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New supercell game just came out. Thoughts?
>Not available in Murica yet
I dunno anon you tell me
It's shit. Shoot whomever thought this gameplay was a good idea.
Paola collapses every single game she touches. She collapsed brawl stars ,it finally started to heal when she left now she collapsed whatever this is. She's a failure
So far the game feels like a clusterfuck for adhd kids especially when it’s the last min for the round
Clash Mini should have made the cut, not this sad excuse of a "game".
No, both are absolute crap. I don't understand why supercell has such massive hard-on for autochess mechanics. People got bored of that shit years ago.
It's giving me TFT vibes, and I think it would be great idea if they head in that direction but make it in an arena. Similar to Arena in League of Legends. I hate Supercell for making it pay to win where skill < money.

I like how strategy can emerge in this game though, for example going Goblin/Hog and rushing your neighbour, buying their chests (get numbers advantage) and potentially killing them.

It's a big time investment and you can lose so it can often go wrong.

However maybe its because the game is too fast paced, but my the rush playstyle buying goblins/chickens/hogs to rush, gets outscaled extremely quickly in larger "team fights".

There were cases where I'll have fusion Chickens, Goblins, literally losing melee fights to other ranged fusion characters. Not Shelly, like Bo, Dynamike, I don't own Medic so i don't know but it seems to counter my comp.

The games mechanics are very simple, the skill ceiling is there but low, ranged characteres can technically space/kite ranged characters but the game makes it very awkward and janky.

The game has potential, but I think it's gameplay mechanics, like it's builds, balancing, PvP mechanics, pacing, it all needs A LOT of work.

Also the gatcha pull system is very weird, I almost never get Colt if I go Goblin/Chicken starter.
The PvP feels like it's designed to encourage players to avoid it unless their squad is at least twice the size of their opponent's
Also fuck fusion keys and fuck whoever came up with that idea
Have you gotten any 3* units yet? I can't even fathom the grind needed to reach 4* since they will constantly be introducing new characters, too.
Only chicken lol
I don't know
You tell me what I thought about the game
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>ten thousand coins to continue your streak
this new plaza thing is pathetic
lmao it's already filled with bots
The most souless piece of shit from Supercell yet, i know people like to throw that word around, but Supercell games usually have a nice start up sound(clash royale, clash of clans, etc.), this one just opens up with "Squad Busters!", i found the gameplay fun until i unlocked the battle bag, which is very pay-to-win, compared to the freemium garbage from their other games(level in CR, upgrades needing a week or so in COC), this one just straight up gives you a boost in a single match if you pay coins, for example, the most expensive boost, you usually need 3 identical units to make a fusion unit, for 4500, you get a free chest in-match, that gives you a fusion unit, instead of opening and paying for 3 different chests, you just pay in-game coins before the match even starts.
yeah, if you get a single bad fight mid-game, you are usually locked out of top 5, just gotta duke it out with the minions on the edge of the map until the match is over
This launch seems like a wet fart. Nobody is playing.
It's kind of fun in the short term. They've got some sort of agenda because it is not made to be a game you'll play for years or even months to come. There is not much strategy involved.

1. Build up your squad
2. Defeat squads smaller than you (or if they look even with you, I guess just hope yours is stronger)
3. Collect the most gems to win, all within 2 minutes

And that's it. Repeat x amount of times until you get bored and realize there is nothing more to it. I'll keep playing for now and post updates later. I've put about an hour into it so far.
Even if I pretend I'm not mad over the fact that Clash Mini died for this overly complicated p2w agar.io tier shit, it's still ass.
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Having fun with this game, the only modifier I don't like is Doppel Gangers
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They should just give us more tickets. It had to have some time gated bullshit with this company. 9 hours for 3 tickets ? If they keep this up I'm gonna take matters into my own hands and pic related in their offices. Give us more daily tickets, man. I'm warning you.
It's kinda boring ngl
This game has p2w items that change the tide of battle making entire matches pointless. The fuck were they thinking.
The game feels absolutely pointless and super repetitive desu
>run around for 2 minutes building your squad
>bust shit up in the last minute or die trying
Boring game, worse than Clash Royale
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If you have Trader with Greg and/or Mavis in your team, it becomes farming sim with fights sometime
>New supercell game just came out. Thoughts?


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Some what but depending your play style early game goblins and Greg will help u net easy wins I stacked many wins without putting a penny in

for 3 THOUSAND gold per game, you get TWO FREE EPICS. You may be able to squeeze out 5th place, but you aren't winning anyone doing that. And the whales will be doing that shit.

That's not even counting the whales with full 4 star teams.
It's an interesting idea but like the other anon said there is no point to fighting pvp until the last 20 seconds of the match and only if you've snowballed into having the biggest party. Otherwise just avoid combat and chop trees the whole match. Kinda dumb
you just alternate between goblin and some other unit
>They've got some sort of agenda because it is not made to be a game you'll play for years or even months to come
Rumor is they rushed this release to please stakeholders
Keys need to go. It is the most retarded mechanic these scumbags ever came up with.
Doesn't really matter. Everyone already stopped playing. Dead game.
With the latest update, I look Forward to spamming super bea for the battle-long bee barrier

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