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We're still breathing.
What's she doing and why is she so happy?
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It's just a boob monkey being happy about pushing buttons with flashy lights.
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For me it's ASS
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where are the boobs?
I'm happy we're getting stuff again. If there's anything I don't want Valofe to fuck up, it's this.
10-4 is such a dumb fucking gimmick
Number is familiar enough I suppose I struggled there too. What is going on in this node? Maybe I can offer some help but I already closed LO and would takea while to reopen it again.
I don't need help exactly, I'm just rolling my eyes at it. It's the Vargr boss that can (conditionally) instakill your entire party
It's dead. No one wants to continue playing a zombie gacha.
We already got signs of life though
Characters are not only farmable, but you also can't (that means "can not") pay for them even if you wanted to
And robots aren't even random
>copium: the post
The signs of life bit is true and the bit about it not being gacha is true, where's the cope?
>ignoring Valofe's track record
Last Origin isn't an MMO, so I'd rather reserve any doom speculations for two months from now instead of entertaining someone who can't type more than four words at a time
It's okay to admit the frog is right.
I don't even know what the frog says anymore, for the same reason I ignore any other e-celeb
>last origin coomer
You've found the joke
>the nigger who says "cope" is the one coping
Typical of someone who refuses to be wrong.
I hope there are other bioroids planned out before it got sold off. Would suck if new characters stopped appearing.
Don't think we'd even see a skin announcement at this timing if they didn't have any other plans, but they're still just plans.
>other bioroids planned out before it got sold off
Nope, just skins
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damn we got schizo in this thread
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Post bioroids until it goes away
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Still no news?
Gib gamma before nuking the game please.
It's over...
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Is she being escorted to the usual place?
Repeating my desire for swaytwig skin viewer to update old skins with touch animations like they do with new ones.
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Sex with Fenrir.
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Anon, don't do it. Taking advantage of horny wolf girls that love you is wrong!!
It's not taking advantage if I love her back!
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No matter what the situation is, it's still taking advantage of others for your own benefit. You might get double-demoted in the span of a single conversation?!
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Our first maintenance in a long time... we live again......
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Holy crap alive game. Hope they fix Blind Princess' sidestory. I have been putting off buying the skin until then.
hey bros
I play jp but recently, they're requiring vpn for each step of the game which means super slow everything. Just wondering if I just play the dailies and fap to the robots, is it worth moving to KR or do you think its time to move on to other hentai games?
The VPN is only needed to open the game. As soon as you get to the Orca lobby and see your wife’s tits you can close it and run the game on your nomral IP
I played last night, it should let you in without a VPN after you collect log in goodies and get greeted by your wives.
On the bright side, you guys outlived Destiny Child and all my work for tiddies is gone forever.
>he played destiny child
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do there exist scans of the artbooks?
Last Origin bros, should I continue to keep hope that one day this will have a global release or should I stop being retarded and learn how to get an english patch?
The latter, to be honest. Right now, and also for a while at this point, LO has enough problems without shelling money, time, and effort for an official international launch.
Soon summer skins and global release
Andvari microbikini
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Any tips here? I can clear the conditions separately narrowly but I don't know how to do all at once.
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I need Saraqael’s so bad
Which version should I play if I'm American and EOP?
Korean APK with patch if you don't want to fuck with VPNs or wait for JP to catch up
I play JP client via DMM and patching it to english
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The hint is in the stage name and objectives.
Now check what Triaina's and Doctor's moves do. Bring them both along.
Add a unit of your choice with a fire DoT in there and get to solving the puzzles.
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>Child labor is bad! We will end child labor!
>...by making Child 2.0 to replace children who are doing child labor (also they're taking your jobs because humans cost too much, get fucked lmao)
I love this setting
global....soon...im sure...
Never ever!
Thanks. Leveling them up now
Wait what the fuck? Where is this from?
Now that this game is ending it's time I jump ship. Anyone here play Aeons Echo? I can use your referral code. Is it worth playing?
>Wait what the fuck? Where is this from?
That is Dutch Girl's side story. Check out the archives
Thanks will do. I am going through the sidestories during this rerun one by one.
Any updates?
Still just the one skin and the one character, both coming at an unknown time
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oh my
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Do the ninjas have some supplementar material or something? Feels a lot was put into designing them but they barely participated in the story
I can't point to which ones because I'm not an encyclopedia, but they appear in events and some character stories
No, I mean, yes I know they appeared. I think they first appear in Country of Muddy Memories and then reapper (actualy appear) in Invitation to Paradise.
It just feels weird cause they seem to have gotten a big background and purposeful flaws yet that didn't get explored directly. Unlike say, the Kohei Sisterhood that gets a ton of foreshadowing to culminate in Lightless Sanctuary
Unless JP is missing any other stuff that I'm not aware of (I stay on KR), you've probably seen everything there is to see, which is a tragic but somewhat common case
Well at least it wasn't an outright "no"
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Tell them to find snowball and lock him in the cum dungeon
Stop inhaling copium.
>rape seed
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Did you think you were in control just because you are the last human?
Nah man this is the pipeline stuff they had in the works, its gonna dry out

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