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This new update sucks ass
fuck my stupid club of dutches and poles. im NOT getting that Buzz skin.
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It's not a very good skin anyway.
>raise rank
>get more icons
tale as old as time
That's my last ranked drop of the season...
Can you actually unlock brawlers through starr drops? I never got one.
yeah but the chance for a legendary from the legendary drop is like 2.17%
an epic brawler is just fine for me
The Buzz skin would be better if once hypercharged You stayed as godzilla, Buzz's base model is ugly af

Team MechagodNita ftw
What if they made a brawler you could fuck
your Colette?
Oh, I think I got Mandy from one. Do you know where she is on the Starr Road?
Cant believe I have 100% wr on Frank in ranked. I picked him once to troll but Im actually winning.
Well think I’m finally done with the game, not really fun anymore hope you guys stay well and the game gets better
I cry
I hate getting paired with level 9 shitters like you. It should be level 11 only.
Mandy's ass candy...
You know I prefer the term level 9 GOD
ITT all retarded noobs
the level is the least of my problems in ranked
>check the store
>game crashes
I really needed to read this post, thank you.
It's an automatic disadvantage when you get paired with players that don't have maxed out players, and then go against a team that's all 11. Then you can't even exit out of the match knowing it's an inevitable loss because you deal with the retarded bans.
my level 10 Melodie works just fine. If your brawler doesn have a hypercharge and doesnt need few shots to kill (Piper, Bea,...) then its a non issue
Level 9s tend to not have their gadgets, which is a bigger issue than not having hypercharge
yeah but level 10 is completely fine in a lot of brawlers. Even level 9 on some supports
Nobody was complaining about 10s, and more times than not, the team with all 11s is going to beat the rag tag team that has 9s and 10s
>It's an automatic disadvantage when you get paired with players that don't have maxed out players
What's false about that statement?
>Nobody was complaining about 10s.
That statement includes 10s THOUGH
everything, being under level 11 doesn't equal a loss. not dodging enemy attacks and not landing your shots does. oh and hiding in the bushes when you should be pushing and up and attacking causes the most losses from my experience.
t. legend 1 in ranked and two R35 brawlers
It's an automatic disadvantage. Learn to read.
since this post I unlocked 2 brawlers with my 2 legendary starr drops. Grom and Edgar will get me some trophies to enter in better clubs
Hey the plant girl Lilith is pretty fun, i love playing classic metal gear tactics with her
Anyone else play the modded null stars too?
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major ass, hopefully cyberbrawl is better
No good drops in this megapig. Why even bother with them
I'm sorry what, there's barely any shape
Surge really does suck major donkey balls huh
Sounds like a skill issue
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here's a better angle
I could just
The IQ of randoms has dropped in the last year a lot.
No matter if I play at 800 trophies or 200 they are the same level of braindead.
It's almost unplayable, 8/10 games randoms either do nothing but go straight and die over and over again or hide half the game to make a play and then die.
It's weird because I look at their profiles and they have brawlers at 1000 trophies but literally will carry gems as Edgar ,jump and die on the other side of the map. I can only assume they just play showdown all day. If you have no friends to play with this game isn't really worth your time. I guess it varies a bit according to your region but still
Man i hope the seasons after cyberbrawl we get skins for brawlers like gale and otis (wouldn't mind if they are just rare skins)
I mean it's alright
Wouldn't have gotten legendary in ranked without my nigga Stu. He's underrated and versatile especially with silly modifiers
Hyper charge when
Stu is really hard to use
>Purchase brawl pass for the first time in a while
>"Unlock any brawler (up to Epic rarity)"
>My options were: Grom, Gale, Ash, Lola, Sam, Mandy, Maisie, Hank, Pearl, L&L and Angelo
>Gut reaction says the twin fags, they were broken like 2 months ago
>Look up recent tierlists
>Angelo is apparently S tier now
So I got him. Give it to me straight brawlbros, did I get scammed?
He's been S-tier ever since he got released. But it doesn't matter what tier he is if you can't aim.
God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. He also promised to heal your body. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead. He'll give you eternal life.
I thought so too until I realized tapping the super sends him whichever direction you're walking, not towards the bad guys
Fagelo is gonna get nerfed to shit next patch
tiers have always been for queers
you fucked up royally, out of all of those options pearl is by far the best brawler you could have gotten followed by gale or lola. the rest either straight up suck a lot of cock or require you to be a world champion just to be able to use em properly like fagelo.
why would he get a nerf when hes ass? plus 99% of fagelo users are using the jump gadget. Garbage players + garbage gadget = hes probably gonna get some buffs. god help us if they some how find a way to buff his wall shot gadget
Wait what? I didn’t know this either. No wonder I suck with Stu

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