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Thoughts about the upcoming champs?
wow dead game
excited about talon and kindred at least theyre not pandering to bot lane this patch
Ironically enough, it is big in China.

>excited about talon and kindred at least theyre not pandering to bot lane this patch
There are few supports and ADCs missing.
So the console ports are completely dead and not happening?
I like Wild Rift but I'd really just like to play on a big screen with a controller.
They need to nerf Demolish
Will they nerf ASol? He is currently at 70+% ban rate in China.
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These changes didn't do shit. If you get ahead and kill someone multiple times they will still get an strategic objective... What do they want from us to not kill our opponents ??? Why are bad people being rewarded ???
Forced 50%, engagement based match matching.
I'm so fucking sick of AD champs being so damn strong when they require virtually no effort

Oh yeah I'm really impressed with you holding auto the whole game
OK they need to do something about Mundo

It's literally the most busted shit with Hydra and Heartsteel
Is he really busted or is it just because he's annoying and everyone suddenly wants to play as him
55% win rate and 16% pick rate.
>Gwen has 3 premium skins I'll probably never be able to get
Haha yeah. It doesn't bother me THAT much
Literally have 15 game lose streak with each game SVP as Sion.
Now forced 50% is enforced even more.

This game rewards bad players.
How tf do I play agaisnt Zed?

This champ is genuine fucking disgusting. He's allowed to all-in for fucking ridiculous damage and if you somehow turn it around the bitch just teleports a million times to run away

You legit can't fucking win Mid against that as a mage
emulate it on pc at very high fps to cope with the increased input lag from emulation
Chinese data is useless right now it only covers a 30 something champions and only lower elos.
build resistance, help the map around without meeting him on the path
was ziggs reworked? no more bonus tower damage on full passive charge?
Yes, his ulti was too
no fun allowed in this game,
dubmed lux, dumbed jaina, dumbed ziggs...
i was so hyped about zyra but she's dumbed down beyond belief
I've changed my mind, the rework didn't dumb Ziggs down, it actually helps you to ease cognitive load with auto and just be as annoying as possible, a literal siege engine that never has to come close.

Anyway, anyone knows more European youtubers that cover WR?
They can't be real people. I'm tired boss. When is high energy heroes releasing. I just want o to be free...
Forced 50% they made the system worse for the good players.

Also, if their names are composed of 2 words + letter, they are likely bots.
>play jungle
>can't do anything because the enemy play like bitches and are constantly babysitting each other

I really want to play Warwick but shit like this makes me understand why Kayn is so much better. You roll in and one shot someone and get out or even just poke for like half a squishies health and get out
>hahaha I'm gonna play Int Sion :)
>doesn't even push turrets properly
>gives Wukong 10 fucking kills making him much stronger than the rest of our team
>the rest of the idiots on my team are so useless they can't stop a fucking Yi
>fall sk far behind from all the feeding I can't do with wjth K6
I hate this game

Dropped all the way to Gold from fucking Legendary Ranked becuaae of morons
This now makes 5 games in a row with Warwick specifically where my team are a bunch of fucking idiots and just giving the enemy team free objectives

This game is like telling me not to play Warwick or else I just get a bunch kf fucking useless idiots
iTzSTU4RT turns out to be the wildriffire editor
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Just reinstalled and I'm trying some PvP matches, this one has been very fun.
Explain me the deer champion, how does it oneshot me no matter what? wHAT DO I need to avoid, when to engage?
Ar and Mr are just cosmetic numbers now. Just build for the passives and jump on her with slows be it abilities, summoners, etc. at least 3 people have to blow that deer pussy up at once and never 1v1 her you'll lose 100%
>If you have high kda you get harder matches
>If you have low kda you get easier games
>people are purposely lowering their kda to get easier games and using the algorithm to their advantage
No wonder i'm getting efd in the a every match
It is noticeable, the devs will punish people for winning, in order of curbing inting Sion.
My KDA is the only thing that I have high in this game, my rank and every other metric is low.
Fml no wonder this is why I've uninstalled this game after a dozen or more games.
So those challengers that make tier lists, they're essentially giving useless info?
Because each of them could play in its own difficulty bubble regardless of rank?
This is explains the schizophrenic differences between them even in the same region.
i have been telling people that the better you play the more retarded team mates you get and i was called a schizo or that i am lowskilled to 1v9 but i was fucking right all along lmao
fuck this game, fuck riot, but more importantly fuK YOU!
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More or less, you need to watch them play to be sure.

Only shills and shitposters didn't admit it.

I noticed when I mained OldSol
I'm getting real fucking sick of tanks ruining Arena

A Nunu just stood there and took no damage from a Yuumi backed Sol with Wounding and Liandry's

For that matter how tf was a Yuumi doing mkre damage to me as Samira?
If I want to learn to be better do I spam pvp or ranked exclusively?
You think about what you're doing instead dod autopiloting
That's very painful to do auto-piloting is more satisfying until the algorithm decides against you.
how are these kids doing it? 10-20 kills in all games
even enemies but when I duel them I dodge all their shit even if I can't often kill them because they have more items and higher level

is this a mentality that you learn, just always being aggressive and so on?
>be me
>play ranked a bunch of games per season then ignore it
>every time I open ranked up my champions have
>6-9+ winstreak
>yet still low elo
sad I guess I have to grind a lot because the algorithm deems me useful at the bottom
what phones to pro gamers use in tournaments?
Stop playing from 3 screens away.
i am stuck in gold lol
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Hardstuck emerald - It has got to the point that I don't enjoy playing any champion at all anymore. I feel very demotivated to play ranked matches. It's always a downward spiral of getting shit-on, no matter how well I do. I started playing ML:BB, and it started being fun, because of the more dynamic and fast paced fighting; but it quickly became frustrating being btfo'd by invisible aoe bs from outside the screen before being able to do shit and cancerous champ/lane select (ping is infinitely better tho). So Im' back to this pos; back to being miserable af in a confort zone. Started playing Aatrox again and been having a bit of fun, but it isn't really helping it.
I just do the daily missions in the pve mode.
i used to get emerald instantly in 10-30 games every season I just wanted the skin now I am hardstuck gold wtf lol >>1400787
How about that new event? Lots of free stuff!
Ok ASol is busted. Needs a nerf ASAP

He scales way too hard. He absolutely shadows other scales like Veigar or Kayle

Rylai's makes him oppressive too.
Is Prestige Aatrxo gonna be in the Hextech shop permanently or is this another Crystal Rose Gwen situation?
I ignore all events. I already own all the champions and even if I have a bunch of skins I use the default ones.
Better for visual memory and in case I get banned or lose the account I'm used to the same.
>idiot on my team goes fucking Draven Top
>enemy goes Ashe top
>somehow this useless fuckhead loses lane to her
>our Evelynn never once gets a success gank on her
>late into the game I get fucking deleted by her
>realize somehow the bitch has 10 kills already mad has like a 4k gold on all of us
What the fuck is this game's matchmaking? My whole team was playing like fucking Iron players
Engagement based match matching, that was your obligatory loss
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These were my games today... I'm forever gold now.
I've been stoic while playing them except the last two, kind of lost it.
im so close to uninstalling, with the unbalanced champions, the retarded matchmaking and gatcha shit they added.
if it wasnt for talon added in 2 weeks i would have stopped playing already
its funny how brand and zyra are essentially free wins and swain got buffed but youre still expected to actually 1v 9 the game by yourself
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According to the Chinese data they're not very solid picks right now. Happy to see some improvement for Brand and Zyra, they were the literal bottom last week in their data.
second row is pick rate lol
Oh to add salt to the wound they gave me a mercy bot game now... yea but my time got wasted with this.
Picked brand into a senna + mf lane. They gave me pain but late game I just kept deleting them on the map all the time lol and that won us the game.
Even with hacks your win rates will only go up by ~2%
Last time I've tried hacks my winrates went to 75%+ area but they always banned me before I could reach very high elo, that was on PC.
Man I was really into Arena but this mode fucking sucks now

Tanks are so fucking busted. Its one thing if they were just hard to kill but they do stupid damage too
lol soon out of gold only because I've picked up OP champs, leona, karma etc, only getting brand and zyra when they 100% counter or buff a team mate
so many subhumans abused sion that a sion player who barely tries and has the worst kda still gets SVP because the statistics are downgraded massively
in my low elo every single ranked game has 2x marksmen in it
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This was my Zeri "troll" game because team-mate banned my zyra choice.
Was you the first choice? Zyra and Soraka are too dangerous.
I was the second last pick.
you get way less blue motes than before and they're spread across countless retarded events
my friend list was full of masters last time I played wild rift, now they are all emerald and hard-stuck there
wtf lol
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Turns out I was stuck in gold because I was playing on hard mode, my phone's GPU is a bit old now and as soon as I switched to lowest settings it was no longer in the 90% usage range which means I got like 10-15 ms of input lag shoved off.
Games feel like a breeze now. I can actually carry because I can move quick enough to constantly kill the right targets sand put pressure on map.
The connection in this game is fucking trash.

I suddenly get 400 ping after my previous matches all had 39. I restarted the app, did a net speed test that was normal, changed to mobile data from wifi. Did all this and still nothing.
The Wild Rift servers have been shit for a while
You're assigned to some Asian country, obviously.
Make a new account and try to see if you get regional matches again.
Could be your rank maybe and lack of players in your region.
Good. Carrying myself past grandmaster last season while every high elo player on my friend list stayed down in plat/emerald was such a powerful feeling.
I do pretty much everything perfectly except team fights. I can execute one target, prep up with aoe damage on champions I play for my team to finish but then I just lose focus for some reason. Any tips to train against this?
cant light up the lantern and wont let me claim the red envelopes, anyone else have this problem?
i just had a silver ranked person in my game, im in plat 1, bruh this game is really dead
That nigga smurfing fo sho. Or at least the system thinks that he is lol
>play support in gold-plat
>dominate all games, only A and S with most dmg
>lose lose lose

>occasionally pick up ADC out of boredom
>dominate the game
>3x more damage than the second most in my team
>S every time

Is this the low elo curse?
I want to be a support main...
>top selects Thresh
>about to ban it
>he pings 1000+ games
>ok I won't ban it you otp animal
>he feeds

>support pings 1000+ games senna
>feeds like an animal

never trust that
Alistair feels like such a guaranteed win in Arean its seriously some bullshit
I have fallen from diamond to plat 1 due to this pattern.
very fun jungle choices tho I would play those as well if I was brave enough for that role.
Can someone help me figure out damage builds for Karma, Nami, Rakan?
>damage builds
>for non-damage champs
Except for Karma you shouldn't be building damage. And even with Karma you wouldn't build full damage.
I will build damage.
Do what you want ig.
what was the point of you ever replying then?
Whats my point in responding?
man you're gone
so tired bot games in pvp and ranked, feeling like wasting time, never had so many before you nowadays get two or more per the same day and they're random nowadays
Don't get upset man but you maybe suffer from the main player syndrome? A bit narcissistic? Merely static something without arguments is not persuasive or useful to anyone.
This has tilted me a bit
>be rakan
>ult into enemy trying to do elder
>mf follows with ult
>got a bunch of them
>I'm still good to clean and cc people up
>enemy ww ults on me
>all team members idle around it, looking at it, doing no auto attacks to elder or anything
>ww finishes
>he cleans every single one of them one by one
what's hell in low elo is when a game gets long and team with full build just farms jungel camps on the other side of the map while you and the other room temperature IQ player try to fight for objetives
>play ranked
>surrender early game

>play pvp
>never surrender
>35+ minutes games

>Morgana on our team doesn't buy Morello or any Wounding item into a Soraka
Ranked is fucked

For that matter fucking healing. The Wounding items are so bad and being forced to waste gold on it is so retarded

Or maybe this is just a Soraka and Yuumi issue. Soraka being an endless healbot is utterly retarded
>For that matter fucking healing. The Wounding items are so bad and being forced to waste gold on it is so retarded
>Or maybe this is just a Soraka and Yuumi issue. Soraka being an endless healbot is utterly retarded
Healing is balanced around anti heal existing, Soraka is the most egregious example.
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chinese masterplan to make us westeners hate eachother
the only solution is to uninstall this spyware
I'm such a good adc with some champs that as soon as my phone crashed the bot that took my sivir wiped the enemy team and they went to finish the game. All I did before this was to just farm lol.
I'm embracing low elo. I'm just playing champions I want to learn, doing horribly, losing games but not caring anymore.
The lower the rank the more I can apply what I end up learning.
ASol is so fucjing retardws

I actually hate this champ more than Lux now
He's literally zero IQ in areas. Faggor just holds down breath and deletes you..actually fucking gut this champ.alreayd
>New Valentine's Day event "Heartbreakers' Getaway"
>One of the missions is "Get 214 takedowns"
Surely they meant to add "as a team", right?
His designer was fired in the mass layoffs
>play a bot game
>120 kills spawn farming
Gweilo... come on succumb into FOMO, check this voucher, be warned this other thing will expire, check the other 99 events.
Hey haha, no thing you. I will not.
>like Ahri
>have been getting better with her
>probably my second best champ behind Jayce
>can never play her because I always get filled to any role other than Mid, usually jungle
This sucks

The same kinda applies to Jayce. I could play him top but Bruiser tanks are extremely busted right now and filter Jayce too easily
When did they update Ahri's voice?

I just noticed she has entirely different voice lines now
A while ago, I think they also updated Varus'
You would need a high end controller or custom built to emulate the touch controls but also why? The touch controls for wild rift are fantastic.
You have to find friends that are good adcs with you or youre doomed. Do you look for your power player and lift their balls once mid game starts?
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>hit chall season 9, 10, and 11
>in e4 with a 17% wr
Match matching diff, try to low your stats or main Kayle.
Just lowered my dead zone out of curiosity and now my gameplay improved. I used to auto way too often while I meant to skill shot.
wow if I ever get filled jungle I would just close the game
Varus seems so nice on paper but then I get to play him and I lose all motivation, it's beyond boring.
Is Kindred out yet?
now that's a jg-ler that might tempt me to try that, a purer marksman, unfortunately gimmicky so it's ruined... nah I'll probably pass
I'm that guy who was stuck in gold, soon to be emerald.
The pain made me better and the secret were all those settings + actually playing OP champs. I still use Zyra but only when drafting her is like a free win.

Even supports can climb. I sometimes play ADC but only because of boredom, I get the support fill 100% of the times.
Same person, decided to quit. I suddenly realized that yeah with effort and studying I will progress more and more but it's all pointless.
Cya guys and take care.
Jooooooo 10 game SVP lose streak
I'm out of this bitch.
Shits rigged
They admitted it a while ago
Is Aatrox really popular too?

I mean why does he already have 2 premium skins? Is Prestige premium or will it stay in the shop?
big horned satan is popular in league of lesbians
>team decides to fight in enemy jungle with 0 wards
>im pinging them to retreat instead and focus on the enemy jinx splitpushing by herself
>all but the support follows me to defend
>i kill the jinx but the rest of the team dies facechecking their jungle
>enemy team gets baron and my team insta surrenders
how can you be this retarded?
>all but the support follows me to defend
im retarded actually i meant to say only the support followed me, fuck im actually tilted lol
Using wards is a secret dark technique, like adc crossing the river alone, despite the enemy rengar was spotted there.
talon in a week, its gonna be nice not being able to play him for a month until either he gets giga nerfed or people get bored
How come Swain can't be played Top Lane?
>all the Crystal Rose and Valentine skims now have a timer one them, presumably they will all be Vaulted until their relevant event comes back in which case you'll need to play gacha for them
Fuck this company, man
>full build Trist w/ Armor Pen Augment
>literally doing no damage to a Naut
Yeah fuck tanks in Arena. Disgustingly broken. A single Nautilus should not be taking no damage whatsoever from a Trist and Fiora
I am aware that attention can be trained and you can gain useful habbits.
What do I need to constantly check to git gud?
Enemy items, swipe around the map and review what team is doing or how fights go?
Did Lux and Ez really need another skin?... There has to be a thorough process to determine which champions get themed skins... How did they end up deciding it was Lux and Ezreal, it could literally be abother pair of champs. Why the fuck Lux?
They sell skins, if Lux is Riot's Barbie, Ezrael is the Ken.

Similar to the wind shitters Yasuo/Yone/Samira.
Ok so your team is throwing if Mundo isn't banned , right?

I mean this champ is just the epitome of absolutely broken
Can't your ADC build blade of the ruined king, anti-heal and something to crit him down?
What's your opinion about the reworked Ziggs?
They should make it so his Q bounces through minions like Lux's reworked Q
If you want to play league of legends wild rift is the only method after the Vanguard, that is if you have a brain.
You would have to buy a secondary machine otherwise.
>akalki buff
>katarina buff
yaaaaaaaaaaas bitch yaaaaaaaaaas
They will get skins, same thing happened with Yone
I hope this gen doesn't devolve into a pit of erp and e-drama
Omg these Urgot buffs are delicious I'm absolutely tearing through people now
No those guys won't actually move to wild rift, they're addicted and tools so they'll cave in and install a kernel level invasive anti-cheat from a company that got its source-codes leaked just a few years ago and also invested unfathomable amounts in anti-cheat before just to have it cracked instantly and for nothing change, just pointing out for brothers here to forget that desktop league exists.
>dumbass ob my team goes fucking Red Kayn agaisnts 3 ranged carries
How do I get these fucking idiots on my team. That was an actualy free win if the retard went Blue instead even with our ADC and Mid being no better than bot
Kayn is the Yasuo of the jungle
this is a pvp story but the moral is for all:
>queue pvp support
>get mid
>oh snap not feeling comfortable doing this right now
>pick zyra since it's blind
>enemy is a good TF with a strange skin that makes it next to impossible to dodge his cards, I keep walking into them
>situation is grim
>I beg team to surrender because I lose hope
>team starts to ape, they were already feeding and having it bad, absent jungler
>during the second drake I go and steal it as well as killing almost the entire enemy team, the one escaping got killed by the one good player
>enemies surrender

never surrender I guess
Talon fucking sucks
>anon why are you going Yone in Baron Lane? We need a tank
Because I debt trust these retarded to dish out damage.

Everytine I go tank in Baron I effectively tank but my useless idiot teammates can never put in damage pressure so fuck you I'm gonna get those kills myself from now on
Doesn't Yone have the same base armor of a tank?
You generally don't build Yone to tank in the frontlines like you would say Mundo or Urgot.
Tanks really punish bad decisions, especially set-ups.
Meh I'll drop mid as my secondary for ADC as a support main, found a comfy route which allows me to be a traditional ADC and still play 2v2 arena or 4-5 v 4-5 for the rest of the game with impact equal to my positioning, farm and strategy instead of "pure mechanics".

Miss Fortune

Utility champs that you can spam in any game, I'll only draft among those.
I kind of like Twitch but I have to sacrifice what I like to make this work.
I actually realized I can take a secondary route that will allow me to play for fun as well, this route is the hardcore challenge mode and forces me to play as a duelist ADC.

Miss Fortune 7
Lucian 6
Tristana 6
Xayah 5
Kai'Sa 4
Twitch 4
Vayne 4
Zeri 4

(I really love Zeri and Twitch and they have conceptually similar gameplay)
The numbers are my desire to play each from 1 to 7
>442 Orange Essence left until I can get Yone
This system sucks desu

But I'm a collector and I wanna get my champ's best skin
talon so weird, sometimes i one shot other times i barely do half damage even if i proc passive
>have a ton of AS with Bork on Yone w/ Mortal Reminder
>Garen with Armor Boots and one piece of Armor at full HP built still manages to win a 1v1
Yeah tanks are fucking stupid this patch and anyone who says otherwise is a retarded
The ranked system changes right? I was climing up really well in past season but now I'm hard stuck in like Plat-Emerald hell

I made it to Emerald and was immediately dropped back to Platinun by back to back useless idiots on my team
They changed the match matching, it is rigged against good players
How do I build Gragas support? I want to play him more like a mage than a tank.
Want to play? RoseCherry#1011
Volibear is really strong in this patch
Finally I can play Jungle with a champ I actually like

Weird how he got one before Kindred
Kindred is actually so fucked. She's going to get overshadowed by Viego so much. If she's OP on release she will get nerfed and left in the dumpster, if she's weak on release she will get left there. The balance team will just leave her there and no one will care because they're playing Viego
>verifying files bug again
Holy shit how are they this incompetent fucking shit needs full reinstalls regularly, fuck riot they can't fix a basic thing
Asol was pretty weak on release, and they buffed him asap
How do you deal with teemo?
Get in his face
stick your face on his ass
Lick his feet with your tongue. It tickles him a lot.
Fuck me I can't believe I missed the Kayle infinite range bug. Now climbing will take ten times as long.
Kayle deserves to have this after like 2 years in the dumpster
Kayle is an unsalvageable dumpster of champion design that needs her to be shit from head to toes to be balanced at all. The same applies to the cat-shaped onahole Yuumi
Yuumi was designed by hard-stuck gold developers that wanted a champion that made their life easy, make what you want with this info.
I never lose games against teemo but I never play top either way so I can't tell you what to do against him under the lane.
I just buy sweeper and act careful around the map and make sure my team wins every teamfight since Teemo will be absent from them.
I had countless games where top laner feed enemy Teemo and I still won. Seems like support mains can just counter Tito.
Mundo can take half-a-tower with a single attack.
Towers are pathetic

Like why tf do we lose 2 placings when we recall one time
Viego's playable in Practice Mode for some reason

They're really fasttracking himn
He is the "bugged king", they need to play test him more than any other character.
Yes, characters like mundo and Sett shouldn't be able to take demolish.
>guy go's Rammus on our team
>He's too damn scared to actually engage in a fight
>builds Searing Crown agaisnt a squishy comp
>builds no MR when it becomes clear the Veigar is the real enemy threat
>we do one fight where he actually engages and we actually win it
>except we don't because put Ekko doesn't follow through and the Veigar and Teemo kill me and MF at Dragon because we're low
Pick two champions that I should start maining mid with:
Akshan and Fizz

If you can master Akshan, everyone will love you because of his ridiculously strong passive skill

Fizz is also deceptively strong
good picks I like both but I'm also mesmerized by Vex, I'll side-play her as well
>game disconnects during load screen after champ select and won't let me reconnect
Kino. Based riot
same thing happened to me and i thought it was a bugg since i was switched apps and wouldnt let me reconnect for a good 20 minutes and when i finally did i got a 5 game penalty for afking lol
tried it again and same thing happened and got a 7 game penalty
glad its not on my end so i can shit on these riot retards for my unjust punishment and if its not removed i am going to uninstall
Free my nigga
There's a weird bug when the match starts, it's common for at least one player to be stuck in the pre-match loading screen.
Caitlyn is the one champion that hurts you. I see almost nothing about her playstyle that's engaging the right hemisphere. It's just pure bug playstyle.
On the opposite end you unironically have Yasuo and Yone which can work as a valid IQ test if you compare people's outcome with them.
Have you not read Ruination? He's trapped forever...again.
if its common wtf im i being punished for it?
now i dont even want to start a ranked game just in case i start losing my ranks for that stupid shit
Normally there is a minute or 2 delay, longer you need to close and open the app.

If your summoner icon is a Poro, don't try to start a match.
I know how to play almost every champ.

I'm ready for this
I'm an asshole if I play Ashe and Zyra support right?
While it works towards the win victory, they in retrospect seem selfish vs. say seraphine and senna or lux which you can also play with damage builds without making your team feel bad or unprotected.

Pyke would be the ultimate asshole pick in this scenario, only rivaled by Brand.

Similarly for mid, are these the good guy picks?
Orianna, Akshan

Jhin, Xayah, Ashe, Samira
what a stupid bug, my relic shield permanently had the debuff passive and I couldn\t break a single stack the entire game
how do their servers permit these bugs, they're so dumb
I play Zyra support because she can actually wave clear, it is horrible being the only player with map awareness but playing something like Blitzcrank or Nami.
my playstyle with her is to do the most dps in the game and kill their core targets and slow down bruisers, also always giving vision around us with plants
Why are they celebrating muslim things? Whats next? Burka ahri?
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Claude 3 is really useful with theory crafting for this game but it's visible that there's not much accurate info on this game in its training data.

We need to make a wild rift wiki where we go in autistic depth about true things and also transform all those tutorial videos on how to lane etc, into prose and make a huge ass pdf or .txt that we can all use for it to work as a base of reasoning.
I ignore the events and they are not mandatory so I can feel morally vindicated.
Meanwhile games from Valve, are tied to literal degenerate gambling and a billion dollars black-market where money of criminals is washed and you cannot be morally vindicated in any way because if you play those games.
AP/Mix Voli is kinda fun but I feel like my building needs work because I don't really start doing much until I get Amaranth as my 3rd item after Nashor's and Riftmaker

Maybe it's the just the comps i.was running into
Jungle seems like a NPC role not gonna lie. You just PvE most of the game while being anxious about another retard trying to PvE in your safe space.
>like Graves
>He's fucking terrible

What kinda "assassin" has no real way to close the distance, an ability that scales with AP, and has like a 1 second gap in between attacks
Can I hoard ranked coins or do I have to blow them before the season ends? All the skins are fugly.
You have to blow them.
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Any anons here want to actually join the team me and my friend have started?
I play jg and he plays mid, we're both carry chads. Currently fucking off in diamond/masters.
However we're looking for a third carry chad/good player to join us.
We use discord for vc and play almost daily around 6pm-6am PST.
Once we get the actual team filled I think it'd be kino if we competed in tournaments and destroyed shitters.
If any anons are interested let me know.
I guess the only requirements are just be diamond+, not shit, carry with us, etc.
I mean no offense I don't think you'll do very well in tournaments if your peak is diamond/masters. Those are usually filled with challenger 120+ marks but good luck.
I've already shat on and won against gms, and challengers/ex-challengers this season while jungling. They're not terrible, but they're not immortal gods or something, you give them too much credit
yes i know i have hit challenger before multiple times
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Kindred soon
Kinda wish they would've replaced Wolf's lines with generic barks for the Dog Days skin.
These are my mains. I refuse to play anything but ranged,
Jhin ADC
Zeri ADC
Vayne ADC
Kindred Jungle
Graves Jungle
Syndra Mid
Orianna Mid
Vex Mid
Ahri Mid
Ziggs Mid
Senna Support
Karma Support
Veigar Support
Zyra Support
Samira is kinda stupid and I love it.
she's basically melee, she's a good champion, keeps your brain engaged
she's stupid with regard to other marksmen as she's not ranged, so people fail to realize they fight an assassin on bot and have to play around, not another equal ranged champ
Kindred has a special button for her passive.

Nilah is called Samira 2 for a reason
Nilah has massive boobs and she feels like she's from The Sims series, even her abilities have visual themes from the sims.
If you have fun playing her that's ok but she's not a stimulating champion like Samira.
my for fun sin is twitch which Nilah just deletes instantly, like you're inting if you pick him vs her
what's the secret? are you born that way or are you a smart hard worker that knew what to think and what to do at all times, being in control and therefore being a master of the game
I'm that asshole playing her on top and im having a blast.
>Syndra is a scaling mage who gets better late game but it requires the talent to land the skillshots
>gets nerfed
>Aurelion Sol scales monstrously late game but just has to kill minions and hold down one skill
>avoids nerfs
I thought Syndra was supposed to be Seraphina levels of fan favorite
They need to shill him, they even gave a free skin with chromas to boost his pick rate.
You look at the top left of your screen.
Just in case you weren't being sarcastic and wanted a real answer, everyone was new at some point. Even Faker was dog shit once. Most important rule in soloQ is do not die.
>Draven who chose Baron Lane gets marked for Naut ult
>dumbass flashes away but directly on top of me so we both get knocked up
>we get wiped and lose because of it
>has the audacity to call me trash
There are way too many people who dont know how these ults work. Same shit with brand and even yi skill 1
Play mobile legends it's utterly better
No the movement is so much worse.
>yasuo blames our jungler the whole game, for everything
>Check his stats: 39%WR, hidden match history
Funny how yasuo players are massive niggers on both platforms
I never truly clicked with a character.

They even flash mastery like crazy.
I have a feeling you just play this non-stop given your antisocial behavior and lack of social reflexes.
3 buttons instead of 4
I play casually, like 2-3 ranked games per month and my low elo that always happens.
Ornn is fun but holy shit having to rely on people sucks. Also emerald is cursed as fuck.
It is inconsistent, some characters have 4 skills like that black dragon
unless you justify your claim you're just a bot from a cheap bot farm, as in a shill
They need to just get rid if Tryndamere's ult. That shit us the epitome of unfun garbagd
>That shit us the epitome of unfun garbagd
This is half of the roster, and nearly all mpless characters.
This is the only proper high IQ pvp game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG6X9UIMtPY

And you should remember that wild rift and mobas aren't even properly 3d, there's no verticality at all only the illusion of it behind automated systems.
You're basically controlling a sprite moving a a flat surface just under a lot of clutter.
I make enemy trynda literally useless if I'm around when I play zyra support and I build that cosmic drive as well vs him or mundo because it allows me to slowly poke them to death while they cannot even touch me.
Anyway trynda is really pathetic I don't even need that I just keep him in perma slow and root.

Players lose in draft and in the shop more often than not.
I know, I used to main ASol
The problem is he makes certain lane match-ups unwinnable.

Like what am I supposed to do as Yone against Trynd? Yone is an all in-champ and as soon as you're going for the kill the faggot just pops ult and you're done for. And early in the lane he just gets to use his heal and win because he uses no mana for some dumb fuck reason
>complains about manaless champs
>plays Yone
I was just using an example of an all-in champ

Trynd is literally immune to them because of that bullshit ult that he pretty much always has up
Tryndamere weakness is crowd control, Yone can CC him and has long range sustain.
Don't expect to reason with a windtard.
They need to fucking buff the Nexus to always do like 25% Max HP per shot True Damage because a fucking tank shouldn't be able to chase you under it and take 5 shots and still walk out with 60% HP
not a big fan, it's just a desperate cash-grab
It is me or NuSol is worse than his old version?
It's just you
Just found out that Overwatch 2 exists.
Short games and it has vertical gameplay for real, alongside champions that make use of that.
Have you ever pondered how mobas are just flat 2d game-play with the illusion of 3D?
Have you been living under a rock if this is the first you've heard of Overwatch?

Yeah it's flat gameplay and the 3D aspect js generally just aesthetic in nature but Mobas have a lot more depth than Hero Shooters like Overwatch
>but Mobas have a lot more depth than Hero Shooters like Overwatch
I wouldn't say they have a lot more depth, they have a bit more of macro and non-intuitive aspect of tracking cooldowns and all that that's heavily intentional and filters a lot of people.
While the nature of Overwatch kind of makes everyone do that intuitively.
MOBAs are more bugmen friendly to be fair, heavily left hemisphere leaning.
But were to you to play the proper champions and roles in both games you would mitigate that a lot, yet OW would still op it out solely for its 3D nature which pushes your working memory further, more holistic with the brain.
oh cool we're getting terminus
lmfao we're getting a pve event and the lol pctroons dont bwahahahaha
I have never carried harder in my life
>AP Jhin
>Blue Kayn into tanky bruisers
>Jinx with no Armor Pen
We'd have lost this game big time if I didn't steal Baron TWICE
Let's figure out a list of champions that one should select from when playing and ignoring the rest, why?
Because there are lot of champions that do nothing for your working memory, leave you with no benefits and do not let your right hemisphere to be a master either which are bugman aspects of the game and waste your time, this game already requiring a huge time investment.

Eg. midlaners to start considering,
Yauso, Zed, Orianna (less on the right hemisphere focus), Akali
intricate combos matter even if they are a left brain thing but only if the kit is meant to be used in space, requiring good timing, intuitive play and positioning but not in a way where you adapt it like a bugman every second, this is why Oiranna's ball mechanism fall short of those assassins.

Given these metrics and others lots of champion, especially ranged ones reveal themselves to be pure bugman experiences.
My finger always slips from the Q
Worth building Cosmic Drive on Asol? Figured it would make his Flight much faster to chase with Starfire
>play camille on emerald
>can't carry games because my win conds is that I need to win lane to carry, but camille is shit early game and depends on jgs, which are mentally retarded dysfunctional schizos.
>lose 60% of my games, except when the faggot enemy tops picks retarded shit like tristana top or ap malphite

>pick teemo
>win early game 80% of the time, it's so easy to kite most of the cucks on top
>win 70% of my games where i carry
How in the world are you losing lane early with Camille? Once you get to Lv.3 the lane is your's. You can poke and win trades because of her retarded barrier passive
What's the verdict on Kindred?
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Your rank and how much about you know about the game is irrelevant so this applies to a noob as well.
For support and duo these are the order of champions you should consider, do not even care if they are OP or not during any random patch.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Two of her three basic abilities are crippled behind a 16sec and 21sec cooldowns. Her passive is behind a 18sec cooldown. But even if you executed her whole kit perfectly in level 3, her damage output is still subpar in comparison to other top picks like Sett, Darius or Volibear.
She's shit vs juggernauts and tanks, which is 90% of the top picks, she's shit vs other bruisers than have combos easier to execute and do more damage than yours do. She's only good vs ranged top and nothing else.
You only pick her for her R abuse, but that only works if you're on a premade with the JG or Mid, otherwise she can't do enough damage on her own to kill her enemy top.
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It genuinely feels fucking impossible to get out of emerald. The amount of useless idiots in this rank is astonishing
Any Lilia main here? When will the new Lilia Skin be released in WR??
Emerald was my first roadblock too when I started 2 weeks ago. Once you hit dia you will get to dia 1/2 and then its a repeat but much much worse.
In other news I fucking hate every single varus player. The character feels like a waste of space too.
The best ranged jungler, can also be played bot.

JG already had a small pool of ranged junglers and most of them were not designed for that lane:
Play Jg. Faggot retarded JG that farm only, sells all the lanes and expects you to help him get objetives when you are 2k behind is the 90% of the time the reason you are losing.
Gotta love the instalocking insert assassin here faggots. They bitch and cry if you dont pick a tank most of the time as well.
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For some reason I am very natural and brave with ranged champions but as soon as I pick melee I fail miserably.
So I'm exclusively playing
Until I get good with those, then progress to mid assassins.
Why not through in Nautilus and Leona? They're both non-assassin melee supports.
Throw. I meant throw.
Only playing champions that stimulate your brain, regardless of your rank or game-mode, is such a superior experience. Never get mad at anyone as well, and just enjoy the ride.
Climbing will come naturally as a result of gaining game knowledge and figuring out patterns of behavior that impact your win condition - but even that is only if you want to, as the game is already fun even if you lose it if you play with a challenging and creative champion. The difficulty is higher if you do 1v9.
A champion can appear "braindead" from a superficial micro-gameplay perspective, but its expression ceiling and outplay potential can be out of the roof, e.g., with supports - Lulu and Nami - or with junglers: Evelynn. You can play those safely with this playstyle that I propose.
If you want to push it further, play micro-intense champions that also respect other dimensions like Lee Sin, Rengar, Riven jungle, Yasuo, Irelia mid, etc.
Basically be in a permanent limit testing mode where you're not allowed to get angry or feel stress.
>tfw no velkoz
Reinstalled lol PC and remembered I really liked him so I went through the tutorial on mobile just to realize he wasn't here
Kinda disappointed desu
>dumbass Sett flash ults me twice with my Shield up
>he still walks away scot free becuase lmao.Heartsteel-Hydra is a totally balanced item combos that covers any dumbass decisions you might have made

These items need to be removed. Hullbreaker wasn't nearly as fucking stupid as Heartsteel is
Yes, I even saw a Kai'sa building it.
>moron goes Zeri Top agaisnt a Mundo
Honeslty ranked should lock you into champs assigned to your lane.

I don't care how much you think that Jungle Blitz is; you're champ isn't designed to play in that lane so even if you can make it works you're still significantly worse than a champ who actually belongs there
>lane agaisnt Lucian as ASol
>he plays extremely aggressively to prevent me from farming
>our Fiddle tries to gank him 3 times just feeds everytime
>bot lane AP Malphite: fucking useless ass mid
We still ended up winning btw but it didn't feel good

Right I'm supposed to beat unga bunga auto attack as a scaling mage with no mega burst combos like Syndra
Jungle and support are the only roles you should play as a human being, the rest might as well be filled by literal bots, you shouldn't care about bugman tasks.
>unga bunga
you racist freak
People pick top adc a lot and they get away with it if you let them pressure you so the mundo just knew what to do. Or the zeri just sucked ass because top zeri isnt as bad of a toplaner.
no one is playing kindred anymore wtf happened?
So like how tf do you Lane against Fizz as a Mage?

Little faggot can get in on your extremely easily, his damage is fucking disgusting even without landing the Ult, and, unlike other Burst Mages, one of his attacks empowers his autos so ne still deletes you with unga bunga if you survive the burst combk
hells is a faggot
riftguides is shit
royal is ok
strider is the best on the list for learning
broken supp is eh but better than the rest
dont care about stuart his website sucks.

hells is a pretty fake dude especially on camera, played with him a couple times too. fuck him
Funny how all the highest of highest elo players all coalesce on the almost dead for years general for this game. Is the ranking system just inflated and puts all your daily players in the same place?
Asking because I only play normals, once a week or so.

In games with rigid ranking that's solely based on victory and loses even if there are some sins, even the popular threads have the top players as a rarity.
Bro dantes and tarzaned post on /lolg/ sometimes
4chan is popular now its 2024
Yea rare like I said.
uh lolg regularly has gm and chall players
whats wrong with the wild rift gen having a few high tiers too?
no it doesn't
Wow its so fair that this bitch Samira cam built shit like this and still dominate

Nerf the fucking cancerous bitch already
her IQ is supreme, don't be jelly
I'd argue more that he kit is so ridiculous strong she gets to build pretty much whatever she wants unlike other ADCs who generaly build a certain path like Lethality for MF or Attack Speed/Crit on Tristana
Yes it does.
>challenger Singed player
>challenger sup main
>that one Dota player
>super metroid
>various gms
4chan is not this exclusive club only weirdos go to. It's not 2009 anymore.
That jax deserved to get fucked in the ass by samira. Just wait until you encounter a jungle samira - you might actually ragequit.
uh uh are you fine? hello anybody home uh uh
your adc was trolling, so it was basically over from the beginning
Those people are all total fucking weirdos though that are just high rank. /lolg/ was more normal like 12 years ago when there were actual pros posting there
>a million fucking downloads for this update
Guess I WON'T be running a game for my lunch
Lux is genuinely fucking unbalanced trash

Her damage is fucking sickening early. All she needs to do it buy her fucking mana boots and now she basically one shots you with her burst

It's genuinely fucking stupid how oppressive this bitch is
Is the PvE that popular?

Yes, she is.
This dirty whore can run anyone down if she's fed.
Ekko really needs a buff

Like his damage output is way too damn low. He's supposed to be a burst mage but his burst hardly does any real damage until super late and even then if you don't kill with it then you're dead or you're forced to safetly ult because his cooldowns are way too damn long
I'm going devious this season
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>jungling as usual
>babysit botlane for 10 minutes
>they're ahead, they now have an advantage
>they still end up giving it all back and losing
>my mental completely breaks and I sell all my items
I'm about to punch a hole through my wall
You posted this twice.
so uh where is the pve mode?
wtf are these new items???
The Black Lantern's Guidance

Let your gaze be drawn to the scorched earth, where wither stalks the indomitable keeper of endless chains - Thresh. His footfalls heavy as a penitent's lash, he brings dread illumination to the shadowed paths of this arena.

Become him.

Feel the heft of his dreaded sickle snarling eager for bone and sinew. Taste the ozone sharpness of spectral magic coiling about your relentless form. You are the Black Lantern, illuminator of deepest chasms, harvester of wayward souls.

Let his chains be your puppet strings, their clinking dissonance the overture of anguish for any who dare stray from the trail. Lash outwards and reap your toll - the flailing husks ensnared in your unforgiving bondage.

When allies blunder into harm's path, do not merely shield - enmesh them in your protective cage of cold brutality. Let your lantern's baleful light scorch their pursuers, scoring agony into their ranks as they recoil from its merciless glare.

If death's scythe yet eludes your grasp, then become its herald - vault across the trembling earth, unyielding in your reaping tread. Let your malefic light lance forth, the spearing vanguard of your dread coming.

But know that your most dreadful reaping comes through subtlety, not broad swings. Angle your chains to hook the straying, letting the slightest miscue bleed their vitality into your insatiable grasp.

For you are Thresh, kinetic artist of the eternal passage - each soul's ending an ecstasy of anguish, their death knell a symphony you diligently orchestrate from bone pulpit.
I know DS is supposed to be good vs HP stackers, but Camille really needs that extra MS boost and AS from trinity.
Playing with DS just makes Camille feel so slow in movement and attack speed, plus you also handicap your damage output vs anything but tanks that only build HP.

Also Urgot is disgustingly 100% safe in laning phase. Literally unkillable by any melee, and tops risk running into e when trying to kite him.
>play Yone, a top lane destroyer once he get BorK because all top laners are glued to Heartsteel
>win most fights if played intelligently
>except against Urgot
Yeah Urgot's is crazy strong rn
Good games with Braum always feel good
How can I tell if the auto attack of a champion is considered ranged or melee by the game?
I suspect that thresh and rakan are considered ranged.
I've tested with various runes calculating their bonuses and it seems that Tresh and Rakan are ranged and Jaye is melee no matter what. But Kayn somehow gets the proper energy depending on Jayce's stance which is strange, spaghetti code was no joke.
Yea but just play Thresh if you need a Tank.
Interesting. So does Jayce always get the melee benefits for things like DS and LT?
he should yes
Lillia is also ranged.
any Irelia chad who can give me some tips? specially macro wise, i keep myself winning mid lane with a 5/0 and sometimes up to 10-15/0 to lose game anyways because i'm not being able to help my not as strong (specially when botlane fed just as much as enemy midlaner) team and finding myself in bad team fights
any Irelia chad who can give me some tips? specially macro wise, i keep myself winning mid lane with a 5/0 and sometimes up to 10-15/0 to lose game anyways because i'm not being able to help my not as strong team and finding myself in bad team fights
We've a better Irelia now and it's Yi. Literally does everything she does, but BETTER.
>buy Lunar Leona
>get Mid instead of Support for Lane
Wow thanks

It was an awful game too. I had to Lane Mid against Irelia with a Yuumj and a Xin who would constantly gank me as Sol

We still miraculously won though. I forget Sol, Thresh, and Samira get kinda crazy late game even enough to overcome a fed Irelia with Yuumi
wheres the pve????
>literally can't do shit agaiant Kalista as a melee champ because the bitch can great distance with every attack
>the same applies the other way around because you can't run from her because she gets to close the gap with every attack
Wow yeah that's totally how you design a champ. One that totally invalidates every melee champ
anyone notice a decrease in skin quality? Ever since the first Pool Party release, Ive been noticing the decline on the showcase model quality. It's more jarring on the recent ones specially the BA Caitlyn and High Noon Leona.
Is there a way to play this with keyboard and mouse on PC?
I uninstalled league due to Vanguard but I still get the itch sometimes and want to play a game or 2
playing League would unironically be easier, control wise, than trying to emulate a mobile moba.
Wait until you see Mordekaiser's ulti.
At least that's an ult and he's a bruiser/tank; the kinda 1v1 match-up you'd expect to be in favor of the Tank

Kalista countering every melee champ with just her autos is ridiculous
Is there any reason why half the CC in the game ignores tenacity? What kind of retarded mental gymnastic did they come up with to justify this faggotry?
>giga faggot top picks nautilus
>can't fucking die at all because he keeps spamming his faggot shield.
>safest laning phase possible, only comparable to Ornn
>becomes a CC-spam chud mid to late game.
>can't kill it. can't engage it.
I'm bored, when is Viego
Explain to me why I, someone with a 58% wr in ranked over 4000 games, should be paired with a 49% wr 3000 games drooling tard.
Who's dumb as fuck idea was it to allow Maw to build a magic barrier off damage to minions

Utterly retarded
Engagement based match matching.
Seethe more APchud
>Have full Buikd Jarvan with Sunderer, Youmu's, Collector, Edge of Night, Dynamo Boots, and Mortal Reminder
>somehow Darius who's only armor comes from Death's Dance and Boots is tanking all my damage with ease while alos doing so much damage himself that his ult kills at like 60%
Ugh Yasuo's way too damn hard to play

I can see why Tank/Bruiser is the go-to build; it feels like it'd be easier to play him and get in onna fight if you can fall back on increased defenses
How tf are you supposed yo lane agaisnt Trynd? His fucking bullshit ult but ridiculously high damage means you can never win the 1v1s
The match making was fine like 2 seasons ago. Riot fucked it. I'll just play Yuumi exclusively until I hit gm.
Jarvan has
>10 skins
>3 of which are limited-timed event
>2 are in the Hextech Shop so they're ridiculous expensive with one being a Chroma
Is Jarvan like super popular in China or something?
are fabled good now???
Graves and Tryndamere are oddly too.

Maybe it easier to port skins for them.
The game's balance really has gone to dogshit. I see Chinese players complaining about this too, right now the game is so fast paced, everyone is oneshotting everyone else (unless you pick mundo or urgot or something).

Which Rioter thought these new Armor boots or Lethality boots are healthy for the game?

Why do we need MORE movement speed on every single champion, when the map is TINY, and flash can be used every 1-2 minutes?

We just want League of Legends adapted to mobile, not an entirely different game.
Some of new boots are pretty retarded desu.

Mages hit such a ridiculously strong powers pike after only 900 gold in lane because the Mages boots gives way too many good stats
Why's Jarvan so fucking ass?

His damage is totally pathetic, his ult is garbage since everyone can get out of it, and he explodes way too easily

He just feels like a half-finisbed champ and they slashed everything in half
Go first strike oh wait its nerfed. Bruisers are shit in wild rift, just go lethality.
ASol is pick or ban since his rework, and Talon and Kindred are pretty broken too.

Alpha Strike shouldn't follow Flashes desu
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Yi is the EMBODIMENT of "Nothing personal, kid." with his entire gameplay loop. His kit is perfect for that statement as well. He loses to hard cc, just don't slow him. That being said,
>No kog maw
>No vel koz
>No rek sai
No fun allowed, just sterile booba. Feels like Kass is going to make it first because he has slight coom skin sales potential.
all these recent skins are so fucking ugly holy shit. The only set I bothered to complete is KDA and the first Project series.
I was coping we'd get Skarner at the same time of he rework release
I've refused to give up on Jarvan and I think I'm finally starting to get him

Been doing better with full Lethality but haven't really tried Bruiser Builds. Had a game agaisnt 3 bruiser and I got thoroughly stomped. Had no clue how to build
Inting games on purpose has become more enjoyable than actually playing the game itself and 1v9ing 24/7
I just uninstalled it, the game was wrecking my sanity.
So now that vanguard is online shouldn't they be boasting about all the cheater they banned ?
Or it was all a lie to get that chinese filth on all our computers ?
>go into Ranked as JG
>A.Sol support, Lucian Top, Jhin Mid
>Jhin flames the whole game but
>"jungle diff"
>despite the fact that I'm pretty much carrying the game
>he says it because we weren't able to secure any dragons because they didn't bother helping me and I lost 2nd because I didn't have Smite and they insisted on fighting it with 3 enemies over the wall and Zyra steals it
They lost too many players
>play Jungle, ADC does nothing all game
>play ADC next game, Jungle does nothing all game
There's just no winning with this game
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>new moba, honor of kings
>give it a try
>it's nothing but turks and middle eastern monkeys
gosh darn it
Camille has a weak early game
Nasus has a weak early game
Vladimir doesn't have a weak early game
Yhone doesn't have a weak early game
Yet, riotchinks insist they all have a weak early game.
Vlad kinda does but his dumbass free Zhonyas makes it so he can't be punished for being weak early
I fucking hate those faggots that just decide to play ARAM all fucking game

Faggots so pathetic they need to constantly babysit each other and refuse to get into anything unless it's a totally unfair match
>Yhone doesn't have a weak early game
He has the base armor of a tank
Redpill me on this game. My brother wants to play this with me, thing is the only MOBA I played was Dota 2 and that was long ago. How's the game for a new player? How the fuck do I choose a hero? Most of the designs that makes my dick the erect one my bro says they fucking suck or that i wont like em. Is this f2p friendly too?
>how's it for new players
It's a significantly simpler version of PC League albeit it still takes skill to play because it's still a MOBA
>how do I choose a champ
You play all of them until one clicks
>is this F2P
Yes technically. The only thing you need to pay for is cosmetics however and that's where it sucks because they go for $11-$16 a piece
>Caitlyn'a range is far enough to freely ok Akali with everything while staying completely out of range
>have to take at least 2 shots just to get close enough to ult
>Oh but she also has that stupid net thing that creates distance so now she hits me with 3 more shots before I can finally get in range of using my ult
>well except now I can't because I'm 2 shots away from death

Listen I get the balancing perspective here. Once Akali gets in then that Caitlyn is 100% dead if the Akali knows what she's doing but it doesn't make it any less retarded that Caitlyn has to use like 3IQ to lane agaisnt Akali mid while Akali has to be quadruple digits if not outright just abandon the lane or get constant gank

I hate that the "lass cannon" ADCs have so many ways to disengage to totally neutralize that while also dishsing out disgusting damage
>Akali player.
>Complaining about other characters being too safe.
It's very hand holdy. Your first 50 games or so are against bots and the game will also give you better teammates.
There's a practice tool option as one of the game modes. It gives you access to all the characters so you can try them out there to see if you like them.
Just like Dota, overwatch, csgo, etc., only payed service is cosmetics.
>defending Caitlyn
>defending Caitlyn Mid
I bet you play Tristana top
Picked Jinsex cuz she pickles my tickle, guess I'll play some games then off to reading and testing hell until I find someone I like
Ok but why is Brand the highest winrate midlaner getting BUFFED instead of nerfed?
I stopped playing a while ago, I used to be an OldSol main.

Currently maining gatotkaca over MLBB, but planning to start playing Onmyoji arena.
He got a new skin.

>Strongest midlane.
Pyke, Teemo and ASol are currently dominating the Chinese meta.
So Viego sucks, right? His damage feels kinda pathetic and he's rather squishy

He's built like a Bruiser on PC, no? But how about in Wild Rift? The only effective bruisers here seem to run Heartsteel and he doesn't so do you go full lethality on him? What about attack speed drainer like Yi?
>Mordekaiser, Lissandra, and Millio next patch
Milio already?
They are pushing new champions.
I wonder how his range extender will work
was brand nerfed or patch? i feel like hes doing shit all damge and i die way too fast or im i really that shit?
Can they put Qiyana in already? Mainly just so I can see how good her ass will look in the model
Buffed actually. More health per level and mana costs reduced
>"Yeah lets just add another shitty brown nu-champ that no one likes and no one player unless they are broken"
yeah cause that worked out so fucking well for Nilah lol. Meanwhile we still don't have Viktor, Taliyah, Velkoz, Leblanc that are iconic to league and historically popular even when not meta
At least we're getting Mordekaiser too.

Also I like Nilah I just wish they made her a bit better in the jungle where she's arguably at her best
Is it worth it to play wild rift if I don't have an ipad?
Personally I find smaller screens easier to deal with.
I'm on my phone playing on the shitter, you'll be fine.
>dive Tristana with Diana
>she just jumps out of my ult and I can't follow her anymore
>dive her again when she has no jump
>she uses her ult and autos me like 5 times I can respond and I die instead
There's nothing balanced about this bitch.

Stupjd fucking damage
3 Disengage tools
1 Engage tool that can refresh jf she gets a kill
It's disgusting that she hasn't been nerfed to the ground yet.

An assassin should be able to take on a squishy ADC yet this bitch standa above the rest as a ADC that can't be assassinated except by blatantly OP assassins like Blue Kayn
lil bro you get 2 dashs with dian if u use her q properly and u have her busted ult lol skill issue
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>plays Diana
>complains about le broken champ
They need to nerf Samura some way. She genuinely feels extremely busted.

I have yet to see a Samura in my game that wasn't carrying and doing well
I am fucking bored of playing this version of camille
You're encouraged to level her W first, but she doesn't build anti AR so it falls off heavily lategame.
Her Q needs you to be on level 13 to be fully true damage, and scales with AD with a max of 600 true damage with full build. Which is retarded because at that point adcs do 600 ad damage with each aa post ar mitigation. So what's the fucking point of her?

Not good at lategame. Not good at earlygame. Not good at any stage of the game. And she's made of glass, so building her as tank is extra retarded. What the fuck am i suppose to do with her?
I get punished for using her E with an extra large cooldown if i used as an escape tool but they want me to use E as an all-in tool but camille's kit and stats aren't suited for all-ins
Do you guys use your birth chart (astrology) to figure out your best champion pool?
Int riot employees, troll riot employees, round house kick riot employees onto the pavement, record videos of riot employees getting into car accidents.
Hope they personally ban my account fucking faggos

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