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Nikke thread.
My daughterfu finally got some love.
Reading is FUN
Top tier gqmepla
>everyone around the world complaining about how shit this story for the event and minigame is
>me being upset about how they wasted the hotsprings event on a fucking visual novel minigame and not a sauna manager sim like Destiny Child had
I dont need to self-insert and read all these words, i just need to see some goddamn tiddies and ass. FUCK this event.
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Next character when (another that I won't use)
Are characters that show up in the mileage shop from a set pool or is it the whole general pool? Iv been waiting for Noire to show up for weeks and have never seen her, but keep seeing girls like Liter and Privaty constantly.
Set pool, yes
Is she even in it? I think it's not updated.
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Oh fuck, what gem package do I have to buy to make sure I get this
We’ll fuck, guess I’ll just Liter after NY if anything
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God she's so pretty.
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I was gonna say just use 200 tickets but AAHHHH FUCK
Too late to start?
What's the other option?
unfortunately yes
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You missed out on some stuff but it never hurts to start up.
Not enough booba or boota, meh
Hopefully we learn how a mass produced model essentially became a grimms model through sheer willpower alone
After breaking through the 160 wall, is it still imperative to MLB units outside of them being your favorite or them being meta?
Are boots specifically for her some kind or rare find or is my luck just that bad? Obviously I don't have one for red hood either
>core 3 Modernia
It's karma
>Don't have Anne Fairy
>Would basically just have to do one more roll for the pity

It's really tempting to just dump my load on this. The alternative is waiting another year.
Are we going to have another survey? I really want to shit on that disgusting """minigame""" of the Christmas event.
I think everyone does. On top of completely hating the shit writing for people that actually had the patience to read thru that textbook, the false advertising of being a "game" was really something. Even VNs do something to engage a person, instead of just mash the dialogue away
It's the minimum I expect after a year of playing. Now give me Mariam's feet
>finish all battles in a chapter
>go to the ark
>go to the outpost
>go to the ark
>go to the commanders room
>go to the outpost
>go to the medic bay
>go to the ark
>go to the surface
Really now
Just go to the surface dude
Who is the fattest woman in this game? I'm talking about a belly here, not just some wide hips and fat tits.
Any Global Unions?
Probably Tia, could just be the sweater making her look fat though
Hm yeah, that's really just the sweater. Typical thin girl.
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>mfw I got doro
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Should I try to switch to another tier 2 nikke or is she ok?
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I put that they shouldn't even bother with adding neverland to the archives.
I’ve been playing for months. I’m still not at sync level 200.
It took me from the Dorothy to New Years to reach 200 and I think I started playing every day since the Summer event.
I just love this new overclock thingy
I don't get why they did a dating sim, but have it focus on a mass produced
Lots of people ask for devs to put more attention to mass produced nikkes. Best one was Doro event
Monkey Paw'd real fucking hard with that event. Did they not think to at least make it an optional route? Or just have her be the focus of the main story cutscenes? They literally shoved her into every date scene with the other girls.
I wonder when Product 08 will get her turn.
set pool, so no new characters unfortunately
>no free gems because no update at start of event
Ftp bros...
>new SSR character Moron
I'm not rolling for another idiot
There is no reward in gem hoarding.
When is Sugar's costume dropping? Kinda weird it ain't here with the event.
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It's a monthly mission pass so it'll drop when Guillotine's is finished.
Moran is great and cute and funny and cool and I'm not going to pretend she isn't
Anis is FAT
t. Fat
She is chunky even one of her advise sessions addresses it. She’s stout
Is the new Privaty going to be a permanent roll? Doesn't seem to be limited
>Is the new Privaty going to be a permanent roll?
Yeah, same for SBS.
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Heres the nude mods for PC for this month
>for this month
You niggas have to download this monthly?
theres stuff that gets added, renamed or remade due to errors
Would rather just read doujins
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Bros, where is that tail connected?
Maid Priv worth it or nah?
thanks bro, looks like they added new encryption on the latest patch though so all the mods get overwritten with defaults now
How do I... uuuhh
Defeat the last boos of the moran event
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Now I want to buy Drake's skin
You mean the stormbringer? That shit's bloated as fuck. Unless you have a highly invested squad i wouldn't recommend bashing your head to luck out on shields or i-framing.
Main squad is 250k normally lul
What happened to the new simulation room?
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Then as long as your teamcomp's good you shouldn't have much problem no?
I personally can't do it comfortably since i'm missing lvl 5 OLs.
Are the cakes and bombs supposed to be in the shittiest possible resolution? Thats actually throwing me off in the minigame, its like setting a youtube video to 140p
Is that on the mobile version?
Yeah, is it actually clean on the PC client? Thats dumb
Yeah but deserved for playing the objectively inferior version
Any of you use nikke papes? If so, which pic? for mobile or pc?
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Game dead?
This isn't related to this game really but a gacha game I recently started playing, I've seen people post about their currency going from negative to positive and wondered what that's about? Did they put money into the game, pull for everything they wanted and then charge back and instead of getting banned it just puts them in the negative?
Idk about this game, but yeah that’s usually what happens when you ask for a refund in most mobile games, and then you have to buy yourself out of the negatives or just earn the currency to get out of it, depending on how scummy the devs take it.
Since refunds are usually done through Apple/Google support (or going to your bank if you really want to try hard it), if you succeed, the devs see it, and then they may deduct it or just ban your account entirely.
The funniest shit iv ever seen was with Street Fighter Duel, where after devs rigged rates and also did some false advertising with in game notices, people demanded refunds from Apple/Google, got their money back, and then the devs started handing out bans. And it wasn’t outright bans, you can still log in, but trying to hit any button or any menu would give you an error telling you that you need to buy back if you want access. Just to view your fucking inventory, you were banned from and got this message. It was gloriously stupid.
I dunno why it's so inactive here. Whenever a Nikke thread pops up outside of /vmg/ it usually fairs well.
I can't understand nikker nomenclature on vg lul
It's like they are speaking another language. Also, more activity means more spoilers, learnt it the hard way
English (american) subtitles of the game are unbearable what the actual fuck
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Also, surely they could tell her about the no-rules pure extermination war that they have been fighting for the last few decades? Right?
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>That Drake thread that reached bump limit in /v/
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/vmg/ is less active than /vg/ or /v/ in general.
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Some of the freemods and 1 of the paid mod got fixed
What's this???
nude mods, effect removal, burst / lobby mods
>paid mod
I am reluctant to give my money even to the koreans that make the game
that's why i post it when someone leaks it.
Naruhodo, my bad. Very kind of you. Can we have some screen caps?
I left previews in the zip file
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Some of the skin swaps are now updated
The leaker of S's mods took a vacation
What happens when you Core 7 a unit and then get one more dupe? Does that spare body just sit in your inventory?
i'm pretty sure it will be automatically converted into 2k label.
Are you sure its 2k not 6k
I might be seeing wrong
probably 6k, yeah. i only saw screenshots so i might be wrong.
How can a newbie figure out teambuilding?
You don't need it now. You won't need it for a long time. Just power trough the campaign.
Anyone knows how to fix 4/7 43?
I hope to get some meta chars until the so said 160 wall. I'm currently on chap7, is it doable with N102, Anis and Rapi as 123Burst team, since I'm a lil struggling at this point.
Or is this intended to just do nothing for a few days and grind for mats for upgrade?
>Or is this intended to just do nothing for a few days and grind for mats for upgrade?
Yes unless you swipe.
Every stage is doable as long as you're above the recommended pow but it'll catch up pretty fast and you'll struggle even with a small gap with that team(dunno if you know about it already but there's a stat penalty if you're below the recommended power).
Yeah, I've heard about. Though I've finished Level 2 of Simulation with two sector bosses having 2-3k more CP than my team. Maybe it's not that bad, or maybe it's buffs.
Also, what's the state of the community? It's as if nobody does all this side content like PVP, Tower and whatnot.
Chapter 9 is the 1st time you need to understand the proper basic of the game mechanics
The penalty doesn't apply in simulation.
>nobody does all this side content
PvP is dogshit and towers are just auto until you stuck. If you're talking about rankings though, i believe you're put in a fixed bracket witth accounts around your starting date.
Oh, I see. Is there any good wiki I can skim through? I've seen some sites, but they seem incomplete in terms of which skills I should upgrade or leave as they are. Or most of the community resides in some shitty discord servers?
Nikke.gg seems to be what everyones recommend, the thing with the meta in this game is that Asians and western players differ in their opinions about the characters and their usefulness, you will see characters that are mid at best according to westerners but are considered top tier in Japan. Is weird.
Thanks for that.
It's really weird though. Especially weird that majority of SSR are in D-C tier
>finished Level 2 of Simulation with two sector bosses having 2-3k more CP than my team
Yeah, later on you will be winning against enemies that have 10k, 20k or even 50k more than your team if you can get a good comp.
The side content is good-ish but is all to get more resources: pvp for gems, tower for gems, simulation and interception for resources.
how do i more effectively dodge damage. Its hard to tell when enemies are going to do dmg and to who.
unironically, trial and error. or just bring shielder but centi is the only consistent shielder so far.
is there any reason to not go full rocket? it has full range coverage and aoe. Does roxket have lower dps?
Character skills valued higher than their weapon types. It's one of the reason why liter stays on top despite her being a SMG user.
Although there is a weird vesti rocket comp but honestly it's not worth the investment unless you really like her.
It comes down to some nikkes being easier to make a good use of them, sure you can make a full rocket team and enjoy that sweet dmg bonus but it's more expensive and you would need a very specific comp to make it work
I figured out what my main issue was. I didnt pay enough attention to tutorial so I didnt know that you can make the whole team take cover by reselecting your current character. Is this also the basis for active skills that arent burst skills? Theres some that ive seen that dont have triggers stated so idk how to activate them.

Also, does this games get more rail shooter like? I loved hotd and some of the events and bosses in this game seem like they lean towards that but also like its not going to get very in depth in that regard.
Got bat into nikke after like 6 months. Should I go for the doomgirl, or the maid.
There are some bosses with moving weak points you have to shoot before they do a big move like hotd.
if you like neither, skip.
fatty might be useful in dorothy comp however.
Simulation and imterception are the only interesting parts because they dont use the cp system. Cp is one of the gayest mechanics ever made and its why I quit diablo immortal. At least with nikke I can just wait and olay other games in order to level past the garbage mechanic.
Alot more stuff got added
Its from the one that stole S's mods, good thing he's useful for once.
You can push 30-40% of the power difference with certain characters.
This is an idle game, usually wait for 3 months / 20 levels for that power spike increase.
Its not about the power. Its about how narrow the band of an enjoyable difficulty is outside of limited events is. The boom event, interception, and simulation room can actually be fun because the cp system doesnt gimp you into a losing set up. Anything that uses the cp penalty system has a very narrow band of enjoyable content above cp because of the time limit and cp stat debuff. Its either too easy or a time out trap. Then theres the problem with it being a gacha game so its difficult to justify playing mock battle intercept or redoing simulations for no rewards. Even if it was extremely minor rewards it would still be fine but getting 0 rewards just feels like shooting yourself in the foot.
>Anything that uses the cp penalty system has a very narrow band of enjoyable content above cp because of the time limit and cp stat debuff.
And fixed level stages force you to have good characters and gears so what are you on about?
You either swipe or be patient, that's just how it is. Quitting is also an option.
fixed level stages are more fun because theyre generally a fun difficulty. Thats exactly what im on about. Anything cp reliant isnt based on team comp or skill just a somewhat arbitrary number. It makes the campaign and tribe tower very boring to do.
Sir, this is an idle game, please understand.
"Playing nikke" is an incorrect phrase.
It can be an idle game for most of the content but thats gay. Idle gaming is an oxymoron which is why I dont idle intercept and I get higher damage as a result. Nikke has a strong gameplay base where the only thing holding it back is boss and level design though there are fun bosses. The train and the base are pretty well designed.
Who used their Hidden Maids SD Keychain? Is the drop just stuff from the shop?
Personally i'd keep them as memento.
>Is the drop just stuff from the shop?
Yes, drops are pathetic, just collect them. I wish I could recover the cake of the anniversary event
Raid rewards out yet?
Is this the thread?
Which one of you simped for D
I am not rolling for fucking D
Maybe I will because saving gems in this game is useless.
But D?!
Fucking D of all characters
they're focusing their resources on stellar blade preasu undasutando.
Its for paypigs and solo raid
Im not pulling myself
Mother Whale is continuously wiping the floor with my Nikkes. I'm not that underleveled so it shouldn't be my damage output. Anyone got any strats you'd like to impart upon this lowly commander?
Depends on your Nikkes if you're a f2p like me, you can beat this boss, but I think proper burst timings + MGs is the most thing you need to do against this boss.

This lineup should be easy mode if you have them
>Tia Liter Naga Redhood Modernia
>Liter Blanc Redhood Modernia Noire

I'll probably give you a 1-1-3 setup
I finished this back then with Liter-Rupee-Scarlet-Privaty-Modernia

>Burst 1
Do you have Doro?
You can use her over Liter to make raptures that you deal 1 damage pop
>Burst 2
Here Diesel is actually good especially as an MG and also a taunter during the rapture elite phase in the middle where you cast burst before they fire and raptures target Diesel and Diesel just heals it up
You could use better nikkes but if you dont have much Diesel is a good option
>Burst 3 (1st burst 3)
If you have Redhood or Alice they're a good choice to take out the core ASAP with 1 burst making fighting mobs easier
If not use a screen wipe nikke see below
>Burst 3 (2nd burst 3)
Anyone with a screen wipe is good when small raptures go down, you can pop them as they are coming down with a screen wipe burst
Maiden, Privaty, Maid Privaty, Harran, Scarlet, SnowWhite loli, Black Scarlet.
>Burst 3 (3rd burst 3)
Modernia, Guillotine, Winter Ludmilla
Let them aim at the ports, they quickly take it down.
Also great during the bombs phase
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Thank you, ANON. Will try this tomorrow.
>Rosanna's new outfit
Goddammit, she looks amazing! Why does she have to be a shit-tier unit?!
She's mostly used to strip buffs like 2B and Scarlet
Shit waifu
Shit event whit shit story
Damn, forgot K looked so sexy
Her spine
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Success. Didn't want to take the D
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Latest mods are out, including Elegg and Maid Privaty
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Recently started to play this game, and been going pretty well so far. But now more and more I hit roadblocks in battles, despite having required power. This is the group I been going with, but also I managed to get Killer Wife, Elegg and Dorothy, from what I read online it is best I swap 1 on either Killer Wife/Dorothy and 2 on Elegg, even if they arent as invested as my current group.
Post your full roster.
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Ignore their levels, I been trying to make multiple groups for solo raid so its clusterfuck for next 4 hours, at least got raid done.
Ok so what do i do after the tutorial? I got some SSR boing slut with ice cream and Sr catgirl? in spats?
Do you enjoy seeking guidance/reading walkthroughs immediately after the tutorial? Just play the game, nothing much to min max at the start of it
No, but any tip for building team would be helpful
There's beginner's guide on /vg/, it's pretty much up to date.
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>>1419278 here.
After procrastinating and doing some hard mode levels, I took you up on your advice. The strat was solid but I used Doro, Blanc, Smol White, Modernia, and Red Hood.
Thanks again, ANON. I hope the next area's boss isn't such a wall but I won't get my hopes up.
It was nice seeing Noah connecting with Neon. Hope we see more of this duo in the future.
No worries bwo, elite mobs are WAAAY more annoying than the bosses later on.
Save all of the rainbow tickets and most of the gems you obtain for the collab and 1.5 anniversary starting soon.
Don't do this, chink games are hard coded to punish this. Have gems/tickets? Spend them, you will notice that you will get even three SRR in rolls. Want a character but no gems? Open your wallet. That's how it works. Go ahead and try it
It definitely felt that way with the Automata collab. I threw everything I had saved all year into 2B's banner and just scraped by with a MLB. I went into the anniversary not expecting jack shit but Red Hood stands today with Core +3.
Fellow commanders, how do i use my silver millage tickers? do i wait for 600 to 3+ some 3 star NIKKE i already have or use them to 3 star some SSS NIKKE?
You save them for limited edition characters
Yeah, wait until you get enough to break the wall.
>Shift up is going public
We are getting in game ads aren't we
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Just throw in some gems, skill books or coredust
Im fine with it.
Its a non issue on PC
Nice try shit up. Not getting my money
Uuuhhh was the turbo simulation room thing ever active again? Survey was asking like it was active every two weeks. I only saw it the first week and then ever again
It was active back in January as a beta test.
Maybe they'll bring it back by half anni hopefully so I can enjoy 2x weekend and build up gear fodders for the upcoming pilgrim banner and summer nikkes
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Really? We can't?
So disappointed when I couldn't talk to 2B or A2. I wanted to see how they'd interact with a real flesh-and-blood human.
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im curious. do any of you nikkers have a higher res of this? kind of cringe they only gave us the mobile wallpaper
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I am sorry, ANON. Closest thing I could get my hands on was this transparent.
You're good
very based of you to get me this ill try to work something out
What do you mean no voice acting for the history?
Barely got 3k gems yesterday before the event and got Emilia at the first try. I don't even saw the anime and I can't into meta so wouldn't know if she is good or whatever
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That's how it goes with collabs. We'll likely only have voiced ones for anni, summer and christmas.
from what i heard, she's pretty alright as a burst bar support for pvp.
Did they just put me with all the big boys in Arena?
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How are the people that actually watched the anime enjoying the event? Do they consider it good
Nips do apparently.
glad to see many others understanding that drake is the best :)
Confirmed dual collab with stellar blade in the release of the game
link's dead, anyone got a reup?
i never trust collabs
my faith in the concept of mixing settings like that died with kingdom hearts
Was not getting something useful in the interception part of the April fool's joke
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Seems like the endgame is the extinction of the human race anyway
>mfw the director casually spoiler the whole game in the process of marketing his new game

Is this game worth starting this late?
Depends on what goals you have.
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Need 1 more anon for union raid this month
Please dont go offline more than 5x and dont auto raid boss for just 3 fights a month
who is the fattest woman in this game? I wanna see a big belly.
Probably Elegg but she's the Korean definition of "fat".

Hey, when chatting wothbthe girls in Blabla, is there a right and wrong answer? I notice sometimes I get tickets and other times nothing.
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This might be our final solo raid playing with mods
Once half anni or summer rolls out, Proximabeta might include file checker every startup in place.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
coomers btfo
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Tia, but she has deniable plausibility due to the puffy jacket

Probably not, you only get stuff for the first (few?) chats I think
God I wish Shiftup would split from the chinks and hopefully kill this practice, but the way things are going I doubt it'll ever happen
I fear one day Shiftup will sell their soul to the normalfags like Mihoyo
>I fear one day Shiftup will sell their soul to the normalfags like Mihoyo
already going public, so they sold their souls to a worst group of people: investors
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If anyone needs a guide just copy my team
Those paypigs at /vg/ are always seething lol.
>lvl 400
Holy shit
When you enter challenge mode everyone is sync at 400
Stage 1 to 7 is your normal level
I r dum
What about characters that only have basic gear?
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Genshin collab
Basic as in T9 or T9M with no plus.
Thats like most of the non dps in my team 3, 4, 5.
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consoom works are great especially the maid privaty 1
The minigame really fucking sucked. Diner Dash moggs it completely
is it worth stockpiling the blue tickets or nah?
If you don't have anyone you really want from your wishlist, then might as well save it
if you're past the 160 wall, sure why not.
I just recall last year people saying to save everything for the anniversary but i didn't recall a reason to use all my gems and tickets then either so still just sitting on them.
If you are already at 100 nikkes yes
Skip banners and keep saving and build up missing nikkes
Same goes with those molds, you can open them once every 4 months to satisfy your gambling addiction.
definitely report your luck if you ever spend them please, I am sure that if you save them then those gems wont give you any SSR but I couldn't get the blue haired colab character and spend a lot on her so now I have doubts
save your jims and rainbow tix, spend blue tix and friend points.
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Dont forget to do your Level Infinite dailies and claim your rewards
What is this?
account bind to LI and do dailies then redeem rewards
Menu -> Account -> Account management -> Account management website
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Did it, thank you
You have to do daily login that refreshes around 9am jp time then claim stuff that refreshes monthly
I see. So the same time that the game refreshes? Which is 11 PM for me.
I think +4 hours of the daily reset
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At what point should I start actually leveling up my equipment?
About a third of my Nikkes have dark-purple tier right now, the rest have blue.
if you are stuck at sync 160 you might as well level up what you got
Best case scenario just wait for T9 manufacturer version aka T9M
I'm at 120 actually, and struggling to get to 130
I just keep procrastinating on doing the Story
Just keep getting coredust during event stages retries aka 1-11 hard 4x coredust boxes. Once you get to 201 you need 10000k coredust per level. Remember this is an idle game.

Story progression is mostly team composition,the more meta the better.

Tia Liter Naga Redhood Modernia / Scarlet usually solves things on normal stages
oops sorry i meant 10k
I think that was because we get double SSR rates for anniversary
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These are all the SSRs I have right now.
It's not that I lack the power to clear the stages. It's just that after doing all of the dailies I often feel mentally tired of the game and just close it.
Autism, you know?
Today I'm fine though, currently going through Chapter 11.
First 4 months during the release was mentally draining for me as well
I remember the first month going like 4 hours a day, nowadays its just 20-30 mins for the dailies unless I feel like pushing, didnt spend anything
So your best burst 3 are Alice Maxwell
Go Liter Blanc Alice Maxwell Noir in that order
So the placement actually matters?
For auto burst yes, to make it easy for you.
Clear shot to the target placement is a different thing, you wont need it at your current level.
I hope you also know about the 160 wall aka five 3 star nikkes to progress. I hope your focusing on getting that on your wishlist
Alright, thank you

Yeah, dupes are needed to increase the max level, right? So the wishlist shouldn't just be all new Nikkes, but also include some of the ones I already have, especially the ones who already got a dupe
yes focus on old nikkes first no matter how dogshit they are
What does this do, I have to pay the brown tax (not available in my region)
free 320 gems every month or some other stuff you are interest in, might be fucking nothing for spenders
It is nothing
Saw art from characters from this, they looked cute, but when I searched the game I found out it's got tencent anticheat, so fuck that.
Is there any way to play this (F2P) without having to download chinese spyware/miners/whatever they feel like putting in there?
What's the dailies and weeklies like for this game, especially endgame? And how much does it cost to keep up with the highest tier of reward in event/pvp? I saw a reddit thread saying you need 2 grands a month to whale, which is really expensive, only below FEH
You can play this f2p. Game is very generous, you just need to know stuff ahead of time to avoid bricking yourself
I always whale/semi-leviathan when i play gacha and try to get dupes. First time i saw Nikke 11 dupes to max requirement and it is quite intimidating. The banner change is very frequent too.
>Game is very generous, you just need to know stuff ahead of time to avoid bricking yourself
Won't help you if you're out of luck.
I'd rather suggest to start playing near big events(which coincidentally around now) for a while and see how much the game cater to you.
You'll end up dropping the game by 1st year of playing just like most of the whales / leviathan I fought in PVP. Because the end game content is weak
There's always mold and wishlist to claim missing nikkes.
Here's how Bay works for PVP
>There's always mold and wishlist to claim missing nikkes.
Still won't guarantee you getting what you want/need.
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dont know how am I supposed to use my resources.
just open what you need
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Needed that
That's the good sheet
shit. not putting it on my main rig in that case.
Anyone know the specs for it to run/look halfway decent, then? I've got a 5yo workstation laptop that I don't use for anything. I'd figure that's good enough for most gacha games, but this one looked like FPS and a lot more resource heavy with the character animations, so IDK.
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It's closer to an idle game than an FPS, and you can turn off a bunch of the FX too. I'm running max settings with a gtx 1650 if that helps
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just started the game is my wishlist good? tried to prioritize nikkers that are both versatile and good with dupes to break the 160 wall with but I don't really know what I'm doing, and nikke.gg/prydwen.gg recommend different things.
also for a f2p starting out so late what all are you cucked out of? is it just getting good ranks in solo/union raid? is it reasonable to aim for top 10% at some point?
You made me check my own wish list just to further confirm that it does not work lmao
Why maxwell?
Kind of lacking in burst 3 damage dealers I think, though I guess most of the top ones are pilgrims which you can't wishlist with. I think at worst you miss out on the limited characters and maybe the free max SSR Nikkes Rei and younger Snow White, not sure if the event archive thing lets you get them
I dunno she's ranked high on both lists for dupe priority. Would love to replace her with jackal but I don't know how smart wishlisting pvp units is for f2p.

I got red hood and harran with my reroll and I'll pull scarlet or the half anni unit easy.
Change Pepper to Drake
Change Noise to Viper
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Where's your Viper bro?
go with nikke.gg
i think you can go with n102-marci-red hood-alice-b3 for now since i don't know the rest of your units.
Two more rolls
about to install nikke for the first time
how bad is the F2P experience?
you can unironically brick yourself for being a lucklet since low rarities are dogshit but it's highly unlikely.
Pretty good honestly, if you have the patience. When the game released tons of people were seething about the lvl 160 wall (you will need 5 characters fully limit broken in order to level past 160). but if you don't play like a degenerate and take your time instead of rushing to endgame you should break the wall naturally as I did. I had 5 chars fully limit broken around level 100. I never spent a dime until they started releasing some really good skins, but I never bought gems once, only skins much later.
1.) Lots of hours at the start like 2-4 hours a day of grinding and pushing

2.) Extreme discipline past 160 wall not rolling for every banner
If you are top 25 in PVP, dont waste your LGBTickets and gems outside of seasonal and pilgrims

As a day 1 f2p Im now 374, my PVP are filled with hardcore spenders most of the time that attacks you more than the free 2x a day thats why I feel like I should just stop trying, my rank in my shard is floating around 3-15.
I fucked up the last few months pulling for collab and pvp characters, but these fuckers just keep spending, I just cant keep up.

Still the game is generous in the rewards anyway so top 25 is fine.
>buy the special pass thingy and get 6 million gems to spend
>gets nothing
My f2p experience is great and there is zero reason to ever spend again
I will wipe out the outpost
I will do the daily roll
f2p btw
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I don't really get SKK, seems like an inconsistent character sometimes he is a super active, responsible and proactive commander but here he is just a mess, so which one is it
I wanted a party dress skin for Viper next, but now I'm not so sure.
im only buying skins when they have good ones for the petite characters
you'll probably want to reroll once the 1.5 anni hits.
Her standards are not your standards.
The only RLs I have are Vesti and the SRs, should I invest in any of them or hold and hope to get spooked by the high tier RLs during the 1.5 anni rolls? I've just reached the 160 wall, been chugging along in the campaign by budgeting my usage of the rental nikkes but that's slowing down cause I'm starting to need all 3 together to clear a stage now.
Vesti isn't great in campaign while N102 and Anis are decent, but I'd say hold for anniversary since I don't think there's a pressing need to use RL Nikkes in particular, unless you don't have any good Burst 1 or 2 Nikkes
She's kinda bad outside of Chatterbox special interception for those without pilgrims and winter ludmilla.

The only strong RL anyway is black scarlet
Alright, thanks anons, I'll just see what I get from the anni rolls then. I'm looking at RLs just to get faster burst gen cause my highest CP nikkes are a bunch of short-ranged units so I have trouble with mid and far spawns, but I also have some strong B3 nukes, so I've been relying on them to deal with big waves and just stuff spawning in sufficiently annoying numbers at longer ranges.
Don't worry too much about your comp now in the first levels, my current line up at 300 lvl looks nothing like my early game except for my obstinacy to still use Diesel
For burst gen, just use Centi like what old players do
How did the advanced simulation room went for you guys this season, can't go past lvl 22
stopped at 20, too lazy to go beyond that
Just 30, cant be bothered to do more
The more closer you are to 400 the easier it becomes
>open the latest survey
>see section about which collabs I would like to see
>nothing but a list of normieshit IPs

I don't want another CSM or Re:zero bros, I added ikkitousen, hopefully enough people add their own, because that list was full of trash, shiftup haven't learned their lesson.
Sora no Otoshimono and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are good choices
Just write in series where girls experienced death
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Shit I hadn't even considered the girls from 2. They'd fit the game like a damn pair of gloves
global opinions don't matter.
t. kim
Hopefully, I really doubt re:zero was anywhere near the top in previous surveys, maybe it was just financially accessible for the poor shift up
Is there seriously no way to change your level infinite pass email address? Am I dumb? I try click on the email address to change it and it has a red cross over it, I just wanna get a new email address and move my shit over
That would leave a loophole for rerollers and account sellers. And you know how restrictive nikker is regarding such things.
I think it was more like they could get away half assing it.
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I reported my whale due to account selling with proofs, sad they dont give a fuck
Post stream keys plox
You are very kind. Thank you
is global really easier to rank on? should I play there over NA even if I'm a burger?
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Whos this. Also
>modernia costume only available through GACHA
How bad is it bros... Will I end up broke as fuck?
Yes, Global is the dumbest server
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>one of the few lolis
>uses a mech suit
Feels bittersweet
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I know it was a tough choice to make but you niggas have some shit taste
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It was the Dorothy event btw
a lot of people just hear a little quirky jazz and go apeshit regardless of the actual quality, i've seen it in other games
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Just bitter to be desu
anyone have the code from yesterday's livestream? I missed it
should I be using these level 200 helpers on the main story or hard mode for progressing the fastest?
Kids these day have it so easy with all those free borrowed characters, back in my days you have to grind alone
It's only useful until you stop getting cucked by the 160 wall, it allows you to chip away at content while stuck in purgatory.
Might as well, save them for when you are actually stuck though.
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I just realized that rewards are actually laughable, to make it worse I didn't notice that doing the normal SR daily gives the same reward as the overclocked one if you are not trying to break your current mark
Yes more stages clear = more resources per hour = efficient resources boxes openings
Theres a reason why 90% of the paypigs across all severs are losing to a f2p
1 day you'll need those level 3 manuals so bad.
I cant even get lvl 10 skill to some of my nikkes.
No I mean like would it be more efficient in terms of outpost upgrades, etc on normal or hard mode since uses are shared between them.
yes resources = outpost defense rewards
>I cant even get lvl 10 skill to some of my nikkes.
I do have a bunch of them in lvl 10 but I've been very lazy in that task
Just switch back and forth when you reach the point where the main story recommended power gets to be the same as the hard mode recommended power, which one doesn't matter I think
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nigga just play already
99% of gacha players quit right before they hit it big. my next reroll will be RH+Scarlet for sure.
Why not wait for anniversary in 3 days and reroll then?
I'm mentally ill and unironically enjoy the process. Plan is to get a couple good accounts to maintain up until the anni starts assuming we'll get some more pulls in the mail then I can pick one to main.
dumbass best time to start is between now and wednesday new accounts on anniversary starts especially for gems and pvp reasons
holy schizoid esl.
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How would you explain this strange-odd looks of DORO without mentioning the Nikke or name Doro?, I was playing a game “Guess the Character” with my friend, and I was explaining what DORO looks like, and more I explained, the more I realized how odd DORO looked, "Four-legged beast with no hair on the body, with a human head, Pink hair." i mean just what the fuck?, One of my close friends even asked me if that was a character from a horror game kek. When I showed the picture, it was only then that everyone understood what kind of character it was.

I Love DORO, but it's definitely a weird looking meme.
SD anime characters but four legged because memes
Esl world
Esl game
No, the outpost just upgrades with every 5 stages beaten, it doesn't matter if they're Normal or Hard
Did you show them actual Dorothy for comparison?
Are the resource amounts in the challenger resource boxes static or do they change according to your outpost or commander level?
Change according to your outpost level, so an hour of resources from a higher level will give you more
The former.
Looking to try the game out, is there a compelling reason to hold off till the 1.5 anniversary to reroll? I want crown but it looks like I may need some account progress to clear the events for rewards.
Also are there dead servers/does it matter which server to roll on?
Best time to start is today before the event
>I want crown
No you don't
>Also are there dead servers/does it matter which server to roll on?
All servers are active and according to some dude here global is easier because is braindead but I wouldn't know
Challenge mode reward boxes are fixed values.
is rerolling even possible? I think you need a level infinite account to play, so no rerolling, but I've never tried so who knows. I wouldn't worry about pilgrims they will all drop over time, so start now, farm gems by clearing stages as much as possible before 1.5 anni starts.
Currently you get an extra 10 summons (for a total of around 25) with the code bewithcommander, but if you wait until tomorrow I think we'll be getting more. I'm just planning on rerolling for the next couple days to hopefully get a double pilgrim start. If you're happy with just one of any pilgrim it's pretty easy so there's no reason to not start now.

You just salt your email by adding a plus and some numbers at the end.
This account seems to update with new codes pretty often, for anyone interested
Explain the new changes in the burst generation like I'm a retard
I can't even download the new update from the app store. Anyone else with the same problem?
full charge = more burst gen
no changes in its base.
autoCHADS stay winning.
No changes if you spam shots on SR/RL. Charging a shot increases the amount of burst generated by that shot based on charge level. This is so units on auto don't get shafted in terms of burst gen.
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You alright Neondev
I didnt notice a difference
Just keep shooting MAlice!
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How do you enter the For The King minigame
go to story 1 mission select
do ex-1
yes it's kind of dumb that they did it this way
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Thanks anon.
>it's kind of dumb that they did it this way
Is fucking not, they merged the history with the minigame even with voice acting, is great.
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Oh shit, it's Kingdom Rush!
Instantly second best minigame after the summer grill thingy
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This is me after I pulled two consecutive SSR on the last collab (the white haired girl), I pulled a LOT for the blue haired one and even put some money
I think trannycord is better because you also get to see some memes

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Crown is broken as fuck
Try using her on with this team
You still need Tia for occasional boss fights but for most stages Im surprised I got far with this team since getting her yesterday. I was stuck at 19-21 before getting Crown.
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Oops wrong image
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I hope you guys pick up Crown
She's a huge gamechanger
>t. shit up
Two more days before the inevitable nerf. Bought a copy of her because she a qt pilgrim and realized she will be my part of my main comp, did you upgraded her equipment to level 5+? Also, what do metafags say about her in arena
Theres no nerf, the most likely that will happen is a buff by fixing her interaction with Naga's heal
MG outside of Rosanna or probably Kilo (?) are trash anyway in Arena.
Arena is locked to 30fps thats why burst gen there is bad
I wish Events gave you disclaimer of "you need to play the Main Story through Chapter [number] to not get spoiled"
Big oooff
Huge oooff
Sorry you went through that, to make it worse this event could easily be a part of the main story
I already got spoiled from just the trailer to this event. They really should be more careful with this stuff when even just SEEING a character is a massive spoiler.
Kinda sucks that I have to skip cutscenes for events for now.
I've been playing for ~2-3 months and the only Event I fully read through was the cheerleader one. It just had a few Nikkes that I haven't "met" yet but otherwise it was safe.
I also have been ignoring the relationship stories for the same reason. Rapi was fine. But then I started Neon and it clearly expected me to already know some characters.
It's pretty self-contained except when it casually tells that the story got no stakes, shocking.
>a part of the main story
>no (You) involvement
I disagree.
>even just SEEING a character is a massive spoiler.
Contain my balls haha
I'm balls deep on the game so I don't care but is definitely a sub par experience for our new friends, the new Marian costume is a must buy as well
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I never cared for Nikke until I saw the ads with Elegg in them. Something about her just.
So are we gonna have a crossover with Stellar Blade?
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Which way white man
How the hell did you get dupes of Rei? Is she available in the gacha or something?
Good taste
Probably around Sept / Oct
Theres a selector box ingame
The first anniversary event gifted Rei four times, I broke the 160 wall thanks to that, it is possible to buy her in the store as well if you want her
Ah i see. I wasn't playing during 1st anni.
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She's so fucking hot, sad she lacks screentime
>new accounts on anniversary starts especially for gems and pvp reasons
>pvp reasons
Not the fella you were responding to but...
What is so appealing about player vs. player in Nikke? I usually prefer to hoard currency and collect waifus in gacha game.
>lvl 300+
>always end up in the top 15-20 of daily arena after playing the 5 matches
>next day my account would always be 30-40 place
>noticed YESTERDAY that there is an option for defense line up
>was filled with SRs and level zero nikkes
>fix it
>ladder placements stabilizes
I felt worse than the time I descovered I didn't need to do every difficulty of the simulation room
>What is so appealing about player vs. player in Nikke?
The battles are automatic but since having a decent rank gives you a good chunk of gems the players end up being interested/forced to learn about meta gaming
Gives some gems and a random assortment of elemental skillbooks to buy (they're the only things worth buying in the arena shop). There is an option to buy 5 of the new profile customization stuff too, but that is optional since dailies give 30 of the stuff base and you need 50 to roll.
What's appealing about getting easy 4000 gems a month minimum from PVP alone.
Thats huge for free to play since they can compete with lazy paypigs who started at the same time
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> got Crown from two multis in a row
She's good, right?
At this point I guess I should keep summoning for the second dupe and then buy the last one with golden mileage
Sounds like an unhealthy obsession tbdesu.
>easy 4000 gems a month minimum
That can't be correct, where do you get that number
So, they want gems for doing PVP, in order to spend said gems for doing more PVP...?
Makes no sense to me, unless you have gachaPVP brainrot.
Diamond 3 is pretty easy to maintain and is 2000 greens every 2 weeks.
Maybe, but were telling a new player that he JUST need to reach lvl 300 to get 4000 gems "minimum", that's up to a whole year of being a nikker before that
First off I'm not that guy, and second PVP groups are based on account creation date so it's not that much of a challenge to stay in top 30.
>PVP groups are based on account creation
Why are you posting on this thread acting like a smart ass when you dont even know the basic mechanics of the game.
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I do whatever the fuck I want
Sue me
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newcuties got 2 pvp nikkes for free
lucky fucks
Who's the second?
Privaty early on especially if you understand burst generation
I completely forgot she's a beginner reward thing, honestly impressive she's maintained her relatively meta status
There's also Anis who is still relevant to meta till this date even as an SR unit even with 1-1-1 and no overloads
A week into Nikke and im having fun and liking the story, what are some good shotgun nikkes and is there one with a skill that kicks up their fire-rate?
Sugar is one of, if not the only, unit in the game that increases attack speed and even then that's only for herself. Devs tried pushing for a shotgun synergy comp but it's not very good due to lack of cooldown reduction and inability to hit far targets, should be good for killing Gravedigger in interception though.
Tove-Leona-Sugar-Maid Privaty-Drake would be the team.
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in addition to the other reply, summer anis is top tier and a key piece of a meta team comp, but you'll have to wait until summer for her to become available again
and make sure you keep 200 gold mileage stocked for her because the rerun rates are ass
Thank ya thank ya, Sugar looks pretty cool and Anis looks sex in that bikini so ill keep a tab for them
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Does anyone understand what this fag is saying half the time?
Not understanding half of what he says is his Charm Point
>not understanding basic french
Filtered as fuck
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>Last 4 SSR molds
>3 SRs and 1 R
I have to vent my anger somewhere
61 percent btw
Do we all end up learning to put zero hopes in the gems? Let it be what it must be, even when spending money, hundreds of rolls and not even a single SSR.
If you are going to buy something in this game, it better be a skin, or maybe materials to level up, but the latter will just make you end up in the endgame faster with no content to enjoy and look forward
can you guys pearl harbor california instead of hawaii this time? we'd appreciate it
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Our response?
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Don't forget the minigame dailies
Be honest anon, what are you buying?
Correct answer is nothing btdesu
Nothing, but I’m tempted into buying naked Crown because her default skin kinda fucking sucks.
because of last year's event and she is sometimes in the store
just use the skinswaps
Challenge mode(?) setup suggestion
I usually do that then the laser splash + ice aoe tower
End up at 20-22k
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We are so fucking back, only few modders have repacked their mods so far, but its good enough for solo raid.
Just run this everytime when the game is updated and see the mods are gone.
Fuck Tencent

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Can't even remember how I managed this, drop your tips plz
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Solo raid teams template
Make it 5
61% my ass. This is a complete scam.
Should have hoarded until 2nd anni
Does Crown's attack damage buff on skill 2 trigger on heals on any member of the team or only on heals to herself?
>every template ever
>unit I don't have + other unit I don't have + unit I don't use so underpowered + unit I don't have
Events don't improve mold rates though
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The logic behind it, is that you'll have a higher chance to not feel dejected from getting duds even if it's just 3 out of 10.
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where do people go to meet egg shaped women? where do they hangout?
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1% easily secured
Why do you enjoy watching females being touched by other males
>10 tickets in the mail
>another dead multi
Im gonna have to use vouchers to get Crown, huh
You can keep your avatar you know.
spam pause
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Is this worth playing? Some of the girls are hot
Sure, it's pretty nice
I skip the cringe story and bond scenes, I'm only in it for team building dynamics for the actual difficult fights. Once you get near to lategame the raid content becomes fun trying to clear it with different teams. How much you enjoy that is going to vary depending on your luck with pulls though. But at some point that's going to stop being fun too, because your units just keep getting stronger forever because idle game so even the hard fights won't be challenging anymore
Yeah. The story is unironically pretty good.
We are getting stellar blade characters it seems
>I skip the only decent part of the game and enjoy the most shitty aspects of the underdeveloped gameplay
>gacha game writing
let's be real, we all know why we're here
The music and campaign, yes.
I have never in my life wanted to spend $20 on a costume, but that mast bikini holy shit its tempting me.
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Second best scene from the event
vtumor shill, yeah.
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Hello gents, could I have the archives of the nikke stickers please? Do they release them somewhere in discord perhaps?
6 now
Werent we supposed to get 10 special vouchers for something?
Within the next 7 days, probably tomorrow
That was two or three days ago and then you had to redeem a code to receive some gems and other stuff
I think....
You mean this?
If the lewd crown didn't have all those creepy hands I would actually be more tempted to buy it
I could have sworn it was something korean related. Damn, it was a screencap i saw in a /v/ thread the other day.
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Good thing ReZero are usable.
Why is Hatsune Miku trying to kill me?
Which one
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Alright, there's no way I get shit 7 times in a row... right?
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The chance of this happening again next time is 0.05%, which will fully convince me that the 61% SSR claim is bullshit
>The chance of this happening again next time is 0.05%
Don't try to correct me here, you get the idea
Fuck that sucks ass
>Trony pickup
Pettan boys eating good lately
Post comps please, this boss makes me feel so fucking stupid
i have not been enjoying my luck trying to pull crown, i'm on like 140 pulls without seeing her
thinking about just quitting if i don't get her using free pulls because i'm exhausted thinking about spending my single (one [1]) pity on crown
i am simply not built for gacha games
what boss
don't force yourself. just exploit their generosity twice a year, you won't miss much.
though i wonder, did you get anyone notable from your pulls?
honestly i think i got pretty good rolls (drake and scarlet), but it's just a little annoying rolling for a banner unit and not seeing her
i'll probably just use my pity to grab her on the final day of the event and then keep half-playing the game
>what boss
whatchu mean what boss, the boss, the only boss that could be beating my ass today (the challenge event thingy)
Pilgrims have 1% probability through rolls, actually rolling for a pilgrim is just begging to get scammed, what you should do is roll the rest of the year except for whatever pilgrim (crown in this case) and buy those with golden tickets.
>i got pretty good rolls (drake and scarlet)
Case in point. You CAN get them, is not impossible, but do not expect it and just buy it.
>stormbringer challenge
Lol i can still find my angry post from three months ago >>1399730 wha a comfy board.
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I left this team on auto, if you have them invested its easy.
I dont think 1-7 is meant for new players.
Thanks my dude, who might replace naga?
Rapunzel, Pepper
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Idk man, maybe I am just dumb, playing nikke after all
Stormbringer 1-7 isnt for new players, that boss hurts alot. I tried playing with my uninvested nikkes before attempting >>1471087 they all die too fast.
Just bring your hard hitting nikkes asap like go set it like Crown-Liter-Alice for 1st burst, then go Naga Redhood 2nd burst
Oh i remember if you dont have Naga, just use Blanc, hopefully you can kill the boss fast in 2-3 rotation if you are struggling
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>Stormbringer 1-7 isnt for new players
G...good to know haha
Try to stall the first circle phase as much as possible and idk maybe bring noise if you have her instead of rapu to aggro the turrets.
I'm pretty sure you need both shield and cover active to survive the aoe that somehow bypass even noah's invul.
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Stop using powercrept nikkes like Centi Rapunzel. I stopped using those 2 by 1st anniversary cause I didnt get the bunnies after 0.5 anniversary.
Having a really hard time with gravedigger in interception, is there an idiot's guide to bosses or something somewhere? I can only really make progress by brute forcing dps, I can't reliably break all 3 circles to stop him from doing his big attack that usually either depletes all cover or kills everyone
Use shotgun team
Tove Leona MaidPrivaty Sugar Drake
or use 5 shotgun
Pepper Viper MaidPrivaty Sugar Drake
I got 1 Rei and 2 Kilo from selection boxes. That means I need 1 more Kilo for a full limit break. Where would I be able to get her?
Mileage shop
I had a dream where I got a gf and was banned in nikke for saying nigger
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HP values
3rd boss hp got buffed
>Black Ark Ranger looking 100x more interesting than Trony
>no minigame for this event despite all the Galaga referencing in the event UI
Take me back to the anniversary.
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Let's try this again
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Aaand of course
Arent you getting them a bit fast, bro slow down your spending.
Nah I buy shards in the shop with body labels and get the rest in event challenges and weekly tasks
I haven't spent real money so far, and I'm not planning to given how bullshit the odds are.
>realised I haven't checked that shop since forever
Was going to spend it on consoles so I can equalise my recycling room levels, but 400 for only 1 of them? What a scam
recycling room is never worth it. somehow mold scam is ironically better than instant minuscle stat boost.
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Revision of >>1468117
I wonder if they ever fixed Rem's disembodied hand
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>recycling room is never worth it
How come?
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It's really funny how much black ark ranger mogs Trony. Hopefully she doesn't stay an npc for long because I'd gladly pull for her.
Why are you talking about an event that already passed
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I genuinely want an Ark Rangers squad that gets massive buffs for having the entire team be composed of all 5.
That was posted in December during said event.
Unless they're Elysion (don't know why they would be), don't bother, we've got too many Tetra (because obviously the super sentai heroes are EEEEENTERTAAAINMENT).
Elysion needs to make more nikkes the lazy fucks. Most of their girls aren't even meta so they can't say they're the quality over quantity corpo either
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>le meta
Post your worst, I will start. OL gear of course
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on the same day I get 22 R nikkes from 25 pulls, which has roughly the same chance.
My manufacturer mold rates aren't too bad, 28%, but given how hard these are to come by, you'll never pull them enough times to find out if the odds are legit.
Guess gachas are not for me. I can't enjoy a game that fucks me over this much.
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What the fuuuck
Yeah lately i got sr back to back from mold as well for some reason, this is stupid.
Think i have higher chance of winning real lottery.
Hey, at least it's twice as likely as getting struck by lightning over the course of a lifetime
SSR Rapi when
Back duing the new years event I used my elysion and tetra mold on the same day and ended up getting idolls on both. This was after having pulled special recruit 50+ times and got zero SSR.
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Not during 2nd anni hopefully
gooks always fucking lie about their rates, always.
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Fuck it, I won't be using this for anything else anyway
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Uhh... Yay? And sorry?
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>2 new
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pop pop pop
SSR n102 when
What do you mean not using them? Consoles on sale are a good buy no? Still, nice rolls
Christmas Anne is exactly that though?

Way too expensive for the price of 1 (one) console, plus you get plenty from the event shops anyway
>Christmas Anne is exactly that though?
whait what LMAO, serves me right for not even reading the event back then
>Way too expensive for the price of 1 (one) console, plus you get plenty from the event shops anyway
mmmhhh alright
Yeah the gist of the event is her mother was getting scammed into continuously working all day to pay for her brain damage treatment, so the commander and Rupee (and Syuen) help fix that so the mother and daughter can spend more time together. They also find out Christmas and Christmas eve are the only two days where Anne's memory doesn't reset, which is basically what Christmas Anne is.
I'm not crying, you are crying
Goddamn. I was depressed that there was no chocolate girl, but i suddenly feel alright.
Nobody here actually plays with the English dub right? Surely you guys know better than that
Nah I just follow the English account since it's easier to read
Hey, the dub is good... on some characters. Especially Anis.
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99% of you are decent, thanks for letting me get here without spoilers
Around what level do you have to be to reach this point?
If the in-game tool is trustworthy: 250-260, I assume with hardcore minmaxing, I am not like that so I just waited to 322
Wait, isn't the maximum level 200?
Can we have the promotional content on jap dub with english subtitles? Is that a thing?
Not at all
Don't think so, the Japanese account tweets out the jp dub though if that's all you want to listen to

After you get 5 Nikkes to 200 your synchro thing will automatically let you level past that limit (this is also when you start running out of those red eyeball thingies)
200 is when the game starts
I'm glad I've been hoarding all my cases since I started.
>After you get 5 Nikkes to 200 your synchro
Wasn't this after getting past the 160 wall? I legitimately forgot
Nah, I was stuck in the 180s for a bit until I started using up cases to push to 200 so I remember
Does anyone got a sudden pwr jump? My main team was around 170k, but now it's around 240k...
Top kek
OL lines and cubes got added to the pow calculation.
Explain the funko system like I am a retard
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>power adjustment removed 6k from each of the rental nikkes
Fug, I was relying on them to clear 3-4 stages a day.
Wait, so is this Vampire Survivors minigame permanent? I don't see a countdown anywhere
They really need to make it more obvious that there is a Co-Op open. Why is it tucked away, in a corner, in a scrolling banner?
I'm only here because someone told me the new Nikke characters are blatantly wearing vibrators is he bullshitting me
>is he bullshitting me
Yes, the player base is the worst part of this game.
Man. He almost convinced me to pick this shit up. Thanks for giving it to me straight
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It's not actually vibrators (probably). Just electronic badges that were given out to the contestants and staff.
However, they are definitely intended to look like they could be vibrators. With the placement and the wire coming into the crotch.
ShiftUp is a very horny company
Damn girl
This isn't a porn game. There is never outright sex on the screen. But some of the side stories and phone messages do get horny.
And of course, lots of ass-shaking in-battle
You can get R and SR dolls from boxes you get from dispatch.
They can be upgraded with materials also obtained through dispatch. An R doll can be upgraded to or replaced by its SR version, and all EXP you put into its R form is applied to the SR.
Certain characters (currently Exia, Diesel, Frima, and Laplace) can have their SR dolls upgraded to Treasures using their specific upgrade items obtained through dispatch.
Solo Raid will also drop items relevant to the system, but it remains to be seen how exactly these will be distributed.
Why do they have to be permanently tied to one character? I should be able to play around with those without the fear of messing up
Oh, ShitUp you're such a tease!
That shit vibrates even kek
>the only part that is not inside the body moves
Hot... I guess
Some codes
Eh, I'm sure you'll eventually have enough R dolls to give to everyone.
And there is no choice over what to give, all of them can only have one specific R doll and its SR version.
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Best birthday gift to me nikke related
Got the top spot even for a single moment as a f2p against my shard filled with paypigs.
Whales spread out gear investment
Might include skills as well, they dont do it all the way to 10
make them seethe

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