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Also known as PriconneR or simply Priconne.

Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both? Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out? What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far? Are you ready for EX7?
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Is this a yuiturd-free zone?
>Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both?
I didn't roll for either. No, I'm not in your clan.
>Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out?
>What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far?
I haven't read the story
>Are you ready for EX7?
Literally me
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Two sparks for them
>Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both?
>Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out?
If I have jewels if and when they run
>What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far?
Not bad
>Are you ready for EX7?
I don't know
This is totally not a general but I'll post these useful rentry links related to the game.
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>Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both?
Rolled Eriko, skipped Makoto.
>Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out?
Don't know yet, not really looking forward to them that much.
>What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far?
I'm loving it for the most part. Really enjoyed Geo Teogonia, I didn't care as much for Geo Gehenna but the Hot Springs episode was great, and I thought this month's story was very good. Excited for the next world.
>Are you ready for EX7?
I hope so. I managed to clear all Deep Quests and I think my box is pretty decent.
RKok is ass
She makes wind deep quests a piece of piss.
I think we should stay here, loopCHADs
>Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both?
I got Makoto but I'm waiting for training mode on Eriko.
>Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out?
maybe but I don't expect them to come out soon despite the theory posting about it.
>What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far?
I enjoyed the first part but didn't really care about the second one. The irl sections are the most interesting part of the story at the moment.
>Are you ready for EX7?
I won't even attempt it at launch, just like with 5 and 6.
I got both.
I will get both.
I like the new girls.
I'm ready.
I got kicked by KMR yesterday so it's time for me to fade away. Credit cards fuckery really scares off DMM from accepting gaijin and it's over for me.
what happened?
Games won't start on DMM even after using VPN.
Makoto drained me so I had to skip eriko just in case they drop something during golden week
Yeah why not its probably going to be a duo unit anyways
Its a bit overwhelming because there are so many new characters - I dont remember arc 2 being crazy on the character front but I dont hate it.
The comps will probably be bs but I feel a lot more confident than on ex6
I like that we're getting more new characters. Arc 2 didn't give us enough
Mullvad works for me
I don't really want to pay VPN just because KMR fucks me in the ass.
You could try using an emulator, if you have your account transfer code set up. It sucks, but it might be your best bet.
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Look how tiny Kyouka is
Imagine the sex
Meh, if I can't read anything. Might as well let it rot and I never set my transfer code since it's tied to DMM anyway.
were you in a /vg/ clan?
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which one?
Yours. Don't think that's matter. Danchou already know my state, it's all up to him now.
the MTL patch has been updated.
try using this tool to completely remove it and do a fresh install.
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Don't see how patch is relevant when DMM is the one fucking me in the ass.
>announce kyouka event
>announce anemone
>anemone ends up being the busted one
We won plantsisters. I do wonder if someone playtested anemone because theres no shot they nerfed maho and then they release the plant in that state.
Or you know, they nerf maho to sell anemone?
they must be panicking over the thought of having to announce another nerf
They won't nerf Anemone. She just seems to bypass the damage cap because the physical and magic part are calculated separately (with the damage cap applied to each) but tick at the same time so they get added up into a single tick. It's intentional design.
>nip devs knowing how to code
>she was "bugged"
So they didnt playtest her and now they have to hammer her.
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EX6 oneshot with Anemone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf9wAa1OioU
apparently the nerf won't have a big impact on her damage outside of elemental stages.
are they going to go the nyaru route and design fights around her or are we entering a new era of powercreep?
Just hammer her again one day after ex7 drops and reset the progress for people that cleared it early. They were so fucking paranoid about maho ruining their new shiny ex already.
i dont play it
you should
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Anemone cute
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