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>Reddit: The Character
Why are plebbitors always fawning about this basic bish?
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>he plays unmodded skyrim
People enjoy companionship in games.
>Install Mod to turn Serana into a loli
>Install Serana Dialogue overhaul to add over 1 million lines of Lore frenly dialogue lines to Serana, bringing that zombie to life
>Install mod to marry Serana
Sounds like a recipie for a happy and succesful RPG marriage. You realize Skyrim is defined as a modders-playground RPG by sub genre, right bro? The Toddster does society the valuable service of releasing a "half complete" template RPG that is very easy to upgrade and customize to fit your precise preferences and/or fetishes. Not my fault you don't even know how to play these glorious games. New Skyrim mods get released daily. Maybe learn to mod, Sir Retard?
>>Install Mod to turn Serana into a loli
Uhm is this legal?
better than the paedo acting out in real life I suppose?
Clever bit of posting to create a redditor containment thread, anon. Nicely done, and be sure to keep it alive, now I'm hiding it.
You don't mean the Serana Dialogue Addon right?
not in the uncivilized part of the word (the west)
If I remember correctly she is the only NPC in entire game that have more than 5 generic lines of characterization. It isn't hard to be the most memorable NPC when bar is set so fucking low.
Fuck around and find out. Depends on your local legislation and even then it is debatable. As long as you don't try to fuck the loli with mods it should be ok, but if you do then it can be classified as underage pornography that is punishable.
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>Serana Dialogue Addon
Star Wars went so deep into cringe it integer overflowed itself into kino
Brush, why is the west such a dump
Cause she has at least a single drop of personality.
And because you're character is pretty much forced to get along with her. RPG btw.
Looks like shit.
>The Toddster does society the valuable service of releasing a "half complete" template RPG
Praising a product for being incomplete and poorly made. The state of Bethesda drones these... past 10 years...
Nah, prequels were cringe as fuck, but they pay off with kino that is Revenge of the Sith. The end of Anakin's and Obi-Wan's fight on Mustafar is still one of the saddest things in fantasy genre.
Literally because they're told to.
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Goth Delphine is for midwits
Wow, people like Reddit: The Character in Reddit: The Game??
That's wild.
You retard. I was praising the unrivaled customization of the the product. Very easy to upgrade, unlike most RPG

>hating sand
Okay based the mod is even better than I thought. Noted
>wanting used goods
shes hot
is that the bitch from bladerunner
>modern eyebrows
>elv*n ears
>cocksucking lips
Jesus fucking Christ
>turn Serana into a loli
As bad as the Skyrim manjaws were this looks even worse with that uncanny valley dollface.
>The Toddster does society the valuable service of releasing a "half complete" template RPG that is very easy to upgrade and customize to fit your precise preferences and/or fetishes.
Todd managed that two and a half times, failing numerous attempts. I'm past believing that his shit is half complete for any reason other than incompetence and the moddability a lucky break.
He also constantly shits out mod breaking new editions, which casts shade on the idea that he wants to make his product mod friendly.
>which casts shade on the idea that he wants to make his product mod friendly
It just works, people buy, money flows.
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Not that high of a body count compared to the average Skyrim woman, just 2 guys, Lord Harkon and Molag Bal. Not to mention the Molag Bal sex was hardly consensual on Serana's end, her dad said she HAS TO bang him so she can become an Immortal Vampire its not like she really wanted to invite this. And while she's technically not a virgin, she falls under "abused goods" I'd argue. Molag Bal + Harkon were too rough with her, paralyzed her with spells, fucked her sideways too hard for her liking, definetly pounded the literal shit out of her farthole with a Daedric Warhammer of Inferno to the gut during intimacy. All sex she had in the past was excruciating torture. She has zero notion of the concept of gentle love. Serana has never made out with a boy she loved, Serana has never cuddled nor held hands with a strong guy who wants to protect her. If you offered to perform oral sex on her lower regions Serana would say:

>"WHAT? Y-You wish to, pleasure me, with your mouth? While I, the female participant, just.. sit back and relax..? What the hell!? WHAT? Impossible! You mean.. Do Skyrimmers actually do that, Dragonborn? So how come Im over 1000 years old yet have never read about nor heard about this odd custom until tonight!? IS THIS A JOKE? grr.. B-But, my cruel father always instructed me women must ONLY serve as an unwilling victim during sex! Cattle to be dominated by boys! OH so I can just engage is sex without being treated as a battered slave?? HORKER SHIT! but.. Wait. Youre serious arent you, the look in your eyes, Dragonborn? I..idk. IDK! I, well fine lets just try it okay? FINE eat out my asshole right fucking now, Dragonborn! Hope you like the foul taste!"
>"Indeed! At once, you sweet undead little princess. Please just relax while I gently disrobe your beautiful armor my lovely pork dumpling! Time for your most magical evening"

No worries! Plenty of mods to youthen Serana (bc Lore reasons and shit) without making her look too anime-esq
bro, we all have our preferences. You like fat hairy men, and I don't judge you for that; half of this board is faggots like you.
Her and Valerica for raunchy threesomes...
Ew she looks that witch from Moomins
A grown man wrote all this
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>skyrim manjaws
It's incredible how mentally ill people have become. When Skyrim came out, nobody, not a single person ever obsessively thought that all the female NPCs looked like transsexuals. Now, schizos think that characters that don't look like some chinless korean plastic surgery nightmare are men.
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I'm gonna write my own opinion in one big box so people who dislike it may easily ignore it. People generally like Serana for 3 reasons:
1 - Haven't really played any other game that has decent companions. Nothing to compare to, but they generally learn and move on or return to Skyrim to upgrade her.
2 - Despite being a rape-victim lorewise, it's the idea that the thicc MC cock may fix her. Serana being relatively sane also helps the idea that she can be fixed. It's a saviour thing, not only to heal her but also to reward her for being nice to (you) despite being a vampire.
>but used goods
I cast Tighten Vagina.
3 - Considering what she allegedly went through, your wierd fetishes are nowhere near as wierd for her. Even if she ate shit, now she's eating (your) shit which is a vast improvement.
4 - Lol TES lore. She's a goth gf with questline dedicated to her. I think some people already had a field day with the new chat gpt
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I like Reddit.
>I like Reddit.
Rare honest anon on /vrpg/
They will hate him for they fear him.
The real answer is that she's the only follower with anything interesting going on.
Everyone else is stuck in a perpetual limbo.
Even that one that got kicked out of the companions, that's as far as that goes.
She's not trying to get back in. She's not pissy at them for getting kicked out. Her supposed guilt for killing that kid gets nothing either.
All of the followers are like that, static robots not trying to do anything.
Wait until you learn about Inigo.
>When Skyrim came out, nobody, not a single person ever obsessively thought that all the female NPCs looked like transsexuals.
Not true at all. Just because you spent your youth surrounded by coping losers doesn't mean beauty standards have changed. You don't have to be deeply immersed in exaggerated anime girls to recognize this.
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Masculine AngelinaJolie jaws are over-represented in Hollywood but most of the real beauties have feminine lines.
The problem is why the fuck does King Harkon obsess over the Prophecy to block out sun? So Vampires can all walk around 24/7 without fear of daylight killing them? Except his daughter Princess Serana walks around with you in the daylight 24/7 and is unharmed by the sun. what gives?

Would've just fucking worked better if they provided us with some ingame plotpoint explaining that Serana drinking the Last Dragonborn's blood makes her completely immune to sun damage for a few weeks, even if he turns himself into a vampire. idk
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>unmodded Skyrim
Modded shitrim for custom porn is irrelevant now thats there 3D porn games that are very easily moddable
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ok baby
nah, you're just a freak obsessed with tranies and all your discord friends are too
>Reddit: The Video Game
Why are plebbitors always fawning about this shit tier """""rpg"""""?
where did you even get this lore from? I don't remember this from the game
You seem gay and in denial.
I hated her. I'm forced to travel with this annoying bitch vampire because I had the nerve to join a vampire hunting organization.
I spent half the time I spent with her throwing her off cliffs with unrelenting force and setting her on fire.
coomers are so fucking gross
Second Life looking ass
If I join the vampire hunters, I’m forced to travel with a vampire? This is very concerning.
Exposure therapy
>posts an IRL oblivion character
This is your brain on coom.
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Argument is about skyrim

it is so cute you think this place is better than reddit
>mutt posts chinless oblivion character
why does /vrpg/ have the the worst posters?
It's like posters here in a serious competition to make terrible posts. Dumb and unfunny, a total waste of space
Congratulations, you won the contest.
It gets better. Wilbur or whatever that snow elf priest is called made the prophecy. How does that affect anything? He literally just spread rumours that Auriels bow can protect vampires from the sun. Then it actually works?
I think meeting Serana, way back in the day, was the moment when I stopped liking Skyrim and started hating it. I'm sure I abandoned the character before finishing the Dawnguard quest.
I prefer the standard models over everyone looking like a plastic-copy of the same cringe anime bug.
>loli/shota is... le problematic!

What happened to this fucking place?
moot quit
Anon, this site has changed. It's filled with incel losers obsessing over transwomen 24/7 now. These "people" can not stop thinking about trannies to save their sorry lives and actually have become far worse and obnoxious than the 2-3 trannies that actually do post here.
/tv/ and /v/ are worse. Higher concentration of contrarians.
>reddit freckles on otherwise perfect chink skin

Kiss your sister.
You sound very jewish.
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>(((pedotakus))) revisionism
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True. People say Todd does nothing but society, but child grooming victim rates and underage sexual assault victim rates are both down. Because of Todd. 99% of children that get molested are fictional Skyrim Vampires and etc these days, so if Todd was never born 100 times as many babies would be raped every goddamn day because Skyrim would not exist as a containment c00mzone to protect irl younglings from RPG enthusiasts like you and myself and etc
We used to have dedicated loli and shota boards. If you weren't a 2016 tourist moralfag you would remember this, of course.
>Was she too Reddit?
you think she's the most reddit RPG follower? Interesting and ironic you should say that because do you know what the literal faggiest thread one can conceivably post on reddit is? Scientifically speaking I mean? A thread titled "Who in their right mind turns Serana into a Loli" just like screencap pic related:

>"Wtf? Why would anybody dare install mods to make Serana more attractive? OH This is bullshit! I'm mad!"
>"This vexes me. I'm offended enough to go online and make a reddit thread about this! let us hope I get lots of upvotes in the process too."
>"If you are not offended by these Serana mods you are a bad person and a misogynist and an incel and I hate you! Okay?"
>"Hey want to be a selfless virtuous hero like myself? Well here is how I play Skyrim! Install mods to make Serana a hairless Redguard and use the setscale console 1.3 command on her. That way all of society will know how much you respect old ugly fat women and you can officially sit at the kewl kids table with me! Lol!"
>"Uh, can I please have more Reddit Gold now guys?? hahahha! Like imagine how brainwashed and misguided somebody would have to be to install mods that make Serana prettier instead of installing mods to make Serana uglier! yikes!!!!!"

Hard mode: I dare you to find a more cringe Reddit thread than pic related

you can't
>Todd normalized virtual cp

Alright man we get it you wanna fuck little kids, calm down. Reddit is full of normies, who cares.
>pedotaku babble
Refer to >>3402779
Reddit is calling.
>the pedotaku projects and lashes out
Refer to >>3402779
Refer to my dick.
No, really this board is the worst. /v/ has more stupidity by volume but only because it's so busy. Only place I've seen that comes close is /n/ but even that's only the cringe cult of r/fuckcars. Also, some boards like /fit/ and /out/ have a lot of low/mid iq posters that aren't so obnoxious with lame try-hard trolling.
That mootpost is from 2010. 4chins was started in 2004. I was still metastasing on /b/ back then, so I don't remember any loli boards. But if 4chan never had one, what is mootikins talking about here?
>what is mootikins talking about here?
Who knows, we used to make plenty of these fake quotes of his back in the day. I'm not sure anyone knows which ones are real and which ones aren't
Check the archive yourself, trannykins.

Check the archive yourself, pedokins.
Fuck off, pussy
>its da TROONS!

Deranged chudcel lol.
because plebbitors love soirim
>trannoid and pedoid covering each other
Sub-humans of the world, unite!
fuckin kek
Ok, but what board did moot remove that prompted this quote about lolis and how does this prove 4chan never had a loli focused board?
The loli and shota boards, duh.

He was selling out and was afraid those boards wouldn't go down well with investors.
wow what a faggot. who cares about investors?
I vaguely remember existence of /l/ but I don't remember there being a shota board.
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ask yourself which is worse:

>Sex with children?
>Sex with trannies?
>Sex with Volkihar vampires?

If you can't answer this simple question you should not be allowed to vote
>4chan has never accepted pedophiles
>as proof, here's a post from the dead admin about removing the pedophile board that used to exist
>who cares about investors?
The guy trying to sell his website and cash out, obviously.
>get stuck a millenia
>to the point of losing track of history and landmarks
>somehow speaking the same language of the people of current era
Top writing.
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are you not familiar with TES mythoepoiec? The reason there will be no more Dragonborns after the Skyrim guy is precisely because the common people refer to him as The "Last" Dragonborn for example. or if enough schizos form a cult and worshiping a non-existent God, that God becomes real. etc
She's obviously using the universal translator...spell
Explain to me which skyrim character isn't reddit. Like if you look in YouTube comments and shit you literally have redditors going
>boy bethesda sure does suck and they keep getting worse but I'm such a fat piggy good goy that I can't help myself
Like how is this whole game not reddit, how is every bethesda game not reddit? The second skyrim enters your steam account you become reddit incarnate.
>The second skyrim enters your steam account you become reddit incarnate.
WTF ew. Does it get better if I delete it from my library?
Yes, delete all bethesda games from your library. You'll have to contact customer support and request that they manually wipe it from your account.
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>You'll have to contact customer support and request that they manually wipe it from your account.
Alright, just did it. Thanks anon you've saved me from major embarrassment.
That's only three generations for many people in TES.
OH SHIT! I have to uninstall steam ASAP so I can fit in with my frens at /vrpg/ now!? fuck, forgive me my Lord

don't ask stupid questions nigger a wizard did it obviously

yes please help me

thank you. I'm calling Todd's personal number right now even though I know its his day off I hope he picks up

you're very lucky anon if your mom or your frens saw Skyrim in your steam account it would've been SO embarrassing for you

We don't even know how long she was frozen in Dimhollow Cavern. It could very well be over 6 million generations for many people in TES too
Somehow you made something that looks worse than vanilla.
/tesg/ faggots are mentally ill
Yep, Serana does tick the saviour desire while also providing context for why she'd agree to your 99 sex mods
this resembles reason #1, she had most effort put in an otherwise barebones game, who knows how much content they cut to meet that 11 meme launch date
it's the feeblest of reasons but considering how little shit changed in TES lore it's possible that high society language at least, has stayed mostly the same
vulgar may be unrecognizeable after the invention of skooma and the great yffing of 4000
>didn't press send
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The Elder Scrolls is not a happy place, it is one of the darkest universes to grace the RPG genre ever to be frank. Imagine if you accidentally piss off a Daedra like Vaermina or Methrunes Dagon and they react by torturing you for billions ( Tamriel is 7,900 years old but "time" passes different in Oblivion) of years, torture methods so horrific we can't even begin to fathom them. Or given the topic of this very thread, what of King Harkon himself? Well he is a rapist as well as a rapiee I.E. a Daughter of Coldharbour. As part of the magical agreement to become a top tier Vampire, he had to "put on a dress" and doll up like a princess for daddy Molag Bal to rape his fucking literal soul&guts out. It's fucked up, King Harkon isn't a faggot at all or anything, he only agreed to his own super-rape so he could become Immortal achieving demigod tier vampire powerlevels, naturally Harkon did not exactly enjoy taking it up the asshole being forced to eat Daedric feces for 88 days to say the least. Molag has many other "unwilling" sex assault victims we meet ingame too. Remember the Death Hounds we encounter throughout the Dawnguard DLC? Theyre essentially Vampiric dogs, Daughters of Coldharbour. Molags very into non-consensual bestiality sex he rapes Skyrim dogs (huskies, Irish wolfhounds, stray wolves, nix hounds etc) thus transforming said dogs into Vampires. It's fucked up when you read it on paper but that's just TES Lore man, it can get pretty damn dark sometimes. Not to mention after being raped himself, King Harkon goes on to rape hundreds of women (especially Serana) very hard!! So it would not surprise me if the Death Hounds are all hardcore serial rapists too. Imagine how scary that would feel being gang-raped by packs of undead Immortal vampire dogs not many other RPGs feature such dark background Lore! TES Lore is simply underappreciated by too many RPG fans but yes I do get how TES also has a long list of valid criticisms too ok
what quest / mod is that? thanks in advance as I'm gonna fuck off for a while
Fort Firemoth
>ask about dialogue mod
>reccomends dagothland mod
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I believe that is Serana Dialoogue add-on 4.0?

Except Sofia is the funniest wife, don't believe what idiots tell you about her being a cringe reddit-like follower. Her very meta in-universe humor gets misinterpreted as reddit humor but she is in fact a pretty decent representation of what a high speechcraft female born on Nirn might act like in terms of Lore humor saying lines like:

>"But I'm not racist though! I just don't like or trust elves okay? Or the Redguards and beast races! And I'm not huge fan of the Imperials either I guess. Plus everybody else hates Orcs too! Well you know. sorry Dragonborn? I didn't want to sound rude I just prefer the company of Nords in most situations is all!"

If youre among RPers who likes 10 wives, 1 of each playable race, I recommend Sofia for the Nord not Serana. Sofia is Lore friendly in that even if she marries a non-Nord or a non-male, she will express reluctance about doing so and sometimes panic worrying the Gods might view her as some evil sinful harlot because lesbian marriage and shit. She's like a personality type of a sarcastic witty person with no filter so often gets in trouble socially. She's even overly immersive sometimes. If you tell her that her butt is the most attractive part of her body, she freaks out and calls you a deranged sex pervert saying "WTF DRAGONBORN? THAT IS WHERE GROSS STUFF COMES OUT OF! EW!". if you time travel 2,000 years ago irl on earth to tell women their ass is their most attractive feature I imagine they'd scream "BE GONE HERETIC". The only girls in Skyrim who "enjoy" anal are exclusively Dibellan High Priestesses such as Anwen, Hamal, Fjorta, Orla, Haelga, Senna etc. All other NPCs would look at you like you had a 3rd eye if you suggested engaging in butt sex. Sure Lydia and all other Housecarls "have to" insert anything into their fartholes that we demand of them I.E. sworn to carry all our burdens! but in meta terms they'd all receive our poopdick with utter confusion/rage
Is this a raid? What an awful thread.
Sofia would be decent if her lines were voiced seriously and genuinely. she gets the reddit humor hate because all of her comments like what you posted have that snarky and tryhard-witty tone to them.
I liked her because the mod overall is very well made, with a lot of relevant content, but as a characters she only has like 5 serious interactions, while everything else is a joke. i just want her to kill some draugr while we explore, not make dumb jokes about what they smell like.
I saw a /vrpg/ poster the other day. Dreadful creatures.
Might be time to start dumping gore on /tesg/.
Even without the cliche "this franchise made for kids is actually pretty dark" approach this post is mostly true; even though much of the really wierd lore isn't exactly in games and TES doesn't have devils, but "daedra", shit's pretty rough for most people and can get especially rough if some bored asshole goes and launches a regional apocalypse.
It's only a pleasant setting if (you) are strong but even then you may have to deal with other strong assholes who probably got bored of sex at 27

thank you Anon, also yeah anal sex is pretty gross unless some very specific circumstances which are off limits to most of the perma-feudal people of Nirn
>be Molag Bal
>fucking furious The Last Dragonborn vehemently rejects all Daedra but is instead devout worshiper of The Nine
>Send muh newest mortal champion, Loki the Unlucky, to kidnap Last Dragonborn's DG huskie from Vindrel Hall and deliver it in my honor
>Manifest at local Shrine
>Rape The Last Dragonborn's dog follower
>Brans now pic related disgusting Vamp abomination
>must be put down
>LDBs sad and depressed, forced to murder his most loyal companion naturally
>franchise made for kids is actually pretty dark
It'd be challenging to form a list of RPG characters more sick and depraved than Molag Bal is. Imagine if irl some "aspect of the Devil" took the form of a gruesome physical avatar and raped your innocent loyal dog thus turns him into hostile zombie dog? I'd be angry. Not to mention the Daedra raping your pets is just ONE thing Tamrielians have legitimate concern to worry about among dozens and dozen of commonplace dooms. Imagine youre an average farmer in Skyrim or Morrowind or Black Marsh? Every morning as a Tamrielien farmer you wake up you and Pray hard to all of your Gods in hopes some random wandering lunatic Hagraven witch (with many, many black soul gems btw) does not stab you and your daughters/wives with her Daedric Dagger of Damnation! Yet even if youre a genuinely good guy 99% of the time such prayers go unanswered, praying to your Gods actually does very fucking little in terms motivating your Gods to take any serious action towards preventing random evil Hagraven whores from stealing your kids Souls/eating you/cutting off your wives' fingers/etc. In fact you the farmer here striving hard to live "sin free" by being extra Pure-of-Heart just advertise your black Soul as being extra valuable for necromages/Daedra worshipers/witches/Vamps/Dunmer/Hagraven preferring to steal "Pure" black Souls!
Not all super vampires were personally raped by Molag Bal. They can pass on their vampire lord status.
>We don't even know how long she was frozen in Dimhollow Cavern.
She doesn't know what the Empire is, so either:
1) she lived during the Interregnum (2E 430 - 2E 854)
2) she lived between the War of Succession that ended the First Empire and the founding of the Second Empire by Reman I (1E 420 - 1E 2703)
3) she predates King Vrage and the First Empire (1E 240)
For scale, the First Era lasted 2920 years, the Second Era 896 years, and the Third Era 433 years. Skyrim takes place in 4E 201.

Of course, this all assumes that Bethesda deliberately intended for her to have been frozen at a specific time rather than just "in the distant past". Realistically, whoever wrote her lines didn't look at the timeline, and didn't really consider that the Empire existed before TES IV Oblivion.
People only like her because they're conditioned by games to go
I basically gave up on her character after there was no significant payoff to anything you could do in the game. Nothing besides some "I'm snarky, I complain a lot, you should do what I say even though you don't know me, are a vampire hunter, and I have an elder scroll". Despite Bethesda making this shit after the main story there's no option to just go "I'm the fucking dragonborn, I already have an elder scroll, hand me that shit because I'm trustworthy/will kill you" then I came online and found out about the ultra rape thing, and the "no you can't marry her!" Which only served to confuse me further.

All in all, I assume that she's a perfect example of how people can be conditioned to like something just because it's pretty and presents the veneer of a character. You also have reddit cucks who like to pretend every subversion is a brilliant stroke of genius writing just because it isn't giving the audience what it would generally want. I truly cannot wait until that trend dies so people can see dumb shit like this for what it is.
Is this ChatGPT?
No you monkeyfuck, at least not me, I just really don't like Serana.
moot knew this place was going to shit, when he got offer to jump the boat and get paid for the trouble, he would be stupid not to take the deal
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What kind of prompt would have generated posts like those three?
Seems to be making ok money as hiroshimoot is still running it at some sort of profit, even if it's only /pol/ that basically keeps this cesspool alive at this point.
That's because the Captchas were used to train AI/Government funded ops/*insert conspiracy theory here*.
Controlled opposition is the most öikely theory I subscribe to.
>write a 4chan post about Serana from Skyrim, context: iIhate women and I can't breed
I'd actually subscribe to that too. At the very least just based on all the retarded distractions people fall for here.
Considering everything is anonymous and mostly untrackable, it's also extremely easy to sow discordance and misinformation and make everyone infight and paranoid. This place may have "free speech" but it's too contrarian and schizoid to actually organize anything of threat value.
>Considering everything is anonymous and mostly untrackable
Did I say something funny?
Kinda, but more factually inaccurate. Unless you're visiting this place from vpn+tor, you're not anonymous and untrackable
He meant to the users. We all know the moment we enter a court case these posts are going to get brought up, including where they were made, and a full webcam/video of us taking a shit while making them, or something.
>we enter a court case these posts are going to get brought up, including where they were made, and a full webcam/video of us taking a shit while making them, or something.
They won't actually. Evidence like that is mostly illigal or would be dismissed by the defense rather easily.

t. laywer
Usually they just threaten you into taking a plea deal. And remember “parallel construction”? Fabricating fictitious chains of evidence to conceal illegal and unconstitutional evidence gathering, even to the point of lying to judges.
Like the other anon said, 99% of anons aren't epic hackz0rs that can track down your IP, most posts on 4chan are fire and forget and even if you posted something incriminating, by the time of an investigation it'd be too late to track you anyway (unless archived posts also save the original IP, which I'm guessing they don't).
Hell Reddit had legit murderers and child rapists post there and even the police couldn't find them through their live posts. I think we're overall pretty save.

Also I thought you couldn't post on 4chan through TOR?
>t. laywer
Lies. No real lawyer will ever give legal advice unless he's getting paid.
What part would be illegal, anyway? Assuming you're talking about the post, and not the video recording of the poster taking a shit. Like just get a warrant to get the site owner to hand over the IP, and then get another warrant to get the ISP to hand over the exact location of the device that had that IP at posting time.
>No real lawyer will ever give legal advice unless he's getting paid

No real (((((lawyer))))) maybe.
>I think we're overall pretty save.
I hope so anon. I saw a high elf the other day. Horrible little creatures. It tried to swindle me with high words, but I stood my ground, and insulted him. Hope the popo don't come for me due to anti-Highelfism
>Also I thought you couldn't post on 4chan through TOR?
Asking the important questions.
What the fuck is going on with that floor texture of the sarcophagus?
2011 fidelity.
It Just Works™
How do I turn my wife into a vampire if I didn't join the Volkihar clan and instead had Serana turn me outside the Soul Cairn portal?
Vampires sound like an allegory for gay people.
>Vampire passes on vampirism, like a gay guy passes on the AIDS
>Fashion sense
Get a mod like Sacrosanct. Or Better Vampires. IIRC one of those lets you turn people by giving them blood potions or feeding on them.
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>Just mod bro
Actually no, to clarify, I fucking love modding more than anybody on /vrpg/ but... I meant in terms of exploiting vanilla AE on a portable Nintendo. Normally I always played oldrim with like 300+ mods on a PC, and I never bothered to try SE. For my first AE playthrough I'm doing a rare unmodded Skyrim run to re-orient myself with the neo vanilla, if I just installed tons of mods from the get-go on my first AE run, I'd have no clue which content is verified canon (updated) Lores and which content is headcanon mod Lores. and etc

Aren't there any exploits in vanilla AE that don't involve mods or console commands to let me get multiple wives simultaneously, and to turn all my wives into vampires, and recruit more than one wife as a folllower in my party at once? is this not bugthesda, these must be a way right? its bullshit I can only have one wife if I'm the literal Dragonborn because Lore violations hello? And it is equally bullshit I'd need to betray Isran and my other Dawnguard bros to turn my wife into a Vampire. how do I fix this?

haven't done an unmodded Skyrim run since 2012, and that wasn't AE. OH speaking of AE, really cool Todster how I can not own the epic playerhome in Raven Rock DLC bc still after 500 days Bethesda nazis continue to refuse to patch the Nintendo AE Skyrim to correct the Notorious Insufferable Bug preventing 100% of players from starting the quest "March of The Dead" making player housing impossible in the Dragonborn DLC. perfect why do I need coolest playerhome from vanilla? instead I RP my Dragonborn sleeps outside in the frozen ashy wasteland whenever I'm vacationing in Soltheseim because...Lore reasons Todd? It just does not work

if you fools have any serious questions about Vanilla AE changes (OP equipment, Lore updates, etc) or Oldrim modding or waifu tips or TES Lores or Serana Lores or whatever etc bullshit feel free to ask I'll get back to you sooner or later I live to serve

t, Role playing game expert
Magnus Hirschfeld, the Jew who ram Berlin’s first tranny surgery clinic (and had his clinic and books burned by the Hitler youth), considered “being a vampire” to be a legitimate sexual identity
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>1940s Europe
>"Vampire" is considered a legitimate sexual orientation
wait... what the fuck? yikes. Very intriguing, because I actually do get why 2020s redditors today consider "identifying" as a Werewolf and/or Vampire to be a very brave valid fashion statement in their warped NPC POV. But there were no redditors in the 1940s afaik, the cringe had not consumed human society yet. Who the fuck was larping as an irl Vampire in 1940s Europe in attempt to impress chicks? I literally can not even imagine, wow
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>Originally our Skyrim expansion saw the Dragonborn lead his victorious civil war faction plus dragon air-support on a military campaign against the Aldmeri Dominion, but it was too intense.
>So we just threw somethin' together with vampires. Enjoy!
>wanting to marry Molag Bal's sloppy seconds
Nosferatu came out 1922. That movie started vampire movies. The whole vampire thing became a social idea at the time. There were undoubtedly a couple weirdos running around larping as the Count. Lots of young men people had been mindbroken by the war. Many grew up without a father.
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How are all these things connected?? Where did the legends about vampires come from, anyway?
I don't. And neither should (You).
name 5
There is no other kind of lawyer, anon.
We call them pissniggers in Skyrim. Ever seen one in Windhelm? Didn't think so.
They never promised any of that, and even if they did, it would've been part of the main game's civil war campaign.
>chuddy is so proud of being a hideous stinking slop he correlates hygiene and aesthetics with "the gays".

Grim blackpill. Please neck yourself.
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Niranye, Arivanya and Ulundil are Altmer living in Windhelm. And they are treated with far more respect than the Dunmer. Perhaps because Nords are fucking blind stubborn retards who can't drop an ancient grudge from 2,000 years ago in favor of replacing it with a grudge against a race currently trying to genocide them here and now
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>If you weren't a 2016 tourist moralfag

this isn't about morals

if you like those pictures it just makes you a weirdo and
probably a pedophile
Based. Sorry for the bad reply then my guy. I wish I had the strength to have stuck to oldrim.
Not understanding jokes is a sign of autism.
This thread glows.
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>this isn't about morals
>immediately lectures on morals
The female pissmer are only allowed in Windhelm because they're the city's gangbang whores.
More like fucking BLOWS!
Not a all. They're respected citizens unlike the drunken hobos at the gates, who are all nords.
The fact is that in the Stormcloak capital city knife ears have better standing and quality of life than nords (murdered daughters, stolen family heirlooms, etc).
I don't appreciate them
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>treated with far more respect than the Dunmer
There's exactly one (non-dunmer) racist in all of Windhelm. You see him right when you enter, so you can easily get an impression that the nords dislike the dunmer, but no one else in the city has anything bad to say about them.
Interestingly, no other city in Skyrim has a significant population of dunmer refugees. Almost as if Windhelm was the only city to offer them refuge.
>There's exactly one (non-dunmer) racist in all of Windhelm
Yeah, my Nord character
A very widespread theory is that the core of modern vampire myths started in 16th to 17th century Eastern Europe. In the folk tales these undead are not the charismatic, suave individuals they later became.
Instead vampires were those that died a certain way or were born with certain featuresy such as a premature set of teeth. Back then diseases like tuberculosis went around. To the people at the time it looked like a person was slowly being drained. Then, after the first sick of a house was dead and buried, others oftentimes fell sick too and wasted away in time. When opened the grave of the first victim revealed a rosy, plump looking corpse. That's because during the first weeks after death a human corpse loses its outermost layer or skin, revealing pinkness and bloats up with gases, giving the appearance of being well fed while others of their family wasted away. That sparked the impression of the vampire coming back from the grave to haunt and consume his living relatives.
Sometimes blood from the corpse even pooled around the mouth or the corpse suffered from muscle spasms that made it look like it chewed on its grave veil. That's why another word for these early vampires is 'Nachzehrer', meaning somebody that feeds after death.

There have actually been official investigations at the time looking into these folk stories. Back then it spread like memes do. I forgot his name but the doctor being sent basically came to the conclusion that villagers were dieing from a sickness, spooking themselves and doing stupid shit like reopening graves to mess with corpses, infecting even more.

And there is also the fact that Eastern European jews, Ashkenazim, I believe, migrated to the region around the time. Their strange practices and looks made them stand out against the native population.
Hey fuck you I worked very hard(like 2 seconds tops) at coming up with the text for the OP
Vampires as an archetype have always existed. A person that drains you, drains your blood, or lifeforce. Not literally, of course, but metaphorically.
They sure drained little St. Simon of Trent literally. RIP.
ass made for lovemaking
The jews didn't start the vampire panic. They only became associated with it by their foreign practices.

And because porphyria is a condition that gives afflicted light sensitivity and skin damage. Symptoms can be alleviated by consuming blood. It's about the iron content, iirc. Anyway, jews are more likely to have that condition.
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>brings trannies up out of nowhere
silence tranny. i havent cummed to tranny porn in days
You're going to relapse hard. It's okay, we all do.
relapse? no i just can't be bothered
This genuinely looks like fucking garbage
Name another show that blends body horror with Christopher Guest mockucomedy.
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You should start a Child Protective Services Guild, Dave. But don't actually try to help any children, you have no idea how to achieve that, so just stick to your talents. Because your true strengths are whining at people in a preachy fashion about what is objectively ethical to masturabate to and what isn't morally acceptable to fap to. Go create a Guild that does exactly that be a real Hero, with you, the ideal destined leader of a mythical guild of complainers dedicated to shaming coomers
post your serana so we can judge your taste. or don't, and just be a coward in your own mind.
Shut up pedophile.
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>Shut up pedophile.
Projection. What even makes you think I'm a pedo? How do I know you're not the kiddie sniffer ITT? Because statistically speaking you probably do think 10 year olds smell sexy as shit you weirdo pervert, hell for all I know you've already been invited to Jeffrey Epstein's secret little island (or maybe secretly wish you were invited at least?)

So I guess the real question is this; Which makes dick harder, pedo? Pic related left or right? Yikes
... Are you retarded?
What's going on in this thread
>What's going on in this thread
I dunno, I'm playing Morrowind
I'd like to find out what's going on in you, bby
Another verified /vrpg/ classic
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Seen any... elves? Hahahahaha!
Niggerfaggot galore.
There are old (pre medieval, maybe iron age) burials in Europe where people would place rocks between deceased persons teeth, would cut of the leg, theory being is that they were afraid of them coming back as vampires, ghouls and so on.
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Why does /vrpg/ have the most mentally ill posters, per capita? Why do rpgs attract such a vast array of mental illnesses?
/vrpg/ caters to fans of old school rpgs. That type of rpg is typically stat focused and requires niche knowledge. Every single new rpg is met with hostility by many posters here.

They are autists. Midwit autists who are afraid of new things and replace actual intelligence with encyclopedic knowledge of game minutae.
"But first, we need to talk about parallel universes"
>/vrpg/ caters to fans of old school rpgs
Good joke.
No, why? What exactly would constitute me as being tarded?
I don't feel tardy
>Pretending to be stupid
Must be your 24/7 hobby.
Is this the Skyrim mod for Morrowind?
Yes. It's mostly just the Reach for now, I feel like it doesn't quite measure up to what the modders have been adding in mainland Morrowind, but it's all right.
>why are people that spent more time minmaxing an imaginary world than they do a real one so mentally ill
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ew. atleast post the one which makes her too pretty
Might very well be a valid theory. These eastern European folk stories probably have cultural roots of their own. They are simply where modern ideas of vampirism got their start.

Do you have a link for me or a book where I can read up on these ancient burials more?
are we just trying to post the ugliest, creepiest Seranas possible ITT?
post a good Serena overhaul than.
>Tells the entire thread he's a faggot
Tranny faggot mental illness has degraded so badly the faggots insult themselves now.
Actually sometimes its a false flagger posting it
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Is this bait? Why is her left boobie 10% bigger than her right boobie...? Wtf? This is bait.

Ideally Serana is flatchested such as pic related immersive mod
she's too tall.
>I want my Serana to look like a 6/10 Italian woman
if that was your goal, then you succeeded.
>the vampire girl with boob window should be flat
kill all lolifags
The vampire girl should be flat regardless of what she is or isn't wearing.
Behead all lolifags.
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the brainwashing cock redemption comes after i kill her daddy and fuck her mom
She is a Nord
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KYS coomer
>Is this bait? Why is her left boobie 10% bigger than her right boobie...?
Actually a natural thing to happen
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>posts some random elven abomination when the giga stacy SERANAHOLIC mod exists
Can I kill Serana? I don’t want a fucking vampire following me
i love goth whores
A game so shit all the threads discussing it devolve into sex mods because it has nothing else to provide otherwise
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>can I kill a character that has a quest in Skyrim?
Take a fucking guess.
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I can smell the mountain dew and stale cumsocks from here.
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I like goth girls and vampires
Is Skyrim worth playing? Will I need to install mods?
>Is Skyrim worth playing?
It's one of the most successful RPGs of all time. Of course it's worth playing. Even the haters play it. No mods needed.
vanilla skyrim is worth experiencing exactly once, just so you can see all the flaws and to give you some ideas for what you might need to get mods for
Up to you on mods.
Alright I'll give it a try. Is there any mod that stops the colours looking so washed out? Everything looks so faded and it's offputting.
I don't believe you are a real person that has been convinced to play skyrim. No one is this retarded.
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there are plenty enbs out there and they are a pain to set up, just look for some wabbajack modpack like Aurora, it's just bugfixing and better graphics
>how dare you try to form your own opinion
npc nigger
>Will I need to install mods?
Get SkyUI. Everything else is optional.
>Is Skyrim worth playing?
hell yes
>Will I need to install mods?
hell no
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She has personality in a game from series where characters don't really matter and are all paper thin
Same reason why memebug from Kenshi is so popular
3DNPC is good if you want hundreds of new NPCs, each one with 100 times the personality-depth of the vanilla NPCs
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Lore Question: In the dawnguard dlc The Dragonborn can refuse to give the 3 Elder Scrolls to Dexicon, and depending on player dialogue choice you can argue that since Elder Scrolls are allegedly Indestructible, you want to find a way to use the Elder Scrolls as armor. My question being was The Last Dragonborm fucking retarded, or can you actually use Elder Scrolls as some form of armor?

and what of Methrunes Razor? Can't she cut through anything Lorewise and is only dogshit ingame because fake&gay game balance bs? What happens if I cut an Elder Scroll in half with the Razor? Everybody dies? Even Talos dies?

Does Serana poop? Do TES Vampires defecate? I must say the thought of a wife who never needs to discharge feces from her body is quite appealing indeed that just sounds outrageously sexy! I'd still want her to brap loud and often though, maybe with spells and/or potions along with a Level 99 enchantment or two!

Very legal friend no worries

>pic related
Ew atrocious bait I hate you

>pic related
Hello nurse! Okay this Serana is maximum cute to the core, in a Lore friendly way too! except... the moron who took this screenshot forgot to use the Setscale 0.9 console command on his wife so idk clearly he does not know how to play the game right... Wtf?
>can you actually use Elder Scrolls as some form of armor
You can fold it a couple of times and it will block a throwing knife
>Elder Scrolls as armor
You could, theoretically use them like it. But Elder Scrolls are not just scrolls of prophecy or ordinary ingame items. The scrolls have a role to play. They are always plot points/quest items and the player will only receive just as many as he needs.

>Mehrunes Razor
The scrolls should beat Mehrunes Razor, as the Daedra are also subject to the Elder Scrolls prophecies.
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Serana is a huge nord woman
>there are plenty enbs out there and they are a pain to set up
dafuq? you literally just drop the enb files in the skyrim directory. how smoothbrained are you?

here you go anon
then go int the settings and bump the saturation up to 7 or 8 or so. best used with RAID weathers.
>Ew atrocious bait I hate you
i legitimately have no idea how people can call my pics bait, and then they post their own potatoface serana with her dumb vanilla hairstyle. i get that other people have their preferences and all, but I can't fathom that people actually like the flat-faced down syndrome look.
>dafuq? you literally just drop the enb files in the skyrim directory. how smoothbrained are you?
you need to set up your lightning and fx mods accordingly plus do some tinkering for it to not look like shit

the enb you just linked for example, looks fucking terrible, and the fact that you are recommending to bump up the saturation even further makes me think you are colorblind too
the enb i posted is widely regarded as one of the best presets ever, and the instructions are very clear. if you have problems, that's a (you) issue.
>the moron who took this screenshot forgot to use the Setscale 0.9 console command on his wife so idk clearly he does not know how to play the game right
eww. why would you turn a proud Nord girl into a womenlet?
I am going to play Skyrim SE in the next few months and I am not going to use any cosmetic mods or shaders at all.
Based anon with taste
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to create the illusion she is a strong Nord child. an RP preference thing of the elite Lorebeard community among TES fans
I unironically just liked hunting the animals in skyrim. Is there another game that can give me that experience without a 30gb install tax and hours spent modding?
Search for hunting games
there's this one far cry game where you play as a stone age homo sapiens and hunt shit with spears and bows
What are you hunting? Redguards? Nevermind, I don't want to know...
All the in-depth hunting games are even bigger installs.
seen any niggers? ahahahahaha!
aye. as if Skyrim didn't already have enough outsiders, now we've got niggers from Hammerfell strutting about
dangerously based
yes my lord! a good plenty. somebody should decree them removed from city walls or kill them, Skyrim needs to be cleaned of this filth it is an embarassment
Why are Tiktok zoomers like this?
would you believe me if I told you I'm 40 and have never touched tiktok?
>Lol I am 40 years old sir
I refuse to believe this. Are you even a fucking American or have you spent the past 4 decades in living it up in Bankok or one of those other ultra foriegn weird fucking niggerhole countries? In no universe is your Serana you posted sexier than pic related. your bait is 1/10
because 9/11 and smartphones
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>be me on lorebeard discord
>think my theory about Harkon being Akaviri-Nedic halfbreed is cool
>point out the weird nonTamrielic architecture including serpent theming in the ruin with Serana
>point out his katana
>point out his facial features which are by far the most asiatic in the entire series
>discord trannies loose their fucking minds
>call me racist because I think Harkon looks Asian
>I point out that it is not racist to point out that Asians have certain facial features and Harkon shares these features
>they start screaming that it's racist to even think Asians look different
>eventually realize what I'm dealing with and nope the fuck out of their Aids channel
>good theory though
>snakes are the real clincher. who the fuck uses snake iconography in that cold region of Tamriel other than Akaviri invaders

Honestly lorebeards tend to be really myopic people who miss stuff right in front of their faces. They actually believed that crap about the falmer being blinded by mushrooms. I knew the Dwemer were using them as Elder Scroll reading bots from the beginning. Shit is fucking obvious. I mean hello? BLIND
Yeah, I want bow hunting and some crafting with it, so maybe skyrim is one of the few options available. Guess I ought to look for mods.
I'll check them out, but it'll be awhile.
You could try Oblivion too, if you don't mind an older game and visuals. No crafting without mods though
>Cause she has at least a single drop of personality.
isn't there some thing about different vampire bloodlines having different weaknesses and strengths in the older tes games
>it's a much darker fantasy universe than the others because it has medieval suffering and demons and shit, no other fantasy universe has those things
This was the case in Morrowind. I expect it was simplified afterwards.
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The Lore holds that there are in fact over 6 million strains of Vampirism disease on Tamriel so feel free to mod some more ingame if you have any available time to waste
>The Lore holds that there are in fact over 6 million strains of Vampirism disease on Tamriel so feel free to mod some more ingame if you have any available time to waste
Best I can do is 200-300k, tops.
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>be level 10
>join vampire hunters
>find ancient vampire girl holding powerful artifact
>Is that an Elder Scroll? I ask, even though I don't know what that is
>"yes, now take me home" vamp girl says
>"ok" I say, for I can't say anything else
>take her home, her father is ancient 5000 year old vampire, so vampire girl is probably around that age too
>"do you want to be vampire" says ancient vampire guy
>"no" I say, for I am a noble soul and werewolves are cooler
>he kicks me out
>get back to vampire hunters
>"you fucking retard" not-Blade calls me
>"I had no other choice" for in truth, the narrative gave me no other choice
>do some more errands for vampire hunters
>"retardborn, a vampire fiend is looking for you" not-Blade says to me
>"hey, I'm vampire girl again, look I actually didn't want to go to my father even though I told you to get me there, he is bad even for vampires. so let's go on an adventure together because you need me to stop the prophecy" vampire girl says
>"retardborn, give me one reason to not stomp her head" not-Blade asks
>"the plot won't let you" I say, for I am a learned man
>later on learn that the prophecy can only be fulfilled by using vampire girl, still no option to kill her even though she serves no purpose
>despite being an ancient vampire who lived before even nerevar was born, her entire dialogue reads like a teen fanfic about a girl coming of age and rebelling against her father's wishes
>go find her mother
>vampire girl has a breakdown and her daedric worshipping whore of a mother somehow feels bad about her plan being retarded
>still can't kill both and then the father because that would break the cinematic vision of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
>spent a lot of time with vampire girl and she was the only companion with minimal interaction so decide it would be a good idea to have her as a wife
>"I'm sorry retardborn, I don't believe in the institution of marriage. let's stay friends"
>mfw I paid Emil for this
>"the plot won't let you" I say, for I am a learned man
But thou must
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Interesting how when we meet Babette she literally says to the Dragonborn:

>"In truth, I am no more a little girl than you are! Teehee!"

uh wtf did Todd mean by this? Is she a femboy or is this some bethesda glitchery in which she accidentally delivers dialogue originally intended exclsuively for female Dragonborns to both genders and it somehow never got patched? Or is Howard a child grooming pervert who lives vicariously through his RPG game design?

>5,000 years old
shes barely over 2,000 and spent roughly half that time trapped in that Dimhollow Crypt sleeping with TES enjoying outrageously intense, vivid Vampire nightmares (Vamps never sleep "peacefully" in TES) more horrifying than any mere mortal can fucking comprehend

>Serana tires of being Harkons sexy puppet trophy daughter?
>she wishes to serve a Legendary Hero like myself instead?
This is a very good problem to have

>only follower who chit chats AND has quantum of personality
Mostly true I'll give you that one, but try the atoning Dunmer Mara priest follower, truly based from an in-universe meta POV and has a good bit more dialogue than most vanilla squaddies? as your pic related suggests, Skyrim followers indeed require mods to bring them feel lifelike!

Nords were more handsome 20 centuries ago plus King Harkon was lucky enough to be born a chad amongst chads.

Dwemer invented a machine to read Elder Scrolls without blindness, recall that questline "Discerning the Transmundane" in which you use a Dwemer gizmo to transcribe Elder Scroll knowledge to a lexicon cube for based schizo wizard Septimus Sigmus? The high IQ dwarves don't need mid IQ snow Mer to read Elder Scrolls for them, they already figured that crap out on their own. Whatever nefarious experiments they did on Falmer and why are unknown, theoretical and very open to fan interpretation

fuck your gayass fake af universes with horrors well within a range of 85 IQ normie subhuman comprehension
>who the fuck uses snake iconography
Many nordic crypts have them
>>"In truth, I am no more a little girl than you are! Teehee!"
>uh wtf did Todd mean by this?
It meant that neither one of you is a little girl
Whether her chronological age is 10 or 6,000,000 is hardly relevant to her odd statement since strictly speaking she is more of akin to a little girl than the Dragonborn is because LDB is a big guy, which is why her literal job is to pretend to be a young naive loli so she can assassinate rich horny Nordic perverted bigshot male guys over the course of centuries

>I can create Skyrim mods that allow for 200,000 varieties of playable unique Undead vampire races
Acceptable and based, thank you kind sir. The thing is we will also need mods that add ingame Lore books written by numerous Tamrielic scholars that detail about 5,800,000 Undead non-playable vampiric races too, because Lore reasons. However as TES Lorebeards we all know the only thing we can trust ingame is what we the Prisoner witness with our own two eyes. In other words we know for a fact that these 200,000 vampiric Undead races legitimately do exisit in-universe because the player encounters them face-to-face experiancing them firsthand, but the player only actually reads about these other alleged 5,800,000 indiviual Undead vamp races so we have no way of knowing for sure if they are even real or not, or just in-universe fiction and supersticioun. Simply put TES is remarkably theory-based, debatable and open to interpetation compared most RPGverses because of masterful execution of """Unreliable Narrator Tropes""" such as the precise number of total Undead vampire races walking Tamriel for example. Because the truth is we don't know the real numbers, we just read books written by barely reliable in-universe historians and authors about the """real numbers"""!

It just makes for pretty immersive and realistic rpg gameplay imo
>fuck your gayass fake af universes with horrors well within a range of 85 IQ normie subhuman comprehension
come on TES is not that highbrow
He means compared to say, Benor. The GOAT warrior in Morthal but his personality pretty much ends there. Unlike Serana, honored Benor does not even have any DLCs written about him saving the world unfortunately
TES has many valid crticisms of course, but the setting itself is richer than most RPG fans seem to give it credit for. The majority 85 IQ folk lack the vision to appreciate the deeper obscure worldbuilding oddities such as wacky Tribunal Godhood or Oblivion and her "nature of Infinity" meta crap or The Middle Dawn (1st Era year 1,208 to 1st Era year 2,208 has no chronlogical start or chronological end) or just the mere paradox of how "contradictory" Faggerfall endings ended being simultaneously being canon or Mythoepia or Talos being an ovesoul of 3 former mortal heroes or the nature of "Fate vs Free Will vs Absolute Agency" and how that applies different towards Prisoners and NPCs, or whichever etc mindfuck Lores

I kinda get what you mean but I'd argue its amazing how TES can feel so shallow and so deep at the same time. The mystery and intrigue are there but you kinda have to dig to find it and 85 IQ niggers aren't imaginitive to make great diggers here. Verification not required
Khajiit has wares lol
>Is she a femboy or is this some bethesda glitchery in which she accidentally delivers dialogue originally intended exclsuively for female Dragonborns to both genders and it somehow never got patched?
Are you accustic? No matter what, the player character won't be a little girl. So what Babette says fits all two genders.
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>spent 2000 years in a sarcophagus having vampire nightmares
Wow, yeah, I never thought of that. In that context, it actually makes perfect sense for her to be written like a teenage girl who doesn't like her dad.
The whole point of the plot is that Harkon destroyed his family for power. What's worse, his autism also caused a rift between Serana and her mother, she hates him for fucking up her unlife pretty much until Dragonborn comes along, he's up there with Vergil for the title of the worst dad ever. Reminder that Sanguinare Vampiris is a fucking disease, vampires are just sick people, not the beasts as much as Isran would make you believe it. Serana is a good person overall and works as a foil to Dawnguard's autistic hatred of any vampires. Look at Sybille Stentor, court mage of Solitude, there is no reason to believe she has some evil plans, she even sends you to destroy some vampire nest as a side quest.
Don't forget Janus Hassildor, Chad of Skingrad
Sorry, I hated Oblivion, tried to get into that three times and every time got tired 15 hours in. Maybe I just need to check what mods to take and then try to play it, but still I kek when I think about the orc knight questline from Cheydinhal or wherever the fuck that was, God, vouce acting in that game was terrible.
Have some respect for Lynda Carter, dude
>the orc knight questline
This was really stupid. I just finished it.
>God, vouce acting in that game was terrible
It is a big downgrade from Morrowind in that regard.
>Serana's dad is just SO BAD that it completely overshadows the fact that she's just spent two millenia inside a small stone box
>vampires are just sick people, not beasts
Actual IRL Serana writing these posts
And by IRL Serana I mean an aging 90's goth chick who told her father that it wasn't just a phase and is determined to keep her word
How did she end up in that box in the first place? Her father being a cunt to the point that her mother also went retarded crazy and locked her in the box with the Elder Scroll. Everything starts with Harkon.
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>playing Skyrim
>some mercs with good gear attacks me out of nowhere
>got immediately thrown to the ground and got ready to watch my character and followers get fucked by the all the bandits because i had defeat installed
>suddenly Serena transform into vampire lord
>kill all of them and then drain the last guy with a biting attack
i don't know what mod does this but that was pretty cool and hot
Post your bussy.
I understand perfectly the need to mod Skyrim, but why do you coomers turn every single character into either a barbie doll or some gay actor? It's extremely inmersion breaking to see a chick with modern makeup in a pseudo-medieval setting.
You are saying that all loverslab rape mods not only are lore friendly but also canonical?
What did Todd meant by this?
I mean, come on, Bretons are basically Direnni rapebabies, those guys fucked Men women for so many generations they made a Manmer hybrid race. You have a literal corpsefucker in Skyrim in one of the dungeons. TES is dark as fuck, but games are tame because they are fucking video games. "Muatra is Vivec's dick" might be a meme, but a lot of the TES lore is directly taking from eastern mythologies which have alot of really fucked up shit in them. At this point they just roll with it because it's main selling point for most people.
it's a magical mindfuck disease created by the demon god of rape
Found the Muslim
It fucks with brain in later stages due to hunger and cure being almost impossible to acquire. Skyrim makes it easiest because you just need black soul gem, but still there is only one person that can cure it. Seriously, in every game it's jumping hoops to get rid of it with peak being Morrowind where you have to ask Molag Bal himself.
> peak being Morrowind where you have to ask Molag Bal himself.
Who has to ask another Daedra prince for the cure.
the point is though that they aren't "just people lol" anymore, they're corrupted into monsters to one degree or another
Wares for sale? Based. I want to buy 121 lockpicks and 18 Invisibility Scrolls. I also have to buy all Madness ore you have in stock. And 4 filled Black Soul gems. I need your most potent potion of the stallion too and ffs please don't laugh. And I'd like to buy 7 pints of sleeping tree sap! If you have any Amber ore I'll buy it all. Also I'd like to purchase 11 human skulls, but don't worry I'm no necromancer lol! Wait bro, do you by chance sell any poisons? Oh yeah and speaking of poisoning Nords, I also need to buy 20 Nirnroot, 20 Deathbell and 20 Nightshades too. And lots of mystic venom for me to smoke. I want 30 flame stalk, 40 bloodgrass, 50 wheat, 50 garlic, 50 void essesence, 60 screaming maw, and 70 rotscale. Do you also have any bloody rags for sale? Or human flesh? Sell me 13 pounds of your finest moon sugar too breh? Elsweyr Fondoo with it, naturally. And 1 Daedra heart! And 7 human hearts. If you happen to have a copy of my favorite novel The Lusty Argonian Piss-drinker Princess Volume 8 I'm very interested in acquiring a hardcover. I'll buy 1 ring of disrobing and 8 cases of Argonian bloodwine. 88 fire corkbulb bolts. 1 Frenzy spell tome. As well as 8 empty Black Soul gems. Can I buy 36 bottles of uncut Skooma and some grenades too, boss? Gib me 1 pair of muffle enchanted boots too with 12 extended invisibility potions. Im also hoping to buy tons of illegal vampiric pornography, catch my drift...? Hm, 2 Amber daggers with Soul trap enchantments! Lastly I wish to buy 36 poison apples, Niggly Wiggly!

If guards ask say some ugly Redguard nigger bought all this junk, not me the Dragonborn! I'll even throw in an extra septim to cover the cost of your discretion. And can you train me to be a better pickpocket for 8,000 septims too?

>2,000 years of excruciating slumber
No. 17 years as human, about 1,000 years as a Vampire living in King Harkon's sex dungeon at Castle Volkihar, and about 1,000 years sleeping in Dimhollow Crypt
>everybody I disagree with is sand hitler
Muslims automatically go to hell if they do anything fun, like drinking Nord mead, or having sex with a vampire, etc. I'll pass on your constrictive "no fun allowed" medieval religion, but thanks anyway chump
Serana is a weirdo because we don't see Harkon rape her ingame but playing the DLC you just know. Like you just know King Harkon is a pure evil daughterfucking bastard who literally wishes to rule the world and eat our enthralled children in the name of Molag Bal
What was the Serana dialogue mod that got deleted for using AI voices? That was the best one.
anon they're first gen vampires, they're all canonically rape victims
Based Emil dabbing on coomers
it was called Serana Expand - Dialogue add-on
molag bal raped him as well
>>"In truth, I am no more a little girl than you are! Teehee!"
what she was saying here was "you fucking retard, i'm not a little gril, just as you aren't"
Are you autistic? She's more of a little girl than any lurker of /vrpg/ for sure, so certainly she is more of a little girl than a typical hairy 6'4 shredded-buff bodybuilder looking neckbearded balding half-Redguard/half-Orc violent high T ruthless barbarian nigger style Dragonborn, and such an LDB is more of a man than any /vrpg/ lurker..

Babbettes line is clearly a plothole. She's clearly a little bit more of a little girl than anybody lurking ITT is, therefore she's clearly MUCH more of a little girl than 99% of serious LDB rps. Simple as, and not too mention Babbetter wouldn't have enjoyed enjoyed such spectacularly sucessful career as a well-paid assassin for 3 centuries had she been a shota vamper instead of a loli vamper, because sure the Nordfolk of Skyrim are perverts but no they're not homos. There are certain situations in which it can come in handy to walk in the shoes of a cute 10 year old Breton little girl like if you are employed by the Dark Brotherhood or Morag Tong for example. Perhaps it's also a Massive gaping plothole as to why in Oblivion they dispatch the Dragonborn to assassinate Emperor Mede instead of just having the sexy Babbetter easily murder him quickly and effortlessly? Hm but than again I suppose Imperial Emperors typically have their devoted battlemage servants cast a detect life/death spell on their whoress to avoid the unpleasant scenario of accidentally having sexy times with Undead vampires, idk...
Ideally as a vampire you'd just invent a way to never sleep, like Master Neloth did. Or just take potions that prevent all dreaming during slumber, so either buy them, steal them, or brew them yourself regularly. Anything to escape the horrific 4D mindfuck tormenting nightmares
I just wouldn't act like it's the pinnacle of writing especially since people like to shill KIRKBRIDE LSD TRIP WOAHHHHHHH
>She's more of a little girl than any lurker of /vrpg/ for sure
well what she's SAYING is that she isn't more of a little girl than whatever the pc is, you hypocritical actual autist, lmao
hope you get roundhoused in the ribcage
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Autistic in what way? An Un-child is far more little and femine compared to say, a giant macho Orsimer barbarian. Unless the target is a gay homosexual, little girls generally make for the best possible assassins, such as anime loli Lucy Liu in Kill Bill volume 1 or Babbette in TES

When Babette speaks this line to a female Dragonborn, it is easily interpreted as her light-heartedly teasing the player regarding how you've already hit the wall in your 1st century of lifespan, yet she is already 309 and has not hit the wall and never shall (unless you count hitting the "Cosmic Wall" I.E. death by decapitation or etc transporting her unholy soul to Coldharbour eternally)

But her same line spoken to a male Dragonborn makes no sense unless she's subtely trolling you about secretly being a femboy. Which I doubt, since the tranny phenomena had not exactly taken earth society by storm yet in 2011. It's not autistic to ascertain this as typical TES dialogue glitch, Todd fucked up, something which happens all the damn time
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Post cute videos of Serana singing for the Dragonborn. Or any cute Skyrim wives singing videos. Sofia is a good singer I suppose, probably not the best though. Who is the best? This doesn't warrant a 6th Skyrim thread so I'll ask for TES fembard vids here instead, thanks

Fuck off fag
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He'd never become an undead/vampire, but did Tiber Septim ever have sexual relations with sexy vampires? Wouldn't he have a kill-on-sight policy for vamps? Idk, the guy had a strange code of honor. Was he the greatest Man who ever lived? Or the greatest Manmer who ever lived? Whats this homo crap about /ourguy/ being Breton? gay Kirkbride Lore? Best possible writing here is against all odds the over-the-top rumors we hear here and there of how Tiber Septim was an actual real live Atmoran bro born on the mysterious af continent are accurate. Overall it makes his backstory more based, a foreign guy born in Atmora ended up being first to rule all of Tamriel, as opposed to a local Manmer. Given how Talos was accepted by The 8 Divines to ascend to 9th bc of his achievements in his 108 year mortal lifespan on Nirn, his acension feels lacking if he wasn't a "Nord" who abandoned his shithole birth continent (Atmora) to venture to best continent (Tamriel) seeking fame&fortune as a young man. Final migration boat from Atmora to Tamriel was 1st Era Year 69 so Tiber making that difficult journey 3,800 years later is hardcore based, the 8 approve

Did Tiber consort with or "molest" any ancient vampire loli assassins? Did his other 8 Divine bros give a shit? im pretty sure Stendarr&Arkay FUCKING HATE vamps, but highly doubt they give a fuck about age-gap fetishes mortals get up to, and such fetishes likely please Dibella. Why'd Dibella select 10 year old Nordic Fjorta as her Divine Champion? We know from Haelgas quest the proper way to be a devout Dibellan priestess is to be an outright Massive slutwhore, bodycounts in high double digits. You can even do Haelgas Dibellan Arts quest with Dibella's top student Fjarta in my party. Makes one ponder how the hell Todd got away with it, she seems incredibly eager to learn from Markarths Dibellan priestess caste but what do they plan to teach Sybil Fjorta? How to consume Orc semen and inhale Nordic farts? By the Nine Todd, wtf?
Can humans breed with Akaviri? Sounds awfully uncomfortable
The Akaviri are actully just humans and/or mer, all that stuff about snakemen was made up by Carlovac Townway.
...fucking what? But 2920 is one of my favorite books in the TES franchise. I was under the impression it was well-researched historical fiction. So what else did Carlovac Townway pull out of his ass? You know, besides Snakefolk ruling over half of Tamriel with an iron fist for some 400 odd years? Were the Tsaesci not even Immortal? Was the mysterious Akaviirese master race was just pathetic mortal japanese guys all along? Pretty cringe if true
>How do I know you're not the kiddie sniffer ITT? Because statistically speaking you probably do think 10 year olds smell sexy as shit you weirdo pervert
This is Fox News levels of deflection, moron. Just admit it; you're a pedo. You're basically asking yourself these questions, while trying to act superior, dimwit.
Were you molested by your dads? Do you molest your sons? Wtf is your malfunction who projects this hard?

So I can assume most women Akaviir are pretty good looking and fit right? Big cute butts and huge booba what with being alleged Master Race?
>Be Serana
>typical Nordic princess, skilled at sorcery and all other maidenly arts
>get power raped by Molag Bal during the late 1st Era
>uh oh! life turns upside down since you're now an immortal Undead
>spend 1,000 years sucking your power hungry dad's cock and also studying alchemy, history, poetry, necromancy and etc with your manipulative witchy mother
>your mom randomly freaks out, decides to suddenly seal you in Dimhollow Crypt and exile herself to the Soul Cairn
>For 1,000 years you endure the sheer torture of unrelenting angonizing cosmic-tier Nightmares fueled by the combined fucking Daedric Might of both Molag Bal and Vaermina
>Soon enough however Skyrim's mightiest Hero stumbles upon your wretched prison to rescue you
>"Ugh!! HORKER CRAP! Curse the Eight! Guh... Sorry, hi. I'm Serana! What might your name be, my new Hero? And uh, what year is it...?"
>"Greetings, Serana. I am the Last Dragonborn, your liberator. The year is 4th Era 205. Also the proper terminology we use would be 'curse The Nine' now."
>"Whoa what in Oblivion? I've been frozen for 150 MILLION years?? But, how!? When did the 2nd Era end? Wtf was the bloody 3rd Era even like? WHEN did you mortals get a new 9th God for your pantheon?"
>"I think you need to calm down, Serana!"
>"hey can I borrow your Elder Scroll, Serana? Or do you have any quests I can perform on yo.. I mean perform for you, sweetie? Want to be one of my trusty adventure companions perhaps?"
>"Damnit no, Dragonborn! Look please just take me to my daddy's secret undead island dungeon NOW! Dont worry probably only about 600 mile walk away somewhere kinda near Solitude or something iirc. OH and dont fucking expect me to be polite or friendly or nice to you on the long walk there, because I won't be! WELL wtf are we still standing around here for, fucktard? Let's go!"
>"Of course my lady. Follow me"

Wtf was her problem? Why was she so rude for no reason? vampires are the niggers of Tamriel's undead bestiary
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Or how about this, show me on the doll where your daughters requested that I fondle them and maybe I'll apologize sir
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>are grow women
are you brainrotted or something
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>no mara's amulet expression for Alduin
Jesus. This is somebody's TES headcanon. This is actually a man's life somewhere
partysnacks my beloved
The inn keeper in Candlehearth will also say lines against the dunmer.
She's the only companion with any real personality. In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.
She really seems to hate Dunmer and Argonians. I was using the Spell Research mod to level up and unlock spells and grind some levels for a few ingame months at her, and it felt like half of her radiant dialogue with every NPC she interacts with are her whining and complaining minority races will overthrow Skyrim society soon enough unless Nords crack down on them hard. I get the vibe about half of all NPCs in Skyrim are kinda racist, but have better things to do than spend hours per day everyday screaming TND in the town square. They're generally more concerned with fighting their wars, feeding their kids, running their shops etc than running their loud mouths speaking their minds I.E. directly harassing any and all Mer they bump into. Except based Rolf Stonefist

The carriage drivers and guards are some of the more openly-racist NPCs it seems, as many other NPCs are polite enough to quietly keep their bigotry to themselves. Meanwhile hold guards be like:

>Stay out of trouble, Orc!
>As if Skyrim didn't have enough outsiders already! Now we've got you niggers from Hammerfell strutting around like you own the place! Bah!
>can't wait to gut another Imperial milkdrinker bastard!
>pfft... The Imperials think us all lawless niggers! Well, I am proof of their ignorance!
>Sheathe those claws, Khajiit
>How can I help a brother Nord?
>Don't cross me, Elf
>What do you want... cat?
>Ugh. What is it, Redguard?
>We don't want any trouble, Lizard
>Why the Elven blade, hmm? Nord steel not good enough for you?
>You come talking to me wearing Imperial armor? You got stew for brains?
>If find your hand in my pocket, I'm going to cut it off
>Need supplies? You should see Belethor at his store. Sleezy little manmer, but he's got good stock!
>Careful. Riften's not the safest place for a nighttime stroll!

That being said we do need mods to make the guards twice as racist for Lore reasons yeah
Typo. Grinding "at her Inn"

Yes after observing her typical routine extensively, she seems awfully racist, perhaps even a bit BPD too. Maybe I'll marry her next playthrough
Is this the newest discordtranny buzzword
good taste fuck the other anons
>Game where all followers are literal cardboard with 3 lines
>DLC adds goth vampire girl that is a follower with actual personality and more than 3 lines
It's not hard to understand why people like her
Erandur is cooler than Serana and just as chatty almost
The only way to make this work is if you also mod ALL of Skyrim to be an anime. Otherwise she'd stand out like an awkward thumb, imagine if you saw Vegeta in a grocery store but he was animated and eveything else was regular, it'd be like that. It'd feel fucking weird as hell
>what is this crap?
They are fools who barely know the Lores, that is why. Personally as ranking Lorebeard I don't mod them into anime barbies, because as you said it completely shatters immersion. Instead I choose the more meta-friendly approach here, modding these mungos into lolis. Why the hell would the Dragonborn waste valuable time sleeping with women who hit the wall already unless perhaps the Dragonborn was a devout Sheogorath fan/worshipper who's mental insanity makes him sexually attracted to old repulsive Hagravens like Ysolda and Lydia? I suppose a Sheogorath follower would marry the most disgusting bride he could find, or maybe mistakenly confuse an Orc blacksmith bro for the most beautiful princess in Tamriel and therefore force "her" to marry him under the threat of violence (involving black soul gems) in his maddness even!
>daedric princes that look like eldritch abominations
but yeah, it's the anime-looking characters that ruin immersion
>consistent with the world
>consistent with the world
>consistent with the world
>not consistent with the world
Hmm. Really makes u think.
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I don't understand you guys also talk about the same games redditors do.
we're all redditors here, king
Name one (1) game that has never been posted on reddit
The larger issue here being over 80% of redditors are bots, not gamers
>larger issue here being over 80% are bots
Fortunately, this is a problem that 4chins certainly doesn't have.
This. Thank the Nine. Praise their 9 Holy Names with undying grattitude daily
>Anime Girls? No problem, very immerive
>BMW 5 Series with heated seats? No problem, very immersive, why wasn't this featured in vanilla Skyrim however?
even ESO has much better waifus
What mods, o' anon? I am but a coomerish soul, hampered by needs of goon-a-plenty. Hither to my words and grant me thine mighty list of Serana improving might. I beseech ye. Verily. Perchance.
not him but looks like
>trueblood serana
>twilight princess armor
>serana dialogue add-on since she stopped to talk with Ysolda about some nonsense
>sons of skyrim guard replacer
>some really fucking ugly enb
meant for (You)
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Even though you had no reason to grant aid- You chose to regardless. Acting in virtue for a co(o)mrade. Noble is this act, and noble is your spirit. My eternal thanks and gratitude.
Doesn't Molag Bal directly translate as "Fire Stone" from Dunmeri or Altmeri? LOL that makes me chuckle, Molag is the truly Ultimate fedora edgelord archetype of the RPG genre. Imagine being 100% universally regarded as the most absolute fiersome rapist in the entire Aurbis whilst also calling yourself Fire Stone. Imagine your beloved wife gets raped by somebody named literally FIRE STONE hahaha oh my, I would not be able to cope with something like that
That's just his most popular name.
Redpill me on sexual reproduction in TES. How did Tiber Septim manage to impregnate teenage Dunmer princess Barenziah within a few short weeks of meeting her? That's always been a Massive mystery among the Lorebeards because it is remarkably difficult to get an Elf pregnant in TES right? Non-Bosmer varieties are even harder. Typically doesn't a man have to cum in his Dumer over 1,000 times to get her pregnant? So howcome Tiber Septim was so succesful on this front?

Maybe Tiber just had the highest inborn Luck attribute in Tamriel? Perhaps as Dragonborn his Holy sneed was simply vastly more potent than that of lesser men's sperm count? I also suspect Tiber was able to get her pregant with such ease because he simply opted to fuck Barenziah WAAAY harder than any regular Nords typically bang their mer captives, like absolutely the hardest fuck Barenziah has ever had without any doubt (that already speaks volumes since many ingame experts make valid claims that Barenziah was one of the sluttiest Dunmer sex-addicts in all of late 2nd Era northern Tamriel) was Tiber Septim and surprise surprise, he did get her pregnant somehow while using this approach. Idk if correlation indicates causation here, but what if the reason real we're all experiancing difficulty getting Elves pregnant is just because (unlike Tiber Septim) we're being too gentle with them during sexy times?

Obviously very big if true and it raises questions about Lord Liviticus. Undead Vampires getting mortal women pregnate is almost completely unheard of in Tamrielic History, so how did he come to spawn his (unholy?) son, the unaturally strong Grey Prince? Occam's razor would tell us he simply studied the history of Tiber Septim extensively thus decided to fuck his Orc maidthrall very VERY hard therefore producing a half-vampire and half-orc child. Right? So couldn't the player do this too for the purposes of breeding the ingame Merfolk? Why can't he? He is the fucking Dragonborn of Legend
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What does this mean if you want the strongest children possible from an in-universe meta POV? become a Vampire Lord, marry the introverted Telvanni aristocrat from Winterhold, make her produce 1 offspring for you once every 9 ingame months. Because you are Dragonborn you can literally fuck females so FUCKING GODDAMN hard that you can easily seed a Dunmer even whilst you're Undead. Or just invent your own shouts like the Nords of ancient Eras to double or even triple the power of your weiner, but dont have to if youre already comfortable with the size&strength of your gargantuan dragon boner. if I were the Dragonborn I doubt I'd need to bother wasting my daily Dragon Aspect shout to give any Dunmer NPC in Skyrim a fuck SO hard that even the Gods (Dibella, etc) could literally die in envy whilst observing me succesfully seeding her Mer womb. That being said I would utilize the Bend Will Shout for sexual conquests of course, never been into diaper porn before but the situation changes if you read Forbidden Black Books from Oblivion which unlock a Level 3 Shout to utterly enslave (sexually or otherwise) the minds of any mortals to blindly worship you I.E. I can command hostile dragons to be my bitch letting me ride them so why can't I command High Queen Elisf the Fair (and Yarl Maven Blackbriar the Wicked, her daughter, her schizo court mage etc) to be my bitch entering the town square and degrade themselves by pissing and shitting themselves whilst delightfully smiling and giggling announcing they gleefully are Honored to publically shame&humiliate themselves in such fashion to Honor the rightful Glory of Their Divine savior The Dragonborns level 100 Chadcraft skill. One might argue I shouldn't actually need Bend Will Shout to make Yarls my humble servile poop-pigs here I've already saved Nirn by slaying Alduin but 4th Era Nordic aristocracy are a fickle ungrateful lot so for Lore purposes its easier to just go Bend Will Level 3 Shout here probably!
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Sadly this Bend Will Shout that Mora kindly provides us doesn't work on Undead iirc. Not even if you take the Necromage perk. Meaning no, we can't use Bend Will Level 3 to wife it up with Serana, Sybile Stentor, Babbette etc. But on flipside it prevents that shout from being too OP in Lore terms, we don't want a Mary Sue shout really even if this means Serana won't humbly eat our feces in the Blue Palace without violation of Lore boundries...

That being said, Skyrim kind of only makes sense if you do the Mainquest and Civil War before completing the Dawnguard and the Dragonborn DLCs. Parthunax will tell you to retrieve a MQ Elder Scroll even if Serana already gave you her Dawnguard Elder Scroll, wtf? Or if you complete Dragonborn DLC before finishing the Civil War questline, why not just use Bend Will Shout to cuck Ulfric into signing a humiliating Peace Treaty containing terms that greatly bennefit Cyrodil at the cost of Skyrim's own well-being? Hell maybe even add some insult to injury too, why not? Like after your Treaty is signed you then use your Bend Will Shout to command his Ulfric to task his creepy court mage, Wuunferth the Unliving, to transition Ulfric Stormcloak into a woman, while also ordering him to change his legal to name to "Madam Ulfric Cuckcloak" to torment all of Skyrim's residents subjecting them all to a humiliation ritual of immeasurable proportion in the eyes of all mortal races and all of their Gods
It's been awhile since I've installed Sofia, but I heard they were planning an update of that mod to include a quest involving meeting her parents, did that ever get made yet? Sofia says of the 17 Daedric Princes, Sheogorath and Sanguine are the only two she'd consider worthy of joining a cult to worship them, which is a pretty based statement in and of itself, but also means she's an ideal wife choice for Dragonborn RPs that worship Sheogorath or Sanguine (Wintersun is the best religion mod probably btw), plus Serana works outside the vanilla marriage system so she's easy to get as a 2nd wife, she even threatens a Riften Priest to secretly marry you two in a private back alley, so in case you want to RP you're some Dragonborn who's first wife (presumably a non-follower wife like Avrusa Sarethi or whatever) is unaware he also secretly has secondary follower wife in the form of the hilarious Nordic Sofia
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>plus Serana works outside the vanilla marriage system
Meant to type plus Sofia works outside the vanilla marriage system!
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>Look at Sybille Stentor, court mage of Solitude, there is no reason to believe she has some evil plans
why wouldn't you assume she has secret evil plans, because she's just automatically earned your trust on account of you wanting to virtue signal about your hot take on vampire oppression in Tamriel? In Skyrim vampires make up less than 2% of the total population but are responsible for commiting over 50% of the homocides. And none of the Court Wizards should be trusted. Farengar Secret Fire can't be trusted and neither can Calcemo. I wouldn't trust Wylandriah to screw in a lightbulb, much less perform magic. Wuunerf the Unliving is exactly the kind of guy my Dragonborn doesn't trust, much less trust this weirdo around my kids. Falion is a Redguard, I'm not racist but I just don't trust their kind obviously. However Sybile Stentor strikes me as the least trustworthy Court Wizard in Skyrim by far. Wtf was her problem?
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>be me
>roll up an old school cleric vampire hunting character, join the Dawnguard for the first time
>I'm stuck babysitting a fucking vampire? and she has an Elder Scroll because of course she does
>she's invincible so of course I can't just kill her the second I meet her
>Why are plebbitors always fawning about this basic bish?
>basic bish

You're the fucking redditor.
oh look a redditor
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Lydia and serena are the fan favorite companions because the game literally hands you them. the other like 50 requires even a little bit of exploration which the average skyrim tard can't manage, they need a big ass arrow to set their brain to autopilot on.
all followers in skyrim have zero personally, if someone really likes sernea or lydia i have to assume they are genuinely sub 50 iq because there is no fucking life behind their eyes. even fallout 2 companions have more going for them a game that came out a decade prior.
>minority races
Ask me how I know that your brainrot is terminal.
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>Be female Dunmer Dragonborn
>Master Neloth requests that you must kill a Forsworn Briarheart halfway across the continent while under the keen eye of his Memory-Recorder spell
>Leave Solthseim
>Have sex with every male Redguard NPC in Skyrim
>Have sex with every male Orc NPC in Skyrim
>Have sex with every male Nord NPC in Skyrim
>Have sex with every Argonian male NPC in Skyrim
>Have lesbian sex with Haelga the Dibellan high Priestess too next
>Have sex with every (spikey dick?) Khajiit male NPC in Skyrim
>Have sex with every Altmer male NPC in Skyrim
>Have (unwanted somewhat rapey) lesbian sex with Lydia
>Have sex with every Imperial male NPC in Skyrim
>Have sex with every Bosmer male NPC in Skyrim
>Have sex with every Manmer male NPC in Skyrim
>Do not have any sex with the Dunmer male NPCs in Skyrim ever
>Have lesbian sex with Serana
>Have sex with every male Werewolf NPC in Skyrim (except for the Dunmer ones)
>Have sex with every male Vampire NPC in Skyrim (except the Dunmer ones)
>Have sex with every male dog NPC in Skyrim
>Travel into the Reach
>Kill a Forsworn Briarheart
>Cast dead thrall to have necromantic butt sex with your Undead Forsworn slave
>Kill your thrall
>Return to Morrowind
>Have sex with every non-Dunmer male NPC in Solethseim
>Travel to Tel Mythra, completing Master Neloth's task by giving him all those memories of your recent adventures
What are the Lore implications of the Dragonborn cucking Master Neloth on a continental scale like this? Would he feel offended or disturbed? Perhaps he would be infuriated and view the Dragonborn as a race traitor harlot? Some might say it is incredibly unwise to go so far out of your way to intentionally agitate the most powerful wizard residing in Morrowind as much as possible
How do you know my brainrot is terminal?
You're swallower of leftist buzzwords.
I can't use the word "minority" without being accused of terminal brain rot? I was just using the proper terminology to correctly indicate that neither Dunmer nor Argonians are the primary population demographic in Skyrim
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>I can't use the word "minority" without being accused of terminal brain rot?
Yes, its clearly ONLY because of that and not because you rant about imaginary racism and bigots in Skyrim like a total retard because a fictional setting doesn't fit your liberal-college-campus experience.
I wasn't ranting about that, I don't give a fuck if the Dunmer overthrow the Nords or not. I was mentioning that the owner of Candlehearth Inn rants about such things. And yes, the Skyrim guards are pretty racist, have you ever even spent 5 minutes speaking with one of them?
>I don't give a fuck if the Dunmer overthrow the Nords or not
Survival of the fittest, if the Nords can't hold on to Skyrim, do they even still deserve a homeland?
>Survival of the fittest, if the Nords can't hold on to Skyrim, do they even still deserve a homeland?
>comes to your land beg for gibs as a (((refugee))), subsisting solely off your goodwill and patience
>heh how u like dat now, snowboi, survival of da shameless
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You can't surprise a wizard. You've played right into his plans. He could see at first glance that you were a slut as indeed are all dunmer women and gave you the memory recorder spell specifically because he knew you'd have sex with everything you met on the way.
so what was he really studying?
Racist? You mean based.
This thread is garbage, all of (you) are garbage
I'm sorry Molag had his way with your daughter, I guess I can imagine why you'd suddenly hate 4chan after such a serious ordeal
Who was the most based guard in Skyrim?
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Seen any nerds? Hahahahahahaha!
Extremely based.
>goth vampire girl with daddy issues and trauma
>only companion in the game with a personality
>protagonist of her questline
Uhhhm, who knows! What could possibly have made her popular over, let's say, Jordis?
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>paarthurnax: ambition overlord cruelty
>durnehviir: curse never dying
Ok, Durnehiir's name clearly makes reference to his status as the Ideal Masters' slave, something he only became after some time in his life. This would indicate dragon's change their names to best reflect them as time goes on.
However, Paarthurnax's name refers to his status as Alduin's right hand (wing?) despite him having moved on from that a long time ago.
The fuck.
Durnehviir only became the Ideal Masters' slave because she was called that.
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>be dragon
>born with the name "gay rape slave"
>you just know, and there's nothing you can do
Names are destiny.
>over idealized features and plastic skin
may as well fuck a barbie doll, loser
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Are there any mods that gives Serana (and her kinfolk) a last name? I always found it odd how her royal aristocracy doesn't even come with a House Name attached. Ideally the mod would just let me select their name in the MCM so the player can decide what is most appropriate surname to best suit each indiviual player's ideal meta takes, for example for maximum Lore milage I'd select the name Horse-Raper here I guess..

>King Harkon Horse-Raper
>Queen Valercia Horse-Raper
>Princess Serana Horse-Raper

Pretty damn fitting headcanon here seeing as how you just know it just works! Very Nordic yet equally wholesome
Get some help
>Are there any mods that gives Serana (and her kinfolk) a last name?
Her last name is Volkihar.
Lydia, staring at the nightstand in my bedroom for 24 hours a day
>Depending on your dialogue choices, at some point during or after Chasing Echoes, you can ask Serana to marry you. However, she will refuse indefinitely, stating that even walking near a temple scares her. Despite this, she will follow you into any of the temples during normal travel. She will not marry you even if she has been cured of vampirism.
>use vampire mind control to get a simp slave
>he asks to marry you
How do you respond without breaking the enchantment?
well, she has pungent meat crevasse.
Ruined the simplicity and beauty of the skyrim artstyle
>use vampire mind control to get a simp slave
This is the only way the Dawnguard plot makes any sense. There's absolutely no reason for a lawful good cleric or paladin type to do anything other than smite her on sight, much less get involved in her family drama. Even before vampirism, they were a bunch of d*edra worshippers. But you're just stuck with her because Bethesda said so, and even the Dawnguard leader puts up with it after some mild buddy cop movie grumbling.
She's just a big titty goth chick what are on about dipshit?
>big titty goth
She's pretty flat, especially for a tall Nord.
No way, fag?
/tesg/ won
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Yes and imagine caring if it isn't.
>This is the only way the Dawnguard plot makes any sense
>Because the Dragonborn HAS TO BE a Paladin and/or Cleric class, he can't be one of the 200 other popular class, okay?
Your statement is sort of a logical fallacy though, because not every Dragonborn is some devout paladin fundamentalist roleplay, some might be more of a True Neutral who doesn't murk Serana on sight because she seems cute and non-hostile, or some Dragonborns might be evil Daedra worshipping assholes who were never really extra loyal to the Dawnguard and Isran to begin with. Alternatively, even if you are RPing a man who loves The Nine and vehmetly despires vampires/undead, the Dragonborn could be seen as wisely sparing Serana's life (somewhat reluctantly) attempting a 4D chess move to scope out the "Final Boss's" hideout location, because let's not forget the Dawnguard have no clue where Harkon's castle was if we just killed Seranafu immediately in Dimhollow Crypt to loot her Elder Scroll

But your statement holds true for Paladin fundamentalist RPs, they'd obviously kill Serana if she didn't cast a high level Illusion spell to chill him out enough to violate "his code of honor"... and in fact the best Serana dialogue mod indeed integrates this into the Lore. Before you, her and your dawnguard storm Castle Volkihar to murder her father, she reveals to you that she did cast a charm spell the second she met you in the interest of protecting you. The Dragonborn can reply with many choices, such as saying you actually already knew she charmed you and were simply waiting patiently for her to work up the guts to finally confess her secret, or act surprised, or indifferent, or scold her but not explode in pure rage, or even go max chimpout mode and scream at her that you hate her for lying about this and demand she exit your party and the Dawnguard forever, or etc. Whichever you say to her here has some influnce regarding her future questlines and dialogue going forward, its a decent mod
>even the Dawnguard leader puts up with it after some mild buddy cop movie grumbling
Eh, kinda. In vanilla, Isran has an obnoxious attitude problem about allowing Serana on Castle Grounds the entire Dawngurd Questline, always complaining it's a huge mistake to trust her and how he finds Serana's mere presence outright disturbing and fucking offensive, and demands she must have zero privacy and be monitored 24/7 around the clock, etc. Isran never lightens up to Serana until after you slay King Harkon. So from a player perspective it depends how long you space out Dawnguard MQ, if you rush through the Dawnguard MQ speeding through with fast travel in 5 irl hours Isran seemingly lets go of his bitter hatred dropping his grudge too quickly. But if you space it out, recruit Serana kinda shortly after Helgen, then do a ton of etc side stuff, and do tons of radiant Dawnguard sidequests, then eventually slay Alduin, then finally slay King Harkon awhile after that point, you'll at least get some sense of immersion in that it'll take well over an ingame year for Isran to finally begin treating Serana with any respect...

I think Isran was pretty based, I guess, like based as far as stale 2D vanilla Skyrim npc standards go at least. Any cool Isran follower mods?

anybody else think Skyrim was racist? For me, I enjoy playing as all 10 playable races of course. Including but not limited to Imperials, Nords, Redguards and Bretons. But it feels strange how the vanilla game lets me be 3 White man races but only one Black nigger race. So wtf why can't I have 3 playable Black nigger Tamrielian races too in Skyrim? I mean yeah I know White people are more important than Black people in America irl, but this shouldn't necessarily be the case on Tamriel by default actually, because consider that it's supposed to be an alien fantasy reality ffs so why not entertain the fantasy that black people matter maybe idk?
There’s Argonians and Khajit as playable races too, don’t forget! That’s three right there.
>3 White man races
Just set skin tone to black, dude. Nords can be more black than the blackest redguard in skyrim
A true Nord never blacks down.
>let's not forget the Dawnguard have no clue where Harkon's castle
Yeah dawnguard actually needs Serana's help and knowledge. Not to mention an uneasy alliance makes for a better story, just like turning into a vampire to traverse soul cairn is better than the soul trap copout.
>skyrim: white elves
>hammerfell: chocolate elves??
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>Chocolate elf
We have a reason why they're unplayable in Skyrim, those are all extinct, the Yokudans killed the Left Handed Elves over 40 centuries ago because Lore reasons and shit, actually they were mostly right handed ton, and Left Handed Elf is essentially just a polite way of saying Nigger Elf from an in-universe meta POV. As if in irl you were to start calling black people Left Handed-Americans because you don't want to be rude or offensive by calling them Nigger-Americans or what have you

Oh no! Whatever, idc
>The Dawnguard questline is only internally consistent for evil daedra-worshiping assholes
Hmm yes, deep roleplay options.
>Dawnguard have no clue where Harkon's castle was
This is honestly kind of a plot hole on its own. It's a fuckoff huge castle on the coast that's been there for like a thousand years. It's right next to Skyrim's main sea route to the Empire. Anyone could have found it at any time.
>It's a fuckoff huge castle on the coast that's been there for like a thousand years. It's right next to Skyrim's main sea route to the Empire. Anyone could have found it at any time.
Just joined the Legion with a new character and they send me to go clear out bandits from a fort that's 30 seconds horse ride away from Solitude, and what do I see?
>So now, less than three eras later, you can go up on a steep hill in Skyrim and look North, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.
>There are 200 popular RPG classes
>198 of these RPG classes are literal evil Daedra worshipping swine, having little-to-no reason to murder Serana obviously
>2 of these popular RPG classes are Paladin and Cleric, they're the ONLY two classes who have any reason to murder Serana obviously
Are you trying to say I said that? Because that's not quite what I was getting at, and I even gave some basic examples of why neutral oriented classes and goodie-two-shoes classes might wanna decide to spare Serana too in the post you replied to
There are presumably many more islands in the Sea of Ghosts that we don't see ingame because of geographic scaling. Also some Skyrim residents are aware of Castle Volkihar's existence, but, they stay the fuck away under the assumption it is dangerous and/or haunted, since rumor holds that people who travel there are never heard from again. Similar to how Dawnstar residents are aware of the Black Door, but choose to just avoid it out of fear, and are unaware it's even associated with the Dark Brotherhood
I've always felt like the Dawnguard DLC was just... such an odd inclusion in a game like Skyrim.
You do quests for every Daedra in existence but VAMPIRES is where you're supposed to draw the line, apparently.
I just kinda hate that in Skyrim there's 0 ways to be a classic Paladin (or Vigilant in that case), you get locked into Daedra quest without any options of fighting back (because they thought no one would want to since wooooow cool you're working with the daedras!!!!) and there's no real Aedra content in comparison.
But for some reason, in the DLC, THERE you can choose to smite evil or join them, despite it not making sense for 99% of characters to smite them considering they've been working for evil gods the entire fucking time anyway.
I largely agree with you, but I just played Morrowind and Oblivion and am currently playing Skyrim, all as paladins, and I’ve done zero Daedric quests (except the one that’s required for the oblivion main quest, I did the suggested Azura quest which had me kill vampires to put their souls at rest, I considered this acceptable behavior). If you don’t want to do quests for evil entities just don’t do them, bro.
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>You do quests for every Daedra in existence but VAMPIRES is where you're supposed to draw the line
Vile, Sheo, Azura, Boethia, Meridia, Peryite, Hircine, Mephala are pretty hombres, but aren't currently swarming Skyrim eating all of the kids. Vamps are a here&now threat, currently in a process of literally eating everybody in Skyrim. The vamp threat is more urgent than whatever the Princes are scheming in Oblivion bc Volkihar Vampires are taking advantage of the chaos of the Civil War/Dragon Invasion to emerge from the shadows to strike Skyrim in the balls while she's weakened

>just rise up and fight back against the Daedra bro
Easier said than done, it is unwise to trifle with the Daedra, they freak out and want revenge for eternity and WILL attempt to steal your soul to torture you forever to punish you for your disrespect. if you were to try to fight a Daedric Prince, you can't even kill it, at best banish it back to Oblivion, a tough feat even for mortals with obnoxiously high powerlevels like Master Neloth or LDB. Skyrim allows you to cockblock Vaermina and Methrunes Dagon during their quests at least, inciting endless seethe in the Quagmire and Deadlands

>Howcome we don't have Aedric quests?
The Aedra (except Arkay, who never stfus) are less chatty than the Daedra, so don't speak to the player very often. However you can still perform quests in their name. Getting the "Agent of Mara" perk from the Riften temple, getting the "Agent of Dibella" perk by delivering Fjorta the loli for priestess training in the Markarth temple (how did Todd get away with that?), killing Harkon in Auriel's name with his bow, winning the civil war in the name of Shor and Talos, repairing Kyne's sacred tree. Honoring Akatosh by fullfilling your destiny of slaying Alduin. Arkay quests from Florentius. getting married is a quest for Mara, etc

>i wish I could roleplay a Paladin
The first step is to install Wintersun: Faiths of Skyrim. Maybe worship Stendarr the God of Mercy
Typo. Meant to write "The Daedric Princes are pretty bad hombres"
>you can be a holy warrior in service to the gods
>by delivering a child to be used as a temple prostitute
Just like real life, huh?
>aedric quests
The kyne's token quest. You can also kill the cannibal in Markarth's hall of the dead for the priest. Some misc quests involving chapels, shrines, burials
>gay hygine
As counter-intuitive as this sounds, most gay dudes I meet irl are neatness clean freaks outside their fetish of consuming other mens shit in the bedroom at night
Why do you meet so many gays
>replies actually defending the atrocious vanilla models
based anon making the skyrim babies seethe
I just met Delphine for the first time in my game. Her voice actress seems surprisingly bored and bland, pretty flat delivery.
I laughed so hard anon, thank you!
About 99% of people I encounter are straight, but I meet so many new people sometimes I encounter outliers
Why is there still no proper mod that lets you just execute her when you find her and skip ahead in the questline to destroy the vampires? I hate trying to roleplay a reason why a vampire hunter wouldn't just execute her.
I assumed OP was mocking redditor speaking patterns
it was a decent DLC never the less, eh summon an undead dragon with a shout, fun fanfic vamp hunter guild to co-lead or strike down, journey into SOUL Cairn realm, meet the last living Snow Elf and the last undead Snow Elf, etc. good times
what mod is your fan art based off of? asking for a friend
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The vanilla outfits are even more offensively problematic than the vanilla models

That better not be sarcasm
Yes because you can marry other players in ESO it feels substantially more authentic than a Skyrim marriage
Because she's a vampire waifu and one of the only companions in this game that have genuine reactions to things and shit
The thread has been saved
Can Serana poop guys? Why or why not? If she can't poop thats a good thing right?
>Working for Azura
This is your brain on Cuckbride fanfiction.
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Many such cases.
Yes but she would have to eat, which she doesn't need to do.
It is a good thing, because then her empty colon can be used as extra inventory space.
The cool part of replaying it in current year is that after you get the graphics set up to look like the center, if you alt tab, MGEXL fucks up and you go back to looking like the left. It’s a refreshing reality check to remember how far we’ve came.
that doesn't even resemble her
it could, in theory. if only the Riften face sculptor knew how to perform work on Undead I mean...
Yes, real TES chads know the best way to roleplay in these games is to worship Shor and genocide all Mer to complete extinction. That way you get the best possible afterlife
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>all followers in skyrim have zero personally
Ya don't say
Mod the game
She feels alive unlike other companions

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