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2 and 2-2 over nyaa

TH2 upcoming
>coomer garbage
into the trash can.
>being so low T that seeing an attractive woman makes you rage
What a pathetic creature you are.
is Labyrinth of Galleria the same shit? I recently got into anime from Might & Magic, and I want a bobber with booba
Is there anything I should grind for in Bogomil Tower? I just got there in DT2
That's not a woman though.
That's a woman-shaped cartoon.
>2 and 2-2 over nyaa
What does this mean?
I'm not a huge fan of the two NIS Labyrinth games, but they're probably the best modern DRPGs outside of Atlus and Aquaplus games. They're definitely better than Experience and Compile Heart slop.
I think Undernauts is leaps and bounds better than the Labyrinth games. Took them a number of tries to get it right, but that was a pretty strong title.
No Dungeon Travelers has far better combat and dungeons than Galleria or Refrain.
If you want. There are good items in Bogomil but the drop rates are usually bad and while they help you don't need them. You can just buy a filsword from a wandering merchant in the annex near the end. If you see an unidentified item for sale and it costs 10x more than everything else, it's probably good.
Etrian Odyssey and Labyrinth of Touhou are both also much better than NIS DRPGs.
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Start with the Fortune Sword at Bogomil F6 dropped by a Metakindra Female. The chances are decent but the enemy is a bit rare so it may take some time. The weapon is a great upgrade for your MP.
>What a pathetic creature you are.
but he's not a coomer
>this is not coom trust me
coom is banned in my country
that makes this coom

nothing of value was lost I guess

I liked the roleplaying aspect of DT 2 but it probably gets on your nerves if overdone
and the pink haired girl who heavily leaned into this had a garbage class kit

You're completely delusional. Both Labyrinths are mediocre at best in terms of gameplay. Everyone just enjoys the absurdly morbid/weird stories.
Etrian Odyssey is Atlus but I did forget about Labyrinth of Touhou. Also Potato Flowers.

>You're completely delusional. Both Labyrinths are mediocre at best in terms of gameplay

I agree, that's why I said they're only better than the worst in the genre.
>labyrinth of touhou
not a DRPG
>potato flowers
not a DRPG
Is this true? Is Undernauts any good? I've only played EO1 & 2
Should I use every character?
I just got Yae and that other girl, but her Kunoichi job seems kinda shit.
I know I can level reset, but is it worth it to use every single character?
Did they ever release the first one on Steam?
>I know I can level reset, but is it worth it to use every single character?
At least you need to in DT2 during post game due to class doors. You don't need to use all the characters during the main story except for Eltricia when you need her specifically on a door.
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grind female mandra for the sword on floor 6 if you are having trouble. Otherwise, straight to the top baby. Stop at floor 26 get the good shit off the vendor including the even better Magical Princess sword. From there you need to decide your endgame goals, annex clear 9x is vital for crowning, otherwise tidy up your equipment including the easier to obtain uniques and start working on endgame bosses up to god clears.
Seems like 1 week from release according to Shiravune.
it can save door headache in 2 postgame if you do, but don't get burned out trying to grind them all. Some of the postgame classes are strong enough to carry the occasional deadweight or two to circumvent the door issue.
I'm using El anyway, so no problems there.
I think I'll just drop Yae, Monica and Tsurara.
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>and the pink haired girl who heavily leaned into this had a garbage class kit
You quit too soon. Spielers are late bloomers, one of their advanced classes is the best single target glass cannon in the game, the other is the best aoe grind class in the game. Soul Summoner is the only "dud" and that class is just OK, mid at best but not as bad as the game's worst.
and yes, i'm trans. fuck you.
Yae has a double turn ability that's quite sick
You might come back on using Yae because of her unique skill. Having a double action as a passive can be great compared to other uniques. She can be great as a defensive Valkyrie since she can apply her buffs fast, especially during superboss battles.
Although the postgame has doors that can only be opened by having a certain class in your party you don't need to train everyone. You can pretty much play the game with one team without slowing down to train. You'll have a magical princess, etoile, and valkyrie in your endgame party (the valkyrie possibly reclassed from a dark lord at 90). If you also trained a papillon, treasure hunter and sage to level 90 you can reclass these three to unlock doors later on. And train up a second maid (mistress) for the final boss once your etoile reaches lvl99.
Any other class doors you meet along the way can be opened with a level 30/50 filler unit.
Some characters are better than others due to personal skills but you don't need to minmax to that extent. Pick the cutest girls instead.
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I remember reading somewhere once about max turn speed (in DT2 anyway). Does anyone know where that info is? Is it buried in the JP wiki somewhere? I want to figure out if I am overcapping with crown + agi/speed x5 at certain weapon speeds and where I can drop agi or speed. Just figuring out some minmax stuff for fun thanks.
is this censored?
I'll use Yae then.
I haven't played in a few days because I got burnt out levelling everyone.
I'll just use my favorites for the story, then use the others for postgame.
>You quit too soon
I played the demo
I think it ends right after you confront the maid

>Spielers are late bloomers
that's also what the game said if I recall
that's great and all but that doesn't fix her initial class kit being terrible
>literally the strongest class in the game
>garbage kit
Lol based retard
I can't remember the name, but I gave Lilian the job with the instant death move.
She has pretend, but is there anything else I should give her?
She also has the VA that does Tiara from Fairy Fencer.
The instant death move sucks. Max out Pretend and High Risk, High Return. If you're playing 2, you'll later want to reset and take all points off High Risk, High Return because you can get an infinite use item that grants Berserk on use, and Berserk is a mathematically better version of High Risk, High Return so there's no reason to use that one anymore.
>I can't remember the name, but I gave Lilian the job with the instant death move.
Checkmate is good for early game where TP is quite scare, best to put 1 level on it.
>She has pretend, but is there anything else I should give her?
Max out pretend and High Risk, High Return. Its also fine to just save your SP for better skills later once you make her a Papillon so you can put 5 levels of Rose Queen right away.
I just reset her because I'm retarded and picked Joker.
I also reset Conette and 1st because I wasn't happy with them.
Joker is good too thoughever
>I just reset her because I'm retarded and picked Joker.
Jokers are best to use at post game. They get better the more DEF you have due to their Trump Card skill. Better use a Papillon instead. Rose Queen is god send against mob enemies.
>I also reset Conette and 1st because I wasn't happy with them.
Ist generally gets better with any class aside from Mistress, which is just a bad class to use due to her unique skill. You will need a Mistress at post game later though. Conette is ideal as a Mistress due to her unique skill but thats for post game too. Just pick either Diva or Etoile for them, as long as the two doesn't have the same advance class.
I reset because I put a load of points into checkmate and was getting my shit kicked in at the sewers.
Yeah Conette is Etoile and 1st is Diva.
joker is below average until you get the slaughtering daeva, at which point it jumps to one of the best classes
nothing wrong with double ET
Unique skills don't matter. Use whoever you want and you'll be fine.
what are you retarded?
Ignore him, he's one of the resident schizos of the DRPG threads
>nothing wrong with double ET
Doubling up on a class will make the postgame a pain in 2 where you want one of each advanced class.
You could use one of the DLC characters as an extra, or level reset someone you don't use. Either way I wouldn't recommend double ET anyways, you don't get much from it. DI and ET would be better if you still want to use two maids.
MP really gets the short end of the stick on endgame weapons in 2-2. Etlyn and filsword are the best options right?
Yes. I don't think MP gets the short end of the stick. She's just better balanced, a quite decent damage dealer able to do both AoE and single target damage, while also providing some useful support to the party. MP in 2 was absolutely unacceptable.

Of course 2 and 2-2 have the problem of Joker existing so in endgame every damage dealer that's not Joker is just not worth using.
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Its not as crazy as in DT2 but its pretty serviceable. For min maxing, I go with Melvy because of her new unique skill that can give her more class modifier than the others.
Wouldn't it be better to use Filsword instead for more ATK? Would also go better with Melvy's unique.
Personally, the 100 ATK difference in exchange of 100 DEF is not really worth it. They also have almost similar enchantments too so its just a matter of how much do you like putting more ATK to your MP. I'd just go for Etlym because of more enchantments with a Shield and a bit of INT might help in increasing her chant speed. For some reason, using enchant elements takes some time to cast compared to DT2.
What's better for gear defensive minmaxing after you do AGI up x every piece and then speed up x 5? Received damage down spam or go for 100% physical resist? This is assuming crown + princess book is the end goal. Also barring a few exceptions like chant time for casters and DEF up for the joker because don't have to tank what does before it fights back.
100% physical resistance means 50% effectiveness. Received damage down also caps at 50%, however received damage down also impacts magic damage so that might be better.

Here's the damage formulae from the wiki:

Physical damage = (attacker's ATK × skill correction × attack power up correction - defender's DEF × 1.35 × defense power up correction) × (1 - defender's resistance/200) × damage correction

Magic damage = ((magic base value + 2 × attacker's INT) x magic attack power up correction - 1.5 x defender's RES x magic defense power up correction) x (1 - defender's resistance/200) x damage correction

Maybe it changes slightly depending on the game but it should give a general idea.
Interesting, thanks for the numbers. I really need to look at the calculations more.

Somewhat related but does a user of the ring that drops after Eternal Darkness god even need to build slash/thrust/shot resist? Do monsters even have a means of dealing that type of damage to that character anymore? It does say immune - unless they can get around it somehow.
No, those damage types are completely nullified so you don't need any resistances for them. Fire, water, etc. can still hit and that gets mitigated by its own resistances, and non-elemental can hit but that cannot be mitigated by resistances since it doesn't have any element (received damage down should still mitigate it).
I go for elemental resists since those both reduce damage from a ton of attacks and prevent ailments.
If he has crown + Mandra Princess he already has 100 elemental resistance
2 more days...
>I don't think MP gets the short end of the stick.
Their best weapon type is swords and they can't use any of the best swords. Even being able to use the sinner's sword would help a lot. Every other physical damage class seems to get something cool.

On every character? What an unbearable grind.
>On every character? What an unbearable grind
I'm in late stage 2, just having a little fun making every character a walking god before moving to 2-2
Read the rest of the post anon-kun
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>I'm in late stage 2, just having a little fun making every character a walking god before moving to 2-2
Based. Going to Bogomil Annex and carrying a newly crowned unit with a maxed out Joker makes grinding for levels easier.
Unfortunately, you can't do that anymore in DT2-2 since the enemies in VIP area are much tougher.
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Nice! I have exactly two crowns, Lize and Lilian. I'll be working on the rest of the team next and then once I do a victory lap of the gods I'll probably take a break and then start 2-2. I'll probably run 2-2 with some of the classes that are considered weak in 2 like kunoichi for some fun.
Kunoichi is even worse in 2-2. If anything I'd start 1, which is coming out in less than 24 hours now, where Kunoichi, Samurai, Sage, etc. are actually good.
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I'm already done with DT2. Have them all crowned and such.
I actually stopped in completing 2-2 again. Guess I don't want it to end or something. Its just finishing Aradia then the true final boss and the remaining side quest so I could end it all. The sub events rate is also around 98%, just 2 of them remaining. Crowned them all as well, which took a whole month of nonstop grinding.
Sage is still good
Sage is good as a Priestess with Dispel instead of Circle Nurse, not as a Sage. When I say "Sage is actually good" I mean Freeze, Silence, Paralysis, Accelerator, Circle Protection, Blow Protection, Sleep, Amplification, etc. are good.
I would run Kunoichi more for the challenge in 2-2, probably alongside other low regard classes like SS. Just for a change of pace from Papillion rushing at 30 and then cleaning everything's clocks.
Will the guy from /v/ will take a shot in cracking it? I remember DT2 and 2-2 getting cracked around that day it was released.
Since it's going to use Steam I doubt it's going to have any serious protection. Probably works with just Goldberg.
Game coming out in less than 10 minutes. Who wants to bet about the level of censorship?
What should I know about this game going into it if I dont know jack about DRPGs?
Was there anything in DT1 really at risk of being censored?
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Go dive into it. DT2 is pretty friendly to newcomers. Take it from someone who got lost playing EO1 at the start and dropped it.
Nothing, it's super beginner friendly. Jump in and enjoy. If you make mistakes, the game is very generous in letting you fix those mistakes.

I have checked the game files. The game is not censored.
How's DT1 compared to 2/2-2? Any permanent file scars I should avoid like missables? 2 had the bestiary issue where full inventory + boss drops didn't update the bestiary.
It kinda sucks being a blobber fan but having to tolerate animu shit just to get my fix.
I think it's better. The bestiary issue is probably still a thing.
I'll start playing 1 this weekend and will share how it goes here. I doubt 1 will get any traction on other boards like /v/ even with the steam release (other than a few censorship topics)
Are the ones on nyaa any fun? I've never played these types of games.
They are strong entries in the genre, if you end up not liking them chances are you don't like dungeon crawlers or the art isn't your cup of tea and it is a turn off. Personally wasted several hundred hours on 2 alone, going to play the steam release soon and then 2-2.
Is this any good? I got burned by the labyrinth games. They kept getting recommended here, but they are too shallow for my taste. Especially compared to other NIS games.
they are some of the best dungeon crawlers, but be warned that this genre is more about a low intensity comfiness you play when you're half asleep as opposed to high octane fun that requires intense focus
>several hundred hours on 2
obviously you can replay it or grind as much as you want, but ~100 hours is a more typical playtime estimate
>low intensity comfiness you play
I play slow rts like sins of a solar empire while half asleep. I like zooming in and watching spaceships fight. Maybe it's similar? Is the minimap in this game series (if it has one) any good?
Yes it's good. I don't like Refrain or Galleria's gameplay either.
It's very different from RTS of course. You explore a 3D dungeon in first person, with turn based RPG combat. It does have a minimap and it marks nearly everything you'd want to know.
Getting lost in a dungeon and trying to retrace your steps and find the golden path for the 5th time kind of comfiness really.
Yeah sorry hundreds is based on 3 playthroughs of 2. You'll be killing the post game bosses before 100 depending on how bestiary 'tism etc.
The genre is plagued by bad and middling games. The 3 dungeon traveler games are neither. They are some of the genre's best. If you don't like them, good chance you just don't like dungeon crawlers.
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Thanks for the dolphin porn
So, hows the steam port?
What I've played so far has been flawless.
I saw this one coming in the localization, but I don't know man, Charlotte speak...
Jesus, the face/head shape of the one on the right, that's not moe or SOVL.
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The neck is the worst. And the face looks pasted on. Makes me think she'd do picrel. That artist is generally just bad, also did WA2.
Is there a best version of To Heart 2 to play? I need to prepare before playing the steam release.
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This game gives you the 3rd character really quickly compared to the later games.
Also the beard and penguin duo appeared, didn't know they were in this game, nice
does the Steam release require patches like the other two games that had fucked up volume levels for some tracks and such?
Xrated, has h-scenes.
You get 2 characters per floor up to floor 10.
No, I've played slightly over 10 hours so far and everything has been perfect.
this board has hyped this game for years on end. the first two hours haven't offered much of a good impression desu. when do things pick up? also, is the initial poison spell just completely useless. I immediately specced my first few points into it, hoping it would provide decent dps, but it seems shite so far.
>when do things pick up?
At level 15 you get intermediate classes. They're a bit more interesting and give a taste of what's to come. You get to specialize your classes a bit more. At level 30 you get advanced classes and that's when the variety in party composition and strategy and synergy really starts to show up. The dungeons themselves also get better over time. It's a game that starts slowly and lets you get accustomed to its systems before ramping up the complexity.
>is the initial poison spell just completely useless
Yes, poison is mostly useless. You can actually use poison to lower a monster's HP a bit more precisely before sealing them, but that's such a minor thing it's not really worth it. This is not true for other status ailments, freeze in particular is extremely powerful and if you have an Enchantress who can use Freeze (and after leveling it a bit so it gets faster to cast) you'll have a significantly easier time against trash mobs.
If you spend skill points on skills you end up not liking, don't worry too much about it, you can level reset back to levels 1, 15, 30, and 50, and when you do you get all your skill points back.

All of this info is assuming you're playing the first game since that's what just came out.
Not that anon but do I play the nyaa or steam games first?
The dungeons start very simplistic in design to ease newbs in, it gets complex later. Also it's worth noting 1 has a bit of a different pace than 2 or 2-2 that may or may not be to your liking, but they all have that difficulty curve.
What kind of pace is it compared to 2 or 2-2?
It doesn't really matter, they're both good starting points. Pick the one that looks more interesting. I prefer 1 but a lot of people seem to prefer 2.
Not that anon, the pace feels very similar to me.
TH2;DT1 is one big dungeon with the pacing of 2 girls per floor. 2 and 2-2 are many different dungeons of varying sizes usually with large story bits between each, girls join intermittently as plot allows.
Wow, the monsters get a lot more lethal quickly in the first game. The Swordmen on 2F can wipe you quickly in a bad encounter.
To be fair 1 also has many different dungeons of varying sizes. It even has its own Bogomil.
Obviously not this early, but if possible, you want to have an Enchantress who can use Freeze. Freeze is one of the strongest skills in the game and will save you from countless wipes. Trash mobs have very strong skills and Freeze is very often the difference between life and death. Furthermore a lot of bosses can be frozen or silenced, which makes them 50 times easier. The first big roadblock, the boss of floor 7, is significantly easier with Freeze.
I had a slightly rougher start since unlike the sequels you can't start with DLC advantages, but I think the game is fairly tame until B6F, then there's a slight lull (with occasional deadly encounters luke pic) before it starts destroying you on B11F
there are way less traps and spiteful teleports compared to the sequels, but overall encounters are thougher so you have to proceed more cautiously
>Werewolf AoE paralysis
>Kaminari-sama massive AoE damage
>Shadow TP drains you
>Leopard massive AoE accuracy down
>forgot what Rusalka did but it can't be good
party wide mute, when you have some mute or wind resistance on cleric it's not so bad
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big pack fights in this game are BRUTAL compared to 2.
>aoe silence shuts down both MU
>proceeds to pick off characters one by one
Are there regular monsters or is everything anime girls?
It's all girls, anon (and the occasional fruit, lol)
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in the early parts these groups are a huge threat. However, since they stand in 1 line in this game, they fall quickly to the one-two punch of DL and SA
The REAL threat of this game is...
That guy is a bitch in all 3 titles
Always a threat
Getting him after a one way door is nightmare fuel
yea, I'm playing the one just released on Steam -- hopefully the other games will be put on their eventually, if they're as better as people state. any advice on how to accumulate cash? the pokeballs seem pretty pricey so far, and I'm hoping there's a solution beyond just grinding enemies.
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sealbooks that have been turned into tomes sell better than raw books from the shop. I generally played frugal and stashed most unknown items until I unlocked a class with identify. After that point I always had an abundance of funds
I don't think the others are better but it's a matter of preference
All 3 are cut from a pretty similar mold, if you don't like one then there isn't going to be a sudden epiphany that one of the other ones will be a good experience really.
>Friday Night Rider
Its always gonna be a threat especially in early levels. Dealing 777 fixed damage will kill your squishier units instantly. Its upgraded version has a higher fixed damage skill and its final version is a boss or almost early superboss tier in case of DT2-2.
Killing an enemy 9 times > pokemon. But otherwise I am having a lot of fun in 1.
>this board has hyped this game for years on end
It's one person.
Don't worry about bad point investments in skills, get your testing in now find what is good and what is bad, you get infinite no-strings-attached respec at 15, 30, 50 with the caveat that you have to reset to those levels, so consider it a chance to clean cut from whatever underperforming shit is in your current build (and you will want to start putting those points toward intermediate and advanced classes anyway). This game series is way more forgiving with bad skill investments than most dungeon crawlers.
try out the wall of fighters, it's a lot of fun in this game
this isn't EO1
>this board has hyped this game for years on end
yes, DT2. you're playing DT1 which no one ever played or gave a shit about because it's TH2 related and no one into DRPGs reads VNs
Completely disagree. Killing a rare enemy 45 times to make a set of 5 sealbooks is a huge pain.
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at the start of the game, yes. Getting 64 HP monsters below 15% health can be a hassle.
But later you'll catch a kraken or a mimic in one go, feel much happiness, and you'll wonder what possessed devs to make you hunt down 9 krakens/mimics for a damn seal book in the sequels.
>no one into DRPGs reads VNs
Except for me
Wait, you capture monsters in this game?
Not really. It's the sealbook mechanic also in the later games except you have to wear them in the accessory slot here and means of acquisition is completely different (you have to weaken them and use an item to "seal" them into the accessory and also unlock their bestiary data).
I am always tempted to drop scouts in early game because fighter outperforms them there in raw strength and defense so badly. Maybe I will try a funny party in a future playthrough.
You get a Kunoichi in floor 4. She's going to make fights way easier because you wouldn't normally have an advanced class at that point in the game. Phoenix is an incredible AoE at a point in the game when you have no AoE. Kunoichi in general is a very strong class in this game, I used one even for the final boss.
I'll definitely play kunoichi here because 2 and 2-2 ruin them.
I think she's fairly well balanced in this version. I would probably revert the Shadow Sew nerf and let it function at all levels, if it were up to me. The problem is that she was way too broken in 1 PSP, but they went too far in the other direction with 2 and 2-2.
I have the kunoichi now, phoenix seems a bit on the weak side though, maybe I am not geared properly? I just got a modest set of darts though and it seems to be projectile req. Phoenix does ~100 enemy wide for half her TP, meanwhile my healer can throw her spell at ~200 enemy wide and the TP is easier with maid support to keep going thanks to larger TP pool.
Thank, sould I also play To Heart 1 if I want appreciate To Heart 2?
Get Dual Wield and give her an axe in the off hand. You should be able to outdamage Priestess AoE. Phoenix is one of the weaker AoEs in terms of ATK percentage, but this is offset by dual wield. Stick to it until you find some decent darts and off hand weapon. The Piko Piko Hammer from floor 5 is decent. Phoenix also inflicts 10% speed down which is amazing, especially when paired with Mazurka and/or Slow. Keep it at level 1 until your TP allows.
nah, To Heart is said to be set in the same universe as To Heart 2, but from what I understand the cast is completely different and there's zero to very little connecting the two otherwise (except stuff like maid robots existing etc). They're just two school setting slice of life romances. The connection between To Heart 2 and TH2:DT is the characters, there's no such connection between the two To Heart games.
Playing To Heart 2 a couple hours made me realize just how lazy the devs went with 2 and especially 2-2. They're the same fucking games.
If they make a 3 I really hope they come up with entirely new classes.
I am ok with the gameplay being similar because the original got so many things right, I'm disappointed we only got 1 new class line and all the music re-use between TH2 and 2 is especially bad.
In essence they all really are the same game. Some people complained about it when 2-2 came out because that was the third game in a row being more or less the same as the previous ones. That's fine with me though, I enjoy it and I wouldn't mind if we got 5 more identical games, but I can understand why some people don't like it.

To be fair though the meta in TH2DT is different enough to feel pretty fresh compared to DT2 vs. DT2-2.
>when do things pick up?
once you reach level 30 and make random encounters a breeze with a papillon
>no one into DRPGs reads VNs
this is a Vita game... playing both genres is very likely
Is good. I bought it almost at full price because it never went on a decent discount. It's pretty decent, not the peak of the genre but not even shovelware.
Papillon is the most broken class til god killing at which point it's Joker time, not even a meme.
Nah that'd be Magical Princess.

Anyways Papillon does not exist in DT1 which is presumably what anon is playing since it just came out and he's new to the series.
Is there any comprehensive guide of monster weaknesses for To Heart 2? The whole monster codex shebang is annoying as hell.
DT2's bestiary seems somewhat useful so far:

Use Google Translate
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Alright, time to get those remaining Awards.
I almost forgot how to play DT2-2 after a 2 week break.
I sometimes forgot how based Fried is.
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Thats it. I completed the 50 Awards in DT2-2. All Crowned, and got all info in the Libra Book info as far as I know.
Man, Both DT2 and 2-2 took me a good 7 months to complete. I just wanted to try the games since its by Sting, never though I'd stick to it way too long. I generally don't play Dungeon Crawlers because they usually just throw you to the wilds and figure stuff on your own, and also because the first person perspective. Glad I gave this one a try, but I don't think I'll play another dungeon crawler series. I like that I don't need to make a generic character and make teams in this, just go dungeon crawling and fight stuff.
Also, the true ending is rather questionable to me.
Fried goes god conqueror and he didn't tell important information to his teammates. He may recover his memories in the end but he didn't regain his form. He was also saddled with the eternal job of protecting the world against otherworlder invaders.
If DT3 ever happens, I wonder what ending they'll acknowledge.
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Also, I got 100% rate in the sub events. Hunting them can be a pain sometimes but its worth it.
Too bad, once I killed the true boss, there are new quest to do but they don't have anything to use against anymore. I got most of them by the time they opened up but with no one new to fight, theres no point in using them anymore.
It really is over. I hope DT3 happens, the series is pretty good for it to stay dead.
Otsukaresamadeshita anon-san. I like the ending, at least DT2-2 develops into a somewhat interesting story. I will wait for your eventual return to DT1.
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>I will wait for your eventual return to DT1
I don't think I'll play DT1. I heard theres no EXP multiplier accessory there so theres no way can do the whole team crowning there. Also, its a spinoff game, and I don't have much knowledge of the characters To Heart 2, its not as fun to play it if I don't know any character context. Besides, I want a more lighter game this time. Both DT2 and 2-2 has a total of 1000+ hours of gameplay time, I don't think I'm ready for another one.
>I like the ending, at least DT2-2 develops into a somewhat interesting story.
I prefer the normal end. I don't know what will happen to Fried as the Demon God is still in his body, it might take over him eventually, considering how he oddly laugh in the ending. The Demon God Fried might be his eventual end, like what you seen in the Dreamscape chapter. He essentially becomes immortal too so he will leave the others when their time comes.
>get dark knight
>start pumping points into frost slash
>go to battle
>grayed out, can't use it
>check description
>sword only
>already overwritten save
I did the same but lucked out and got a nice two hander for the early Dark Knight right after investing.
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>reach level 15 with my main party in DT1
>resetting everyone's skills to see the different class art
>somehow my party has more skill points invested than they get back after resetting
>Karin can't actually return to being a Kunoichi if you reset her when you get her
Is this a bug or a feature? Is it rounding down or something? Obviously Karin is a unique issue.

>accidentally saved while Karin's invested in Murder + Sharp Stab (and some other crap)
>it actually works
Guess I'll level up Ikuno, since I don't want to reset Karin.
that's present in all games (not sure on 2-2 actually). DT1 gives you some really early intermediate and advance classes, so those are a one way reset til you get back up to 30. DT2 doesn't give you anything nearly as early.

Some characters (maybe all) get a few "free skill points" the first time you get them, don't worry about erasing them because in late late game you will have more points than you know what to do with anyway.
>nooooo I've been framed!
At level 30 there's hardly much you can do with a Magical Princess
Papillon is a game changer at that point
Hardly anyone would keep playing if the game got good once MPs turned broken. We're talking around mid-high 40s levels. That's too much
That is a feature, they tried to get players to check out new recruits after the first 5. I actually think DT1 has the best approach to it with the very early promotes, I switched in the Dark Knight immediately when I got her and will switch in the Kunoichi as well. DT2 they just kind of throw the characters at you in hopes you might like their art (and there is certainly correlation with late recruits and strength of passive). They did some polling or survey or something and found that a lot of people stuck with most or all of the first five girls in DT2, which is why they did the (pseudo) reverse order recruit in 2-2 according to an interview.
in 2 I used a couple DLC characters from the start, particularly Silfa and Tamaki
in 2-2 I mostly switched in the newest characters since they were usually a higher level than the current party.
So, if I understand correctly, Samurai's skills specifically require katanas, but do katanas benefit from fighter's sword mastery skill?
Yes anon I know, no one's saying Magical Princess is good at 30, I'm saying Magical Princess is the most broken class
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>They did some polling or survey or something and found that a lot of people stuck with most or all of the first five girls in DT2, which is why they did the (pseudo) reverse order recruit in 2-2 according to an interview.
Thats what I did too. The first 5 girls I've got in DT2 and 2-2 is usually I used since they're more stronger than the newer party member I get, but thats because I collect things as I go, making them stronger. I still did enjoy using all of them later once post game hits.
No, Samurai gets their own Katana Mastery instead (Kunoichi also gets it but there's little to no reason to use a katana with Kunoichi). You also can't use sword-specific skills like Frost Slash (in DT1).
So, is Haruka's aoe attack physical or elemental (earth)? Trying to figure out how to gear for it.
I know but what I said on the first post is that the game is quite slow at the beginning, but if you can hold on until you get a Papillon you can really see if the game is for you or not, because that's when it really opens up.
Iirc it's a bash attack (most of these hard hitting AoEs are bash). Probably nothing you can do but raise DEF. Just bring a lot of healing items. She can be put to sleep and slowed.
What's with the summon genjimaru unique skill? He came out and did like 3 damage, is there a way to make this actually hit for a decent amount?
It scales off ATK so make her a Magical Princess
Hmm, would you be willing to share your save files by any chance? Chasing after 100% skit completion is a pain I'm not willing to subject myself to even though I really love the characters and Aquaplus's SoL moments are the best around.
Been trying Kunoichi in DT1. Why do her spells do like 8 dmg? Description says damage is based on target max hp, but how exactly?
No heavy armored attractive women who wear helmet in battle - no buy.
Because the enemy has like 150 max HP and like 5% of that is 8. Use normal attacks instead in the early and early mid game.
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>Ikuno is the only scout with a widely-useful unique skill
But why? Karin's is relatively limited and the other two have joke skills
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Main character privilege
Both games get better as you play. Character building and combat improve as you unlock second classes at 15 and then again when you unlock final classes at 30. The dungeon designs also start out middling and start getting really good around level 30.
I cannot get the badge to drop from either Rolo or from peddlers on that one spot with encounters in the casino VIP area's 6th floor. Which method is better?
Got it from the peddler and I spend way less time there than I did fighting Tenerezza and Rolo.
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The peddler is faster. Just save when you go to the floor, then sidestep until the peddler appear. The Casino Badge is way easier to get than Eieinoken, that one took me hours to get one, and you need another one for a quest too.
Does anyone know about extracting the assets from these games? I'm sure there are probably asset rips out there already, but I'm wondering about the process/tools used.
So the TEX tool seems to work, but can I re-merge the XML and PNG back into a TEX?
Nevermind, you just drag the XML onto TEXTool and it'll replace the TEX file with your new version.
Works great, thanks.
vague memory of some game in this series being banned off of steam, was that walked back?
No but the first game in the series is now on Steam
2 was banned years ago, 2 and 2-2 were then kinda banned last year in that the proposal was denied behind closed doors, speculation is that Steam asked them to censor some shit beyond the og vita release and they said not happening.
Also I forgot to mention but Shiravune even asked on their Twitter if they should try again with steam, not sure if that was honest or the guy running the Twitter just fucking around.
I started dungeon travelers 2, cleared the first dungeon. Any tips?
Don't ditch the Spieler. Yes they suck early on, deal with it and you'll be glad you did when you get her to 30.
Always identify + sell. It's always worth identifying stuff first.
Don't worry about experimenting with skill points, each game has no-strings-attached at 15 and 30 (and some later levels) that coincide with intermediate and advanced class unlocks, and this lets you change your build completely with essentially no drawback.
If you are a bestiary autist, always have several open slots in your pack when defeating bosses, their bestiary will not list the items they can drop if your pack is full at the time you defeated them. (2-2 fixes this)
Maid skills are strong borderline broken for any team.
Alisha is waifu.
you could ditch the spieler early on and use the one that comes at level 30
Yes but then you'd ditch best girl and why would you do that?
Just don't make soul summoner your advanced class or that mediocrity will linger past 30.
Against the superbosses in 2-2, whenever my etoile goes down, the boss becomes so fast that the rest of the team usually follows. Seems like it might help to bring both a Diva and an Etoile to give the team as much of a speed advantage as possible. Any of you tried it? How well did it work?
It doesn't. March is bad, especially in endgame due to the speed cap. Use Waltz to lower boss damage, and if Etoile is still dying try giving her stuff like HP UP or damage down (or Valkyrie Material Guard, etc.).
Bummer. Didn't know my team running into the speed cap would be an issue.
Is the leaf more effective at wiping debuffs when used by a treasure hunter? It feels like it is.
Both the dungeons and combat improve as you progress though the game.
The displayed physical and elemental resists actually reduce damage by half of their displayed values, eg with 80% fire resist you'll take 40% less fire damage. Element resists also protect you from status ailments and those values are not halved, with 100% resistance to all elements, the only ailments that can hit you are stat debuffs which can't be resisted.
Every team needs a maid, and dancer and etoile are without question the best maid classes.
As others have said, spielers are not good until level 30 at which point they become excellent aoe damage dealers as papillons or by far the best boss killers as jokers. If you're going to use one, I'd go papillon at 30 and then joker at 90 if you are doing the postgame.
The postgame has doors which you can only pass with a character of the appropriate class, if you're going to do it, get each character to level 30 and give yourself one of each class.
Valkyrie is clearly the best fighter class and are both the best tanks in the game and solid damage dealers. I like to give mine a two handed lance for more damage until switching to a tanking role with a one hander and shield in the postgame.
Magical princess is overpowered and easily the best class in the game. They have TP problems and are difficult to use when they become available at level 30.
Character unique abilities are generally not a big deal and you can use whomever you want without any real problems, but if you do want to optimize, Yae is easily the best fighter, Melvy and Fiora are good magical princess candidates, Irina and El are good for caster builds, Ist and Yuni's abilities are better than Conette's, and Souffle and Tsurara's abilities are better than Monica's. The spieler abilities are generally not very good, I'd say Mefmera's is the best, but Lilian can get a permanent +25 to dexterity from an event, which is probably better than the others spieler uniques.
I meant to say that I like my Valkyries to switch to a one hander and shield in the late postgame, when it's time to start taking on the superbosses. You don't need too much tanking before that point.

Speed and agility enchantments are not important in the early game, but become god stats in the postgame. If you're doing the postgame you ideally want each character to have AGI up on each item and 5 speed up enchantments spread across their equipment. 5 is the cap for speed up. Casters should ideally have two or three chant speed up enchantments on their equipment.
Certain enchantments can't be applied to certain equipment. ATK up go on weapons but not armor and you should almost always improve a character's damage stat on their weapons.
INT makes most damage spells cast faster and RES does the same for most healing spells.
Oh yeah, and the game doesn't tell you the numbers on your skills, which is important information. You can look it all up here:

Leveling up your active skills usually increases your TP costs and often decreases their speed. Spells especially tend to become slower when you level them up. For those reasons it's often better to keep your active skills at low levels in the early game and use your skill points on passives instead.
Poison is a joke, don't use it.
Maybe because of Item Mastery but I wouldn't count on it. In 2-2, Leaf gets harder to take effect because of increased enemy RES. You still want it in some cases when Aura Eliminate doesn't hit, like when Lolo cast Evasion.
How does the grind/difficulty of DT1's postgame compare to 2 and 2-2? I think they got it about right aside from the 3 superbosses in 2-2. Serious Tenerezza in particular seems to demand a stupid amount of either level resetting or rare item farming.
Leveling up skills almost always makes them faster. Sometimes speed doesn't change. The main ones that get "slower" are the damage dealing Magic User spells, due to the chant getting longer.

You enter endgame around the high level 60s or low level 70s so at the very least you have to grind EXP to 99. Then you have to grind gear, there's no blacksmith so most good gear is unique gear and a lot of it comes from rare monster drops (honestly not that bad if you bring a TH with maxed Item Steal and Treasure Hunt). Then you have to grind healing items because Four Leaf Mandra is a busted item that restores 777 HP and TP and removes all status ailments from the entire party, that said it's really easy to farm and you can get al you'll need in less than an hour.

As for difficulty, in endgame there's a number of progressively harder challenges. The four kings in floor 20, then the Mandra Prince and Princess bosses, then the true four kings, then the bosses in the final dungeon, then Guilty Requiem, then Angra Mainyu. The four kings can be beaten around the level 70s, the rest are intended for level 99. They're manageable if you are well prepared, but Angra Mainyu is a notable difficulty spike that can wipe you even with the best preparation, and is one of the hardest fights in the series.
>Serious Tenerezza in particular seems to demand a stupid amount of either level resetting or rare item farming.
Take it from someone who fully crowned the whole team, even with that and a maxed out party, she can wipe you out if she just cast something like Critical Fist or Magical Giga Slash and you don't have Material Guard + Waltz ready. It can deal 2k+ damage easily, and only Valkyries and Etoile can survive due to Guts or in a Valkyrie's case, high max HP.
I beat Tenerezza without level resetting so it's definitely possible, but you really need to put a lot of effort into it. Spamming Material Guard 24/7 and Waltz are basically mandatory. Weak party members probably want to defend before the boss's turn as well.
It's impressive in DT1 just how my sorceress starts attracting all attacks once she starts casting. She can get one spell off if she's lucky. I don't recall it being this bad in the following games.
I'm so trashing her at 30.
Witch has been universally kinda shit across the entire series. Enchantress -> Sage is the good magic user in DT1.
My Witch managed to pull her weight just fine in both DT2 and especially 2-2, until 50 at least. But here it feels like everyone's after her.
some enemies like the gunners in the tower seem to target the weakest party members, refreshing Cover often pays off
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she's a banger in the original, at least for the early parts, I believe the sequels toned down on buff stacking
I have had very bad experiences using Witch at all stages of the game. Some people say they're good at 30, but I find... basically every other AoE is just better even at 30. I don't need to wait for a Witch to finish chanting, I can just kill all the enemies with techniques in less time than it would take Witch to do so.
Witch is a natural mob clearer for people less affiliated with the broken setups. Lots of people aren't doing every skill point into rose queen Papillon (or 1's equivalents) at 30.
I think Witch is fine 30-50 she just has an unfortunate late stretch.
Got a Sage as recommended above, but is she really that good? I see she has the entire array of status ailments, but are they reliable against bosses or is it gonna be a rng roulette every time?
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Yes, Enchantress -> Sage is very useful against bosses, at least for 2/3s of the game. In the early game (up to floor 10) you can freeze or silence a boss and completely disable them. In early postgame you can still stun or sleep them. Later on bosses become immune to most status ailments, but then her other support like Accelerator, Circle Protect, Amplification, etc. become more important.

But bosses are not the main concern anyways. What makes Sage, or rather Enchantress in particular, so good is Freeze. Freeze is a very fast chant that can be used in trash fights to stop the mobs from using their skills, which offers a tremendous level of damage mitigation, more than using a tank would offer. In this game, where you can't enchant AGI and Speed on everything to kill all enemies before their turn, that is extremely valuable. You can even disable those tough enemies like Friday-night Rider and Wyvern and kill them way before you're supposed to just by freezing them. Even as a Sage, Freeze will remain the most important skill.

That said, yes, until mid-late postgame you can use many status ailments on bosses. You can sleep Dagon to get an easy Forest Jewel way before you're supposed to. You can freeze Final Weapon to make it completely harmless. You can stun bosses so they never get a turn. But the main appeal is freezing mobs in trash fights.

Unlike Master Idol, Sage is not mandatory, but they make the game a lot easier in my opinion. Pic related from wiki.
I see, cheers.
Man it's been a month since I have last touched DT2, it was at the tower of Bogomil. Guess it was too draining. Hopefully I'll get there again soon and finish the game.
Bogomil climb is a long haul, I dont blame you. They managed to make some of those floors really frustrating, especially the puzzles that span 3-4 floors with lots of one way pit drops to send you back if you choose wrong or miss a secret room.
Yeah, after clearing the main game, then the extra dungeons, I didn't expect it to be so long/bothersome, I was spent by then
But I will go back, hopefully. It's the only game I've been playing on my vita
what is this
The recently released game
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Why the fuck did they need to add a success rate to appraisal? Everyone is just gonna save scum, or enter/leave the dungeon. This only adds pointless tedious.
I would imagine it's there to make save scumming more tedious, because if you're not save scumming, surely you'll enter/leave the dungeon anyway?
To annoy you so you put more points into Identify.
Old drpg design where questionable utility is unnecessarily expensive at times. Should have been a 1 and done skill. I guess their logic was that higher levels would make it easier to manage your inventory while deep in the dungeon without dumping your entire tp.
Fuck floor 10 and the inventory limit.
Do you still expand it through quests?
DT1? Yes, but only when you get to quest rank 15 (from 20 to 30), by which point you don't need the extra inventory space since you're done with all the dungeons.
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Which classes in DT1 are notably better or worse than their 2 and 2-2 counterparts?
Samurai is excellent, because Onikagura is the strongest AoE (in this game enemies have no row formations, all skills that hit a row in 2 and 2-2, like Onikagura and Phoenix hit all the enemies here) and Moonlight Purgatory is the strongest single target when it works, which is almost always. That said, all the damage dealers are quite close to each other.

Witch does not have single target elemental spells, making her probably worse than in 2 and 2-2.

Magical Princess is, of course, nowhere near as good as in 2. They don't have Magical Spark, finding good weapons is an issue, and with no blacksmith to enchant AGI and speed on everything Magical Change doesn't make them the horribly overpowered monster they were in 2.

Enchantress into Sage is amazing. Not only can you use status ailments to completely disable or at least make most of the bosses easier, but Freeze is the strongest form of damage mitigation in trash fights. And you will take damage in trash fights at all stages of the game. Freeze is often the difference between a party wipe and minor damage.

Priestess, and all forms of magic healing, are better because healing spells have no cap.
Kunoichi is very powerful. Phoenix is a great AoE with a 10% speed down. Barrage, Dual Wield, and their naturally high AGI means they can outdamage Fighters in single target at certain stages. Shadow Clone can be used to cheese stuff. Scrolls are very powerful, 1000 fixed damage is huge, and the debuffs are very useful. They were nerfed from PSP and they're still great. I used one the entire game, including for the final boss, that should say enough.

Joshi Kousei does not exist in 2 and 2-2 so there's that. Interesting class that can perform many roles depending on how you build them.

Master Idol is somehow more broken. Salsa deals the full 500 HP at level 1 (don't level it past that). With Salsa and a maxed out Clean, Master Idol puts all your other single target damage dealers to such shame that sometimes Master Idol kills the boss before they finish buffing. Overwhelmingly the strongest single target damage dealer until endgame. And of course Mazurka is still mandatory.
What's the next level reset threshold after 30?
Jesus the 12F boss was a complete PITA, even giving lightning god ring to my party plus various other buffs its aoe was nearly two-shotting them
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>meet kraken
>3 consecutive floods
fuck off
So, what lowers the damage of the 13F midboss's Shock Spiral? Elemental resist is a no brainer. But is it physical def(slash/bash or pierce?)/mag def? Valkyrie's material guard or spell guard?
Shock Spiral is physical and lightning element, so Material Guard and lightning resist. As far as I can remember all techniques are physical.
Thank you
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If one of the fruit bosses dies without giving me their drops, do I reload my save and kill it again, or do they respawn once I leave the forest?
They respawn. A lot of bosses respawn actually.
Weird. Guess I'll worry about the drops later then.
Also you can seal the fruit "bosses"
If I want to do the postgame of DT1 should I be running team flat chest for the AGI boost? Is it not demanding enough to need to resort to that over using whoever I like?
since you really really want to have MI in your party for this, and there's only Maryan as flattie maid (you need two maids for MI and JK), you will be limited to 3 flat students. Something like Ruri Nanako Maryan and Silfa could work out.
Personally I decided against the AGI bonus in the end and went with Tamaki instead for the sweet 25% bonus damage

> Is it not demanding enough to need to resort to that over using whoever I like?
it's a wheelbarrow of dicks and you want any advantage possible, but I've seen parties with generic gear beat it
Good info, thanks. If JK is that good then maybe I'll try something like VL Sasara, KN Ikuno, JK Haruka, SG Charu, and MI Maryan.
It doesn't matter. Use whoever you like.
JK is only good in endgame. Don't use JK before that, it's miserable. And yes, MI is practically mandatory. You could probably beat the final boss without MI but I don't even want to think about it. And Salsa makes the game ez modo, use if you don't mind.
Is crowning in DT1? Which levels can you reset down to?
Yes. 1, 15, 30, 50, 90.
Thanks, man. Bummer that crowning is still in. Hopefully Angra Mainyu is reasonable without any of that.
Is there a decent story to this or easy mode? I don't want to go autism on my games. Just want some hot girls and fun story
>Is there a decent story to this or easy mode? I don't want to go autism on my games. Just want some hot girls and fun story
2-2's story isn't bad, but these are very much gameplay focused games. None spend a lot of time on their stories and there's no easy mode. Probably not what you're looking for.
No need to crown or level reset at all.
>decent story
>easy mode
Yes, Master Idol/Etoile.
japanese company is happy to serve fresh white to dark korean basement daily
well I spent dozens of hours unlocking every skit
dunno if it was my completionist side or liking the girls but still
lilian and conette are pretty charming
I like the characters too, but you spend 20x more time exploring and fighting than you do talking and I don't think that's what that anon wants.
I'm finally playing 2-2, just got to tower of winds.
I couldn't beat the final boss of 2, because my team was really underleveled.
I think my highest was Fiora at 46?
I knew 2-2 starts from the final boss anyway, so it's fine I guess.
How do you guys feel about shota Fried?
I like how rude and crass he is, but like the party, I prefer the old Fried
I also preferred the old Fried, but, as shocking as that sounds, he actually gets character development in this game, so I ended up liking 2-2 Fried more.
Shota Fried is more cringe to start out but overall he is one hundred times better than regular Fried. Shota Fried actually shows some enthusiasm and has far better interactions with his party.
>I like how rude and crass he is, but like the party, I prefer the old Fried
Thats how I started it too. Shota Fried become his own character later so you'll like him eventually.
In the very end though, I still prefer the old Fried. because I didn't like the post game ending.
It'll be worth it when you face him as the superboss of DT3.
Does more INT give higher chances of applying debuffs like freeze?
Well holy fuck, night and day difference, most of my Sage's terrorizes are landing now.
Meanwhile reached level 50, I think I'll just keep going with my current setup: Val, Sam, TH, Sage, Etoile.
I wanted to try Kunoichi since they're apparently good in DT1, but my TH is too useful to ditch.
Terrorize is great when it lands, until you get to a point where a lot of enemies immune to it start appearing, then going back to Freeze is a good idea. Kunoichi is very great because Phoenix is not only a very good AoE, but it's also a solid 10% damage down which stacks with Mazurka, Slow, and AGI Down. Their high AGI, Barrage, and Dual Wield gives them surprisingly great single target damage, and scrolls are very fast (even with the chanting changes) and the fixed damage means they do very good damage even against high defense enemies where other damage dealers would struggle, plus the debuffs are great. I prefer KN over TH since TH's healing is unnecessary (any healing class is unnecessary because of Forest Jewel) and their damage isn't great, but they're both good classes.
>10% damage down
Speed down*
>Forest Jewel
What's that?
An item you get from beating one of the bosses in the forest. It's an infinitely reusable item that does the same as a level 1 Circle Heal but with a 500 HP cap. It can single-handedly heal the entire game.
what the fuck
When do you have access to the DLC in DT2-1?
Right away for both games
That's crazy
Where did i screw up with the drag n drop?
I figured it out, had to put the DLC folder in there directly instead of removing the contents of it

Where's the item dlc located in game?
The DLC accessories are in the storage, while the DT1 characters should appear in the party screen. Try not to use the 2x EXP accessory, it can break the story mode for boosting your Spieler early. The Great Fortune Accessory is fine though, if you want to have an easier time filling up your Libra Book info as you go.
I got it now, but does it scale off anything? The healing seems random.
Still, it feels like a cheat item, I'm not sure if I'm gonna use it.
It's completely equivalent to level 1 Circle Heal, meaning the healing is 2 * the RES of the character who uses it, plus or minus some slight variance.
Man I just can't ditch my TH, light and trap search are way too fucking convenient. No way I'm stocking on 200 flashlights or bumping into each wall, or opening the menu every 5 steps to heal trap injuries.
Yeah Light is why I used a Bishop. Honestly Kunoichi is not mandatory or anything, and Treasure Hunter is helpful in endgame for farming gear (and is required by class door for the 2nd hardest fight in the game) so stick with your TH.
Yeah it's honestly kinda broken, not as bad as Therian Seal though. It's fairly tame compared to some of the other bullshit in the game though.
Why do all the DT2 heroines suck, where's the tsundere
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Has anyone seen all events and completely filled the monster book? Thinking of doing that, for all games
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Me. Done both DT2 and 2-2.
I've got to warn you though, its gonna be a really long and hard endeavor. I'd say 500 gameplay hours each is what you need at least. I wouldn't be surprised if you got burnt out mid way.
Thats why I didn't play DT1 now, this one being the good reason. Imagine crowning everyone without a 2x EXP accessory, it will be hell.
>t. oversexed virgin
The hime is a bit tsundere, more dere than tsun though especially in 2-2 she gets some of the best scenes with MC.
That's crazy, that is completely broken maybe even more than the therian seal in 2.
I prefer mature Fried, shota Fried has some funny interactions with characters at first I thought but over time I started missing the contrast with the girls being the eccentric ones, also can't see the shota pairing at all with some characters like Melvy whereas his mature self is pretty neutral across the board. Shota does admittedly work well with characters like Siena though imo. To each their own though.
These girls are cute and all but they're kind of boring and it doesn't seem like there's any dating events in this game
This is a gameplay game, not a dating game
Well you know what happened to him if he becomes a superboss battle. Its gonna be like those god boss battles in DT2 then.

So its the proto New World Egg. Sounds pretty nifty considering the inventory space in DT1.
does anyone have the catbox link for the audio fix in DT2-2?
healing and resource managing is hardly a problem, it's for convenience more than anything
in a pinch you want to use stronger curatives anyway, so I always carried some tartes.
Berserk on demand for any class is a million times more game breaking
I wouldn't say it's for convenience, it really is broken. You no longer need to bring a healer class, and unlike Tarte Tatin, it's infinite use, free, and only uses one bag slot. Therian Seal is way more broken of course but this is also very broken.
The instant activation and freeing up your PR/TH slot for anything else both make it really powerful. Like sure you could grind out a million sachertortes and tarte tartins and use those for all of your healing throughout the game instead, but that would massively slow down your progress through the game. Even if it's not that great against superbosses, it is that great for the other 99% of the game.
I never stopped to grind for curatives and I used the jewel maybe 5 times, really healing is never ever a problem especially because healcaps don't exist and lv1 cheal tops off the party whenever I want. You get so many healing items for free and economy is trivial so you can load up 9 sachers whenever - the enemies that slowly damage you aren't the problem, it's the instant killers.
It's great against superbosses too lol
is monica good as a caster?
Kunoichi sucks in DT2 so no
How does one get underleveled party members caught up in DT1?
I'm trying farming door encounters for a mandra but it's a bit tedious.
A bit much for my team at the moment, but thank you. Exploring normally with a rookie hiding in the back is working acceptably well.
The next best thing is just to go to the highest floor where you can consistently kill all the enemies and spam Onikagura or Shock Spiral
Going to try an underperforming class run of 2-2.
-Soul Summoner
-Diva because no healer sounds awful
-Not sure on fighter, Samurai maybe
>Diva because no healer sounds awful
Bard > Mistress, so Conette can be your best maid. Also an Enchantress > Sage for debuffing.
So a SA, SG, MI, KN and SS.
Witch is good in 2-2 actually. All Magic Users are good.
Witch is really good in 2-2, they can deal thousands of damage even at post game. Diva itself is not much but the Bard skillset got a buff like the HP heals around 500 HP heal per turn.
Maybe go something like:
PL -> SA
EN -> SG
BD -> MI
When is next game happening?
I've changed my mind about shota Fried, he's based beyond belief.
He has the balls to speak his mind to anyone, and he titty slapped Luco and Yuni in a sub event.
I'm really enjoying 2-2, 2 isn't bad, but the dungeons only start getting better around when Grishna joins.
The first dungeons in every game always suck, and they get better from there. Shota Fried is awesome because he actually has a personality.
>and he titty slapped Luco and Yuni in a sub event.
Go find the titty events. Go bring these 3 in a dungeon run around.

Don't forget to do the sub event for having less than 1,000 gold with Tsurara and Yuni. It gets harder to do the faerger you are in the game.
Yeah it's impossible for vanilla Fried to be better than shota Fried because he's a nonentity. His one personality trait is an interest in monsters and his dialogue and delivery are so bland that he doesn't even feel passionate about that. Shota Fried is really good too.
I've seen all those expect the Monica one, since I'm going though Rousset Villa now.
> Cry about seeing attractive woman in a video game
> girlfriend in the next room is getting fuck by Random men
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And he groped Irena like 25 times. I almost feel bad at her being the butt of the jokes most of the time in sub events.
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Why is Fried such a faggot
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Any idea of what is this for?
Infinite use level 7 (not max) Nurse (single target)
I already know who Marchen little is, but is it bad that I don't want her to change back?
Why do multiple of my characters keep missing in boss fights?
if it isn't Luko being a blind fuck, then its someone else.
Can I use Sage and Bishop?
Or Is one better than the other?
In my opinion Bishop is not very good in 2-2 because they added an item called Panacea Pack that does the same as Circle Nurse, and it's extremely common. And without Circle Nurse it's hard to justify Bishop since that's their main thing. Priestess -> Sage is just as good of a healer, while also getting Dispel, Accelerator, and the guards and Amplification are useful too because they massively ramped up incoming enemy damage compared to 2. Enchantress -> Sage still kinda sucks though.
>Why do multiple of my characters keep missing in boss fights? if it isn't Luko being a blind fuck, then its someone else.
I didn't have that issue when I was playing but thats probably because I was overleveled. Maybe they got affected by Dark Aura? Guess every DEX counts when you fight bosses on close levels. Only one I know that will whiff stuffs you throw against them 90% of the time is a post game superboss.

>In my opinion Bishop is not very good in 2-2 because they added an item called Panacea Pack that does the same as Circle Nurse, and it's extremely common.
Only if you got a maxed out Present for Me skill. In post game they become common as long as you got a Spieler running around dungeons but Bishops are still good because of Shine Curse with Scanner Grand Seal book.
You don't need maxed out Present for Me, you get Panacea Packs like crazy from quest rewards and chests. It's impossible to run out of them even using them very liberally. Shine Curse is unnecessary, you're not missing damage in this game where Papillon got ridiculously overpowered weapons.
I decided on Sage in the end.
I figured it out. Souffle had an accuracy debuff.
Am I supposed to farm Yoshitsune and her crew in DT1 all the way up to level 99?
Kunoichi is fun in DT1. What did they change in 2 and 2-2 that brings them from A tier to F? Is it all because of the damage cap on scroll spells?
Marduk, not Yoshitsune. Check >>3433879. I know, it kinda sucks, they should've had one or two more dungeons.
Many factors. Papillon's AoE is so overwhelmingly powerful that, along with other AoE being nerfed to row only, it makes everything not Rose Queen (or Magical Slash in 2 but MP in 2 is a whole other rabbit hole) unusable. Even if you made Phoenix hit everything again, its damage is so pathetic compared to Rose Queen it's not worth using. Enemy HP also went way up in 2 and 2-2 but outgoing damage also went way up (Therian Seal, Joker, DL got Power Charge, etc.) so fixed damage like scrolls and Salsa got screwed, on top of both being nerfed. In the blacksmith meta, support classes not named Etoile lost a lot of value (RIP Enchantress in particular, completely butchered) so that aspect of Kunoichi is also dead. Shadow Sew nerfs and new chanting system really hurt her too, but that's also in 1 Vita/Steam. Basically a combination of direct, but mostly indirect nerfs.
Marduk hunting is mindless so you can zone out and grind, but I recommend killing shit in the dark cathedral for a while, you also get mandra clovers which are a lifesaver
Stat downs are good enough that I was thinking KN might be worth using against late post game bosses, but probably SA or DL with dark aura is a better way to go about that.
They both stack. It's just that the 8% stat downs from Kunoichi, while not useless, are not useful enough to justify bringing her when she's useless in trash fights and she's not much better against bosses either.
I find for Four Leaf Mandra it's better to go to floor 28 of the tower. It's very easy to get there just using the elevators, and there's a door right there with a forced encounter, one of them being two of the mandras that drop the item. The problem with Dark Cathedral is all the forced encounters are behind one way doors so you can't escape them if it's not the enemy you want, so everything is more annoying.
>could always play 2-2 on account of being able to read and always had some interest in it - it was in the backlog
>somehow took so absurdly long to ever pick it up that now it's even translated against all odds
This only makes me realize just how slow I move through my backlog.
didn't they test the game? those nerfs sound hideous and not thought thoroughly at all
Magical Princess is evidence they clearly didn't playtest very much. It's probably an overreaction from how overpowered Kunoichi was in DT1 PSP endgame, able to solo the final boss relatively easily. The problem is they went too far in the other direction.
As a big Mary Skelter fan, I've realised MS is just story and enemy/nightmare designs.
DT has way better dungeons, gameplay and jobs.
So far, 2-2 has done the corrupted girls better than MS too.
I really don't like this series's approach to superbosses where if your dancer's mazurka ever goes down the boss accelerates to lightspeed and murders you almost instantly. DT2 is the only one that doesn't fall too deeply into that.

The class balance really has gotten worse more than it's gotten better. Giving MP magical spark was good, making them so all around insane in DT2 wasn't. DT1 KNs were fine, if clone cheese is too cheap they should have just nerfed that (which they did eventually in 2-2). Reducing their scroll damage was totally unnecessary. It's also not great that joker does so much damage by endgame that the best move is to run a joker and a squad of joker supporters. Lastly, the nerf to SA's moonlight purgatory so it doesn't work on like a third of all enemies was a terrible choice. There was absolutely no reason for that. I don't like the sound of this chanting nerf either.
I feel like MP being so strong was an accident. They probably didn't expect players to go overboard with AGI and Speed using the blacksmith, which is then amplified by Magical Change and the ridiculously high speed multiplier for Magical Spark, both of which were rightfully nerfed in 2-2. But MP wasn't broken in 1, it was probably an unexpected interaction with the blacksmith. In general the blacksmith is very problematic, I understand that it can be seen as a quality of life feature and some people like making custom gear, but it obsoletes most unique gear in the game and devalues many classes because the blacksmith enables strategies that make those classes no longer useful.
so which part is the best?
2-2 but play them all, its a direct sequel
You're almost at 1/10 level of quality, wait til you realize what actual dungeon crawlers are like
what would you say is the gold standard for dungeon crawlers? I'm new to the genre and want to start at the top when it comes to dungeon design and meaningful build diversity
Do the girls not react to items in 2-2?
I have a load of shit, but no one reacts to it like in 2.
That's 2's biggest failing imo. The uniques in 2 just feel like trash til end of game, 2-2 restores some proper balance of strong uniques throughout I feel.
so where is dungeon travelers 1 then?

i fucking hate japs and their retarded names.
Uniques in 2-2 still cannot compete with blacksmith gear for the most part
It's in the OP
When is TH2 (the VN) going to stop being literal filler about mundane and boring shit?
Does it ever stop? I played til the redhead moved back into town, the cycle seemed pretty basic
>Go to school
>Have a few encounters with girls
>Choose a scene
>Back home, bed
I know most vns are like this I just expected the overarching plot to have manifested itself by now.
>most vns are like this
Most VNs have pointless filler text but they go somewhere, even the interactions with the girls are filler over this one, you don't need to make someone read 3 paragraphs about fucking raisings taste
>overarching plot
>in the most stereotypical galge ever made
1 or 2 routes are a bit strange, but the main portion of the game is about down to earth relationships
I read the MC is such a faggot he tries to bail from a girl after turning into her boyfriend and being with her naked in an hotel
Nuff for me to drop this shit.
Sounds like a typical old school galge then, mc always screwing up.
so it's skippable?
Unless you wanna spend 70 hours reading pointless shit driven by a spineless faggot MC, yes
Is it so much to ask for a little melodrama at least to keep things interesting? Maybe I haven't given the vn enough time.
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Any idea what might be causing this error when I attempt to run DT2? For some reason I continuously get this error whenever I try to boot the game. I am running this on an AMD card but I don't think this is the same RAM error that's mentioned in the nyaa download description
As a follow-up to this, I can run 2-2 without any issues, so I'm really not sure what's going on with DT2 in this case
Weird, for me 2-2 would crash once every few hours and 2 ran without issues.
I appreciate the response but I ended up finding the fix on f95. It looks like it was caused by my AMD card. I fixed it by downloading dxcpl and checking the "force warp" option
posters like those never answer in fear someone (like them) shits on their favorite game
Hear me out...what about....six members in a party?
You askin them to overhaul the battle system? Too much effort, gonna recycle everything again for a 4th game.
There's so much I'd love to see them try/tweak in a 4th title but I can't help but feel like the tepid response to the re-releases was like a bucket of cold ice on revisiting a new entry.
I wouldn't even mind, I like the system as it is. They just need to tweak the balance a bit more. I also wouldn't mind either seeing a new class or seeing reworks to some existing classes, hopefully make magic damage more viable and give more types of support. Or make Sage good again...
That was the right call. He's a shit protag the whole game but that route in particular he's next level retarded, ironically after having his only smart moment. Their earlier games had decent to good protagonists (even ToHeart 1) but TH2 is where Leaf/Aquaplus decided unbearably shit protagonists was the way to go.
Is there any variations for each girl route?
I just want to do one girl then remove the fucking game
he's pretty chad at Yuma's ending, I can respect that
He was not her boyfriend at that point. If he had fucked her at the hotel, it would have fucked up their relationship in the long run.
That said, he was a piece of shit because that entire time he liked her, but he hated himself so much that he thought it would be a detriment to her for them to be in a relationship.
>get to the Sasara/Ma-ryan fight in Dungeon Travelers
>Ma-ryan keeps proccing death on normal attack over and over while spamming debuffs on everyone
I'm seething. Quite a spike in difficulty from everything else up until this point.
Nevermind, holy fuck I might actually win after bringing some revive items plus party-wide heal items and focusing on killing Ma-ryan first. Shield bashing Sasara was a good idea too.
The corrupted hime fight in 2-2 is like that too if you aren't over leveled, just bring a bunch of consumables to it to get over the hump.
Makes sense. Bright side is that I had been stockpiling until that point anwyay.
On top of it all, I could never seem to land a status effect on Ma-ryan aside from dance debuffs, but they at least made her somewhat weak to physical damage, so it worked out in the end.
I like the elf
There's ~4 different writers that were told to write 2 or 3 routes about a guy whose sole trait is being "bad with girls" so yes and no but I'd probably say the "best" routes are Komaki or Yuma. They spend a little too long talking about sweets or a one-sided rivalry but they do break into a plot and you can tell the writer for them really likes his big movie endings, he definitely tried the hardest out of all of them. But honestly if you only want to do one then I recommend Sasara, not because it's good but because it's got everything. It'll leave the biggest impression on you, in a good or bad way.
Yuma, Komaki, Ruuka, Sasara, Karin, the twins. Any of those would be fine. Yuki is also not bad but seriously short. Personally I wasn't super invested in the late part of Komaki's route.
If you don't mind a bit of yuri, the twins are probably a pretty good choice, as the mc is fixing problems more than causing them in that route.
Karin is very cute but the ending is lackluster.
Wait, tama doesn't get a route?
That is the girl I wanted to do
Tama has a route but it's dogshit. The h-scene and the ending CG is neat though.
She does there's just not much to say about it other than she's hot. I thought everything concerning the three bitches coming in, torturing the MC with 0 consequences, bossing him and Tamaki around on a date then just leaving all while he just stands there with a dumb smile on his face was dumb as shit.
I just got to the part where she gets into school, how far am I from ending the game with her?
Because its being boring as fuck so far
>Because its being boring as fuck so far
A while. But you should give up on moege. It's not for you.
Most routes end somewhere within the last 10 days of April
It's not moege, this game in particular is kinda dogshit
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What am I doing wrong with this fight? She instant kills me for seemingly no reason
Get lucky with Weak Stab lol. Try to focus on her since the adds are not as dangerous.
In Dungeon Travelers, I am curious how Ruri's natural skill Follow-Up Kick interacts with Fighter's Double Attack and Samurai's Triple Attack. Is it even worth putting any points into Double/Triple attack?
in the PC/vita release of DT1 that passive also works with single hit moves like freeze slash, Ruri will get the best results with dark lord as a consequence. The double/triple passive skills aren't that superb, but Luco in 2-2 can get a respectable power boost from them because of her shadow.
I had a feeling that Ruri would probably do better as a Dark Lord. Thank you for the info
Barrage of course is still good on Kunoichi since normal attacks are better than scrolls for most of the game in terms of damage. And don't underestimate Kunoichi normal attacks since her AGI is so high that she can outdamage even Samurai and Dark Lord at various stages of the game.
Has anyone uploaded the Japanese release yet? I don't want to have to read this >>3393036
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The TL is fine aside from Silfa's dialogue and the occasional odd choice of lingo (in this case, the TL was thinking "how to kansai?").
I played the game both in English and Japanese and outside of Silfa's speech gimmick (no real way to accurately translate that) it's fine. Well that, and renaming Weak Stab to Sharp Stab for a stupid reason.
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>no real way to accurately translate that
You're looking at it. She sounds like a child and she has a big complex over it. That anon is just complaining because they preserved how cringe it is.
If you could read Japanese, wouldn't you rather play in Japanese?
If you knew japanese, you'd use DMM
Her face is kind of messed up in DT1 too
So who has the strongest unique character passives in DT1?
I would say Nanako, or Maryaan
another one I like, Tamaki's - it sounds plain, but a flat 25% attack increase FUCKS
Tamaki and Maaryan probably. Silfa also gets +20 AGI from a late game sub-event but her unique skill sucks.
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If you don't like it then grab a knife right now and cut your throat.
>it sounds plain, but a flat 25% attack increase FUCKS
Doesn't it only work against higher level enemies?
Equal or higher, yes
They changed it to equal or higher, on PSP it was only higher so people would leave Tamaki at level 98 which is very silly.
Go full meme and get a songstress with Barrage Rondo
Any completionist bonuses?
The Awards affecting your party skill effects? The more Awards you get, the higher the effect a party skill do.
+50 to all your stats, pretty big deal
+99 custom gear with themed matching names
bestiary autism
only awards have a "bonus", rest are just for personal satisfaction of having an unkillable murder team and complete file.

beyond that, the final way to squeeze any juice imo is challenge runs, such as solo, no maid, no minimap, that kind of stuff.
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Start doing the Crowning autism. Make your whole team a murder machine. Will probably take you 200+ hours to do.
I was kind of hoping for a bonus CG or something. Well, maybe some other time...
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>want to start playing Grimrock
>the ingame portraits are horrible
>but you can add custom ones
>now trapped in hours of autism trying to decide what I want to replace the ingame portraits with

Might make my own crops of EO portraits or something...
I haven't played the second one, but the first one is pretty fun. It's not terribly complex gameplay though and has some focus on secrets and simple puzzles
Would a 100% Event interest you? Thats probably the closest to an extra CG you can get. Something like
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Are the devs doing anything new since?
DT 2-2 is 7 years old
I worship his divine shadow!
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This is hard, they are right and this MC deserves to die in a fire but cucking this 3 whores is fun
What a shitshow of a game
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fix your upscaler for the love of Jesus
What's wrong?
Its a fucking 800x600 game what do you want
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which one is it anyway? I just think yours makes the font ugly
modded L Restore rules
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>the font ugly
Here, OG vs 2 forms of upscaling mid is what I use
>modded L Restore
What's that?
for magpie or similar, this should be it
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What's the difference with regular anime4k magpie already have thing?
That is literally the scaler I'm using
And how do I even use that?
I can't find that CatmullRom anywhere
Is it supposed to be on magpie?
Takaaki is the worst MC in the history of eroge. He's unbearable.
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What are they cooking after Monochrome Mobius? Heard the game is pretty middling as a spinoff game.
They should do DT3 already. Its a good move to port the 7 year old games to PC, but it can do better if they didn't got banned on Steam.
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First game is on steam
Steam is random as shit with the games allowed, its full of loli porn games then it will ban a SFW game with high school setting just because
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>nooooooooooo this is a punishmeeeent leave my cock aloneee hot womaaan I loved for my entire lifeee
Jesus fucking christ
I didn't even meet half of the girls with this route
Which one should I take to know the characters I'm about to play in DT 1?
If you read Ruuko's, you meet Nanako, Sango, Ruri (kinda), and Karin at once, so that would be an efficient choice if you only plan to read one more.
Yuki's route is extremely short, so you should have no trouble breezing through it.
Manaka's and Yuma's routes probably won't annoy you, but I suppose you could skip them.
To meet the woman that initiates the plot of DT1, you would have to read Sasara's route, which will make you want to smash your computer at some points.
As it is, you won't know everything that's going on, as there are plenty of characters from the fan disc, which is untranslated.
I wish the devs would just embrace the handheld destiny and go to switch, rolling the dice to see if your steam reviewer gets the ick at seeing anime women would mute any prospects of DT3 understandably.
unironically a CG patch outside of steam probably would work getting it into steam
that how many other visual novel get a release there
There is porn games on the switch thos days
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Give me Beard and Peggy DLC.
If they got a whole party. How the hell will they survive if they fight against something like Fried's team?
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>Being a coomer means you're high-T
Yes? What do you think gives them that level of sexual desire?
>holy shit he really called the coomer drawing a real woman
Maybe I'm not much of a dungeon crawler. I'm losing the will to continue
Hello what systems are these games on? they look like rpgs I wanna play. I vaguely remember seeing a travelers 2 game on psp but it was in japanese.
DT2 is just a really bad game. There is a reason this thread hasn't hit bump limit in 104 days
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first we had DT2 in English on vita, everything prior was Japan only
just a year ago we started to get the trilogy on PC.
1 is on Steam
2 and 2-2 are on johren/DMM
I lost my will at floor 18 in DT1. It's just boring and repetitive.
I will head to steam than since I dont have a vita emulator setup or even know sites to get games for it. Thanks anon
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OP mentioned where DT2 and 2-2 can be found. The johren DRM can be annoying to deal with so just take it on nyaa unless you want to support Aquaplus.

I don't play dungeon crawlers too but I like Dungeon Travelers because of having a set cast instead of making units. Stuck to it till the absolute end because of the characters and the hunt for sub events and superboss.
Didn't play DT1 though because I was burnt out after 100% both DT2 and 2-2
The genre hasn't improved on the formula much if at all since these decade-old handheld titles, so yeah if you don't enjoy them then maybe the genre isn't for you.
When 2-2 was english released there was a decent general discussion thread that popped up on /v/ for a while. Not bad for an old game series.
Would a general dungeon crawlers thread work?
No, because "DRPG" shit eaters will undermine all discussion with the endless trash they play. Stay segregated.
No because most DRPG enjoyers on 4chan are wildly territorial. It'd turn into the pseudo-general of a specific game/series after a huge shitfling and the rest would be shouted out. Sad but you know it to be true.
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>can't use DLC characters
For what purpose
Only as helpers
Which is unfortunate, some of their picks would have been a lot of fun.
seems like you retards won't let this cringe ass thread die
in this case at least give me the name of >>3383149 picrel for research purposes
You are in the Dungeon Travelers thread. The OP pic is from Dungeon Travelers. Now get the fuck out if you dislike the thread so much.
Does anyone know of that one RPGMaker first person dungeon crawler? I played it on my old PC but can't remember the name, it was pretty good and had I believe a 10 floor dungeon.
From this series?
There's a bunch of those.
Rothdam, maybe?
No, I thought this was a general DRPG thread sorry.
I thought first person DRPGs were more rare for RPGM, but maybe I just haven't looked.
It was this one! I remember making some custom portraits for it on my old PC, I saw them in my art folder but I didn't move the game over. Thanks anon, its a fun little game, good for a quick DRPG if you got the itch.
the current generic drpg thread is here
the one with drpg on top post
Yeah I'm silly my bad. Maybe one day I'll play Dungeon Travelers.
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I came here because game told me about some presence but the thing here can't be activated, where do you get the whatever needed to activate whatever is in?
Thats the last area where you'll fight Aradia. Did you fight her on Gruneworth before that? You might also need to get all the other Grand Sealbooks so you might need to dive Plains of Light until the boss in F11.
Then again its been awhile when I finished the game so I'm not exactly sure.
>Did you fight her on Gruneworth before that?
I'm still not done with the plains, I guess I will unlock it eventually
I still didn't got access to the VIP casino area either
>I still didn't got access to the VIP casino area either
I suggest you dive until Map 15 of Plains of Light. Going through the enemies from Map 13 will unlock new quest for you to take. One of them has the VIP area pass. Do your best fighting Odin around Map 14, she might drop the best Valkyrie Helm if you're lucky.
You should leave the last Aradia boss battle way later. That one will unlock the 2nd boss battle in the true final boss if you defeat her, and the 2nd boss battle will finish the game. I did fight finish her off once I'm ready to finish the game.
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>Map 15
Holy fucking shit, I assumed this would end at 10
If I need to do 3 maps in one again like 7 to 9 I'm going to have a seizure
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What do you expect, its the last dungeon of the game. Its not as crazy as Tower of Bogomil.
Getting all the markers of Map 10 is crazy though. Map 11 is gate switches, Map 12 is a large dark zone with one way areas, Map 13 and Map 14 are connected, then theres Map 15 which is just Map 1 as the boss room.
Expect some map filling quest though, like in Matrix dungeon to pop up once you fight some of the miniboss in Map 13 and Map 14.
>No new Dungeon Travelers
RIP. Theres a new To Heart and Uta stuff according to the anniversary stream but its probably just crossover stuff to their Uta gatcha game.
What are you a faggot?
The gacha is making more money than all the real games they did put together
No wonder
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Is there a job tier list for the first game?
I'm super lost
Take with a grain of salt

Master Idol (broken)

Samurai, Sage (through Enchantress), Joshi Kousei (only in late game)

Valkyrie, Dark Lord, Magical Princess (TP struggle though...), Kunoichi, Utahime

Witch (Ruuko), Bishop, Sniper, Treasure Hunter (must have for endgame gear farming though)

Witch (not Ruuko)

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