my Airis sword but I wonder if finishers are even considered as "normal attacks".
>20 points total for daily missions so 600 for 1 month
>10k for guaranteed 5* although it seems 20k needed for all rewards
I guess most points are gotten from doing event stages and special missions instead of dailies.
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It's a pain that the upper limit for movement speed and attack speed increase for new characters is +20%.
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Send feedback
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My hobby is playing kusoges, so I'll stick with Shironeko until the end
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>Do 30 co-op stages with bloated HP mobs
Kusopl despite new Airis is enough.
>got 750 gems from doing dailies
>wasted them and still no new character
Hoping this guaranteed 5* is worth the grind
Tfw collab again already
Tfw it's another Kimetshit Collab in 2024
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I wish the free character is someone else but it won't make sense with the weapon type
>boss level 100000 mission
Oh fuck you kusopl
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Just play as pic related. You need to do shitty boss coop 10 times for the other mission anyway although it seems the missions for doing the shitty revival coop 30 times can be ignored since the collab stuff already gives enough points for the guaranteed 5* (assuming you did all previous missions and dailies for this month)
I still can't believe people are actually willing to take the buffslave slot instead of using a character with a GC weapon (with triple +50% rank exp). But I'm grateful to them and will keep taking advantage of them until I reach rank 750.
>old collab characters can be changed to GC mode which also change their passives and skills effect
>a few of them still have 1 hit damage barrier on their skill unlike new characters
It isn't fair.

Most coop hosts just instant disband if no one using that character for some reason despite doing shitty boos coop just take a bit longer without him with 4 GC characters.
Tbdesu I'd leave the room too if there's no Silva on sight. It cannot be helped, the coops are just unbearable without him.
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Still 2 more weeks left
Calling it bros, it's a MOBA.
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You can't save it for any future gacha which you want
>1 week left for current one
The last 2 useless intimacy scrolls seems to be impossible to get since they need 6k points total
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I was hoping for mage or archer
me too
i need a good archer
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>two(2) girls out of the three characters on the banner and of course I get the motherfucking old man instead
Every fucking time
>got Oscurol
Serpina looks more fun to play desu. Tfw new berserker doesn't have burst for HP absorb.
Serpina fells weak as fuck
but the crit buff is neat
>decided to try rolling with gems
>nothing aside old 4* dupes after 500 gems
Going to wait for next gacha whether I'm going to waste more gems/roll next gacha instead/save until Anni next month

I said she looks more fun to play since Serpina can move when using S2. Oscurol can't move when using S2 and can only change the beam target.

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