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So which Personality finisher is your favorite and why is it Glasses?
The previous Time Layer collapsed...
Cooking I guess.
Dipshit OP got himself banned and his posts deleted; fucking retard.
Some you hardly ever see - Clergy for instance.
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What was that, ESL? The Clergy personality?
nta but that wasn't esl my guy
you might just be retarded
To expand on the original point, the only Clergy characters who have actual synergy with each other are Thille ES/Mariel ES, meaning for 90% of the game's existence you'd only see that finisher if you were running a meme West team.
That's definitely improper English my guy.
If anything it is overly proper.
Why are you being obviously retarded here?
>"so which Personality finisher is your favorite?"
>"some [that] you hardly ever see - clergy for instance."
explain in detail how that's improper enough to be esl, retard
>another eden: the grammarians beyond time and space
I mean in theory you could have been running a fire focused team with Thille AS, Rosetta OG, Prai, and someone else.
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Literally who. Next stream scheduled for June 4.
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Mystery character
Dunarith Alter's sister.
Utapalaka. Time to save.
Got it backwards but whatever. Also free possible Ilulu Alt/Yakumo/Sesta/Iphi/AS Premaya (why?) for starting 3.2
Yakumo AS supposedly magic support
Is the 3.2 one a rerun?
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It's a rerun so you won't get it twice.
It says rerun on the pic
Damn that sucks, Illulu Alt is the only character I actually need right now because the only thing I have left is fucking Gariyu challenge.
It's not those characters specifically, it's ANY RANDOM staff or katana or bow or axe character.
iirc I got Heena from it when they initially did it
Ah gotcha. Now I remember it.
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OHHHH! Nice. She's top cute! They got me. I'm getting her. I hope she's strong.
Nice, back when she was first teased I thought she had potential to be a future unit.
Well they're not going to waste the time and effort on a unique sprite/face if they're not going to make the character playable. Especially if the character is a cute girl.
The real question is, which one will be the Axe user to finally benefit from the Western continent crystal axe? Thus far only Necoco can benefit from it and only in crystal zone.
Forgot the reforge means it boosts Thunder/Shade damage too, which expands it from Necoco in Thunder/Crystal/Shade zone to Necoco in Thunder/Crystal/Shade zone AND Orleya.
I mean there's several characters with unique sprites/faces that have been stuck in NPC jail. Sebastia, Ratchett, Vares, Kagnome, Garnelli, etc.
Ratchet's face sprite was fan made and she uses a generic body. Kagome shares a sprite with Tsubame and Garnelli and Genshin are villains. Adult Sebastia and/or Alt Amy are pretty seem likely for the 3.3/3.4 free story unit, though.
Ishar also has a unique body/face, to add to the count. And everyone has been clamoring for Seze for years.
>yakumo as is better magic support than flamme as and makes her pretty much unnecessary
Fuuuuuuuck as a new (~20 days, still on free trial) player I had a reg flamme and spent the 3 times I got to Elzion in the PCD on her treatises since she was supposed to be good with Xianhua. I could have used it for other stuff like the free necoco or something. Guess I won't buy the remaining 2 shop treatises or upgrade her for now...
ok so is her name
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What a fucking dork.
tfw Kumos AS is different compared to Kumos NS
Nice belts. Is he gonna be the FFXVII protag?
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He's literally me...
>Left with 9 whisper of time drops cause I either couldn't bother to update the game or forgot to claim them
fucking kill my retarded ass.
Saved you the anguish of an NS Philo dupe.
I took the bait and started this game, will I manage to finish the story before EoS?
You'll be fine - game has been doing well and EoS is unlikely before 2026 (due to crossover durations). There are at least two more main story updates (likely more), one in June and another in 6-9 months.
Yeah, you have plenty of time.

Amnesia personality spotted
Ratchet is an important character who came in clutch multiple times, I won't hear it.
She will never be playable for exactly that reason. Too many quests revolve around her being specifically located in Palsifal Palacifal.
Based, she is the only one who knows the feelings of Shanie my beloved
That reminds me, Shanie ES with broken SA fucking when? And cq where she ends up with Aldo. It's been too long
>Shanie ES
It is extremely likely that Melina ES was originally Shanie ES. Her moon Armor became the Stand/Alexander. They changed it last minute because they didn't want to expand the Sword/Wings cast that late in the story, although she appeared in the first scene.
Good because Melina ES is pretty shit so Shanie might be able to get one that's actually good now
>Good because Melina ES is pretty shit
Yeah, she's split in too many directions. Can heal/buff/debuff/dps but do none of them particularly well. In thunder teams I usually swap her out for Necoco/Dewbert after the first turn.
>wasted 1k trying to get him
I wish specific Treatise isn't annoying to get
>You have to remember what every single fucking location looks like to do the new cat hide and seek
>no way to get hints anywhere
Fuck me, I don't know where this could be. It could be somewhere locked behind the fucking records room for all I know
Anon that's Corinda Plains. It is easy shit. On the other hand, this confirms that they're not the same between each player, as I already got all mine and didn't have that cat. Looks like we're limited to 14 cats per week, five cats a day.
Sounds like Corinda Plains. Maybe that spot ip on top.
*6 cats a day
long playing chads, our time is now. This is punishment to you all for not posting pictures of your favorite cats. You could be master stampers already.
I just remembered that place existed because of Shanie's quest. I was running through everywhere in the Future (first 3 locations were Laula Dome, Nilva, Elzion so I thought there might have been a pattern), then went everywhere I could remember that was obviously a Meadow (mostly Garulea locations) or that I remembered had the Calming Spores environmental effect, then went to Zerberiya because the crystal region has a glowing sky before finally remembering Shanie getting cucked out of her ES by Melania.
It's not a location I would consider a Meadow though.
But 2 free Red Keys is a damn good reward.
You got keys? I could only return two cats and got a fluff ball from the cat queen and that's it. I guess even the rewards are randomized.
How do you guys have 7 cats? I'm maxed out at 6 and have beaten all other content.
Also have 171/171 cats in cat-alog. Maybe randomized as well?
What regions have the update already? I don't have it yet
You need to download the latest update from the store. It should be available everywhere.
I didn't get any furballs. Murmurs, Exp Scrolls, something else I don't remember possibly more Exp, and then 2 Keys.
I only got 4.
Okay. So I guess the number of cats you can return each day, and the rewards are all randomized then. Interesting.
>I didn't get any furballs. Murmurs, Exp Scrolls, something else I don't remember possibly more Exp, and then 2 Keys.
I got 200 stones but nothing else (and 5 stones from Rewards for getting 5 cats). Must have mega-lucked out. Will post screen in a minute.
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Thought this was guaranteed - must be some super fucking rare shit.
Or more likely there are set rewards which are in a randomized sequence or something.
Should I roll this fag if I already have his NS or should I save for the dragon reaperfag who will be mediocre like the other arcadiafags?
go for Dunarith's sister instead who's coming next update
>who will be mediocre like the other arcadiafags?
Melphtard is pretty good, lets you consolidate your sword grasta slut with your buffer.
She's an anniversary character so she's just a bar above mediocre. The homodragonreaperfaggot is only overhyped because unironic faggots like him.
I personally like Dunarith for being a good friend to aldo and for his loyalty to family.
Trying to get through the main story for the catch up charas and holy fuck it's such a slog. Fuck whoever designed the kms split party bullshit to explicitly waste your time. And for 10 floors too.
It's like doing homework, weren't games supposed to be fun?
>I like [the gayest one of them all]
Somehow got 2 Anabel ES Codex and 1 Chant Script today but still at 0 Yakumo AS Treatise. I wish I could exchange useless extra Treatise for other characters to a specific ones.
Like is not the same as lust. Why you niggas always in parasocial mode?
Cetie and Hardy are gayer than Dunarith.
Dunarith will always have a place on my side teams for the fact that he used to be the fuck you do big damage support guy
So apparently you can continue to get cats above the 14 required for all weekly equipment mats.
>Colorful cloth on a round door. What a nice find in the plains.
Drawing a blank here
Sarupa in Past Migleina
Got Minalca from the part 3 ticket bros!
Pretty ecstatic, out of the five I would have been happy with either her or Toova ES since I had Anabel ES and Yakumo AS but I wanted her the most. Mostly because I haven't really heard of the other 3.
Definitely worth grinding the story for since I now have my very first consistent barrier piercer and Tetra. Big props to WFS for giving such strong units for free, here's hoping for Iphi or Sesta on the 2nd ticket once I get there...
What did everyone else get, from those that pulled or remember what they pulled?
>out of the five
You're actually way luckier than that, it wasn't between those characters but between ever character of those weapon types.
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2 days or so into the game, it's not breathtaking or exceptional, but it's chill vibes and dare i say, fun. Anyway, the quest backlog is stupid insane, I've spent like a day reading 5 hours of VN just to get done with the level 25-30 quests. In only ONE era.
Do the Sword and Wings mythos.
What's your team so far? And make sure to eventually progress the main story since for a limited time you can get some free 5* characters from doing it
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Congrats on getting marked.
Yeah, I'm thinking based.
I'm running Aldo because MC + aoe MP sustain, the blacksmith girl that I picked with the selector for aoe hammer hits, Hozuki who I somehow managed to get via rolls and Erina for the heal+2 support skills. I'm really lost as to what I should spend my green and red keys on, which I assume are basically this game's stamina system, so I'm just doing all dungeons so far.

Also how long do I have to claim these 5*? Should I just rush the main story?
After you finish Chapter 23 it unlocks (many) of the ADs (Another Dungeons). You spend your Red/Green keys there. Each dungeon has a chance to drop tomes, which you can use to boost a character from 4.5* to 5*, and many can drop Treatise (used to unlock a character's AS form) Codexes (which unlock EX forms) or Opuses (which unlock Alter characters).

Additionally, certain dungeons can permanently increase the Light/Shadow rating of your welfare characters. For example, the Miglance Castle AD has a chance (10% for a green key run, 20% for a red key run) to permanently increase Aldo's Light points by 1 if he's in the party when you clear the dungeon. Man Eater Marsh can increase Cyrus. I'd recommend running Miglance Castle and working on Aldo's Light rating. He gets a buff that increases his damage depending on his Light score, and he becomes one of the top damage dealers in the game at max Light.

For the 5*s you have until July 31st to claim them. I wouldn't rush the main story, but I'd certainly make it the focus. Some of those free characters are really fucking good like Tsukiha.
Aldo is a good character
>what I should spend my green and red keys on
Pick a random crossover/episode and use them for getting easy stones.
Wait what? Do you mean the pool was every character of those weps to ever exist? That doesn't sound right, why would they show specific powerful characters then? And 5 for what looks like 4 weapon types
>Do you mean the pool was every character of those weps to ever exist
They just showed 5 of the most recent characters (at the time the banner originally ran) of those weapon types.
They obviously couldn't show every single one because there'd be something like 80 characters if they did.
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How the fuck are you supposed to know where this is?! Do you know how many places have statues in them?
Only Baruoki lmao
You guys were right... just got the 2nd ticket... dupe Flamme when I only had like 4 of the possible characters lmao
Overall, still satisfied just from the first jackpot though
Will we ever get an event with Shanie? Considering how many cameos she gets, it feels really weird that she still has jackshit for content.
Man, I somehow rolled the paladin girl with my 10 rolls who came with an alternate spear style built in. Now all I have to do is autoattack with her and she wipes anything from elites to bosses.
Maybe I'll keep her out for the time being so i can struggle some more with a more basic team.
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I did it bwos
>>1469215 (me)
Also, having gone through the entire story up to part 3, here are my thoughts for anyone who cares:
>Part 1
Pretty good, the ending was also very nice. As far as gacha first stories are concerned it's definitely one of the better ones and sets the bar for what's to come
>Part 2
Not as good, I don't feel like any of the new characters were properly developed and Aldo acted like he knew them all already for some reason. Villains sucked and dungeons were an absolute slog. One part that I really liked was the Satellite Stadium part, though.
>Part 3
Actually really awesome so far, the world is gorgeous and production value is insane. Story is interesting as well. Music probably the best it's ever been outside of Satellite Stadium.

Overall really excited to see how this goes cause it seems like everything's getting better.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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Her SA Shield is pretty good. Still using my random team until I'll encounter something that cannot be killed randomly while lvl preparing full mono teams on slot 5 and 6
Tfw I still haven't got even one of his Treatise and got Flamme AS Treatise instead today. All my White Key runs are also mostly instant fail.
Did they say what this girl is supposed to be, unit wise?
Dunarith's sister
Glad you liked part 3, because I thought it was really mediocre compared to the previous arcs. I agree 2 didn't feel as strong as 1, but I did still enjoy it.

You've got a lot to look forward to if you haven't tackled the major side content. Song of Sword and Wanderer in the Vortex are clear winners, but the rest are fantastic too. Some were a bit meh, like Ocean Palace and Azure Rebel, but none are huge stinkers.
I mean like her kit.
Usually only released w/ the character trailer the day before the unit drops
Better not be Water/Ax I swear to fucking God
She's got that giant scythe in her picture, so it's a safe bet that she'll be ax or lance. For Mazrika's element, I'm guessing she'll be Shade. We only have one Shade Lance user (Milsha) and we still don't have a Shade Ax user so she'd be the first.
>Mazrika's kit leaked
Holy shit she's gonna be busted
Come on anon, you can't just post that without including something you made up.
Damn I wish I knew who the hero of this game was. What a shame.
>the hero of this game
Phantom Roja?
Uhhh are the damage numbers on the wiki accurate for Minalca? Or a trick to get her to do a lot of damage? She has insane multipliers on Rip and Tear but is hitting like a wet noodle (like 1m x3) compared to Xianhua, Anabel ES, and Yakumo AS cranking out fat 15-30 million numbers on the regular. All with relevant support too, although nobody has any grastas yet since I just unlocked them a few days ago.
Get those Tributum Stacks maxed out. She deals 20% damage to the party at the beginning of the turn and gains stacks depending on how much damage is dealt. The higher the party's HP, the more damage is done and the more stacks she gets. At 50 stacks, she's got some of the highest damage in the game. Rip and Tear especially since it gets the follow up attack.
Sorry I forgot to mention that I can get her consistently at least 48 stacks already. So it should be pretty close to max, it's weird.
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Here are my minalca's damage numbers for a turn 1 prep.
How do you get 9k+ HP?
>How do you get 9k+ HP?
If she has 50 Tributum and does not do enough damage to push them below 50%, she does 4020%+4020% for the equivalent of 8040%
If the enemy is below 50% after her first attack, she only does the one 4020%
If she has 45 Tributum and the enemy is below 50% after her first attack, she deals 3636%
If you're using Xianhua and Yakumo in the same party and if Xianhua is SA'd with the relevant abilities unlocked, both of them start with +50% Staff damage and Mental Focus for another +250% (Xianhua might only have like 180% depending on what nodes you picked). Xianhua also starts the battle with an extra 200~300 INT depending on how everyone is geared.
Yakumo's Despair treats the enemy's MDef as if it were 0 as does his Overclock, as well as Xianhua's Horizon so if what you're fighting has high defenses those will be a significant source of disparity in damage
For Anabel I'm assuming you're using her in a Light team for damage, in which case she starts with +100% PWR and will always have Singular Focus for about +66% damage. Using Justice, she pops Paladin's Path for another +50% damage before hitting Divine Dusk which is a 3200% attack in Light mode and buffs her subsequent attacks with +100% Lance Damage and +100% PWR buffs.

If you're not using Minalca with Thillelille ES or Porcelain Pixie, she won't have Singular Focus. Those 2 are also among her best supports, since both of them can also provide Weapon Damage (50% from Thille or 100% from PP), with PP increasing Weakness Mult +1, giving +50% damage with her Prayer, and giving between 25 and 75 PWR to Minalca, while Thille gives Multi-Upgrade and straight up adds another hit to Rip and Tear making it go from 4020% to 5360% at max Tributum, and both of them also provide the typical party-wide PWR and SPD buffs.
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>giant android girl
lawyer-friendly Frog knows the good stuff
Thanks for the write up, now I get it
It was all the extra buffs like mental/singular focus and +100% dmg and crit and stuff that characters like Anabel and Xianhua have that jack them up so high, Minalca doesn't have that many self buffs so I'll have to teambuild more.
It's crazy how loaded the newest character kits are, they do everything by themselves with barely any support.
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It's real
this is a great little thing honestly. I like playing cat tag
I would not be surprised if someone gets an Allcosmos from it. It seems to be their way of addressing the f2p resource shortage.
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I just did flamme's quests for fun and I didn't expect her to be the way she is damn
Holy shit the auction house quest is a SLOG
When you're done, be sure not to pick up the quests again, otherwise they'll sit in your quest list forever.
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>dragon spine
>1 chest
Wow, thanks for letting me know there's a singular chest throughout the entire fucking map of dragon's spine that is now accessible. Does anyone know where this is?
Your cat is cool anon
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My Xianhua will be overpowered now.
Thanks, anon.
>helena has frenchish accent and pronounces th as z for her speech quirk
>but only sometimes and other times she talks completely normally
Is this a localizer moment?
Depends on her mood.
What, you can't just remove them from your log? I think I just did with one low quest about airport seeds
No, if you take the quests again the only way to get the out of your log is to clear them again without turning them in.
>Have to find cat in 4 places
>3rd time get 6x Skip Tickets
>4th time get 200 CS
Now we just need this thing to give out Allcosmos
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>run around the world to fetch a superweapon for ogres
>no backup plan at all just do as they say for (1) hostage
>ogres turn the superweapon against you
>they don't give the hostage back
Decided to do a no gacha run (no pulling using cs) and damn Benedict is super broken. You can pick him from the starter selection, then immediately get him 5 star after ch13 and start doing 5m+ AF within a few hours of starting the game for free. Aoe regular swing oneshots everything.
I'll probably have to ban him for myself until much later since he trivializes everything right now. Guess the game is technically super f2p after all
Main story SA characters fuck as well. Shame the octopath kids aren't that great.
Meta total F2P would probably be Serge setting his zone, Aldo SA, Helena SA, Benedict and then Serge swapping for Kid to buff/debuff.
New player here and pretty much doing the same with Anabel, for some reason she does easily 20x the damage of other same level characters. Maybe she has in-built endgame stats idk, benched her after one shotting 3 bosses in a row
Benedict is straight up the go to for certain shit bosses outright. He is in fact justified in having his power too.
Did they add the phase shift exp thing yet? Need to max a few weapons and I am losing my mind.
Yeah, two updates ago. It is pretty RNG though.
Ok, thanks anon
W-what about Galliard?
He's good but he's not slash or magic so wouldn't slot easily into the bullshit comp I made up.
>check how many extra VC grastas I can break down
nice, 20 more TVCs created.
Make a spreadsheet or physical list for that shit. It is highly inconvenient that the UI for making VC grasta doesn't list how many true VC grasta you have of the same type.
ah yes the one singular area in this game with a sunset
Snake Head Mescita
I don't get why it's on the head instead of the tail.
Tail is a diagonal map, might interfere with the simple cat pathfinding/animations.
Because it's more iconic
what does kms stand for other than making me want to kms whenever they come up?
It's the names of the three families who run the company and are the highest classes of the future world. The S is for San, Leo's family. I forget the other two.
>high class scroll x1
>high class scroll x1
>high class scroll x1
The fuck are these meme rewards.
it's better than 100 git
I got 200 chrono stones today. You just need to get good.
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Got a new character from the pick 7 subscription banner. She's cute.
>chronos when you hear about him is always super talented prodigy that created and left behind all the best technologies the plot revolves around
>chronos when you meet him in part 1 is a pathetic jobber who acts like a typical villain, doesn't accomplish anything and dies like a bitch after giving himself cancer
Anyone else feel like that part was a huge mistake narratively? It basically ruined his entire character
is the chest to the northwest of the Wryz proof chest in Memhelba accessible?
Yeah, go to the second level as far back as you can and keep walking towards the center, there is an invisible path that leads you to a ladder down.
In retrospect I think Chronos and Palsifal were written out of the story too early.
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When is Mazrika!? I NEED HER!
4 days
yeah and I need a good light filler to go with suzette and aldo team
I cannot wait for the equipment menu revamp
>We have also fixed an issue that resulted in Benedict's Skill "Regular Swing" increasing in Strength more than intended
Oh no.
No biggie. Aldo already out damages him anyway.
To be honest they should buff it more

Water/Ax user. She gives the character to the right of her a big buff and an extra attack when they attack. She also stacks debuffs on the enemy and buffs on the party and get Guard for 1 turn when using her SA skill. Looks interesting. I wonder how her Link will work with Elseal's link.
Once I max aldo. serge is next
>Water/Ax user.
Oh joy, another one.
Newish player here. I got 25 l/s points in the trials, and for SAs I have xianhua 31, yakumo 16, anabel 16
How should I distribute the points bros? I was thinking giving 15 to yakumo to also get him to 30 l/s and make a really cracked magic team and other 10 to anabel to get her close to 30 also, but I don't know if I should spread my resources around. Should I try to get xianhua to 80 l/s for her 4th skill slot instead?
Xianhua's 4th skill slot is quality of life but it's not essential, especially with Yakumo AS. Your main skill slot dilemma is which of Horizon, Tesseract, Trinity, and Link to drop. Yakumo AS can start the battle with an awakened Magic Zone and redeploy it with his Stellar Burst skill so Link doesn't really add much for Xianhua. In certain circumstances it can be nice to have but I would definitely prioritize getting Yakumo to 30 before getting Xianhua to 80.
One thing to note is that Xianhua and Yakumo both compete for the same Luring Shadow (Staff) items, of which there are approximately 175 guaranteed in the game. Meanwhile Anabel can not only use the 110 Guiding Light (Lance) items, but her NA/AS can double dip the 190+ Guiding Light (Sword) items to easily get whatever light value you want. Also Shadow Staff has some absolutely premium units other than Yakumo and Xianhua, such as Iphi and Jet Tactician so keeping monthly trial rewards to Shadow Staff characters lets you spread those items around.
Light Lance and Light Sword do have some good targets as well; Suzette can use Lance and double dip with Hammer, Claude can use Sword and double dip with Bow, Miyu can use both, Elseal, Cynthia, Ewella and Noble Blossom exist, but on average I would put more value on Shadow Staff than most other L/S items, so I probably wouldn't put trial rewards into Anabel in your shoes.

If you look at how many L/S items are guaranteed, Light Staff is surprisingly underrepresented with only 69 items to split between some fantastic options like Flammelapis, Eva, Porcelain Pixie, Melody AS, and even Myrus, Lele AS, and Mariel (double dipping with Fist).
Shadow Fist has 37 for Red Clad Flamemancer and Felmina (double dipping with Ax)
and Shadow Katana has 45 for Sesta, Melissa, and Tsukiha (double dipping with Bow)
so if you have one of those characters, I would seriously consider using Trial L/S on them compared to Anabel who has access to ~300 Light items.
Appreciate it anon, yakumo it is. I was just considering also running Link and 4 slots cause it can infinite awaken zone but I forgot about yakumo's stellar burst lmao
I've been getting all the free chars to 16 just in case they get a surprise 6*
Aldo 255 is pretty much mandatory - glad I ground that out years back
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Neat. Too bad he starts off at 0 Shadow. Even if I want to SA him someday it'll be a pain in the ass.
>ax user but her attacks are all magic
Fucking hell I hate it when they do that bullshit. You can't use her on Slash teams, and she's going to be awkward as fuck to use on Staff teams because the typical Intelligence buffs Staff users get won't do jackshit for her.
Made for Big Water Team Comp
Yeah, but it still pisses me off. If they'd made her Staff she could get used on Water and Magic teams. Or if they'd made her attacks do Slash damage you could use her on Water or Slash teams. Instead she's just made to be ultra niche and it's Water or nothing.
I just found out how to cheat the bonus exp phase shift crystal thing. It only works if you have a subscription since it gives you a daily block on it from shattering one time. Get it to its third form, then make sure you're in the entrana AD phase shift before daily reset, clear the phase shift, and it'll ask you if you want to block it from shattering. You can spam this every day.
You're not really cheating if you're paying for the subscription
>True Bertrand manifest
>summons ES Miyu and ES Felmina in second phase
would be hype if Shade team version de classic didn't immediately kill it on the next turn.
Her buffs/debuffs are fairly extreme, seems like she's a slightly more generalist version of Alt Myunfa.
>first 10 pull
easy every time
>Had 2k left over
>pull on Yakumo's banner
>Yakumo AS and Mariel
>pull on Alter Ciel's banner
time to burn through a ton of scrolls I guess
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>four multis and two more paid
>not even a 4.5
>no stones left
That's what I get for hoping.
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>got Mazrika on the first pull
Pretty neat. Only character I'm missing is Alter Myunfa but I have two of her opuses so just one more and I'll have everyone.
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And Aldo wastes absolutely no time inviting her back to his house to meet his family.
Bertrand's Manifest fight was a joke. Just sleepwalked through it with Iphi and Soira AS.
That scythe looks cool
Anyone with a verdict on Mazrika? I can only save my few remaining stones for one of those characters that's retardedly broken solos bosses powercreeps most content cooks me dinner and kisses me good night you know the ones I'm talking about
Is she it?
I am starcharting tiramisu
On the surface, it is one of the coolest and most hype battles in the game, with Little Glitter from the initial battle switching to Athena Style to revive Bertrand, and then Poison Lily jumping in as her Erinys Style.
In practice though it's been one of the easier (True) Manifests in relation to when it came out. Personally I like that they didn't make an extremely annoying fight with like 6 HP stoppers/revives and instant kill gimmicks if you fight him "incorrectly" because I feel that Manifest weapons should be undertuned when compared with actual superbosses, but giving him 1 more revive or forcing making Bertrand invincible while Felmina is alive would have been a good balance of not making it a pain in the ass but also not being a complete joke.
>new equipment screen
yes yes yes yes yes
She's a designated support. If you have Alt Myunfa skip. If you have Elseal, skip. Honestly, if you have Yipha AS, skip. She brings nothing new to the table besides being super cute.
Utpalaka will come out in 2 weeks and will likely be a thirst trap for the fags/women, but after that we have the part 3 part 3 unit, who if it is like Minalca and Velette will have a pet, have an SA and be totally busted.
Save your stones.
There is no content she clears that Benedict can't.
I just like dragon teams
>Stellar passive
Party consumes 0 MP on first turn of battle
>Stellar burst boost
Extend Another Zone by 3 turns
>Stellar Skill
single target XXL that has a Token conditional to deal 6x damage and inflict 3 Water Break and then when used in SB does another 8x damage and makes her unable to act next turn but gain Guard.
>Ogdyos/Phos/Soteria Phoros
single target attack that inflicts the Token for her Stellar Skill's conditional, while also specifically buffing the ally to her right with Water Link and +all stats based on the strength of the enemy (max 200). Unsure the exact formula for the stat buff but if it is reliably 180+ then it's about the equivalent of a Yipha Faith buff.
>1st board skill
single enemy (M) inflict sleep. First turn of battle targets all enemies and deals 5x damage, the typical Hypnophobia-esque skill that started getting popular with Iphi
>2nd skill
party gains 3 turns of 15% HP and 15% MP regen, and 1 Status Immunity
>3rd skill
preemptive Water Zone and Cyclone Wind Immunity to the party, which can awaken Water Zone and which gives the buffed ally 3 moves of Barrier Pierce
>4th skill
preemptive 3 turn SINGLE TARGET -30% PWR, INT, SPD and party wide +30% Phys Res and Type Res and restore 30% HP and 15% MP. 2x debuff effect and duration if enemy has the Token and 2x buff effect, duration, and restore amount for buffed ally
>5th skill
preemptive 3 turn SINGLE TARGET -30% Phys Res and Type Res and party wide +50% PWR/INT/SPD and +30% Crit Damage and Magic Crit Damage. 2x debuff effect and duration if enemy has the Token and 2x buff effect and duration for buffed ally

Overall she's a blend of several support characters all balled up into one. Porcelain Pixie, Elseal, Yipha AS, and her Stellar Burst adds in a splash of Prai. She feels made to support Felmina ES in a Dream Weaver team, since Pixie and Yipha being Earth and Wind screw up the 4x Water requirement.
>She feels made to support Felmina ES in a Dream Weaver team
AKA more characters who only exist to beat Challenge Gariyu.
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I will now finish Wryz starchart
>She feels made to support Felmina ES in a Dream Weaver team, since Pixie and Yipha being Earth and Wind screw up the 4x Water requirement.
Honestly she's good enough that you can use her with any big damage dealer except for Sesta, even on Fire or other teams.
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Her second quest was really fun. Especially interesting since Aldo never even showed up once. I'll do her 3rd quest later today.
Do the load times suck for anyone else today?
>get yakumo as
>already have 4 hogni treatises drop since his release
Every fucking time. Still zero myunfa opus btw
Send me those treatises. I still have 0 and keep getting old treatises/codexes.
Works on my budget phone no problem
One day Altena will matter
She matters to Feinne.
>Mazrika's Link is as strong as Flammelapis's Neptune
>It's permanent until applied to someone else
Alright there has to be some crazy combo with this. It says it works with "attack again" so I assume Copy Lunatic works as well. Felmina ES and Eva are obvious choices. Maybe an End of Turn attacker as well, like Shigure AS.
Do Link attacks apply on Counters? If so, Alma AS Refraction Bullet dealing 150+3000 turn 1 and then 2250+3000 every single time she gets hit sounds absolutely absurd. Or Nona NS with Sanzione doing 160+3000 and then at least 160+3000 per counter and another 160+3000 at end of turn. Or Dream Weaver's counter.
Just tried it, Mazrika's Link ability does not work with Counter Attacks or Shigure's EoT attack. Seems like it only applies on attacks that characters do with their own turn. It does work with attack-twice skills though, like Xianhua's.
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i cri ever tim
Kek I miss my vita...
Sounds like Eva is back in play.
That happened to me but with red wine.
>beasts are always portrayed as gleefully killing innocent civilians and is what causes most of the plot
>"nooooo parallel anabel was wrong you can't just heckin exterminate them even though they want to do the exact same, some of them dindu nuffin
The moralfaggotry is so tiresome. The knights story sucked.
Some of them were pretty chill though.
Both sides did it. You just confronted beasts more.
>start a month ago
>get Xianhua in 1k
>get Anabel ES in 5k
>get Yakumo AS in 6k
>currently have 21k stones left
Been lucking out so the new player experience has been quite good. Wondering if I should pull for Mazrika or not, although I don't know if it would matter since statistically I probably won't get any other rate-up again for a very very long time...
You could give it a shot. She's a really good single target hyperbuffer and hyperdebuffer. She can also drop some huge damage with her AS Burst and also Guard for one turn so she has a pretty well rounded kit.
I'd sit on it. Part 3.3 will be out in the next month and story update units tend to be busted as fuck.
If they gave us another aldo with the exact same stats except he was gacha. I'd roll for it
The fuck am I missing on wryz? Do I really have to fuck with this stelroids darkwrym faggot that just SHOWS up randomly?
I swear there has to be an easy cheese for him
He's a superboss. He doesn't show up randomly, there are 4 spots on the map where he can show up. Just don't step on those bosses. You can clear him with most superboss teams.
What is a good team that can handle all of them. Should I just be using Regular Swing man?
You'll want to have the maxed out dragon weapons for the fight. And Null damage dealers like Aldo, Benedict and Xianhua are great.
I'm interested in this game. Is there any recent new player guide for this? I found guides from years and months ago.
You can check out the wiki, anothereden dot wiki, and you can just ask any other questions you don't know here in the thread
Otherwise just play it as it goes, this game is more of a classical jrpg than a gacha. You can beat everything using the billion free chars the game gives you without ever needing to pull the gacha a single time and there's enough story content for five or six games here.
It actually does work with counter attacks. It specifically only works with single target attacks, so a character like Azami NS with her single target counter will get an extra hit but the good units with AoE counters will not, even against a single target boss.
Case in point:
>Heavenly Dance
181693 Weak
202986 Weak
I think Azami and Non-Manifested AS Shion are the only Counter units who work.
Also means she won't work with Xianhua since her skills are AoE.
Eva is the most obvious choice with Lunatic Zorch. Minalca is really strong with Rip and Tear, especially if the Barrier Pierce on it also applies to the Link (I don't see why it wouldn't)
Alma/AS has Ather Alchemia/Oratio if BP Link works, and the Link acts as a soft-Scope since it basically gives Alma the 15x damage conditional on its own if you don't have time to use Brain Record.
Sesta might be viable, depending on how the Link interacts with Twinblade Wolf's individual attacks. You'd need someone to set awakened wind zone so it'd be pretty clunky but it could be viable for certain Astral Tomes.
Noahxis AS in All Out Mode is another barrier piercer.
Hell, she'd turn Helena's Rock Crush into an actually viable damage option for more F2P compositions who need to pierce barriers.

The link applies to Toova AS's end of turn, but only on the first Lantern hit. Don't have Shanie AS so can't test Teal attack but it should be the same if it's single target.
How good is the reforged dark spirit khakhara staff for xianhua? 50% null atk seems nuts. Elpis tier?
Ironically I've just been using Elpis on her anyways and reunited my eva with her void staff
How do you do AF burst? I basically put every AF related skill on 2 on every character and just spam 2 throughout its duration, I can't see how I would switch skills without missing out on precious seconds by having to pay attention to it
Does anyone here use emulator on PC? What emulator do you guys use?
Ahh okay. I tried with Alma AS but her counter attack is group attack so that's why it didn't work.
Playing piano was always the most difficult part of AE. For better or for worse, powercreep has made it less necessary.
Either way, you could spend the first round using your AF skill to build up the meter a bit, then on the second round through, switch to a different skill, like a (de)buff, then on the next round, switch back to your AF skill.
A lot of collabs(Symphonies) and sidestories(Episodes) unlock at chapter 13. The Chrono Cross one has some free units that are still meta today. Octopath and Tales are also solid.
At chapter 22 you unlock Time Twisted Maze. Some people love it, some find it boring, but regardless it is very worth running through a few times because you'll get fantastic level 1 weapons and armor, end-game tier level 60 weapons and armor, and the best trash mob clearing character for free well 2nd best now that Tiramisu got an upgrade, but you'd have to actually pull her off-banner if you wanted to use her
When you do Another Dungeons, make sure you bring the character who can gain Light/Shadow from the dungeon (if any), and then also aim to get max rewards from that dungeon. For example Miglance Castle you'd bring Aldo and try your best to hit 120+ Light across your entire party. Man-Eating Marsh you'd bring Cyrus and instead try to hit 120+ Shadow.
If you don't know whose L/S to farm, Aldo is the safest bet at the start. Early on he's a little weak, but halfway through the story he gets a massive power spike where his Light impacts his skills' damage multipler.
DON'T USE LIGHT/SHADOW ITEMS ON FREE CHARACTERS. Free characters can all be farmed in Dungeons. Use them on Gacha characters whose only other source of L/S is by pulling dupes. Same goes for the Monthly Trial L/S. Those items are rare and precious.
LDPlayer, but I had to swap to the Steam version solely for Rebel Rider because otherwise it took 4 minutes to clear the 1:50 course without any mistakes.
I have everyone's spam skill on skill 3, and if anyone has a skill they want to hit 1 time at the start of the AF before the spam I'll put those all on 2. Most of my AFs go 3333... or 222233333333... or 1111222233333333...
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Barrier Pierce skills do not work with the Link. Helena is not a viable Barrier ignorer with Mazrika. (Left)
GRANTING Barrier Pierce to a character will however work with the Link. Iphi eating up Alma's Blood Contract let her Geist Nebula deal 267684 with the initial hit and 4500385 with the Link. (Right)
For Barrier Pierce buffers:
Mazrika herself can do it with her Water Zone skill, lasting 3 attacks per use but she very much suffers from too many good skills, and you may or may not want Water Zone
Iphi's Blood Ritual is a viable option but only 1 use unless reset with Walpurgisnacht, and you may or may not want Shade Zone
Toova ES is only one use per EX cycle so very unwieldly
Alma AS's Kaleidoscope Link is anti-synergy with Mazrika's Link
Ewella AS can grant Pierce on the ally to her right, but the Virtus she uses goes away if either are in reserves so difficult to use with Mazrika.
SA Anabel ES can give the party 1 Barrier Pierce per Stellar Burst if the gauge is majority light.
SA Yakumo AS can give the party 1 Barrier Pierce per Stellar Burst
Alter Ciel can give the party 2 Barrier Pierce every 2-4 turns depending on number of Fist+Hammer allies
Sazanca can turn Stout Heart into Skybloom and then consume Skybloom to give the party Barrier Pierce but I don't know exactly how many turns that takes up
For DPS:
Felmina ES, Cerius, and Oboro all give themselves the Barrier Pierce buffs which let them have the Link pierce barriers with their ST skills.
For Felmina, this means being in Divine Droplet state which lets her immediately benefit from the Link by using Rafal Glacee to gain Pierce and then immediately fire off the single target Lame L'instante in the same turn
Cerius gets his in Siege Mode after stacking 3 bolts (which he can start the battle with if SA'd) but his ST attack is pitifully weak
Oboro gives himself a Link that can be stronger than Mazrika's when he gives himself Pierce so he's not very useful as a target.
Ewella AS may be difficult to use, but she shouldn't be impossible.
One way I could see it working is having a party like
Ewella - Uquaji - Eva - Prai // Mazrika - (whoever)
Turn 1: Preemptively move Uquaji to the backline, then have Ewella use Lunatic+ to give Eva Virtus
Turn 2: Mazrika to the front will slide in between Ewella and Eva
Turn 3: Ewella uses Reflexio to give herself and Eva Barrier Pierce, while Mazrika gives Eva Link with Soteria Phoros
TY for the info, speaking of, where are these monthly l/s trial farms? Better not miss them since the month is almost over.
Menu -> Records -> Awards -> Trial
Look for Trials of Cultivation and complete whichever AD it points you to.
If you have the monthly subscription, also do the Ground/Heavens version and the Trials of Progress.
Just tested Sesta, the Link does in fact hit twice when she uses Twinblade Wolf.
>WFS announces they are nerfing Regular Swing
you commie kike jap gook niggers
I think you needed to use a bug to do that anyways. Something about ragnarok mode
I bet that the variable for their unique stacks were swapping somehow, leading Normal Swing to count up to 30 stacks and Uquaji's boost counting only 10.
That's exactly what was happening.
I don't like it when they have potential for real kino but squander it on interminable chapters of nothing but Madoka wankoff
More Madoka wankoff news next week. I was hoping for old collab characters SA and buffs.
You will get a sub-par 6* Riica and a free Alt Amy and you will be happy.
I'm really hoping for SA Amy (or SA AS Amy) to justify the 255 light I farmed for her
>go to reddit for news about the live
>nonstop UNHHH I NEED UTPALAKA glazing
>nonstop worshipping men and shitting on female characters
That place really is just full of women and fags huh? Are they AE's target audience now?
I WILL be happy actually. I ran Twova teams for like a whole year
Reddit :

Give me Alt Sebastia, or better yet real Sabastia, and I will be happy.
Altena will have her day. Mark my words. Her kit is so bad I got more out of a full team of 3's with grastas once.
>I was hoping for old collab characters SA and buffs.
Imagine chad cless buffs. He can still break big dps in af to this date though
Seems very unlikely but who knows
I don't even know how they could make Harle better without making her co-opt someone else's niche
New player in chapter 13 here, is it worth it to grind out the rewards in Two Knights and other similar events? Roadmap in wiki tells me to grind VH.
more power stacks lul
what's your current team?
You'll want to get them all eventually, as the Chants are worth it, but you don't need that upfront when you've still got early game stones. Run each episode/event a few times the easy to gather stones in each event, then go back and complete them once you've filled out your roster and can blast through them easily.
I'd say use your Red keys on running Miglance Castle to get Aldo's light to 255 (very worth it later in game) and use your greens on events. Once you unlock Toto's Theater Land (not Toto's Dream Land) swap over to that and grind Aldo there, then switch to your next target.
Only Kid really needs those, as hers are awkwardly tied to her basic attack and buff.
The reward ladders are pretty good. You get murmer, prayer and chant scripts along with chrono stones. I agree with >>1481993 Red Keys on Miglance Castle to get Aldo's Light boosted and green keys on dungeons with reward ladders like the Two Knights dungeon or the collab dungeons.

Aldo gets extra damage depending on his Light score and at 255 with some of his more recent buffs he's one of the strongest characters in the game and blows out 99% of the gach characters.
Some of the early side stories offer you a guaranteed 4* upgrade tomes for your story characters. And the stories themselves are pretty neat.
It's definitely worth getting the rewards.
One positive to those dungeons is that their completion rewards are garbage. Typically this is seen as a bad thing, but being a new player you're less likely to have a team that can reach 120+ L/S. If you were to run a normal Dungeon like Miglance Castle for Aldo Light, you'd possibly miss out on the 3rd reward slot which can be the good shit like a Codex or an Opus.
But when running Miglance Labyrinth, the end rewards don't really matter so you don't have to worry about not hitting that 120 benchmark.

Also at the start you won't have any good Green Key dungeons, so some of the Episode dungeons are the "optimal" use for Green Keys, since none of your Green Key options drop Treatises it's better to use them to run dungeons that can't drop Treatises regardless and save your Red Keys for dungeons that CAN drop them.
A few exceptions: the sequel to Two Knights has some unique rewards in its Red Key dungeon, the 1000 Year Ark of the Ocean Palace dungeon needs to be run Red Key for its Black Pearls, and some of the newer Dungeons (Mysterious Vortex, Wyrmrest) are all perfectly fine to run Red Key as they give the rewards that you typically chase when doing Red Key runs.

For right now I'd recommend doing 1000 Year Ark so you can start running its VH dungeon for the 50 Black Pearls, while using your Green Keys on the other episodes be they Two Knights or IDA School while you still don't have anything better to use Greens on.
Current team is Aldo lvl 48, Shion AC lvl 42, Dewey AC lvl 40 and Aisha lvl 60.
Thanks for the tips, Guess I'll grind Miglance Castle for Red keys and finish the Tales of collab.
Just got 30 light on Anabel ES, should I unlock the two MP nodes for 160 MP in addition to the levels or should I get +10 all stats instead? Her MP seems pretty low and she has Singular Focus so she could really use the extra damage. Plus I would be able to actually spam Justice without the mp reduction badge which is good qol
MP. +10 stats really isn't that big of a deal.
>We'll also announce the upcoming skill improvements for some story characters.
>Starting tomorrow, we're showcasing some of those adjustments along with the countdown!
This is yuge. 5 days of countdown, 5 characters shown, if they're who are getting rebalanced then storychads are eating good. Altena, Guildna, and Amy all desperately need something and Riica could use a boost as well. Cyrus is the "best" among them but his damage still pales in comparison to Aldo's so additional scaling would be more than welcome.
>Altena's adjustment
>we have removed her from the game and give you AS Nona in part 1.5
No bully
lol it's true desu, nona is doing EVERYTHING better than her
>Altena is discount Necoco now
not bad
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Sure hope she ends up being good.
I'd have to see how the rest of her kit works, but from the one tweet they've posted she feels like a worse Nona AS.
Positional based self-Kaleido? Nona AS gets Kaleido regardless of the position of who she buffs with Devotion. 4x hit piercing attack? Nona hits 6x. 25% type attack for 3 moves that can be doubled at full AF gauge? Nona gives 30% Element type attack for 3 turns and gets doubled to 60% for her Devotee.
I want to see if her Kaleido is an activated ability or a battle start/turn start passive, because the latter could actually be relevant for T1AF strats, and of course whether or not Spirit's Sword is actually useful
Unless they give her some crazy multipliers on her attacks she's gone from awful to merely bad.
>only main story character who isn't getting an upward adjustment is Feinne
Feinne SA confirmed.
She honestly still finds places on my modern teams
She is fully replaced by Tetra.
I wish we got more backline support like Uquaji.
The moment we get a backline singer/pray-er the game meta shifts entirely.
Uquaji was really worth the work too. I learned a lot about the game when I decided to go for him and teambuilding.
I feel like they decided to go with Sidekicks instead of making any other backline support characters. Getting 100% teamwide regen every turn is already crazy enough.
I still haven't gotten anything good from these fucking cats.
I got lots of grasta mats and some skip tickets
I've gotten 600 chrono stones
>Amy buff
wow, it's fucking useless.
Blast Elysium was already dogshit to use in AF because of how fucking long the animation takes and it's only a single hit compared to Double Hurricane and Triple Down which are the superior spam skill in Wind Zone and Blunt Zone/no zone respectively.
So it's meant to be used as her very last skill in AF for a big hit but the payoff just isn't good enough for all the hoops you jump through. Outside of Wind zone you're spamming Triple Down to start, and if it gets ANY amount of damaging buff it's going to be the superior finisher damage option as well.
In Wind Zone you're spamming Double Hurricane for low damage and without the extra AF Combo effect before finally getting your payoff at the last hit of AF which won't even contend with other wind characters like Noahxis AS.
Unless they speed up Blast Elysium to be 10x faster than it currently is, she would have been much better off getting the Tsukiha/Philo AS treatment where she gets a damage multiplier OUTSIDE of AF because then at least her skill taking as long as a FF7 summon would mean nothing because you don't care if you're frametrapped outside of AF.
>finding same cat 4 times: 200 stones
>finding same cat 3 times: 2 green/red keys or 6 skip tickets
>finding same cat 1 or 2 times: garbage
Tfw I got 4 Chant Script before I got my 1st Yakumo AS Treatise today since it was released last month.
chad scripts are never a bad thing to get
There's also a chance to get 200 stones by finding it 3 times supposedly last i checked, but I think it's weighted more towards the keys/skip tickets
Wish I could trade 10 for an Allcosmos. Hell, I'd trade 50 for one.
Don't give them ideas
WFS, if you're reading this, pls gib Tales characters 6*, thx.
chad followup response really
They should just let us use Skip Tickets on these dungeons already.
Congratulations on getting the coomer
>get cake finisher every time I af now because of suzette and co
Alright, let's watch this livestream and see what the future holds.
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Looks like Feinne AS. Wild she's the first main party AS character. I would have figured it would be Aldo or Cyrus or Amy.
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>gave up on buffing so they made AS version like what happened to Saki
I don't like the girl but I do like the bunny, especially knowing his voice is super deep.
>two water melee weapon characters who are actually mages in a row
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Here's the pool for the free 5* you get for starting 3.3
surprisingly generous, though they'll obviously not be SA'd
I've only got Mel so I'm sure I'll get her
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Looks like Sebastia Alter will be the welfare.
Party isn't big enough. Add all 54 members of Thors Class 7.
Minalca AS a cute.
She honestly looks pretty amazing.
>don't have Alter Ciel and Melphipia
>have Kuchinawa and Xianhua
>other ones are free upgrade
Kinda meh for me.
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dewey erotic
I fucked up, it is every character from MINALCA to Alt Ciel, which is a much shittier pool.
So it's
>Garam AS
>Heena AS
>Mariel ES
>Alt Hozuki
>Dewey AS
>Alt Shannon
>Lovely AS
>Toobert ES
>Pizzaca AS
>Alt Ilulu
>Premaya AS
>Felmina ES
>Melody AS
>Straight Dunarith
>Parisa AS
>Alt Myunfa
>Orleya AS
>Pom AS
>Alma AS
>Chiruriru ES
>Alt Akane
and then the list in the prior post
Dewey breeding
Poor Myrus looks like she got a breast reduction.
I see this as a good pool still
It's mostly just free upgrade for me including >>1486234. All the other NS are just dupes for me though. A few AS and ES are also dupes.
Like everything else, it being a shit pool or a great pool will depend on who you get.
Might be contender for the most retarded name of any character. What the FUCK were they thinking?
Jill is cute
Jill is funny
cute and funny
It should be Zir or Zil from Zirconia is her motif is gemstone imo
Should I focus on completing Main Story quests to get free 5* campaign rewards? Is it worth it?
I did whatever I felt like it when I played this game but when they do boost campaigns, I always focus that.
>Blue raspberry candy feet
Who is this designed for?
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I can think of a few pebbI- mean people
>somehow got 2nd Yakumo AS treatise today
Hoping it won't take a long time to get the 3rd one. I'm still stuck at 2 Alma AS treatise as well and haven't even reach Baruoki on White Keys in at least the last 3 months.
Altena has the most shittinest abysmal shittest fuckin kit ever
Still better than most 3* and 4*. This game is 7 years old now but most 4* still can't be upgraded to 5*.
I can safely say altena is not better than most 3 and 4s
She ain't got shit on pom even before her 5 because pom is still one of the few who can turn you into giga poison comps
She wasn't bad when she came out. Better Angel Song than Feinne, and she was able to hit 4x with her spam move, increasing your AF gauge faster than anyone else.
Me. I like blue girls. It's one of the main draws of AE for me. We have cute beastgirls like Altena, Myrus and Mazrika, and now we have a cute blue rock girl too.
dumb crossposter
Is grinding Detonators for Noahxis worth it? Or just get Minalca via SDE? Need someone for mobbing.
Get with the times grandpa, characters like Noahxis are a waste. There's a ton of characters who give the party 0 MP cost on the first turn, so you can just have them in your party with 3 other characters that have big expensive AoEs and just kill everything.
Detonators aren't too long of a grind, and get you gear that you'd want anyways. Especially the level 1 Fist with Restore Effect +30% and the level 1 Necklace with Restore Effect +30% in addition to all level 60 weapons and armor.
Single Shot deals 500k fixed damage ignoring resistances and not having any elemental affinities meaning it hits enemies that Null every element which gives him a niche even over characters like Minalca.
With Minalca's upcoming AS, SDEing her NS might not be the best investment if you manage to pull her AS.

It also depends on what you mean by "mobbing"; if you want to kill trash mobs while exploring in the main story Noahxis will do just fine, but if you want to do Master Difficulty, Phase Shifts, or certain ADs it might not be enough.
Tiramisu NS, Thillelille ES, and Xianhua are the 3 main options I'd consider over Noahxis.
Tiramisu doesn't really need her SA to be essentially 7 Noahxises glued together.
Thille ES does need her SA, but Sword in Heart is one of the best trash nukes in the game.
And Xianhua's Horizon is a fantastic non-elemental option which means only Magic Absorb/Null will stop it and is usable even without her SA though obviously her SA's passive makes her even better.
I'm with other anon, I'm about to power my Noahxis up
Almost done with the Lord of Mana point grind. It's kinda funny that you can't get rank 4 with Mayu since there's no reason to ever update her dialogue.
>Riica's skills
mediocre, a 50% phys resist debuff is solid but gaia stomp's damage is just really bad and its 30% buff isn't that great either.
>Amy's skills
garbage, no Triple Down adjustment. Charge Stance might be okay but Blast isn't a main damage skill and Triple Down wasn't even good enough to carry her when it was initially buffed
>Cyrus skills
solid, letting you use a healer and still use Idle Nirvana is great and making Enku Jizai a water dps option makes him more flexible with the teams he can be in
>Guildna skills
Calamity could be absurd if he can have 10 Orbs and the Orb modifier is either unchanged or increased. 2200% with increased crit damage is nice.
But the notice says 6->10 max orbs, when he currently only has 3 max orbs so I'm not sure how accurate it is. with 6 max orbs and no skill adjustment it's still 1400% plus the crit damage multiplier which is still better than a lot of free options
>Altena entire kit
Kaleido being battle start is great, Beast Orb being SPD instead of Crit is also great
Spirit Sword being based on Kaleido instead of Zone is great and if the mod is high enough it could be a viable dps skill
Enhance Sword affecting all weapons, lasting more than 1 turn, and no longer draining HP are all nice
Affection might be a nerf if I'm reading it correctly
overall really solid buffs to make her a flexible support, though I'd have to see all of the number adjustments to say whether she's actually good or if she's just a jack of all trades that doesn't end up being relevant.

Tentatively rating them Guildna > Cyrus > Altena > Riica > Amy.
I think only Altena's position is subject to change, where if her numbers end up being jacked she could be in the top spot.
>no Triple Down adjustment.
You sure about that? I'm assuming that all of the characters skills are getting reworked and modified like Aldo's did and they only showcased a few skills. Or is it really that the only skills get adjusted are the ones they showed off?
Shit. I still haven't even finished the weapon enhancements using Mek World materials, and I haven't even touched any Miu World enhancements yet. Guilty Hades has been sitting on the backburner too.
Just use benedict + a 0MP 1st turn char
If I recall, don't single-element debuffs stack with phys/mag resist debuff? As in, you could have stacked Phys debuff alongside Blunt debuff, like how Aldo could stack his old Slash debuff on top of another character's Phys debuff. This seems like a nerf somewhat.
Or am I remembering all this wrong.
Guilty Hades you can churn out in an afternoon as it doesn't require grinding. The mek/miu weapons aren't worth investing in.
Every skill in Amy's kit is listed with their respective adjustments except for Triple Down.
Unless they forgot that one single skill when they put out the notice, it's not getting adjusted.
I assume you mean Riica's Spirit Ray going from Blunt Res to Phys Res.
Spirit Ray plus Noahxis' Gale Smash used to be 67.5% blunt resist down and 35% slash/pierce resist down. Now it's being buffed to 67.5% blunt, slash, and pierce resist down.
>Mazrika Beast personality fix
Nice, I was wondering whether that was intended or a bug. It's not too much of an improvement but it lets her hold the grasta for Dream Weaver and Zeviro.
Unfortunately the way the game currently works I don't believe Altena's Kaleido will let her work in a full Water Beast party with Mazrika, Zeviro, and Dream Weaver which is unfortunate
It's always hilarious when every single party member has to react to something during the story, it just gets longer and longer as the party gets bigger and everyone waits their turn to add a useless reaction or one liner.
Sometimes it's done in parody
We call that "Class Seven-ing".
>dupe Premaya AS from thefree guaranteed 5*
Shit game
>new chapter guaranteed 5* saved 5 Chants on Pizzica's AS
ehh good enough
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>phase shift enemies have a preemptive action to set a barrier
I just fucking know this barrier is 100% on Master difficulty and in the AD (if they show up there)
thank god Chiruriru deletes them through their barrier bullshit
Just run someone with pre-emptive and higher speed.
Enjoy you serial killer.
I got an alt akane, who I already sidegraded so yay, saves me an allcosmos on someone I was never going to upgrade
>473 speed
>Falcon's blessing grasta
>still outsped
thank god Chiruriru deletes them through their barrier bullshit
That sucks. Good thing there's a lot of ways to bypass Barrier. I think Tiramisu's attack does too.
Doing quick stat check, picrel is in phase shifts.
Outside of phase shift:
Bismuth Eye = 39,847,320 HP 491 PWR 401 INT 286 SPD 835 END 255 SPR 0 LCK
Rock Wraith = 36,224,840 HP 401 PWR 491 INT 318 SPD 255 END 255 SPR 0 LCK
Orichalcum = 32,602,360 HP 491 PWR 446 INT 351 SPD 284 END 284 SPR 0 LCK
These numbers are consistant both in monster nests and out in the regular field
For weakness/resist
Bismuth Eye = Resist Pierce, Resist Blunt
Rock Wraith = WEAK Fire; Resist Blunt, Resist Wind, Resist Shade
Orichalcum = WEAK Slash, WEAK Fire; Resist Earth; NULL Wind
The horror looks like it has everything the same as the Orichalcum but I'm not 100% certain on that.
Waiting someone to make a full map
Anyone with Jillfunny tried her out yet? Just from looking at her skills she doesn't look very impressive so I'm wondering if she plays better
She seems pretty good to me, but I'm running her with Mazrika. Also I'm kind of a shitty player so I'm probably not a good judge.
You get a 3* black mage kid sidekick for starting the mage tower - gets bonuses for being in Sea of Stars stance. Maybe his charge skill will drop it at 5*
Forgot to mention that he has escalating HP/MP heal as his auto - gains a stack each use, which makes his healing more potent.
>magic arena is just completely normal fights
okay then
>Sea of Stars stance
Interesting. We only have Mayu and Nagi ES that do Sea of Stars. I wonder if they'll be giving Feinne AS Sea of Stars, or if they're setting up for another character in the future.
Erythule (rok era) has a merchant who sells ore that boost damage in crystal/thunder/shade stance and one in Eternook sells weapon specific benefic grasta.
Also, feeding the hungry ice cream worm the Dream Burger (9999 regina) gets you a badge that restores 10% AF/HP/MP on victory.
Man the Bladelord is a fucking cunt boss.
>First Whisper
>5* Bertrand dupe
I was going to complain, but all things considered a free Starchart is a solid pickup.
This new era is fucking HUGE.
AS Feinne's two 5* skills are pretty good
First is a Prayer that gives +30% damage and 30% damage reduction to party, gives Feinne 1500 shield and boosts pow/int by 40%.
Second is a magic attack that is stonger the more AF gauge is filled (when in AF it uses the AF fullness from when you started AF and does not readjust), guarantees crit/mag crit 3 times and when used in AF has 2x combo rate up AND gives the whole party a single stack of Barrier Pierce.
The later fights can be considered as superbosses for me despite actual new superbosses also exists
Uhh guys wasn't the new free 5* supposed to be from Minalca onwards? I just got Moonlight Flower (hismena alter) from it
Is it counting from Minalca's JP release date?
Lay it on me, how much am i missing out from playing on steam and refusing to watch ads? I like the game but I absolutely refuse to turn it into an actual chore.
It is supposed to be from version 3.0.10 and up, so either you got her on the Whisper of Time or you got bugged.
Quite a bit, sadly. Probably between 200-300 stones a month an more dungeon runs for character upgrades.
>200-300 stones
Messed up my math, 900 guaranteed stones plus 200-300 non-guaranteed ones.
30 guaranteed CS per day, 20 from the login ad and 10 from the daily ad in the shop
a variable of 0~100 CS, 0~5 green keys, 0~5 red keys/day on average it's around 20ish CS and 1 of each key
So about 350 CS 7 green key and 7 red key per week
it's guaranteed at least 840 per 28 day month, with about 500~600 expected from the 5x ads.
So basically an almost 10 pull every month. Tough, but I guess I can live with that.
>Weltall Id
should have realized this would happen
If 3+ light or 3+ shadow allies are in the front line at battle start, Feinne AS gains a stack that turns her normal attack into a move that fills AF 100% and is the consumed.
No tome opens after story completion so no stella as far as I can see right now. Maybe in next update with the AD?
No, I definitely did get her from the campaign 5*. Cause I got a shitty Kikyo dupe from the whisper today. Should I submit a ticket?
Nov 01, 2022
Dec 20, 2022
December comes after November
Are you actually starting part 3.3?
Minacla release in global in March of 2023.
Yeah, I only got the drop after going to the new rok city that I forgot the name of
So it's probably following jp release after all. If somebody had the drop and haven't used it yet then they could probably see exactly which characters you can get, I didn't look cause I just rushed through it
>aldo gets a magic wand
>everyone just thinks he's good for nothing but swinging a sword around, even feinne
All of you are getting the bench forever.
>So it's probably following jp release after all. If somebody had the drop and haven't used it yet then they could probably see exactly which characters you can get, I didn't look cause I just rushed through it
I guess that makes sense, I remember they moved Hismena Alt forward a few banners for GL (when they announced the catch up?)
Just use adguard dns to block the ads, but you still get the rewards.
You sound like you've gotten to the upper tiers - how do you get past the guard in Jasmond?
>need to kill 2 bosses at the same turn so I wasted AF
>they merge into one and now has to be killed twice
How do you get starcharts not in Nopaew and not from dupes? Is allcosmos the only choice?
Need 1 for Alma AS.
cool varuo
If you have the subscriptions you can trade for one allcosmos from the bottom right nopaew every month or so
Right nopaew only stocks ones for forms of characters released before the SA system was (so Betrand, NS style Suzette etc)
>got all magic unlocked but still missing 2 Laikas somewhere
>still stuck on this magic battle so can't advance and raise the new buddy rank (maybe I should wait next powercreep or something)
>no new AD
I guess I will back grinding Toto for now.
What's the gimmick of the magic boss?
Are any magic unlocks hidden behind the arena tasks?
See >>1488086. The tip says they are weak to Earth and Shadow but I found out of the boss before they merge seems to resists Shadow magic when I tried using Yakumo. It breaks zones when it merges and replaced it with Awakened Slash zone.

I think you need to at least defeat the 4 beasts since 3 of them drops key items which is required to access some chests.
*one of the boss before they merge
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I just started tiramisu's quest, and this was mentioned. Was this always here, or did they update it after completing the wryz saga?
The mention of the island is definitely new, but I want to say that Darkrealm's been mentioned in her quests from the beginning.
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how did something this lewd make it past the filters
I don't think they called it the Dark Realm before, pretty sure they said "another world" or "another realm" before.
Still not really clear on the difference between the Darkrealm and Underworld.
>If 3+ light or 3+ shadow allies are in the front line at battle start, Feinne AS gains a stack that turns her normal attack into a move that fills AF 100% and is the consumed.
Can you use that in the middle of an AF? Let your AF drop down to 10% and then instantly refill it to keep the AF going longer?
>I'm no Rok, I'm just a simple lumbercat
no, it's outside of AF only
I think they used to say Netherworld? I remember thinking there might be a link between Tiramisu and Suzette, and then I flipped my shit when Suzette showed up in Tiramisu's AS quest because I was sure they were going to do Netherworld stuff.
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Holy shit I want to give her my nut so bad.
That Moke looks like a sock puppet
Proto eden core and wyrmking shadow superbosses a fucking retarded. I give up on them entirely. Fuck this game and artificial difficulty bullshit.
Shadow Wyrm is nothing special. Proto Eden is bullshit in all versions but is also entirely based around making 6* Galliard and Helena look useful. Just roll an earth team plus Radias AS.
nothing will ever make me laugh like murphy on day 1
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This is what I got.
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>Jill is a snifffag
Well they don't call her funny for nothin, nevermind what she does
Anyone know what the Void weapon upgrades get?
Also, is there actually anything in the Hollow Vestige? Have all magic (haven't beaten final tourney yet though) and nothing yet.
I want her and Elseal to sniffy sniff me.
>archmage trials
guess I'll just fuck off then
Anyone else getting repeated title screen downloads?
Probably because they fixed bugs at least twice today.
fuck my account is cursed now
Got past the Original Flame with Iphi (4 slots - Earth Zone Spell - Rust Magic - Rosa Lilac - Walpurgis), Claude ES, Myunfa Alt and Cerius, Tetra as back up. Specced Cerius for as much crit damage up as possible and then gave him the Elpis bow and let him blast off chunks of the boss' health. Annoying gimmicks all around. A boss like that should be worth 50 stones at a least.
Anyway, now I'm one the water horse and he's raping me after the first AF. I've got every Thunder character but Alt Ciel. Anyone got any tips?
Nevermind, water unicorn isn't immune to shade and the entire gimmick of these fights gets fucked if you can bring Wenifica.
>very strong against Slash/Piercing/Blunt/Magic
I have no fucking clue how to even go about this one. Boss has four phases, each corresponding to a weapon type zone. In those phases, he has 30 stacks of barrier against the type that matches the zone, which he is weak to (so first phase is Slash, where he is weak to Slash but has 30 stacks of full slash damage mitigation). Every few turns he converts those stacks into un-dodgeable, un-hold groundable 3000 damage + 500 x number of remaining stacks, meaning leaving the full 30 stacks has you take a 3000 hit, followed up by a 15000 hit. Haven't checked it but 95% certain Iphi won't be able to mitigate it.
Oh and he gets an aura upon taking crystal/thunder/shade damage that doubles his regular damage output.
No idea how to even start on this.
Congratulations on getting the most useful character (benedict)
Is this the next murphy but he starts at max stacks

Maybe it's not as stupid in Japanese? Could have been worse, they could have gone super literal with Jillfanny.
Everyone in her family has retarded names, like Galdmagid and Commonsarg. Then the only other major named Rok is the comparatively normal Amalee.
God I love having Melissa and Thillille ES on the same team. 100% speed buff on an already busted speed based character sure why not
Anyone know how to open gate in Kirdis forest?
This is the first SDE I'm skipping because I already have everyone. Kind of a weird feeling.
Thysia DOES give SoS zone. The only difficulty is how to fucking beat Archmage arena.
I skip all SDE because I am a petalfall enjoyer
The devs have heard of your power - Petalfall Village is where the final superboss is in 3.3
feels good knocking out 3 Tomes back to back with very little changes in party or strategy
still have a lot of the ultra shitty gimmick ones left to go but I remember Psychic Ego supposably being really fucking annoying and having a tight AF piano requirement but I basically just unga'd it, and its Shadow Ax was enough to bring Mazrika to 30.
I don't have Yakumo AS. Who could I substitute for him?
Against Psychic Ego, his role is to start the battle with Magic Zone, to re-deploy Magic Zone on turn 3 with his Stellar Burst, and to fulfill the Estrangement personality for Act bonus. Also his Zone Ability gives extra damage to Xianhua.
You could try Pom AS for the zone or Levia AS for the Personality bonus and try to make up damage by going Poison Enhance strats, but you would have to go into the fight actually prepared and knowing what exactly you are going to do each turn.
Against the Traveler's Curse, he additionally adds a defensive support role with his Shield and Kumos's Guard for 1 turn. Dream Weaver or Iphi are probably the most viable options, though if you use Iphi you'd want Cyrus where Yakumo is and to build him for maximum survivability.
And for Wyrmking, Kuchinawa gives the Arcadia act bonus for a lot of extra points but Iphi and Pom AS would also be viable.

But the Xianhua+Yakumo dual KMS core gives a lot of Stellar Gauge and their kits are very synergistic, so the fights will be a lot harder than what I ended up doing.
Where's the gearless pocket watch?
Defeat this thing
>app is fucking updating again for the 2nd time since the new patch
Genuinely considering quitting. Fuck this game
lmao some nigga beat it with just Chiru and Claude
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nice localization
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What do I spend red keys on now?
Get all the plot characters up to 16
Endless Theater World grind.
>free SA characters
Feinne/Helena/Galliard/Wryz up to 15 so they can at least start their Stellar boards.
If you particularly like one of them, or one of Tithi/Partitio/CyrAlbright, you can go for 80 to max out their board.
>other solid options
Nona is a strong support, especially for Aldo where she doesn't have to give up her own stats to boost him.
Clarte and Curio are the old reliables, Clarte is showing his age a bit but he's still a solid DPS with the ability to hit multiple elements and Curio is one of the best characters to park at 200 Light with the sheer number of Grastas that he can Slave. Plus he can deal solid damage in the right team as well.

Cyrus and Guildna are decent with their newest update, and it might not be a bad idea to just get everyone up to at least 15 in case WFS drops more SA.
Just FYI if you're going to use this strat, have some form of petrify immunity on both Chiru and Claude, otherwise you'll lose the Empathy stack if he stones you. Rainbow Bracelet on Claude and badge on Chiru seems best bet (that way she can use Dryad armor for the crit damage boost)
Warning that this also takes for-fucking-ever. Final phase absorbs all physical so to land the killing blow you need to use Chiru's ES AF attack to give it crystal weakness and use Sword in Heart on the next turn.
Last fight has is essentially inverse Sophie, he summons an increasingly large number of adds and if you kill them he gets a massive stat boost and gets to unblockably kill a member of the front line.
>mage battle
>ciel sweeps using bash unga
>aldo swings his sword like usual
I thought exposed didn’t override absorb or null?
If it didn't before, it does now.
>Last fight has is essentially inverse Sophie
Beating this guy gets you 50 stones but then there's another boss. Seems to have randomly shifting elemental weaknesses and immunities so time for Benedict.
Oh and this rock nigga gains 100% damage resistance if poisoned/pained.
>multiple life bars
>resist p/p or gain buffs if inflicted with them
Good way to change up the combat, I guess.
Actually the final one is probably the easiest of the bunch, provided you know the trick
Dewey AS can change his element every time the boss does, so just roll him and three supporters (I used Claude ES, Yipha AS and Alt Myunfa). The boss removes buffs at the end of each turn but that doesn't really matter as you can make sure your buffers go first and just let Dewey blast an HP bar down every turn or two.
All three other CC characters are better and need the extra skill slot more
>just roll Dewey AS off the gacha
>can't roll that 0.01% off-banner
skill issue
Any high damage non-elemental attacker could fill the same role but would take probably twice as many turns. Aldo/Benedict would probably work.
>1 laika missing
>2 medals missing
A bit disappointing that Feinne doesn't get those face markings like Ogre Aldo.
Tfw I'm also missing 1 laika and but can't access the place without doing this shitty magic battle.
There really needs to have been a stamp book or at least a hint NPC for these fuckers. I've looped the entire 3.3 world two or three times now and still can't find that last little bastard.
Besides the cash money is there a reason to beat the post-Levitator tourneys?
Guarantee it is the one on the deck of the ship. I just spent hours looking for that faggot.
How can I get to the Emperors Road?
heh, there is dialogue for totos and the new place for stellar characters posing on the photo stands
You need the tomes for both t2 telekinesis and t2 chest unlocking, then you can find it in the sword area hidden behind a telekinesis gate inside a locked chest
or rather i meant to say, the key to unlock it inside that chest
Anyone know how to get Subspace Ore yet and/or what the upgraded Void Weapons get as a bonus?
My missing one is actually behind the door on top left at Emperors Road 2nd map which can't be accessed until I clear this Magic Battle tier despite I already have all magic unlocked and level 10.
Which magic battle are you stuck on?
This one. Tried similar setup but my Yakumo doesn't deal enough damage. Maybe I need higher Light/Shadow and better gear/grastas.
What is his equipment set up? I used Yakumo on that fight and his shadow is 16 for me. I used Elpis Staff to guarantee crit then gave him Mag Crit Up effects (Dryad Armor and Wyrmkiller Badge). The gimmick is that you need to kill both bosses at once, so taking I had to take a few turns to weaken the Earth elemental one before I could AF it to death. I used Yakumo/Wenefica/Iphi/ES Toova, though, which let me overwrite their zone.
>I used Elpis Staff to guarantee crit then gave him Mag Crit Up effects (Dryad Armor and Wyrmkiller Badge)
Grasta was the standard pain/poison+bullseye, pain/poison+rose w/ thorns and pain/poison+adversity.
most likely it's behind the as of yet unreleased AD for this update
I started playing 3 weeks ago and I already beat SA Aldo and SA Wyrmking f2p, I'm just that good.
So annoying. They shouldn't have put them in the wandering smith's menu until they were actually obtainable.
Which of the starcharts that you can buy for gems is the best? I just got Suzette, should I shell out for her? Her SA seems pretty good
I wouldn't buy starcharts until you need them for a superboss/tome/etc.
Especially not with whispers going on; if you get Suzette in one of your next 15 whisper pulls you'll be kicking yourself for spending 400 Tsubaras for nothing since you don't get the starchart if you already have 3/SA'd the character.
I believe you can buy Suzette, Bertand, Tsukiha, Tiramisu and Melissa.

I'd say Melissa is probably the best, turning your Flash Zone setter into a turn 2 Awakened Elemental Zone for literally any team as long as you can field 2+ characters of that element.
Suzette would be my #2, battle start P/P is a nice convenience and her stellar skill is unga bunga barrier pierce dps that can set Awakened Wind Zone
Tiramisu #3, because EoT attacks can be useful for assholes with a million HP stoppers and extra lives, and a fixed 48million is pretty good
Bertrand is... okay. His SA makes him basically immune to damage turn 1 and gives him a ton of barriers and resists to keep him alive, and his stellar skill is a solid 6300% barrier pierce for damage but he's a tank and outside of his 1 stellar burst nuke he doesn't contribute too much that other tanks don't already do as well or even better.
Tsukiha's capable of a lot of damage, with 3120% single target from Scalding Serenade that chains automatically into 3150% to all enemies with Myriad Blaze, but her damage is neutered during AF and it needs her to first setup with her Stellar Burst before attacking. With optimal conditions, you t1AF to set up +50% Katana damage, +30% Critical damage, +100% Fire type attack, and -100% Fire Resist and then Stellar Burst to set up her outside of AF damage, and then for 3 turns she's a monster but with no barrier pierce and no real utility she's just unga, and I find other characters are better investments.
Suzette > Bertrand (if you don't have any other gacha tanks) > Melissa > Tsukiha > Tiramisu > Betrand (if you already have better gacha tanks).
awaken evil eye
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Wooow nice game wfs
I remember when the character tracker fucked out from the two Cyri.
just have both
I like the composition of the boss fight backgrounds this time around.
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>ten multis, and six paid multis
>krervo jumps up 50 light
>chirurururururu twice
>backup reward stones nearly empty
This fucking rock girl has damaged me beyond all reason. Ciel and Mazrika already took more than ten rolls apiece.
>captcha: HURTSS
I’m in a similar boat. I’ve spent 8K between Mazrika and Funny girl, all I got out of it was Sazanca.
Cute and Funny in the same roll.
Bria is pretty cute
Erina is cute. Nonold is funny.
Post your Erina light NOW, or forever hold your peace.
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Damn, very nice.
This guy knows something we don't
Any tricks for Bladelord on Master Mode? He's just destroying all of my usual teams.
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Found the cunt in petafall village
What the fuck is Ogre Rancorem planning to do with Feinne's body?
Probably Cyrus
SA Erina soon.
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Wow, Thillelille and Moke (with a little help from Alma and Mariel) stomped the fuck out of that last. She's so goddamn strong.
Is there a dev that has an Amy hateboner? Just went through a chapter of "Here's your way cooler than you childhood friends, they ditched you to hang wit heach other only, they're super rock stars, are in a transhumanist elite club, have psychokinetic powers, they can summon a joint esper, they can goddamn fly, and they probably fuck every night while reminiscing about how lame you are forever stuck at the back end of the party conga line"
I don't think I've seen a character get more disrespected than that.
Meanwhile Amy is BFFs with the guy who's out saving the planet on a monthly basis. I think she wins. Plus, Mildy and Clughorn show up like once, maybe twice more and that's it.
Aldo carries Amy's entire social circle without him it would be as over as it could possibly ever be over.
Try being May
>Mildy and Clughorn show up like once, maybe twice more and that's it.
They get a repeatable musical number that plays every time you get the bonus stage in part 2.3's AD.
If so then based dev, Amy is annoying used goods who had crushes on multiple people and she has an ugly design
She better stay away from Aldo
Nona is the closest Aldo will ever get to a canon romance.
>+4 light on Renri
thanks whispers appreciate it
I got AS Ruina out of this batch thus far, never bothered to upgrade her because she's trash design wise, so the free 150 stones for manifest was nice.
cool cat
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i've mostly taken a break from this game since the release of stellar awakenings, but i have been logging in to watch commercials and collect my free gibs and thats it. i have managed to get a few of the new SA characters, though.

i have no idea what kind of team i should be using. i have a lot of grastas but ive mostly ignored it and have been using 255 shadow eva to hulk smash everything and then gave up when the game wanted me to do anything else.

any suggestions would be appreciated.
Radia AS
ultimate unga bunga slop team for maximum sloppy play
Meant to say Yiphi AS also

Truly the unga team. I even slopped through blade master (master) with it.
based slop enjoyer. ill look into it.
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i cant even figure out what the ideal rotations are or what half these moves do. this game has really outgrown itself in regards to mechanics.
Her buff makes her a fun combo team enjoyer character
I do enjoy combo%. Thunder combo% is even more busted today with Velette and Oboro then it was back when we used to spam Ryuji and Melina ES.
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I like that they updated her story
i do appreciate the level of autism behind updating individual quests and character stories whenever a major patch introduces new characters/folds into the world
Not only that but things change based on which events or where you are in the game. Hardy can get a new personality trait for example.
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This was at the end of her AS quest
What was his name? Spear?
faggot boss with his time null shit actually made me bring out chad axeman on backup
prai or unironically bria
I want illusialand ad already

Inb4 can't be used to raise L/S because no new character
So is it worth to spend some of the weekly gems to get more red tickets or should I just save? What's the most cost efficient buy there?
Depends. You can spend your tsubura gems to buy starcharts to get SA's for older characters like Suzette, Isuka, Tiramisu, etc. If you have those characters, I think that's the best use for them. If you don't have any of them, then you should buy the red/green keys and save the rest.
Personally I always buy all 10 Red Keys and all 10 Green Keys every single week.
You get 120 tsubara every week so you've got a net profit of 20, and those ADs give you Light/Shadow as well as Chant Scripts, Treatise, Codex, Opus, and each completion has a chance at giving you a white key for a chance at light/shadow items from the cat bonus room and your choice of T/C/O from the Sensationalist.
If you're a newer player that doesn't yet have access to Garulea dungeons then Green Keys are easy skips, but Red Keys still have value in letting you get Aldo's Light up.
Pre-SA the Treatise and Codex were good deals, but currently I'd strongly recommend avoiding everything except for Red Keys, Green Keys (once you have access to Garulea for Azami light farming), and potential Starchart purchases.
They should make it give any free character L/S so you can use your greens on it and your reds on TTW
The flame death eater is pissin me of
Not only is he seemingly harder to run into but that turn 0 nuke is killing people who have mote than 5000 hp
And he is making me spell shit incorrectly
>wiki not updated with new reforged weapons
lazy retards
Will Minalca AS release on 20th?
Or is there no pattern or fixed schedule for this?
No pattern yet but the 20th is a good guess
So the game is basically man tries to do science, man's own cat paws it all off the table while looking smug.
No, that would be more reasonable
Literally couldn’t be further from the truth. How about you try actually playing the game before making a reddit quip next time?
Humanity is facing a crisis which will kill everyone
Man tries to do science to fix it while ignoring all moral and ethical ramifications, because he doesn't want everyone to die because he was "following the guidelines"
Man messes up and puts entire family in jeopardy
Infant daughter unconciously saves the cat and turns it into a replica of her brother, which then grows up to be the saviour the world needed
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Holy shit 2nd one this week
Haven't seen a game do that thing where the character recognizes Aldo when he meets them in the story if you rolled them before.
I wonder if I can get 35 more light for Kam before the new AD drops
There's usually been about a month between when the new story volume drops and when the new dungeon drops. I think it's unlikely you could get 35 light in that time.
Then the housecat goes on to royally fuck up his owner's plans, and is now primed to do the exact same to a different timeline verion of the same owner, which makes it incredibly funny to me.
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Does anyone know how many of these there are? I've found only 3 or 4.
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10 multis into this banner and I'm about to commit a war crime
Tfw I can't even reach Baruoki in at least the 3-4 months.
I must've rolled near 20 times now and not even a single 4* Jilfunny. This banner's fucking cursed.
my dumb ass doesn't even have the key magic yet so I'm still wandering around
Pretty sure there are four. Two in the sky and two in the sea - Salvage Reef and whatever the burning place is. Gazark?
It's savage reef and rulezzo plus the other two in the sky.
>roll for scythe
>get straight dunarith
I guess time to figure out how to work him into my water team
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It's finally over...
Put him in front line w/ three water bitches and tank or just bail and swap for someone who can DPS
I'm gonna try him with the mechanic bypass wym to see how it goes
Not sure how useful the weapons are but they're pretty cool looking
They're the best for the Tome Challenge fights or any other fight that lasts ~5 turns. Also fantastic on Water/Wind teams where you can just keep popping Another Zone constantly.
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Which is better on iphi?
Top one. It can take time to build her buff stack up to 100%, so the +10% to buffs would be handy.
Do multiple sources of Buff Proficiency Up stack?
I don't see why not as long as the total buffing doesn't exceed 100%

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