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alex bird
Angry Birds Epic? Love their wacky turn-based shenanigans. Has it always been a single-player online experience, with infrequent updates? Last I remember was the promotional icon of Angry Bird Movie red with a knight helmet and wooden sword. Gotta love the grind, heh heh!
i wanna play it but you still need google play games
Yeah. Else, the play store experience is also neat. My fave daily fromway back was beating up a golden piggy for his coins. Great for new weapons and upgrades.
do you know if theres any google play games emulator that wouldnt require me to make a google account? microg doesnt seem to have games implemented unfortuantely
Not that I know of. Before I got my android phone, I used bluestacks, and have been using a Google account to play some Angry Birds, Angry Birds Epic especially.
>remove all games from the play store
>become bankrupt
honestly what were they thinking?
i saw some twitter post and tiktoks here and i i think i have a pretty good idea
From what I remember they deleted everyones data in some of their games. I know their karting game had the game progression made linear, and everyones progress was reset to zero. The reviews went from positive to negative and everyone stopped playing. I'm assuming the same thing happened to some of their other games.
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Guys this is my new OC please do not steal
angy birbs
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Don't forget
>becomes a comic writer's toy house for underbaked callbacks/references
They aren't bamkrupt though

Youtubers are worse than tabloids at this point. People can't even use google and just make shit up. Might as well lie.
troon gayme
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>SegaSammy business report mentions "console/PC deployment of Angry Birds IP"
What do you think deployment entails?
Kill yourself.
pay2win garbage
I miss them
soulless franchise
What a fucking retard.
why did none still did this?
>steal angry birds' mechanics
>make your own "angry birds" game
>include all the mechanics of previous AB games
>include ghost blocks
>include planets
>include gravity
>include zombie pigs
>include previous birds
>include everything
>put it all in one game
>release it on steam for a few $
>make it support steam workshop for mods and levels
>secretly release angry birds reskin mod as other account
and boom. You made angry birds game which is profitable and can get oldfags into it thanks to angry birds skin and zoomies in it thanks to modern mods too
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Angry birds itself is a rip off of Crush the Castle.
Just because you have good gameplay, doesn't mean your game will be successful.
I know that i am talking to nothing but the rest of this board is gacha games generals so a little breath of fresh air is nice, rovio is fucking retarded, already played through stars wars 1 and 2, space and the classic one, for some reason my phone does not want to start epic (a shame, it looks neat), stella bugged out (i really liked the new bird mechanics) and i did not have the patience to get all the coins to unlock all of seasons levels, thanks uptodown for the downloads, currently trying to atleast 2 star all rio levels and trying the same in classic, short fuse is kino and the anti immigration message of the first movie is based
you have to fuck around a bit to get epic to work
i havent played it because i dont know how to with a google account and i dont have one
Wtf do you have some kind of code running that alerts you when someone replies to this thread ? Also hoping for official revival of these games despite rovio chasing the money of toddler's parents
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you must be new
open settings and look for thread watcher or install 4chanx and do the same
yeah quite new, joined like a few months before the invasion of ukraine and never bothered to check out these extensions, and talking about extensions we will sadly never get an extension to red mighty feathers to know what happens after the cliffhanger, the military/war theme of that episode was very cool and the defense mode stuff was quite mindblowing back then

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