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Does this game have a future?
Too little content. I am at blackrock mountain and only content left is to do heroics and grind dungeons
This is true. I got bored and dropped it half way through heroics, doing every map 5 times to progress is just too tedious. PvP is also boring as fuck, there's no variety at all.
I doubt it. I'm hard stuck on the hard missions in winterspring and the devilsaur queen. So no gold coming in. My main appeal for the game was it being clash with a big focus on pve but pvp mogs quests with xp and I'm not a fan of the pvp.
>no gold coming in
You get 300 gold for completing a map on heroic (doing it on all 5 factions) so try to do Elvynn on heroic, it's pretty easy.
its only 200g, unless you pay pig
Chickens are really underrated against the later bosses that mostly spam single-target tanks and only weak air/AoE
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no. it'll make a neat profit from addicts who tend to blow hundreds+ on brand new gachas before abandoning them in a week but it has no real longevity
I swear if the do a patch and they nerf one of the few talents I have I will drop it immediately.
They likely WILL nerf/buff talents frequently to force whales into upgrading their units more to get different talents.
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lmao you delusional faggot
whales already have all units on epic with 3/3 talents
they will have to add new units/leaders/skills to get whales to spend more money
They are planning to add at least one new mini per season. Though if it works like Sylvanas and you get it uncommon as a guild reward, that's not too bad.
yeah this, and pvp sucks
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they're probably gonna introduce a 4th talent and an extra rarity level pretty soon. It will be called "mythic" or whatever the fuck comes after legendary and the new talent is going to be incredibly overpowered so whales will have to spend a pretty penny to unlock it. Once enough whales have fully upgraded their stuff, they're gonna repeat the process.

If this is their monetization plan, they have a money printing machine in their hands
Is this how other mobile games do it? Rumble is my first p2w mobile game, so I don't know the trends.
but what content would require this?
you can use talents in pvp, and whales are frothing at the mouth at the thought of climbing with yet another mindless, overpowered, overlevelled unit that will win games with no brainpower required whatsoever

also raids are coming soon, and those require really high level units aswell, i'm talking about epic units atleast
seen it a thousand times, and it would even be mild by industry standards. Mobile games have no floor, they always manage to reach new lows
What I have a feeling they are going to do instead is just release a bunch of talents, most if not all are going to be shit so you whale the slot machine to get the talents you want and maybe even choose one more roll over choosing something else tempting you.
it doesn't even have a present
Why isn't this on pc?
Don't you have a phone?
Better than Clash Royale
They added a bunch of clutter in WoW related to it.
>they added Rumble coins to battle.net shop
>can be bought using b.net balance
are they getting desperate?
i swear the surges where you're given a set deck are tailor-made for some of the AI to hard counter you
It's true. I work at Blizzard and it's my job to personally make your life more difficult by rigging the game against you.
They need to add some kind of endgame, it gets really boring after unlocking all the units and heroes and completing the campaign. Hope that raids won't be just one-off thing.
lmao still not available worldwide baka blizz
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>1 month after release
>literally forgotten
>didn't even get close to top 20 mobile games in Nov 2023
it's over
Season 2 will save us...
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>5 minute long loading times
>boring campaign
>pay 2 win pvp scene
>literally no space for competitive as only the heaviest of spenders can play pvp at all
>5 to 10 minute long que times once you go past 3k rating
>even below 3k, the meta is so unbalanced it's not worth playing
>one of the most competitive decks consists in a purely defensive deck where you destroy the enemy tower just by cycling spells
>literally no counterplay to it
>it has existed for weeks now
>no balance patch in sight

i always heard tales about how retarded blizzard is but i never thought it was this bad
Link the deck, I want to start winning some pvp
jaina execute cycle, look it up.It's not even the most unbalanced deck, but it's the most cancer i think
>one of the most competitive decks consists in a purely defensive deck where you destroy the enemy tower just by cycling spells
nice outdated opinion, faggot
this shit stopped working on arathi basin
it still works nigger
not really dumbfuck, it's very easy to counter
you're probably going against dumbfucks, the deck has adapted to the new map by using blizzard instead. There's other adjustments but i don't want to help spread this cancer deck any further
>open game
>realize i hate quests, pvp, and heroics
>close game

been doing this for the past few days, such a short lived game
>dungeons are fun but no reason to do them after getting all leader slots to gold
>raids are at least 6 months away
>quests are a joke, total waste of time
>pvp is tedious and repetitive and totally unbalanced
>heroics are okay but it's just one time thing
>surges are done in 30 minutes and new ones are in 4 days
They seriously need to add some content.
>hidden card mechanics (hogger only gets 3x more speed/health etc, despite not saying that on the desc.)
>no content
>no balance patches at all
>besides owning the two bloodmage players
>guilds only exist to grind for unlocks
>less than 10 people confirmed to have unlocked the emote from pvp in season 1
>pvp que times are over an hour at high levels
>devs and reddit mods joking claim that the fanbase needs to stop being naughty and take what they can get
its over
>less than 10 people confirmed to have unlocked the emote from pvp in season 1
lmao really?
yeah the emote needed 16k pvp points, given that you can only get them with 3 leaders total that means you need 5-6k points with your top 3 leaders... given how p2w the game gets after 3k it's not surprising that only a few people managed to get it
A patch actually just came out.
Though it's mostly bug fixes and only a couple of balance changes.
it's also bugged as shit. you can do the arclight surge on repeat as many times as you like. you get no gold until you relaunch the game and then it gives you the total accumulated amount. I've just farmed 1k gold spamming the first map over and over again
>"A connection to the server could not be established"
I guess they're patching this in emergency high-priority mode and turned off the game. Must've hurt their bottom line pretty badly.
Now it's fixed already, got it single new arclight zone that is lasting for three days. I wonder what they will do with all the extra gold and minis that people got.
This games difficultly spike is so fucking bullshit. The Lorderon quests are impossible. That son of arugal is so bullshitting hard I have no idea how the fuck you are supposed to beat it even id you spend money.
>decide to play pvp
>get match
>guy is throwing out units left and right
>Never grabs gold ever, but is somehow able to keep throwing out 3+ gold units like it's nothing.
>realize this is a bot and is cheating to make it seem like it's a real player.
100% can confirm this game cheats. Spent all day doing pvp and somehow had an unusual easy time climbing for a bit. Now all my opponents are literally throwing out units like it's nothing. My laat match they somehow spawned 4 abominations with in the first 15 seconds of game and didn't capturen a single gold node. Even with dungeons and missions one moment it will be piss easy, then the next time around it will be impossibly hard to just impossible to beat when nothing has changed.
Did we lose 1 arclight zone a week?
Used to be 2 on Sunday and Thursday but recently I got one last Thursday 1 Sunday 1 Tuesday and again 1 today. Fuck this game.
There are still four zones per week. There should have been one on Saturday too.
Yeah I'm done with this shit. Don't bother downloading this game is so god damn scummy.
Bro you don't like being hard stuck on a mission for weeks on end while being drip fed gold?
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>open game
>drop some units
>as i'm paying attention to my push my base get bumrushed by a fuckton of units spawning out of nowhere
>close game

not even getting my daily rewards anymore, quests have become grindy as fuck. Especially since my units now need 32'000 exp to level up and this fuckass game thinks it's ok to make me sweat for 70 exp per quest
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>Does this game have a future
won't live to see it's one year anni
no, and not only htat, the game that is copying (minion masters)also in danger, because it did a fuckload of bad descissions trying to copy what warcraft rumble was doing.
thanks blizzard, for ruining everyting again.
>the game that is copying (minion masters)also in danger, because it did a fuckload of bad descissions trying to copy what warcraft rumble was doing.
That's completely their own fault.
anyone have a guild for an active player? I have like 120+ of those red badges and do pvp sometimes.
guilds are completely fucking useless and pointless, just join a random one to get the rewards
>season 3 just started
>new hero dropped
>zero hype
>no discussion anywhere
>absolutely null interest
dead game
>haven't played this game in a long while
>suddenly remember it existing
>check thread
>still dead as fuck
and it will stay ded because M$ fired most of rumble team
kek did they really? I know a lot of blizz shit was hit including OW2 & CoD, but didn't know about this.
I think big Western devs just can't compete with cheaper Asian services long-term. Their operating costs are higher, the spending habits of their players aren't as insane, and they aren't as lax about whoring out the waifus.

it shows, 1/3 of my pvp games crash. sending me into the unending loop when I try to restart.
>SAFE pilot nerfed to the ground
>even replaced in the app icon by a generic shouty face
It's even more over than previously thought possible.
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>>even replaced in the app icon by a generic shouty face
fucking L.M.A.O.
are they trying to trick whales from other mobile games? are they THAT desperate now?
Wait was there a balance update? Did they nerf talents? That would tilt me if I was still playing.
I kind of understand why they switched the icon. Nobody likes quirky pink-haired gnomes, they're disgusting and annoying. If you're WoW player you kinda got used to that as part of not-so-serious setting. But if someone is not familiar with Warcraft and they see some "lol i'm so crazy" danger hair feminist as app icon in app store they're gonna skip it in a heartbeat and never look back.
Honestly, it's surprising they went with her as a mascot and app icon in the first place. Just shows what kind of "people" were in-charge, and that they are fired now.
...I liked the gnome.

I tried finding what the nerf was, but all I could gather was it was a pvp balance change that fucked pve, right? Where her impact no longer kills the majority of most enemies, even at same/lower levels now.
Moderate nerf to the the crash damage and a big nerf to both of the popular talents.
That nerf to stealth is absolutely disgusting.
kek imagine getting a talent having it nerfed and having to buy the same unit what 8 more times to buy another talent.
I'm not doing that shit. But yeah, they nerfed her so bad that they KNEW no one would use her, to the point where they had to remove her as the poster girl for the app. It's no longer the SAFE pilot as the app icon, it's grommash >>1397270

But yeah she's basically unplayable now. Can't instakill AoE packs, and loses stealth immediately if she targets a unit, so no guaranteed free hit on anything anymore.
>mini takes 12'000 experience to level up
>do a quest
> +70 experience

and that's only to bring it from level 17 to 18
Considering i can't choose which mini i want to level, i'm stuck doing quests for all the other 54 minis in the game until the mini i want to level up shows up again in the quest rotation, and even then if i do the quest it's only another +70 experience

how much is it to go from 18 to 19? 24'000 experience? then 48'000? considering you need like level 27 or more to beat onyxia now, how the FUCK are normal people supposed to get deep breath now?
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You need 12,000 experience to get to level 16, you're counting in rarity or another non-xp level. There is still a lot more ahead.
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>first quest of the day
>AI immediately drops a gargoyle in front of my tower
>all my anti air units are at the bottom of the deck
>lose in less than 5 seconds

that's enough rumble for the day
Do we know if they are gonna do expansions with new lands such as northrend or are they gonna keep drip feeding 1 mini per season?
The nerf patch really killed the game. I'll be surprised if it makes it another 2 seasons.
This is true. Like 75% of my whale discord moved on to other games already.
just a few more hours until i can level my undead leaders finally
Wasn't Molten Core raid scheduled to release soon? And Moonglade zone? There was supposed to be new season in March? What's up with that?
>last news on official website: January 24
Oh... they really did abandon this game. I guess it's true that they fired entire Rumble team and it's now run by a single person.
>play single player and generally having fun
>hit a wall and need to level up my guys
>have to grind shitty dailies and can't even pick who I level up
I fucking hate mobile games so much
>season 4
>no balance changes to unfuck the nerfs they did last patch
>had to lower PvP rewards because literally no one was getting them
>PvP rewards
yesssss I'll finally get the hecking emotes *poggers*
Guilds still won't get them, nor will 99% of the PvPers. It's still botted and whaled to shit.
It's amazing how badly they fucked up this game. Clash Royal is good because of how simple and even it is. Rumble tries so hard to be different that it completely fails to see exactly why it's copy cat is sucsessful in the first place.
When is Arthas
dead game
Unironically is. I'm in a full guild, and not a single person has done any sort of surge this season.
Why would you stay in a dead guild?
Why would you stay in a dead game?

Also, the 1gb patch from the other day straight up broke quest/surge AI anyways. It blatantly cheats and spawns perfect counters with zero cooldown or respect to gold. And every time a gold node refreshes, an enemy kobold or miner is spawned to insta mine it.
>Why would you stay in a dead game?
I haven't cleared all of the heroics yet, so there is still content for me.
>make a mobile game
>burns phones
>no graphic or performance settings
epic. was super fun those first few days that are designed to get you hooked, but past that its typical grindy garbage. no thanks
Im at 130 crest power and I can tell you all, this will be over in less than a year.
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where exactly did it all go wrong for rumble? obviously their plan was to dethrone clash royale which failed horrendously. even at 8+ years old, clash royale is still quite popular whilst rumble gained zero traction at all. what happened?
It's too far away from what apparently makes Clash able to survive. There are too many units in Rumble, they're too individually complex, maps are too big, and nobody plays PvP to keep the whales happy that their money is doing something.
After the novelty runs off there's literally 0 interesting and replayable content to keep people hooked. They didn't add any events and raids are nowhere to be seen. Their idea of new seasonal content are EMOTES.
Dungeons are pointless after you get all your leaders to full gold, heroics are one-time thing and when you're done with them there is absolutely no point in repeating the levels, surges are boring and annoying and if you're a whale there's no reason at all to bother (60 gold lmao), quests are a fucking joke and a waste of time. The only real endgame activity is PvP, which sucks balls and is not engaging at all, and even as a whale you don't get the dopamine rush of stomping noobs because there aren't any noobs playing at higher ratings, and even your fully upgraded army is not that much better than some noob with only greens. This game was done by people who have no idea about mobile gaming, and it shows.
Also the dungeons are good in theory, relics add a lot of cool and unpredictable effects, but they fucked them up in two major ways:
- being forced to do the same one with only one faction of leaders for a week is fucking retarded
- rewards becoming totally insignificant after upgrading all unit slots to gold
Dungeons could be pretty fun endgame activity if they added bigger variety of them, abandoned the weekly rotation, and gave them better rewards that do not become irrelevant so quickly. They could maybe also add a leaderboard, like showing who got to the highest level and time of clear (or something) to make it a little bit competitive and an alternative to garbage PvP mode.
one thing that still baffles me... they obviously went pretty hard on world of warcraft theme, but didn't include one of the more important aspects of wow, if not the most important - items
i imagine this game would have better replayability if quests/heroics/dungs randomly dropped items you could give to leaders and make them stronger, like in wow
would be a good vertical progression, currently after leader hits max level the progression is finished
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>They didn't add any events
The "event" is a cash shop bundle.
There's a massive difficulty spike as soon as you unlock heroics, even for regular regions. Game basically forces you to paypig or spend literal days trying to grind quests for exp to level up a single leader's build minis just to beat one or two bosses. PvP isn't accessible to F2P players. The AI straight up cheats as an intended punishment mechanic for winning too much. In fucking singleplayer. So if you win too many quests or beat too many bosses, nope. Cheat time. It will cheat and force you to lose x number of times before it resets and returns to regular difficulty. Rerolling talents is too expensive for F2P. They also nerfed the most popular F2P talent and mini, because haha fuck you gotta try and get the piggies to pay for a reroll, and it just blew up in their face and killed any remaining goodwill the remnants of the f2p community had for the game, and everyone left.

They were banking on this being a P2W success from the get go based purely on IP recognition, and designed the game around P2W as such. But surprise surprise, the attempted force pay2play cliff that everyone hits when heroics unlock caused 99% of the players to quit without spending the $20+ blizzard was expecting you to shell out to try and progress. 1% paid a bit more to progress as per blizz's intentions, but out of that 1%, only a literal handful whaled the way blizz wanted and maxed everything. And surprise, those players quit, too, despite the massive $12k+ spent irl investing in to the game, because no one else is there to do endgame PvP. They basically decided to piss on both parts of the community and expected everyone to drink it up like holy water; but instead everyone moved the fuck out of the way.
Gnomeregan is too gimmicky
Using the dumb pink haired gnome as the main character for marketing
it's funny how they changed the icon to grom once they realized their force fed le quirky fem character bullshit doesn't sell to China/India
But that's wrong. They changed her because they nerfed the fuck out of her, and didn't want the game's posterchild to be a character nobody used. SAFE pilot was in basically every single build pre nerf.
gee I wonder why they nerfed her in the first place... maybe because they wanted to remove her as posterchild?
Because the whale PvPers cried about her, actually. And there was nothing wrong with having a gnome as the mascot. Unless you're mad about the pink hair, in which case, you've not been playing WoW long, have you? The pink pigtails on gnomes is iconic. It's like, the default hairstyle since 2004, dude.
They are actually adding content to the game.
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can rumble be saved
Got my first mythic tome via dailies since the update they were the added, feels good
This is the best one so far, but it can be better
>experience gains greatly increased
>new event giving more rewards and quest variety
Rumblebros, we're back.
Too little to late I'm afraid.
wake me up when they finally add raids which were promised before launch
Raid finally happening
How long did it take from the first Darkmoon Faire teaser until it came out?
Guys our Guild has two spaces left. Join the " JESUS IS GOD" Guild.
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rumBULLs we're so back

They made ragnaros able to become a tower like in hots, nice
>with a guildmate
>team up
fucking why... can't I play this game solo?
Does it still have any space left?
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Hi I'm looking for more members in my guild. I'm Platinum I ranked in PVP and am at collection level 40. I have 126 sigils also. I don't care where you're at just as long as you're active enough to get your arclights done and contribute somewhat to the Darkmoon Faire.

The guild's name is "Guildless". The description reads "guild for the guildless". Don't be a fag please.

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