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How are we liking the monster hunter colab? The champs are mostly pretty good, but it sucks that they're time limited
I can never get the promo codes to work in this game so I never start it.

Apparently if you've ever installed it on any device it gets "marked" so you aren't a new user. I dug out my old ass iphone 8 (i use Android now), which I know has never had AIDS Shadman Legion on it, and they didn't work there as well.


Hey how about this what's a good Raid competitor now that Awakened Chaos Era shit the bed?
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If your account has been active for more than 72 hours/you got past level 15, you can no longer use the """new player codes"""". It's a very jewish tactic for sure, but given the devs of this game, it kinda makes sense. The other codes you could possibly use rotate on a pretty quick schedule, perhaps you might have used an expired one. Also, Apple no longer allows promo codes, so if you're a macfag such as yourself, you gotta go to a special website to enter codes, like a pleb lel, instead of in game.

That being said, it's probably better that you never got sucked into playing this game. Even now, as we speak, they're adding in a new extremely P2W gear set that you have virtually no chance of acquiring as a F2P. And that's just a small slice of the pie, I could go on for hours about how they're trying to milk every cent from this game while they still have time (in their own words: the game is on "profit mode"). There's definitely still some enjoyment to be squeezed out if you have the patience, don't get me wrong. I'm in the top 1000 of the entire world in PVP, and I can regularly spank accounts that have spent tens of thousands of dollars. But I have my limits, and I'm not a fucking magician. I can only do so much against a torrent of new items, champs, and bullshit RNG mechanics. The only reason I even keep playing is because of the sunk cost/time fallacy; don't worry, i already know.
Prime code

RAID: Shadow Legends
Energy Pack

Not anon but can anyone use this or will the Prime police hunt me down If I tried?
You can use it, but it's a one time code, so that other anon probably already used it. But this last prime code sucks compared to the others. You're missing out on some energy (which is unfortunate, that shit is obviously important) and a pittance of silver and some useless multi battles which plarium apparently values at $1 each for some reason. If anything, you need to aquire an Amazon prime connection for the next code, which gives you the epic champ Locwain, a necessary part of the Mikage fusion.
Bump, I can't be the only one who plays this shit
It's fun I guess just for actually having strategy but I get the feeling if I just set the thing to auto it'd know how to defeat the enenies better than I could and would just be another shitty autobattler.

It's been weirdly generous with account energy though. Got 500 free for doing jack all. Battles cost like 3.
>It's fun I guess just for actually having strategy but I get the feeling if I just set the thing to auto it'd know how to defeat the enenies better than I could and would just be another shitty autobattler.

The AI absolutely has no idea the best way to target enemies. All veteran players have spent their entire raid career trying every trick in the book to force the AI to target the right champs/do their moves in the right order. There are certain things that we have to do, like tuning the individual speeds of every champ, or making sure books fall on certain skills and not others, just to accommodate this dogshit AI. You only get this feeling because you're early game and you can still throw together any 5 champs and make things work. Once you enter the mid game, you'll be in the same boat as the rest of us.

>It's been weirdly generous with account energy though. Got 500 free for doing jack all. Battles cost like 3.

Again, this is an extreme early game problem. The game throws energy at you to try and hook you. The once you're enticed and maybe you've spent a few bucks already, suddenly the "free" energy you were dependent on is gone, and you either have to sit there like a F2P cuck like the rest of us, watching the energy regen, or you could aways spread your wallet lips, and pay a nominal fee for some energy, goy.

If I were you, I would start banking every refills until you reach the 130 energy cap. Every refill you use right now is wasting a small portion that adds up.
Hey Primechad, can you share this month prime code pleaseeeee? I need Locwain to fuse Lady Mikage. Don't want to waste free trial
all gacha have limited stuff. the only issue is that archer is so fuckign retardedly strong and brings so much that no other champ in the game does. you can build so many unique team comps beyond the nekmo/shamael shell or trunda comp with the fact you no longer need someone in cursed/mithrala on that key. shes a monster for dt or any wave content. makes every team full auto by herself if you lack double kymar seer stuff.

if archer was just average or guaranteed somehow, i think people would have less fomo over this.
Prime code

RAID: Shadow Legends
Locwain Pack

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Yeah it definitely feels bad knowing there are time limited champions in this game. I'm a returning player, I played raid in 2019 but then I quit, and only just started back up last summer. That means I missed out on Ronda, Ninja, Alexander, and who knows how many free login/fusions. Even though my account is pretty stacked, I'm pretty upset ill never get some of these champs cuz they're esclusive.

That being said, Archer is an extremely good champ, but I personally wouldn't qualify her as game breaking. You don't actually NEED a hex on your hydra teams; my 1 key nightmare team doesn't have a hex or even a cleanser. I have a having a consistent block buffs means Blight can never place poison cloud, and I just ignore Mischief until it's low, then I throw everything I have at it to kill it off. But it's a pretty advanced Taras/Soulless/Lydia/Sulfuriyon/Monkey King/Kimi team, so it's not necessarily accessible either.

Idk, I just learned to accept it. My main focus by far is arena, and not having a super fast Ronda capable of sniping a Rotos or Monkey King makes me sad, especially because I primarily run speed teams.

Remember, if you have past fusion fragments/arbiter ready to claim/any champs you can aquire, you can do the upcoming champ chase for free without pulling a single shard. I did the last fusion using extra points from claiming Rathalos, fusing a couple Broadmaws, and using only mystery shards.
Thank you Primechad. Now i only need 3 other champs before I be able to fuse my wife

I have been playing this game for 50 days able to clear up to 79 floors in doom tower. Have 5 champs upgraded to 6 stars (elhain, dagger, sachi, belletar, rathalos in that order). So far so good

My plan for now is to hoards many shards as possible until either prog chances happen for champs to fuse for mikage or any champs that can remove debuff all allies or plain 2x. Except for void shards because I need those only for Yumeko prog chances (my 2nd wife)
>Thank you Primechad. Now i only need 3 other champs before I be able to fuse my wife

Good stuff, she's a great champ. She will totally change your account, you'll use her in every single dungeon, pvp mode, and all other content you can think of. That being said, I don't wanna piss on your parade, but you're actually pretty far from getting her. The pool of epics is gigantic, and the chances of yoh pulling a specific epic is very low. I've been playing this game for 4 years, and although I took a huge break in between, I'm still missing some key epics I never pulled: Seeker and Miscreated Monster to name a few. I've completely accepted the fact that I'll never pull them even though I horde shards and usually only pull during 2xs, I've gotten over it.

>I have been playing this game for 50 days able to clear up to 79 floors in doom tower. Have 5 champs upgraded to 6 stars (elhain, dagger, sachi, belletar, rathalos in that order). So far so good

Those are some very solid champs. If I were you, I'd be eyeing a turn meter manipulator and an hp burner next. Being able to take turns in this game is the most important thing you can do; having someone who can keep filling your team's turn meter (or perhaps someone who can keep decreasing the enemy turn meter) is critical. Apothecary, often regarded as a "legendary trapped in a rare's body", is an amazing turn meter filler. High Khatun, who you got for free, is good as well. You also need an HP burn source, preferably an AOE. It's a shitload of damage to certain bosses, and your Rathalos does 50% less damage since you don't have one.
>My plan for now is to hoards many shards as possible until either prog chances happen for champs to fuse for mikage or any champs that can remove debuff all allies or plain 2x. Except for void shards because I need those only for Yumeko prog chances (my 2nd wife)

I hope you like waiting, because that'll take you years, and you'll need hundreds of shards of all kinds during each event to pull this off. Again I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Mikage fusion is a long term goal, unless you're already deep in the end game/you're a massive whale who spends money like water flows, and clearly you aren't either of those. Since the release of Mikage, we've had 1 single event to obtain epics and legos for the fusion. There might be another one, but I've never seen Paylarium recycle the exact same event before (in terms of champs being rewards), not one time. On top of that, I hope you know that 10x/progressive chance events are a total scam. The chances of you pulling a specific champ aren't actually increased by 10 times. They simply add 9 more copies of the champ to the total champ pool you're eligible to pull from. Even for epics, it's not guaranteed. By the time you get all the pieces for Mikage, you'll probably be pretty late game, with dozens and dozens of 6 star maxed champs, and you'll have plenty of other stuff to work on in the meantime.

Also, we literally just had a 10x for Yumeko yesterday, it'll be a long ass time before another happens. Regardless, I hope you pull her, she's one of the best champs in the game.

If you need any roster advice, post a screen shot, I'd be happy to help.
Just three more months of minotaur and maybe I will finally be free (as if)
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>If you need any roster advice, post a screen shot, I'd be happy to help.

Not that anon, but I am interested in help

I am staying F2P (Although I did buy an Acelin pack during the 2x event just to get some guys)
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The good news is you got some pretty good champs. I've seen a lot of people who spent way more than you pull a bunch of dogshit. The real strength of your account lies in the epics; there are some great ones in there. The bad news is that Raid is made by a bunch of incompetents, and they don't tell you anywhere that new players should always start the game with a new player promocode; a special promocode that can only be used if your account is less than 72 hours old. You would have had your choice of some very, very good epics, including one that's considered best in slot. Worse yet; you missed the chance to use the Sun Wukong code to get him for free; he's often considered the #1 very best free champion in the entire game. He can be used in every single dungeon, but right now he's terrorizing arena, including the end game where I am; hell my first pick in live arena is ALWAYS the monkey; he's that important to my PVP strat. Now you gotta hopefully pull him from a shard, but ask anyone who plays this game; you're gonna have to be real lucky to pull a specific champ. You might never ever pull the monkey.

Here's your roster back, hopefully the legend is pretty self explanatory. Caution: do not feed any champ with the blue swirl symbol in the bottom middle; that means this champ is a fusion piece. You will need to do the fusions to progress your missions, also the champs you fuse will be useful. Keep exactly 1 copy of every champ that has that symbol.

Hopefully by now your Kale is in some ok lifesteal gear and he can farm 12-3 brutal no problem. You're gonna be spending a lot of time there; you're gonna need to build chickens to make your first team of 5 champs; these 5 champs will be used everywhere; Clan boss, all dungeons, PVP, you name it. So you're gonna need a well rounded team that covers all your bases.
Basic team comp for noobs:

>nuker: does damage. Kale will be your main nuker for now, Rathalos also does a lot of damage
>turn meter manipulator: either increases your teams turn meter or decreases the enemy's. You should have High Khatun coming up as a login champ, she's very good. Be on the lookout for the rare high elf Apothecary, often considered one of the best rares in the game, he's arguably even better.
>support: you'll need supports to do stuff like protect your team/heal/revive. Versulf does increase defense and ally protection, 2 essential buffs in places like clan boss
>debuffer: you need someone to go in and debuff the enemies so they take more damage. They'll be the 2nd fastest champs on your team. Uugo is probably the best epic debuffer in the game, you got lucky with that pull
>crowd control: you're lucky in that Versulf is also a decent controller; he can place provokes and keep the enemy waves locked down

As you continue building these champs, you're gonna need to take them into the Minotaur to get scrolls, this is non negotiable. After they all have their capstone masteries, your main focus is gonna be tuning a clanboss team. The clanboss is the most important content in this game: if you can beat the final difficulty, you can get sacreds, lego books, brews, gear; all things that players need to progress their accounts. This is the cycle of the game: players do clan boss, get shards, save them up, then during fusions we pop them to complete events to complete fusions. The sooner you can get a CB team together, the sooner you can start participating in fusions.


>I am F2P
>But I did spend money

Nigga that means you're a low spender lel, not free to play.
Cheers anon, the only reason renouncer and warpriest are so high and accended is because of the Arbiter missions and prior to that I had basically no champs.

But I will try to farm and max out those 5 guys now. I don't have good gear currently because I can't clear higher dragons or ice Golem(9 and 10 so far) as Kale is my only good character so far
>Cheers anon, the only reason renouncer and warpriest are so high and accended is because of the Arbiter missions and prior to that I had basically no champs.

No problem. They can still be used for right now in faction wars, so I wouldn't feed them necessarily right now, but eventually you will have much better options and you'll feed them sooner or later. Definitely do not take them to 6 stars.

If you need help in ice golem, consider the uncommon (yes that's right) sacred order champion Armiger. He's the #1 best uncommon in the entire game, and believe it or not his kit is better that half the legendaries. If they increased his multipliers so he hits harder and increased their efficiency and called him "ultimate Armiger", he'd be one of the top Legos in the game. What makes his 2 skill kit so strong is the utility they provide. You have an enemy max hp hit; this is useful against bosses from stage 10 and above, and it also blocks revive so the boss's adds can't keep coming back for those retaliation hits. You also have very solid turn meter control on his a1; not necessary for ice golem but great for other bosses like spider and fire knight.
BTW, don't forget to speed tune your champs. They need to go in the correct order if you want them to be effective. That means your booster needs to be fastest, then your buffer, then your debuffer, then your dps. So in your case, High Khatun/apothecary gets the fastest speed gear in your account, Hofrees increases your attack, Uugo or Fodbor places decrease defense, then Kale or Rathalos can follow up with a nuke. Make sure this is the order of operations in arena or you won't be killing dick.

In terms of Stat priority for gear: for most champs, it's "ASDD", or accuracy, speed, defensive stats, and damage. First and foremost, your champs need enough accuracy to land their skills, or they're completely useless, to find out the requisite amount for the content in question, check the hell hades stages tool. Obviously some champs don't land debuffs/don't need accuracy to place them, so they're an exception. Next is speed. If you aren't moving fast enough, you'll never take turns, and your runs will take forever/fail because the enemy keeps raping you. Speed is king in this game, there's only a handful of situations where I'd argue its good to be slow, and you don't have a team built around that yet. Only then do you worry about defensive stats/damage, depending on their role; some supports are only there to support, some dps' you will build as glass canons.
Are there any games with a similar "generic epic western fantasy" aesthetic that AREN'T greedy money grubbing cash-sucking machines?
I'm such a sucker for these looks but fuck I hate this game after trying it for 2 days.
>I'm such a sucker for these looks but fuck I hate this game after trying it for 2 days

It's been said by members of this community that the only reason Raid is so successful is the aesthetics. There aren't too many dark fantasy gachas, most of them are anime style. If you think Raid is bullshit at 2 days in, you have no idea what you're in for once you're 2 months in, or 2 years in, and you've become invested, whether financially or emotionally or whatever and it's harder to walk away. It doesn't get better, it gets much much worse.

That being said, there are ways to mitigate the Dev's greediness/their impact on your experience. Despite what you may think, this game is absolutely playable 100% F2P. Like all games, you're paying mostly for convenience. It might take a whale 1 month what it'd take a F2P 6 months or even a year, depending on their play schedule. But you're also gonna have to shell out hundreds, if not thousands to do it, and it's not even a guarantee; the whale who bought shards and gear and energy might have dogshit luck and pull nothing, whereas a F2P yolos some shards and gets a bunch of top tier shit. Finally, you must go into this game knowing how dogshit the company is, and you can never ever expect anything. In fact you must accept the fact that the devs will only get greedier and greedier as time goes by, and they'll keep taking away what once was free rewards, or they'll keep inflating the time and potential cost of doing in game events and tournaments.

Me personally, I play only to buck the trend. I'm a reformed spender; I haven't spent a penny on this game in 4 years. That being said, I'm in the very end game, i'm top 5k globally in PVP, and I'm forced to use budget teams and gear to face against top whale and kraken accounts, and I come out on top more than often. I can find enjoyment doing this, but it took me a long time to put my account together. If you don't have the patience for that, well just quit now, fuck this game.
I don't mind spending a little. It's just that the game constantly pushing me to do it i can't stand. Don't show me ads and pop-ups in the game in already playing.
Maybe it's because I've only ever played two other gacha games. Fate/Grand Order, because i read the VN when it was first translated in 08. And Girls' Frontline because I love the idea of running a PMC and the only other games that let me do it are MGSV and the Jagged Alliance series.
I tried Dragonheir but it just didn't click for some reason. I'm trying Watcher of Realms right now and I'm liking it more than RAID. It does give me a pop-up ad for a starter pack but at least it only does it when i start up, not all the fucking time.
>Don't show me ads and pop-ups in the game in already playing

Oh yeah that shit is beyond retarded. After you spend like 5 min outside of the main area, the throw 1 or sometimes even 2 popups in a fucking row, and you gotta close them out individually. It's so fucked. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. I could go on for hours and hours shitting on this game/the devs and their shady practices, blatant disregard for players, and often their downright boldface lies. My favorite bit of recent plarium drama: we used to get roadmaps for new features, and from the very first one, they never ever hit a single one of their self imposed deadlines. summer 2019 turned into summer 2020, then winter 2020, and so on. Eventually they just abandoned the road map. Years later, when players asked if they'd consider doing another road map, the company refused. Their reasoning? "We can't be obligated to follow our roadmap, so we don't wanna disapoint players". I mean at least they're honest, but they're so fucking incompetent that they can't truthfully tell us when things will and won't release, or the order they release in, or anything like that. Like paupers on the street, we have to beg and scratch and datamine just to find out shit that other companies and games announce years in advanced.

This game really is all style, no substance. It's the reason they spend over 95% of their yearly budget on advertising and new player acquisition. They know the only challenge they have now is getting new players in the door to impress their investors. They dont' give a fucking dog shit about this game really. In fact they tell us that openly: "The game is now in profit mode", meaning they only care about money now, not making a good game (which they never cared about)
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Welp, here's your guaranteed Archer champion chase tournament. I hope you saved up 300 lego books to pump in the last second to snipe 50k points, 5k of each brew, and 10k 1 and 2 star chickens, you're not even gonna make top 10, goy. Don't you want Archer? Get her now for free oy vey!
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New fusion plays off polymorph, this shit is getting out of control bros. They just don't care about balance, that much is clear lel.
>They didnt go for sexy bitch design
Easy skip for me. Nope, dont care about the meta
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>They didn't go for sexy bitch design

There's a million coomer champs in this game, you probably already got a big titty waifu, ain't that enough

>Easy skip for me. Nope, don't care about the meta

I don't say this often, but this fusion is absolute a must do. If you're at the mid game or further and you have the resources to feasibly pull this off, you cannot miss this. He's the only other champ besides monkey king who can place sheep directly, and his entire kit is designed around destroying your enemy's composition. Placing sheep + locking someone out is so fucking massive in PVP I don't even know where to start, this isn't just the meta, this guy will be meta defining. This is the direction PVP will be going, there's no if ands or buts about it.

Even if you don't care about PVP or whatever, just remember that PVP is tied to PVE progression in this game. You can stay farming solo arbiters in Gold 1 classic, but eventually if you want Ramantu you're gonna need more PVP options. And now they've announced this horse nigga as the next champ after Ramantu and they've confirmed you'll need to do live arena for it, you're gonna be kicking yourself hard for missing out on this little gay pirate.

Disregarding all that, the AOE turn meter steal/stun on his A3 is insane for PVE; he's gonna be great in Sintranos, Dark Fae, and any wave content.

I'm the opposite of you I guess; I only care about PVP; my PVE gameplay exists only to further my PVP progress. There's fun to be had here, even if you don't have meta champs, trust me on that.
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Okay, please help me figure out my future UNM CB team
Am I sleeping on any DPS in this clusterfuck?
Do I even *need* a cleanse if I'm certain I will run it on void 99% of the time?
Also pulled a sacred on a whim today and got Rotos, so that's fun
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Based on what I'm seeing, you don't have too many options for UNM. I'm definitely not a clan boss guy; I got very lucky my first few months and I pulled 2 man eaters in the exact same 10 pop, so I never had to worry about doing anything too fancy. And nowadays I don't even use them anymore; I've ripped all the gear from my previous CB team, and they're on other champs now. Once you get end game enough you can kinda just throw in some random, well built champs and it'll get you 2 keys all affinities easily. But that'll be a while for you.

Here's my current CB team; I usually cut it off at 35 mil but this time I just let it run. If I tuned this team/put everyone in warmaster I could easily 1 key, but there's no point because everyone on this team pulls double or triple duty in other areas. I'm not putting my Taras in warmaster, for example, fuck that.

Corvus is one of the best poisoners/CB DPSs in the game, you should definitely be using him. Frozen Banshee is a rare but also is a great DPS for unkillable/block damage builds. Looks like you're using the optimizers though, so I'd go with the highest damage option.

>Do I even *need* a cleanse if I'm certain I will run it on void 99% of the time?

Cleanse is vital for CB teams not because of the AOEs; it's for the single target stun. If you can tune your team so that your DPS is always stunned, you won't need a cleanser, but it's pretty specific. If any of your other champs gets stunned, it's all over because your tune is thrown off. You don't have her yet, but one of the most popular CB teams is demytha + the rare heiress for increase speed and cleanse.

Congrats on Rotos! You probably already know how powerful he is; probably my #2 nuker. I had to fuse him back in the day; it was my first fusion ever. Was hard as balls but it was totally worth it. If you need advice building him, we can talk about that too.
Warcaster, Seeker, Gnut, Emic, and Bad El looks like a solid team, but just keep in mind if you speed tune them for CB, they'll be impossible to use in other content that requires speed tuning. I don't have Gnut unfortunately, but if I did I'd have him running 300+ speed so he can take a bunch of turns in Fire Knight Hard. Since it seems you're using him as your CB DPS, he's stuck at that speed forever. Same with Emic; I use Emic in both Iron Twins 15 and Shogun 25; he needs to be at exactly 271 to function. Again, since he's in your CB team, he's not an option for you anymore in other content. Same story with BEK; I use him to solo some content and he needs to use Oppressor and be as fast as possible, which isn't an option for you.

That being said, clan boss is the #1 most important PVE area in the entire game. Your ability to do fusions/events/tournaments all depends on you hitting top chest of UNM. If I were you, I'd worry first about figuring out CB, then other shit later, because this is more important. But hopefully you'll get lucky and pull a maneater, because then you can run the Batman Eater team, which is the #1 easiest to build UNM team ever.


To answer your previous question fully, here's the best CB DPSs in your roster: Corvus, Gnut, Coldheart (specific comp you can't do because you lack champs), Geomancer, Frozen Banshee, and Rathalos. Those are gonna be your best bets for DPS. I think you might struggle to 2 key unless you've got decent gear though; Gnut is a defensive based champ, so he doesn't benefit at all from Seeker's increase attack. That neuters your damage by a lot. All your champs need to be near or at 100% crit rate; will you have enough space to hit that running these speeds?

If this is your first speed tune, make sure you don't pick any masteries that'll impact your speed/turn meter, or you're gonna have to pay out the asshole in mastery resets.
>Corvus is one of the best poisoners/CB DPSs in the game, you should definitely be using him
Oh yeah, he's the highest damage in my current NM team by far, and I wanted to tune him for UNM initially, but the problem is he takes half the debuff slots, so, in my experience, between him and Bad I frequently lose the ability to place other stuff
Which sucks huge dick when things like decrease defence and attack are involved
So I figured it may be best to look at somebody else (and I kinda want to regear him to solo dragon/IG eventually)
>Corvus, Gnut, Coldheart (specific comp you can't do because you lack champs), Geomancer, Frozen Banshee, and Rathalos.
That's what I figured, sans Coldheart
My thought process before I asked here:
Competes for debuff space way too hard, wastes increase attack, would like to move to more specialized gear
I suppose the former is a bit less of an issue in this particular team
Would really want to book him first, wastes increase attack, but overall not a single useless ability in here
Plus I don't see anything resembing a FK hard team anytime soon
One of the AOEs will do 0 damage and I'm not certain commiting him to CB is a good idea
Same debuff slot problem as Corvis, but better
Thinking about it some more, I don't think I considered going back to FB beyond a "Yeah, she's an option"
I've heard he kinda sucks without the full suite of buffs and debuffs and a metric ton of crit damage
A Geo or at least a Bulwark will solve the remainder of the former, if there were any spots to fit them in
Should I maybe just ignore all that?
>will you have enough space to hit that running these speeds?
*Right now* I've managed to hit that with Emic and Seeker - barely any crit damage though - and can hit that on Gnut with some light reshuffling
But that's a gear issue, I can grind through that eventually
I can plan around Bad's aura to help with the stats, but I'm not sure if that would be a good idea for anyone outside of maybe Warcaster and FB if I decide to go for her
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Since you're concerned about debuff slots, your best bet could just be Rathalos. One issue with your team is that it lacks decrease defense and weaken. Not having these debuffs will seriously neuter your damage; even if you're going with a debuff heavy poison team. His only condition is that he needs hp burn, or else he does 50% less damage. Geomancer is gonna be your highest DPS hp burner; he's insane in CB. It took me forever to pull geo, so I learned to live without him; when I pulled him I didn't actually need him for any content. Nowadays my geo is relegated to only be used in one spot: he's on my iron twins 15 team and that's it. Not even faction wars. So it certainly is possible to have a Geomancer who's tuned for a singular job; you can use other champs in his place for other content. That being said, it's only viable for me because I have a pretty deep roster. It's gonna be hard for you to replace him in places like ice spider, nether spider, and eternal dragon I'd imagine; an end game geo build would be 250 speed + 550 ACC, and only then is he viable for other dungeons. That's gonna be a tall order for your gear I bet.

A great option for hp burn would actually be the rare Bulwark. I used him in my unkillable team for the longest time; his only use in the entire game is in CB. He extends debuffs when hit, places a weaken (shit version but better than nothing), and places the burn for you. That's a bunch of shit you desperately need.
So Rathalos, bulwark, Emic, warcaster and seeker is probably gonna be who you want to build out; that would solve your decrease defense problem and half of your weaken problem kek. My suggestions: don't skimp on the gear and glyphs. Your UNM CB team is arguably the most important team in the game. The best CB teams hit their speed tune while also using sets like savage/lethal, cruel, and other dps sets, having every member of your team be at 100% crit rate, and at least 250% crit damage. If you want a 1 key it's gonna be pretty hard for you to hit those stats, but for a 2 key UNM I bet the gear you've got now shouldn't be a problem.

If you're seriously desperate for damage, you could consider running live arena and throwing the medals into CB ignore defense, crit damage, or ACC and reduce the Stat burden on your gear. I'd probably recommend against that though, because live arena medals are hard to come by, and the CB and hydra bonuses require double the medals. And idk if you're that other guy who says he hates PVP so you might not even be willing to play live arena. But it's a critical area in the game, one that you're missing out on huge benefits and rewards if you don't do. Just be mindful of where you put your medals; don't put a single one into CB speed or it'll make tuning future teams a hassle because you'll forget about the bonus when building teams lol.
>you probably already got a big titty waifu, ain't that enough
No, that's still not enough. I need MOAR (Yumeko, Lilitu, Riho, Mikage)

I still dont see urgency in building team for pvp. Doing solo arbiter in arena is enough to push me to Gold 2 (with a little more fights to enter Gold 3).
Even there's no one man team, I can easily slaughter enemies (live arena as well) provided they dont use champ with speed aura (see pic related)

You know what? I'll do the event only if they provide fragments for big titties epic
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>I still dont see urgency in building team for pvp.

For classic arena: you need great hall medals. A maxed out great hall is +80 ACC, +80 RES, +20% CD, and +20% all main stats. For free, on every champ, forever. That means for all PVE content, it's like my champs are wearing an extra 3 pieces of gear when compared to yours, since I've got a developed great hall. Also you need to hit level 10 in an attribute for Arbiter missions. Gold V is where you wanna be at; you can farm solo Arbiters all day easily there. It's gonna be a slog, but trust me, the earlier you hit Gold V, the better. Imagine it takes you a month or two to get there; that's 2 months of Gold V medals you're missing out on. You're racing against your own clock here.

For 3vs3: you need medals to buy shit in the bazar. Since I'm in Gold 3 tag team, I can buy all the charm chests, a lego book, 1 ancient, void, and sacred, and I have access to higher quality refresh gear. The bazar helps supplement my resources so I can do fusions for free.

For live arena: area bonuses are huge. I've maxed out ignore defense, speed, and CD for Hydra; that means my champs are wearing essentially an extra savage set, 1.5 extra crit damage sets, and an extra speed set. I can't stress how huge that is; that means I can easily top chest NM, Brutal, and Hard hydra on full auto every week. That's a shitload of gear and stones every week.

If there's anything to take away from my Ted Talk tier posts, it's that PVP is extremely important. I'm not just saying that as someone who likes PVP; i do PVE shit too obviously.

Btw, I like your LA team. I'm a fellow go first chad; like sonic said, gotta go fast. But once you progress past bronze, you're gonna see a lot of tanky go 2nd teams. I like my fights to be over in 10 sec if I can help it, but you're gonna need your own go 2nd teams as well to counter speed. Hopefully you've got your own UDK ready to go.
Fuck summon rush, fuck dungeon divers, and fuck artifact enhancement event

Honorable mention: Fuck hero's path
No, I dont have UDK. I've only been playing for 1 months. No, I dont have code link champ nor promo code champs Cause I didnt know they existed until 2 weeks later

But I DO have vogoth (which I think almost has the same role as UDK).Though I planned to 60'd him right after I 60'd sexy bitches only
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>Fuck summon rush

Top chest UNM CB, do all of doom tower, do your dalies, get into gold 3v3 for the upgraded bazar, and you'll get anywhere from 15-20 sacreds a month. If you're a daily player, totally doable

>fuck dungeon divers

Agreed. They keep inflating the points, And since it's best to triple dip events, the most efficient route is to farm stage 20 of dungeons with 1 solo champ and 4 food. That means the gear you get is usually worthless; no mythicals.

>fuck artifact enhancement event

Literally the easiest event, and you always need to roll gear anyways. Make sure you do the airplane mode trick and save 10 mil silver each time:


If you've only been playing for a month, you're nowhere near the point in PVP where you're gonna be able to construct multiple teams. What you're running is probably fine for now. But it's critical you put some effort into your arena teams, as I stated, because getting into Gold V classic is essential. If you plan on playing this game for a while, you will need arena medals, mark my words.

Vogoth is ok, but he's defintely not UDK. He used to be super meta back in the day, but those days are over. I would highly suggest just building a simple nuke team: Turn meter booster (someone needs to have a speed aura), increased attack, decrease defense, and nuke. You probably already have the champs for it, you just haven't pushed past your current arena tier because it takes a long time to find good fights, which is understandable. But if you dedicate a Saturday to constantly pressing the refresh button when the 15 min runs out, you can get into Gold V, right here and now, and never have to worry about it ever again, and your account progress with explode exponentially.
Whats the plan b if this game goes to hell? Any similar game?
>Whats the plan b if this game goes to hell?

The game has already gone to hell, idk if you've noticed.


Every single thing this company has done in the last year has been an effort to extract the maximum amount of profit from it's playerbase before the game eventually shuts down. They are throwing their greed into maximum overdrive. If you're expecting a magical update that will make everything better, you're sorely mistaken.

From here on out, this game is all about managing your expectations. If you can squeeze enjoyment out of a dying husk of a game that blatently milks it's players, then all the better. If you can't, then it's best to quit now. Let me say again: it will never ever get any better. It will just get worse and worse. They will keep pushing updates that reward heavy spenders and punish you for being F2P/a low spender. The gap between the haves and the have nots will keep ballooning exponentially with each new patch. It's accept it or move on, there's no 3rd option.
Fuck, anyway, thanks for the info
Ayo, watcher of realms seems to be a raid clone, ill check it out
>Ayo, watcher of realms seems to be a raid clone, ill check it out

I've seen some gameplay, it looks pretty legit. There's a few content creators for raid who also do WoR content, and the sentiment I get is that WoR devs, like Raid, also suck and do a terrible job patching their game. If anyone knows dogshit devs, it's Raid CC's. Hopefully they're just doom posting for the sake of clicks, for your guy's sake. But isn't a big problem that the only new champs they add are legendaries? If I were playing WoR, I'd be fully F2P, and I'd have to depend on a lot of budget builds and champs. Can't do that if the devs refuse to balance the game by adding good rares and epics. It's the same thing that the raid devs do; they keep adding these bullshit super OP champs that you can only get by spreading open your wallet lips. So that means as a F2P, you'd never ever get access to any of them.
Yooooo primeCHAD, share this month code pleassseeeeee
>Top chest UNM CB, do all of doom tower
Wow, you're asking a lot for 2 months old player
>stage 20 of dungeons
pretty sure stage 16 that give you most point / energy if this loot table any true
>airplane mode
Doesnt work
>your account progress with explode exponentially.
My head has gone explode from staring at refresh button all day
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Yeah if you're 2 months in, top chest int UNM is gonna be hard for you. Do you have any ally protection champs? Typically the main problem with newer player's CB teams isn't damage, it's staying alive. Epics like Toragi or Sepulcher Sentinel could be the key to solving your CB problems if you've got em

You're right in that stage 16 is the best energy per dungeon diver point distribution, but the issue with stage 16 is that it still gives you 4 star gear. Stage 20 is where it's at because you can only get 5 and 6 star gear. Whenever you're doing things in this game, you wanna think about double or triple or more dipping. Let's take for instance this ongoing ice golem tournament. If I farm ice golem 20 with my solo Artak plus food, this is what I accomplish:

1. I'm getting gear
2. I'm doing an ice golem tournament
3. I'm doing a dungeon divers event
4. I'm doing a solo champ with 4 food, so I'm farming food to level up champs
5. I'm farming food for the champion training tournament
6. CvC is coming up, and I'll get points for that as well
7. I need to do all these things to get fusion fragments

That's 7 things I'm doing at the same time while I'm farming just 1 dungeon. If you farm stage 16, you knock one of those off. This game is all about efficiency

>My head has gone explode from staring at refresh button all day

You're doing the Gold V push? Good man, trust me, your account will thank you in the end. Once you get into Gold IV, the teams will be much easier, trust me, and in low Gold V it's easy as piss, most teams are solo Arbiters. You should dump all your medals into 1 stat for the arbiter mission, but only during CvC of course.
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Hey OP how do you grab that image without the loading bar and can you do the same for pic related?
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Here, I'll share some of the champs that I have and progress I've made so far (Pic not included some rares that got cut off). Feel free to judge them
So far I've manage to easily clear stage 16 of Ice Golem, FK, and spider, and stage 20 of fire dragon (Dont feel like to push further. Also managed to clear for up to 2nd grythion boss floor in Doom Tower
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No judgements here, your account looks good for 2 months. If you're unable to push past 16 in most dungeons, that's alright, some of those dungeons require some specific types of champs. You actually have some of them already, so you can reach stage 20 once you get some more levels and gear into them.

For IG, if you don't have a poisoner/HP burner that can solo, one strategy is to place block revive on the boss's minions so his counter attacks do no damage. Armiger the uncommon is great in that regard, and he's also amazing in some other dungeons like Fire Knight, he might be one of your priorities.

For Fire Knight, my guess is you're probably having trouble keeping the shield down. Armiger comes in here as well, he decreases the boss's turn meter so he can never get a turn if you're fast enough. You also have the #1 best single target turn meter controller in the game, Allure. I still use her in my 3 main FK20 team, she keeps the shield down by herself, although my alure is 300 speed. Kinigashi is also great in FK, she brings a 1 man ally attack and also decrease turn meter on her A1. You'll need champs with multi hit A1s. Apothecary has a triple hitter and also increases your team's speed.

Spider is gonna be tough, as it seems you haven't yet pulled Coldheart, the best rare in the game. Unless you have her (preferably multiple copies) or other max HP hitters, you'll have to do some kind of AOE HP burn team. A good champ to use while pushing up is Miscreated Monster. Once booked, his AOE shield will keep your team alive forever, again if you're fast enough.

Idk why you seem to dislike arena so much, you've got some amazing arena champs. Deacon into Apothecary into Belletar into Bystophus; that team should kill 90% of lower level arena teams you face. Rotos is the 2nd best built nuker on my account, he's amazing, but rather hard to build at your level. You might find he's hard to keep alive without better gear, so just keep that in mind.
My first hydra chest :)

You mention armiger twice there but I think I'll skip him and prefer 60 Vogoth instead. Need him for provoke that cleanser hydra head and also for his passive healing. If only I have champs that can do cleanser and block debuff. It'll make hydra run insanely easier

Artifiact enhancement now become easier now that I know how efficiently spend the silver and how to farm it.

As for Armanz, I grabbed all the fragments I could so far (except from the summon rush since I'll be saving those for hero chase and hero path only if they got yumeko in progressive chance. If not then Maud fragment it is). Lets hope hero chase and hero path dont fuck with me
Calling ALL AMAZON PRIME CHADS to share this month promo codr PLEASSEEEEER
Good chest, think about replacing someone like Sachi for an HP burner. Poisons don't work on more than half the heads (unless they've been decapitated), and burns will allow you to ignore the poison cloud if you have a champion who only places it, and not attacks. Also it will increase your Rathalos' damage by 50%.

Armiger is good, don't sleep on him because he's an uncommon. I don't have one built out on my account either, but only because I got super lucky and pulled 2x Coldhearts pretty early in my time playing.


If you aren't familiar with what an "Enemy Max HP" nuker is, check out this video. It's an extremely important mechanic in this game, and you have 0 on your account besides Armiger. He's literally the key to unlocking Ice Golem and Fire Knight 20 for you; remember, the only thing in this game that matters is gear. With better gear, you could destroy a team of all mythicals with just rares and uncommons, quite easily in fact. Every single time you put energy into a dungeon that isn't stage 20, you're wasting energy. You're at the point in an account where you need to be pushing for higher stages of dungeons. Don't be content with farming lower stages, it's a total waste for such a developed account such as yours.

Artifact enhancements are pretty easy, but they'd cost 50% less if you did the airplane mode trick. I just leveled up like 30 pieces yesterday, it 100% still works and will always work because it's a fault in the game's coding. It literally can't get patched out.

Btw, they just did a progressive on Yumeko, there's 0 chance she'll be featured. Trust me bro, if you're still playing this game in a year, you're gonna be kicking yourself for skipping Armanz for some dogshit Maud fragments, who you won't need in 6 months anyways. He's the best fusion we've gotten in close to a year. Think about this post in a year when you're getting your ass tuned up by Armanz in every single live and 3vs3 match you take.
Prime code

RAID: Shadow Legends
Magic Affinity Pack

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Fine, I'll finish the finish this fusion event for him. This Armanz guys BETTER BE GOOD I swear to god

Just finished fire knight tour and also dungeon diver (spent 500 gems for that one). Thankfully, I earn 10M silvers from doing it so I'll be spending those for artifact enhancement

Spent 8 void shards and 2 khafru fragment summons for 2000 worth points in hero chase. Remaining 1000 points will come from fusing that epic lizard reviver and pulling 650 mystery shards, so got that ine in the bag. I feel stingy wasting those void shards for NOT yumeko (Didnt even get lego from 2x, great)

I still dont get how do you do airplane mode. That youtuber didnt do a great job at explaining it. Also I have too many artifacts in my inventory and I dont know what to keep. If you could me how that would be great as well

please plarium give me YUMMEEEKOOOOOOO
In terms of gear cleansing, here's some tips. You should be selling anything that isn't 5 or 6 stars at this point. You should be selling anything that's a garbage set (if you don't know which sets are good and bad, there's several YouTube videos) for instance destroy, frenzy, curing, life/offense/defense unless it's a legendary piece with either speed or crit rate and it quad rolls, if depending on if you're a spender you should be keeping most hard to get sets (sintranos, forge pass, relentless) and chaos oring them if they double roll. There's a lot more to gear than that, again there's serveal YouTube guides, just search for "raid shadow legends gear cleanse"

Here's how to do the airplane mode trick briefly. It's best to do this at a pc, despite the name. Keep in mind this only works for 5 and 6 star gear

>open note pad
>find good gear to roll, get them to +10 then stop
>choose the best of the best, get them to +12
>disconnect your ethernet, turn off your wifi, untick the "instant upgrade" box
>roll 1 level of your +12 gear, count the number of times it 'attempts' to roll up but fails. Essentially you're counting the number of times the yellow bar fills up
>eventually the gear will 'stop' and freeze for a few seconds, just wait until a box pops up and says "connection to server lost" or whatever, and make sure you press continue, not retry
>the number will be anywhere from 1 to 33, type it in your notepad so you don't forget
>press continue and it'll refund your silver you spent rolling since you're not connected to the internet and it won't be +1
>reconnect your ethernet, one you're back online, go to any piece that's +10
>wirh your internet on, take the +10 piece to whatever number you typed out for the +12 piece. Remember you're counting upgrade attempts, the final one that froze the game and showed you the connection error doesn't count
>go back to the +12 piece and instantly take it to +13 in one try
>rinse and repeat, save 15 mil silver
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Day 83 without Yumeko. I might have to spend $$ if there is a rerun of her progressive chanve event.

Pic related, I'm trying to regear her so that her damage will be comparable to her milk truk

Said I'll 60 vogoth back then but actually I did 60 Crimson Helm instead cause I'll need her to solo Bommal 90 following this guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77Su5_NzwYI . Didnt work so far

On Armanz event, I have acquire all khafru and will level all of them while champ training on. Massive resource drain by completing this event. I hate it

Still not working so I just +12 all gear I have and +16 good gear.
In terms of cleaning, I decided to keep gear that has combination subtats of spd+crit rate (for damage dealer) or spd+acc (for support). Selling the exception nets me many silvers which is nice

In the future, after I fully leveled and geared Armanz, I think Im going to focus on Demon Lord by leveling frozen banshee (Poison) and Ultimate Galek (Hp burn) which I got summoning shards in hero path. Hope it gives me more damage to Demon Lord

This reddit post explains it better than I did. It does take more time than just pressing "level to 16" every time, but you do save on average 10 mil silver every artifact event. Throughout your time playing that adds up to a lot of silver saved. On top of that, you gotta consider that you need to farm for silver (typically in spider), which takes time and energy as well. This is how I maintain 50 mil silver during the start of each event.

Sachi is gonna be really hard to keep alive in hydra with your current teams. You should take some time and read the in game boss guide for hydra and familiarize yourself as best you can with some of the mechanics. Basically, there's a hydra head called 'head of blight' that places a protected buff called 'poison cloud'. The cloud makes it so that your team can no longer do crit hits, meaning it doesn't matter how strong your champs hit, they won't be doing any damage with poison cloud up. There's only 3 ways to deal with it since you can't remove protected buffs: either you place block buffs beforehand so it never goes up, or you place (key word) hp burns, which ignores the mechanic entirely, or you make sure the heads are decapitated before hand since the cloud isn't placed on dead heads. Since you don't have either of the first 2, you're gonna have to rely on the 3rd, which isn't an actual solution, you just gotta get lucky. In normal you can probably just ignore the prison clouds for a few rounds, but eventually the lack of damage will overwhelm your team.

Don't worry too much about hydra for now outside of maxing normal chest to get mythrala fragments. Your main concern should be professing arbiter missions, which means putting together dungeon 20 teams.
Inb4 another absurd fusion back to back
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As I've alluded to, they'll get easier as you progress into the end game. Once you can top chest UNM and NM every day, you can top chest all Hydra difficulties, you're in a clan that's high enough level to have all clan shop slots unlocked, you're in a clan that lets you take as many quests as you want, you can complete both doom towers, and you're in Gold 3vs3, the resources won't be a problem anymore. In fact I usually gain around 300-500 gems during the course of a fusion.

The main problem is time. As you're probably aware, it takes a shitload of game time to do fusions, you gotta be constantly clicking and doing shit, you can let the game automate itself on occasion but most of the time you still gotta be near your computer. And since there's very limited room for error, if you miss one single event, it's GG for your fusion.

And of course, nowadays they always do a bunch of events in between fusions to tempt you to blow your resources. For instance I'm going all in on this Armanz 5 star soul; it's necessary for high level PVP, which is the only part of the game I still care about. So now I'm doing another fucking champ training, dungeon divers, dragon tourney, and summon rush as we speak, while lower level accounts get the luxury of taking a break between fusions. It's like I gotta do a fusion in between a fusion, and again you can't really miss any events or it's game over.
>As I've alluded to, they'll get easier as you progress into the end game
Oh I know, not my first fusion, and I thought his calendar was actually quite good, minimal juggling and all
I meant absurd as in power level, I really need like 3 months, maybe more, to clear my champ backlog lmao, and it only seems to increase with every shard event
Don't want another stupid good fusion to eat into my mino time, basically
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>Don't want another stupid good fusion to eat into my mino time, basically

I feel you bro, I was just complaining about this earlier today in my clan chat. I have 5 champs that I've taken to 6 star that need masteries, but I don't have time to run mino because of all these stupid fucking events. This isn't inlcuding the 5 other champs that I got half way through their scrolls then gave up because it'd take too much energy, and I was only gonna use them in secret rooms/sin city so I just said fuck it. By the time I'm finished with the Armanz souls, I'm gonna have nothing in my stash, and the next fusion will be starting. This game is turning into a fucking full time job if you wanna complete even most events.
My sachi is NOT USELESS
I wanna start playing but I want to know if it's a good time to start playing and if I can screw myself over early game somehow.
>I wanna start playing but I want to know if it's a good time to start playing and if I can screw myself over early game somehow.

There isn't a good or bad time to start playing, if you're gonna start, first and foremost I would suggest watching some YouTube videos to see if you'll like the gameplay. The early game experience is not what you can expect in the mid/late/end game. For instance the devs will inundate you with resources and they foster the idea that they'll be permanently giving you free shit, but it dried up quickly and you're either left thinking "I'm gonna spend money to progress further" or "I'm gonna have to grind a lot to progress". Like all these types of games, it is a gacha so if you have an addictive personality you can easily get suckered in. I've written at length in this very thread about how greedy and dogshit the devs are, if you're sensitive that kind of thing then this definitely isn't the game for you. But if you can look past all it's warts, there is a pretty decent game underneath it all.

That being said, the most important question is "are you a spender" because that will determine how your early game experience is. If you're going F2P/low spender, then create a referral code for yourself for some free resources to start your game.


Then use a promo code to get a free champ in your first 72 hours/level 15.


If you're a spender, I would actually suggest buying a starter account from a 3rd party bot website. You absolutely will not get banned, ever, so don't worry about that, and you'll start the game with every free login champ they ever released (some of them are super meta/can't be obtained anymore), plus some other free shit, and they usually start at $30 bucks, which is platry compared to the tens of thousands of dollars you'd have to gamble to even come close to getting it legit.
Just won the Hell Hades giveaway. Lets go!!

With armanz in hand, I plan to rebuild entire team for pve and pvp content when free gear removal event happened. This armanz is game changer.

Fire Knight 20
Alure (high turn meter reduction)
Armanz (Wave control)
Belletar (support)
Stag knight (dec. spd)
Rathalos / elhain (wave clearer)

Ice Golem 20
Armanz (Wave control)
Belletar (support)
Rathalos (dmg dealer/wave clearer)
elhain / dagger (wave clearer)
rotos (block revive)
This only work if I know how configure AI to last hit minion using rotos A3

Dragon 20
no changes (Belletar, sachi, elhain, dagger, rathalos. 2 min clear)

Spider 20
Deacon (Aoe turn meter reduction+ dec def)
Stag Knight (aoe dec atk & single target dec spd)
Armanz (spider control)
Rathalos (dmg dealer)
Belletar (support)
This one I afraid there will be not enough dmg before the spider heal, so might switch deacon or stag with another dmg dealer

Demon Lord
Deacon (leech, dec def)
Altan (dec atk, aoe shield. Still at 5 star)
Rathalos (dmg dealer)
Frozen banshee (poison. just got her btw, still at 5 star)
last slot will be either
Burn champion (coffin smasher/ ult. galek)
Dmg dealer (dagger elhain)

Classic Arena
Sachi (First turn aoe turn meter boost)
Serris (2nd turn aor dec atk def)
Armanz ( 3rd turn wave control, aura lead)
Rathalos (aoe nuker)

Live Arena
Same as classic arena with 5th slot rotated between dmg dealers (rotos, elhain, dagger)

Nice, this one finally worked. Clutched up remaining 2M silvers with this technique. Thanks
>This armanz is game changer.

I wouldn't lie to you. This possibly the strongest fusion we've ever had. And you were about to exchange him for Maud fragments kek.

>Fire Knight 20
Good team

>Ice Golem 20
Not so great. Rotos needs to build up his max HP before he can block revive. That means he needs at least 3-4 hits from his A2. If you hit the main boss with it, he might counter attack and kill your entire team, depending on the circumstances. And that's assuming Rathalos doesn't do too much damage and trigger the boss. Again, you're underestimating the utility of Armiger, who can both do an enemy max HP hit and block the revive of the minions, preventing the reaction hit from doing any damage.

If you're dead set on refusing to build Armiger, then another option you have is a solo build with a burner like Skraank or poisoner like Orn (there are better lego options, but both of those are epics). These are stat intensive builds, but they're 100% teams, plus you can farm food at the same time.
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>Spider 20
This ain't gonna cut it. The spider ramps up damage and will kill your team before you kill it. Spider 20 requires either AOE HP burns, poison explosions, or enemy max HP nukers. Unless your gear is end game level, you can't beat it with just regular nukers, it's literally impossible. Keep saving up void shards and pray you get some Coldhearts soon, or again, use Armiger.

>Demon Lord
This one might be ok, but i don't think it's gonna be a UNM team, or you might need like 4-5 keys to top chest, which is still ok in the early game. You might have some options if you use the HH optimizer, it might show you some viable UNM teams you haven't thought of.

>Classic Arena
This is my specialty, and you've listed an OK team, but the main issue is your Rathalos will be in Warmaster for PVE. You need a dedicated PVP nuker in Helmsmasher, this is non negotiable, and the best AOE nuker on your account is probably Bystophus. He was my first lego, I maxed him out, he's not great in the late game but he's still usable, and he's very good in faction wars, sin city, and doom tower. I would try him at 60 before I put books in him. Rotos is overall the best nuker on your account, but I'm concerned you won't be able to get good stats on him with early game gear. How close can you get to my Rotos? Mine can get easily 1 shot, depending on the champ who hits him.
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No Hp burn, poison, or max hp required :)

>>Spider 20
>This ain't gonna cut it. The spider ramps up damage and will kill your team before you kill it
How about turn meter reduction team like hell hades did before in his f2p acc? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB7wZwZB8k0
I was thinking something like this
Armanz (50% Turn meter)
Rathalos (Aoe nuker, A2 ignore 100% def)
Belletar (Increase atk, healer)
Ruella (dec spd def, weaken, a1 7.5% turn meter decrease)
Armiger (15% turn meter decrease)

>>Ice Golem 20
>Not so great
How about rathalos a2 nuke with inc. atk + weaken + hp burn?. I can nuke 75% IG 16 without weaken + hp burn just incr atk (that is without regearing him to maximum dmg)

>How close can you get to my Rotos?
I can easily reach 4k atk and 200% crit damage but not on that set sadly and also its stuck on sachi. Im waiting for free gear removal to put it on my rathalos
That spider team you listed would be ok, but I'm seeing 2 big issues. First, HH uses coldheart in his video, and she's unique in that her enemy max HP nuke hits way harder than armiger, and it also fully depletes the target's turn meter, which is essentially both of Armiger's skills at the same time. I think you'd need to run him fast as fuck (like over 250 speed) for this team to work. Also idk what your gear looks like, but I suspect the only way HH makes this work is because he has Moredcai, and he places an AOE HP burn. Idk if you've got the gear to kill all the spiders if you don't have burns out on the spiderlings. A second thing to consider is who's gonna be your spiderling tank; you see in his video they go after Mordecai because he's both in the lead spot but also he's negative affinity to spider 20, so they go after him. His Ankorra has a cleanse, which allows him to remove the poisons and put up a shield. I think the spiderlings in your team would hit Rathalos, and you have no way of removing the poisons, also he's gonna be in nuke gear so he'll die very easily. And since he's negative affinity, this team will not be 100%, it might not work at all because Rathalos will keep weak hitting and he won't be killing the spiders most of the time. HH's team works partly because of the turn meter reduction, but mostly because Mord is putting out AOE HP burns, it's one of the ways you can defeat spider 20.

For IG20, the issue isn't your team's damage. The issue is if your team damages the main boss at the wrong time, it'll trigger his reaction and it'll wipe your team. Rotos can't be 1 shot so he'll be the only one left on your team. You're gonna want a consistent, 100% team, and while it might work once or twice every few runs, you'll be wasting a lot of energy. Armiger is good here in that his block revive is not conditional, so all you gotta do is target the minions at the right time and they're gone forever.
Also don't forget that Rotos is unique in that he needs both HP and attack as his damage stats; check his skills and look where it says "damage increased by" and it says attack and HP. You see mine is 55k HP and almost 3k defense, but even then he gets countered/killed in one or two attacks all the time, for that reason he's like my 3rd or even 4th best/used nuker (part of that is on me because I primarily run speed teams, which Rotos is less good in). Off the top of my head there are like 5 champs that are a direct counter to him. That's why at your level, i suggest an AOE nuke team. You don't wanna rely on Rotos who can maybe kill 2 champs at best during his turn. I think it's better to have a team that can potentially kill all 4 champs in one ability/will lock out your enemy's skills if he fails in Bystophus. Don't get me wrong, Bystophus is a dogshit champ when compared to Rotos, but he requires less of a team around him to be effective at your level. Once you start pushing into silver and especially gold 3vs3 and live arena, Rotos will become more relevant as you get better gear and more champs to support him.

Another side note on Bystophus; I think there's a good chance they'll buff him soon. Definitely keep him on the back burner if that's the case, you never know, they might turn him super strong.
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Really, Plarium? You're announcing new fusion event with big tiddy champ as soon I spent all the shards I have left in this shitty summoning event (I didnt even get Zavia nor any lego). How the FUCK will I ever finish the hero chase then?

You're gonna have to wait until free gear removal event to see any of my theories yield results. Expect great things to come.
Where are the last 100 points you greedy niggers
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>Where are the last 100 points you greedy niggers

For the soul event? I barely got that shit done and I've got an end game account, how in the hell did you pull this off? That's impressive, god damn. But if you're 100 points short, that means they're trapped in the deck of fate event. I hope you got some gems left so you can pop refills to do champ training, otherwise you're gonna have to spread them wallet lips and buy some shards, for a nominal fee of course. You should've done the summon rush/every prior event; they do shit like this all the time in an attempt to force people to spend because they know the 5 star soul is an all or nothing; the 4 star soul doesn't get you anything useful in terms of stats, and it's only purpose is to get you closer to the 5 star soul in the soul shop.

She'd be very good for your account, but she's certainly not a 'can't miss' fusion like Armanz; there are several champs that do what she does, or better. If you only want her for the coom potential, we'll then I guess it is a can't miss for you kek.

And you cracked shards for Zavia? Nigga why? The 2x was only for primals, it wasn't for other shards, that was only a progressive. You wasted shards on a situational champ knowing there was a fusion coming up? I've seen your roster, you don't have the setup for a poison explosion comp lmao. Stop pulling shards unless it's a 2x, your account isn't end game enough to be for you to be targeting champs in 10x's or progressives. Right now you need good epics as well, and you can only get them during 2x's.

Rookie mistake, hopefully you get lucky in clan boss, otherwise it's gg unless you start spending lel.
>how in the hell did you pull this off?
Had to dip into my fusion shard reserve a bit by the end there, but I'm skipping this new one anyway so it'll probably be fine
>that means they're trapped in the deck of fate event.
The thing is, I've tried to keep count on the points, and I'm like 90% sure there was supposed to be something with a 100 more points, I've skipped 150 and have 100 still sitting in the deck
>The thing is, I've tried to keep count on the points, and I'm like 90% sure there was supposed to be something with a 100 more points, I've skipped 150 and have 100 still sitting in the deck

Dang, were you around for the Zinogre soul event? There was a summon rush that a lot of people skipped thinking there would be more events to cover the skipped points, but when the final few events were revealed, they hid them behind that deck of fate to get Alatreon, which means if you were going for the soul you had no option but to participate in the deck of fate. A few of my favorite raid YouTubers were forced to drop like 4k gems worth of energy to bang out spider 20 so they could complete the deck and get the points.

if you're going for a 5 star soul event, you may not be able to skip anything at all until the last few events where you know for a 100% fact you're safe. I didn't wanna risk it because the 5 star Armanz soul is so crucial, so I did literally every single possible event, including every single summoning and even maxed out the dungeon divers, just to ensure I got it. I'm about 150 points over the max because of that. Otherwise you're gonna have to complete it with the power of credit card because they could hide points inside a deck of fate. We got lucky this time in that they gave us a good reason to pull our primals/you can get points from champ training, so it's still certainly doable if you've got the energy/gems, but this might not be the case next time.
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THE RESULTS ARE IN. And lets just say I'm now entering the middle game at day 95. Both FK and spider didnt get a turn lmao. (Note the longer time on spider was because of rathalos' bad affinity and havent farmed masteries for both deacon and stag)

>Rookie mistake
Fortunately, I have now secured 6 ancient, 1 void, and 3 primal. Oh, and I've also prepared 3 epic fusion. Hopefully it will be enough for the hero chase

Also look at my rathalos. 5k atk and 200% crit dmg. Is that good enough?
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Oh wow, congrats! I genuinely didn't think spider 20 was gonna be possible lmao. Great job, now the next step is consistency. You want your runs down under 2 minutes, and as close to 100% success rate as you can get. Every time you fail a dungeon 20 run, it's 30 minutes of energy wasted. Since your Allure is off affinity for FK20, most people actually run FK25 instead, just for consistency sake, until you get a hard mode team together of course. If you're having trouble hitting the required speeds for the boss to not take a turn, invest some medals into area bonuses. FK speed was the first thing I maxed out.

Btw for stag knight, don't forget it's critical to get the sniper mastery on him so he can place his debuffs at a 100% land rate.

Your Rathalos build looks very solid for the mid game, the next step is getting him faster. But remember, your goal should be to phase him out of arena sooner or later, and get him into a more PVE focused build, IE more speed and HP, you wanna be pushing 200/45k respectively. He can do just fine in some of the lower arena tiers just as he is, but once you start climbing you'll need a helm smasher/savage nuker.

And I just checked out your clan, and it's what I expected: your number 1 priority right now NEEDS to be to find a new clan ASAP. You've got like 4 people in your clan, are you guys even killing NM CB/normal hydra? You are leaving so many resources on the table because you're in a dead clan. If those 3 guys are your friends, move with them to an active clan, you guys can all join a clan cluster together and be with 26 other guys at your level who kill the same CB level you do. Remember, if you fail to kill the CB, you only get 1 chest. Staying in dead clans is the #1 problem that a lot of newer players make. The game is bleeding players, it's highly unlikely you'll get people to join your clan. Trust me, cut your losses and just leave now. You'd have 2x the shards/books if you're in a clan that kills the CB.
>So Rathalos, bulwark, Emic, warcaster and seeker is probably gonna be who you want to build out
So I've tried this out, ran into two problems because of lack of cleanse
>for some reason I thought CDs keep ticking down while stunned, but fuck you says plarium, your seeker will break the tune down and you will like it
>unkillable actually just means the seeker dies to poison lmao
Looked up how stun targeting actually works, I think can try to regear and nudge it a bit for the first problem
But no idea on what to do about the second, maybe it's just a consequence of the tune breaking down
Ah shit yeah I forgot about the cleanse. It might be that you're kinda fucked unless you have a cleanser/a 3 turn debuff blocker. Hopefully you'll pull painkeeper/maneater/doompreist sometime.

>for some reason I thought CDs keep ticking down while stunned, but fuck you says plarium, your seeker will break the tune down and you will like it
Your turn meter keeps ticking as normally if you're stunned, the only thing that can manipulate your turn meter is if your enemy's skill specifically says "reduced turn meter", or if you get decrease speed placed on you, aka the spirit affinity CB. But the issue is if your seeker is the one being stunned, he misses his turn, meaning his increase turn meter isn't placed, it's skipped, so your tune gets thrown off. This is why maneater, specifically 2 of them, is so good in CB; the block debuffs prevent the stun from going off, and the unkillable prevents you from dying.

>unkillable actually just means the seeker dies to poison lmao
If everything goes correctly, the stun lands on your DPS every time/it gets cleansed, and the block damage buff from warcaster/the unkillable buff from emic prevents your team from taking damage/dying. If your tune runs correctly, you won't die from poisons, or anything at all, until turn 50.

>Looked up how stun targeting actually works, I think can try to regear and nudge it a bit for the first problem
>But no idea on what to do about the second, maybe it's just a consequence of the tune breaking down
Yeah you gotta find a solution for the stun. Again you have 3 options, cleanse it, block debuffs, or force it to go to your DPS every time.
>Your turn meter keeps ticking as normally if you're stunned
I'm not talking about turn meter, I'm talking about the cooldown on his A2
So normally it should be A1-A2-A1, and I thought that with the stun it'd be stun (the cooldown on A2 ticks down)-A2-A1, but A2 isn't actually ready, so it goes stun-A1 and a breakdown
Maybe I just misunderstood what a turn actually means in this game
My bad I misread your post.

>Stun Skill applies Stun debuff on enemies to prevent them from taking any action upon their turn. The stunned champion will have his skill cooldown refreshed only after Stun effect has expired or removed. This is one of the best Crowd Control skill (apart from Freeze, Sleep, Provoke, Decrease Turn Meter) to manage stronger enemy champions that can’t be defeated in burst attack. This skill is great against enemies in Dungeons at late game where they have vast amount of HP, Defense and Attack but lacking in Speed, Accuracy and Resist. Take note that Crowd Control skill does not apply to Clan Boss and Dungeon Boss.


You can see why I told you Armanz is so strong. If he gets even one turn off and he's fast enough/has enough acc/doesn't weak hit, the enemy team will never get a turn off. Doesn't help them that he can also place skill cooldowns, the most OP effect in the game.

So yeah, the only 3 options you have are to cleanse it, place block debuffs, or force the stun onto your nuker. There's a lot of the first 2, but the 3rd is unrealistic because it'd mean you potentially need a different nuker for 2 different affinities

Or you could wait on making an unkillable team and just go with a traditional team for now. That could be your best bet for now. Did you look up your roster on the HH optimizer tool? It's essential in today's Raid.
People still play this shitty game. What a bunch of faggots.
I put about 20-30 hours into this game for an offerwall and I am convinced you have to be a subhuman retard to play this game legitimately. There is no redeeming qualities at all
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Like most gacha games, if your account is end game enough, there's definitely fun to be had. I'm not gonna go over it again because I've already gone on long enough rants about the game devs in this thread, but just know that the people who play this game aren't stupid, we know it's treated as a cash grab and the people who run this game are extremely greedy and incompetent. But pretending that there's absolutely nothing redeeming about this game is disingenuous, in my opinion.

For starters, its' one of the only gachas that uses a dark European fantasy aesthetic, and isn't anime style. The visuals of the champions are top notch; the art department always knocks it out of the park. Late/end game PVP can be fun if you know what you're doing. For a lot of people, however, this isn't enough to justify how garbage the devs are/how they treat the playerbase, and more power to you, it's not the game for you. Personally I'd never, ever recommend anyone play it, unless they're already playing it, that's how much I hate the devs.

If you can look past the dogshit, there's some good elements there, enough to keep me playing even though I took a 3 year break. Obviously my testimony is tainted from the sunk cost/time fallacy, which I'm well aware of, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
Please guys just let me win....I need her.....so just let me win....LET ME WIN!!!!

>Trust me, cut your losses and just leave now.
Nah, I'd stay. Already wasted gem in renaming the clan and designing the logo
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If you're gonna stay in your current clan, do some politicking and try and get a merger with another dead/dying clan, start joining their discord and asking their clan leaders to move all their members to yours. My current clan has done 5, count em, 5 total mergers in its lifetime. Otherwise you're leaving half of your demon lord rewards, (that's 2 very good gear sets, shards, brews, gems, and silver), half of your hydra rewards (that's clan gold, 2 exrrmemly critical sets, and soul stones), all of your hydra clash rewards since you can't win with 5 members (that's the very best accessories in the game, primal shards, clan gold, and mythic books), and probably all of your CvC rewards as well since you can't win with 5 people (that's 2 of another critical accessory set, energy, shards, gems, brews, I mean the list for CvC goes on and on) on the table, just because you spent a paltry amount of gems on an emblem/you get to be the clan leader. I just don't feel like that's worth it personally.

Your account progress would explode by more than 2 times. It might seem like you're gonna have to spend more time on the game, which to an extent is true, but the way I see it, you're working your ass off and only getting half of what you should be getting, simply because your clan can't kill any of the higher tier clan bosses/can't kill any hydras/can't win a single CvC. At least in a live clan you have the chance to get some of that stuff, with no more time invested than what you're doing now. Again if it's about being in the same clan as your friends, you can all join a cluster and they'll place you in the same clan together.
HOW THE FUCK will I ever clear the points requirement for 5 fragments in summon rush with this SHITTY amount shards I have. FUCK THIS GAME. Why the FUCK no one told me there is no rest between fusions
My only hope is a primal shard reward in any milestone event or next amazon prime contains sacred shard and pray primeCHAD delivers the next game. Fuck man, I feel shit

Sounds like a problem for future me to solve
>HOW THE FUCK will I ever clear the points requirement for 5 fragments in summon rush with this SHITTY amount shards I have. FUCK THIS GAME. Why the FUCK no one told me there is no rest between fusions

I told you the exact reason why you have such a low amount of shards lmao, is this not exactly what I talked about? Idk what level of CB you're hitting (it should probably be nightmare or UNM), but there's a 0% chance your clan is killing the CB every day, meaning you get 1/2 the shards/rewards you're supposed to. If you were in a living clan this entire time, you'd have gotten 2x the resources, actually more than 2x, than you have right now. This goes beyond playing the game optimally; you're in that dead clan and it's hurting your progress/there's 0 reason for staying outside your own hubris. Which is fine, you can play how you'd like, nobody's saying you have to min max everything. But this is certainly not a "future you" problem kek, this is a "past, current, and future you" problem. The CB system is how the cycle of this game functions; you do CB, it gives you shards, you use those shards to complete fusions. At this rate you will struggle to complete fusions/you'll never get Mithrala, and unfortunately you have nobody to blame but yourself. It's why every single raid CC recommends you sort out your CB situation as your very first task in the game.

I'm not trying to shit on you, but dude common, I've been playing this game for years now, for too long perhaps. Why would I lead you astray? Did you not read this post I made?
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Just clear nightmare campaign on day 103th and got myself sacred shard and 3 lego books LETSSS GOOOOOOOOOOO

With this and soon to be more 2 primal shards that I will get from Live arena chest, lets just say I got Eostrid in the bag LETSSS GOOO. YOU KNOW I ALWAYS CLUTCH UP

Good stuff. Just remember that if you've already skipped any events, you'll need to do both parts of the summon rush. That's potentially 3500 points or more, or 7 sacred worth of shards.


So you average 163 million damage per key on NM clan boss? I can't even do that lol. My God man, you're leaving so much on the table for no good reason; you sound only be top chesting NM and dumping all your keys in UNM. You're free to take the game as casually as you want of course, but this is another one of those things that you're gonna come to regret in a few months if you're still playing this game. You're gonna wonder why you stayed in a clan with 4 people and disregarded all those shards and books and gems. You're gonna look at your meager collection of cruel, immortal, stone skin, protection, blood shield, and reaction gear (which you cannot buy or farm from any dungeon) and cry. You're gonna see that you only have like 5 legos booked out, when you should have 10+. And that's not even considering the energy, soul stones, and roster help you'd receive if you were in a populated clan that participates in hydra clash and CvC.

Mark my words, if you're still actively playing this game in a few months, this will become one of those Armanz type things; you think it's not a big deal, who cares its just one champ, how impactful could it be/who cares, it's just 1/2 of my resources from being in a dead clan, how impactful could it be. But you'll be struggling to do fusions because you have 0 shards, and you'll look at other players who started after you did but their accounts look 2x better than yours, and you'll kick yourself for wasting all that time, again, for no good reason at all. The worst part will be when you come to a point where you have no choice but to bust out the credit card and buy shards to complete a fusion, when you should have been able to do it for free, from CB chests.
Hey guys, I'm looking for clan that have enough members who can defeat at keast NM CB and normal hydra. Hit me up if there is a spot available
The best way to get a clan is to either join a cluster (group of several clans) or use the in game system to search for the best fit. Both are good options

>requires discord
>after you join their discord, they sort you into one of their clans based on what level OF demon lord, hydra, and CvC you're hitting
>huge room for advancement, once you outgrow your clan (which happens monthly if you're an active player) you just talk to the higher ups and they put you in a new clan with higher requirements
>depending on which cluster you join, you have a discord with potentially thousands of people ready to help you with account work, many of them will offer free takeovers if you ask nicely
>you might stay in that cluster forever

Searching via in game:
>you get your choice of the clan that suits your needs (I wanted a clan with a free for all quest system, 99% of clusters only let you take 1 elite level quest for the first few days so it's fair for all members, meaning you'll get less clan gold, also I don't have a discord, so I looked for one with both my requirements)
>the cluster you join might not let you join a higher level clan unless you're super end game, meaning you're locked out of the last tier of clan shop, which can sometimes be amazing items, whereas if you search for a level 17+ clan, you can join any of them
>if you don't meet your expected requirements (if you don't log in for X amount of days/if you miss your hydra keys/if you score too low during CvC), there's no friendly demotion system like in a cluster, they'll just kick you
>might be less personal since it's just you and 30 other people, instead of potentially thousands

Overall you gotta decide what style of clan you want. Both have their merits, both have their drawbacks. If you want to join a cluster, I'd suggest the largest one, Omega Centuri:

If you wanna go the in game search route, then that's pretty easy as well. Press the clan tab, go to the rankings section, and press the filter button next to the search. Choose "invite only clans"; it's better to do this because most open clans suck and they might end up not meeting your own requirements, and you don't wanna spend 2 weeks in a shitty clan just to find out nobody tries for hydra clash or CvC. Tick "do not show full clans", then choose what you want based on what you're looking for. Do you value the last few slots of the clan shop? Then choose level 17 for clan level. Do you take CvC seriously? Then input the points you average for required CvC points contribution.

Then choose "sort by" clan activity stars and when the list populates, click on each clan and preview what you'll potentially be joining. The landing pages will often tell you their requirements. If you like what you see, send them an application and include your max damage in demon lord, hydra, your average CvC points, and how often you play. Then just keep moving down the list of clans. Within a few hours to a day, one of them will accept you. Then use the in game chat and confirm with them your requirements so you're all on the same page.
>Monster Hunter armor instead of actual monster hunter
Lol MonHun Mandate
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Finally found a clan that can slain both NM and hydra. With it I got 2 ancients and hopefully double the amounts of mithrala fragments. Massive boost for my account
Actually I was surprised when my current cb team can do 2 keys on NM. But I still I want to improve on it.
Since I got Martyr and Nia from pulling shards heres my cb team from now on
Martyr - Aoe counterattacks+inc def, a3 100% dec attack
Altan - A1 dec attack
deacon - a1 leech
frozen banshee - poison
Nia - ally protection
Question, how do I use that cb calculator so that my ally protection have up 100% all the time?
>Finally found a clan that can slain both NM and hydra. With it I got 2 ancients and hopefully double the amounts of mithrala fragments. Massive boost for my account

I'm not gonna lead you astray bro, this is the right decision by far. From now on you'll get 2x the CB rewards, and if your clan actually tries to win CvCs, you'll get untold riches from that as well. Every day you spend in a living clan is 2x the rewards, don't forget that.

>Question, how do I use that cb calculator so that my ally protection have up 100% all the time?

Deadwood jedi's calculator is down for me right now, so I can't access the CB calculator. But luckily he just released an updated tutorial:


Your goal is to have Nia's AP up when the CB does his 2 AOEs, so that's the last 2 columns. The first column is the stun.

Keep in mind Nia's ally protection skill is a 3 turn cool down, and in that video, they use Jareg as their ally protect who has a 4 turn CD, so yours will be different, your Nia can run much slower than their Jareg. You're gonna have to play around with the speeds yourself. If you're committed to using Deacon in this team, you can run even slower, because he boosts turn meter. You're gonna have to play around with the tune yourself. You could also switch Nia for Jareg, but now your Altan isn't doing much because he places the same debuffs and buffs as Jareg. Hopefully you didn't book out Altan, he's one of the worst Lego champs in the game right now. But it's pretty self explanatory, you need to read the calculator guide and fully understand what all the colors and symbols mean.

Alternatively, you could just use the HH team optimizer. You never answered me, do you use the HH optimizer? If not, you gotta get on that. Instead of tooling around in the speed calculator, the HH optimizer tells you exactly what team does the most damage based on your champs. All you gotta do then is follow the speeds.
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>do you use the HH optimizer?
Yes, I use it all the time. Yes I did check team optimizer when you asked me back there. Im pretty sure it just give me other optimizer user team that was recorded because all those damages output are much lower than mine so I didnt bother exploring that option and didnt bother reply because I thought it was broken
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Have you opened the optimizer on PC and done a live refresh recently? You might have to force the website to check for your new champs. It might be that it doesn't know you've got Martyr and other new champs so it isn't searching for them, try that before anything else.

What you gotta know about the calculator primarily is the first to columns are the CB's AOEs, and the 3rd is the stun. You want your AP and Martyr's counter attack to go up right before the two AOEs, and given the nature of the CB's single target stun, those buffs don't matter for that attack. But that stun still does a shitload of damage, so you're gonna want increase defense to be up.

This is the speed tune I've drawn up for you. How it works is: Jareg puts up the ally protection right before AOE 1 each time. He moves twice during AOE 1 to ensure his 4 turn AP is off CD. Martyr puts up the counter attack before AOE 1, meaning with the exception of Jareg, your entire team will be under counter attack for both AOEs. Reliquary tender cleanses the stun right after the stun goes off, she's on a 2 turn delay (you'll have to manual her first 2 turns to make sure she uses her A2 on turn 3 of the CB). Altan uses his increase defense before the CB's stun turn to ensure the stun doesn't kill someone on your team.

Some things to keep in mind:

>This is a UNM team, this won't tune for NM
>The speeds, especially for the DPSs, are not set in stone, input this into your own calculator and play around with the ranges to find out which speeds will work
>you'll need Warmaster on everyone
>I have no idea who will be the stun target, it can be anyone but RT, or else this will fail. Make her tanky
>You can play around with teams and not waste CB keys by exiting the game via Alt F4; don't leave the battle with the escape key
>Nia isn't as good as Jareg here because her AP doesn't do increase defense, meaning it'll fall off by the time of the 2nd AOE, which will 1 shot her
More things to keep in mind:

>Nia reduces CDs on her A2 but only for 1 champ, this is what's killing your speed tune. You can potentially turn off her A2, but her lesser strengthen is worse than Jareg's greater increase defense.
>everyone will need full books on their buff skills, and you won't get max damage unless you also book their other skills as well. And since Altan is one of the worst champs in the game, it's gonna be pretty gay to have to book him. But if you take him out of your CB team one day, he can still be used in 3vs3 arena for a while, just turn him into a nuker.
>on the calculator, a green buff means it's being placed that turn, a solid buff means it's on and staying on, and a faded buff means it'll be on before the champ takes a turn but once they do it'll fall off, so don't get discouraged when you see all the buffs fall off on column 3, remember that's the CB's single target stun so ally protection/counter attack isn't gonna matter for that, what matters is Altan gets his A2 off and puts up increase defense so whoever gets stunned doesn't die. Altan is also on a 2 turn delay, meaning you'll have to manual until he places it correctly, then you press full auto and let it ride
>This can potentially be a 2 key team, but you're gonna need everyone to be tanky while also having 100% crit rate, the proper speeds, and good damage as well, which is gonna be pretty hard. Don't get discouraged if it's a 3 or even a 4 key; the top chest on UNM is way way better than the top chest on NM
>you might be able to have the CB avoid stunning RT, the only one that matters, by making her tanky as shit. See how she's cleansing right after the stun each time? If she eats the stun it's over.
>again I can't stress this enough: the speeds are NOT set in stone. Input this exact team into your CB calculator and move the ranges around yourself. The only thing that matters is the buffs go off at the right time before the CB takes a turn
One last thing I forgot: this team works because RT cleanses the stun. If you can manage to force the stun onto the DPSs every time, then you won't need RT, you can use another DPS. As the team sits right now, i'm pretty sure it'll be affinity friendly (except for Spirit because the Spirit CB places decrease speed which fucks your entire day up). But once you remove RT it may be the CB will just target a weak affinity with the stun instead of frozen banshee/another DPS, which is game over. You can potentially control this by using a DPS that's weak affinity against the CB, meaning it'll should target them, so you won't need RT/a cleanser. For more info on stun targeting, watch this vid:

I recently started a F2P account using only commons/uncommons, already fed my kael to my shieldguard. I had a main account that was also F2P, but I got bored since I got some really great pulls from tournaments/events super early on and it felt like they trivialized the game (for context, I got valkyrie and dutchess lilitu back to back, first rare champion I ever summoned was frozen banshee, got a bellower in my second week and the luck kept going). Felt like they were just auto-running all the content for me.

I'm having a lot more fun this time around desu. Anyone else done anything similar? I know I'll probably never do max level dungeons or anything like that, but I enjoy the slower feeling of progression and the fact that I really have to pay attention to my team comps. I'm finding value in a lot of stuff I would have only used as food before. Having fun dunking on paypiggies in the arena too even if it is relatively low rank.
>I recently started a F2P account using only commons/uncommons


This coon has an entire series around that exact concept, his main account is also F2P, he's one of my favorite content creators. You might be able to find some inspiration from him. Besides the big ones like Shieldguard, Armiger, and Outlaw Monk, other good champs you should consider are Saurus (AOE A1, good in a stun set), Crusader (1 man ally attack), and Satyr (lesser decrease speed on A1, turn meter control on A2).

>I got valkyrie and dutchess lilitu back to back

Idk how long ago that was, but nowadays with power creep, those are still good champions, but they're not nearly the power houses that can enable you to do every single bit of content with ease. Again don't get me wrong, they're still top tier champs, but this ain't 2020 where the highest dungeon level we have is 20 and there's no doom tower or sin city or any of that bullshit. Honestly most rares and epics have been power crept out of their fucking minds; don't like it goy? Well just buy these sacred and void packs for the nominal fee of $100 xDDD.

>Anyone else done anything similar?

There's 2 people who post ITT, an early game guy and me, and I'm still grinding away on my main account; I'm pretty end game with a very low spend account $150 in 5 years) but every day it's getting harder and harder to keep up. They're trying to squeeze the life out of all F2P/low spend player in order to force them to spend, accept that they'll never do all the end game content, or just quit, they dgaf either way. I've totally given up on sin city, it's just too hard/too much silver for me to do it all, I just do what I can then forget about it. All i care about is live arena nowadays.
>Accept that they'll never do all the end game content
Yeah I've got super low hours overall, but I'm okay with not hitting super endgame content. Good on you for staying low spend, games like this are designed to drain your wallet in every way. In my experience it just isn't worth it. Only difference between endgame and early game is that the numbers are bigger, not worth spending a fortune on. It's enough for me to just wrestle with early game mechanics and enjoy some dungeon crawling to get loot to make progress early. I think once I hit a real wall, I'll probably hang it up.

That said, I'll never get tired of watching my armiger walk up to any boss and sit them down with crit after crit. That shit is satisfying as hell, especially when my crusader follows it up with an ally attack and just happens to recruit the armiger. Feels like bullying
Lawl. Got into this game as part of certain someone's promobut after 30 hours of playing thought how other players here see the game only to find out even anons in general kinda hate this game P2W. Do i have a wrong impression or are you lot playing this just outta habit now?
>Just realized you don't actually have to level champions if you're using them for food
Guys I think I might be retarded, thank god I just started a new account
If it makes you feel better when I had early game infinite energy I tried to ascend every 1 star i got. Later as my energy dried up I felt like the biggest debil throwing them away for xp.
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Well I can only speak for myself, but as the most end game player of everyone ITT, I see it in a few ways.

First of all, I started playing this dogshit game 5 years ago because of their aggressive marketing (not surprising, given approximately 90% of the budget is comprised of advertising and sponsorships, which is why every YouTuber on earth has seemingly shilled this game) and the admittedly amazing graphics, which has always been a point of praise, despite my overwhelming disdain for the game devs. When I started, there weren't too many dark fantasy type gachas, most were anime. This has changed over the years, but Raid still consistently knocks it out of the park with it's visuals. Almost every champ is unique, and there's clearly care that's been put in to how everything looks.

Second is the all too familiar sunk cost fallacy. After playing this game for about a year, I had grown disillusioned with how greedy and incompetent the game devs are, and vowed to quit spending forever, which ended up not mattering because I just quit the game a few months after that. However my account was in a pretty good state prior to leaving; I was relatively late game, and this fact permeated in my mind for all these years. Last summer I was bored and decided to fire it up again, just for kicks. The devs are just as dogshit as they always were, but with my renewed assertion that they'd never see another red cent from me, I decided to see how far I can go while being a reformed spender. Turns out you can go pretty far, my account is now almost totally end game, and I routinely stomp players in PVP who have spent tens of thousands of dollars, when I've only spend $150. Webm related, this guy has spent at a minimum 20k on his account, or perhaps more, and I'm shitting on him with my comparatively low spend account.
I think I've seen screencap of this guy while doing my research, that's where I 1st read term "kraken account", dude ammased like 60 maxxed out champions in less than 50 days by spending aprox 50k. Made me feel lot better about spending bit more (64$) than i planned.
Now, if i understand it right that you mainly play to compete with oceanic creatures?
>I think I've seen screencap of this guy while doing my research, that's where I 1st read term "kraken account", dude ammased like 60 maxxed out champions in less than 50 days by spending aprox 50k.

I think I know who you're talking about. There's a whole video on his account if you're interested. It's way more than $50k and it's way more than 60 champs:


The figure the youtuber reviewing his account gives out is generous: personally I'd estimate he probably spent upwards of 700k or more. And that's considering the fact that in order to do this in 83 days, you'd almost certainly have a special deal with the devs to buy bulk resources outside of the in game shops. He likely spoke to them to work out a deal because even bought every single offer in the in game shop, he couldn't get the blessings that he has. If he had waited for offers to pop up in the shop, this would have taken years and likely hundreds of thousands more.

To answer your question, no, I don't compete with krakens like this, I couldn't even kill one of his champs if I threw my best geared champs at it; his gear is just at a level I simply will never get to.

Take for instance another player, someone widely toted as the #1 best F2P player in the entire game:


His account totally dwarfs mine; but even then I might have a chance if he picks badly/I get super lucky with RNG. Even with his amazing account, he also couldn't touch the upper krakens that have spent $100k or more. It's just not possible. It was possible 4-5 years ago, before they power crept every mechanic in the game to entice spenders, but not anymore.

Nowadays I'm comfortable knowing I will never beat true krakens in PVP; I used to dislike the notion, but there's truly nothing I can do about it. I'm fine picking on whales and humbling their $10k accounts with my $150 account, that's enough for me, and it always will be.
same channel but different creatura https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovC3s-Ia27w
OK as i might be kinda sorta retarded i read your post and had to come back 10 mins back to re-read it when the cogs started spinning. I thought the 600k figure was estimated value he managed to pull not what he had to SPEND. Am i understanding this right?! There is no way mafia is not involved one way or another, this gotta be some IDF black fund. Ain'toway nigga, ain'tnoway.
>I thought the 600k figure was estimated value he managed to pull not what he had to SPEND. Am i understanding this right?!

Those two videos are about the exact same guy; the one you posted was just using screen shots he sent the youtuber, the second one he actually gave him control of his account to do an account tour. Yes, 600k, in my opinion, is what he would have had to spend to get his account at that level in 83 days of play time.

That 83 day figure is set in stone btw, it literally shows the total days he's logged in in his daily rewards section, something the youtuber covers. Believe it or not there are krakens with even better accounts than his, but they've been playing the game for years and years, and their accounts are bought and sold multiple times, with multiple krakens spending obscene money on them. They end up spending way less than 600k because each person only spends a comparatively small amount of the total, and since they've been playing for so long, they earn free shit/do events/spend 24/7 grinding gear in dungeons. That's what makes this guy's account so unique/insane; he did all this in 83 days, meaning he couldn't have possibly farmed that much gear/shards from just normal play; it all would have had to been purchased.

That's why he's the #1 kraken in this game, and not other accounts who have spent more/have more play time/have better accounts.

>There is no way mafia is not involved one way or another, this gotta be some IDF black fund. Ain'toway nigga, ain'tnoway.

Well the thing is, this game is typically played by older people. The average age of my clan for instance is like 40 years old; we have 1 dude who's under 30. Most of the krakens who play this game are old farts who have more money than they know what to do with. It's not in vouge for rich people to splurge out on instagram thots and yachts apparently, a lot of idiots also whale out on video games.
It makes sense though. Raid has been so aggressively marketed that the default opinion for most people is "get this shit out of my face, skip", so there's less of an urge to run defense for it like you might have for other mobile games that are equally greedy. Most people that get into it know what they're signing up for, a game that's got a lot of really fun mechanics and things to do that's also designed to steal your money at every opportunity.

It's a lot like gambling. If you have self control and know what you're signing up for, you can have fun without ruining yourself... but nobody is going to recommend that you start gambling, either. I'll say I have fun playing it, I play it while I poop or when I'm on public transit. The game mechanics are fun enough on their own to keep me interested. I don't spend money though, and I wouldn't recommend paying to get ahead either.
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Finally learned how to use cb calculator and I will be using these for UNM team. Vogoth there used for passive heal+leech. Banshe used for her poison. Hopefully both of them will be target for stun. If spirit I'll switch banshe with odachi.

>Have you opened the optimizer on PC and done a live refresh recently?
Yes I did opened on PC and did a live resfresh and it still gives me shit team with shit damage looking at this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kYL2vBTmaw) it just proves me that I was right that optimizer only gives the list that are recorded on their software.>>1453223

>Altan is so shit dont book him out haha
>t. Guy with a million champs in his roster
Here's the thing, Hell hades give him the rating of 5 for clan boss. Altan give good damage while also being tank so is no brainer that I will use him on CB team.
No, I dont have jareg nor reliquary tender
Oh shit I thought you were this guy with the new Rotos lol, my bad. >>1417855

Well 2 things, first, Nia will 100% throw off your speed tune the second she uses her A2 on anyone but your DPS/vogoth; a speed tune is a very specific speed that guarantees your champs use their skills in a specific order. The second she reduces the CD on one of your skills, it's all over. Think about it; she reduces your martyr's A3, then matyr doesn't know to hold it for before AOE1; she'll use it on turn 3 during the stun instead. You need to turn off her A2 in the AI team settings. So you'd only be using her for her A3, which is kinda a waste. If you don't have any better options though, I get it, gotta do what you gotta do. If you don't believe me, build your team during the free regearing and watch Nia closely during the run. She'll fuck things up with her A2.

As for the stun, you might be able to make it work with the team you posted, but it definitely won't be affinity friendly. on spirit it's pretty much all fucked because his AOE places decrease speed, meaning your tune will be thrown off. Then on magic, it'll look to target either martyr or vogoth because they're weak affinity. If you want it to target vogoth, that means making him less HP than matyr, which is antithetical to how you want to build him: he heals based on the damage done to him, so you want a shitload of HP. But I get it, gotta do what you gotta do with a limited roster. It actually might come down to waking up super early every day and doing 2 of your CB keys when it's still on void.

Right now we have a free regearing event, I'd highly suggest waiting until then to rebuild your teams and your builds out. Don't forget NOT to take any masteries that boost your turn meter or cycle of magic and you must account for your speed in the calculator if you have lore of steel.

Good luck, CB is the most important part of the game, getting a 2 key is massive! I'm rooting for you.
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A bit of update, I've changed the following on my CB team:
- Make martyr cast her A2 before AOE2 and Altan to cast his A2 before Stun. This allow for increase DEF to always 100% and for both martyr and altan to heal through heal before stun. If they got stunned it wont affect the turn order because they didnt cast any before AOE1. I have to change their turn order to reflect this (Martyr go first before Altan)
- Changed the speed of Altan to 192, Martyr to 193, Banshee and Vogoth to 193-194. This allow for the team to be compatible with NM as well (with small caveat that some champs missing their ally protection before AOE2 in some turns, but since its NM I think its fine)
The problem:
-No way to heal the stunned before AOE1 but Im sure it'll be fine because of Incr. Def+Ally Protection+ Strengthen + Decr. Atk

In terms of building progress on my team:
-Havent finished upgrading Vogoth to 6*
-Havent finished grinding mssteries for all of them except Martyr
Hope I can finished this in 2 weeks time

You know recently I have been pulled 12 void shards (from mission, event, DT) hoping to get Riho for her cleanse and block debuff which would be huge for my CB team. Turns out I didnt get JACKSHIT. Ther goes the hope
Have you tried the team out yet? The issue with the stun is that your CDs don't go down when you're stunned. If Martyr has 1 turn left on her counter attack and she gets stunned, when she comes back from the stun she'll still have 1 turn CD, which will throw off your speed tune. You need to make sure the stun goes on a nuker/vogoth for this tune to work. For that, you'll be beholden to affinity and you'll need to tune the HPs of your champs as well. Before you commit too hard, just do one more sweep of your account using the in game filter and make damn sure you don't have any cleansers or AOE block debuffs. We only have a few more hours of free gear removal left; throw gear on your champs and try out your tune; doesn't matter if they have masteries because you're just testing, and make sure you exit the game via alt f4/task manager/the windows close window red x, and the key won't save.

If everything goes well and you can force the stun target to be a nuker, then you're all set. Don't worry about healing after the first stun; the CB ramps up damage, meaning the first few turns it won't do too much damage.

For masteries, yeah that's an issue that will never go away unless you whale out on gems (which if you're a spender, is probably one of the best ways to spend money in this game). Don't forget that paying for energy refreshes with gems and using energy to farm mino costs around 200 less gems than just buying masteries with gems, and you also lose out on a lot of XP and 1.5 mil silver per champ. If you don't have one yet, I'd suggest using someone who can solo mino, and running 1 champ at a time. The waves/boss in mino 15 is relatively slow; if you have any well built, relatively fast nukers in savage with helmsmasher with AOEs, you can probably do each run in less than 30 seconds. Or if you have someone with survivability built in, you can put them in regen + immortal and they can also solo, like Artak or Orn for instance, but it'll take about 1 min.
>Best place to farm exp is 12-3
>It's also filled with enemies that all have extremely long attack animations and prebuffs, so if you don't have absolutely perfect gear it will take you 10x longer to clear for no reason
What did plarium mean by this? I shouldn't complain I guess, I'm the noob that started a commons/uncommons only F2P account about a week ago, so I should be happy with being able to farm brutal 12-3 in 30-40 seconds at all, but I hate seeing those nigger demons do their stupid attack buffs and waste my time.
they dont get to attack. kael kills them in one hit. its like 20 secs for basic rare starter to clear 12-3 brutal. any decent farmer does it in 5-7 secs depending on their own animations. felhound, bellower, skullcrown, whatever.
>F2P commons/uncommons only account
>Kael, fellhound, bellower, skullcrown
In any case my shieldguard does clear it pretty quickly, after some gear upgrades I got it down to 17 seconds at my fastest. Just annoying that when things don't go well, the animations seem to take forever even on 2x.
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Even better now that I can use Nia A2 to use to herself because of her lowest percentage HP after 2 AOE.
But sadly I must finish grinding up masteries for nia, vogoth and banshee first before I can check how much damage I can deal. In any case, I'm just happy to know that my plan really worked
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But before I start grinding masteries. Let me clear the last champion tournament for a step closer to fusing Mikage, my wife ;)
Looks like you got lucky: the new fusion's intercept buff will prevent the CB stun, and he also brings a bunch of very good buffs for your team. The shield is really gonna help keep you alive. I'd highly consider going for this fusion if I were you.
>Start new account
>Spend the first month+ just endlessly leveling champions
I'm not buying chickens, fuck this grind though.
Are you new to the game or is this just an alt? Either way, your first month is gonna be a lot of grinding food and masteries, there's no going around it. Don't buy chickens from the shop; it's one of the lowest value things they offer. If you really want more chickens and you're a spender, I'd suggest waiting until you're close to the energy cap and buying energy packs. You can convert the energy into account xp (unlocks more areas of the game and gives you gems and more energy every time you level up), food, and silver, which is a lot more economical and worthwhile than buying chickens or God forbid brews. Once you have a team of 5 Champs fully level 60 with all masteries, the game definitely opens up. But it might take an entire month, depending on your play style/time.
New, but it does seem that way. Been grinding away anyhow and greedily stealing all the best quests from the clan I got shuffled into since they're all bums every time a clan v clan pops.

Since you're here though, is it worth it to grind minotaur manually? I know people online say that it's more efficient that way, but I'm assuming they're clearing minotaur 15. If I'm only able to do 12ish~ then is saving my gems to buy masteries a bad idea, or should I just keep grinding it as is?
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The #1 most important content in this game is the demon lord clan boss. You need to be in a clan that kills the level of CB you're currently hitting, because only then can you get 2x the reward chests. On higher levels, they drop gems, brews, lego books, sacred shards, and 2 of the better sets in the game; all things necessary to progress your account and complete fusions. At late game, you can do every single fusion while only collecting resources from CB; don't get discouraged when you see fusion requirements at a low level and think "damn i gotta spread them wallet lips to complete this"; once you start hitting higher levels of CB it'll all fall in place. If your current clan downs all levels of demon lord AND normal hydra as well, I'd stay, otherwise I'd find a new clan ASAP. The clan quests pale in comparison to the rewards you get from both CBs. That's not even mentioning the CvC situation that drops a bunch of other rewards if you win.

For minotaur, I'm assuming you've already got your starter/campaign farmer with full masteries. In that case, it is never, i repeat never worth it to buy masteries with gems. It costs 800 gems to get masteries on one champ, and that's all you get. Meanwhile if you use your gems to buy energy refreshes, it'll only cost about 600 gems to get masteries on a champ, and you also get about 1.5 mil silver and a shitload of XP. The only downside is that it'll take longer because you're probably running a full team to complete minotaur. Yes it sucks doing nothing but mino for a week, but it's both 100% necessary and worth it.

You can probably put together a mino 15 within the first 2 weeks of playing; never ever farm any level below that. If you have trouble with team comps, post your full roster and I can help further. Press this button and take a screen shot.
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Havent finished grinded masteries for vogoth and fully booked altan yet but

(at a cost of no keys left for NM)

If only nia and vogoth deals at least 5 mil maybe I could 3 keys this instead

Yeah I am planning using him with eostrid in 2:1 comp but booking them might take long so I got to use what have for now.

I plan to switch vogoth, altan and banshee with Ghrush (big healer+leech+dec atk), crimson helm (self block damage stun bait), rathalos (so that I can put toxic set on nia ang ghrush).

I plan a 3 4:3 speed tune for following:
Crimson Helm (Her 3 cd block damage with become 4 cd when stunned)
Ghrush (Because of his 4 cd skills)
Martyr (Because I want to easily tune her 4 cd A3)

Maybe I could phase out nia with banshe again for more damage
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You could probably squeeze out an extra few million if your Vogoth was placed in the last position. Positioning your champs matters in this game; if vogoth is in the last spot, the CB's AOEs will hit your champs one at a time, from the leader to the final position. If your Vogoth if in lead, he will only heal the previous damage on your team, not the current AOE from the CB.

This also matters for things like counter attacks or ally attacks. If you have someone who places a debuff on an A1 (like decrease defense or weaken), then you want them as close to the lead position as possible, so the subsequent champs will hit into the debuff.

Ghrush is pretty good in CB, but he won't replace Altan; Altan is your increase defense champ, and his decrease attack is on his A1, meaning it's gonna be on permanently, whereas Ghrush will only be able to place it on his A2 on a 4 turn CD; it'll be impossible for you to keep your champs alive if you switch.

I would suggest, if possible, waiting until the CB's health is under 40% before you make your attacks. That way you can take advantage of the Single Out mastery; all your CB champs should be running it. You might be able to get a consistent 3 key if you can wait.

Btw, the top UNM chest is always better than any of the combination of the bottom chests on the other difficulties; if you can, always top chest UNM. Worry about the rest once you can consistently 2 key UNM.
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The problem with my team is that both vogoth and nia can't heal themselves to full before the next cycle. Vogoth can be fixed (I think) if I fully farm masteries for him while Nia has only 1 attack move from A1 even with leech is not enough. I might regear her in lifesteal and immortal and see what would happen.

Also that fusion epic lookin kinda cute tho. I might grab extra copy from Summon Rush for myself
>The problem with my team is that both vogoth and nia can't heal themselves to full before the next cycle.

Placing vogoth in the correct position might help with that, but no mastery will allow him to outheal the CB's damage, it ramps up too high. I'm not sure lifesteal on Nia is gonna help you on UNM; i hope you're not building her for damage, she needs to be in the tankiest gear on your entire account. The only way she'd heal from the leach is from her A1 doing warmaster procs. Your CB team needs to have your very best gear. If lifesteal isn't working out for you, I'd try maybe regen + immortal, with something like 80k HP and 4k defense.

>Also that fusion epic lookin kinda cute tho. I might grab extra copy from Summon Rush for myself

I would suggest refraining from pulling shards when you don't need to; she's not a very good epic and won't help your roster much. Pulling outside of a 2x/specifically to complete a fusion in the early game is a total waste. Like i've said before, you're not at the stage in the game where you can start targeting 10x/15x events or pulling for vanity champs, your roster has a bunch of big holes. You still don't have a cleanser, you don't have any AOE HP burns, you don't have a good posioner, you don't have any solo champs, but what you do have is an abundance of nukers. What's another epic nuker gonna do for your account? not much.
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>I'd try maybe regen + immortal, with something like 80k HP and 4k defense.
Uhh thats what I did on my Nia (60k HP 3.8k DEF + 10% Def from area bonuses) and that is still not enough.

Maybe I switch into pseudo unkillable team like pic related. Warcaster block AOE1, Nia (With the help of others) tank AO2, and Crimson Helm block the stun. With this, Nia has enough time to heal herself. Oh and Sanguinia only there for block debuffs (the extra heal from her is a bonus), but she is switchable with DPS for other affinity. If force affinity, Crimson Helm will be replaced with fellhound blo.

>What's another epic nuker gonna do for your account? not much.
Can any of them nuke my heart? I dont think so
>Uhh thats what I did on my Nia (60k HP 3.8k DEF + 10% Def from area bonuses) and that is still not enough.

Specifically in regen + immortal? Or just broken pieces with maybe 1 immortal?

Even with regen + immortal, Nia can only heal herself by 20% of her hp each turn, and I'm not sure that'll be enough with the new team you're suggesting. Also Crimson Helm won't block the stun; the CB looks at the number of buffs that are placed. Since the block buffs/damage is only on herself, the CB will just stun someone else. She can however potentially cleanse the stun, but you'd have to speed/hp tune her so she's using her A3 right after the stun, but she can't be the stun target either. This is a pretty complex tune.
this game is basically the mobile mafia
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Well well well, would you look at that. 3 Keys UNM achieved. All I did was finished grinding masteries for vogoth AND regearing both vogoth and nia in lifesteal set + 100% crit rate (without sacrifing survivability of course). Now nia always heal herself to full and also her teammates aswell through her passive.
This time is martyr that died first. Her ally protection+strengthen buffs ended before AOE2 (She's last in turn order btw, want counterattack always up for more chance for nia to heal). Plan to regear altan and frozen banshee in guardian to mitigate it.

Then I'll switch crimson helm for gnarlhorn then. Might put fellhound anyway for gnarlhorn to block damage becsuse I'll build him in low hp def. And that just leave 1 slot for dps wow.
I think I switch to infinity shield team since I'm getting wixwell anyway
Cleared dt hard for the first time today, feelsgoodman
>Cleared dt hard for the first time today, feelsgoodman

Congrats. I'd highly suggest putting together teams for hard secret rooms as soon as possible. One of the final ramantu missions requires you to summon gomlok from fragments, and he's one of the hard secret room champs. Unlike a lot of those missions, this one is fully time gated; every single doom tower rotation in which you miss a secret room is another 3 fragments you will miss on that rotation. Add those up and that's potentially months of just waiting around you'll be wasting.

My suggestion: spend an hour going through this list and comparing it with your roster via the in game filter:


What rooms can you complete? What rooms are you stuck on? What rooms can you do if you just built a couple champs already in your roster? Figure it out way beforehand and have a list of champs that you need to build specifically for secret rooms, and try and have at least some of them built before the rotation you need them begins. Some key points:

>you don't necessarily need secret room champs fully built with masteries; sometimes lvl 50 with a stun set is enough.
>You don't need energy to run secret rooms, so during a free refear event is when you should take advantage and put your best gear on secret room champs and complete as many as possible.
>Even if you are forced to max out a champ for a secret room, they'll probably still be usable in other areas of the game, especially faction crypts and sin city, so don't feel like it's a waste
>stun sets are your best friends, and by extension AOE a1s. there's a list of those champs on ayumilove
>certain champs pull double duty and are critical to multiple secret rooms. Off the top of my head, there's soulbownd bowyer, abyssal, candle guard, skullcrown, and flesh monger. Consider building them first.

This is some of the hardest/most rng dependent content in the game. Good luck!
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